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MARCH 2025

Russia Has To Create Army Of “New Technological Paradigm” – Putin

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The Russian Defense Ministry released a video that shows a new facility of the Strategic Missile Academy east of Moscow. The facility is designed to train future officers responsible for the Russian nuclear arsenal. Besides lecture halls and engineering labs, it includes an array of nuclear-tipped missile models on display including one in front of the main building.

On December 24, Russian President Vladimir Putin chaired a meeting of top defense ministry officials ot discuss the results of 2017 and plans for the future at the site.

“Russia must be among the leaders – and in some areas the absolute leader – in creating an army of the new generation, an army of a new technological paradigm. This is an issue of highest priority for ensuring our sovereignty, peace and safety of our citizens, a stable development of the country, pursuing an open and independent foreign policy that is based on the interests of our country,” Putin told the top officials, according to the Russian state-run network RT.

The president described his vision for the Russian military – a small, agile, well-armed, professional force that can take on the much better-funded NATO thanks to technological superiority, RT reports.

“We have to be smart. We will not rely solely on ‘military muscle,’ and we will not be drawn into an economically depleting, senseless arms race,” he said. “We don’t’ need an endless number of bases throughout the world and will not play world gendarme.”

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Learning from the mistakes of prior governments. Hopefully he will add long term commitment to strategic allies. We don’t want to see a repeat of what happened in 1995 and 2007 where Russia wronged Iran because of infatuation with western masters. That was very humiliating to Russia and took really a bad hit on its credibility. Basically they were saying : we are with you until our first love and ex boyfriend (the west) decides to come back. Russia does not seem to stick to its word. Well for now they are ok. But for how long?


The US and UK rarely stick to their word. One example was the UK declaration of war with Germany due to a treaty we had with Poland. However when the Judeo Marxist USSR absorbed Poland in 1945 the UK was silent.


Blaming Jewish people for Marxism is ABSURD. Its faulty logic and clearly hateful. There is, however, no shame in claiming the Bolshevik Revolution. It is one of the greatest human events in all history.

Tudor Miron

Is it really that absurd? Exactly why?


Truth is never ‘hateful’ , it is always a fact, whether you like it or not.


“The Russian Bolshevik Revolution has been the accomplishment of Jewish minds, Jewish dissatisfaction, and Jewish planning, whose goal is to bring about a new world order” The American Hebrew, September 10th, 1920

Study before you talk.

Nigel Maund

Well said FG!!! The UK did ot condemn Russia for Stalin’s pact with Germany and the killing of tens of thousands of Poles, especially their soldiers who surrendered ito the Russians in 1939.


And also the thousands of Polish middle and upper classes who were murdered by the Jewish dominated Soviet security police after WW2 ended. Must of the murder was the result of deliberate starvation in camps.


You make it sound that Jews held all the power in the Soviet Union. They were powerless there. Stalin was not a Jew


Look again.

Tudor Miron

Wegan… what are you talking about? We were defeated (from inside, outside force wasn’t openly used), Russian Empire (Even distorted by zio bolshevism/communism, Stalin did destroy 2nd khazarian kaganat that Trozky (Bronstein) and his gang were creating here and quickly recreated Russian Empire)/Soviet Union collapsed. I agree with those who say that it was one of the biggest political tragedies of 20th century. Next comparable event will be collapse of US in its current role (lets see if it happens). So, USSR was defeated and dismantled. When Putin came to power there was horrible state of governing apparatus – mostly people that were allowed (by US elties) to loot this country as long as they are destroying it. Health care, education, industry and army was falling apart. Thinking that Russia could do something at those times means that you just don’t understand what was going on. Complete disaster and internal war with Wahhabi terrorists in Caucasus region. Huge terror acts in Moscow and around Russia. Honestly… It is a bit of a miracle that Russia managed to stand up after that blow but remembering how much suffering it endured in its history… that wasn’t anything special :) Those who needed our support during those times – we’re sorry, at that point we were not in a position to help. But things are changing now and Russia is back. At this point I don’t think there’s another country on this planet that shows that there’s a different way than zio-US domination and slow enslaver of human kind. And that’s while western ruzionic elite are still in power to large extent. Lets see how it unfolds from now on


Well said my friend. Happy Christmas.

Tudor Miron

Thanks mate :) Happy Christmas from Mother Russia. It’s beautiful outside – snow is falling all day (large snowflakes)


My next long trip will be to travel over the new bridge to Crimea and on the return to visit Borodino again.

Tudor Miron

Cool! Summer of 2019? Bridge should be ready in the end of 2018 but I’m not sure that this is perfect time to visit Crimea.

Jerry Hamilton

Is that drink or drugs?


I think Mattis and the Trump administration better think long and hard before we do any preemptive acts in North Korea. It may be the start of a third world war that could destroy the whole world. Preemption never did this country any good. We helped to win the Second World War because the West was in the right. I’m not saying that we should wait to be attacked, but I don’t believe NK will attack the United States first with nuclear weapons. They know what will happen if they did; just stating common sense.

Tudor Miron

Very well said.

Jerry Hamilton

The west was in the right according to the lying media. To discover the truth you must research. The media won’t tell you the truth. The extent of the lies is truly incredible.

Pave Way IV

“…I’m not saying that we should wait to be attacked, but I don’t believe NK will attack the United States first with nuclear weapons…”

The U.S. is not trying to get North Korea to launch an attack on the U.S. – it’s trying to provoke them into attacking South Korea or Japan. Or maybe one of our carrier groups. Mattis and Trump just need an excuse – this war is already planned. If Kim Jong-un won’t be tricked into such an attack, then the U.S. will simply ‘arrange’ one that makes it look like he’s the culprit. Mattis and Trump believe neither China nor Russia will do anything to potentially start WWIII – at least over North Korea. As for the half-million or so (two million? five million?) South Koreans that will die in a conventional retaliatory strike? Well, that’s a price the U.S. is willing to pay. We’re doing God’s work here. The South Koreans will thank us once the smoldering ruins of their nuclear reactors stop spewing clouds of radioactive particles and the surface becomes habitable again. Five.. ten years max.


If we were itching for a war; we would have started it already. NK has been trying to develop nuclear weapons for years. Kim wants his nuclear arsenal so his regime can hold onto power.


“We helped to win the Second World War because the West was in the right”

Are you sure?


>>We don’t’ need an endless number of bases throughout the world and will not play world gendarme.”<<

That alone will save Russia a shitload of money. Although Team Russia: World Police would be awesome though.

Tudor Miron

No, we would not (hopefully) go there. Look at current world cop – US. Look at it during next 2-6 years.

Nigel Maund

Whatever one says about Putin, he has the interests of his country and people at heart and, moreover, he has their almost total support. Whereas our so callled leaders in “the West” are the criminal puppets of the evil “Zionist International Bankster – Corporatist Cabal” hell bent on global domination by their extremely nasty Dictatorship. Putin knows that the US, UK, EU and Australlia are all controlled by this Cabal and they are hankering for war with Russia, Iran, Syria and China to complete their global conquest and kill a large part of the world’s population. Hence, humanity now needs to support Russia, Iran and China, in particular, against this evil monolith that threatens all our lives and those of our children. Morever, there is a revolution coming against the utterly corrupt Western Governments and their controllers, we will all be in the front line of this Revolution like it or not! It’s the epic struggle of Good versus absolute Evil.

paul ( original )

In the west their culture is such that the only way they have to tackle problems is to spend more money on them, fail and the spend even more. They do not understand that good ideas can come free. Throughout my whole working life (it’s over now) the culture around me was to moan for more resources. This in effect was just an excuse form inadequate people to cover up the fact that they could do nothing. It is even worse now than when I did work.

So Putin is right and if he can achieve what he describes then Russia will ascend. It will also become a high civilization as the west decays into a squalid, dysfunctional, feminist multicultural hell hole. ( Actually I think it already is and we are just coasting on the momentum generate by our ancestors). This is my Christmas Message.

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