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Russia Faces Issues With Expansion Of Its Military Transrport Aviation Fleet

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Russia Faces Issues With Expansion Of Its Military Transrport Aviation Fleet


A blog dedicated to Russia-linked military developments, diana-mihailova.livejournal.com, released an alleged photo of the production plan of 36 IL-76MD-90A military transport aircraft for the Russian Armed Forces in the period from 2017 to 2022.

According to this plan, Russia should obtain 3 IL-76MD-90A planes in 2018, 5 – in 2019, 6 – in 2020, 8 – in 2021 and 14 – in 2022. However, the comparison of this plan with the recent developments shows that the production of IL-76MD-90A military planes is going slower than it has been expected.

For example on November 7, 2018, the IL-76MD-90A plane with the serial number 0109 started its flight tests in the city of Ulyanovsk.  This is the only IL-76MD-90A plane, which has started undergoing tests this year. So, it’s hard  to expect that Russia will receive 3 IL-76MD-90A planes in 2018.

Russia Faces Issues With Expansion Of Its Military Transrport Aviation Fleet

The production plan of 36 IL-76MD-90A military transport aircraft

The IL-76MD-90A is a new military transport aircraft (code name: IL-476) developed by Ilyushin Aviation Complex for Rusia. It is based on the same airframe and fuselage of IL-76 aircraft, but integrates advanced features such as redesigned wing section, new cockpit with modern avionics and powerful engines. Its maximum take-off weight is 210t and the maximum payload is 52t.

There is no sectret that Russia has a limited military transport aviation fleet, aircraft of which can be used for airlifting troops, military equipment and supplies or converted into electronic intelligence aircraft – a key component of any strike reconnaissance complex.

Meanwhile, China is actively expanding its strategic airlift capability:

Russia Faces Issues With Expansion Of Its Military Transrport Aviation Fleet

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You can call me Al

Russia, you need to eat humble pie here and buy the Chinese version for now, until you have got your manufacturing capabilities upgraded. Stop messing around and just do it.

Martin Petrovski

That wold be a very dumb move on their part also it seems the article dose not adress the fact that this is very common in all manufacturing sectors they try and make the airframe good quality and also safe. Unlike chinese aircraft.

Promitheas Apollonious

not really if the russians put the engines and the specs and the chinese the work force.

Martin Petrovski

On paper that can work but at the end of the day Russia makes its own aircaft and i think they will fix this issue its pobably a early prpduction issue.

Promitheas Apollonious

Russia and China are the ones who have created SCO, BRICS etc. They have a common enemy that forged between them at least a century of dependence. Across from them they have a dying West that failed to establish its NWO and globalize earth under their control.

To me the only way for all the wars to end is for russia and china to forge the kind of relation that warranty their go existence and re establish sovereignty back to the nations where each nation has is own currency and ID. At least is what they claim they want to do as opposed to what west shown they want to enforce and how.

To me go producing the means for their defense, benefiting each other is what warranty balance of power and make power benevolent and good for the people. Is when the strong dont abuse the weak but it is his protector.


Russia and China are not at that stage yet, maybe they want to maintain their individual creativity in weapons development, since their needs are little different. This transport uses the airframe and fuselage of IL76, Russians are adept in using a reliable platform as basis for new and improved platforms. Synonymous to Suk 27 being used as a platform to develop Suk 30, 33, and 35.

Russian paratroop forces number over 70,000 and are equipped with heavy equipment that is air dropped for vertical envolopments against NATO rear and logistical supply lines, while China’s force is less than half and does not have a specific deployment doctrine.

Promitheas Apollonious

well….. maybe is time that they do. The success in what china and russia attempting to create relays 100% not enslaving the global population but all nations to be sovereign and basically the world to go back before the FIAT money existed. After that is any ones guess. So if what they preach and up to now seem to practicing what they preach, the only way to speed all up is do exactly and join forces openly. Time russia and china begin to black list all american and british interest.


They will do that only when they are forced to do it. China and Russia are not in military alliance yet. They are close and getting closer every day but still they are very far from full military cooperation. That might happen in future…for now large high tech projects are limited. Wide-body jet “CRAIC CR929”, or joint heavy helicopter project ( for Chinese needs ) are more exceptions than the rule. They have started recently some new military cooperation projects though. We’ll see…

Promitheas Apollonious

agree they are not in full military cooperation yet, due to the fact russia is not about to give all her know how to china and vise versa, but are in full alliance military in the sense someone attack one of them or any of their allies within the world they are creating.

What I suggested is also to start some join ventures in military together.


They are already starting “some join ventures in military” (not specified details at all ) … I have read about it, as one of the subjects discussed on the latest Putin-Xi meeting… As for the rest of your comment… we agree basically about everything

You can call me Al

But that is exactly what I said wasn’t it ?; or meant anyway.

You can call me Al

Same as those ships that they had made in France – you only need the basis, the rest is relatively simple and can be done in Russia.

PS Just covering my arse there, for comment below.




russia needs feed its population

You can call me Al

So does the US having 40 million on food banks and millions others on the streets – however that is irrelevant in the context of what we re talking about.


russia has 55 million people in terrible poor conditions. how many % of population is this?

Albert Pike

Surely Russias industrial resources are limited like everywhere else. Nobody can concentrate on everything. But the others are also only cooking with water:

‘In October 2012, John Gilbert, Britain’s former Minister for Defence Procurement, stated in the British House of Lords “The A400M is a complete, absolute wanking disaster, and we should be ashamed of ourselves. I have never seen such a waste of public funds in the defence field since I have been involved in it these past 40 years.” ‘ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airbus_A400M_Atlas


Certainly looks good, and 52 tons is an impressive payload. Anything new always encounters the unexpected, those problems will be worked out. Well done.

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