Russian Pantsyr-S1 air defense weapon system, foreground, and the S-400 long-range air defense missile systems are deployed at Hmeymim air base in Syria (Photo: AP)
Russia is prepared to shoot down any US plane coordinating UAV attacks on its Hmeimim Air Base near Latakia, Syria, according Vladimir Shamanov, head of the lower parliamentary house’s defense committee, former Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Airborne Troops.
“In case of another U.S. drone attack on Russian Military Base in Syria, Russia is ready to shoot-down that plane,” Shamanov said.
Shamanov’s remarks followed an announcement by the Russian Defense Ministry that a US Posiedon-8 reconnaissance plan coordinated a drone strike attack on the airbase.
According to reports the airbase has further come under waves of attacks by small armed drones, which appear to be increasingly sophisticated.
On October 25th, Russia’s Deputy Defense Minister Alexander Fomin said that a US reconnaissance aircraft had coordinated the attack on the Russian airbase in January 2018.
“Thirteen drones moved according to common combat battle deployment, operated by a single crew. During all this time the American Poseidon-8 reconnaissance plane patrolled the Mediterranean Sea area for eight hours,” the deputy defense minister said.
The official also said that the U.S. had supplied Syrian militants with equipment that allowed them to access radio frequencies operated by Russian aviation.
“Only a technologically advanced country has access to such tools; they cannot be made in the Syrian desert,” Fomin added.
At the time of the attack it was blamed on radical Islamists by the Russian Ministry of Defense. The January 8th attack included 13 drones in total, 10 of which approached the airbase, while 3 attempted an attack on the naval facility in Tartus.
On October 28th, Russian President Vladimir Putin also addressed the increase in drone activity, especially in the last two months when Russian forces reportedly downed 50. He spoke to reporters following the 4-way summit on Syria between France, Germany, Turkey and Russia.
“Russia reserves the right to support the Syrian government if terrorists carry out provocations from the Idlib zone,” Putin said. “Quite recently – I have informed my counterparts – artillery strikes were delivered from the Idlib zone in the direction of Aleppo. In the recent six weeks to two months, our air defense has shot down 50 aerial vehicles near our base in Hmeymim.”
As soon as the reports regarding the drone attacks were made in January 2018, the Pentagon rejected any accusations that US forces were involved in them. Spokesman Marine Major Adrian Rankine-Galloway said on January 9 that “any suggestion that U.S. or coalition forces played a role in an attack on a Russian base is without any basis in fact and is utterly irresponsible.”
Furthermore, Russia air defenses at the Hmeimim airbase shot down two attack drones launched by militants operating in Syria’s Latakia province, Maj. Gen. Alexei Tsygankov, head of the Russian Center for Syrian Reconciliation claimed on August 10th.
“Over the past 24 hours, the air defense units at the Hmeimim airbase detected two unmanned aerial vehicles [UAVs] launched from the territory controlled by illegal armed groups in the north of Latakia province,” Tsygankov said at a daily briefing. “Both aerial targets were destroyed at a safe distance from the base.”
Thus, the airbase appears to be under frequent and sporadic drone attacks. They are also reportedly mostly blamed on militant groups and not US activity.
Russia may be ready, but I suspect she will not actually do it unless she has overwhelming evidence of a self defense requirement.
then they are idiots and too PC correct.
All they really have to do is light up the plane. The pilot won’t know if a missile is coming or not, but won’t take the chance, and will run as fast as he can.
Pilots know when a missile is approaching. Running is not always the best option.
In theory ‘yes’, but lighting up the plane is all the excuse the anglozionists need to justify a significant military response, and the small Russian force in Syria is (and has always been) vulnerable to the massive US CENTCOM force in the area.
Spot on and the IAF.
dont let the fucking bully get away with too much…..you´ll find yourself in a situation were the bully will go all in presuming you´ll back off as usual…..
All the world is gone crazy; WTF is the US doing there in the first place?
ps. Russia was invited by Syria.
Well, Russia was not invited in Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine either.
Or they were? Just not by the official governments? If the justification that the US is invited in by the Kurds is legal according to the US government then Russia’s presence in those countries is also legal, as it was invited in by the Abchazians and South-Ossetians in Georgia, the Transnistrians in Moldova, the people on the Crimea and those socalled People’s Republics in the Eastern Ukraine.
The US has a long history of inviting themselves into other countries. When you do that you can’t throw a hissy fit over other countries doing the same and calling them the next Evil Empire. Classic case of do as I say, not as I do.
Boyyahhhh nice bitch slap well done.
I don’t think USA has any legitimacy in Syria, I just wanted to see what putlerbots think about that – which is not your case. Your argument is valid and the nickname “Evil Empire” works both ways.
It’s just common sense, not big deal, how about you show some by answering this simple question: Which is true? a) Neither Russia and USA have rights to stay in other countries, uninvited by their official governments? b) Both have this right c) Only Russia has it d) Only USA has it You already have my answer.
then let’s make that everybody on this earth goes the fuck back home, including europe, asia and so on – i’m pretty sure that Russia would not object at all.
Define “official government” Shlomo.
You know what it is. Its like Pol Pot or Stalin.
No; the simplest working definition would be something like this: An “official government” is whatever “government” finds favor with the jewish collective (or is at least useful or unopposed to the jewish agenda) at some particular point in time.
You certainly are a well defined simpleminded person.
Which if true, would be way more than enough to show you up, goofball. Now why don’t you run along and get back to your Talmudic studies, before your Mommy finds out you’re at the computer again.
If You are necrofile too, You can rent my mommy. Jews are like that. Ots because there are buyers.
Its like oil. Before western came, oil only was for lamps. Now its for people having it, can live well doing absolutly nothing.
So you’re a necrophile, Shlomo? I can’t say I’m surprised. You subhuman judenfilth invented perversion.
US is a satanic, pro-ISIS, Rogue state!
Russia killed more christians than USA
Russia didn’t kill Christians, Bolshevik foreigners who took control of Russia and overthrew its Christian royal family killed Christians in Russia!
Maybe some of the ones that gave orders, indeed, but the ones that executed them are still guilty.
Those who the gave orders and those carried out the orders were one and the same!
Throughout the heaviest Soviet political repressions, and the great purges, from 1920-40’s the Gulag camps were notably largely staffed by ethnic Jewish personnel – the OGPU and subsequent NKVD secret police were headed in period, respectively, by Yagoda, Yezhov and Beria – all of ethnic Jewish descent.
Do you consider only Christians worth of mentioning when talking about body count?
No but I was talking to someone who’s nickname is christiablood you dummy
Talking about dummies, it is still very stupid question, very poorly formulated!
Jewish Russians that led the Bolshevik Revolution were mostly responsible for murdering 10’s of millions of Russian Orthodox Christians during 1920’s and 1930’s.
The US supports the same head-chopping Al-Queda ilk in Syria that murdered 3000 on 9/11. How does it feel to dance on the graves of 3000 murdered people??? DISGUSTING!
It was the glass was full. I even has written that to You many times.
When You get too many ant of different kinds inside Your house, You go to extermination and reduce their weapons …
And You knew that. You semes to be learned, that if the cat is nice the mice and rats are dancing shouting the cat is afraid.
So USA and friends make You into stoneage again, where You belong. Thats the philosophy. Some midgets from USSR dont change that. Russia have less friends in ME then USA. They have their own agenda, and it certainly is not Yours.
Russians are falling stars.
lol USA doesn’t have any friends……. they are bullied vassal states or ones that are blackmailed and compromised.
Wrong, the state was called the Soviet Union, and in its earliest decades its policy was very punitively and repressively anti-Orthodox.
So who were the original cadre of this Bolshevik leadership: Lenin (Ulyanov), Trotsky (Bronstein), Zinoviev (Apfelbaum), Kamenev (Rosenfeld), and then Stalin (Dzhugashvilli) – who executed the latter three.
Are you trying to justify the USA madness allover the world ?, In particular in Syria ? Not way my friend, better wake up for your jews-domination country (USA).
The most billionaires in Russia are jews also.
Unfortunately yes…..however most left and fled to London UK,USA & Israel during the first years of Putin’s presidency. There’s only 94 Billionaires left in Russia…..and most of them behave, pay their taxes and are non-politcal
” In particular in Syria ?” No, Iraq is even more extreme example of US criminal conduct! Libya close second. Syria will survive but only thanks to Russia. Libya is destroyed country, unimaginable crime is committed over that country and it is a state no more! There are many dead in Syria but at the same time Syria has a good chance to be functioning country and to carry on with normal life eventually.
That window of opportunity is gone for Libya!
there is no Russia in Ukraine.
Crimea decided by themselves not to live under puppetry.
Under Russian “little green” occupation.
garbage. “little green” were naval infantry units already present in Crimea. They prevented violence and protected the local population from Benderites and other animals who were engaging in ethnic cleansing acts against all the Russian population outside “little green” areas (there’s countless vids with interviews and actual footage on the subject).
If it was for me I’d allowed them to wear insignas and ranks since the start, but Russia had reasons to adopt prudence and avoid acts that could have inflamed the situation more.
i’m tired of hearing this rubbish and the double-standard cut of everything involving east and west in MsM.
NATO and the US are the international criminal organization that upset the established order of nations in 3 continents back in the 90ies, starting wars that costed hundreds of thousands lives.
For this, history should be shitting on them for the rest of eternity, and it will – no matter how much they’ll engage in deceit and manipulations to hid their real nature to the human race.
Let me fix that for you, they were present in the port-city of Sevastopol not Crimea – which they occupied. And yes they occupied it to protect the democracy like USA did in Iraq and other places.
The people of Donbass and Crimea are free people and have to the right of self determination. They will NOT submit to US/EU/NATO diktats. Care to try to force them? Do you remember what happened to the little Austrian Corporal who tried the same game during WW2??? Same old NAZIS and NEO-NAZIS.
except that iraqis actually shot on the US invaders, while crimeans welcomed the added security against the threat of oversized sewer rats
Thats not comparable at all. Almost all the muslim Tatars are killed or deported forever. Those are replaced by Russians.
Crimera was a trade dividing up USSR to many states. It was a mistake to give it to Ukraine. They should have had something else. Fx they could have been given oil and gas for some Years and that was it. That would be a great help comming from an econimic collapse.
People have the right of self determination, as exercised by Crimea and the Donbass. Or do you still believe in slavery? The Donbass and Crimea said NYET to NATO slavery! Geddit???
So that would mean the Kurds have the right to self determination too, also Chechnya, Tatarstan, who knows, Siberia is a resources full colony enslaved by Moscow oligarchs, they should be free.
why don’t you just hang yourselves out of your butthurtness.
Only after the Russian empire give up its nukes
being that big always has been a sword having 2 sharp sides. There are seveal good solutions as well as bad ones.
When the ancient Roman empire got too big, the power in it was decentralized. That included military forces. By that the Empired lived longer. The collapse of it came from its Capitol.
USA is a newer example. They are states United in many states in a state and all have thir own Governess for most matterts. Even death penalthy is in only 34 states.
So You could have given all the Russian states uch more local influence as well as they could have divided in autonomes. The USSR autonomes mainly was for different clothe and like that.
I define a state as including all in it by treating them well and in respect and bý internal communication and not monologe as fx in Syria and Turkey. By that You as included will work for it and needed progess seeing the needed structures for it.
Kurds are different from that. They were in the ottoman state for many centuries and even in the Konstantinople ones equal with all others and not divided.
Their division were where the lived and live. A state until the diversion made no sense. They were diveded by nature in isolated maountain valleys as well as living i th dryest land nobady else claimed.
Their nationalism came when 4 new states claimed they should join 4 different cultures and suddenly be more turkish, arabic or Iranian.
Very interesting, I agree with all you’re saying.
Don’t forget all those Hispanics in the US, all those pesky people of colour in the US. They are NOT slaves, dear. They can make your life EXTREMELY uncomfortable if you do not recognise the right of self-determination. Gee, the southern states could even restart 1861 all over again!
Maybe they will, who knows, American companies will take over all the Russian fossil exports (if they still want to export) and Siberia will ask for more autonomy.
It wasnt all Donbass at all. How far back will You go. before the Germans arrived Donets, Kharkov and other big towns there had about 30% jews.
Before Russia finally took the Khanat of Crimera, it had almost 100% tatars and the rest was not russians but a mixup such as greeks, rumanians and germans.
How far back I would like to go? Well, we could kick all the European invaders out of the Americas and leave the land for the natives from the end of the last ice age. But, we could accept the right of self determination of people as they were after the WW2 settlement, or we could start WW3 clearing up the “exceptional” US and Canadian abominations on the North American continent.
Ukraine has long been known as Little Russia, it is the United States that is militarily interfering in Russia’s internal affairs.
More like Ukraine is no more a colony and we secure them from the USSR collapse even they are slow learners.
the same goes for the other russian colonies from DDR to the new regained countries such as usbekistan, Turtkmenistan and like that.
All has be taken by force by the russians. That includes Caucasus as well.
Crimera is a good example as well. You kill all You can, deport the rest several times and put in Russians. Then those vote for Russia and the muslims there hardly are enough to be enclaves.
For Ukraine, the russian districts of the should be votes back. Those never was Ukrainians ar all. krustjef gave them to Ukraine to so exact, what russians do today. And Russians try the same for several other now liberated countries.
Kiev was the capitol of Russia for over three hundred years, Ukraine was never a colony, until Nuland and the Company created their coup.
“We secure them from the USSR”. Right the first thing secured was its gold, it went straight to the USA.
That argument is irrelevant and just a demagoguery. Check that these countries arebordering Russia. Syria is nowhere near the US. If I should use invitation word, I can say Russia was indirectly invited by the West. The reasons for Russian presence in those countries was to protect Russia. Nobody is a threat nor attacking US in the ME.
Basically you are saying that Russia doesn’t have a fleet.
Attempted ethnic cleansing was in question in South Ossetia as in Donbas. Number of Russian peace keepers were murdered in south Ossetia by Georgian army.
If you really wanna find out the cause of Russian interventions in Ukraine and Georgia there is abundance of evidence for you to find!
@Barba Papa drew the parallel with US siding with Kurds, it isn’t quite the same. Russians defended their own, not some other minority or nationality half way across the globe but on Russia’s border.
I think you mixed Barba_Papa’s comment with Sakaramanga’s. The second is justifying Russia because they invade countries only in the close vicinity of their own border, which is pure Russian hypocrisy. I don’t know but by your name you are Serbian which make your double standards a bit more legitimate since NATO illegally invaded there.
Rubbish. You are just muddying the conversation with your lies.
don’t even start talking about that, if you are looking for peace at least in the afterlife.
You are a massive US Imperial ignoranus, aren’t you? NATO encouraged Georgia to attack RF peacekeepers in South Ossetia and got their butt kicked in, Transnisitria had a little war in 1991 because they did not want to be part of Moldova and the Russian peacekeepers have held the peace since then, and in Ukraine the US/EU/NATO gangsters instigated a violent coup to remove ELECTED President Yanukovych and the Donbass rebelled while Crimea dumped Ukraine for RF. I suppose you only get your news from the Sovietised media of the US/EU/NATO gangster countries? No wonder you are a massive ignoranus, dear!
So funny that Russians call their own occupation troops “peacekeepers”, Eastern Europe had enough “peacekeeping”, they’ll change it for the “missiles shield”.
there’s nothing funny in your comments, it’s the same shit that is older than you, coming from reaganian rhetoric.
go watch rambo fucking three and throw yourself down a cliff for those dreams will never come true.
You keep Your low level well.
seems i know more than you about levels.
Watch out, he may appeal to his highest level and tell you how great Putin’s cock is.
I am sure the Mexican drug lords could soon be supplied with tactical nukes to warm up US-Mexican relations. Two can play at this game. Has you exceptionally anti-Russian RACIST mind thought of this???
Ahh the good old ‘racist’ slur, you play too much video games,you can’t even keep up with the latest politically correctness terms.
Just face it. You, like much of the U/EU/NATO elite, are an anti-Russian RACIST, pure and simple. Confession is good for the soul: there is no place for your ilk to hide.
You sound just like a pedo priest
Actually, I am a British Indian Hindu. I was talking a language your ilk would understand. Have you confessed your RACIST sins, dear???
Sir, have you done your work for today, sir?
All corrected and marked. Why are you still farting away? Tell me how much your ilk hates Russians simply because they will not submit to US/EU/NATO diktats. I suppose once a Neo-Nazi, always a Neo-Nazi.
Actually I like Russians for not submitting US, NATO but they still need to trade their gas and oil so they will eventually obey to EU if more sanctions imposed.
Dont expect Sacramento to remenber that too :)
What’s with Sacramento?
Precicely what. You seemes to have no knwledge about facts.
but by know should probably know that you and solomon, potcracker, putinbeater and another handful of personas is the same zionist trying to stir shit up.
My carrot below dont tell me that. I also eat swine and dont have that many pots and pans.
You’re and idiot full stop. Why don’t you just piss off and go somewhere else and read something more suitable to your intelligence like “MARVEL” Comics?
the good part is that pretty much everyone doing anti-syrian and anti-russian remarks in this place is you
You’re a CIA troll and we all know it!
If Youi do not know that and even are supported by 15 sheep about it, You should stop reading and writing here and use Your reduced memory for anything usefull groeing potatoes, tomatoes or something.
Who are you to give advice with a sponge for a brain filled with MSM rhetoric. Btw thanks reply, I am glad to have found a vegetable here.
Bear getting sick of Eagle shit
georgeking easy
I just do not understand why the Russians did not use the electronic warfare system, like Samarkand, to prevent such “coordination”…
the Russians analyzing their signals and operational mode. You dont need to play any cards before the party is begin.
But what “party” if later Russia were attacked by the drones and forced to fire on them. It would be easier to drop the drones with interference signals ….
What hardhawk is saying is russia does not want to reveal their ew systems to nato if they dont have too.
Nato is seeking escalation desperatly…why would russia give nato what it wants?
ok think again what you said then read again what I responded to you and if you understand why you learn something you dont know making the question. Signals are read both ways and when they do a remedy for the noise they make can be found.
nobody said they did not.
Don’t understand why Russians announced that information few months after attacks, afraid to insult US “partners”??? We all knew that US Navy aircraft not only monitored the attacks, but also guided them.
then why you needed an announcement if you knew?
Some of us, interested in military issues, understood. They waited for few months to say something accusing US.
yes all of the people here are interested in military matters other wise will not have been here. You think that the Russians are interested to inform you or are accountable to any one but themselves when they decide to make public something?
How did you know that bud?
Only a stupid one wouldn’t find that in the same time drones are attacking Russian base US Navy ECM plane is there unintentionally.
Good point!
These attack drones are always same construction method and materials – polystyrene flight surfaces, laser cut plywood ‘cockpit’ housing electronics wrapped in green cellophane, aluminum bar fuselage, small piston engines, and white sub-munitions mounted under wings. These components easily be pre-prepared and pre-packed by NATO in Turkey, for ease of smuggling and field distribution to client militant faction in Idlib. These drones are intended to look superficially crude and homemade – but frequency of attacks suggests a far more organized production and distribution network occurring behind the scenes.
This isn’t the first time Russia has threatened the US. They never act on those threats. That’s why people have begun to joke about Putin sending out a “strongly worded letter of protest” instead of taking direct action. I don’t think this time will be any different.
Don’t get too complacent chum amidst your US arrogance. The British were an arrogant mob of bastards in their Empire for 300 to 400 years. In the end, their hubris destroyed them. The same applies to the French, Spanish and Dutch. The US turn is coming and very soon. I’d have thought you guys might have learned your lesson in Vietnam. But, obviously not!
Arrogance? I’m not a fan of the US. I *want* Putin to take action. I’m rooting for Russia. I just don’t see it happening.
meanwhile Assad is in power and the US military in Syria is forced to eat a lot of shit.
Nearly all of that is to be credited to Assad and the fighters of Syria, not to Russia. Putin is owned by Israel. That’s why Russia will point the finger and make threats against the US, but they never do so to Israel. The plot twist is, the US is owned by Israel as well. This is a show being orchestrated by the ZOG. People make jokes about Russia because they repeatedly threaten the US and never act on those threats. Eventually, people stop taking those threats seriously.
“Putin is owned by Israel”
no, you are owned by israel.
Lets see if they walk the talk this time. The Russian political top is split between the the two groups, Westernes/Atlanticist/Neoliberals/Zionist…like Prime minister Medvedev vs the Russian national/Euroasianist…like the Russian defence minister Shoigu, who made sure the Syrians finally got the S-300
If russia would shoot down some of these planes they would not be fuckin around like mosqitoes.
Armageddon will be caused by men, not any god.
blur again.
El Yanqui is lying, as usual.