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MARCH 2025

Russia Launches Serial Production Of S-500 Prometheus

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Russia Launches Serial Production Of S-500 Prometheus

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The newest Russian S-500 Prometheus air defense system has been put into mass production. It will be delivered to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in accordance with contracts concluded with the Ministry of Defense.

The CEO of the Almaz-Antey concern Yan Novikov confirmed that “batch production of the S-500 system has been organized using the latest achievements of domestic science and technology. The combat capabilities of this system significantly exceed the capabilities of previously created air defense systems and air defense systems.”

The first sample of a promising S-500 entered service with the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in October 2021. The complex was placed at the disposal of the 1st Air Defense and Special Purpose Missile Defense Army and was deployed for the defense of the capital.

The second set should enter the troops this year.

According to Mr Novikov, the promising S-500 significantly surpasses its predecessors, including the S-400 system. However, most of the characteristics of the S-500 Prometheus complex are strictly classified. According to some reports, the promising complex is able to destroy hypersonic targets and even hit vehicles in low Earth orbit.


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Liberate Canada Next

How much?

Vashok Arma

Only 1/72 scale in Amazon stores for 40 bucks 😀. Painting tutorials is free.

Shiva Shivers

Stop salivating, India. You’ll get yours in due time.

Omas Bioladen

LOL :)

Vashok Arma

We need toilets more than Russian junk weapons.

Vashok Arma

So far Ruskie weapons have proved as lame as their pathetic military and the dumb idiots can’t even secure the skies over Ukraine and their pet Israel attacks Syria every day and the S-400 pot plants do nothing. US weapons are killing Russians by the thousands.

Khazar Agent

No, no! Some members of Russian leadership love Khazar-Zionist regime. Their 74 year running ethnic cleansing aimed against indigenous Semitic population (yes, Palestinians are Semites). So you are partially right. It is fantastic schizofreny: Ask Iranians for help and concurrently allow Khazar Zionist bomb them. Need to record into history books.


Well,they fight against Russian weapons too.


Sorry, no components, no money.

Vashok Arma

They won’t work anyway. Ukraine with a fourth of Russian population is beating the pants off the Ruskie losers. MAGA, MAGA, USA, USA!

stephan williams

LMAO! Where do they find you imbeciles?!?

The Daytona Dragster

0 to 60 in 0.00000001 sec.

Vashok Arma

That is how fast Ruskies run when they see the Ukrainians and then run hypersonic when they see NATO soldiers.

billy rubin

amazing how much you can earn lying on your back


Nothing says family like S–500. India, China, Russia, hopefully Venezuela says FU to the USSA!

Wayne Gabler

Low earth orbit is where Arrow III munitions operate from. The 2400 km range is deceptive as they can orbit the globe one at ‘ballistic altitude’. The target can be lit up by a drone or a gps enable phone or other tracking device. Even if unable to intercept the munition, the tracking will show it could only be from a very few missile systems and those are operated only by the military the system is made. The Arrow III system said to be in Germany would be one possibility, the other is the system was in Israel and that is where the targeting and firing came from. Under NATO rules, they cannot come to the active defence of a non-NATO member and Israel is a child of the Rothschild World Bank who has NATO as their Military Force. Russia would have to attack EU NATO members and Israel’s Arrow III launch sites at the same time.’ The fast-forward production of the S-500 is the ‘blow back’ from ‘NATO’ showing when it cannot win on the front lines it will simply turn to terrorist modes where they can try to deny involvement. S-300 and S-400 can still be loaded with ground-to-ground missiles as the Pantsir systems are good for planes and missiles and drones.


I think that with low earth orbit meant the Elon Musk spy satellite system aka StrashLink. Send one of these missiles with a electromagnetic pulse charge and game over Elon

Last edited 2 years ago by Carlo

Yep, Elton’s discs are vulnerable was my first thought


all this talk is crap, warfare has changed and the Anglo Saxons are using Israeli style secret service asymmetric tactic on Russians . expect more facilities in Russia to blow up.


Worthless piece of junk.

Peter The Ungrateful

… said the S-500 to the F-35 in free fall.

wild Rose Ranch

Prostitutes have a more honest way of earning a living than SPAMMING.

Peter The Ungrateful

Didn’t Russia shoot down some satellite at the end of last year as a demonstration? Was it done by an S-500?

Adam Kafei

I remember simulations of attacks on satelites, I think they simulated using the S-500’s missiles but I don’t think it was the S-500 itself.

Damien C

Impress me with deliveries not contract papers of future possibilities

Orcrainians are white ISIS

The russians are preparing for war against ZATO.

The Orcraine is just the beginning.

Hostage (Raptar) Driver

There is no longer nuclear parity. Russia has the advantage as far as delivery and defense. If the NATO member states had any sense they would disband and make peace. Unfortunately they are run by insane warmongers.

Peter Jennings

The american hypersonic missile is still only a concept. The US and nato are sitting ducks and are relying on their quackery to get by.

Edgar Zetar

Lets show the Russians why they are so bad at understanding sometimes… S500 could be amazing right? Yes sure, serial production? wait a second, why if serial production Russia only will have two S500 groups (squadrons) deployed in year 2022? Its doesnt make sense. Another think, do you really think an upgrade in airdefense will be your ACE card at any war?… really?. Its a shame what the west (USA) is doing to Russia, but dont give USA reasons attack you… use diplomacy with friendly goverments, dont promote disputes with Europeans in forums like this one SF… dont answer their insults, if you answer with strong languaje guess they win you… and also win in diplomacy… remember the war is fighting in the field and not with words or talks. Strenght and Intelligence to Russians Citizens yes!

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar Zetar
Peter The Ungrateful

You are kidding, right? Russia has literally exhausted all diplomatic channels with the US and with NATO but those “partners” were never faithful. Guess why Russia and its allies now call them the Empire of Lies. It was always promises to be broken down the line. If Russia insisted on their legitimate security interests, they pretended not to hear, insisted they were friendly. Of course it is just friendly banter to abolish arms control treaties, installing ABM systems, that can be turned into offensive launchers for nuclear capable missiles in a heart beat, right at their doorstep, slowly encircling Russia with NATO bases. And the rest of the world are to believe that NATO is a defensive alliance, friendly even? Have you actually looked at their track record?

Of course, “don’t give them reason to attack”. You cannot be serious. The Ukraine disaster could have been avoided if they had signed the treaty put forward by Russia at the end of last year. But no, they had to insist on the “open door” policy, while in private they told Elensky that Ukraine would never be part of NATO. So why, I ask you, did they refuse to put in writing? Russia needs defensive capabilities and is demonstrating its offensive ones in Ukraine right now. That conflict is as much about their immediate short term goals as it is a demonstration of force. They had to act at some point. Ukraine as a forward missile ramp of NATO is inacceptable. And on top of that Elensky clown had the audacity to threaten to seek nuclear weapons. That was the last straw that broke the camel’s back.

As to your claims about the uselessness of air defense, think again. What does NATO and the US try to do in every war? They want to achieve air superiority for their shock and awe bombing campaigns. That tends to be hard to do if the enemy has capable air defenses. Would be a pity if those overvalued and overpriced F-22s or even F-35s would fall from the skies by the dozens.

Strength and intelligence the Russians have plenty of. You seem to be a day late and a dollar short, though.

Edgar Zetar

Guess you think you have all the answers by yourselfs. hope your Goverment arent so blind like his civilians. If Russia keeps this path I guess Russia will be no more before year 2035, USA haves your country between his eyes and makes everyone else hate you. At least recognize USA strategy and diplomacy is working against Russia…

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar Zetar
Peter The Ungrateful

At least I have better answers than your gibberish.

“At least recognize USA strategy and diplomacy is working against Russia…”

Did you actually read my comment?

Edgar Zetar

off course and I‘ve read your comment. There is not a dead end on diplomacy, before Ukraine War everyone knowns that USA NATO wouldnot ever accept any Russia Proposal. Why Russia send the proposal? do you known why then? Russia wanted to show China, India and the ¨NeutralWorld¨about the Russian willingness to diplomacy. Well USA is the Ruler of the free world and wont accept anything other than complete surrender from Russia. So there is no end game on Goverment Diplomacy, there is no check mate, this is not a chess game. USA have grabbed us all by our balls, thats why EU and Western Countries are so involved against Russia. Civilians and Ordinary people doesnt want war, not get involved, not to pursuit any warring side of conflicts, but our Goverments managed by Madmans governed by USA Foreign Policy are so desperately to get us involved.

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar Zetar
Edgar Zetar

And you dont see what im seeing from here on this side of the Atlantic Ocean how they are preparing for this… until now USA never failed to achieve something they wanted to achieve during history of the USA… they conquer America, subdued Mexico, subdued Spain, Subdued Germany (two times) and I could keep going about examples of USA power, you should be really careful about USA, haves Russia between his eyes now and turning all West against Russia.

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar Zetar
Peter The Ungrateful

“… until now USA never failed to achieve something they wanted to achieve …”

Yeah, right. Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya etc. Those are great successes, I am told. m(

Edgar Zetar

Have you known about how things work in the West?, its not about facts getting outside context… Vietnam Iraq Syria Libya was complete successes to many Elites inside USA Military Complex, who says you have to win a war conquerer enemy territory… you win when you get what you want to accomplish (advance your Military Power and Strenght).

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar Zetar
Edgar Zetar

Take for example Ukraine Special Ops from this POV (Military Power and Strenght and Vitality)… While Russia is winning easily Ukraine Special Ops its losing the BIG GAME against USA, Russia is consuming his Strenght, Vitality and Weapons against Ukraine, while USA is winning the BigGame (no boots on the ground, aumenting strenght and military complex to replace weapons to EU) and it will lose Ukraine Special Ops…. so medium knowledge people inside Russia would think they won UKRAINE, but they will lose at the end. Just like URSS fall to USA, Russia needs to analize his strategies, tactics, diplomacy, and intelligentsia gather from now on… you are the aim of USA (you known what happen to a country when USA haves them in target?).

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar Zetar

stupid hillbilly from Arizona trailer park—we don’t take advice from lgbt morons

Edgar Zetar

Hahaha lol! Nice one Yuri but i dont give advice to a Uki Nazi Azov full body tattoed with Zelensky naked posters all over his place, so please dont read my comment Yuri, move on

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar Zetar

Every body is laughing at Putina’s slow masturbation warfare in Ukraina.


lgbt Edgar cry after sodomized by Talibann—is senility painful?

Porc halal thinks the ukropigs discreded it

Get a life dude … and eventually a job … a real one!


analysts agree—Russia victorious…in 3 months ukrappyland will be nearly as degenerate as amerikantnazistan….then the moron lgbt in usa trailer parks impoverished by hyperinflation will recognize their defeat—Russia full victory nazis cry–traumatized by reality


They could have used some of these systems recently; I don’t think they’ve even employed the S-400 system in the Ukraine.

Cornelius Pipe

What was that about a NATO ‘no flay’ zone? Lol.

Peter Jennings

The US/nato have knackered their no-fly zone hopes as the Manpads sent by the same are now in the hands of DPR and LPR forces. It turns out that sending US/nato weapons to Ukraine has a happy ending.

Peter Jennings

Let’s hope this is a spelling error and the system won’t be entering the troops later this year. ISIS, and other US/nato stooges, knock yourself out.


Soon, you will have the S-900! Much, much better!!! Kind of sad, when the only decent products you engineer are weapons. The rest of the money you earn, is thru gas, oil and other raw materials…not much to be proud of

Arch Bungle

My birthday is coming up …


Trolls need to be sent to front line to fight against Russian junk weapons. Keep talking our your asses butt hurt Trolls. Just remind me where the Ukronazis and Natostan officers are held up? Hiding behind civilians, as usual 🤔.


absolutely blyatful

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