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Russia Increased The Range Of Its EMP Guns To 10km: TASS Report

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Russia Increased The Range Of Its EMP Guns To 10km: TASS Report

Illustrative image of an EMP blast in the movie “The Matrix”. Click to see full-size image

Russia has reportedly increased the range of its EMP (electromagnetic pulse) weapons to up to 10 kilometers, according to unnamed sources of TASS.

Reportedly, tests were carried out and various devices were damaged beyond repair, the weapons also allegedly entirely counter unmanned aerial vehicles.

The range of “guaranteed destruction” of the internal electronics of whatever is targeted by the Russian EMP rifles within the scope of the tests was brought up to 10 kilometers, according to previous reports the range was between 1 and 2 kilometers, meaning that this is a massive upgrade.

This was reported by TASS two sources in the military-industrial complex.

“Tests of electromagnetic weapons have been going on since 2015, the last firing tests of the EMP guns took place in the spring. Currently, the average effective range of electromagnetic guns firing at air targets is 7-8 km, the maximum is approximately 10,” one of the agency’s source said. He clarified that at the initial stage, the effective range was only “a couple of kilometers.”

Another source told TASS that “the destruction of aircraft at a distance of 10 km is provided by “burning” the electronic components of their on-board equipment.”

The source added that the shot of an EMP gun lasts a millisecond and, given the distance to the target, reaches it instantly, since electromagnetic radiation propagates at the speed of light.

The sources also explained that it is necessary to distinguish the defeat caused by the EMP weapon from the suppression of the enemy’s electronics, which is provided by electronic warfare systems (EW).

Most modern electronic warfare systems can suppress electronics at ranges of several hundred kilometers, however, they have incomparably lower power and do not incapacitate devices. EMP guns, in contrast, destroy equipment “at the physical level.”

In EMP guns, electromagnetic radiation of superhigh frequency, also called an electromagnetic “shot”, is used as a damaging factor. The radiation of an electromagnetic gun in a split second heats the affected object to extremely high temperatures.

In particular, it is reportedly planned to equip an unmanned version of a 6th generation fighter jet with such weapons. On a manned aircraft, electromagnetic weapons are dangerous to use, as they can harm their own pilot.

The editor-in-chief of the magazine Arsenal of the Fatherland, Viktor Murakhovsky, in a conversation with the NSN, said that electromagnetic weapons have long been in service in Russia, and noted that this area was actively developed back in the days of the Soviet Union.

“We already have such ammunition, ranging from a shell for a grenade launcher to combat units of anti-aircraft missiles. Now such electromagnetic generators are simply being improved with the use of new materials, increased output of electromagnetic radiation. <…> In conflicts this was not applied. There were tests, after which they were put into service,” the specialist noted.


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Lone Ranger

Good job Comrades.


China has opened up a border dispute with Russia.Putin is angry.


Who? When? Where is the news?


In the Vladivostok region of Russia.China is going to go down pretty soon.


It is old news. Very very old.

Tommy Jensen

One time raped by the British Empire, some countries never recover.

Traiano Welcome

Kind of like the USA, all it’s good for right now is a tax farm for the global corporatocracy.

Harry Smith

ROFL! Most of software you are using is written by Indians.

Tommy Jensen


Traiano Welcome

WION is an Indian anti-China propaganda channel. I’ve never taken anything coming off it seriously.


Cia deep fake divide then conquer conquests are now rendered obsolete+void!


Save it for langley bud,they are into all kinds of lamestream/deep fake bullsht!



AM Hants

Haven’t they been testing them in Syria. Which is proving a marvelous exercise, to test out Russia’s new toys. Fine tuning them, in the process.


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Hindered israel alot too,went on for days didn’t it?

AM Hants

Sounds splendid.

johnny rotten

If there is a Nazi Zionist crew aboard the enemy plane, the risk is that the weapon will burn even those few neuronal cells, that survived the destruction caused by the imaginary exceptionalism taught them by the grueling propaganda.

Tommy Jensen

We have also emp guns with increased ranges in our US space command centres.

Assad must stay

no you don’t stop LYING

Tommy Jensen

You are not a believer Assad. This will be your downfall. WE are in controle! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a57b7bc1882b137c03b91af1da131f214aaf9e5cc14fc79ccd1ecd9f3071ccf1.jpg

Traiano Welcome

‘WE’ can’t even SPELL control!

Tommy Jensen

Sorry, its because America is in control world wide, so sometimes we get stick in the frog eaters language = controlé.


Sorry Tammy, you are not in control: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CtjhWhw2I8

Assad must stay

Pure baloney

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Darth Vader is the CO of that command Tommy.

He’s negotiating a new franchise contract with Disney at the moment, so the Command Centre is temporarily closed until Princess Leah gets her contract sorted out.

Tommy Jensen

This is real folks. The lasers I was telling you guys about. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/342c90db7ddf5c38b0fa2979e1d3fac67687311e42f8e4d0fe59c8442b5984cf.jpg

rightiswrong rightiswrong

We all believe Tommy, that the US dreams the biggest.

Super bigly.


This new Russian version is compact and can bring down a 737 ! No wait: that’s all ready built into the avionics of the aircraft. :D

Tommy Jensen

It because nobody knows our space weapons because we dont brag about it in public like the amateurish and unprofessional Russians. Just to show you guys Im telling the true truth, Im showing you ONE of our space guns. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/58d35f708ba009ccd458e29190ed2273f672eaa973b4304d74023b9100c81b3f.jpg


Thats what I am talking about, that’s some badass weapon right there.



Jim Bim

Soon you brag about a Galaxy Force.

Tommy Jensen



I got one of those at home,laser atleast.

Wayne Nicholson

pew, pew, pew …. Space force!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FRW2bOqvzI

Harry Smith

Keep firing assholes https://youtu.be/PNcDI_uBGUo

Tommy Jensen

Sheeple go through 4 stages: Denial, ridicule, anger, acceptance. One day you guys will accept Dr. Manhattan is real and fight for America.

Harry Smith

Beware. The reality can be inverse.

Assad must stay

Wow very cool please stop israel from attacking syria and iran mister putinski!!!! You can stop it!

Wayne Nicholson

To do that they have to arm the Lebanese. IDF aircraft don’t overfly Syrian air space they launch missiles from the Bekka valley

Assad must stay

No all they have to do is scramble some sukhois or migs anytime they detect IAF taking off

Wayne Nicholson

Unless those IDF aircraft are targeting Russian assets that’s never going to happen. Starting WW3 over Syria is NOT in the best interests of the Russian people.

Maybe in 50 years after Russia really has a chance to recover from WW2 and the 1990’s but wars are expensive and hard on the working man ….. give the poor Russian some peace.

The USA / Israel can throw $trillions down the war shithole and they barely feel it at home but Russians don’t have 3 or 4 generations of inherited wealth to carry them

Assad must stay

They have done it before, and IAF planes just withdrew back to israel, I don’t know why they dont do it all the time, stop being so dramatic, Russia has the most advanced systems in the world and can detect anything anywhere


Money mean sht,provide there’s adequate,Russia certainly has more than?

When it comes to gods inheritance not in vanity nor maligned lgbtq$ currency

Russias inheritance in milita evolution is frankly generation/s ahead,that is the reward of true virtues insomuch in scientific,mathematic,ingeluarty and proven formulas culminated from centurys of research and developments well earnt,no?

Case study a/cia/f117 most advanced stealth fighter jet on the planet(late 90s) case study b/ s-125 analouge defense system(late 50s r+d) utilised (late 90s)

Happened to coincide towards one another,case study a/ failed to repell case study b/ Which detected case study a/ ,before firing within specified range, the rest then becomes history:

Traiano Welcome

Another nail in the coffin of modern carrier battle groups.

Ishyrion Av

This is the mother of all weapons, which can bring an entire civilization in stone age (depending on the range). Usually fires only when a nuke explodes. I wonder how Russia made it possible.


Great,just add the little Martian mascot,really pshyc’em out,yes! Never forget satans star wars bluff:

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