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Russia Is Pressuring Turkey To Withdraw From Key Positions In Syria’s Raqqa

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Russia is pressuring Turkey to withdraw its forces and Syrian proxies from the Sharakrak silos in the northern Raqqa countryside, the North Press Agency (NPA) reported on November 19.

The silos, which are located near the key town of Ain Issa, overlook the strategic M4 highway. The highway links the governorates of al-Hasakah, Raqqa and Aleppo.

“This information came in conjunction with the Russian claim in Ein-Issa, that it is seeking to persuade the Turkish military controlling the silos to withdraw,” the NPA’s report reads.

Militants of the Turkish-backed Syrian National Army (SNA) captured the silos in a rapid attack three days ago. This allowed Turkish forces to impose fire control of the M4 highway.

Russia Is Pressuring Turkey To Withdraw From Key Positions In Syria’s Raqqa

Click to see full-size image. Via Google Earth.

Despite Russia’s efforts to solve the situation in a peaceful manner, the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) launched an attack to recapture the silos on November 20. No progress has been reported, so far.

Russians forces have a coordination and operations center in Ain Issa, which explains Moscow’s interest in the silos. The center can’t be secured without controlling all key positions around it, including the silos.

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klove and light

wow..is that the same pressure applied on Turkey in Idlib and their Agreements there?????

I dont believe a single word out of Zionist Putins mouth!!!


Go the fuck away you Israeli nutbag.

Hasbara Hunter

Pressure…pressure….ofcourse…shitloads of pressure…Turkey is just going to give all the Syrian Grounds they have conquered from them Treacherous Kurds back to Syria…For a good bordersecurity in the near future Turkey needs Syria as an ally…not as an enemy….Turkey sponsored ISIS among others & bought their oil….

Erdogan better remembers: A fox is not caught twice in the same snare…

Icarus Tanović

All Wahhabis are CIAs creation. Period.


Mossad and its associats are at the top of this pyramid isreal is the country that gains most from jihadist

Icarus Tanović

They are not wage Jihad against anyone, nor they know meaning of the word. They are savagely butchering horde.


True dat

Hasbara Hunter

Almost all Intelligence agencies were created or infiltrated by ZioNazis…so basically they all work together more or less…

Icarus Tanović

All them Wahhabis are under protection of USA. But they’re loosing this one. And MBS is shaking.

Hasbara Hunter

They got Mohammad Ben Shlomo by His Royal Balls…thanks to Turkey & the Kashoggi-Case… rememburrr they got some nice tapes…hehehe

Concrete Mike

Does anyone know who controls the lafarge cement plant by ain issa?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

It was under US control but now I think Assad actually controls it, or controls what’s left of it, the US blew up the military occupied section of the plant when they left, but supposedly most of the cement plant itself is still mostly intact. Erdogan often accused the SDF of using this factories cement to make all their SDF bunkers and infrastructure, and he wanted to blow it up, maybe still does, so if the US have left and Assad isn’t in control of the plant, I don’t think it’d be there anymore if it was actually SDF controlled, Turkish jets would see to that. So I think it’s most likely Assad’s now the man in charge.

“We are seeing 90 kilometer-long tunnels in northern Syria. How do they build these tunnels? Where is the cement to construct them coming from?” the president asked. “The cement for the tunnel construction comes from Lafarge’s plant in the region, a French firm,” he said, demanding an explanation from France, another one of Turkey’s allies in NATO”. https://www.dailysabah.com/war-on-terror/2019/10/16/french-cement-firm-lafarge-plant-in-syria-a-breeding-bed-for-terror-groups

Ceasar Polar

The French abandoned that plant, and it was used by isis for a while, until the SAA recaptured it.

Concrete Mike

I doubt it, even under “control” of isis , the plant was still a lafarge run plant. Jihadist cant run a cement plant.

Matter of fact, the plant was involved innsome safety incidents that were sent out to the whole company.

So it was always run by lafarge, Bruno Lafont even praised that plant because it sold so much powderr during the isis “occupation”.

Trust me ;)

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The French company was accused of doing a deal with Isis to keep the plant open while Isis was in control of the surrounding areas, though nothing was ever proven in courts.

Concrete Mike

That plant sure was busy.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

A US military base and a French/Kurdish cement factory at the same time.


Pressure must mean bombing. So, let us bomb Turkey.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Good news for Assad, more to come hopefully.

Mehmet Aslanak

Withdraw from M4 highway? Must have been kidding? This is another fake news by Kurdish radicals (aka Kurdish communists). Russia would never ever ask for that. Whole purpose of the 20 miles deep border peace zone is to prevent Kurdish radicals travel fast from west to east or east to west, in order to conduct their attacks to Turkish border. Russia knows that well. Mark it as fake news.

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