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MARCH 2025

Russia Launches Hypersonic Missile On Military Facility In Ukraine. Clashes Reach Center Of Mariupol

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Russia Launches Hypersonic Missile On Military Facility In Ukraine. Clashes Reach Center Of Mariupol

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On March 19, the Russian Defense Ministry revealed that it has used its hypersonic missile systems to strike targets in Ukraine.

According to the statement, on March 18, a strike with the Kinzhal hypersonic missile system destroyed a large underground storage facility for missiles and aviation ammunition of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Delyatin, Ivano-Frankivsk Region.

At the same time, Russian forces used the Bastion coastal missile system to strike and destroy radio surveillance centers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Velikiy Dalnik and Velikodolynskoye, Odessa Region.

The Russian side says that during the night of March 19, 69 Ukrainian military facilities were targeted by Russian tactical, army and unmanned aviation. Among them: four command posts, including the brigade command post in Zabuyanye, four anti-aircraft missile systems (three S-300s and one Buk-M1), one radar guiding and targeting station, three multiple rocket launchers, 12 rocket and artillery weapons depots and 43 equipment accumulation sites. Air defence means of the Russian Aerospace Forces shot down 12 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles in the air.

According to the Russian side, since the start of the military operation, Russian forces have destroyed 196 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles, 1,438 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 145 multiple rocket launchers, 556 field artillery and mortars, as well as 1,237 units of special military vehicles.

On top of this, the Russian side released a fresh video of strikes on military targets in Ukraine.

One of the videos shows the strike on a reconnaissance and sabotage unit (with four vehicles) of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with high-precision weapons.

Another one shows the work of Russian military helicopters (Ka-52) that destroyed a strong point and military equipment of Kyiv’s forces.

As to the military developments on the ground, the situation in the north and northeast of Ukraine (Kyiv, Sumy, Chernihiv, Kharkiv) remained relatively same. The main military developments are ongoing in the south and east.

As of March 19, even pro-Kyiv sources confirm that fighting reached the center of the city amid the successful evacuation of civilians from the area by Russian and DPR forces.

Local members of pro-Kyiv units complain that their MANPADs do not work against Russian aviation and ask Zelensky for air defense means. Apparently, they do not know that Kyiv authorities already claimed that they will not going to try to de-block the city.

A detained member of pro-Kyiv forces confirm earlier reports that members of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, in particular the Azov battalion, prevent evacuation of civilians and even open fire at them if they try to leave Mariupol:

Images of Mariupol city show the blocked roads and the evacuation of civilians towards the DPR-controlled area:

Russia Launches Hypersonic Missile On Military Facility In Ukraine. Clashes Reach Center Of Mariupol

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Russia Launches Hypersonic Missile On Military Facility In Ukraine. Clashes Reach Center Of Mariupol

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At the same time, DPR units reportedly entered the town of Mariinka in the sector east of Donetsk city. This area is a well-fortified strongpoint of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Its fall will mark the further collapse of pro-Kyiv forces’ defense east of Donetsk.

The fighting continues in the Severodonetsk-Lysichansk agglomeration amid efforts to LPR troops to outflank defense of Kyiv’s forces there. The town of Rubezhone just north of Severodonetsk and Lysichansk is already being secured by LPR forces.


The situation for pro-Kyiv forces has significantly deteriorated in Mykolaiv Region. The provincial capital is almost fully blocked by advancing Russian troops. Local authorities loyal to Kyiv complain about strikes of ‘civilian targets’ (i.e. military infrastructure) and vow to defeat the ‘aggressor’. The advance in Mykolaiv Region creates a strong foothold for further operations on the western bank of Dnipro River in the south of Ukraine. Nonetheless, the storm of the city itself will likely not take place in the coming days.

The main focus of the Russian side is currently the elimination of the grouping of pro-Kiyv forces in the region of Donbass.

The impact of the strike on a facility with Ukrainian combat aircraft at the aircraft repair plant in the city of Lviv:

Russia Launches Hypersonic Missile On Military Facility In Ukraine. Clashes Reach Center Of Mariupol

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Meanwhile, the Ukrainian leadership inspired by the Russian attempts to avoid civilian casualties by avoiding the storm of Kyiv continues to make victorious statements. Just on March 19, Volodimir Zelensky released a new statement claiming that he is ready for negotiations to restore ‘territorial integrity’ of Ukraine.

“It’s time to meet. Time to speak. Time has come to restore territorial integrity and justice for Ukraine,” he said.

In other words, NATO-backed Ukrainian speaking heads continue to pretend that they are in the position to make demands. No doubts, if one believes Ukrainian media, he will expect to see Ukrainian battle tanks in Moscow city soon.

The day before, the head of the Russian negotiating delegation, Vladimir Medinsky, said that the representatives of Kyiv and Moscow were able to “bring their positions as close as possible” on one of the key points of the negotiations – the issues of the neutral status of Ukraine and its non-entry into NATO. Apparently, this became possible after NATO repeatedly publicly signaled that it is not gong to accept Ukraine as a member state any time in the foreseeable future. So, now, the Kyiv government tries to pretend that the understanding of this ‘complex matter’ is a signal of the readiness of Moscow to accept Kyiv’s demands.


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jens holm

Attack and Destruction Minister might be the correct titel.

Those russians certainly are hyper in it worst versions.

Arnold dont like it. So far 26 mio. outisde Russia has listend to him. Him too.


Arnold? Lol. GTFO



Many on here do not understand how someone can be against both sides of the current geopolitical struggle. What you don’t seem to get is how many non-whites hold misplaced racial animosity towards Whites and know nothing about jewish supremacist control.

This malice goes much deeper than historical events, often exaggerated or taken out of context while ignoring what they had done to others (including but not limited to whites).

Since they often lack the capacity for self-introspection, they clearly do not care and believe the misinformation over reality. They were geared to hate whites for colonialism when whites are by far and large not the only people who engaged in imperialism decided upon by their rulers, most people only want to live their lives in peace and harmony, and fight to survive.

There are intelligent people out there, but there is a spectrum of those who are brighter than others. Might is right in their eyes and racial harmony was never a trend anywhere throughout history. All of the humanitarian propaganda since the 60s and prior is untenable, it was only intended to cause instability. We merely want our own countries back and everyone else can have theirs. Unfortunately the world never works that way and there can never be harmony between peoples.

Last edited 2 years ago by HansGunther

What exactly any of that has to do with this text? Or his comment?? You just find first or second comment on every thread and then copy paste your random nonsense.

Actually forget it, I won’t feed the troll…


I just keep posting BS. I enjoy myself. Is that a crime?

jens hoIm

Iam verry enjoy your bs as well. It makes me verry wet almost as Arnold. Perhaps wee can enjoy a drink together at my place :)

Catalin Nazdravan

Is ur anglo saxon pros****** called “mother” home? Some children to be abused dear fascist-capitalist anglo paedophilic and genocidal scum???


2 nazis drinking semen


Yet you defend the jewkraine, why is that?


“but there is a spectrum of those who are brighter than others.”

Surely, you are not alluding that you are one of these enlightened super intelligent beings, are you? Shit for brains would be a complement for you, that is a good standard for you.

Abu Muhammad Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Is easy to distinguish the stupid from the wise and enlightened. Those who worship gods belong to the former. They can make up up to 72% of a country’s population.

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

Russia is on a winner and even the trolls have lost. SLAVA ROSSIYA!


Yraa yraa yraaa


What do you think of the Quran passage that refers to Jews hide ng behind trees and Muslims being called to kill them? I’m curious how on your opinion and how it relates to sionism

Abu Muhammad Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

All religions should be eradicated if one is to save the planet earth.

Against the West

Starting with Western liberalism, which is a religion.

Abu Muhammad Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

So you mean being liberal is a religion !? You are probably one of the idiots who has inherited a religion or been told by others what to believe. A faith where the choice is one of the 16,000 gods of the world. Having a critical sense is probably a new word for you.

you stupid arkansas hillbillies are morons—this is why you have a senile moron prez

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

Even MSM is tired of western lies and fabrications. The Kiev Nazi drugs addicts are going down and no one can save the hoholoassholes. SLAVA ROSSIYA!

The evidence gathered from sources in Warsaw and from analysis of the videos and photographs published on the meeting proves there was no “long journey”; no meeting in Kiev or in Lvov, the Galician region capital, which is the operating headquarters of the Ukrainian government. From the evidence provided by the Poles and also by Zelensky’s publicity staff, it is now clear that only a small part of western Ukraine remains in Ukrainian hands. Zelensky himself is now in Polish hands.

The Warsaw sources say the idea for the summit meeting was initiated by Polish Deputy Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski. Since the death of his twin brother in an aircraft crash at Smolensk, Russia, in 2010, Kaczynski has been one of the most influential politicians in Poland; he is in charge of the defence, security, interior and justice ministries. He is fiercely anti-Russian.


So basically ukronazi snipers can hide in civilian buildings to kill other soldiers ? Seriously ? You’re an idiot.

Last edited 2 years ago by JanZ

impotent nazi frizzy grunting—you moron nazi hillbilly arkansas inferiors are incapable of harmony—you are morally culturally diseased




Fox, that says it all.


Fox News ofc you fuking g0y. Sucking on g0y post as well?


senile arkansas nazi slurp too much lgbt semen



jens holm

Im ready to deploy with my danish tranny spec ops unit. I have my purse high heels lipstick dildos and hormone injections ready.

Tom Bombastadillo

Don’t forget your butt pumping party apparati.


and your pink camo

Tom Bombastadillo

Ahnold the Gropernator is a corrupt, senile old man wh’s had too many facelifts. An intellect he is not.


“Texas City Council Meeting Alex Stein rapped about killing Vladimir Putin.” 🤣🤣



Jesus…. just nuke them, nuke them all.

U S Asylum

Jewish fag screaming how Putin is a bad racist?? If these degenerates hate him so much, he must be right.

Last edited 2 years ago by U S Asylum

You clearly don’t know Alex Stein, the guy is sarcastic.


amerikant nazis impotent–you are proof…you can only submissively slurp lgbt semen

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

FaggotZelensky living it up in Poland as US media exposes propaganda. Veterans Today magazine report.

The summit meeting of East European leaders, hosted in Kiev by Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky on March 15 was fabricated by the Polish government, with Polish secret service agents playing the part of journalists, and fake photographs of the meeting, press briefing, and train journey prepared by Zelensky’s press office.

The operation was designed by the Poles to promote their role in support of Ukraine, the Ukrainian refugees, and in defence of Europe against Russia, and seek new European, American, and NATO alliance funds and military equipment.


exactly. he appeared infront of a green screen again. why if he is Kiev?

William White

Awnid de genius!

pens holm

Lobotomized chimpanzee from Aarhus ZOO posting idiotic gibberish again….


Butthurt nazi scum?

jens holm

That is verry incorrect. I always use vaseline so not butthurt. Iam not Nazi but Nazis are sometiomes verry sexy. Like Arnold.


Pen!s holm your tears make me happy :)

Cry and rage more please!

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

Even though you are not a Danish cupcake, Russia has liberated a land area 20 times the size of tiny Denmarkshithole. The Russian military now has 100% domestic support and will clean out the whole Nazi drug addicted trash from Kievan Rus, SLAVA ROSSIYA!

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan



If Russia has 100% support, why do they even have to fight? 🤷

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

Russia is fighting drug addicts, Nazis and fascists in Kievan-Rus and our population understands it. The hoholassholes are on their knees begging for a ceasefire but the brave armed forces of the Russian Federation will continue Operation Z until all threats to mother Russia are eliminated. So-called Ukraine simply does not exist anymore, all of gay Zelensky videos are made in Poland as exposed by US media even. SLAVA ROSSIYA!


So much hatred and no argument. 🤷

Desperate times for Russia, can they staff everything for their advances, will there be any advances now?

We will see, taking care of supply lines, the convoys themselves and the advances with just 200k soldiers, who have very low morale and fighting spirit? What will be left for the battles then?

Sure, artillery still can turn everything into rubble, but how does that serve Russian interests, to piss of local people, bringing them up against Russian forces?

Dozens of cities which are prepared for battle will require far more troops than what Russia has right now.

Ghost of Zelensky

Oh really? How many soldiers Ukros still have? Real soldiers not just some conscripted militia? If 14.000+ most fanatical, battle hardened fanatics are indeed defending Mariupol, how many they need for 10+ other cities? How do you think they can cover all cities plus all lines between them? You think they can maintain stable frontlines on such large territory? With what imaginary troops, Steiner and Ghosts of Snake island? or they are just going to hide in cities until one by one is encircled and isolated? How they are going to replace destroyed artillery, their main weapon in this war? Or skilled artillerists? Officers?

They must have great morale and fighting spirit lol, that’s why they massively running to other countries (even masquerading as women lol). Same as foreigners, most of them already fled. Or died. Great morale. You delusional idiot.

So much bullshit and no brain 🤷

Last edited 2 years ago by Ghost of Zelensky

Frontlines? You are stuck in Soviet era doctrines? Even Mudschaheddin didn’t fight like that.

If we take 2020 numbers, then Ukraine had 209k active soldiers, 900k reserves and 102k militia. Overall 1.3 million service people.

Even if we would count that half the soldiers would be gone, which is extremely unlikely, far more than enough to take out attackers who have to run against well covered defenses.

And so far there are no signs that Russia would add new soldiers to their forces. Nor are there any significant moves by them visible yet.

Russia is waging a losing war. The very reason Russia is using its only main weapon left, artillery. Everything else is mostly hype. This is a war of attrition and Russia only understood this a few days ago.

Ghost of Zelensky

Yeah, frontlines exist in war, it must be something new for you haha Soviet doctrine? You absolutely have no idea what you babbling about, just total rubbish. Mujahedeen? What a great example – to show how clueless you are lol. They were not an army but bunch of guerrillas & bandits mostly imported by CIA and trained in Pakistan. Nothing to do with this.

“service people” wtf that even means idiot? 200k military personnel, reservists are civilians who served army and may be mobilized (no one guarantee they will be). What you call militia is police force and gendarmerie. So how many of those 200k they already lost, KIA, WIA, POW? You said ‘dozens’ of cities, let’s say 10k per 12 cities = 120.000, big cities like Kiev, Odessa, Khrakov need more troops. They need at lest 150.000 just to cover cities. Reservists and civilian volunteers are garbage. You think they don’t need supplies? You think they don’t need to control any smaller settlements, lines of communication? Reserves? No they’ll just park in your mothers bedroom and wait for Ruskies, right?

War of attrition? Again, you have no idea what you babbling about you complete moron. Russians are experts in attritional warfare, only you don’t understand what it means. let me explain you basics: simply saying armies have two modes – offensive and attrition. Russians switched to war of attrition 10-12 days ago on all fronts except in Donetsk; deblocking Donetsk is their priority, plus destroying veteran UAF formations in SE. On other fronts they assumed defensive position, use their superior firepower to soften and suppress enemy forces, gradually annihilating them, their ability to conduct offensive maneuvers, their artillery, logistic and and command. When they finish with Donetsk they’ll start offensive on some other front. And then on another. They can choose when and where to focus. Ukros can’t. Russians have everything under control yet you complete imbeciles watch Mickey Mouse garbage on CNN and Youtube and believe ridiculous stories and wet dreams of western psychos.

Go play with your dolls, you don’t shit about military, silly kid.

Last edited 2 years ago by Ghost of Zelensky

loki is senile old lady in arkansas village


No, Loki is right. ‘Ghost of Z’, did it ever come to your downgraded homunculus mind, that it is the civilian population of Ukraine which your stupid Putin invader poopers are fighting against ? That’s why Russia can only lose. If you come into hostile territory fighting up to 60 to 80% of the population + their army, and the country having open borders to supportive countries, which pour a never ending stream of weapons, ammunition and supplies into the ring, then you should know, that there is no winning this thing.

The Ukrainian Army will fight on, but will – over time – more and more transform into different insurgent armies. And till that moment another 2-3 or 5 thousand russian invaders morons will be dead, and become a model for their comrades who will soon follow them on their way to hell, while Russia is drawn deeper and deeper into this hellish quagmire of no return.

Within 2 months Russia will then have lost nearly half the amount of troops it lost in the round about 10 year long Afghanistan war. Repeat: in just 2 months ! And the western war-machine has just begun and is starting to warm up, and is not even half way on full capacity modus yet. So now, even before the real war has even started masses of russian are already lying around dead in Ukraine like torched ants and squeezed stinky little beetles. And the bigger and more devastating the weapons the invader scum is using the more painful they shoot themselves into the foot, without even getting it.

That is the thing that makes guerilla wars so unwinnable for the invader. With every enemy you kill, you’re calling another 5 or 10 into life. The more you kill, the harder and tougher the enemy becomes. And soon, there is no distinguishing between civilian and enemy soldier anymore. Just millions of enemies and death-traps everywhere. Slowly even the russians start to realize the gigantic shit avalanche which Putin has kicked loose onto them. There is no way out for Putin anymore. The invasion ran into a quagmire and is sinking in deeper and deeper, with every passing day.

But the sad, bigger picture is, that there is likely also ‘no way out’ from World War 3 for all of Europe anymore.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sörenson

halfwit amerikant moron—we have already defeated USA colony former ukraine…your desperate lies are proof

Abu Muhammad Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

The column is the supply line.

The columns run the supply lines.

Abu Muhammad Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Correct. The columns are the supply line.


nazi moron farcical


Schweig, jude!


desperate nazi loki arkansas hillbilly scum—projecting like all feminized amerikants


because of us mercenaries and cia funded nazi scum


Us sensible adults can always count on you the resident child to bring a little gaiety to the comments section. 👍


“Attack and Destruction Minister might be the correct title.”

Coming from a NATO pig, ISIS + Zion + Neo-Nazis which fuking terrorist group didn’t you pigs support to the end? huh?

Look at yourself in a mirror just for once.


impotent senile jens loser

R. Nakagawa

Watch this video, see the other side and consider who you support: https://youtu.be/o5FfbXPMcsk

Capt. Steven Hiller, USMC

Excellent work russian aerospace forces!!! I would not want to be on the receiving end of a kinzhal! LOL

Hungary Guy

Neither the US Carrier in the Adriatic…


Dear diary: Day 3 and Ukraine invasion… errhh, war ….. errhh pussy operation is already successful. My Russian intelligence general told me. My pilot somehow doesn’t want to fly to Kiev yet, not sure why.

~The Vlad

Dear diary: Day 23 and my intelligence general is no longer under house arrest, I got him up to speed. Hue hue hue.

Now I showed them how fast the Russian military really is. Hyper hyper!

~The Vlad


Nice to see a butthurt nazi.


Thanks for showing yourself, you nazi. Now, couldn’t you die in Mariupol? Would have made it easier for Kiev. 🤷


Oy vey. Just got the news. My beloved Azovisis is toast. Beheaded or shot. Oy oy…


Ah, look, my imposter shows me how important I’m to him.

Never thought I would have groupies cheering for me. 🤭

hans raus

You are also very important and dear to me. Almost as Jens Holm.


Ohh Hans! 🥰🤪


He stupidos, you have to down vote me, that wasn’t my groupy. 😂


We downvote someone when his comment is complete crap. If its not or somewhat funny, whats the point of downvoting, regardless who it comes from? Some advice: don’t take things so personal. Also sorry to disapoint you, but trolling someone is not being groupie, it’s actually opposite of that.

Ah but who I am telling it to…. you Ukranians never learn, you have memories of goldfishes.


I’m having my fun with the ones hating without argument, don’t worry. 😉

The Objective

Lame ^


Yes, that’s a good point you make. Putin put his chief intelligence general under arrest. That says it all. But russia-fanboys here still believe the Ukraine operation is going according to Putin’s plan.

Personally, I think the real plan (of the satanic masters, the true rulers behind this war) is to start World War 3 in order to deflect attention of the world’s masses away from the global mRNA ‘vaccination’ genocide commited by the jews against all other nations. Jew Putin got orders from his master’s command-board to start war immediately, because all the Corona and pandemia-lies were starting blowing up into Rothschild’s face, and everywhere more and more people started realizing that it’s the Jews behind this whole corona-hoax, full intentionally destroying the economy and lifes of millions of them around the world.

So Putin was ordered to start the war immediately, and had thus no time to plan or organize a structured and effective invasion, but just went in with the stuff at hand at that moment. And the outcome we see today. Mountains of dead russian invader boys, Putin destroying everything he was once respected for, and Ukrainians hating and resisting the invader forces more and more with every passing day.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sörenson

I am more interested as the why they used the Kinzhal. To evade nato/ukrop radars? Because its penetration power is so high that it can go inside an underground fortified bunker with easy?

Maybe the second, because I don’t remember the russians targeting things underground in the last 3 weeks.


Probably because it was an underground hangar like you said, or maybe just to send Ukraine a message that Ukraine can be flattened at Russia’s leisure at any time. Gullible minions like Blinken also seem to genuinely think that they can win a war against Russia but the truth is, a war between Russia and Nato would be completely one sided. Russia can take out all military bases in the EU within literal minutes with their hypersonic missiles.


For sure you will die without hearing it incoming

Pedo Andy

Russians are doing great in overall strategic sense and have brought the hoholassholes to their knees. Russia will now dig in and deliver severe punches as it has readjusted its tactics to do maximum damage to the KievNazifaffots as Odessa is liberated next. SLAVA ROSSIYA!


So finally Russians started to change tactics which was awful and pushing their heavy-hitters to the stage.Well,if there is anyone assuming Ukrainian victory in this forum,he can start to finger himself cuz pain often brings clarity.Uncomparable resources,Ukraine lost the war already.Farewell.

Peppe il Sicario

Russia has been toying with them, spiting the West all along. They haven’t even started to fight yet. When that happens a lot of grown men will be crying like little boys, or whatever is left of them.


I already see videos from Azov thugs crying like sissies.


Im already crying and raging. My beloved azovnazis are toast😭

hans raus

Don’t worry Steiner’s counter attack will fix everything.


Hans, don’t sleep with my imposter. 🤭


Der Angriff Steiners war Befehl!


Der Angriff Steiners war ein Befehl!

Just “ein”was missing. 👍


As if it was simple to just shoot Kinzhals everywhere. You would have 3 million ukrainians dead by now.


That’s the point, nobody wants Ukrainians dead. There are so many easy targets in this conflict and yet Russia doesn’t take them. Example is those servicemen rescuing or checking for damage in their dozens after strikes to weapons depots or air bases. A couple cruise missiles could cause some serious damage, but why? The idea is not to kill Ukrainian soldiers, it’s to get Kiev to be neutral, demilitarized (read equipment and Azov) and de-nazified.

Hungary Guy

Why the need to fire hypersonics? Were these heavliy defended by Air- Defense or just a show- off to NATOstan?


There are still some in the US leadership who don’t believe Russia has working hypersonic weapons … they also argue that Russian nukes won’t launch and Russian air defences don’t work.

Probably no coincidence that the Russians decided to demonstrate these weapons while the USA is deploying 100,000 + force to Poland. It really would be a shame if NATO air forces went to war only to find that there is no place to land what’s left of their air force at the end of their first mission.

Yamil Perez is a gay faggot

More USA troops in Poland near Russian border than on their own Mexico border lolz :D


Good thing. The russians just need to arm the cartels, sit back with popcorn and watch.

Yamil Perez

Hey is it a crime to be a gay neonazi russophobe? No need to be rude. I only want to praise Bandera and kill some ruskies.


They should ask the Bayraktars about russian anti-air systems. The much vaunted turkish drones are falling like flies.


I think all TB-2s have been shot down. The Russians haven’t said anything about them for 48 hours now despite downing several unmanned vehicles


NATO eyes and ears are all on Ukraine. Gives the perfect opportunity to show off the technology in a live-fire scenario as warning


A high value weapons storage target was destroyed and a warning to HATO was also made. Its a Russian 2 for one meal deal, LOL.

Bravo Russia.


I think to penetrate the undeground bunker. Another explanation could be because of nato using its radars to send info to the ukrops. But I think they have been sending data since day one, without being able to detect the Kalibr missiles.

So the first hypothesis is the most probable.


Kinzhal works as a bunker-buster due to his kinetic force

Muhammad your Prophet

Because Putin the terrorist cockroach just depleted the cruise missiles, Scooby. You’d already know the answer if the Putin cockroaches weren’t living in a delusional state of denial.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
Muhammad your Prophet

Because Putin the heroic liberator is still far from depleting the cruise missiles stocks and he wants the NATO scum to wet their pants, Scooby. You’d already know the answer if the NATO cockroaches weren’t living in a delusional state of denial.

Muhammad your Prophet

Putin the heroic liberator. Look at this demented cockroach.😂😂😂😂😂

Muhammad your Prophet

I can’t think of an insult other than cockroach. 😂😂😂😂😂 I achieved my goal of being the most unfunny unoriginal troll, Scooby. I am bad even at shitposting.

Muhammad your Prophet

The Putin cockroach is crying now. He doesn’t like being a demented lunatic.

Muhammad your Prophet

Putin is a heroic liberator and yes I, Yamil Perez, am a demented cockroach.😂😂😂😂😂

Muhammad your Prophet

He keeps crying, Scooby. He can’t stop crying because Putin cockroaches aren’t laughing.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
Muhammad your Prophet

He keeps laughing, Scooby. He can’t stop laughing because NATO cockroaches are too funny


Less than 0.1% of the cruise missiles were used. That’s okay, you will seethe, you will cope and you’ll continue to be irrelevant.


This has made military history that an air launched hypersonic missile that travels minimum 3 kilometers a second was used against a live target.


Perhaps better not to use at all. If it fails to detonate, and it happens, they can bring remains to Americans.


This thing is hitting the ground at mach 11 … the kinetic energy alone would destroy the missile. Besides this missile is basically the warhead of an Iskander launched @50,000 ‘ by an aircraft flying at mach 2+ instead of being launched from a rocket. Turkey already has Iskander missiles that failed to detonate from Armenia so you can bet the US has it too … it won’t help them build a hypersonic cruise missile though … completely different kettle of fish.


Yes, but what if engine fails or something? If it falls in water, sand, mud, who knows. Risk is too great IMO.


This is an areo ballistic missile not a cruise missile. A Mig-31 flying at close to mach 3 and a 50,000′ drop are the engine.

Marklin Gun

Russians are now entering day 24 of the special military operation to take Kyiv in two days 😁.

Hungary Guy

Kiev will surrender by itself. That Idiot Klitschko handed out military grade weapons to freed convicts and civilians on 25th February. With still no Russian forces in Kiev- those idiots must be shooting each other & the inhabitants of the city. They will be hanged by their own Peoples. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jm2gFN3ASXs

Last edited 2 years ago by Hungary Guy

They were never going to take it in two days. They knew it and you know it. There was some hope in Moscow that cabal in Kiev would see sense but my guess is it was faint indeed. I don’t remember the Russians every committing to that timeline. Maybe you can point me in direction of an article that states that. Do tell please!


Sorry, the article has been taken down already, but if you want you can still find copies in the net. 🤷

Doesn’t matter really, the Russian intelligence general responsible is under house arrest anyway.


Look Loki… they can be in Warsaw in two day if they want as well.. It all would hinge on the weapons they use.. they would have to flatten everything from Belarus border to Capital to do it but they could Nuclear weapons, carpet bombing area saturation MLRS, MOABS, fuel air bombs.. It would turn Kiev into rubble and millions of people would be killed but it could be done. And even now the A-team is still not on the field. When you start seeing T-90M and T-14 in the order of battle instead of a preponderance of T-72’s then you’ll know things are getting serious. Well, they are getting serious because now it appears that Putin is using the hypersonic missiles he was whacking on about…

I can’t find article you allude to..

I did find this

General Peter Pavel … said that Russia would be able to occupy the Baltic states in two days, if it wishes, the Czech media reported.

According to the general, the same time the Russian soldiers will need for the occupation of Kiev. Pavel added that NATO in its current state is unlikely to have time to respond to such aggression.

The general explained that Russia could decide on an attack on another country quickly, since it would not have to coordinate it with anyone. At the same time, 28 NATO member states would need time to negotiate a difficult decision about a war with Russia.

Relationship between Russia and NATO lately remain tense against the background of the armed conflict in the east of Ukraine. NATO accuses Russia of directly supporting the separatists of Donbass, and the Russian side denies these accusations.

Also, today the Kremlin responded to the assumption of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

The question of Russia’s likely invasion of Ukraine is inappropriate, said Russian Presidential Spokesman Dmitry Peskov. Thus, he commented on the assumption of NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg that Moscow is using military exercises to conceal the transfer of troops to the territory of a neighboring country, reports RIA News.

“We consider the question and formulation of the invasion into Ukraine inappropriate as such,” he said, noting that the question of the movement of military units in Russia should be asked to the Ministry of Defense.

May 25 in aviation and air defense forces of the Central Military District on the orders of Russian President Vladimir Putin launched a sudden test of combat readiness. Its goal is to prepare for the strategic exercise “Center-2015”. The combined strategic command Center, the 2 command of the Air Force and Air Defense, as well as part of the air formations of the long-range command of the Western and Southern military districts are brought to full combat readiness.

12 of thousands of military men, around 250 airplanes and helicopters, 689 units of other military equipment participate in the verification. Also within the framework of the exercises, long-range aviation aircraft will work out strikes with cruise missiles on the ground targets of a conditional enemy at the Pemboi test range (Republic of Komi, north-west Russia).


Wall of text Russian generals praising themselves much?


Can they still praise themselves too?

Mayor General Andrey Mordvichev Mayor General Oleg Mityaev Mayor General Andrej Kolesnikow Mayor General Vitaly Gerasimov Mayor General Andrey Sukhovetsky

May they rest in peace like everyone else who died in this useless war.


It is not a useless war. There will be a winner eventually. The only question is how much will be left after it is won. And that quote is from a General in Czech army.. a NATO general not a Russian one…

Last edited 2 years ago by RiNS

Every war is useless, worse in fact. Doesn’t matter if the war is kicked off by George double booh or the Vlad or whoever serves as devil’s henchmen on whichever side.

So far I didn’t see humanity ever winning a war, but losing millions of people for empires which crumble anyway. Even the Roman Empire crumbled and concrete was forgotten, like so much else. 🤷


True, eventually every empire crumbles to dust. But while the Empire exists the ones holding the gun and raising their flag at end of day, in the here and now, will win. Whether Russia or the West will exist a hundred years from now is a strawman argument and not relevant to what is going on in Mariupol or Kiev, Ukraine.

A week from from when all the Azovists are dead and the DPR, the LPR, the Chechens and the Russians are driving thru the streets, peace signs in victory riding on tanks are gone, it will be apparent to anyone with two clues to rub together that being alive instead of dead is a good metric for who has won.

In war the only thing that matters today, is who is dead and who is alive at the end of the day. If that hurts your feelings, I’m not sorry….

Period. End. Of. Story.

Last edited 2 years ago by RiNS

Don’t worry, I’m just sorry for everyone who dies in war. There is only one empire that lasts, an empire not of this world.

Since millenniums people are blind and don’t understand that by fighting for the devils henchmen and their petty empires only blocks them from reaching the only empire that really counts. 🤷

It will take many more millenniums for people to understand.


Why is Loki perpetually angry and trolling 24/7? Is it because he’s mad that he’ll be speaking Russian soon in whatever irrelevant shithole he’s from xD?


In fact it is joke,take a look at kasparovs twitter account.

Tom Bombastadillo

Kasparov – the stupidest smart guy in the whole world.


Americans failed to take Fallujah in six weeks. No one can take Kiev in two days.

Yamil Perez is a gay faggot

Slow and steady. Mariupol will repeat itself in Kiyv. Foreign mercenaries will be trying to leave in humanitarian convoys dressed as civilians or women. Remember these words :)


Question is, if the extremists realize that they just have been used. They are a threat to Ukraine government too.

The few people convicted was a difficult affair for the Ukraine, as they couldn’t afford to lose the fighting power, but couldn’t let it go on either.


Except they never affirmed to take Kiev in 2 days. This is all american bollocks for the consumption of brain dead western zombies.

Tom Bombastadillo

Nobody said it would only be two days.


Nah, the news were up after three and quickly were taken down again. 🤷


Like the ghost of Kiev LOLOL


Like you apes are something else, it took yanquis+UK+Pooland+Australia fuking over a mouth to invade Iraq and remove Saddam. IRAQ FFS. Iraq that had 8 years of bloody war with Iran, that was neck-deep in problems…

It would have taken two days if Russia dropped two nukes on your head, STFU.

“Russians are now entering day 24 of the special military operation to take Kyiv in two days ” Bitch you better link me where Russia said that. I don’t want to hear your BS story just link me where you heard that. I’m dying to know who the fuk start that BS.

Lucifer on rampage

Bitch go f.ck your mother asap on daily basis. You better die for your ma she is more sexier than the allmoscow whores combined. lol ” I’m dying to know who the fuk start that BS.” who the f.ck are you or your entire life/family whatever.You cant ask or even think about demanding something from me piece of shit.

Peppe il Sicario

Southfront, a front for Russian 5th columnists. Strange how they block you from writing certain negative things about a government on the other side of the Atlantic not on very good terms with Russia,

Tom Bombastadillo

I haven’t seen anything blocked here. Calling BS on your post.

Peppe il Sicario

Who the fukk are you anyway? You just exposed yourself, simpleton. Tell Poopy Pants and your NATO sissies I said hello.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peppe il Sicario

Well, actually posts are blocked. But not necessarily SF doing it. It can be gotten around. When you see a post that shows to be edited, it was blocked.


All platforms have been compromised. Either by being bought out, like disqus, by Israelis or by being hacked. Just post something simple, then edit.

Peppe il Sicario

This site is becoming a puerile playground and Far West for the most low-grade assortment of US/NATO trolls imaginable. Have you seen how low the comments section has sunk in the last few days with many of the old commenters gone and replaced with Neo-Nazis like HansGunther and others? Moderators, anybody?? All you have to do is look at how many engage that idiot to understand how trolls work, in teams like they are now doing here with him. Object: Divert attention from sound debates and information sharing.

Nonetheless, that’s a good idea with the editing thing. Will try from now on, however, you aren’t allowed to say certain things….sensitive that expose the propaganda and lies.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peppe il Sicario


In fact the opposite is true. When I read here, the only true debates are coming from guys like Fritzzz, StephanBanderaPutin, HansGunther, Sörenson, JHF (?), (sometimes also JensHolm), Loki and me posting proven information and sources here which is more than the usual 1 paragraph-only-texts which most others are posting here, and questioning the SF propaganda articles as well as the whole war itself, which then results in the hysterical pro-russian trolls writing some 1 to 2 sentence name-calling and childish insults, because of frustration that they cannot refute the facts we are presenting to them. Let alone, they are not interested in the truth anyway, just in Putin propaganda, seeing him, the jewish little Putler (aka poodle) as the ‘saviour of the world’ and not even get that they are tricked into cheering World War 3 by the jewish NWO/JWO financial cabal behind him ( which is also behind the Chinese the US and the European financial elites) pulling the strings .

Last edited 2 years ago by Mickey
Peppe il Sicario

Years ago, I used to comment on SyPer and they let that blog go to shit by people infiltrating it… “by deception, thou shall wage war…”, ring a bell? Lack of effective moderation. VT, for example, never allows that crap. Gordon Duff runs a tight ship there.

Yamil Perez is a gay faggot

Serbia with old SA-6 KUB and pre upgrade SA-3 Neva put up a huge fight against the entire NATO/US airpower of combined 1100 advanced fighter jets in 1999 for almost 2 months. Downing 2 F-16, 1 F-117 stealth bomber, 3 Apache gunships, and 46 MQ-1 reaper drones. Also severely damaging a B-2, a F-117 and F-15. All with 60’s era SA-6 and SA-3. Meanwhile Ukraine has much more advanced airdefense = 4 batteries of S-300PS/V1 (48 launchers), 72 BUK-M1, and 125 SA-8 Geko. And constant AWAC/ELINT support from USA/NATO and still losing so many planes, air defense systems, and ground from the lone Russian Airforce.

Yamil Perez is a gay faggot

Goes to show how much more effective Russian Airforce is against a more advanced, capable adversary air defense than the ENTIRE NATO combined airpower was against tiny Serbia in 1999 which had much weaker/less advanced air defense than modern Ukraine.

Last edited 2 years ago by Yamil Perez is a gay faggot

Not to mention NATO managed to destroy only 4 or something Serbian tanks in 3 months of intensive bombing campaign. They bragged about hundreds; eventually they were shocked to find how ineffective their campaign was. It was only effective against civilian targets and infrastructure.

Tom Bombastadillo

It’s because NATO is nothing but a paper tiger designed to leach tax money out of civilians on behalf of the warpig MIC. I predict they will get their butts kicked badly if they jump in.


But they’re great at propaganda…well, until the smoke clears and one finds out they’re, once again, lying.

Muhammad your Prophet

The Putin cockroach is babbling caca now, Scooby. He has to explain the massive rate of Russian deaths somehow.

Muhammad your Prophet

The Zelenskyyyyy cockroach is babbling caca now, Scooby. He has to go on his knees to beg for his precious no-fly zone that the west will never agree to.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
Yamil Perez is a gay faggot

Fresh USA/NATO shipments of Switchblade drones, Stingers and Javelins coming into Rzeszow. Will be transported to western Ukraine through either Krakonets, Shegini, or Rava Ruska towns. RuAF, get to work. Annihilate those weapons :)

President Vladimir Putin

Hm, a juicy target for my boys.


Aren’t the boxes empty? A lot of infos are coming out about politicians embezzling the money and not sending a thing to the ukrops. And even when they arrive in Ukraine, a lot of them are stolen by corrupt ukrops and sold on the black market.

I wonder if 10% arrive to the frontline.

Muhammad your Prophet

The Putin cockroach still has no clue that the antitanks are picking the Russian convoys piece by piece, especially the massive convoy north of Kiev that’s been stuck for three weeks now. Three weeks since Putin the terrorist cockroach sent that useless massive convoy north of Kiev to do nothing except become target practice for Ukranian forces. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=5528837750478306&id=1551444308217690&fs=0&focus_composer=0&m_entstream_source=timeline

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet

The convoy is old news. Russians really thought Ukraine wouldn’t fight. The very reason they lined up like in a staging area save behind the lines.

The incompetence to move away the convoy ones it became clear that they got fought was however staggering, that it took them several days.

Now Russian propaganda tries to downplay this, claiming that they never expected to get into Kiev in two or three days. However, even NATO expected Kiev to fall within a few days, or they really trapped Russia badly.

When Harris announced not to aid Ukraine with troops, you could hear the hot potato fall. It was a test how the world reacted, only then senility Joe said the same. It’s a dangerous game played on both sides. If Ukraine would have fallen within few days, it would have been a side note of history. Now the falcons see their chance to down Russia for a long time. But that would turn Russia into China’s poodle, the very thing Putin wanted to avoid. After all, best Russian military equipment you can get in China these days. India won’t be happy either, as lots of their equipment comes from Russia.

Muhammad your Prophet

The convoy is old news because it got annihilated already. They’re just sweeping up and grabbing all the machinery that’s still working. Like this one. That’s not a Russian convoy with the Z symbol. It’s an Ukranian convoy. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=275884674724618&id=100069092624537&m_entstream_source=timeline&anchor_composer=false&ref=bookmarks


No one said Ukraine wouldn’t lose equipment. It can’t be compared to what Russian forces already lost, losing the initiative.

Ukraine can fight with the backing of their people, while for Russian military everyone could be an enemy. This alone already is costing a lot of resources for Russia.


>The convoy is old news because it got annihilated already Kek, imagine actually thinking this HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH


repeating the same shitty video 5 days you roaches are getting desperate.

Muhammad your Prophet

The Putin cockroaches ask for sources and when they’re shown the sources turns out they don’t give a shit. They still would rather live in their Scooby Scooby Doo demented fantasy world.

Muhammad your Prophet

The NATO cockroaches are fed fairy tales by their mainstream media and when they’re shown the sources of Russian successes turns out they don’t give a shit. They still would rather live in their Scooby Scooby Doo demented fantasy dreams of a unipolar world.

Yamil Perez is a gay faggot

Combined USA/NATO using 1100 advanced fighter planes, stealth tech, cruise missiles and electronic warfare could not destroy the outdated Serbian Airdefense in 1999 and took significant losses – 2 F-16s, 1 F-117, 3 Apache gunships, 46 MQ-1 reaper drones. Plus 1 B-2 damaged, F-117 damaged, and F-15 damaged beyond repair. Serbian AD took minimal losses, remained mostly intact after Kosovo War. Meanwhile RuAF using not even 10% as many fighter jets, has so far taken out dozens of UKROP BUK, S-300, and SA-8 SAM systems. Goes to show the greater efficiency and effectiveness of RuAF against a much larger more advanced adversary with good air defense. NATO is weak.

Tom Bombastadillo

NATO is all about fat salaries, visiting at posh international meetings, and fiscal corruption. Not much left for actual war skills.


Don’t forget BS propaganda…they are at the top in that field.


Hats off to the radar operator who downed the F 117, that was excellent work.

Hubris is never a good advisor, especially in war. Even though US denied to have taken the very same flight corridor all the time until it got shot down, it’s quite likely that they did.

Hungary Guy

He was also a Hungary Guy: Zoltan Dani, Major in the Serbian Air Defense

Yamil Perez is a gay faggot

NATO providing UKROPS with 24/7 recon, awac, elint, and sigint using RC-135, E-3B, RQ-4, and U2 spyplanes. Yet still UKROPS getting smashed by Kalibr and Iskander on a daily basis, losing ground steadily, getting encircled, and constantly begging for mercenaries, more weapons and a no fly zone lolz.


HAHAHA the mercenaries. They are lamenting that the ukrops are treating them like cannon fodder. Underequipped, they are sent to the frontline just to be killed by russian soldiers. The cockroaches are trying to flee Ukraine en masse, only to be met with arrest at the border ( and sent back to the frontlines ).

HAHAHAHA stupid reddit addicts.

hans raus

I so like your pic, it’s so intelligent and masculine.

Muhammad your Prophet

Many of the merceries Putin the terrorist cockroach tried to recruit from Syria had to go back after watching the Russian soldiers at the burn unit, Scooby. They didn’t want to be turned into roasted beef.

Muhammad your Prophet

Many of the mercenaries the Nazi-loving cockroach Zelenskyyyyy tried to recruit from the west had to go back after watching their living quarters get turned into rubble, Scooby. They didn’t want to spend their last moments under pulverized concrete.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
Washington DCorruption

What always amazes me is Western MSM coverage: yesterdays strike against military facility killing 100 Ukrainian soldiers is presented as: ‘Russia bombed city, 45 people died’ (not soldiers, people). Then they show pictures of pregnant women crying somewhere?! Some of them don’t even mention they were soldiers, and even if they do it’s somewhere buried in the middle of text so the initial reaction is totally different. Of course they don’t even show dead Ukrainian soldiers. The whole dirty propaganda war against Russia is aimed to present 1) Russians as incredibly brutal, evil; but also 2) weak and incompetent. Not enough only to demonize the enemy, because people will fear them. No, you need to make them look weak at the same time. Inciting pure hate.

Last edited 2 years ago by Washington DCorruption

Pregnant soldiers? 🤷


Yes nato uses pregnant soldiers and marines wearing high heels

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

A hypersonic cruise missile a day keeps ukropnazis away 🤗

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Ciatrolls and ukrobots are crying and raging 🤗🤡

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Russia is gaining ukrobots are draining 🤗

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Slava Rossiye 🇷🇺

Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy

Condolences to the fallen Azovisis and CIAisis operators. May they rest in pieces…

hans raus

3 weeks and still no progress for russian invader :D 30 russian fighter jets destroyed and 10 000+ russian invaders killed….russian army is big joke xD

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

According to Disney news network. Meanwhile Ukropisis military infrastructure is toast. You lost 95% of your tanks, air force and air defense systems. And around 20,000soldiers and Azovisis. That means 50-60,000 wounded. So half your forces are toast. Foreign mercs are dead or trying to flee towards west. Good luck, you will need it :)




Putin should also demand in his peace terms that UKRAINE no longer produces biological agents meant to depopulate the world ,funded by America and the globalists

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Ukraine wont exist in a few weeks. The peace talks are only a show on both sides.


What is the next Russian demilitarisation ? Poland ? The Baltic states ? Romania ?


The moment when Zelenski in his bunker finds out that Nato ( Steiner ), did not came to resque him, will be priceless :D


he can put another cabaret show, to entertain his drama theater friends

Bernard Davis

check out the video clip where he and another guy play the piano using only their willy

Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy

Oy gevalt… But why? I did everything CIAisis asked me to do. Don’t leave me behind, pretty please. Im your best most honest most patriotic most famous most excellent President ever 😈💯🍷


this guy is coming to save him, his fellow jewish clown: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcYDG-fig3w&ab_channel=AfricaTheBeautiful.


Pro Ukronazi fanboys claim Kiev did counter-attack in Mykolaiv Region this morning and Ukrainian forces did reach the outskirts of Kerson. I think it’s a Twitter victory nothing else.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Unlikely. Kiev is surrounded from all sides with heavy weapons.


When Russia liberate Mariupol, needs to make a new naci prisoners parade from survivers, this time in Donetsk

Muhammad your Prophet

Sooner or later Putin the terrorist cockroach would have no choice but to start using supersonic missilies to target a city like Mariupol after the Russian artillery murdered half its population and still hasn’t fallen, especially now that the cruise missiles stockpile becomes depleted. Now’s the time when the terrorist Russian dictador becomes the most dangerous. When his only choice is to use things like chemical weapons. He already proved that a human cockroach like him will do whatever it takes. Including murdering civilians.

Muhammad your Prophet

Sooner or later Zelensky the terrorist cockroach would be on the receiving end of a hypersonic missile if the Russians decide to target a city like Kiev if after the Russian artillery killed half its garrison and it still hasn’t fallen, especially now that the cruise missiles stockpile becomes depleted. Now’s the time when the terrorist Ukranian becomes the most dangerous. When his only choice is to use things like biological weapons. He already proved that a human cockroach like him will do whatever it takes. Including murdering civilians with his Nazi brigades.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Azovisis murdered the population not Russia. Azovisis is using the same Human shield tactics as isis.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Russia is winning. Nothing is depleted. Only one using WMDs is CIAisis and Azovisis. Be both know that SBU bot. But it won’t save your boney ass. Trust me. Tik tok….

Muhammad your Prophet

Yes it is, Scooby. The arsenal is getting depleted. Don’t lie. At this point Putin the terrorist cockroach has even run out of those precision guided cruise missiles. He’s back to the crappy ones.

Muhammad your Prophet

No it isn’t, Scooby. The arsenal is not depleted. This is not a lie. At this point, though, Zelenskyyy the Nazi loving cockroach is running out of those fanatic, civilian killing Azov . He’s back to relying on his crappy regular units.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet

Canada just exhausted it’s inventory of weapons. Lol. Man my country is dumb.


not even you idiot believe your retarded nonsense

The Objective

“supersonic missilies” 😀

Hypersonic not supersonic. Moron.

Missiles not missilies. Moron.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

You are the one murdering civs 24/7 since 2014. No worries your problems will be soon over, forever.


I think, the time for Russian Nemesis, is almost here.

keep it coming Russia !!


We will see if Southfront has to recycle its maps like they did for 11 days now. 🤷

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