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MARCH 2025

Russia May Suspend Charter Flights To Turkey – Media

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Russia May Suspend Charter Flights To Turkey - Media

REUTERS/Osman Orsal

Russian airline companies have received a warning about possible suspension of charter flights to Turkey from the Federal Aviation Agency, the Russian state-run news agency TASS reported, citing own source in one of the companies.

“Rosaviatsia sent a telegram to Russian airlines stating that suspension of charter flights Russian airlines make to Turkey’s airports is possible,” the agency quoted the source as saying.

According to the report, the potential suspension of charter flights is related to a complicated situation in Turkey.

Last week, Turkish President Recep Erdogan warmelly welcomed the US missile strike on the Syrian military airfield, threatened a Turkish invasion to Iraq and called for more “safe zones” in Syria.

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Good thinking. The last thing Russia needs is thousands of Russians being taken hostage by Erdogan.

Carol Davidek-Waller

Shutting down the lucrative Russian tourist trade is how Putin brought Erdogan to heel after he unapologetically shot down a Russian her in Syrian territory and murdered the pilot. Another bout of economic hardship is going to undermine support at home.

Daniel Martin

Erdogan has a lot of Innocent Syrian blood on his hands, and i must say that, he is an absolutely despicable character, which every normal human being should avoid doing any business at all with. I would say that after all the conspiring against the Syrian people and all the support and arming that Turkey has given to the terrorists in Syria to further fuel the suffering and the war for six consecutive years, it would be more then a fair punishment to chop of a good part of south-east Turkey and support a Kurdish state, where all the Kurds from the neighboring countries could settle down.


You propose ethnic cleansing of kurdish lands in Iran, Iraq and Syria?

I can tell you right now that those kurds will not settle there. They will, or already have, take control of their own lands and will not take that of turkeys kurds.

Turkeys kurds deserve either autonomy or independance, whatever they want. They will not have to give half to refugees from other countries.

Hanny Benny

Kurdistan will be second Israel. A save real democratic heaven for sane people in middle east. Kurdistan is the future of a peacfull middle east !


No, Kurdistan with current sponsorship will be a US/ Israeli geo-strategic project, and a localized base point for US/ Israeli directed infiltration into and against Iran.

Solomon Krupacek

israel = apartheid. this told dagan, fromer chief of mossad. kirdistan vill by like yugoslavia. civil wars.

M. Kursat Bozkurt

Correct, an independent Kurdistan state would be “second Israel” of Middle East. USA and Israel are supporting this dream appearently. Kurdish people who want an independent state should accept the reality of decades of wars with Arab, Iranian and Turkish nations …… such a dream means millions of Kurdish youngsters dying for USA and ISRAEL benefits.

Solomon Krupacek

and 90% of world dreams about palestina instead of israel.

Dustil schmit

I also support giving Kars/ezarnum/agin/trabzon to Aremina.

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