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Russia’s New Offensive Brings Losses To Ukraine

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Russia's New Offensive Brings Losses To Ukraine

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Russia's New Offensive Brings Losses To Ukraine
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Russia's New Offensive Brings Losses To Ukraine

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Amid the ongoing heavy battles, the frontlines have started moving in new directions in Ukraine. The Russian army launches new offensive operations, forcing the Armed Forces of Ukraine to deploy their depleted reserves on extended fronts. At the same time, precision strikes by Russian drones and missiles are pounding the Ukrainian rear.

On the night of June 20, the Russian military launched a series of strikes in Ukrainian rear regions. Explosions thundered in the city of Dnipro, where a large fire broke out.

Russian strikes hit targets in the city of Krivyi Rig. According to unconfirmed reports, the target was a military airfield of the Ukrainian Air Force.

The Vinnytsia region also came under Russian attack. Local authorities confirmed damage to some strategic infrastructure facilities.

A series of explosions thundered around Kyiv. Strikes were reported in the town of Brovary. According to a local report, Russian kamikaze UAVs inflicted damage to Ukrainian air defenses near the capital.

The border regions in eastern Ukraine are pounded on a daily basis. The Russian aerospace and missile forces are destroying Ukrainian manpower and military equipment accumulated near the frontlines. In particular, massive strikes were launched in the Kharkiv region and continue to be launched every night and every day. At least three explosions were recorded in Kharkiv on June 19. The territory of a children’s camp used for the accommodation of Ukrainian servicemen and foreign mercenaries in the Shevchenko district came under another attack.

On the same day, another wave of Russian strikes hit the southern Odessa region. Explosions thundered in the port town of Chernomorsk and in the village of Karolino-Bugaz located south of Odessa. Another recreation facility used by the Ukrainian military was destroyed.

In their turn, the Armed Forces of Ukraine attempted to reach Russian rear facilities with their kamikaze drones. According to the Russian Defense Ministry, 15 Ukrainian UAVs were destroyed in six Russian regions. As a result of the massive drone attack, a fire broke out at an oil depot in Adygea. Another target was the Afipsky oil refinery but the drone did not reach it. A civilian woman was killed after a UAV fell on her house.

Meanwhile, the Russian army launched an offensive in a new direction on the Donbass frontlines. After a prolonged pause, the Russian military advanced towards the town of Toretsk located on the border of the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics. The front has been almost unchanged there since 2014. The attacks caught the Ukrainian forces by surprise when they began a rotation of military personnel in the area. The Ukrainian military is forced to admit the loss of a number of important strongholds near Pivnichne. Over the past day alone, the Russian army expanded its zone of control by about 1.5 kilometers in the area.


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the new offensive sounds promising and effective

Jürgen Grabowski

the ukrozzz cannot defend themselves, even if they have bicycles, dead hamsters and fishing equipment as supplies.

Jonas Strandval

the ukrainian army has never cared a damn about its own helpless soldiers.

asov’s army is full of criminals, including pedophiles and rapists. zelenska’s ukraine is a fascist, racist pigsty.

Bjarne Granlund

the recovery of some looted ukrainian villages in kharkov is a pyrrhic victory for volodolfs criminal gang.

Markus Kallio 🇫🇮👍🇪🇺

35 years after the fall of the berlin wall, it is clear that resource-rich russia has become much richer than all its former soviet neighbors, such as estonia, latvia, poland and hungary, who followed the path of european infiltration. zelensky’s ukrainian mendicant regime has no incentive to end the war and join this kind of economic disaster.

South Front Is Pure Joke

10 million ukrozzz don’t even have indoor toilets. many don’t have toilet paper. instead they clean their arse hole with grass. millions don’t have tap water. that is so called zelenskas paradise. 🤣

Reinhold Neumann

…the bad thing 👎 is that they are now also doing this in german forests 🌲🌲.

every owner of a dog 🐕 pays ♂ a penalty 🤽 if he’s a heap of shit 💩 his dog 🐕 is not eliminated, the ukrainians interested in it at all, they poop 💩 just keep 🕧 🔛


russia has routinely bombed ukraine over the last 2.5 years, you moron. 1/4 of russians lack indoor plumbing.


yes. military and infrastructure targets.

all legitimate.

notice how they didn’t hire tajiks to shoot up civilians or murder the daughters of noted philosophers?

that’s what ukraine does.


russia is surely worse off now than it were almost 3 years ago:

15 jul 2021 over 60% of russians spend half of their salary on food — research

https: //tass. com/ society/ 1314425

Warrior Nation

but they don’t pay any rent or tax you fuktard. how much is rent in the la area now?….. $3,000 bucks for a shithole with no parking space.

Heiner Bremer

leider geht es heute auch allen deutschen deutlich schlechter als vor noch drei jahren!

über 80% der deutschen geben heute die hälfte oder mehr ihres einkommens allein für ihre miete zzgl. energiekosten aus!

der unterschied zu russland: die deutsche regierung und ihre handlanger haben diese situation selbst verursacht!

aber sachsen ist da auf einem guten weg, wenn ich in die umfragen bei wahlrecht.de/umfragen/landtage/sachsen.htm schaue!

Last edited 3 months ago by Heiner Bremer
Heiner Bremer

unfortunately, all germans are doing much worse today than they did three years ago!

more than 80% of germans today give half or more of their income for their rent alone plus vat. energy costs off!

the difference with russia: the german government and its henchmen caused this situation themselves!

but saxony is on a good way when i go to the polls at: wahlrecht.de/umfragen/landtage/sachsen.htm look!

Last edited 3 months ago by Heiner Bremer

how are americans doing?

not so great either. and they helped instigate this conflict. and blew up the nord stream pipeline.

and all over the world, nations are ditching the dollar!


the minion republics on the baltic can and should be neutered till the stench of death is all over and kallas should be the first to try out the noose and the rope the russians will supply!

Woe is UA

are you one of those swedish nazis that biden named a terrorist organization just to pretend he’s anti-nazi?

change your name to granchuk and you’ll be fine.


russia still pays the nordic resistance movement to propagate for them despite banning national vanguard’s website for publishing their articles. this was on the one-hundredth anniversary of the nsdap’s 25 points on february 24, 2022 – the start of russia’s full-scale war against ukraine that you are forced to call a “special military operation”.

Last edited 3 months ago by Saxon
Cherry Garcia

sure they do, and my father died in 1862 fighting eskimos in the civil war between the union and the confederacy.


the intent was originally to distract the ukrainians and sneak in paratroopers to conduct a coup. it naturally failed, and the war escalated from there.

Warrior Nation

you are not saxon in the least, jellyfish!

Cherry Garcia

other than being transparent, he’s more like jellyfish poop.

Last edited 3 months ago by Cherry Garcia
Woe is UA

can’t we use ’em to attack china? i mean, we already spent so much on them…..gotta be some use somewhere.


they have greater honor and integrity compared to the rapists and cannibals of wagner group taken from russian prisons to die in bakhmut last year. they had no honor to speak of.

Last edited 3 months ago by Saxon
Warrior Nation

no dogfucker, that’s azov battalion …documented !

Cherry Garcia

not just azov. there’s a dozen more, all infiltrated to the highest rungs of power.

just wipe this nazidom’s second coming off the face of the earth and be done with it.

the world will end up thanking you, even europe once it finally wakes up from its major hangover – which seems to be coming any month now, by the looks of it.

Last edited 3 months ago by Cherry Garcia
Cherry Garcia

sure, so did german nazis have ‘integrity and honor’ of the sort you speak of.

but then again, you’re of that sort yourself, so welcome to your second obliteration.

Last edited 3 months ago by Cherry Garcia

their might have been a few instances of abuses.

but nobody tops ukraine and their azov boys for treachery.


you forgot about the churki on dirt bikes.

South Front Is Pure Joke

north korean technology will now destroy ukrozzz 🤡 😆😆😆

Last edited 3 months ago by South Front Is Pure Joke
Woe is UA

the more the merrier

Franz Köhler

since zelenska’s oligarchs fear democracy as a threat to their regime, but not an expansion of nato membership, the promotion of nato will not alleviate zelenska’s insecurity.

for his declared goal of promoting the “nazification“ of ukraine, his cover is the democratization of ukraine as a cover for his true goal: an anti-democratic regime preservation.

John Kesich

it is well known that since 2013, renewable energy has been producing electricity more and more expensive than fossil fuels and nuclear energy can.

although the eu is trying to quickly expand solar and wind power plants, russia, which continues to sell fossil fuels en masse, will have very good cards.

this is one of the reasons why russia has a golden future ahead of it. putin recognized this well. renewable energies have lost ❌ – russia has won ✔️

Henrik Persson

…europe will need more and more natural gas. 🎈🎈🎈

Dave Simmons

the results are shown in simple facts. we need more and more energy for electricity and heating.

it is cleaner here with atomic energy and there are hardly any exhaust gases. good for the lungs and a long life.

idiots from the eu have said that wind and solar panels will replace all fossil fuels, that’s a lie, because very few parts of the energy sector will ever be fossil-free.

Woe is EU

every eu politician should carry an enema and bottle to gather farts. god only knows they have enough to heat at least five european capitals.

Woe is UA

ah, he and his crew are just in it now to soak the western taxpayer and buy a few more villas and casinos before going on the lam.

Ramses II

kim jong falls for vladolfs car wedding gift and now they live happy cardashian life together. how many episodes will this last? the fanclub window peepers and trolls can’t believe how much fantastic joy they got lately

gestapo mctaco

one problem with yur ridiculous synopsis.

ur an overly inbred, horseheaded freak..

Last edited 3 months ago by gestapo mctaco
Woe is UA

i second that. although a horse’s ass would fit his head better.


or pig’s head/ass. pig is totemic animal, idol of hohols though it’s not kosher/haram, because a pig is the dirty animal in judaism and islam. but they eat lard with moonshine, so haram x haram = kosher. hohols and their followers can bypass any rule while worship pigs.

Degeneration Of Russia

it will take hundreds of episodes and i love them already now!

the series of the bad, eternally begging actor zelenska is simply told out.

not even his volodolf gay fanboys are interested in it yet, no one believes in him anymore.

in the west, everyone rolls their eyes when he comes on a supplicant tour again, everyone makes a good face for the evil game


you just proved how mentally sick ukrainian fascists are.

Ole Linge

the ukraina is a facist country now.

Ramses II

i doubt you could even give one single example or describe what it means.


c-14, parubiy, biletsky, yarosh, veneration of bandera, veneration of 14 waffen ss, etc. ad infinitum. thanks for derping.

Woe is UA

parubiy wrote an autobiography that was thinly disguised as his own mein kampf. he had a nice pic of himself on the cover in his very best brownshirt outfit. one thing about those nazis, they’re very neat.


this imbecile wrote a book? it’s surprise for me, because he has real mental disorder proved by a doctor. his manner of speech proves it perfectly — imbecile close to the level of klichko with specific defects of pronunciation like he is a kid.

Cherry Garcia

indeed he did: ‘погляд cправа’

Cherry Garcia

“imbecile close to the level of klichko with specific defects of pronunciation like he is a kid.”

well then, he should have had no problems communicating with john mccain and the other illustrious members of congress during his visit.


thanks a lot. another proof of “no nazis there”. may be someone wrote this crap and he just put his name, common thing in modern world.


ss captain shuhevich (“hero” of ukro-reich), ss battalion “nightingale”, genocide site in babiy yar (near kiev), genocide in volyn’, murders of farmers, teachers in 1945-1955, attempt to genocide donbas since 2014, genocide in odessa 2014, the alley of angels in donetsk, terror in belgorod region, numerous acts of shelling at nuclear power plant, destruction of the kahovka dam.

Last edited 3 months ago by Антон
Ramses II

zzzombie talk clyde. nobody believes you.

Cherry Garcia

yes, i agree. you are indeed, a nobody.

jens holm

all gay mulatto prostitute believe rammes when zombie tranny pays in pesos for 15 min sodomy lesson

Cherry Garcia

c-14 sounds like a plastic explosive but in reality it’s the 14 word manifesto of white supremacist nazis, typically followed by the 88, which we also know stands for hh.

saw a bunch of those four numbers scrawled on ukrainian vehicles shortly after 2014 and before google had a chance to purge all that embarrassing stuff.

yes indeed….ukraine – is the true nexus of european naziism. it draws the rest of the eurotard nazis like flies. no bout adoubt it.

Last edited 3 months ago by Cherry Garcia
Woe is UA

14 is the biletsky manifesto. i think he’d posted it at least a thousand times before the zionist trotskyite neoconnivers told him to replace it with the american anthem or else, no more goodies for you. might as well let all the aryan brotherhood out of prison if they promise to fight for ukraine.

Last edited 3 months ago by Woe is UA
Ole Linge

example 1 asov criminal gangster gang

example 2 zelenska, term expired, dictator since 21.05

both obvious and just the tip of the iceberg

Ramses II

you just proved you use vladolf small size buttplug every day

Woe is UA

you just proved you jerk off in your sarcophagus late at night because no female would ever touch your skanky self. lol

Woe is UA

ok, maybe i exaggerated. you could maybe get one of those ukrainian nazi skanks with swastikas tattooed from head to toe. you’ve seen those pics, doing their hh’s in front of the red and black, right? why not drop one a line?

Ramses II

if it stands between vladolf nazi or ukrainian heroes , since you are so obsessed about this minimal insignificant fake topic. i choose those defending their country from russo zombie nazis every day. of course. so let’s continue to eradicate the zombie nazi orchs. we know who is guilty here don’t you worry.

Cherry Garcia

who cares where you stand? you’re a nobody.

Last edited 3 months ago by Cherry Garcia
Woe is UA

oh, that’s been known for many decades already.

Woe is UA

ukraine’s a lost cause. let’s make war on china now. there’s gotta be a war out there we can win, somewhere.


native indians, spain may be? you have success in wars against them. or mexico. washington gained ~500 mexican policemen, trained and gave them weapons to fight druglords… now they are known as “los zetas” cartel or “z”, because “zeta” is the last letter in spanish alphabet. they are last letters, almost omegas (“i’m alpha and omega — the beginning and the end”).

Woe is US

washington prevailed over the panamanian army too, killing how many of them just to grab a former cia asset called pineapple face. a very impressive broken record.


krivoy rog, please, not ruh, rah or else. it’s “curved horn” literally, because the city is placed on dnepr’s curves with shallow fast stream and stony bottom — river rapids or porogs. porog –> rog. when you bastardize original names (like ukrainizators do), the sense is lost.

Cherry Garcia

oh, i thought it was named about crooked ukrainians stealing my money to buy new villas abroad.

Cherry Garcia

by the way, that’s zelensky’s home town i think. crooked ukrainians makes a lot of sense then.


word “ukraine” derives from the word ” ukrast’ ” (“украсть)” — “to steal”. it’s joke, but really sounds similar.

Woe is UA

never thought to make that connection. indeed, it fits like a glove.

in fictional fact, there’s an oblast called kyiv, in short called ‘ukrast’.

Last edited 3 months ago by Woe is UA

glad to hear things are moving forward on the ground

John Tosh

population reduction!!!

jens holm

a healthy lgbt potato more intelligent than jens holm


zelensky is too strong opponent


fake and gay

Cherry Garcia

that’s true. i always suspected that he never changed that t-shirt.

just remember though, body odor isn’t everything.

Last edited 3 months ago by Cherry Garcia

there is only one way to eat an elephant – a bite st the time! this is what russia is doing, slowly gobbling ukraine one step after the other minimising own losses and killing off the ukies one after the other. and the delusional west continues to live in lala-land!

Warrior Nation

just tell me how many ukroniggers we killed today, just the facts, ma’am!


19 june –1895

20 june — 2165

21 june — 2317


Woe is UA

see, now you’re starting to sound like an fbi provocateur.

Warrior Nation

no…i’m just a provocateur against the fbi and the us neocons. i’d like to take a train ride down to donbass and see them splattered in a trench

Adam Adamczeski

taka to wojna, że rosja jaki usa są na żydowskiej smyczy. tylko my jesteśmy tacy głupi wierząc w te brednie o dwóch stronach przeciwnych. nie mordujcie się w imię chazarskich wizji świata !

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