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Russia Protects Crimean Civilians By Attacking Ports In Odessa

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Russia Protects Crimean Civilians By Attacking Ports In Odessa

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Written by Lucas Leiroz, journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant

In the last few days, the armed forces of the Russian Federation have launched a series of massive attacks against the Ukrainian ports in Odessa, destroying several strategic targets. Western media are reporting the strikes as “terrorism” and trying to link them to the fact that Moscow recently suspended its participation in the Black Sea Grain Deal. However, these narratives are biased and ignore the fact that Kiev maintains several arms depots in the ports.

Russian attacks began on 18 July, hitting several Ukrainian port facilities in the Odessa region overnight. Among the targets hit were depots of weapons, ammunition and fuel used to supply Ukrainian troops and carry out terrorist attacks against Russian territory. The next day, a new wave of attacks was carried out. Russian forces have used cruise missiles launched from their Black Sea positions. Moscow’s officials said all targets were appropriately neutralized with high precision strikes. New raids are expected for the coming days.

Among the military objectives of this operation there is the destruction of several maritime drone bases that were detected by Russian intelligence in the ports of Odessa. As well known, the recent attack on the Crimean Bridge, which resulted in the death of a couple and the injury of their orphaned daughter, was carried out using maritime drones. Evidence suggests that the vehicles used came from the ports of Odessa, which explains the reasons why Russia decided to launch several missiles at enemy naval facilities. Russian authorities had promised retaliation for the attack on the Bridge.

In addition to the retaliation for the incident on the Bridge, it must be remembered that there were lately many other drone incursions against Crimea. For example, on July 18 dozens of Ukrainian drones were neutralized by Russian forces with artillery and electronic warfare measures, avoiding the death of numerous civilians. Furthermore, on the 20th, Crimean government confirmed that a teenage girl died during a drone strike in the morning, which certainly will be retaliated soon.

Another important point is that these Ukrainian ports were being used by the enemy side to receive weapons from abroad and store them among grains. Intelligence data shows that Western weaponry was arriving in Odessa covered in grain inside civilian ships. Therefore, obviously Kiev was misusing the humanitarian grain pact to gain military advantage. This was a decisive factor both for Russia to cancel its participation in the deal and to destroy the infrastructure of the ports.

However, Western media has once again worked dishonestly and biasedly, ignoring Ukrainian crimes when reporting Russian attacks. The main narrative used by outlets is that Russia would be harming world food security by suspending the deal and subsequently destroying Ukrainian ports, which is obviously a lie.

“The attack threatens Ukrainian grain exports, which bolster the country’s economy and supply the global market. The strikes on Odesa follow Russia’s announcement that it will suspend the Black Sea Grain Initiative, a United Nations-negotiated deal to allow grain exports from Odesa that is set to expire Sunday. The strikes suggest a connection between that deal’s failure and an effort by Moscow to hurt Ukraine’s major export, even if doing so contributes to global grain shortages,” an article by an American newspaper reads.

The mainstream media’s words echo Ukrainian propaganda, which has used the same language, accusing Russia of practicing “terrorism” in Odessa, and threatening the food security of countries in Africa and Asia.

“Today’s Russian terrorists’ attack on Odesa proves that their target is not only Ukraine, and not only the lives of our people. About a million tons of food is stored in the ports that were attacked today. This is the volume that should have been delivered to consumer countries in Africa and Asia long ago. The port terminal that suffered the most from the Russian terror last night had 60,000 tons of agricultural products stored in it, which were intended to be shipped to China. That is, everyone is affected by this Russian terror. Everyone in the world should be interested in bringing Russia to justice for its terror”, Zelensky said on his Twitter account.

These lies can be easily refuted by analyzing information from the recent past. It is the Russian side, not the Ukrainian one, that has consistently sought to improve world food security through changes in the grain pact. Previously, Russia had already suspended its participation in the agreement since Ukrainians and Europeans were not complying with the humanitarian terms. Last November Moscow reported that most of its grains and fertilizers shipped to Africa and Asia were being illegally arrested in European ports because of sanctions. Russia did its best to make the deal work, but the counterpart was uncooperative. And the data on military use of the ports was a redline for Moscow to make a final decision on the matter.

Despite the biased tales spread by the media and neo-Nazi officials, it seems quite clear that the Russian attacks on Odessa are necessary measures to guarantee the security of Russia’s civilian population, mainly in Crimea, which has been a frequent target of terrorist drone raids. The Russians are just defending their own civilians with these high-precision strikes.

You can follow Lucas on Twitter and Telegram.


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jhjbb kjn

time for the fascist kiev junta to be reduced to ashes


the west does not care about food security, they are forcing farmers off their lands in the netherlands and preventing russian grain and fertilizers from reaching africa. the west is run by population exterminators who hate families, hate fertility, hate health, hate humans, hate virtue, love profit and power.


funny russia with its missile has now hit the consulate of the people’s republic of china in odessa. showing even more that it is targeting civilian and diplomatic infrastructure instead of military targets. and thus is pushing the usa and uk to think about now delivering us moab gbu-43/b special bomb & bgm-109g and ugm-109 long range tomahawk cruise missiles to ukraine.

USA#1Transexual Diddler

nice!!, those should burn fast and cost even more. bankrupting idiots sure is easy… heheheh 🤣🤣🤣

V for victory

wc the great should remember that usa hit china embassy also in libia 1986 and belgrad 1999, ops, but it was an herror, right?


you are lying as usual : no missile hit the consulate , but the wave of the explosion near the consulate. the damage is not severe. a wall and some windows are damaged. it is still not clear what sort of explosion it was and what was the target of the missiles , if it were really russian’s. not a single proof russians targeted a civilian infrastructure in odessa. also the second part of your post is a lie: there are no such open plans to deliver these weapons to ukraine.


@darius wait, and see. you will be surprised & remember – no f-16 were to be sent, and then oops suddenly they go to ukraine. no cluster ammo was to be delivered to ukraine – no of course not – there have never been such plans & there are no such plans no, no – but then … ooops again, you were caught red handed believing your own lies – when suddenly they (cluster ammos) appeared in ukraine.


russians need to target keiv government buildings and find the hole where the 🤡 is hiding in.


dont residate!


not hasitate


since 2014 killing 14.000 peaple of donbass

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