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Russia Has Developed Its Own ‘Small Diameter Bomb’ (Photos)

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Russia Has Developed Its Own ‘Small Diameter Bomb’ (Photos)

Click to see full-size image. (https://t.me/fighter_bomber)

Russia has developed a precision-guided small diameter gliding munition that is very similar to the United States GBU-39 Small Diameter Bomb (SDB).

Photos showing the wreckage of the new Russian munition in the special military operation zone in Ukraine were first posted to social media on March 8. And on March 9, the Russian Fighterbomber channel on Telegram shared an additional photo of the munition and identified it as the UMPB D-30SN.

The UMPB, translated from Russian УМПБ [Универсальный Межвидовой Планирующий Боеприпас], stands for “Universal Interspecific Glide Munition”.

D-30SN has a diameter of 300 mm and is armed with a warhead weighing some 100 kg. It is guided by a GLONASS-aided inertial navigation system. Fighterbomber said that the munition was designed to be dropped from warplanes or launched from the ground with the assistance of a rocket motor from the Tornado-S 300 mm multiple launch system.

Photos of the D-30SN wreckage found in Ukraine show that it is indeed equipped with lugs typically used for loading onto warplanes.

Russia Has Developed Its Own ‘Small Diameter Bomb’ (Photos)

Click to see full-size image. Via X.

At the same time, the munition’s head is equipped with the same data port used on the 9М542, the precision-guided rocket of the Tornado-S. This confirms that the munition was also designed to be launched by the system from the ground.

Russia Has Developed Its Own ‘Small Diameter Bomb’ (Photos)

Click to see full-size image. Via X.

The exact range of the D-30SN was not revealed by Fighterbomber or any other source. However, taking into account the characteristics of the munition, it is safe to assume that it has a range of well over 100 kilometers when launched from air or the ground.

Fighterbomber said that the tests of the new munition were going successfully. This means that the system is yet to officially enter service with the Russian military.

Earlier this year, Ukraine received the ground-launched version of the American-made SDB. However, its forces are yet to use it on a mass scale.

Small diameter gliding munitions have a small radar cross-section and minimal infrared print, which makes them extremely difficult to detect and intercept.

The D-30SN will be a lethal addition to the arsenal of the Russian military, as it will allow it to strike well-protected targets way behind the frontline with pinpoint accuracy. The ground-launched version will also provide a quick reaction time, which is essential in operations involving the suppression of enemy artillery and air defenses.

The fast development of the munition also demonstrates the capabilities of the Russian military industrial complex, which is clearly winning the arms race with its rivals in the West kicked off by the conflict in Ukraine.



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maybe it’s time for russia to start using heavy bombs, as israel do in gaza. but no, russians have such low self-esteem that they don’t want to hurt their nazi “opponents” and “partners” in nato. well, if russia is scared to death at the prospect of dropping oldschool 10t legacy bombs on kyiv, it should not be surprising that everyone calls medvedev a lunatic and his nuclear rhetoric a “bluff”. they have to start decimate ukrainians in huge numbers and show some biting, not just talking.

Last edited 1 year ago by hoho

rf uses fab in the range 500 to 1500kg. they are quite heavy in my opinion.

Last edited 1 year ago by Mario

only in amerika is the father vestigial–the amerikan mind and conscience is feminine—amerikans particularly males are troubled with a basic insecurity inadequately disguised by their boasting and bragging”. geoffrey gorer


“the individual westerner is far more likely to be afflicted by free floating anxieties than is the individual russian”. geoffrey gorer


“russians are far more able to tolerate fear and hatred than we are”. geoffrey gorer

Kev not Kiev

yeah, a big arse bomba reet on the bank of international settlements, nato’s actual ‘decision’ making center…

Peter Jennings

the us and its nato poodles got complacent fighting tribesmen abroad. their weapons and tech was good enough for that job. against a proper army the shortcomings are now obvious. lots of taxpayer money went into bank accounts instead of development. the us and its nato poodles are an idiocracy waiting to happen. i hear that another boeing lost a wheel the other day.


tu je vidieť, že rusi sa veľmi rýchlo učia a tak isto sa veľmi rýchlo dokážu prispôsobiť daným podmienkam. debilom na západe bude ešte horúco ak si nedajú pokoj. svetu mier!!!

Igor Notor

in case of conflict beware that all enemies united produces military equipment. if russii has to have a chance production speed and numbers has to be 3 times greater than enemies. still no boat drone remedy. try pontoons around ship.

George Foreskin

need a multi pronged approach.

1. bring back wo1 style torpedo nets, only with modern lighter/stronger material such as titanium booms and kevlar netting (passive defense)

2. activate the net with sensors to pinpoint intrusion attend and automate kill mechanisms or kill vehicles, i like cheap drones with rpg grenade strapped to belly with duct tape, have 30 of them to deal with swarm attacks and controlled b y a.i.

3. killer drones in the water that are drawn to certain engine sounds.


the russians should shoot down all the west reconnaissance drones in the area that are providing targeting data to the ukrainians and their western handlers.

jens holm

i like idea small diameter. it make me giggle and call and say hello to frend in amerika on fire island. he send me desiner clothes with famus name peter bushbottom and we giggle over phone together

jens holm

we make lego for retarded children

jens holm

it come with scotch tape to make assembly much easy

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