Jaysh al-Islam military leader, Essam al-Buwaydhani during a tour in Duma district on April 1, Click to see the full-size image
Russia gave Jaysh al-Islam a 5-days’ notice to accept a full evacuation agreement that will force its leadership and all of its fighters to withdraw to the Turkish-held areas in northern Syria, the Lebanese al-Mayadeen TV reported on April 4.
During the last week, more than 2,000 civilians and pro-opposition fighters were evacuated from the Jaysh al-Islam-held Duma district in the northern part of the Eastern Ghouta region. However, al-Mayadeen said that none of them had been active members oof Jaysh al-Islam.
The religious leader of Jaysh al-Islam Abu Abd al-Rahman Ka’ka has stressed on many occasions over the last few days that the group is not willing to withdraw from Duma.
On April 3 Ka’ka said, during a speech in one of Duma’s mosques, that he and the military leader of Jaysh al-Islam, Essam al-Buwaydhani, had agreed that Jaysh al-Islam should not accept any evacuation agreement.
Al-Mayadeen said that the fate of dozens and possible hundreds of civilian captives in the Jaysh al-Islam prisons is hindering the efforts to reach an evacuation agreement. According to the Lebanese TV channel, Russia and the Damascus government want Jaysh al-Islam to release the captives before any agreement, while the group insists that it would only release them in exchange for militants who have been previously captured by government forces.
This issues appears to be on the way to be solved as Jaysh al-Islam released five civilian captives, including four women on April 4, according to a report by the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA). However, the fate of dozens others is to be known yet.
Syrian pro-government activists believe that a millitary option against Jaysh al-Islam is still on the table because the group appears to be determined to stay in the Duma district as long as it can.
Does America ever give the option to stop fighting and live?
Of course not that’s where the money is!
Only when Americans are NOT dying for ‘american democratic Values ‘ :)
Or dumpsters of gold bars. Sometimes we have to die to steal someone’s gold. But that’s an exception. We won’t die for anything else. And poppies, too. That’s pretty important to our democratic values. So, democratic values, gold and opium poppies. Um… and sometimes land… for bases and stuff… to stop Russia and Iran. We’ll die or kill for that stuff – doesn’t matter either way.
So we only die/kill for american democratic values, gold, heroin and to occupy foreign soil with our bases. That’s it. We won’t die/kill for anything else. Not one single additional thing. Period. Unless you count pipelines, because we will die or kill for those, too. And Israel, I guess. Some general said so. And Saudi Arabia. So besides those rare exceptions, Americans are pretty peaceful people.
Good post.
They only give tomahawk option on the table
Their is many jew cock suckers who still claim the Anti Semite (BS) When VP Joe Biden said the jew cock suckers made Homosexaul Queers Legel, it was all right, If i say it iIm hate jews fuck the Impostor jews
There was so many Jew [Mossad] weapons found in Eastern Ghouta, the ISISraHELL Backed Terrorist Should have marched right into ISISraHELL & Chopped off all of the Evil Knesset Heads off who sold them out for the hell fire https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/05b72c43e54fad9b4d43445dc60544b8d3c3c2d9bbaed613a8bd6e59e3de370c.jpg
I can’t hear the perpetual whining of the Palestinians any more. What have they done in 70 years? .. nothing except building bombs and terrorizing their neighbors. Compare that to North Korea: 60 years ago, the entire country and industry was destroyed by a war. Today, North Korea is one of the richest countries in the world. There isn’t just whimpering and begging for alms of the UN, but worked on a better future. This would do the Palistinänsern once well.
Do you feel the same way about the prisoners in the Warsaw ghetto?
this antisemite bs went just too far. Surely not all jews are the zionuzis, but most And Sema is waaay older than any notion of current jewish construct. Not all, but even old Israelites were 12 tribes after the forefathers. Only one of those is of Yudah, from which Jesus came as was prophesized in the Scripture. Arabs belong to the Semitic thing. so to say Palestinians are against themselves is funny. Anti-jewism is more correct, andantisemitism is just pseudoscience. Muslims however think that removing joos clears out problems… but Ill leave it there. Pouring hate on all jews is sick sure, but it has to o with the sickness of ones projections
It is not possible to be a Jew and a zionist because they are opposites. One is a harmless superstition and the other is a dangerous, fascist, antisemite ideology.
I really really hope I continue through life never meeting the likes of you.
Jerk off https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e861fd3ef1bfd5b9d6aa58b751610a98810035022cb614be0b49826be1377f94.jpg
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/efc07601ac092a3a3b23f808ab08e6c3ea56e60d83a6c9783dcc923456dc3504.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bf11526785cf9bd508e26c5ae4391b3bfcde1e50b0824c4445a808736ad93f4f.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ba614364eeb356c0bf6a0cbc4cfade623cc35ce5c5ec09211eb9981557ba10be.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4d542e5b1afaf9e6947db8d849ead5c53c734248cf6f70f8dce054f1e520e5e1.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4b6438c207592b5c858c7ceeb5d420975aca9cf93d5d5ba6ed749246ff674c21.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/14c63a26eff11c1cf1200c69770dc0af48e6286e1a9cdd885e183c1e5a948f8b.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/074bb4293bb6f954596334234b90bf4e6a5f0981c87bf835f90b67e2b6c9a9a1.jpg
https://www.google.nl/amp/s/saboteur365.wordpress.com/2017/09/03/theory-nork-leader-kim-jong-un-is-a-cia-asset/amp/ https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5a4eadafc778ebac7cf8673a1496f2c09412cd0702d1cfb3012e995a674e9179.jpg
Have you heard about a little thing called photoshop?
Yup…I already thought that Bibi Nuttyahu looked much younger… than in reality….
Please. Pretty please… Die.
North Korea has a GDP of $12B. It does not qualify as “one of the richest countries in the world!
As for Palestinians just “building bombs and terrorizing their neighbors” – what phucking planet are you from?!
Keep the antisemite provocations to yourself you popinjay, the correct term is zionist weapons.
Jerk Off https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fc443a87d48368f1dd626794f9b7eab04403049f938c7b4cad4bec514ae52075.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e861fd3ef1bfd5b9d6aa58b751610a98810035022cb614be0b49826be1377f94.jpg
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I like it but he is right. The word should be zionist weapons. There are jews in Israel that support Palestinians and oppose their government. I have a thing against jews because of the holocaust lie but some are good. Some are honest. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGrNxIWxdvs
Look this Taboo about not using the jew word is BS, Zionist are Christian Muslim & Jew, Hindu Atheist & so on & so Forth. It is a Fact Talmudism Is Satanism jews are Talmudist Which gave Birth To Neo-Zionism. The jews a the Rebels against Christ. The Word Jew Is Used 72-times in the Gospel of Saint John. The New Test. is Stories about how the jews hate Christ .There is no-way to get around the BS that this word should only be used by the jew themselves https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6db9bec951dcfd93150705cb112af895fecad48acf8eda462bd8dd9ee11cb28d.jpg
If any Religion in this World preaches Hate/ Violence or Supremacy towards Fellow Humans…. this Religion should be banned, for it has no right to exist in this World of today…..it should not be preached to kids….simple…
Tell that BS to the Knesset in ISISraHELL Lady n-1 buys This Bs Anymore it is what it is The Palestinians are Murdered Every day https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/80f44d3c3d01133c63bf2c67051c5c971aa0a7603c0f7ed56faa5e9f926143bf.jpg
Make’m Swim….
The hate of ISISraHELLS Founding Father This Ugly Man https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ba5853e32288d04a9d6a965c4fe79658514ff20c6ca2d730ae3ccbd9a1b5cd73.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d0f6556e9901351798f0a175293a2046351978e91728907c39f0a27b57df6980.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e861fd3ef1bfd5b9d6aa58b751610a98810035022cb614be0b49826be1377f94.jpg Father
Not many peoples buyin’ their Bullshit anymore…
Look. I am furious with them but I am not Racist. You wan’t to condemn them all, count me out. I am not saying that what you put forward is not true. Just that you would kill the innocent too or is that just the American way?
There are concentration camps – and then there are concentration camps. Read Martha Gellhorn’s article “Dachau” of 1945.
Don’t tell me they had orchestras in Auschwitz – even ONE like Dachau is more than enough.
I would expect nothing less from an ignorant racist. I have heavily researched WW2 while you have only taunted blacks. Fin racist.
Yee-up! Scared of reading a little article written70+ years ago. Your problem.
I read it. I hope you are very happy now. Someone writes a story with zero proof and you decide to believe it. You think because you believe it, everyone should be as stupid as you? The biggest liar of them all was the Nobel Peace Prize winner Elie Wiezel with his book Night. He died of old age before being prosecuted as a fraud by Miklos Grüner who WAS at Auschwitz. There is no record of Elie Wiezel being at any prison camp AND he had no tattoo. Jews lie.
Are you even aware that German women did not work in munitions like they did in America and Britain? All that work was done by Work camp prisoners. They all worked at their local IG Farben factory. For some reason the jews don’t like you to know about IG Farben. Could it be that there is no way the largest corporation in the world, funded by Wall street, and keeping Germany’s military going would be beating, starving and killing off it’s workforce for the fun of it?
Do you even know why so many jews were in work camps? Not all jews were. They were trying to force communism on Europe. Once we stopped Germany, WE wanted to fight communists.
You have attacked many of us recently and were wiped out. Why do you still try your racist shit?
What are you talking about? And are you scared of a little reading – it might say the wrong thing?
Jerk Off https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/15bf42c4f8e141fd81b1a6c3da1fd067ea2778dc311ba005e0a73a2aca267fbc.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0f25d094ac404d018ae9d251e07252a001fdb3f57e7897e437c197c70754ecbd.jpg
Er-hum —– he’s right. Place was LOADED with American and Israeli weaponry just left behind.
Funny how the corp-0-rat media and the state broadcasters overlook this….
Stop begging them, give a 24 hour notice, after that, no surrenders will be accepted, no one comes out alive, those who attempt to surrender should be executed.
This is something I respect in the Russians. They may not like it but they still have respect for human life. Something that I hope other countries learn from.
Yeah, we can talk about respect for human life when savages stop taking civilians hostage, hoarding medical supplies food, raping women, executing children, using snipers to handicap wounded evacuees. You know who has a lot of respect for human life? The British, with the chlorine they provide to the White helmets that were used to gas civilians, and the HD footage the White helmets produced for youtube, while their friends used gas they made in underground laboratories to poison children so they can create pretexts to kill more Syrians in the west.
When evil soldiers are killed, innocent civilians are often killed with them. You don’t get it both ways. Would you rather condemn those civilians to death too? I don’t think you would.
When pockets think they can negotiate and waste time civilians die, other rebels see a lack of resolve as the basis for stalling negotiations resulting in the death of civilians. In fact, sometimes lack ability but also a lack of resolve has caused hundreds of thousands to die in Syria, while criminals negotiate from beneath the skirts of women and children. It must be put to an end, most civilians are gone from Ghouta. If Jaish Islam wants to make a stand, let them. But don’t waste an opportunity, make it memorable, so the other savages know better to try something so foolish ever again.
This is a war of attrition that the Syrians and their allies are winning. Sometimes, more haste means less speed.
Its not about haste, its about precedent so other savages know to negotiate.
I suggest that their crimes against humanity are bad enough; we shouldn’t copy them because if we do we become them.
It is not a crime against humanity to kill terrorists who refuse to surrender.
That’s the sort of flimsy pretext that the Washington barbarians use to excuse their crimes against humanity. You should be more careful of your bedfellows.
you are the one schilling for Saudi terrorists, worry about your own problems
Don’t be silly, I wouldn’t touch the Saud perverts with rubber gloves on.
becoming like them, has no honor in it.
That’s a description of a boss class so better watch your back babe unless you live in an anarchist society.
Don’t know if you speak/understand Russian (May be Florian does?) but if you do this couple of songs would explain how we feel about it. We avoid war as long as we can. Historically (and that’s thousands of years) Russians know what war really means. https://youtu.be/4Pvdc5N6rJA https://youtu.be/JTjPbkd_UlY https://youtu.be/RzIfYZt0jdY Comment about above 3d song if you can read Russian. Песня о реальном бое. В ночь на 14 сентября группе из 18 бойцов 8-й роты 718 полка 139-й стрелковой дивизии была поставлена задача овладеть высотой 224,1 у деревни Рубеженка, обеспечивающей удобный выход к реке Десна. Группу составляли в основном новосибирцы (17 человек были из г. Новосибирска, а 10 работали на заводе «Сибметаллстрой», ныне «Сибсельмаш»). Под командованием младшего лейтенанта Евгения Порошина бойцы смогли выполнить задачу и овладеть высотой, но были отсечены от основных сил 139-й стрелковой дивизии превосходящими силами противника. В течение всей ночи 18 солдат удерживали высоту, отбивая атаки превосходящих сил немцев – до 500 солдат, усиленных танками, артподготовкой и авиацией. К утру в живых осталось двое – Герасим Лапин (дончанин) и Константин Власов (сибиряк). Власова взяли в плен, он бежал из плена, воевал в партизанском отряде. Лапин был обнаружен подошедшим к утру подкреплением – боец лежал среди мертвых товарищей и был без сознания..
To put you in the picture. I don’t understand Russian. My son has just turned down a job he wanted in Russia, teaching English. The reason being, it was to teach English to 4 year old’s. He can’t do children. I am a sound and lighting engineer and people like what I do. Music is how I live. I have listened to the first song so far. The music was beautiful. To me it missed a female soprano. That would have added so much drama. If you know of the song done that way, I would love to hear it. I will get back to you on the other songs, probably tomorrow. Thank you for your kind consideration.
Thanks for your reply. Sadly, I’m not in a position to discuss music qualities – unlike you I’m a total dumb in this area. I would feel more comfortable if we talk race cars aero and chassis dynamics. My perception of music is simplistic = emotional. It was lirics I was referring to indicate how Russians feel about war. War = grief, there’s no way around it.
That singer – he died last year (canser)
Those were old (~ 60 years ) songs written by ww2 generation. I do believe that music (older folk music in particular) could be successfully used to learn about a nation mentality (soul?).
https://youtu.be/w2MRY1vUkaM https://youtu.be/AxAGLXom3uI https://youtu.be/w2MRY1vUkaM https://youtu.be/IlaqjRxHueU
On that German group singing. What do you mean by “What the difference is”?
I do really like Traditional Russian music, even if sung by the army choir. I just dont like to see uniforms. Polyushka Polye is probably my favourite and the version you put up is possibly the most beautiful I have heard. Russian folk is something I can listen to all day long.
“What the difference is”… I could be wrong but I think the words are far more significant to Russians than they are in the West. We often use silly words as you will know from the Beatles.
Honestly, it is difficult for me to understand English in songs (and German accent doesn’t help :)) But I agree that words are very significant.
Actually that German’s English was perfect. Here is a song that no one understands. The words were made up. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xUnSVTh8fI
I listened to the second song. Again beautiful and a bit same-ish. It doesn’t help that Tenor is not my thing. As a Brit, it doesn’t help that it is an army band. I once did sound for an RAF band and I was not impressed with that either. Musically, they were perfect. It is the uniform that doesn’t work. Tit for tat. Watch 6 minutes of this. Not British, German. Brits have never heard this or any other European music. Tell me what the difference is. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YlfMyx9iAD8
3rd song without subtitles. Again it’s the Tenor thing. He is good as is his use of light and shade. Does need a female soprano.
The holy trinity.
Damascus today…A picture is worth a thousand words:
It would be a loss to me if Southfront allows itself to become just another Jew-bashing site.