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Russia Presents Roadmap For Full Damascus-SDF Settlement – Report

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Russia Presents Roadmap For Full Damascus-SDF Settlement – Report

FILE IMAGE: Russian Military Police service members are in Syria

Russia has presented a roadmap for a full settlement between the Damascus government and the Kurdish-led self-administration in northeastern Syria, Asharq Al-Awsat reported on January 7.

Sources familiar with the matter told the London-based newspaper that the roadmap is based on the following ten points:

  • Allowing the Kurdish side to join the work of the Syrian constitutional committee;
  • Representing the Kurdish political movement in the Syrian government;
  • Deploying Syrian border guards along the country’s northern border from the Semalka crossing to the city of Manbij in the countryside of eastern Aleppo;
  • The launch of a dialogue between the Kurdish self-administration in the north and east and the Syrian government;
  • The formation of joint economic and military committees;
  • Issuing official papers for Syrian Kurds;
  • Issuing official certificates for Kurdish students;
  • Coordinating on energy resources, particularly the Euphrates dam in the town of Tabqah, Raqqa province;
  • The Syrian Arab Army withdrawal from schools and universities in Kurdish areas;
  • Reopening of the road that links Aleppo with the Iraqi border, through the town of Bukamal and the removal of “the Kurdish threats and dangers and work on the safety of the Syrian checkpoints spread east the Euphrates.”

The source said that the Russian delegation working on the roadmap travelled first to the Syrian capital, Damascus, and held talks with government officials there on December 25 and 26. The delegation visited the northeastern city of Qamishli on the eve of December 26 and met with officials from the Syrian Democratic Union Party (PYD).

According to Asharq Al-Awsat, the roadmap was supposed to be announced ahead of President Vladimir Putin visit to Syria. A meeting between the Damascus government and the self-administration was also supposed to take place in the Syrian capital. However, the government side asked for more time.

Last October, the Damascus government and the military wing of the self-administration, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), reached a breakthrough agreement allowing the deployment of SAA units in the northeastern region to counter a Turkish-led attack.

Since then, the two sides have failed to reach a wider understanding on administrative, economical and cultural issues in northeast Syria.

Asharq Al-Awsat’s source said that the Russian delegation will be return to Syria in the upcoming few days to resume work on the proposed roadmap.

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You see, US deep state imbeciles… This is, what is called : D-I-P-L-O-M-A-C-Y! You should talk to people, instead of firing hellfire-missiles at them!!!


When last did the US do anything even remotely diplomatic? I can’t recall


Perhaps 1975? Official visit of Gerald Ford to Peking, Meeting with Party Chairman Mao Zedong and Vice Premier Deng Xiaoping? In course of a détente policy with both the Soviet Union and China? (Or to drve a wedge between the 2 commie country’s?) That’s all i can think of…


Yeah it was about then. ANd there was SALT as well….


Yes, it was a busy year for Ford, 1975. Meeting with NATO (second meeting with Soviet General Secretary Brezhnev) , Franco, Sadat, Aldo Moro, the pope, first OSCE meeting, first G6 meeting, Ceaușescu, Tito, Suharto and Marcos. (I admit, i had to look it up again…) He punched up those air-miles in 1975 in pursuit of diplomacy, that’s probably why there were 2 assasination attempts on his life……… (deep state in action?)


Sounds like he actually worked for a living. Mind you, he had Rockefeller as a VP so he probably had to watch his back

Mustafa Mehmet

Definitely no deal with traitor kurdi…


That is U.S. gift to Turkey. And Turkey supports US thus you support SDF also…. You don’t deserve better.

Concrete Mike

Agreed, equality is the only deal i would offer.


In other words, partition of Syria land.

Keep it Real

never gonna happen russia just turned on syria!

You can call me Al

Bllx, did you read the above or what ?.

Mehmet Aslanak

SDF is just the renaming of Kurdish Kommunist Party (PKK) that is banned in US & EU since 1993. They don’t represent Kurdish brothers in Syria, in Iraq or in Turkey. They killed thousands of Kurds around the region & actually Barzani supported Kurdish parties coalition ENKS is the real representative of Syrian Kurds. Having a deal with SDF won’t bring the peace to the Kurds, but just more suffering.


SDF is U.S. creation. They are U.S. gift to Turkey. So be grateful. Turkey can’t fight the same problem from both sides forever. You will have to chose one day only one side: Turk interests. It is well known that NATO is on SDF, Greek, Israeli side. Russia being pragmatic is only trying to force Kurd bitter pill down the Assad ‘s throat. Because Turkey is helping SDF & U.S. to be winners in all this. By supporting US, Turkey is also loser to SDF just like Assad !

Concrete Mike

Fuck Barzani, he ia a cia.stooge.

Mehmet Aslanak

CIA doesnt bring peace. But Barzani did to the North Iraqi Kurdistan.


“Representing the Kurdish political movement in the Syrian government;” “The Syrian Arab Army withdrawal from schools and universities in Kurdish areas;” This shouldn’t happen. Syria has to stay an arabic country and should be returned to the NE. The Kurds don’t have any rights for a Kurdification.

You can call me Al

My first time (I think) that I disagree with you. Peace and prosperity is what is required and it is a little bit give and take. PS Even though I hate the Kurds.


The other points are no problem for me, but the ones mentioned above by me really bother me. Why should the SAA withdraw from schools in Kurdish areas? What do they exactly mean with “Kurdish areas”? The SDF held areas or the areas with a kurdish majority like Kobane? The majority in NE Syria is arabic and the Kurds started teaching them the Kurdish language, culture and ethnicly cleansed many arabs and then the SAA should withdraw from? I don’t get it. Anyway, I agree with your point about the give and take. Hopefully they will find a good solution.

You can call me Al

No worries mate, sometimes it is good to differ and come to some sort of settlement – it is called diplomacy. PS Now I understand and you are correct, I am wrong.

Fog of War

I agree this is giving the Turds a defacto self-ruled mini state. Exactly what the Zios wanted in the first place. The ultimate goal will be independence and a merger with the Iraqi Kurd controlled part. Putin’s apparent desire for diplomacy is blinding him. Unless there’s another agenda at work.

Fog of War

This is a sellout of Syria. Where’s the clause to disband the SDF military ? It also sounds like the SDF will politically administer the ” Kurd ” held areas.

” Coordinating on energy resources, particularly the Euphrates dam in the town of Tabqah, Raqqa province; ”

Coordinating ? This is Syria property.

” The formation of joint economic and military committees; ”

Why ? Are the Kurds now considered a separate state ? This is all BS if true.


No bigoted self-administration autonomous governments should exist in Syria. Syria has one Constitution which represents the government of Syria. All citizens of Syria must obey the laws & regulations of Syria.

Syria “opposition”terrorist gangsters “Syrian National Army/Coalition” (+other aka’s) including the “Kurdish” terrorist gangsters really have no country; these terrorist gangsters should be in jail and should not be on the committee for Syria’s New Constitution; they are still stealing from & terrorizing civilians.

SYRIA’S PROPERTY RECORDS BETTER BE EFFICIENTLY TRUE & UNCORRUPTED …identifying real ownership of each parcel of real estate should not be an issue, unless the Syrian government does not record title in a comprehensive method. No Syrian refugee returning to Syria can claim real estate as theirs unless they can prove ownership.


I support Russia’s idea as long as all criminals go to jail.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

How the hell have we gotten to this point, Lavrov’s official speech few months ago sure makes this new announcement totally unforgivable, this is about the last outcome I was expecting after reading Lavrovs very revealing comments. The Zionists are already rubbing their greedy fingers together in anticipation, because who else is the autonomous government going to turn to for political, economical, and military support, any guesses, I’m guessing it’ll be Turkey’s number one political enemy, and no I don’t mean the US, I mean Israel. And this is all on top of the new ceasefire that Putin and Erdogan have just jointly declared [hopefully Assad ignores this new ceasefire the same way he’s ignored the last 4], which means Assad just got a kick in the nuts and then another kick to the face as he doubled up in pain, what’s next, a bullet to the head. Assad’s only just agreed to the new amended version of UN resolution 2254, and now the Russians are about to undo all that hard work. The original Russian/Turkish/Iranian version of resolution 2254 [which Assad refused to accept for more than 4 years], gave the Turks and the SDF a huge say in the constitutional committee makeup and the subsequent rewriting of the Syrian constitution, but the new amended version Assad worked out with the UN [IN JUST ONE DAY], gave the Turks and their proxies, as well as the US/SDF very little say in the committee makeup and the rewriting of the constitution, so hopefully Assad continues implementing those new amendments regardless of what this totally disloyal Russian declaration has to say.

With friends like Putin who needs enemies.

The original Russian/Turkish/Iranian version of resolution 2254, a stab in the back for Assad, The Astana agreements, ALL 15 OF THEM, a stab in the back for Assad, The Russian allowing the Turks to invade and subsequently occupy northern Aleppo, a stab in the back for Assad, The Russian/Turkish memorandum of Understanding, a stab in the back for Assad, The Russians supporting Erdogan’s demands to reinstate the Adana protocols, a stab in the back for Assad, And now Russian support for a SDF led autonomous government in Syria, which allows them to have all the very things Assad’s been saying he doesn’t want them to have, a separate military, security and police force, as well as their own independent government institutions, which another huge stab in the back for Assad.

And Putin’s abandoning his friends in Libya too, he’s telling them to stop fighting and now instead wants them to accept the Turkish/UN/US backed group as the legitimate government.

So Putin’s just allowed the US and Israel to maintain a presence in north eastern Syria, a Turkish presence in western Syria, and a Turkish/US/UN presence in Libya, what’s going on, I have no idea at all, I’m totally stupefied.

Lavrov’s speech’ ….. “Sergey Lavrov: Operation Peace Spring was not endorsed by Russia. It was endorsed by the United States, if you are accurate with the facts. They tried to negotiate with Turkey but then said they could not reach the deal so “Kurds, you are on your own, we are leaving.” Then, after they left the Kurds and left Syria, they said they do not have any more obligations to the Kurds but they are coming back for oil (not for the Kurds). It is an interesting zigzagging in foreign policy. Back to Churchill, who said that the Americans always do the right thing after they have tried everything else. The Kurds in Syria must have a place in the political dialogue. But the Kurds in Syria must be consistent. If at the beginning of the conflict they decided that they can go unilateral with the support of the United States, when they declared the creation of this federation of Rojava and they thought that they would always be supported by the United States in this separatist movement, it was their decision. We tried to explain to them and to the Syrian government that it is important to start a dialogue between Damascus and the Kurds. The Kurds were not interested. They believed that they would always be covered by the United States. When the United States made this twist, the Kurds started asking us to help them start a dialogue with the government, which we were ready to do. But then, when the Americans said they are coming back to control the oil fields, the Kurds again lost interest in this dialogue. So we need some consistency.” https://disq.us/url?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mid.ru%2Fen%2Fpress_service%2Fminister_speeches%2F-%2Fasset_publisher%2F7OvQR5KJWVmR%2Fcontent%2Fid%2F3896584%3ALySfhCBvObz-c7nAu8_8YXO-s7Y&cuid=3606370 …..

I wonder how many people understand exactly what lavrov means when he says, “Back to Churchill, who said that the Americans always do the right thing after they have tried everything else.” He’s not talking about 120 million dollars of oil per year, he’s talking about the US’s obligation to protect the Kurds from Turkey, that costs the US a whopping 15 billion a year, 125 times as much as they make from the oil. And if the SDF were right on the brink of caving into Assad’s demands just after the Turks invaded the eastern enclave, why the hell would the Russians endorse their demands now, they’re actually on their knees and pleading now, this is not the time to give them what they want, it’s the time to demand from them what Assad wants.

Assad better start looking after himself, his old enemies the Arab League have now become his biggest supporters, and his old allies Russia and Iran are swiftly selling him out to Turkey, and now sadly the Russians are also selling him out to the US and Israel, my how things have changed. I wonder if anyone at all predicted this stunning new turn of events, I know if I was a lot smarter I would have, all the thing I put on my list were all precursors for this possibility so I can’t say I wasn’t aware it was possibility, but in my defence of my ignorance I can only say this, I never ever thought Putin would so obviously stab Putin in the back, but he has this time and he’s done it in plain sight as well. So I wonder who’s going to defend his latest action, and the reasons they’ll give to justify his actions, LOL, I know there won’t be any I’ll agree to. Here’s my list again, here’s all the disloyal and harmful things Putin’s done to Assad.

The original Russian/Turkish/Iranian version of resolution 2254, a stab in the back for Assad, The Astana agreements, ALL 15 OF THEM, a stab in the back for Assad, The Russian allowing the Turks to invade and subsequently occupy northern Aleppo, a stab in the back for Assad, The Russian/Turkish memorandum of Understanding, a stab in the back for Assad, The Russians supporting Erdogan’s demands to reinstate the Adana protocols, a stab in the back for Assad, And now Russian support for a SDF led autonomous government in Syria, which allows them to have all the very things Assad’s been saying he doesn’t want them to have, a separate military, security and police force, as well as their own independent government institutions, another huge stab in the back for Assad.

God help Syria, everyone else in the world has forsaken it’s people, so long as ‘someone’s side’, the Russians, Iranians, Turks, Israelis, US, Arab League, UN, get a bit of what they want, no one seems to care that there won’t be much left of Syria after they all finish, which is what I thought was the whole point in the first place, Syria for the Syrians, but not anymore it isn’t, now it’s more like a feeding frenzy against a live victim, a left arm for you, a right arm for him, and a left leg for me, and all Assad has left is his right leg, but maybe not for much longer.

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