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Russia Losing Generals In Ukraine

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Russia Losing Generals In Ukraine

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On May 5, Russian Major General Roman Kutuzov was killed on the Ukrainian front lines during a Russian special operation.

Major General Roman Kutuzov was Commander of the 1st Army Corps of the Donetsk People’s Militia. He was killed during a combat mission near the settlement of Nikolaevka, Popasnyansky district of the Luhansk People’s Republic.

No details on his death have been revealed so far.

Roman Kutuzov took part in military operations on the territory of the Syrian Republic for many years.

During his service Kutuzov was awarded the Order of Courage, Distinguished Service Order, Order of Honor, as well as the medal for Courage.

Russia Losing Generals In Ukraine

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On June 2, it was reported that the hero of Russia, retired Major General of the Russian Air Force, 63-year-old Kanamat Botashev, died during military operations in the sky over the Luhansk People’s Republic.

According to Russian military reporters, Botashev rescued a blocked assault group of the Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine. From an extremely low altitude, the Major General struck the AFU and allowed the surrounded group to escape from the fire trap. During the attack, his aircraft was shot down by an anti-aircraft missile.

Vladimir Putin posthumously awarded him the title of Hero of Russia.

So far, deaths of 5 Russian generals have been reportedly confirmed.

The fact that Russian generals are dying on the front lines confirms that they are standing alongside their servicemen on the battlefield. Their braveness is confirmed by their military feats. In contrast to their enemy, as almost all Ukrainian prisoners of war and servicemen on the front lines pledge that they were left by their military command.

At the same time, the high-ranked losses of the Russian military may be a sign of the lack in manpower of Russian forces deployed in Ukraine. The Russian grouping in Ukraine was not significantly reinforced since the very beginning of the operation.


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Haans rauss

Invader and criminal is cold and dead….hans happy, russobots….not ^^

pupin aka putin is dead


Last edited 2 years ago by Haans rauss
Eddie Truncaro

Which side is losing more troops right now, the Ukraine or Russia? You know the answer as well as I do. The Ukies are losing more. By far.

Reports (on Western MSM, of all places) confirm that Russia, since changing its tactics a month ago, is suffering far less casualties than in the early phases of the war. That’s because Russia is now holding back its infantry and armored assaults in favor of saturating Ukie positions with massive, murderous artillery bombardments. This approach is working quite well for Russia, as proven by its string of significant victories in Donbass these past two weeks.

Again, I emphasize that even Western MSM is admitting that Russia’s casualties have gone down. The New York Times is one of the MSM outlets that reported this information, in an article published just this week.

Meanwhile, Ukie casualties have skyrocketed. The dumb Ukies – who excel at ethnic cleansing but can’t fight a lick against real soldiers – are getting wiped out like flies in a bug zapper. Zelensky himself has cried like baby, screaming to the world that 100 of his troops are killed each day and another 500 are wounded. Think about it: that’s 600 Ukies removed from the war zone each and every day, at relatively low cost to the Russians.

So, how does that make a neo-Nazi Ukrainian nationalist like you feel? You know what’s lying ahead. The Ukraine MUST and WILL surrender.

10 Dead Generals

Sounds like Tiktokadyrov asked his main goat to write down his deep military analyse while he smokes his blunt.

There's always hope

That’s just not nice M8, take a chill pill these guys served there nation proper, not as pro Nazi NATO mercenaries supporting the zionazi khazarian mafia in Ukraine but fighting against its oppressive nature on innocent Ukrainians as proper legit military man, show some respect for warriors even though they be an enemy, have you know honour?

Johny B G

The big difference between the Russians and Ukrainian military is that the Russian Generals fight in the front lines with their men, while the Ukrainian Generals fight from under their beds in their 1 or 2 miles deep bunkers. Maybe a good way of combating the evil and lying western media and press will be by dropping millions of leaflets over Ukraine. Explaining all the western deceptions, lies and manipulations. And how we the west deceivingly and secretly really provoked the Ukraine war. And how the Nazi Ukraine regime was created and funded by American and EU Zionist Bankers and Oligarchs. And last telling them to stop fighting for rich American and EU rich bankers and Oligarchs, while their children and families are dying and they all have their families safe and sound.


Another one can rest in hell

All fascists in Ukraine must die

On the one hand, the general again led people to attack. As if there are not enough colonels (majors, captains, sergeants…). And on the other hand, Roman was the same commander as everyone else, albeit with a higher rank. And now tell me, what is there in Ukraine? The APU is retreating, and what? They are trying to pass a law allowing commanders to shoot subordinates who do not go into battle. And here the general gets up and, by his own example, leads the soldiers to attack. So whose idea is stronger? Ours, since we have generals on stormtroopers themselves fly, and go on the attack, and die like soldiers. I don’t remember similar examples in Ukraine.

Last edited 2 years ago by All fascists in Ukraine must die
All fascists in Ukraine must die

And where are the Ukrainian generals? They ran away far in the rear and from Severodonetsk, lied to their subordinates as if they were at a meeting, and they simply abandoned THEIR people and ran away.

Florian Geyer

In reality, the real ‘Ukie’ Generals are hiding in Washington and the UK.

The actual homegrown UKIE generals are just thugs and drug dealers with more moronic attitudes :)

Johny B G

The big difference between the Russians and Ukrainian military is that the Russian Generals fight in the front lines with their men, while the Ukrainian Generals fight from under their beds in their 1 or 2 miles deep bunkers. Maybe a good way of combating the evil and lying western media and press will be by dropping millions of leaflets over Ukraine. Explaining all the western deceptions, lies and manipulations. And how we the west deceivingly and secretly really provoked the Ukraine war. And how the Nazi Ukraine regime was created and funded by American and EU Zionist Bankers and Oligarchs. And last telling them to stop fighting for rich American and EU rich bankers and Oligarchs, while their children and families are dying and they all have their families safe and sound.

Johny B G

The big difference between the Russians and Ukrainian military is that the Russian Generals fight in the front lines with their men, while the Ukrainian Generals fight from under their beds in their 1 or 2 miles deep bunkers. Maybe a good way of combating the evil and lying western media and press will be by dropping millions of leaflets over Ukraine. Explaining all the western deceptions, lies and manipulations. And how we the west deceivingly and secretly really provoked the Ukraine war. And how the Nazi Ukraine regime was created and funded by American and EU Zionist Bankers and Oligarchs. And last telling them to stop fighting for rich American and EU rich bankers and Oligarchs, while their children and families are dying and they all have their families safe and sound.




Not if , but when .


Russia is confirmed to be losing more troops. You will never admit to this.

Johny B G

The big difference between the Russians and Ukrainian military is that the Russian Generals fight in the front lines with their men, while the Ukrainian Generals fight from under their beds in their 1 or 2 miles deep bunkers. Maybe a good way of combating the evil and lying western media and press will be by dropping millions of leaflets over Ukraine. Explaining all the western deceptions, lies and manipulations. And how we the west deceivingly and secretly really provoked the Ukraine war. And how the Nazi Ukraine regime was created and funded by American and EU Zionist Bankers and Oligarchs. And last telling them to stop fighting for rich American and EU rich bankers and Oligarchs, while their children and families are dying and they all have their families safe and sound.

Dick Von D'Astard

Once a soldier always a soldier… Even in their 60’s. Professional dedication.

Putin bitches tears taste like heaven

Oooops! What about those nato generals? What happened 🤣😂😂


You ask me, they are the ones about to be meeting a criminal court in the rebel republics and will probably face death penalty. But I would worry more about the fact almost 1/4 of all your nation’s territory is under an external power’s control…

Last edited 2 years ago by Dodo
10 Dead Generals

But where are they? Are the NATO generals a secret Russian weapon?


Ooops! How’s that Joint Forces ethnic cleansing operation in Donbas going for the failed Ukrainian CIA project? Must have those separtists just about all wrapped up and everybody shouting Glory to Bandera as they bounce up and down in Melitopol, no?

Dick Von D'Astard

In the Russian Army, the rank “major general” is known as Russian: генера́л-майо́р, romanized: Generál-mayór. It is equivalent to a British brigadier or an American brigadier general. Major general is the lowest of the general officer ranks, with no brigadier general rank.


SF is removing comments that are trolling or spam. please just down vote them and do not respond and it will be like they were never here.

Putin bitches tears taste like heaven

Oh no little baby is crying and want his safespace back, you really need that blanky don t you liitle poor thing 😂🤣😂


Hey so how does it fell losing the war ukie ?


“SF is removing comments that are trolling or spam.”

Why do you say that as if it’s a bad thing??

“please just down vote them and do not respond…”

No, we should NOT have to “downvote” them or go to the trouble of consciously “not responding”. Those paid CIA, Ukronazi, Euronazi, Zionazi and jihadist trolls, whose only purpose is to make this site unreadable and destroy it, SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE.

Peter Jennings

Dissing trolls is so much fun though.

Mene Mene

Indeed. And it is impossible to remove them altogether as they will simply reappear as sockpuppets. Continuous moderation is the only answer, but it should take down all the replies to the OP as well. That will bruise a few egos, but if you’re gonna moderate to free up the discussion space, it’s best to go the whole hog.


As it should be. Finally.

Peter Jennings

The Russian admin are winning the war against US/nato nazis and SF is winning the misinfo war. Things are looking up.

Florian Geyer

I agree.

Giving the Ukie and NATO bots oxygen is just wasting time. I recall Jens Holm’s inane comments during the the Syrian campaign.

It’s better to just vote them down, as you say, and to let the SouthFront troll cleaners do their jobs.

Debate is what we need and the repetitious US/UK talking points are 100% nonsense.

Bravo South Front. Troll cleaning is a dirty job that needs doing in the era of US/UK banality.

Slava Rossiya.

Mene Mene

Anglo banality and degeneracy. They are a spent 1970s neoliberal counter-culture that’s on its way out anyhow. Thank God the rest of the (non-Western) world was spared their 60s/70s bizzaro decadent hogwash.


Those days were reasoned far more than not,compared to todays millenial nwo soros asswipes,Have you seen how life was in developed nations back then,more likely not! I suppose your apple phone will reward you freedom,guess what you never worked dud!


Put yourself in the boots of the ordinary soldier. Which commanding officer would you have a greater respect for – One who is fighting on the same front line as you are. Or one who issues orders from far in the rear in a bunker?


If an official dies, the one under him replaces him right away. As long there is one soldier, a general can always be made. The problem is that we are too used to movies to realize that. We all think that losing high officials is a tragedy, but it opens to new possibilities for other to show what they are made of. The same goes for your job. If someone retires, gets fired or dies, there is another who takes his place and cycle continues. We are just number in this society


He died with honour like a hero not hid like a bitch in a sewer!


When the officers die with their troops, it seems right and noble. In a ship, the captain should be the last to leave the sinking ship. The preservation of the lives of all of the officers but none of the troops is a disgrace to the officers.


If an official dies, the one under him replaces him right away. As long there is one soldier, a general can always be made. The problem is that we are too used to movies to realize that. We all think that losing high officials is a tragedy, but it opens to new possibilities for other to show what they are made of. The same goes for your job. If someone retires, gets fired or dies, there is another who takes his place and cycle continues. We are just numbers in this society


Not anywhere near as brave,theres no place for the faint hearted nor inexperienced pretenders, ranking must be hard earn’t on credentials,not usa/uk shareholders of cia armageddon trusts!


All of this discussion about Putin having cancer, are there some kind of nefarious activities being waged against Vladimir Putin?


Nope, just some western MSM trying to cope with their defeat in all of the info wars and creating “wishfull thinking” and fake news like always. Hey it it were by this guys, moscow you have already been bombarded by the ghost of Kiev and his secret CIA laser guns


Because they lied,its is they whom spead cancers of all kinds to their own degenerated sodomites!

Severdonetsk was 100% liberated

Have we won yet?


Oh so you did changed the name for your account ? What happened with the Maeiupol part of it ? Lol will you keep doing this ukie City rotations on your name tag ? Then I look foward to seen you using Kiev in it hahah


Yep. Since the US coup with the retard Baderpite Nazis bouncing on the Maidan in 2014, the Ukrainians have lost tens of thousands of square km of territory, their economy has been even further degraded and the people sold into debt servitude to US imperial banking structures, and tens of thousands of Ukrainian servicemen have been killed and millions of refugees have fled the country. So, yes, the Russians have definitely won.

Lesco Brandon

Important question is why are they on the front lines?


Some Russian Generals are known to lead and want to fight alongside their men from the front lines. Historically many leaders have fought on the front lines from Fidel Castro to Che, king Ashoka of India was a warrior king who used to fight in battles.

Thought Criminal

It’s not so much about what the generals want, its just the Russian doctrine right now. Generals need to see the front lines to realistically understand their army’s situation, needs and possibilities, and give competent orders adequate to what they see on the ground.


Generals have a sense of autonomy on the battlefield. Allow me to make the comparison to a great football (soccer) captain. The captain of the team is the General, the coach of the entire team is the governing authority. The coach organizes and chooses the team, players with the funds that are given to him. The Captain is the guiding force of the team and the team feeds off the energy and leadership of the Captain. The Captain leads his team to victory and every Captain has his own style and technique. The key here is leadership. Some lead from a far and are more scholastic and intellectually driven by statistical and strategic planning. Some great leaders cannot lead unless they are front and center in the heat of the action alongside their comrades. I would not say that one is better than the other or that one is necessarily more effective than the other but with such an advanced and complete military as that of the Russian Armed Forces, it is no surprise that they excel in producing great Generals of all various and diverse styles of military leadership and tactics. One thing that the Russians do not lack and history confirms this is the courage and the will to make the ultimate sacrifice to protect their motherland.


And I do agree with your statement of being able to ascertain the conditions on the front lines.


Che was a vile excuse for a man. He died of lead poisoning.


The cleaning lady was busy…yes..why would a general be on the frontline with the troops he commands?

Sgt. Based

Its okay

Most generals are completely unnecessary anyway


If an official dies, the one under him replaces him right away. As long there is one soldier, a general can always be made. The problem is that we are too used to movies to realize that. We all think that losing high officials is a tragedy, but it opens to new possibilities for other to show what they are made of. The same goes for your job. If someone retires, gets fired or dies, there is another who takes his place and cycle continues. We are just number in this society


You have no substance nor any means of merit to your delusional trolling,geta life imbecile!


For the west maybe,but for russian heritage best to stick to victors methods,not the lame delusional wannabes of todays woke multi genders! FIXED!


The nato nations ha e been planning this for centuries. They’ve wanted Russia since at least the 1700s.


Black Eagle trust Fund plans have been published for a long time, not hidden, plain sight. it has just one purpose. every dollar stolen from Germany (which equals all of europas gold), and Japan ( represents all of Asias gold stolen by Japs in WWII) has been in a trust fund used to destroy, discredit and demonize Russians worldwide and to destroy the infrastructure and history that even the fall of communism could not destroy. George Bush Senior was the repository keymaster until his death. no one knows for sure who holds the keys today. withdrawls are usually painful, 911 should be considered a withdrawl from the Bank of Nova Scotia in the basement vault. follow the trail -from Yamashita’s gold to kennedy’s assassination to the iraq war theft of 29 tons of gold on day one of the war. follow the gold- from Obersaltzburg to the Chase Manhattan Bank accounts that liquidated the USA’s gold stock and continues selling it as paper today. Black Eagle Trust Fund = the “Deep State” you know


The more I learn about the courage, unity and honorable characteristics of the Russian armed forces the more I admire and respect them. These Generals were leading their men from the front lines alongside their comrades not by necessity but out of the free will to fight and make the ultimate sacrifice if necessary and die on the battlefield. Great Generals of Russia you fought with valiant determination to defend the lives of your people in Ukraine. Glory to Russia and to your family members who will proudly live to tell the world that their husband, their father chose to take a stand and fight until the very end against the dark forces of tyranny and oppression.

Last edited 2 years ago by 7even-N-6
Wayne Gabler

General that have no battlefield experience die at a desk, there is no honor in that. EU Bankers would surrender as soon as one of their important people died in an attack by Russia. They have no honor to lose.


I’m sure he was an excellent soldier. Front line generals are the best and the brightest. It only takes on nuclear strike on one nuclear power facility to trigger a mass extinction event. I believe the Nazis are capable of this. Let’s hope the Russians kill these assholes before they get access to a nuke.


gotta be careful with digital devices, especially cell phones.


True USA is using their worldwide intelligence/ spying network to pass on the location of these high ranking officers to hit squads who use drones / artillery and snipers to assassinate them. Russia should return the favor, by tracking all American personnel within Ukraine and making sure they receive similar treatment.


If Ukraine “denazify”, they commit simply suicide


It would help to have a cross reference from a Russian source to officially verify this information.

However if it is true (then May God Rest the Souls of these Brave Warriors, Memory Eternal).

If it is true then I guarantee this was done with the direct assistance of Western Intelligence Agencies. There should be an equal yet assymetrical response if it is true.

Thomas Turk

Soul does not need the permission of an imaginary deity to rest. It rests till the next incarnation, a longer rest for those that attained a ripe old age, say 150 years, to a shorter one, for a short life. An aborted foetus, say after 3 weeks when the spirit form enters, may be incarnated a few hours. The Creation will tend to chose family for the next life and make the arrangement with the new mother’s spirit form..

If the previous body was not burned, it’s fluidal forces will aid the consciousness block to move into the new person, if not, a new personality is formed.

Data from a race 3,500 years ahead of us theyfly dot com.

Lazy Gamer

That first pic looks a bit like Bercow


Russian generals lead from the front, not lije NATO general that lead from behind or Ukrainian generals that lead from Lvov


It’s a difficult question as to where generals should live. Rommel was the type of Blitzkrieg general which needs to head the front in order to incite. Other than that, the culture of leader heroism can become a seductive trap in a longer conflict. Generals, if they are capable ones, also have the duty to see themselves as the precious gems of warfare which have to be kept and spared.


Actual heroes , generals fighting alongside their men , as opposed to America’s fat fucks , generals , chest full of medals , never been in harms way .


Yep, I wanna see Putin visit the frontline and show his muscles ;) The whole Russian army will be revigorated. Still drunk but meh…


Unlike nato Generals who sit in control rooms hundreds of miles aways from the front lines directing events. Russian senior military officers including Generals are hands on and as we can see fight alongside their comrades on the front lines every day. Like Oliver Cromwell the great Christian General and commander who dissolved the English parliament and fought against the corruption of the English King during the mid 1600. Russian Generals lead the way in all conflict zones Syria and in former East Ukraine. We salute General Botashev his actions undoubtedly saved the lives of his fellow comrades on active service. And his long list of honours speak for themselves.

Natalia Guberna

Kanamat Botashev, 63 years old and a pilot. Died while conducting a combat mission with Su-25. Like really? 63 years old? How can you allow an old man perform a combat mission of such complexity. Nobody can deny his competence but I must question his health condition. Those who let him fly a combat mission are guilty of murder.

“Russian media report that Botashev was released from the Russian army in 2012. Then the major general asked an acquaintance of the colonel to fly a plane, to which Botashev did not have access. The plane crashed, and Botashev and his friend managed to eject. After that, the military was released from the army and tried. It is unknown why the retired general took part in the war in Ukraine. Russiaʼs Defense Ministry did not comment on the death.”


“Vladimir Putin posthumously awarded him the title of Hero of Russia.”

OK nobody can deny that airmen have something wrong in their brain… and their dedication can go beyond death itself. But still… why? 63 years old…


I expected nothing less, and its always a problem to loose them, but they are by large a team behind every general where I asume the knowledge, etc is cept intact. And, generals I can respect, but where the f….. is the Church. Uh…. in Davos, bad me, I forgot that. And by the way, Eddie Truncaro is spot on.

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