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MARCH 2025

Russia: No War Now

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Russia: No War Now

Russian Aerospace Forces in Taganrog (Photo: Eric Romanenko / TASS)

The troops of the Southern and Western military districts will begin to return from the southern Russian borders to the points of their permanent deployment on April 23. The statement was made by the Russian Defence Minister.

“The goals of the surprise inspection have been fully achieved. The troops demonstrated the ability to provide a reliable defense of the country. In this regard, I decided to complete the verification activities in the Southern and Western military districts, ” Shoigu said at a meeting in the Crimea (quoted by TASS).

On April 22, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu arrived in Crimea, where the exercises of the Southern Military District and the Airborne Forces, which are part of a sudden global check of combat readiness, are taking place. Shoigu flew by helicopter around the areas of deployment of troops and military equipment, checked their readiness for the exercises.

According to him, during the check, actions on the anti-amphibious defense of the coast were worked out, the exercises involved coastal missile systems “Bal” and “Bastion”, drones “Inohodec”, patrol boats “Raptor”, as well as “other latest advanced weapons”.

Russia: No War Now

Multi-purpose military unmanned aerial vehicle “Inohodec” Source: http://super-orujie.ru/

Russia: No War Now

Raptor Source: http://www.pellaship.ru/raptor

Russia: No War Now

Bastion. Source: nevskii-bastion.ru

Russia: No War Now

Bal. Source: nevskii-bastion.ru

Units of the field army, Air Force and Air defense units, warships and vessels, military units of the coastal troops of the Black Sea Fleet, part of the forces of the Caspian Flotilla of the Southern Military District, as well as units of the Airborne Troops took part in the training ground “Opuk” in Crimea. The troops were transferred there a day before. A group of ships of the Black Sea Fleet, part of the forces of the Caspian Flotilla went to the area of the exercise a few days before.

Previously, on April 18, the Sunday Times reported that Britain would deploy its warships in the Black Sea in order to show solidarity with Ukraine and Britain’s NATO allies.


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Tommy Jensen


Jihadi Colin

It means that Putin is still showing “restraint “.

Meanwhile Zelensky called up “reservists”, meaning the Ukranazis, because normal Ukrainians won’t sign up. Putin will keep showing “restraint” and making ambiguous statements about “red lines” while NATO gathers at his borders.

Ivan Freely

Putin have no choice but to show restraint. It’s smart of Russia to gather their forces to meet NATO head on. The gloves come off if NATO is stupid enough to invade.


he definitely has a choice. what is the threat that takes his choice away? the Ukies? NATO?

Jim Allen

The arrogant sociopaths, and lunatics at The City of London. The Zionist Khazars. They’re totally unpredictable, and provoking war against 3 countries. Unable to win against any one of them. Their Globalist agenda’s are falling apart, US is being destroyed from the inside, yet The Globalists are in increasing need of US military protection. The pretenders may choose to destroy the world, and themselves if they can’t have it their way. Beyond batshit crazy.

Devon Seamoor

Imagine this, that a choice that sparks the start of a war means a war between all and all. All will be at war with All, Got it? The days of fighting, man to man, with hands, are over, as you must know. The weapons of mass destruction may have been absent in Saddham Hussein’s country, they are in existence. Every enemy, which is everybody in times of war, won’t risk being killed in those conditions.

After 14 months of a pandemic that is highly suspect in its management, as I see it, humanity has felt the fragility of life, experienced and witnessed it. I believe that humanity is at this moment at a point that it perceives the stupidity of war. It’s destructive without offering solutions, or peace.

In our modern world, it’s likely that war is planned. The Cloud, which I also call the Wishing Well of Wonders is a huge library, where you can study this subject. It’s present, you need patience. The war in Iraq, is a clear example of a planned war, using an excuse that afterwards proved to be a deception, a lie.

And also, as long as the than premier of the UK, Tony Blair, walks on his feet in freedom, with a number of other war-designers, logic dictates that war mongering is a lasting power game on planet Earth. I’m maybe a bit too serious to your liking. Although not living in doom and gloom. I’m an incurable optimist, and I know that we move to better times, step by step.

Nevertheless, I’ve felt the build up of tension, in the last week of March, in the Ukraine. Keep on trucking on the road to better times, with a good compass 😉 Be well.

Raptar Driver

Like the Soviet union waited for Nazi Germany? How much did this cost you? 27,000,000? No that’s not dollars or rubles.


Ukraine is a weak country that could be conquered within a week. It is nothing like nazi germany. Who could inflict such casualties? NATO? They would never fight russians even if they annexed the entiry ukraine

Raptar Driver

It is not the Russians in the Ukraine. It is that the country will be used as a forward base.

John Brown

Russia was weak as it had been gutted by the Zio empire 66 million murdered by racist supremacist Jews and the Russian / Soviet officer core had been murdered as well.

This is now going to happen in the USSA with Zio loyalty tests for the USSA military. I expect the racist supremacist global Jewish satanic slave empire dictatorship to murder about half the USSA population.

Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake. Napoleon Bonaparte










John Brown

Russia and China both militarily and economically get stronger every day, while the empire gets weaker every day so why not wait unless the Zio empire crosses a red line, as the odds of winning and winning easily are rapidly increasing for Russia and China.

Lone Ranger

Russia could take Kiev in a week with relative minor losses. The question is how many ukropnazis would die. don’t get me wrong I wouldn’t mind, But Russia still tries to maintain the moral high ground. In case of taking Kiev overall projected casualties could be as high as 40-50,000 within a few days. So if Ukropnazis back off and thats a big if Russia may rethink. As for the invasion I wouldn’t lay back if I was an Ukropnazi, it will take weeks to pull out, they can reverse it anytime in the next two weeks if it needs to be.

John Tosh

Why would Russia pickup Ukraine? It is poor useless and full of hookers and NAZIs. An eyesore. It’s like the USA fighting Canada to take over the black ghettos in Canada!

Now those fools in Ukraine will trend sensibly.

Russia can plan for the coming World War with NATO and the seven headed beast of Western Hegemony.

Trigger may be environmental or perhaps the collapse of the US Dollar as a reserve currency !

Assad must stay

because the west wants to use ukraine to setup their missiles

Jim Allen

The City of London wants to restore Khazaria to it’s borders circa 1250(+/-)AD. To destroy Russia, Russian’s, and Iran. Russia takes Ukraine The Zionist Khazar pretenders are denied the restoration of their country, having been slaughtered, stripped of their religion, and run out of Khazaria. For their criminal conduct, despite warnings. But, only the land, the population, not so much.

AM Hants

If you check out the DNA of Boris, he is pure Khazar and Great Nanny was from North Caucasus and Great Grandpa was Turkish and political. Now why do Nomadic Turkic Tribes, so come to mind, when thinking of Boris and his Zionist mates?

John Brown

Russia has to take Judeo Nazi Ukraine Candyland, so the empire does not fill it full of first strike nuclear weapons aimed at Russia.

However, it does not need to become formally part of Russia right away. Russia needs to population boost anyway. China will also help out with huge investments like with Iran as long as it is under Russian control.

The Zio empire with Jewish law, meaning Jews are the master race and can do whatever they want to the Goyim, and they have been doing whatever they want, like seizing Chinese assets in Judeo Nazi Ukraine






John Tosh

No no No.

Ukraine today? Poland tomorrow? Romania? Never ending

Take out the mother of the beast CIA. All countries return to normal.

John Brown

Wrong I guess you flunked Geography as to where Poland and Romania are compared to Ukraine and Russia.

As for the CIA, NSA, FBI etc., they are the dishwashers, toilet cleaners, broom pushers for their satanic Mossad slave masters. Look Jonathan Pollard just walked out of prison, the biggest living traitor in USSA history laughing at them.

I expect them their current membership, staff etc. along with top defence department staff etc., to be totally exterminated by the racist supremacist global Jewish satanic slave empire dictatorship they helped bring to power in America very soon as the empire did in the Soviet Union.

Its right out of Machevealli’s “the Prince”. As they assisted the Zio empire take over America they could also overthrow it so they have to go. They will share the same fate as the Red Guards, GRU etc when the Zio American version of Yagoda exterminates them, their children, families, friends etc., along with at least by my estimate 150 million Americans deplorables, they call them.

For any of them reading this read about what happened in the Zio Soviet Union. Your fate at the hands of your Zio masters will be the same and make hell seem like a vacation.

Why anyone threatens the CIA, FBI, NSA etc with violence en or anything I have no idea. Never do such a stupid thing. You should be arrested and punsihed by god.

Their satanic slave masters will be giving them a reward far worse then any human could even imagine and it will happen very soon. Their body and souls now belong to their Zio satanic slave masters and their lord Satan will be coming to collect them. Why do anything to prevent this?











John Tosh

Blah blah blah !

John Brown

See their fate over and over again forever



John Tosh

Double blah blah blah!

Oliver Eitel

For Russia just the Eastern part with nativ Russians is import to bring them back home and also to integrate the resource rich and industrial parts which would add to Russian GDP….. the poor West the EU and USA can have and feed

Jihadi Colin

Banderastan is centred on Lvov, not Kiev. The Ukranazis would happily sacrifice the Kievans if necessary. They despise them as closet Moskals anyway.

John Brown

Russia has to take Judeo Nazi Ukraine Candyland, so the empire does not fill it full of first strike nuclear weapons aimed at Russia.

However, it does not need to become formally part of Russia right away. Russia needs to population boost anyway. China will also help out with huge investments like with Iran as long as it is under Russian control.

The Zio empire with Jewish law, meaning Jews are the master race and can do whatever they want to the Goyim, and they have been doing whatever they want, like seizing Chinese assets in Judeo Nazi Ukraine

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/65272ba33698043a57e8677e4dfb9b290550d79a0d39a7be6eeff14a 12a9f86e.jpg




Fog of War

” Russia needs to population boost anyway. ”

Dont worry, China will gladly help Russia with that. Gladly.

John Brown

Don’t worry 10 years from now there will be 25 million more Arabs and Africans in Israel making Israel an Arab / African multicultural state.

Fog of War

I cant wait.

John Brown

I see Israel’s Iron garbage systems can’t defend Dimona against a 45 year old Soviet missile.

If Israel attacks Hezbollah or Iran and either decide to destroy Dimona all of Israel will be un-inhabital for over 500 plus years.

After this lesson the Zio empire retreated in Ukraine immediately.

Fog of War

” After this lesson the Zio empire retreated in Ukraine immediately. ”

Thats great then !! I guess the ZioWest is defeated and world peace and prosperity has broken out. Its game over right ?

John Brown

For the moment Yes. Long term if Russia were to place a few 10 plus megaton short range missiles of the Syrian border with Israel so even destroyed on the ground Israel would be destoryed and let the Zio global empire know any war they start Israel will be among the first to be totally destroyed then yes instant world peace.

Fog of War

People keep focusing on the servants instead of the masters. You can only have “world peace ” by eliminating the Bilderbergs, Rothschilds, Sassons, and so forth. Why does no nation ever take them on ?

John Brown


I am focusing on the masters. Without Israel as a staging area for Mosaad etc.,to take over the USS UK what use to be the West the west they will lose their power.

But yes why not task some nuclear missiles on the Bilderbergs who are mostly Jewish, Rothschilds, Sassons, Soros’s, Adelson’s, and so forth their hide outs and if possible live updates from their cell phones etc. Of course not all fake Jews are like them about 95% according to Israeli polling.






https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3e11a5550681c285238f67a00a8a3731d95f23297cf61d52fcbce8dc566877d0.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5aa962d45165bd68cd7104917b231d03cfc83c1756b404a76b4b3783c6faff38.jpg


Fog of War




John Brown

Hello can you post more pictures like this please.

Fog of War


Franck Vadim

All in all, there is already a common ethnic group between Russia and China, the Mongols, and then the Russians have Caucasian origins.

Fog of War

White Russians are actually a combination of Slavs and Nordic / Viking stock.


if they are “ambiguous” as you say. then how will you know if you cross one? that’s the beauty of it. chess not checkers.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

I think Nato now understands regardless of Article 5, it is going to get a proper thumping if it thinks numbers provides any herd immunity to the safety of it’s misguided and misdirected membership.

Ricky Miller

The United States really wants war with Russia, right now. How do we know? Because of the over the top provocations (Novichok tripled, WADA, OPCW, a ten time increase in Air and Naval recon near Russian borders, endless sanctions) but also we know because of what the American leadership has said and done. This includes an American Officer openly addressing a NATO exercise conclave in Norway saying “A big fight’s coming.” And an American submarine, an Ohio Class Cruise Missile Sub went on an 850 day deployment between 2018 and 2020, no doubt off Russia’s Northern Coast. They already expected the sanctions and provocations to work.

Why? The United States wants to fight and to use a dozen or so high performing secret aircraft and stealth missiles in order to change the military balance in it’s favor before the S-500 begins to be mass produced and deployed later this year. Also before the Yasen-M submarines begin to commission, two of which are due this year. But also: Sarmat testing and deployment, two 949A’s are set to emerge in 2022 as 949AM’s, and armed with up to 72 Kalibr and P-800’s each. The first Su-57 pygmy squadron will form by the beginning of 2022 and three new TorM2 regimental sets will come into service by 2022, as will the Tsirkon Hypersonic missile system. If you’re the United States and the U.K you no doubt want to fight Russia now, before these new online weapons make accomplishing your military goals so difficult as to be practically impossible.

Kenny Jones ™

So no head?

John Tosh

You are wrong. Did you see how scared NATO was just over exercises that were announced as EXERCISES!!

Ukraine needed diapers etc. Kiev would have to rethink who will come to its defense if war goes out.

There is one way to deescalate world war 3. The USA cancels Russian sanctions and move to a friendly posture. Surrounding Russia will not improve the outcome of a nuclear war for NATO!

Ricky Miller

NATO officers not British or American have the good sense to be wary. But the American and British political, media and military elites are crazy and doing crazy things all while being hell bent on being more crazy. Canada too. They are flying military cargoes into Ukraine, moving fighter jets into Poland next door, American officers are touring the Donbass front lines with Ukrainian neo-nazi military patches on their uniforms. Two British warships are to enter the Black Sea in several weeks.

That’s not acting scared. Crazy is as crazy does.

John Tosh

That is real fear. There is no point in fighting Ukraine.

World war 3 will fry the biggest problem makers.

The calm before the storm. When they say peace. Suddenly war comes.

The USA will be nuked not Ukraine.

Ukraine needed to know it would be easy for Russia to take over Ukraine why do that?

Ukraine is useless full of NAZIs and poverty! Who wants that headache.

Take out the CIA and Ukraine will behave.

Time to prepare for Third World war !

It will only escalate from now on!

Remember you heard it from me first !

Ricky Miller

There’s not going to be nuclear war. The United States wants Russia out of the way before they get into a titanic military conflict with China. A short and quick exchange where one side is conventionally outgunned and outperformed is what both sides are building up to and rehearsing for. It’ll be mostly in non critical geographies. Russia wants to stiff arm American and British military might and break their illusion of superiority in order to achieve political objectives like the affirmation of the Minsk agreement, the status of Crimea and the end to pressure and over the top provocations. The USA and the U.K and friends want to demonstrate that conventional superiority and aid Ukraine in retaking the breakaway Republics in order to humiliate the Kremlin and cause a change in government in Moscow more friendly to the West, or scared enough to go back into a Russian shell as the hegemons pivot to taking on China before she grows more powerful than she already is.

Forgive me for saying so but your analysis on things that I’ve read, including the above, are nothing but Juvenile hyperbole in thoughtfulness and credibility. Your comments are becoming the digital equivalent of a small circus act and I have a hard time taking you or your ideas seriously.

Robert Ferrin

Attack the message not the messenger show a little class if you have any, from your post I take it your an American so that would give you a little leeway as far as manners go but there is a limit…


Dear ricky, Have you thought about asking the cookie lady whether she would take you on as a geo-political analyst? You have all the qualifications. A good imagination, a lack of intelligence, a disdain for facts but, and this is critical, can you bake cookies? get on it boy–chocolate chip with walnuts for starters.

Ricky Miller

The cookie lady and I are not on speaking terms. And I much prefer Brownies anyway.

John Tosh

We shall see who is correct.

I remember when the CIA and all you guys said North Korea was bluffing they did not have nukes. Go back a few years and look it up clearly. I said specifically the CIA is wrong North Korea has nukes. This became fact after the North Korean nuclear test. Proved me right. Please look at the date I posted that particular statement

Corona Virus will hurt the US more than China even though the CIA released Covid into China. I was right. You were wrong.

I left New York City two weeks before September 11 th 2001 because I thought something catastrophic will hit New York. I was right.

Now for the future. Unfortunately it is not good for you or I. I also live in Texas.

The United States of America will be nuked. One would be in the oceans causing a massive Tsunami to destroy the Eastern coastline from Florida up to North Carolina.

Another 3 nukes will flatten New York City.

This is your future. Deal with it.

You can also stick your head in the sand. It’s better than putting a brown bag over your head!


Dear ricky, you are really treading water here and it’s not even that deep. Military cargos with stuff that don’t work The Ukies are not trained beyond popping corks off of cheap vodka bottles. American officers are cannon fodder, you’ve been watching to much hollywood propaganda (if you tell me t. cruz and v. diesel, and m. damon are touring the lines, then i’d be worried). Of course wearing a neo-nazi patch is a powerful talisman. It means you won’t be taken prisoner. The 2 british tin-cans are a real worry though….for the brits. nice talking to you, ricky.

Oliver Eitel

You all have to understand, the Americans and British will fight Russia until the last Ukrainian and European cititzen, they give a fuck as they believe they can escape the war…just like WWI and WWII homeland will be save….


The difference between you and RU is that they can recognize BS as it’s coming around the corner. Your 1st par. is a litany of fails that the cookie lady and her khazarian neo-con crew have made. Why are they “fails?” Because they did nor produce any results.

As for the submarine here’s a rule-of-thumb for you. “If Ricky Miller knows it, the russians know it better.” Save you a lot of embarrassment when you’re talking to the adults in the room.

This is really great: “dozen or so high performing secret aircraft and stealth missiles in order to change the military balance”

These are so secret that only you know about them, right. Why not share your sources for this reeeeally secret stuff.

have a nice day ricky

Kenny Jones ™

The problem is the Kiev regime is still blocking the canal to Crimea, which needs that water, so Russia might have no choice than to capture that area

Ricky Miller

Crimea has enough drinking water, it’s water for agricultural use that is running short. What Crimea needs more than anything is rain. They’ve had several dry seasons in a row. But the answer to the water problem isn’t war, it’s de-salinization. Russia could build a nuclear plant just to power several large de-salinization facilities and reservoir that water, as a long term solution. I see the Russian buildup and exercises as a response to military threats, not as an option to the water issue. But if Ukraine listens to the American and British war pigs and starts a war anyways, Russia might as well secure the water supply, temporarily. They’d never hold on to it in the negotiations after the conflict, as returning territory to Ukraine outside of Crimea, Donbass, and Luhansk would be part of EU sanctions relief. But it would give Russia time to work on other water solutions.

Kenny Jones ™

Ok Ricky


thank you

Tommy Jensen

good analyse

johnny rotten

The situation is quite clear, NATO is not able to fight Russia in Europe, not even elsewhere to tell the truth, Russian missile systems is able to destroy every strategic military and civil structure throughout the European territory, and without need to resort to high-end hyper-sonic systems, the Iskander for the short ray and Kalibre for the long ray are sufficient for this purpose, and there is nothing that the westerners can do about it, the result would be that the americans access to the european continent would be denied, this is well known to the Pentagram, so americans will not start any war. The only problem is that ember by hell called England, whose dream is to destroy both the US and Russia, he could do some action to start hostilities, the usual english way to unleash a world war.

Rhodium 10

Shoigu has told that equipment of the 41 army of the central district will remain in Pogonovo ( Voronezh) for Zapad 2021 exercise!…anyway I have seen many times ” How Russia has withdrawn” his jets and troops from Syria….

Tommy Jensen

“Next time US/Nato/Ukraine is threatening Crimea and Donbass with 90 000 Nato military on Russian borders again, we will give Assad the S-300 if Nato do it just one more time again”! ” “Next time we will do it, this is our red line!!”

Rhodium 10

NATO and Ukraine are useless vs Russian army!..they will need Turkish backed terrorists to fight on ground


Russia won in both ukraine and syria. US/NATO can do nothing about it. I dont get your point


90 000 Nato ???

everything about you is über-exaggerated it seems.


Pretty sure Assad already has the S-300. They were shipped in after the IAF hid behind a Russian IL-20.


Since Russia practices the same false Christianity that the U.S. does then i don’t see why they are at odds with each other in the first place. That is one reason I tend to think we are being played and this is all just theater.


Comparing heterosexuals to trannys is about as ignorant as anyone can ever be, Don’t insult the truth,biden is an illegit fake unelect nothing burger,Putin is the real deal!


Christianity does not condone sexual deviants. The U.S. sanctioning of such is because of it’s Constitutional rejection of God’s Law, NOT a Christian approved doctrine.

Both Russian and American “Christians” worship falsely and almost identically in their falsehood. They just live under different state constitutions. And Putin is not bound by the same constitutional restrictions. The U.S. is and that is why we are degenerating so rapidly.

But Russia has embraced many of the U.S. constitutional doctrines, as has much of the world, so they will also degenerate in time.


more like IMAO


Most ignorant people cannot argue a point. They just throw out insults.


“Most ignorant people cannot argue a point”

yes, i notice that about your posts


LOL. Like I said.

cechas vodobenikov

dimwit atheist with boyfriend on LSD

Tommy Jensen

I owed you an explanation on math connection to God. The section was closed. But here it is. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9d483ea7a11d16ce0a58219b6515da482d8690227b57441dc9c2b09055c82f51.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1af85c30957788fc53d84b79d0b76fddd622b8fa5844f524691bfba63c49c1e8.jpg

Raptar Driver

I would say that math helps us understand reality. But it is not reality itself.

Tommy Jensen

True. But in these fake times math is a good measure to see if something is fake or not. If people dont know math its more difficult to see and document their claim of reality.


LOL. A false Christian calling a true Christian an atheist with additional insults. Just what you would expect from the deviant left.

Perhaps you should study Scripture instead of exposing your ignorance.

John Wallace

Most of both sides fighting each other during WW2 were Christians all claiming God was with them as they killed each other..

Tommy Jensen

Maybe God really was with them all. God saw an opportunity to get rid of all these fools.

Fog of War

The Soviets Christian ? You should do stand up.

John Wallace

Most people would realise I was talking of Germany , Italy , England , France and other European countries , Canada , Australia ,New Zealand ,USA but Not Russia , Japan and other Asian countries .. Got itchy balls today ? Don’t ask me to scratch them

Fog of War

” Most of both sides fighting each other during WW2 were Christians ”

Nice try but you cant dig your way out of this one. The greatest numerical troop contribution to the allies came from the Soviets which squarely puts them in the ” most ” category.

I’ll pass on your ” ball ” offer also as I dont swing that way, but whatever floats your boat, who am I to judge ?

John Wallace

Maybe it was a little too esoteric for you but I never did make any offer so looks like you grabbed the wrong ball again.. If you wish to be pedantic that’s fine on an inconsequential comment.. As I say you must have itchy balls that YOU need to scratch , not me..

Fog of War

Nothing esoteric here. You got caught in your own logical fallacy and now desperately want to argue otherwise. So repeat after me: Most allied troops were atheists aka Soviet .

John Wallace

I’ll pass on your ” ball ” offer also as I dont swing that way, WHAT ???????? Well you failed to comprehend what I said to THINK I said anything that would get a reply from you like this. Not even close so my comment way over your head . You want to get pendant when most people clearly understood what was meant , your problem.. I used to think your comments were at times astute and worth pause for thought but now you have shown yourself to be nothing more than a jumped up arrogant pseudo intellectual who fails to comprehend what is said with a need to denigrate in the mistaken belief it makes you superior. . Go suck your own dick as you are off my Christmas card list.. Oh just in case NO !! that is not an offer from me just in case you assume out of ignorance that it is… .

Fog of War

A eunuch protesting his impotence. How cute.

John Wallace

Your examples of conclusions just reduced your credibility to zero.. How you came to those conclusions show a problem that exists of your sexual fantasies that you should contact a physiatrist as soon as possible for badly needed treatment..

John Wallace

Now that is pathetically stupid and so funny. A bit like calling Trump a left wing extremist socialist.. Shown you completely misunderstand or lack the ability too understand .. Your problem ,



Raptar Driver



Christianity includes good values as a belief system, and Russia is well known for this. They don’t seek war unlike the Orc’s blindly doing the US’s dirty work.


They have different politics but they have the same false religious teaching. The reason the U.S. has degenerated so much more is because God is absolutely eliminated in the U.S. Constitution which prevents any legislation that is or can be attributed to God’s Law.


so the troops will be home for easter. nice.


Robert Ferrin

Seems like I have heard that somewhere before I think it was Korea that they would be home by Christmas, and then on the night before Christmas the Chinese hit them and as they say the rest is history..

Will Moss


John Wallace

Pic is of the American retreat from the battle with the Chinese at Chosun which was a couple of weeks before Xmas but it certainly upset the Americans Xmas plans. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5611aceffb6bcccfb3e0eb78ba077d35687f817903118e8d66d48a3fadd2f8e9.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/12e0fd1b0741f223aba38b27c479b5b3a69b8c6a1617f6434f8820ff61442693.jpg

Robert Ferrin

And you will notice that the troops are still in their summer uniforms while the temperature was minus 40 below, from the book “The Coldest Winter” taken from the men themselves who fought in another loosing American war..

John Wallace

Yes I think most or a great proportion of the casualties were from the cold. Men dying in their sleep frozen solid. Men taking their boots off ended up losing their feet or dying. Oh the joys of war . The Chinese suffered from the cold as well . The Chosun Few being the survivors. I saw a doco years ago with men from both sides telling their stories..

Assad must stay

so he thinks if russia pulls back then there will be no war? ukraine will see this as a sign to push even further!

Al Balog

My thoughts exactly. This will be Ukraine’s biggest trap.

John Wallace

The US will see this as a sign to push Ukraine further.

Assad must stay

my sentiments exactly, it seems a strange move from russia, i hope they realize this

John Wallace

Russians play chess , Americans play poker .

Raptar Driver

And they both play with each other in a circle jerk.

John Wallace

Never seen a circle jerk or is that like a twitch.

Cray Brand

Think you mistake checkers for chess :D

John Wallace

Arr Now I see that nationalism is the problem , thanks.

Fog of War

Nationalism was never a problem.

Fog of War

5D or 5D Ultra ?

John Wallace

I am sorry it was a little over your head but I am sure with a little cerebral input the light will go on.

Fog of War

Dont be sorry . I find your clichéd ramblings amusing.

Tommy Jensen

The hope is both US and Ukraine will take the bait. As I said, Russia knows the importance of wellies and if US/Ukraine invade and attack now, THEY will end up in smut and mud again. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ab2dbdcde8b582c3251aba65a8bae394313b71bacc32bf4b4520b51ecd22bd9b.jpg


Nothing will happen until the fields dry out. Conditions simply aren’t favorable atm.


This is Russia offering Ze the Clown a face-saving escape ladder; they like to do that, and this time it may make sense. Ze can now claim “The might of the Ukie legions has chased the evil Moskali away; Europe is saved!”, and withdraw from the front line. Everybody will be too polite to contradict him. Of course, this is Kiev, so assumptions of sanity may be misplaced; we’ll have to see what happens in practice.

Rhodium 10

Not April 23…Shoigu told that May 1 some troops will return to deployment bases…76º paratroops, 58th army of north caucasus and some brigades of central district…so it means that South district army, caspian marines and some units from far east will continue deployed

Black Waters

No war, trolls wanting a global war or even mentioning such things are CIA paid bots (and UK paid script kids), the U.S regime needs a war to save the kaput dollar.

The key is to make the U.S bleed by any means necessary… there other ways…

cechas vodobenikov

anglo cowards do not want war w Russia—even the idiot solzenitzhen observed Americans are cowards….they know they will be obliterated, humiliated and Alaska will be emancipated and return to Russia if the idiot anglos provoke—they are so incompetent they cannot address their own disintegrating cities, ghettos, except with LGBT parades feces in the streets

Panthera Pardus

Good News, with the world economy strained by corona virus we would have risked collateral victims (=deaths) from Australia to Mexico – bullets kill but also unemployment and lack of resources kill. Good that so far the conflict is not escalated.


so putin also calls russians to heroic patience quite a blow to the west


we will see alot of wargames in the near future between nations while the west will cut itself in the flesh desperately

John Wallace

According to Fox Putin is getting ready to attack poor innocent Ukraine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XM62PIYYGFs&lc=z23ielqqcxyat1mim04t1aokgpxwqflooqsf0tzvghxzrk0h00410.1619065919689525




dont get me wrong this two headed bird there already looking at it kinda annoys me but the west is compared a worm totally lacking a backbone

Tommy Jensen

Exactly. Russia has updated all their nuclear weapons and are now threatening to nuke America on our own soil if we dont stay away from “Russian waterways”.

These “Russian waterways” were before International waterways of freedom, and we have not even started to think updating our nukes because we were soft, and only had our minds on world peace.


Obama started the updating of “our nukes.”

Your assertion is false.

Tommy Jensen

The moment they saw an American they ran! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ffc7d1e0e4f09a3f347e77a5c07f0c66b3491cc3c381a0d041dac67cd4de644b.jpg

John Wallace

All the have to do is do a Donald Cook and it will become a Donald Duck

Oliver Eitel

and the moment Americans heard Irainian missiles they started to cry for their mothers ….

Tommy Jensen

Its because their mothers are tougher than the toughest. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f6c24962339f8fad254c9bfff8f89b4b9961e16e6c1e8dd53ac6918672b049c7.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/da8553feded071e3b7e0c1f308db4e5341fa930c1e82f610b278219d9414c02a.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e3e7bca048cee99af7c48ee69368b623ffeda99271fc2bb6c80e07719a973ee0.jpg


Don’t talk nonsense. Any move to de-escalate is good. Putin gained ground several years ago and still has it. Why kill each other when the status quo can be maintained without the war and is a win.

BTW: Nordstream 2 will soon be finished.

Tommy Jensen

Chicken talk.


lol those relics of the past are no use against Russia. Go back to bullying defenseless nations.


Americans would never dare to fight russians. They have 0 chance to beat them in ukraine or any other european region. Even if russia annexed the entire ukraine the american response would be a few sanctions

Me&Myself None

Putin weasels out because his western bosses ordered him to do so. He was doing so well lately, he showed poised, determination and not the usual coward attitude; so much so that his new determined tone caused Biden to quickly offered him to talk, now he goes back to his normal self — feeble attitude.


Western bosses? Damn you guys are deep in the consiracy theory rabbit hole. Btw NATO was the one who showed cowardness refusing to let ukraine join them in fear of russian response

Raptar Driver

All this building up only to stand down over and over. It seems foolish! Is it a show for us? A circus?

Fog of War

” Is it a show for us? A circus? ”

No, its theater .

Joe Stevens

Big mistake by Russia if it doesn’t attack now and annex the Donbass and Ukraine’s remaining coastal territories. The U.S. and the kiss ass British are bluffing and they won’t dare intervene directly because they don’t want to be turned into radioactive ash.


It gets better any fascist pink caught in unauthorised protests in russia here on in will be totaly banned for 40 years,that ought to teach the bozos a lesson for a fair while,imagine when they are 60ish,in the present mindset?suicided or plain too weak to make it outdoors,let alone complain of course that is,if they even make it? Bravo Russia,here’s to the future,salute!

Franck Vadim

IMO, Russia wanted to send a message to the Ukies and NATO. Russia simply demonstrated her ability to quickly concentrate a truly huge force (2 Armies and 2 Airborne Divisions) along her border. She also redeployed the Caspian Flotilla into the Black Sea. At present, the West is more into staging than actually positioning itself for a war.

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