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MARCH 2025

Russia Now Says US & NATO “Directly Participating” In Ukraine War

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Russia Now Says US & NATO "Directly Participating" In Ukraine War

Source: AP

Originally published by ZeroHedge

Earlier this week CNN reported that the Biden administration is considering “dramatically” increasing its training of Ukrainian forces. The proposal would involve US advisers training “much larger groups of Ukrainian soldiers in more sophisticated battlefield tactics” at American installations in Germany, and possibly other locations in Europe. This could involve as many as 2,500 Ukrainian soldiers trained by US advisers a month, which over a half-year period would total 15,000 going through the proposed ramped-up US program.

This report and others, which have also detailed expanding military training programs for Ukrainians in Europe overseen by UK and other NATO-member militaries, has prompted a Friday response from the Kremlin. Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov alleged Thursday that the US and NATO are now directly participating in the Ukraine war.

“You shouldn’t say that the US and NATO aren’t taking part in this war. You are directly participating in it,” Lavrov told a press briefing.

“And not just by providing weapons but also by training personnel. You are training their military on your territory, on the territories of Britain, Germany, Italy, and other countries,” he pointed out.

He reiterated prior Kremlin statements underscoring that war between nuclear powers is “unacceptable” but while highlighting that growing US-NATO involvement greatly heightens this risk.

“Even if someone plans to start it by conventional means, the risk of escalation into a nuclear war will be enormous,” Lavrov added.

Lavrov’s comments are hugely significant given up to this point Moscow slammed what it called “indirect” American involvement. Russian officials spoke of the growing proxy war nature of the conflict. But now it appears the Kremlin sees that there’s been an escalation to direct NATO involvement.

Meanwhile the ongoing British program at multiple UK bases continues to be large in size. The UK’s own infantry program for Ukraine forces has a stated goal of training at least 10,000 Ukrainian troops.

It remains that the Kremlin has warned repeatedly against such deepening Western involvement, which clearly is now going far beyond just weapons shipments. Russia this week walked away from New START nuclear arms reduction treaty negotiations with the US while citing its growing involvement in backing Kiev as a major reason for halting resumption of talks.


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Tuck Carlson Fan

US & NATO are “Directly Participating” In Ukraine War since 2014. With rather limited success. Cope.


But given the dire situation of the UAF (and the latest mobilisation drive), NATO will have to push the envelope of being ‘involved’ to its limit without actually declaring a war

It’s one thing to train UAF personnel, it’s another to lead them. And in this case, NATO’s direct involvement will be as clear as a Coke billboard placed at Donbass City

Romanian whore

Do you think hohol nazi army is lead by some bandera shit ? All JNATO staff is in KuKrainii and they are doing ALL the war operations to the last detail. The bandera idiots are only cannon fodder for theirs masters. And also, all high tech systems (like Himars, etc) were operated by JNATO personnel. For that reason the russians don’t direct attack the hohol HQ’s to not escalate the war (if they are doing that and kill some high americunt officers be SURE the bandera imbeciles will cross the border and attack Russia in Belgorod region). But i’m also sure the time will be there when russians will have no other option and will do that, only waiting to amass enough forces&technique.

Last edited 2 years ago by Romanian whore

@Tucker Carlson Fan

Here for you see:

How do you incubate a mind virus? How do you cause a culture to self-destruct?

In 1984, this KGB defector exposed the secret 4-stage plan used by Soviet intelligence to wage psychological war on American society.

Stage 1: Demoralization. (15-20 years)

Part1 https://twitter.com/i/status/1596146675021762562

Part2 https://twitter.com/i/status/1596147839016620033

Part3 https://twitter.com/i/status/1596148336997842945

Part4 https://twitter.com/i/status/1596148873143238656

If Americans fail to grasp the impending danger, he said, “nothing ever can help the United States.”

“You may kiss goodbye to your freedom.”

I advice everybody here to copy the links from this comment, before the comment is deleted. The suppressive and censoring acts of the mods of this SF board really show the real face of todays Russia and how “free” the russian society under Putin is, as no opposition thoughts and information is allowed.

Pastor Ray Hagins tells you about it, see: https://www.freespeechtube.org/v/11mz . Whatever, if you are really interested in the truth you need to start counterchecking everything, informing yourself of what’s behind it all, who is really calling the shots and why are things happening as they are. Learning, understanding, researching etc. takes time – it’s like cooking good healthy meal. But people today got lazy, they consume things, they do not create them themselves anymore, they have this ‘ McDonald’s mindset’ – this way they make it easy for the evildoers to poison their minds and souls.

I did long search today to bring to you this (below) very informative documentation in english. Here you will see point to point how USA, EU, and Russia are constructed, by whom, and what this means. It is a docu that is much more than 10 years old and still it predicts perfectly everything we see happening today before our very eyes.

I tell you: Knowledge is power, and if you have no knowledge of the true dynamics behind the scene, you will always get misled by those who work for those who know about them. Here this docu will help you understand things, and see through the fog. https://tinyurl.com/5cphvpy9

( it is called – Europe – The Last Battle here at least part 1-5 – if link is broken then look for it at see at archive.org )


Last edited 2 years ago by Bridgeindawater
Gece ansizin

Usa the biggest enemy of the EuroAsia peoples. The most evil ever.. Tears bombs wars.. the us triad.!

Chris Gr

History says that the biggest enemies of Russians were the Mongols, the Chinese, the Iranians and the Ottomans in the east and the Poles, the Baltics, the Finns and the Romanians in the west.

Icarus Tanović

Hey tard, how things are going on in your bullshit life?

Last edited 2 years ago by Icarus Tanović
Chris Gr

Your end is coming soon.

comon sense

consider that Ukraine has around 110,000 wound, killed and we can add 10,000 able bodied desertion and add on 2,100 killed and 3,400 wounded, plus another 1,200 to desertion. We are looking at 122,700 casualties among US n Co.

if those losses were nation’s army that would 36th in the world. let that sink in. note there are 195 countries in the world currently.


The ration is 1/10. It means for every killed Ukrainian soldier, 10 russian terrorists bite the dust ;-)


If you believe that you are a fucking retard.


another dead ameri-cannot mercenary in ukraine—expect massive destruction of ukie infrastructure; “amerikans are ignorant and unteachable”. George Santayana

Chris Gr

Why Ukraine to be destroyed?

William White

Because they have no reasoning power.

Chris Gr

The common people?


Because the people who live in the failed Ukrainian CIA project are a disposable device that belongs to the US corporate-military blob.

Chris Gr

The Afghanist project was the same, however, Afghans suffered under the Taliban.

Israel first

You don’t pick a fight with a more powerful neighbor. Zelensky is an agent for international Jewry leading gentiles to their deaths. That is what Jews do.

Chris Gr

Israel is mostly neutral.

Icarus Tanović

How things are going on, Niño-Rethardiñho? Low inferiority complex, isn’t it? Yes it is, and you know it is.

Chris Gr

Bosnian neo-Nazi exposing himself.


Because idiot Ukes couldn’t get enough of Green Shirt in stilettos in “Cossacks of the Ukraine”, and thought he would be an even better president? Who wouldn’t want a Jewish comedian to make the decisions when your nation is in a civil war?

Last edited 2 years ago by paleyellow

They only say it because Putin is badly losing against a much weaker opponent 🤣🤣🤣

Max Schmidt

Croatian mercenary Andro Fabijanic was denazified in the Kharkov region. He was a famous member of the nationalist Ustaše party. Yesterday he was sent home in a bodybag. As he has no relatives and no friends, the bag was sent to the Croatian national cemetery, section 42 C, usually reserved for homeless people.


They should have sent the bastard to the Zagreb Zoo.


Our Ruling Class Elites and their Political Marionettes are the scum of the earth. I hate them with a burning passion.


And??? What is RUssias response? to retreat since march , to allow 350 artiliery pieces to WEAR out from firing 1,5 mil shells, to allow Donetsk to be repeatedly bombed etc etc, why are they NOT destroying ALL supplies upon entering Ukraine, or destroying the bridges across the Dnipro to stop supplies getting through… NATO/US blew up Nord Stream, supplies weapons and fighters, attempts to destroy the Crimea bridge, etc and all Russia does is whinge about their involvement


in short? because they are AFRAID :)


Afraid of the Rainbow Empire? I think not. You are gravely misreading Russia and the Russians.

Max Schmidt

I agree with your questions. It’s a shame, that the Nazis are still able to bomb civilians in Donetsk

Israel first

The Ukrainian ability to wage war has been severely degraded. It’s over for them. Russia did miscalculate on some issues, but all in all they are winning, with a kill ratio of at least 4 to 1, maybe even as high as 7 to 1. The Russians are smart, dogged and has infinity oil and natural gas to fuel the war. What does Europe have? Other than homosexual parades, not much. The attrition of this war is wearing the Ukrainians to total ruin.


well maybe russia should’t have invaded a country that has friends :) at least don’t cry like a bitch


So sure of yourself aren’t you?


Ukraine has no friends. They are fighting a proxy war for the western alliance, and the war is being fought to the last Ukrainian. When the Ukrainian population is reduced to a tiny fraction of it’s former size, Ukraine will become a land without a people for a people (soon to be expelled from the levant) without a land. What more fitting end could there be for pack of Banderite NAZIs?

Israel first

And then the Jews will march in and buy up what’s left, and the Ukrainian women will be the whores for those Jews and the third world migrants they bring in with them. For them the Ukrainian men die.

Chris Gr

How repugnant you are


those you related to are not welkom in europe !!! they are genetic modified parasites and must be exterminated to the last genetic for preservation of the humanoids on this planet.

Hotep Ho Chi

Yes the depopulation of Ukraine is serving the plan of Gates, Soros and Anal Schwab exactly to plan. While the thief of kiev opens more and more bank accounts.


Biden calls Hitler a “demonic figure” yet he is the same with the usual plan to rule the world…. their slow escalation tactic will end the same as a first strike he is only fooling himself and wasting lives.

Tommy Jensen

For freedom folks, and you know it.

Florian Geyer

Slava Rossiya.


Rossiye. (You’re very obsitante in your errors, aren’t you?) It’s Glory *to* Russia, not ‘Glory Russia’.


USA is war profiteering terrorist nation !! They will do what they want as long as it brings them riches !! EU on the other hand is the USA kok licking slave !!


Start selling advanced weapons and technology to their enemies. I can’t imagine what NK would pay for the solid rocket fuel technology.

WT Baker

indefacto Ukraine is now in NATO. You could say regardless of membership processes Ukraine became a vassal state of NATO after the 2014 coup d’état. The problem is how everything NATO ,aka. “Global Britain” does takes us one step closer to nuclear conflagration. It is what is not happening that is scary and that is this pissing contest mentality of NATO must stop

Last edited 2 years ago by WT Baker
jens holm

You dont decide what we do.


After 31 years… With Maidan 2014 as the biggest “edge”… I’m “SHOCKED”… Shocked I tell you!… /s


Andrei Karlov, Vitaly Churkin, and too many others that were never discussed that served their Nation honorably unlike the titular head ex-KGB $ell0ut… RIP!

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

The criminal elements of NATO and the government in DC are the ones that started the war. This should not be such a shocker as NATO is literally a foreign interest, and the government in DC is literally occupied by foreign nationals and dual citizens of the exact same foreign interest.


there is always a (final) solution to that problem.


The cold hard truth is that 999 out of 1000 actual American people have exactly nothing to do with making this nonsense happen, at all.

Israel first

I called my congressman and senators telling them to not fund the Ukraine war or Ukraine. What more can I do?

Israel first

Russia needs to up their PR campaigns among conservative Asian and African nations. Close the door to the west, and erect a new type of iron curtain.

Chris Gr

Actually, Russia supports every anti-US nation, mostly the left-wing (Eritrea, Venezuela, Bolivia, Cuba, Belarus, Nicaragua, China, North Korea, Syria) and right-wing ones (Egypt, Sudan, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Turkey, Brazil, India).

Crimea is 100% Liberated

Have we won yet?

Max Schmidt

Not yet, but Crimea is indeed 100% liberated. Since 2014.

Crimea is 100% Liberated

Is Crimea still ukraine?

Crimea is 100% Liberated

Have we won yet? Is Crimea still ukraine? is ATO winning on twitter yet?


Russia killed at a rate of 3,000/week. If we continue at this rate NATO won’t be able to train enough Ukrainians and mercenaries to counter the Russians offensive in a few weeks. NATO will have to hire the bureaucrats in the EU for the continuation of their war propaganda, but, unfortunately they will flee to Antartica.

EU must not be USA slave

Russia has to exterminate 100,000nazis per day!

Wish people from the West given them a helping hand in that.

jens holm

Numbers like that are difficult to evaluate well. Its a fact the ukras has lost many low oddicers and they have lack of them.

It takes time to make good low ranked officers.

Italso takes time to implement more advanced weapons. So an important part of the training is to use new and more advanced weapons made by west.

We by that mainly use normal already made training facilities and add Ukras there. Parts of the danish teachers actually are from rebuilding the Iraqiand miliyary forces from schratch.

Rustica is far behind in that too. They already has a big lack in any kind of officers for their reserves. Thats no new thing. The Stalin reserves almost had no good officers and modern weapons. Later the Rusticas got better and enough weapons. Before that too many died for nothing.

EU must not be USA slave

You are a total moron and know NOTHING about Soviet world and Stalinist rule.

USSR had tanks way beyond their time, from amphibious tanks to heavy tanks and light tanks, revolutionary artillery systems and airborn assault troops… there was nothing in the entire world to compete with what they had in 1940, until 1960 and beyond. The “great” Germany has no amphibious tank in the XXIst century!


It’s only a matter of time when EU people will raise up against money transfer to Ukraine to keep this war running meanwhile they have to support Ukrainian refugees in their countries. This is why USA and EU make pressure on Ukraine to negotiate with Russia. But Selensky is a fool he does not recognize the signs of this time. Ukraine is running out of support at a distinct period of time and alone it will lose the war within weeks.








hillbilly in oregun trailer park jhk need better psychiatrist to address loneliness, senility—did you retire as dishwasher or janitor 32 years ago?

Chris Gr

Haha you are same as him

Chris Gr

Hitler lost lol. So did HTS.


So what? Britain blew up the pipelines, Putin does nothing. The US directs fire and controls drones and the cowards in the Kremlin brag that they sell the West oil via the Indians.


vanya does nothing in nebraska trailer park—senility painful?

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