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Russia Enters Play-Off Of International Ice Hockey Federation World Championship Amid Smearing Campaign In Media

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Russia Enters Play-Off Of International Ice Hockey Federation World Championship Amid Smearing Campaign In Media

The Russian national ice hockey team. IMAGE: Alexander Demyanchuk/TASS

On May 18, the Russian national ice hockey team beat Latvia’s team (3-1) at the International Ice Hockey Federation World Championship in Slovakia and entered the cup’s play-off.

On May 16, the Russians won a landslide victory beating Italy 10-0. On May 14, the Russian team scored a victory over the the Czech team (4-0).

The successes of the Russian team at the World Championship triggered a new mainstream media, which came with a fresh round of speculations in an attempt to cast shadow on the perfomance of the Russian team.

In particular, after the game with the Czech team, Czech mainstream media claimed that the Russian team drunk about 160 glasses of beer during a dinner at an Asian Iasai restaurant in Bratislava. Most of the reports were designed in a way attempting to demonstrate “non-professional” behaviour of the hockey players. The Russian side denounced these reports.

This is not the first time, when the Russian team becomes a target of media over its perfomance. During the last World Hockey Championship, mainstram media claimed that the Russian team ordered vodka and caviar for 26 million rubles (about 401,000 USD).

Both these cases are an example of common reaction of mainstream media and Western states to any successes of Russia. If it appears that there is no option to defeat it or take an advantage in some shady way, mainstream media outlets always come to blame and shame “bad Russians” for this situation.

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Toronto Tonto

Drug test them very carefully and not at home .


Now that’s rich coming from a Canadian, whose country has one of the largest drug-user problems in the world !!!!!!!!!!! Trot on Tonto……………


Trollonto Tonto is not a Canadian, he is just an ukrainian troll -sick little bitch from Ukraine Today.

Toronto Tonto

Ha ha ha dikllick

Toronto Tonto

Did you read that on RT ????


You too would have a drug problem if you had to live with Canadian women :)


Don’t laugh, but my girlfriend is a canuck !


I will try to resist giggling.

Too much :)

Concrete Mike

Pffff and the NHL guys dont do drugs??

go fuck yourself ignorant twat, and stay the fuck out of hockey

Good Job Russia! Nice to see hockey doing well all around the world!

And drink all the beer you can, hockey and beer go hand in hand.

Toronto Tonto

Russians cant do anything right or sober .

Gary Sellars

Poor little Ukro-rat MF’er…


And indeed, Hand in Glove, Mike :)


So fuckin what!!! There are 20 players in an ice hockey squad. Throw in coaches, trainers, bag men and admin staff would double that number = 40. A glass of beer = 0.2 of a liter, so we have the average consumption per person of 0.8 of a liter. Players know their performance will drop if they exceed 1.5 units of alcohol per day, so during tournaments players tend not to drink at all, it is mostly the support staff.


When America targets a nation, it’s total war, no child or even animals within the target nation or group are free from the all encompassing hatred of America.

Toronto Tonto

Only the losers bitch about it .

Gary Sellars

Bitching is what you’ve been doing your whole useless miserable life. Now fuck off retard :-)

Toronto Tonto

Not till every piece of trash like you is long gone .

Gary Sellars

Stupid Kanuk retard… :-)

Black Waters

Stay strong Russia we need you.

Toronto Tonto

HA HA nobody needs losers stupid .

Gary Sellars

Fuck ’em. Win the Championship and smile outrageously. That will be the best revenge :-)


The guy or group using the Canadian flag for a logo and talking trash is of the same ilk as the ones in Ukrainia defacing Ukrainian flags with nazis symbols. It’s wonderful to see that many of you gleaned as much from the belligerance of his comments. I’m Canadian and I know that we tend to do our trash talking right when we drop the gloves, not fitered through eight million miles of fibre optic cable. Who knows, Toronto Tonto may be right out of Christina Freeland’s office.

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