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MARCH 2025

Russia: Events In Venezuela Reached Dangerous Point

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Foreign Ministry statement on the developments in Venezuela (source):

The events in Venezuela have reached a dangerous point.

Failing to remove Nicolas Maduro, including physically, the extremist opponents of the legitimate government of Venezuela have opted for a highly confrontational scenario. The United States and several other countries in the region have recognised the opposition leader who has sworn himself in as Venezuela’s interim president. This can only deepen the social divide in Venezuela, aggravate street protests, dramatically destabilise the Venezuelan political community and further escalate the conflict. The deliberate and obviously well orchestrated creation of dual power and an alternative decision-making centre in Venezuela is a direct path towards chaos and erosion of Venezuelan statehood. Several people have already died. We firmly condemn those who are pushing Venezuelan society into the abyss of violent civil discord.

We regard Washington’s unceremonious actions as yet another demonstration of its total disregard for the norms and principles of international law and an attempt to pose as the self-imposed master of another nation’s future. The United States is clearly trying to apply a tried and tested regime change scenario in Venezuela.

We are especially alarmed by the signals we have received from some capitals on the possibility of foreign military interference. We warn that such opportunism can have catastrophic consequences.

We urge the sober-minded Venezuelan politicians standing in opposition to Nicolas Maduro’s legitimate government not to become pawns in other players’ chess game.

We believe that political activity is only acceptable if it is pursued within the constitutional framework and in strict compliance with the national legislation. Of course, the people must be able to freely express their opinions, including through rallies, but only if they do so peacefully in a manner that will not provoke violence or, worse still, endanger public safety.

Venezuelans alone have the right to determine their future. Any destructive foreign interference, especially amid the current tensions, is completely unacceptable. Incitement has nothing in common with a democratic process; it is a direct path towards lawlessness and violence.

It is a mission of the international community to help promote understanding between the political opposition forces in Venezuela that respect national interests. We are ready to cooperate with all countries that share these views.

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Tudor Miron

Voice of reason and common sense. Can those ruling the west and clinging to their rapidly dissolving world domination even comprehend it?

Mr Bray

Can we all be very clear here – we are witnessing in real time a powerful nation (with a cobbled together alliance of other nations to give an air of ‘legitamacy’ to the unthinking masses) actually attempting to ‘steal’ a country by declaration, and the hidden hand of the intel services!

Please, let us be very clear here – the US led NATO alliance are indeed, and very blatantly, attempting to create a so called ‘reality’ or ‘facts on the ground’ that suit thier narrative. For all intents and purposes this represents an attempt to ‘steal’ Venuzuela from under the noses of the people, the military, the Judicary, and the legitamate government.

All the US led NATO alliance are short of doing is sending troops to Venuzuela to physically decapitate the Government, Judicary, and Military.


As with all grand plans, there is no single clear objective but instead a multitude of objectives that suit the various players involved.

1) Ensure that Venuzuela remains within the US sphere of influence.

2) Ensure that Venuzula continues to sell Oil in US Dollar denominated units (thereby protectin the US Dollar as reserve currency).

3)Ensuring that the US has access to Venuzuelas oil for strategic military (the blood of the empires machines) and corporate (ie big oil) reasons.

4) Strangling off a major oil supplier to economic rival China.

5) Strangling off a major oil supplier to a major military and oil extraction / production competitor – Russia.

6) Ensuring Russia never get a base (gamechanging strategic foothold) in Venuzuela.

7) Subjegation to the US through fear and threat of coercion, all other latin American countries.

I could go on but I am sure that you will be able to see that if the US can steal Venuzuela it will survive as a Superpower for at least another decade as it rapes the entire south American Continent and gets Venuzelas oil for free (paid for by worthless dollars created out thin air) instead of having to find foreign currency, gold, or goods to pay for it.

If Russia and China loose Venuzuela then they loose the opportunity to contain US agression and China will be much more easily strangled by becomming overly dependent upon Iranian and Russian oil, when such supply lines are cut due to sanctions or further regional wars.

To sum up, and this is quite a dramatic summary for thinking persons only – the way Venuzula stands or falls will determine how the rest of the world stands or falls for at least the next decade.

Tudor Miron

I agree with most of your points. But there’s one important thing that I disagree – even if US can steal Venezuela it would not help them much. May be for a couple of years but not much more. In fact it may be even worse for US (but more suffering for innocent people as well).


I think in times of war the close supply of oil could be strategically important, rather than risking it coming from Africa and the ME.

Tudor Miron

Yes, it is extremely important. But I’m not talking about US itself but about its ability to dominate this world. This is more complicated than war- remember war is only 6th and last in the list of priority https://youtu.be/wrjNqYEAuBE


So about dominating the hearts and minds of the Venezuelan people? They will brainwash and coerce them like they do everyone else!

Tudor Miron

They will try. They may succeed with some. But times are rapidly changing. Alternative views are spreading fast. World is watching and world is much bigger than the west.


I just don’t see it happening. People are people and will look after themselves first, which is what they will especially do when they are in poverty. There is no more worthy cause then making sure you are well fed, sheltered, and warm. These aren’t the religious fanatics of the ME we’re talking about.

S Melanson

I see what you are saying and this was certainly the case with Nicaragua which finally caved to a relentless proxy war (contras). But I think Tudor is speaking to the changes that are creating alternatives to capitulation. How this plays out is not clear cut.

Tommy Jensen

Its because war is expensive. Its cheaper on the excel sheet with regime change, colour revolutions and proxies who believe in bs and pay of own will and pocket.

Tudor Miron

Sad thing that soon after they and many innocent will have to pay with blood.

You can call me Al

But all US plans are based on gains immediately and in the short term.

Tommy Jensen

No. They are working long term. Finance who rule are planning 50-100 years ahead.

Pave Way IV

U.S. neocon psychopaths want more control, not more resources. I’ll have to go with Thierry Meyssan’s reasoning. The U.S. is trying to destroy Venezuela, not rule it via a disposable puppet.

United States creates conditions to invade Venezuela https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/175787cdfb3888af6fee7812c3ab0b4ea26b67f75a97cca03b9306094fd1e152.png

Jens Holm

So did anything of that happen. It was told it was like thet 15 years ago. No it hasnt.

But of course thats not even important for You and the whole world.

Cebrowsky has been dead for 14 years now but https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O77v7lVKgNU

Tommy Jensen

Its happen in front of your eyes Jens. As brainwashed Dane you are just not able to see real reality. You see what the system define and dictates you to see.

Jens Holm

I cant see, I cant see anything about it. I just have my own oppinions about things and even has let Youtubes about USA/DEnmark/Venezuela about it.


In that case: see a shrink !

Bill Wilson

Venezuela was destroyed by the pig Chavez and their general population of lazy losers.

You can call me Al

A very good and accurate comment, thanks. I would like to add:

8) Accepting IMF loans.

9) Accepting & legalising GM foods.

????? – 10) Central Bank……. I have tried to check this subject, but all pages seem to be having maintenance problems (6).

Tudor Miron

This may sound seemingly unrelated but I feel a need to mention it here. 75 years ago Red Army broke the siege of Leningrad which lasted 872 days. In the worst times (November-December 1941) people were having 125g of bread – that was all for a day. People where dying from hunger in great numbers but Leningrad didn’t give up. We remember the suffering and heroism of our fathers – eternal memory.


Unfortunately the very same Nazi scum are now back again trying to subjugate humanity, and this time they are armed with nuclear weapons.

Kelli Hernandez




Jens Holm

You ceratinly keepo You low level well.

You can call me Al

Therefore, by default -> Americanism = Zionism = Nazism.


YES, they all have the same core beliefs, nationalistic fascism.

Tommy Jensen

The guys behind in Washington and London are worse than Hitler´s team. The Nazis had at least some civilised principles within their disgusting ideology. TPTB is pure evilness.

S Melanson

Yes I commented before here at SF on Leningrad. Several hundred thousand died of starvation from nov 1941 to Jan 1942 and the city did not fall. Russia is a nation of people that bows to no one. Yet the US still clings to full spectrum dominance and expects Russia to bow down. Can we see the problem here?

Jens Holm

If we chopped the heads of the tall russians, there would be no problem.

Tommy Jensen

We have already seen Kremlin bow to Israel. So keep up the illusion.

Jens Holm

You forget the reasons. Stalin hardly gave any of the incomming food from USA to Leningrad. The soldiers got it, and Stalin also did not evacuate any civilians from there even it was easy.

After the war many high ranked militaries defending Leningrad well was jailed and killed, because they asked for help and being isolated they were a threat for the Stalinisme.

Tommy Jensen

Communism is not for small children and white men.

Jens Holm

I dont get the relevancy of that.


FUKUS: We are demons. We are here in this world to destablize it, divide it, bring chaos in it and to loot it.

S Melanson

I believe that was the alternative title for the book ‘The Art of Diplomacy’


Do the Russians still think of the west as being their “partners” ?, if so then I truly despair. When is the non aligned world going to wake up to the evil of America and the western colonizers and realise they have no other choice than to confront this evil as they are ALL in the gun sights of the west ? They are enemies of all humanity who wish to bring humanity back to the law of the jungle where might makes right and cynicism is king. Last time this was tried 80 years ago 60 million people ended up dead in the ensuing conflagration but it would seem the war crazy colonizers have learnt nothing from history and are once more trying to subjugate humanity. There will never be any peace or human development on this earth so long as America exists as they are the main driving force behind the rest of the satanic scum.


I think Russia’s strategy is to hold the bar above them, so to speak. The West harps on about holding the moral high ground, but is never held to account, except by Russia really. The Russian’s are pretending to be their friends so as not to be seen in the light of the vindictive ‘ex-partner’. After all, the West does claim be building a better world and has pulled the wool over many people’s eyes.

This game will go on as long as it needs to, and in the meantime Russia/Chine/etc will build more resilient economies and stronger deterrents of defense.

Nothing would outrage the West more :)

Jens Holm

We also see no pretending to be friend.

None in west blame russians and chinese to make a higher standard of living and a higher GDP.

It should not have been allowed and even possible to treat so many millions that bad for so many years.

Russians only are building minus. I do have hopes for the Chinese even the next step, where everything is not new anymore, and they have to paint and repair , will slow the groth down a lot – But I think they will grow.

And Russia. More and more like some poor bum behind our backyard to me.


Do I see the green-eyed demon of jealousy? ;)

The Russian’s and Chinese will continue to chip away at the West until the West gets their knickers in such a knot that they find any excuse to pull the trigger for world war. Until then, you might as well get some popcorn and sit back and watch :-)

Jens Holm

I am sure my world isnt Yours and I will never work for it.

You really dont get it. The Chinese and Indians and several others are making the cake bigger, so we wont need to share as You think in Your dark tiny infected Russia and Muhammed Economics.

And whatever happens, the main part of ME still will blame others for doing nothing themselves and of course mainly the ones which educate, use their skills, do hard work and are paid pr hour.

As I read it here there even are more non muslims, which can read Your Choran then muslims – And that the low lever like handcuffing Yourself under the water.

For the moment the GDP of Danmark is nr 8 in the world according to GDP pr capita in 62.000 dollars. If we look at GDP as country, we are nr 35 even we only are 5,7 mio inhabitants, and we do grow som % every year.

We are nr 6 in emplyment by the ones, which can work. Old get a pension better then most in the world. School is fre. You can be a doctor, a lawyer or and Ingenior for free and all hospital visit is free. You have to pay a part of the medicine, but after a high level, the expensive medicin becomes free.

We have big products at the world market and are part of the world economy. The chinese come tu us to study. We also send small satelites up as well has made many of the difficult products for military use as well as bigger satelites and spacelab.

So catch that level as You can. We get a lot of our products produced in China as well, so if they hit us, they hit themselves too. We are happy to have more and more chinese companies here. We might not trust them 100% for good reasons, but compared to someone like You, I would never offend the part of the chinese we know and say, they are hig above You level.

And if You are not some arab but a Russian or for that matter some midget Turk, it same thing.

We dont go down as You predict, and we cant collaptse as USSR, but the cake becommes bigger and I am not worried, they are allowed to be all over with the usual limitations like almost anybody else.


Sounds like you have an inferiority complex Jens, try sticking to the topic.

Jens Holm

Well, it normal here, if a goverment cant make governess, we make an election.

Then a Madura can can renew his mandate, so all can see the support in % – Or people prefare somebody else.

You see it as some confrontation between USA and Russia, where You might win even almost all in Venezuela mainly by their own attaitudes has become loosers.

We dont have some shoulkd sit forver because of guns from milkisias, armiea and pólice. We dont use shoes as well.

Thats no complex being a democrat seeing very well, that peacefull changes are the best.

I just tell You, that You by GDP and the rest can see most westerns countries are doing fine. There is no sign in China is taking over as many says. They make their own cake much better and we are growíng too, so they are not taking from us – more like joining us in effective needed production improving for everybody.

By the way India is same thing even not as visible and ina different way. Its many years ago since we had to send food and food again to them. They dont need that even the population has grown a lot(partly by that).


Ok, I can’t comprehend the gobbledygook you have written. Have a nice day :-)

Jens Holm

Much more the other way.

After seeing whats after the collapse, we will have no hope for being more with the russians again.

Even their pensioners get less in pension as well as the Rubel is lower and lower.

You can call me Al

The people are “partners” are corrupt zio brainwashed governments are the problem.

Jens Holm


Billions of zios are the majority of the world population.

Tommy Jensen

We in Russia go with the West because we are equal partners. We are like you Europe. We are also white Europeans like you. We have you in our heart Europe. We do also defend Israel like you do. Therefore we should be friends and not enemies. You can just shoot us down as many as you wish, kill all the Russians you like. We will continue to love you and love Israel like you do. We are the same.

Pave Way IV

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo: “Quiet! No more games!”

“There has been too much violence, too much pain. None here are without sin. But I have an honorable compromise. Just walk away. Give me the pump, the oil, the gasoline, and all of Venezuela, and I’ll spare your lives. Just walk away; I will give you safe passage in the wasteland. Just walk away and there will be an end to the horror.”


You can call me Al

We had this nonsense over Israel; the ultimatum in the UN and the US + a-lickers lost.

Tommy Jensen

We stand with Maduro and humanity. Pompeo, Rubio and stand in the league with the Orch´s.

Manuel Flores Escobar

Russia cannot Allow a US blacked coup there!..among other reasons Venezuela have modern Russia equipment that can be send to US..such as SU 30, S-300 Vm. Buk M2, Ural antiship missile..etc.. beside to lose investment in oil fields and mineral resources!


Not quite that simple, the main game is destroying the USA, and as in all wars there will be casualties. Even if Venezuela falls, it will help destroy America, so in the longer term they will get the freedom America stole from them 200 years ago.

Jens Holm

So You propose Russians and The Chinese should erase Venezuala with some atomic bombs. Isnt it, what You write ?



Jens Holm

Again unrealistic crap thinking some weapons change things there.

You can call me Al

I do think that they have the weaponry mentioned. But, I will apologise if I am wrong.


Notice the countries that have bowed before America, UK, Spain France Canada Germany. All of those countries with the exception of Germany are disposable. After the war, their crimes will be remembered, and will burn with the Americans.

Jens Holm

Very optimistic – so to speak.

Of course none others has done any warcrimes and genosides – because it systematicly is erased in You history books.


why don’t you just shut the f…ck up

You can call me Al

No sorry, but my UK is here to stay, especially since it is running the show; that means that, unfortunately Canada is safe.

Tommy Jensen

I urge the parties to refrain from violence and point out this situation is risky. Hereafter its up to the others to do something about it.

MeMad Max

Dude, its obvious that maduro needs to go, the people in venezula are starving to death, literally. If it means supporting someone else to get shit done then so be it….




These youngsters, should be taken urgently from the streets, to learn id the are Venezuelan or Colombian bribed assholes, those who know venezuela are wellknowing they do it for a bit of money, glittering sportshoe’s and sunglasses ! arest them and put them in a re-educationcamp ! Kick -out all embassy’s who voted against Venezuela coz they will pickover CIA dirty business !

Xoli Xoli

This young boy does not understand all scenarios attached to this chaose in oil rich Venezuela. His just ignorant just like France Macroni.


ok all of you are right ,US is evil and tries to take over the world bla bla bla…..we agree on that….on the other hand has anyone asked the people of Venezuela if they want to play rebellion against the evil axis?in a democracy its called elections. they voted against Maduro ……but then the supreme court saved the day since its controlled by regime puppets……please friends try to be a bit more objective here. Maduro is not Assad…..no heroes there…..the country starves ,has no medical supplies nothing….the revolution failed big time and the regime is starting, again, to kill its civilians. why is that different than Ucraine when the neoNazis murdered 100s ,raped etc in the ‘us sponsored’ revolution of the people there?


From US/ NATO side we can see a dishonest developpement as we could see in so many US organized wars since the end of WW II starting with north Korea, indochina Indonesia, Vietnam and at least a double dozen others , the only real reason is the unstoppable US greed for benifits, not for burdens loock at all the wars they created also in central and South America with the use of deadsquads and contra’s just in fear to many country’s in the world could give via socialism a decent destiny to theyr population and awaken the poor and miserable North Americans !


totally agree but since socialism failed everywhere….there is no hope there….dont get me wrong im not talking in a political way.just plain simple facts….a war was ging on for many decades. Capitalism won….so why lead your people to starvation just to prove that you will not fail were everyone else did?especially if you are a plain stupid bus driver that doesnt know how to spell economy. shall we talk about true leaders.?Putin…..and thats it. he is no1 in the world now. raised Russia from the ashes and made the whole western world fear him…fear means respect. sunctions employed to RUssia but who cares. He has the solution to every problem.


χρηστος, No they did not vote against maduro he whas officialy installed as President, Maduro is an honest man not to compare with Juaido wich is a US Poodle ! like the US used to use in Venezuela since decades and the same scenario they used in so many country’s for Regime change in the world Regime Change is nothing more than to install a puppet like juaido !


Loock what they brought in Ukraina with Poroshenko, a chocolat maker fils à Papa !


The same for the US coup d’état in Tunisia Blocked by immobilism since 2011, degrading day by day !


The same for Lybia USFrance British and other Nato puppets, an other country destroyed !

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