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MARCH 2025

Russia Jammed British Planes’ GPS Signals Over Cyprus: Report

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Russia Jammed British Planes' GPS Signals Over Cyprus: Report

Royal Air Force Tornado F3 aircraft. IMAGE: Reuters/David Moir

Military aircraft of British Royal Air Forces (RAF) faced hostile jamming of their GPS signals while flying from Cyprus, according to the report by The Times published on March 19. Russia is believed to be behind these non-military attacks. According to the sources in the UK military intelligence, Russia has repeatedly attempted to disrupt satellite communications on British military aircraft taking off from the Akrotiri airbase on Cyprus.

“Russia tried to jam the communications of the planes taking off, which is part of non-military confrontational activity,” anonymous source said, noting that such actions were carried out a transport plane for no apparent reason against .

Typhoon and F-35 fighter jets, A400M transport aircraft and Voyager troop planes are known to be hosted on RAF Akrotiri airbase on Cyprus. Some sources pointed to regular attempts to interfere with the satellite communications of the A400M transport aircraft.

The jamming has not resulted in any serious incident.

Russia Jammed British Planes' GPS Signals Over Cyprus: Report

Akrotiri airbase, Source: DigitalGlobe, April 2015

GPS-jamming equipment can be operated by aircraft, UAVs. More often it is carried on ground vehicles. The source of the GPS jamming on the Akrotiri airbase is believed to be from Syrian territory. As there are no evidence if Syrian forces have a necessary equipment to conduct such attacks on their own, Russia became the main suspect.

Britain maintains a permanent military presence in Cyprus. RAF Akrotiri airbase is known to be used as a staging ground for fly missions over Syria and Iraq, as well as a base of UK military intelligence.

Russia Jammed British Planes' GPS Signals Over Cyprus: Report

Akrotiri air base. Source: Wikipedia

The claims on jamming of RAF communications was made on the eve of publication of the report on new financial priorities for British armed forces in accordance to the newly released review of security, defence, development and foreign policy. In particular, it will outline the actions in ‘grey zone’ conflicts.

Taking into account the on-going media campaign against Russia, accusations of meddling in U.S. elections or provoking military escalation in Eastern Ukraine, another blaming from London is just in time to justify any British military buildup, as Moscow has been called the most ‘acute threat’ to U.K. security.


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Blas de Lezo

Meanwhile Netanyahu chits all over Putin in Syria.

Just Me

The US banana republic is faring even worse.

Many of dementia ridden Joe Biden’s presidential duties have been delegated to Vice President Kamala Harris.

Harris has taken over the role of speaking to world leaders from Biden, who goes to bed very noticeably earlier than his predecessors at 7 p.m. as the rapid mental deterioration takes hold.


Zombie Joe called her President Harris again. He called Trump “George” and a lot of other interesting gaffes.

People don’t realize how miraculous a talking Zombie is and make fun of him!


It will soon be a Hate Crime in the West to describe Sleepy Joe as a US president with advanced senile dementia. Couple this with his brain, that is more ‘Used car dealer’ than a competent world leader, and the US deserves its current accolade as the Laughing Stock of the globe.

johnny rotten

Now Xi also urgently requests a live summit with Zombie Joe, between Russia and China they have him in the bag, now it should be Iran and then Venezuela to ask for his presence, they will no longer be able to hide their failure.

Lost Empire

Hahaha! You really are a bad guy to talk like that to a “poor” old man. Now he will take the medicine and everything will be ok again

Lone Ranger

Meanwhile Putin chits all over nuttibubu in Syria. Fixed*🤗


Russia has also jammed Israeli civilian planes GPS flying in and out of NATBAG 2 years ago, for a couple of months. Ruskis comign to the ME and think they own the place, get the F out of here.

Just Me

Go back to Iraq you little rat PUNK.


Keep telling yourself that…..


What, you want a proof?


klove and light

little jew joey…..the thief, the rapist,the assasin the liar……. we knew 2000 years ago…

You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

Lazy Gamer

It will be an interesting study to determine onset of cancer to troops stationed at Hmeimim base for the next 5 years. Russia should be interested so as to modify their systems for safer use


How dare they!? They came with invitation and thought it gives them right to be invited. They are such an inconsiderate people that put their unarmed plane between Israeli jets (who were busy bombing the Syrian warmonger civilians for the good of mankind) and evil Syrian airdefence, endangering the Israeli pilot.

Only Americans have the right to come to this region (and every region for that matter) and do $#it! Everybody knows that.


Even if the U.S does some actions that you don’t agree with, does it mean Russia can disrupt the communications between Israeli CIVILIAN PLANES, INSIDE ISRAEL? being in Syria does not mean they can jam our civilian infrastructures, Bibi probably gave them something to stop it. That is why Putin wants him to win, he likes his puppets obedient.

klove and light

You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

Lone Ranger

Are you sure those were civilian planes? Come on you are smarter than that.


Read the link below Ranger.

Lone Ranger

Mossad is fameous for its white wash stories. Playing innocent. They are so good at it that most people still dont know that the attack on the USS Liberty was no accident… They created a whole string of fake evidence from radio communication, to written orders, even down to Knessed voting about various committies playing dumb in the investigation. Only the JFK assassination and 9/11 is comparable with that level of white wash and gaslighting. At this point Im pretty sure Israel is lead by traitors, its a deliberate effort to weaken, isolate and dismantle your country. You are worried about arabs, Iran, Russia but in my honest opinion these three combined are doing far less damage to Israel than the current establishment. Thats my personal opinion and I stand by it. Have a nice day :)


Well THATS the point! YOU finally have it. Well done! YOU and Israel dont belong in the Middle east. So Russia, who was invited by a nation that DOES belong in the Middle East, can do whatever the F@ck it wants to.


Speaking of puppets….

Ricky Miller

My guess is that Russian jamming is broad spectrum and affects civilian aircraft only because they happen to be traversing the targeted area. Israel opened itself up for this by using civilian flights over Syria during missile attacks from Israeli aircraft opening fire just outside of Syrian airspace. Israel knows full well that Russian standards on the Syrian air defense tightened after the friendly fire loss of a Russian aircraft several years ago and use these strictures as a pick to run closer firing approaches.


The way you put it (some actions of the US that “I” don’t agree with) I just fell in love with the US. Criminals destroy countries and murder people for crying outloud! Is what Russia allegedly did much more awful than attacking SYRIAN CIVILIANS IN THEIR HOMES WHILE ASLEEP INSIDE SYRIA HUNDREDS OF TIMES?

By the way, I’m really hopeful towards the very near future. My man might has a chance after all and I didn’t stop promoting him, didn’t lose hope, changed the opinion of 8 of you so far…

We still need him. Just promise if the 3 idiots win, you won’t rub it in my face too much!


I promise Garga :)

P.S about that incident – already proven it was a Syrian sharpnel from a failed explosion to intercept one of our missiles. Wasn’t us directly, and anyway it was not aimed at the Syrian civilians unlike Hezbollah aims towards Israelis.

I apologize for their death, I for one have never hurt unarmed civilians so my conscience is clean.

P.S 2, brought flowers and chocolates to my wife this friday just out of the blue, her smile was worth it , Thanks :-)


About the Russian plane, this is what your military does. Most of the time the IAF syncs the attacks with a civilian airliner landing which is an inhuman practice. God rest their souls and other victims of your regime’s attacks.


Yay! That’s my man! I’m proud of you. Really. Keep up the good work, just make sure NOT doing it predictably and be totally random. Sometimes do her chores in a not-so-honest way [evil laughter]. This is how it works: Wait for her to start a chore like vacuuming the house, wait for her to bring the vacuum cleaner and just as she is going to turn it on, go and take it off her hands and tell her to sit and rest because she deserves it. Be creative!

klove and light

ahhh missed you….little jew joey……raped any kids today???


Get used to it, Russia is in the ME to stay. Wait until they turn on Krasukha’s full spectrum of bands, your F-16 flying over the Bekka valley could easily crash into the mountains.


And what do you think would happen to their systems? guess again.


Why don’t you try and find out…..instead of mouthing off without any sense.


The best example I could give you is the S300, the moment it is being activated against our jets, it will be vaporized with anyone around it. The last time in 2018 when an F16 was shot down, Assad cried to Russia to stop the airstrikes which destroyed dozens assets of the SAA.


We are talking Russian EW, your F16’s will loose situational awareness and even the S200 can take them out.


We don’t have only airforce you know. I am not talking about hypothetical situations, fact is everytime our jets were targeted with AA fire, we destroyed the Syrian batteries who shot at them.


Quit talking about what happened long ago, you are living in the past. Delilah and Popeye stand off cruise missiles get shot down regularly by Syrian Buk M2 and Pantsirs. In the past you were able to overfly Syria….now you don’t. Your stand off weapons are an expensive POS, you claim to hit targets, however, IDF lies a lot and deceive themselves in regards to how successful their weapons and air strikes are.


We keep destroying their shipments, you can not deny it. Syria might shoot down some of our Delilah and Popeye missiles, but not all of them and we do hit our targets everytime we strike. Israel’s goal is not to kill the Syrian soldiers, only the Iranian / Hezbollah militants. As long as the SAA keeps hosting them in their bases, all of them will be targeted and we can do it from the ground too.

Ricky Miller

Unlikely. Israel isn’t about to target Russian personnel by choice, as it would lead to retaliation that degrades their actually narrow superiority over Egypt. And any threat to Russian personnel coaching Syrians on the operation of the S-300’s would quickly draw the involvement of Russia’s own far more capable S-400 system and the loss of Israeli combat aircraft. You can talk smack all you want but the only reason that Israel gets away with any strikes inside Syria at all is because Russia’s current Presidential Administration values relations with Israel, and secondly because Russia actually wants Iran’s wings clipped in Syria without doing it themselves or violating the trust of the Syrian government, who invited Iranian involvement. Absent those two above conditions Russia would exercise far more control over Syrian government controlled airspace.

Lone Ranger

You can thank Bibi and mossadisis for that… Highly counterproductive…. Aside from that Russia is there by invitation. Unlike the rest…


Evidence or STFU


Zion_Moron actually you should get the fuck out of occupied Palestine. The Synagogue of Satan loves to project their crimes onto others. How’s that Saturn worship going for you?


I am more Middle Eastern than most of you here and the Russians combined. so shut up.


I am Middle Eastern and I have zero claim on Palestine. Why then is the Yemeni or Iraqi Jew on that land? That land belongs to its natives and to no one else.



Pave Way IV

Someone jammed Ben Gurion somehow – nobody disputes that. But Russia doing this from a transmitting antenna at Khmeimim Air Base is kind of ridiculous. That would have also jammed GPS on all international air traffic anywhere along the route between the two points including that over Beirut.

There are regular reports of GPS problems in the Eastern Mediterranean, but not widespread and persistent Jamming would have easily been traced back to Khmeimim – no Intl. Space Station sensors needed. Unfortunately, Humphreys (from your Times of Israel article) is hoping we ignore the 84,000 ft. curvature of the earth from Khmeimim to Ben Gurion, and only if there were not mountains blocking the way (there are). So even if it was Russia (which makes common sense), they damn sure didn’t to it from Khmeimim as Humphreys and the U.S. government are claiming. Ben Gurion might have been an unintentional target if the Russians were trying to jam drone or military jets attacking Syria from that direction, but they wouldn’t do that for hours. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6406416d79e15f2baa0adb63ad185559c22a371803012fa0ce15d85b6c392413.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ae8d09065e0a241fbcaafa2af2eb942c1711099df980af4160249ad2d4a83169.png


Is the Ashkenazi not 100% European and needs to get the hell away from Arab land?


I know it’s unbelievably strange to doubt the British government’s word since they’re one of the most transparent and frank governments in the word and an absolute truth-tellers, but somehow a weird sound in the back of my head nags and nags and baselessly claims that the British jets and “transport” aircrafts might not be as innocent as they want us to believe.

British and American planes with tail numbers “N0T-5PY” and “#0N35T-N0T-4-5PY” innocently stroll parallel to Syrian coast to enjoy the sunset and make doughnuts near the Evil Russian Lair hoping to be friend with those Russkies, but those commies are asking to be sanctioned!

Ooohh! Now I know why. I forgot to wear my tinfoil hat!

Just Me


Yemeni army and Ansarallah launch new drone strike on Aramco facility in Saudi capital

Yemen’s army says it has successfully carried out another drone strike against a facility belonging to oil giant Aramco in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, in retaliation against the kingdom’s ongoing military aggression and siege against its southern neighbor.

General Yahya Saree, spokesman for the Yemeni army, announced in a series of tweets on Friday that six drones had been used in the retaliatory attack that hit the oil facility “with high precision” at dawn, without specifying the type of the UAVs and the exact location of the target. Independent reports confirm several fires at the Aramco facility.

viktor ziv

British gentlemen are know NOT to lie, but are known NOT to tell the truth. LooooL

Pave Way IV

the British jets and “transport” aircrafts might not be as innocent as they want us to believe.

B.. but they were full of BABIES. Innocent babies… in incubators. What kind of monster are you, Garga?


A handsome one!

Assad must stay

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFRbZJXjWIA hahahaha

Jean de Valette

«Russia is believed to be behind these non-military attacks» «The source of the GPS jamming on the Akrotiri airbase is believed to be from Syrian territory»

Belived to be…… Sure, very good sources.


Well, it IS “highly likely”!


Its also ‘ Highly Likely ‘. :)

johnny rotten

In this new complaint, only the novichock is missing, we look forward to seeing how they will manage to insert it, but do the British never stop complaining and accusing others of what they do first?


“”” Russia tried to jam the communications of the planes taking off, which is part of non-military confrontational activity,” ”””

Russia did not try, Krasukah EW has jamming range of almost 300kms, and has the ability to mute satellite signals….they are deployed in Syria. That is an area where US and its NATO poodles are deficient to Russian capabilities.

klove and light

jew satanics

You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

Lone Ranger

Wehehe. Mi6 trolls will cry and rage :)

Just Me

The British beggars have same Tornado junk that the Ansarallah have downed with Soviet era SAM-6 lol


But don’t worry: they have arranged to buy hundreds of F-35s at a bargain basement price of only $100 million each (plus optional engine – safer without, IMHO).

Just as the Yanks finally come out and admit they are dropping the whole program.

Who else could have done such a good job?

Dick Von Dast'Ard

I believe they have been retired since 2019, UK has just the Eurofighter Typhoon multirole fighter, and then only around 100 available to the RAF in an operational state.

Raptar Driver

Maybe their shitty jets just malfunctioned?

Pave Way IV

The source of the GPS jamming on the Akrotiri airbase is believed to be from Syrian territory.

Whaat? It doesn’t work like that, as far as I know. All GPS in between Syria and Cyprus would have been jammed as well. You can’t bend the radio energy of jamming over the top of areas you don’t want affected. It’s line of sight. You would have to do it with a satellite if you wanted localized jamming like that.

The claims on jamming of RAF communications was made on the eve of publication of the report on new financial priorities for British armed forces…

What a coincidence. Color me shocked.


England: thirty million, mostly idiots. Thomas Carlyle


A Scot. Of course.

Diana Cornwell

If the Russians are capable of jamming GPS signals over Cyprus all the way from Syria, for no good reason, or perhaps to try their technology, or just for fun — why didn’t the Russians jam Azeri/NATO/Turkish/Israeli drones exterminating their de jure Armenians allies who were helpless against them? Had the Russians jammed the Azeri drones, their Armenian allies would not have lost the Karabakh war.

The Russians have been backstabbing their Armenian allies since 1917 at least. The Russians were the Turks’ main ally in the genocidal war the Turks perpetrated against the Greeks and the Armenians in 1919-1922. The Russians delivered all of western Armenia to the Turks instead of the Armenians.

So blame the Armenians for their traitorous and ineffective leadership and stupid mistakes. But I hope no-one will ever forget the Russians’ treachery and will think twice before doing business with the Russians.

For all their faults, Neither America nor Britain ever let their allies down by betraying them openly — especially when they could help their allies at *no cost* to them.

Show me one instance where NATO countries refused to save one of their allies by turning on a few electronic warfare devices.

You may not like America, but think twice before falling in love with the Russians. It may cost you life, limb and country.


Delusional Diana strikes again. Either you truly believe the BS you write or you are here to intentionally mislead people. Either way you should be writing on bathroom stalls.


Oh Diana, the hot grandmother, I’m so very happy to see you! I have to stop dancing around and ask you straight: Are you single/available? I promise to explain why I asked.

cechas vodobenikov

anglos are betrayal experts—-your treachery and imperialism has turned you into a bitter, insecure failed Covid dictatorship always nice to read a projection from a hypocrite—r u paid by CIA per word or comment obviously u do not comprehend “de jure” nor the meaning “ally” LOL

mike hutchings

Just a little cruzin nothing to see here….oh look at the whales

Assad must stay

hhaahahaahhahhahahaahahhahahahhahaha good


This was in the times,its owned by the oligarch Rupert Murdoch,its all part of the hysteria about Russia,its for the herd in the UK,those terrible Russians again,of course they don’t provide any evidence,because its fiction.

Simon Ndiritu

So what?? British and American poodle can take placards and go demonstrate in Moscow next to the Kremlin.


‘anonymous source’ providing the detailsof the article usually means full tilt bullshit concocted in westminster. but if true the russians must improve their jammers so that the f35s of whatever setting off from cyprus airbase fall flat on their asses into the sea.


The ramshackle, badly-maintained comms equipment malfunctioned.

What to do?

Keep calm and blame Russia!


Dick Von Dast'Ard

Russian MoD is politely telling the British MoD to get out of town, or be run out of it.

Akrotiri airbase is no longer viable as a secure British base.


Russia’s Electronic Warfare capabilities are ‘eye-watering’ to NATO when they tried to pretend they were helping Syria in 2015.

Then the British Defence Minister of the time of the Skripal (‘lacks scruples’) ‘poisoning’ telling Russia to sit down and shut up and showing him for the boorish upper class spoiled brat when compared next to stately professional Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov

Yet the poodle after Brexit still on NATO’s behalf running interference in Syria and not learning their lesson while they eagerly jail and harass their people for not wanting to wear the mask in this scamdemic. Maybe they need Russia to keep reminding them of how far away the UK is from Syria.

Rodney Loder

Allah (swt) is swerving Russia and China away from maggot Israel, Netanyahu just 3 years ago said Israel was married to China, and most influential Jew maggots living in Israel are Russian, because the vermin Jews looted the Soviet Union before leaving, the ones that stayed converted to Orthodox anti Christianity. Allah (swt) is on-to these grubs, the homosexual Sid Loder and his disciples can no longer protect them since they can no longer claim I will be the queer himself after a few more decades of torments as I haven’t got a few more decades left.

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