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MARCH 2025

Russia Lays Keel Of 12th Buyan-M-class Corvette Armed With Kalibr Missiles

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Russia Lays Keel Of 12th Buyan-M-class Corvette Armed With Kalibr Missiles

Grad Sviyazhsk, the lead ship of the class

On July 12, Russia layed the keel of another Buyan-M-class corvette (Project 21631) armed with Kalibr cruise missiles, the Russian Defense Ministry reported.

The warship, which will be a 12th Buyan-M-class corvette in the Russian Navy, is named “Stavropol”.

Currently, six Buyan-M-class corvettes are in service with the Russian Navy.

Buyan-M-class corvettes participated in the Russian operation in Syria carring out Kalibr missile strikes on terrorist HQs and weapons depots.

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Buy a class corvettes can deploy from the Caspian Sea to the Black Sea ….to Mediterranean Sea providing Kalibr firepower in three different seas. On the other hand the US Littoral combat ship that costs 6-7 times as much as the Buyan corvette has been declared a floating junk without any meaningful offensive or defensive armaments.

John Whitehot

I don’t think it’s possible, the Caspian sea isn’t connected to the Black sea at all as in the middle there’s nothing else than the entire Caucasus mountains.


Lenin Volga–Don Shipping Canal (Russian: Волго-Донской судоходный канал имени В. И. Ленина, Volga-Donskoy soudokhodniy kanal imeni V. I. Lenina, abbreviated ВДСК, VDSK) is a canal which connects the Volga River and the Don River at their closest points. Opened in 1952, the length of the waterway is 101 km (63 mi), 45 km (28 mi) through rivers and reservoirs.

The canal forms a part of the Unified Deep Water System of European Russia. Together with the lower Volga and the lower Don, the Volga–Don Canal provides the most direct navigable connection between the Caspian Sea and the Sea of Azov, the Black Sea, and thus the world’s oceans.


Gary Sellars

They do need to temporarily remove the radars to allow the vessels to fit under bridges, but its a small price to pay. Being able to redeploy through secure national waterways is a significant capability for a nation with such limited access to open ocean.


Interesting so I looked it up. It starts south of Stalingrad ( now Volgograd ). Perhaps the same route Russian army took south of it after punching thru the weak Romanian army on that front?


Yes, the 4th Romanian army was attacked and overwhelmed by the Russian 57th and 51st armies, the canal seems in the proximity of the Russian advance.


As a matter of fact they are connected! By small canals which these corvettes were purposely built o navigate! Thats why they built small corvettes and not frigates! Look it up! They literally sail between the Caspian sea and the Black sea! There is even pictures of them doing this!

John Whitehot

this is bs.

show me the “small canals” on google earth. there is no canal that can be navigated by any ship if it does not appear at least on satellite pics.

i think you are trying to put antizionists in a bad light, by appearing to be one and then speaking the most utter bs.

I have noticed this behavior on several websites lately.


A man made canal was built and has been in use since 1952! this man made canal (100km) joined two river systems to enable this! They’ve been using this since 1952 and they have been using similar rivers and canals for hundreds of years! They use it for trade too! They can get from Moscow to the Baltic sea too!

Thats why these boats change the game! Water born launch pads are excluded from any missile treaty! Small enough to fit through all these systems safely within inland russia without fear of Submarines! Able to launch attacks anywhere in the middle east from the Caspian sea! 3000km is the max range but Russia claims they can go 4500km with extra fuel tank attached!

These things can reach a lot of places below radar if their range truly is 4500km!

Look it up! this aint bullshit!


Another feature of these corvettes, is they can hide in the rivers, making them almost impossible for the US to target.

The US military is made up of huge monoliths that cannot move and are easily destroyed. The Russian military is spread out and hard to destroy. The US has already lost the war against Russia, eventually the Americans will work that out.


Takes like 2 minutes to look it up on google! Why do i have to do the work?If u think its BS, why dont u google it? THIS INFORMATION IS WELL KNOWN!

Uve lost a lot of credibility here! Wont be taking u seriously from now on!

“The Volga-Don Canal is important to the area because it allows waterborne shipping from the Volga River to the Don River, through the Sea of Azov, and into the Black Sea”

“The Caspian is a closed sea, but a series of canals and the Volga and Don rivers connect it to the Sea of Azov, allowing Russia to move ships in and out.

The two corvettes are two of the Caspian Flotilla’s most powerful ships, having launched some of the Kalibr missiles that Russia used to strike targets in Syria in 2015. (The two ships now off the Syrian coast are the Grad Sviyazhsk and Veliky Ustyug. Another corvette of the same class, the Uglich, remains on the Caspian, as do two frigates, the Tatarstan and Dagestan.)”

“In the first half of June, the “Grad Sviyazhsk” and “Great Ustyug” made the transition to the Azov and then to the Black Sea along the inland waterways (Volga and Don). On June 16, the ships left Sevastopol and headed for the shores of Syria.”

“The Buyan-M class corvettes are said to be armed with nuclear-capable Kalibr cruise missiles (NATO code name Sizzler) with a claimed range of at least 1,500 km.[7] The ships’ small size and displacement enable them to operate within inland river systems, including traversing the Moscow Canal which allows them to deploy to various seas around western Russia. This is a particular advantage for the Buyan-M series, because while the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty prohibits long-range cruise missiles from operating on land they can operate from ships, so a river-based corvette can deploy missiles without being subject to restrictions”

“Buyan Class corvettes can conduct maritime patrol missions along the 200-mile maritime economic zone of Russia. The ship can perform missions in shallow waters and river mouths, particularly for delivering troops directly to land.”



EXISTING SHIPPING CANALS Lenin Volga–Don Shipping Canal (Russian: Волго-Донской судоходный канал имени В. И. Ленина, Volga-Donskoy soudokhodniy kanal imeni V. I. Lenina, abbreviated ВДСК, VDSK) is a canal which connects the Volga River and the Don River at their closest points. Opened in 1952, the length of the waterway is 101 km (63 mi), 45 km (28 mi) through rivers and reservoirs.

The canal forms a part of the Unified Deep Water System of European Russia. Together with the lower Volga and the lower Don, the Volga–Don Canal provides the most direct navigable connection between the Caspian Sea and the Sea of Azov, the Black Sea, and thus the world’s oceans.

PROPOSED CANALS (making deeper for bigger ships and shorter distance to travel)

Lake Manych-Gudilo is midway on the course of the proposed Eurasia Canal The Eurasia Canal (Russian: Канал “Евразия”, Kanal “Evraziya”) is a proposed 700-kilometre-long (430 mi) canal connecting the Caspian Sea to the Black Sea along the Kuma-Manych Depression. Currently, a chain of lakes and reservoirs and the shallow irrigation Kuma-Manych Canal are found along this route.

The canal is intended to provide a shorter route for shipping than the existing Volga–Don Canal system of waterways; it would also require fewer locks (or lower-rise locks) than the Volga-Don route.

Manych Ship Canal is the existing canal system that would be the likely route for the Eurasian Canal.

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1c60385140cdaca131c3800b21830f3609e9f27ec06ff4d1c742fc9eb93c4d12.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/66012710aa9e91051ee40ab8bd4de30a5ce6fe03b3d9f093658fdb73b0d489c4.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0b68617c72661d692fe159fbeac523243352eae53e87f6ad3580e12b5104c10d.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/072aa2ad4508c8a9ededf6e29a715ec4ec90509842d6467e61cf0c856f6b89d0.jpg

John Whitehot

“Uve lost a lot of credibility here! Wont be taking u seriously from now on!”

what went wrong in your little zionist mind that makes you think i’m looking for credibility?

there’s no need for credibility when speaking honestly, the only ones who need it are scumbag zionazis trying to convince other people with their bullshit.

seeing you writing thousands of line only to prove that i’m wrong on something on which anybody can be wrong just shows how much committed you are into discrediting other users, which are antizionist for real and not paid to appear so in order to derail discussions, rather than speaking the truth.

you sewage scumbags.


DUDE…. ive seen ur replies to people! u are so PRO USA its stinks! Secondly, u started ur reply with “BS” as in “BULLSHIT”! When someone starts a reply with that, u need to him them hard with facts! Literally BURY them under a mound of it just to shut em up!

Yes, u are the type of guy that needs his face rubbed in it when he is WRONG! I know how u talk to people, u belittle them! Well, i pre-emptively belittled u because u deserve it!

Also why would u reply with “BS” when it takes 10 seconds to google “Buyan class corvette” or “caspian sea to black sea canals”. How hard is that?

So people like u (i assume u have half a brain) ave the ability to do this yet instead u begin with “BS”! u dont even know me yet u just start with this word like the information pisses u off! Russia pisses u off! its like ure a jealous kid!

how hard is it (truly how hard?) to find out this info? huh?

So the reason why I BURRIED YOU with this info is because youre the idiot who starts with BS and 10 seconds of ur time would have confirmed it! u may have even wrote “wow, i didnt know this, can u send me info on this”. But nope….. u think u know better!

so i bitch slapped u because ure a bitch! i was right and u were wrong! how do u feel now huh? Does this affect ur narcissistic personality, u have to attack back?

Your a lazy person! Self righteous, know all, lazy and egotistical person who THINKS he knows but actually doesnt know shit!

So for the stuff that u DO KNOW is tainted knowledge because i think ure knowledge is actually biased research! i bet u know a lot about USA’s military but totally ignorant to Russia’s military!

i bet u have arguements over who built something better (between soviets and usa) i bet u argue over someone saying that Russian cruise missiles out perform USA’s! actually i dont bet, i know u do! ive seen it!

i have praised the USA a lot (military tech)and i praise the Russians a lot! But u… ure just a biased piece of shit who is TOO IGNORANT to do a 10 second search! Its like ure in denial! “no, no they cant be as good as us, they cant be better than us, its not possible”!

youre a douche bag!

I make this claim not on ur “BS” comment but on ur history of comments! One sided, pro USA crap that u write! U just got bitch slapped because u set urself up! u laid ur head on a tee and i took a real big swing and lit u up like a fuckin tomato!

im screen shotting this! Next time u say something STUPID, im gonna troll ur DUMB ASS! Next time, try being humble! Example : “ahh, my bad dude, sorry about that, i had no idea about this canal between the black sea and Caspian sea. These small ships are pretty impressive”


After saying “Bullshit” u then complain that u were proved wrong TOO MUCH! Like it was too humiliating for ur ego to handle! Well suck it up u little fairy! U were wrong and u cant handle it! u couldnt handle the first info i made and u couldnt handle the proof i gave! ure just a little weak, biased shit!

Go have a cry!


You deleted your “BS” comment? hahaha lucky i took a screen shot of it! Why would u delete it? Are u afraid someone might see how full of shit and stupid u are? Dude ive got u now! Not only did i screen shot ur stupid reply, but now i can prove to people (by sharing this page link) that you actually DELETED your post saying “BS” and then getting BITCH SLAPPED into submission proving that ur were not only WRONG and LAZY to look it up for yourself, but were totally rude and arrogant!

Got u now bitch! Be a smart ass again, then i start hammering u! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6f2df941198733c98ab01b0b7a3fda1b9a4f327f8d18f5219c026ed3fe8111f2.png


John 1st reply: “i think you are trying to put ANTIZIONIST in a bad light, by appearing to be one and then speaking the most utter bs.”

John 2nd reply: “what went wrong in your little ZIONIST mind that makes you think i’m looking for credibility?”

John 1st reply: “this is BS. show me the “small canals” on google earth. there is no canal that can be navigated by any ship if it does not appear at least on satellite pics.”

John 2d reply: “seeing you writing thousands of line only to prove that I’M WRONG on something on which anybody can be wrong just shows how much committed you are into discrediting other users”.

JOHN SAID: “shows how much committed you are into discrediting other users” JOHN SAID: “this is bs.”, “show me the “small canals” on google earth” (AND I DID SHOW HIM) “speaking the most utter bs”, “scumbag zionazis trying to convince other people with their bullshit.”, “seeing you writing thousands of line only to prove that i’m wrong on something on which anybody can be wrong” (HAHAHAHA), “just shows how much committed you are into discrediting other users”, “in order to derail discussions”, “you sewage scumbags”.


John, i assume a “Zionazi” and an “Antizionist” are both “antiZionists” right?

Then why are u saying in one reply that im NOT and antizionist and then in the second reply that i am an antizionist? have u been taking ur medication dude?

You get real butt hurt when u are proven wrong!

I was right, u were wrong! u even deleted ur first reply (but i screen shot it :)) Your first words were “BS”, then called me an antizionist or trying to appear like one, lol. Then in ur second reply u accepted u were wrong but called me a zionazi and a sewage scumbag!

My first reply to ur INCORRECT and LAZY comment on the connection between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea was rather polite. read it again! But u attack with BS and AntiZionist name calling! Then when u are proven wrong u call me a zionazi and a sewage scum bag!


U then deleted ur comment because u have some ego problem u want to dominate or something strange like that! attacking people for politely educating u and then u attack them! Well guess what John, 2 can play that game!

youre a shill!

John said : “show me the “small canals” on google earth”

I was right and you were wrong, instead of replying with a modest comment like “ahh i see, thanks for the info” u called me a zionazi and a sewage scumbag because my reply to educate u was too long!




These oversized missile boats/undersized destroyers have become very common over the last could generations, corresponding with the proliferation of guided missiles.


Warships are only as big as they need to be. Battleships were big because they needed to be big to handle the big guns, and withstand the shells of the enemy. Today one of these corvettes could sink a carrier with ease, whereas 100 years ago a corvette would be sunk by a battleship before the corvette could fire a shot.

Next war, the American carriers will hide out of site, just like the British battleships did after the battle of Jutland.

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