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Russia Hands Over Proof Of Planned Chemical Attack In Syria’s Idlib To UN

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Russia Hands Over Proof Of Planned Chemical Attack In Syria's Idlib To UN

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On August 31, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov announced that Russia had provided the U.N. and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) with a proof that Idlib militants are planning to stage a chemical weapons attack in northern Syria.

“I would still not talk about the risk of using chemical weapons, but about the risk of provocations using chemical weapons in order to blame the Syrian government afterward, because such a provocation is being prepared, there is no doubt. Both in the UN and in The Hague, where the headquarters of the OPCW is located, we submitted concrete facts that were obtained from different sources,” Lavrov said, according the Russian news outlet Sputnik.

Lavrov also revealed that Russia is currently working to establish a humanitarian corridor for civilians in the northern governorate of Idlib. At the same time, he stressed that the Damascus government has the right to clear the governorate from terrorist organizations, such as Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS).

“I would still not talk about the risk of using chemical weapons, but about the risk of provocations using chemical weapons in order to blame the Syrian government afterward, because such a provocation is being prepared, there is no doubt. Both in the UN and in The Hague, where the headquarters of the OPCW is located, we submitted concrete facts that were obtained from different sources,” Lavrov said.

During the last week, the Ministry of Defense of Russia warned several times that HTS and other radical groups are preparing to stage a chemical attack in northern Syria in order to provoke a strike of the U.S. and its allies on facilities of the Damascus government.

Despite of all of these warnings, the U.S. and its allies are still threatening the Damascus government and ignoring the threat of HTS, the former branch of al-Qaeda in Syria, which controls most of Idlib.

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Whit Helmet beasts, return the 44 syrian children alive to their homes.

northerntruthseeker .

That will never happen… These innocent children are as good as dead…And yes, that makes the US, the UK, and the psychos in Israel, all accessories to this murder…

Concrete Mike

Guess who else fund white helmets, you and me buddy. Our country funds them


Providing proof to a criminal who has done or is about to do a crime is a waste of time.


Mark Rutte…I’m a Dutch Native…. be Smart no More Tricks with your OPCW….the White House Helmets are a Bunch of Terrorists… and you know it…. https://youtu.be/6DRdqx9gelY

Peter Bedijn

Mark Rutte is a scoundrel who sold his country to the Rothschilds (Bilderberg) ! I hope he met his father the devil soon


My Country was Sold LoOng Time Ago….it must have been at least 500 Years ago….We are in the Game for a Long Time….Big Interests Worldwide…


Wasting their time unfortunately, the UN is a tool of the West and the Gulf States. You could literally hand over the leader of HTS claiming everything Russia claimed is true, and they still wouldn’t do a thing about it.

Hassadnah Abraham

U.S, UK and France illegal attack without UN mandate against Syria must be fight back. Russian must put Nuclear force under highest alert for immediate response against New York, London and Paris. This is the on;y way to make Trump, Macron and May understand that a nation can not attack other nation as they like, especially under FALSE FLAG created by they them self

Additionally more SU 35, MIG 31 and White Swan must be deployed at Syrian and Iranian airbase for immediate response against any incursion and attack by US,UK and France jets and ships.


Previously stated, HTS took 1,000 civilians hostage. Including children. Are they going to gas ALL of them?

Tudor Miron

Good. Lats see how far US is willing to go in order to prove to entire world that it’s a rogue state (self isolation). As I said, US is being removed from the role of world policeman and Trump is working within this plan/agenda. This doesn’t happen overnight but we’re already watching pre final stage.

Ivan Freely

People may feel this is a waste of time. However, it’s a necessary step to dispel any false narratives, so that International organizations cannot be used by benefactors of terrorist organizations.


“Despite of all of these warnings, the U.S. and its allies are still threatening the Damascus government and ignoring the threat of HTS, the former branch of al-Qaeda in Syria, which controls most of Idlib”…TRANSLATION…The BUTCHERS IN US DEEP STATE MILITARY, don’t care about human life, they, are protecting their INTERNATIONAL MERCENARY TERRORIST INVADING THE SOVEREIGN TERRITORY OF SYRIA.

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