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Russia Increases Its Share In US Treasuries For 3rd Month In Row

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Russia Increases Its Share In US Treasuries For 3rd Month In Row

CC BY 2.0 / Ryan McFarland / $10 and the US Treasury

In October, Russia’s holdings of US Treasuries continued to grow for a third month in a row. In October, the Russian share in US Treasuries grew by $210m. In September – by $322m. In August – by $5m. Thus, the total increase was $537m.

In comparison, China’s holdings of US Treasuries fell to the lowest in a year-and-a-half. According to data from the Treasury Department, China’s holdings of notes, bills and bonds dropped for a fifth straight month to $1.14 trillion in October, from $1.15 trillion in September. The second US dept collector, Japan, also dropped its share in 2018 reaching the number of $1.02 trillion.

Considering the current trend, it remains unclear why the economic bloc of the Russian government has decided to increase the state’s share in US Treasuries and what goals it is pursuing.

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paul ( original )

This seems strange. It appears contrary to the idea that Russia is disengaging from the Dollar. Does anyone understand all this?


Yes, it seems strange.

An RT article from October. “Russia liquidates nearly all its holdings of US debt & invests money in gold.”


Art Best


Putin sees no problem with the Russian Constitution written under Yeltsin which gives control of the Russian central bank, the Russian currency, the ruble, and, of course, control of all Russian financial affairs to Anglo-Zionist bankers operating out of the City of London: https://anonhq.com/checkmate-central-bank-russia/

Could it be because Putin is a traitorous “cipher” installed by the Jews?


How can you explain otherwise Putin’s association, partnership and collaboration with the Zionist, Jewish and criminal Chabad Lubavitcher cult?



And why did the “non-Jewish” Bolshevik Soviet government sold USSR’s oil for Jewbucks, sorry, American dollars thereby aiding and abetting the “non-Jewish” American government aka THE ENEMY during the Cold War?

The Russian central bank cannot even issue Russian ruble currency without permission from the City of London bankers. The Russians must sell oil for dollars first and are obligated to invest in US Treasuries with the proceeds. They can’t even buy gold with dollars thus obtained. Furthermore, Russians can’t even use gold as money even if they wanted to, because the Russians are an IMF member country, just like America, France, Turkey…or China. It’s all written into the Russian Constitution: http://www.pravdareport.com/russia/economics/30-12-2014/129431-usa_russia_central_bank-0/



Jens Holm

Again only crap of the worst kind even putting in traiting and jews in it.

Its not about persmission at all. Its agreements for most of the whole world, which in those matters include russia making economic stability, You and we all can rely on.

And dont blame the rest of the world, that the collapsed USSR remains as only exporters in fuel and good missiles. They cant and wont. So much is made as old Engells economic mode and centralized grabbing madness.

When we try to invest in Russia we stop, because so much is barking mad and not changed since 1991.

Art Best

Sub Jew.

Jens Holm

Even fat Americans lives 15 years more then Russians.

Art Best


Tommy Jensen

Big smoke about nothing. $500 millions are pocket money. Probably Russia just need to make some convenient dollar payments.

Manuel Flores Escobar

SF dont give accurate info…could be T-Bills, Debt Funds, Save Funds,Treasuries notes, Treasuries Funds… for example in the last case could be that one country has paid to Russia in these monetary asset.

Jens Holm

Thats how investments are. They can give a big income and the opposite as well.

For the moment the danish ones say SAFE and hardly no income and other countries buy them. It like virtuel gold.

In on hand we then get AAA in IMF but it also raise our currence making export a little more difficult.

Same mechanisms for the world and USA. The dollar makes export and jobs up, but do we actually make enough profit.

Danes do, because we hardly has any debth. USA has and has to pay more – back.

Tommy Jensen

Maybe public debt are low, but I recall DK private loan level were on the high end. Property loans and similar.

Jens Holm

Yes the private loans are tooo big. I dont thing the Goverment is carefull binding those money and having not learned from 2008 not long ago.

Its well known high activity also make a lot of air-money, and if we just spend them waiting for lower weighes again, there by that will be none.

One way is using those money for things we virtually cant eat. That can be eaducation upgrasing all from the non educated to the top.

Another is to build and repair things even they are too expensive.

When the next crises comes – it will – we have those well educated people and fx hospital, motorways and trains are in fine shape.

The third way is there too. More people can be forced to bind for pension or only a few years. Binding for extra pension then can be used for own use later AND also for paying for fx corners of medical care. Those money by that will be invested into production in shares and keeep stability.

I am for we should try to avoid tops and bottoms.We partly can.

Its wrong as Denmark do know.We produce as hell by low educated people in low educational jobs. Thats not the future for us.We should reain in the high end and not compete with the low educated jobs here. We of couse have some and have to fill them, but upgrading is a must.

And for me, we by the state should try to avoid some unimployment, when its high.Same procedure. We build and upgrade even it make some minus for the state. We then have more solid stepstones and stairs, when things improves and can be a harvester.

That how I see it. Several countries are like us, but we are not like Greece and Italy having problems for the state money and debth.

Different solutions as well as thiongs sometimes are very, very complicated. Fx Greece very much is a problem, becaue some very few rich are too rich by very bad reasons known as fx corruption and stealing.

Its nor fair the averige greek should pay for that too.

paul ( original )

I think this is a very good point. Only if they were say 30 year bonds would I be alarmed.

Manuel Flores Escobar

But you cannot sell that bonds to US Treasurie….but you can sell it to third part before 30 years…

Manuel Flores Escobar

537 m is nothing!…surely a speculative financial operation to earn money as US treasuries were to the low along that months

viktor ziv

Yes You’re correct, just this Year, first 5 months Russia reduced US bonds holding from over 96 billions to 17b. So this article is eather cluster f***.

Jens Holm

I do.


The agenda A one world government, with jerusalem as its capital under satanic jewish leadership.

All nations that recognize the illegal evil satanic entity named israel are part of the agenda, including usa,uk,eu,russia,china,japan etc….

and for all donks and monkeys and lottery win hope believers……….u are a disgrace to the human species because u aint using your god given brain. THINKING THINKING THINKING try it out it works……….and stop behaving like infants…when THEY tell u to hate someone u do-..when THEY tell u to love someone u do…when THEY THEY THEY

once again…there is NO GOOD UK OR BAD UK OR GOOD RUSSIA OR BAD RUSSIA OR GOOD USA OR BAD USA…. its a theatre play for the 99% that behave like SHEEP…..

Art Best


Putin sees no problem with the Russian Constitution written under Yeltsin which gives control of the Russian central bank, the Russian currency, the ruble, and, of course, control of all Russian financial affairs to Anglo-Zionist bankers operating out of the City of London: https://anonhq.com/checkmate-central-bank-russia/

Could it be because Putin is a traitorous “cipher” installed by the Jews?


How can you explain otherwise Putin’s association, partnership and collaboration with the Zionist, Jewish and criminal Chabad Lubavitcher cult?



And why did the “non-Jewish” Bolshevik Soviet government sold USSR’s oil for Jewbucks, sorry, American dollars thereby aiding and abetting the “non-Jewish” American government aka THE ENEMY during the Cold War?

The Russian central bank cannot even issue Russian ruble currency without permission from the City of London bankers. The Russians must sell oil for dollars first and are obligated to invest in US Treasuries with the proceeds. They can’t even buy gold with dollars thus obtained. Furthermore, Russians can’t even use gold as money even if they wanted to, because the Russians are an IMF member country, just like America, France, Turkey…or China. It’s all written into the Russian Constitution: http://www.pravdareport.com/russia/economics/30-12-2014/129431-usa_russia_central_bank-0/



Manuel Flores Escobar

Russia use ruble in its trade with Iran and are using ruble ( limited) with China and India.. …also China pay to Venezuela and Iran in yuan…India buy Iranian petrol in Rupees..you can use local currency through a Swap..for example I read that Russia will sell S-400 to India and the payment would be in Rupees

Art Best


Manuel Flores Escobar



Could have to do with Exxon Mobile Far North Russia gas exploitation?

Art Best

Putin sees no problem with the Russian Constitution written under Yeltsin which gives control of the Russian central bank, the Russian currency, the ruble, and, of course, control of all Russian financial affairs to Anglo-Zionist bankers operating out of the City of London: https://anonhq.com/checkmate-central-bank-russia/

Could it be because Putin is a traitorous “cipher” installed by the Jews?


How can you explain otherwise Putin’s association, partnership and collaboration with the Zionist, Jewish and criminal Chabad Lubavitcher cult?



And why did the “non-Jewish” Bolshevik Soviet government sold USSR’s oil for Jewbucks, sorry, American dollars thereby aiding and abetting the “non-Jewish” American government aka THE ENEMY during the Cold War?

The Russian central bank cannot even issue Russian ruble currency without permission from the City of London bankers. The Russians must sell oil for dollars first and are obligated to invest in US Treasuries with the proceeds. They can’t even buy gold with dollars thus obtained. Furthermore, Russians can’t even use gold as money even if they wanted to, because the Russians are an IMF member country, just like America, France, Turkey…or China. It’s all written into the Russian Constitution: http://www.pravdareport.com/russia/economics/30-12-2014/129431-usa_russia_central_bank-0/



Zo Fu

It is about time for some general to take over incompetent Putin an d his financial ministers, which are basically pro-EU oriented, pro-debt oriented and pro-deficit spending leftists. And by the way, they have Jewish origin. I’m afraid that since Putin ended the most urgent reforms, repaid loans to IMF, refused further loans and debt spending and left finances to other people, namely Medvedev, the Russian finances are on decline again. Medvedev and his minister Siluanov are the culprits and the reason, why all other nations dumps dollar but Russia is buying. And by the way, Medvedev and Siluanov are both Jews and both are probably very close to Netanyahu and his dark agenda, of course. I smell treason. But who am I to teach Putin about traitors in his own government, is it.

viktor ziv

…or Rus needs dollar to buy additional gold.

Jens Holm

If Jews as few as they are runs that much, You and Your friends must be very stupid.

You confirm that well.


The answer is rather simple.

1) Russian Ruble has rallied quite well so the best option is to buy US treasuries as when you sell them the Ruble is low, you will end up with more Rubles than before. 2) Most of Russia’s private debt is foreign based. There is also money owed to France and the like for the construction of the Yamal LNG plant. This can be used as money to pay off such debts later on.

Russia has reduced majority of its US debt to buy gold. Since gold is still sold in USD as its the international currency – having more USD in order to purchase the gold makes sense.

Jens Holm

Yes, that too + +

R Trojson

First Russia will be defeated financially then economically so that just like the USSR there will no need to defeat Russia militarily. Loading up on US bonds is just Putin’s way of waving the white flag.

Manuel Flores Escobar

500m is not loading up….Russia is not China or Japan…Russia has a insignificant amount of US bonds

viktor ziv

It might be Russians needs to buy something from the country that uses dollar.

R Trojson

Not sure who takes payment in US Treasuries and $500M worth at that. Some time ago Putin announced that Russia was no longer dealing in US dollars. Still looks like a bright white flag to me. After all there is plenty of Chinese debt out there.

R Trojson

$500M is a loading up for a poor country like Russia. $500M is even a lot of money for the richest many in the world, Putin.

Jens Holm

Thats hardly money in the world of total.

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

Russia is not US, Russia is not stupid enough to make the same mistake twice.

Jens Holm

People here dont see how small the Russian economy is. They have no economic influence in the world.

Buying US tressures is just a good investment telling Russia trust USA in those matters. My private guess is, that the oil and gas prices are relative high and give Russia a plus. Russia then make a buffer making a lot of sense.

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