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MARCH 2025

Russia, Qatar Sign Contracts For Delivery Of Kornet-E Missiles, Other Weapons, Continue Negotiations On S-400

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Russia, Qatar Sign Contracts For Delivery Of Kornet-E Missiles, Other Weapons, Continue Negotiations On S-400

A Kornet anti-tank guided missiles launcher installed on the vehicle

Russia and Qatar have signed contracts for the delivery of Kornet-E anti-tank guided missiles, grenade launchers, machine guns and small arms, Russian Ambassador to Qatar Nurmakhmad Kholov told TASS in an interview published by the state-run news agency on July 21.

“An agreement on military-technical cooperation was signed in October 2017 [during Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu’s visit to Qatar]. Work on its implementation began after that. Contracts have been signed for the supply of traditional weapons, for example, small arms, Kalashnikov assault rifles, grenade launchers and machine guns, as well as the Kornet anti-tank missile systems,” Kholov said.

The diplomat revealed that the sides are negotiating on a possible delivery of Russian-made S-400 missile defense systems to Qatar. However, Kholov pointed out that there is still no agreement on this topic. He also pointed out that some regional countries are not happy to see these negotiations, for example Saudi Arabia, which is in conflict with Qatar.

Kholov added that Doha is waiting a visit of President Vladimir Putin.

He also commented on possible visits of Qatari top leadership to Russia:

“Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani, came twice earlier this year, let’s say, officially and semi-officially. He attended FIFA World Cup matches several times. I don’t think there is any need for his visit until the end of this year. However, our relations have been developing very intensively, so nothing can be ruled out.”

In the future, Qatar will likely continue its steps to diversify its foreign policy contacts and to build closer relations with Russia. Doha’s conflict with Saudi Arabia and its allies and the US inability or unwilligness to settle this situation via diplomatic measures are the key reasons behind this attitude.

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Feudalism Victory

Im really curious to see a s400 in combat conditions…

Promitheas Apollonious

or at least S300.


Why don’t you both make some confidence to US experts? They have inspected Greek S-300 into the details long time ago and ever since they have never tried to challenge them…Doesn’t that speak volumes about the system? If not than just take example of USSR “Pechora” that is older even than S-200 Serbs have used them against “invisible”F-117A (they were about 30 years old at the time) with old radars also. Despite very old missiles they still got one bomber down and other damaged. After which F-117A were retired immediately…. Now what does that tell me about new modern Russian S-400? To me a lot !!

Promitheas Apollonious

you took very wrong what I mean, with what I said friend.

My group is the one who make all arrangements for Cyprus to get the S300, that ended into Greece, as both governments Greece and Cyprus was traitors then as they are now. Long story not for here.

I know very well at least what S300 can do, because I have seen them in action, in Russia. As I am also very familiar with their electronics.

What I mean with what I say wanting to see them in action is above Syria’s air space. Only once that will give a crystal clear message to the intruders. And Serbs did not use them to bring down the F-117. The reason they could see it is because they been using old fashioned very low frequency radars. Part of the reason Russians still employee in their radar system WW2 technologies but that also is another story.


“Serbs did not use them to bring down the F-117.” Well I didn’t say they have used S-300 ! Serbs have used Neva-“Pechora” S-125 – as you probably know (over 30 years old missiles at the time) Thanks for detailed explanation. Of course it wasn’t intentional to lecture you or anybody.


Promitheas Apollonious

did not took it as lecture just explained to you what I mean with what I posted. Better communication this way.

Feudalism Victory

It tells to some american inability to manufacture top notch equipment as well as russian missle tech.

Thats my question though to what degree?


Complex question They do some things better other worse…difficult to measure and analyze. That is more stuff for experts to analyze


Syria shot down an Israeli plane with the S200, 1960s technology.

Promitheas Apollonious

the s200 is 60s technology yes, the electronics they are using (radars), are not. And the S200 was the main defense missile system, for medium to long range for USSR, so dont underestimate it.


I’m not, I am thinking if the “updated” 200 is this good how good are the 300+, the 400, and the 500?

Promitheas Apollonious

on paper, their technical specs, are 20 years ahead, of what the west or any one else for that matter, with the exception of China, has to show.

On the other hand, still have not been tested in real war situation. With out to want to put them down or underestimate them all weapons need to be tested in a real war situation where your opponent, use all his electronics as well fire power you have to stop, in order to know if they are as good, as the specs of them say they are. But that means a full scale war with the west so, it better this never happen.


This is just one weapons system Russia has. Across the board with the Kornet, the 3 gens old Sunburn, the hyper velocity missiles, the T14 platform, countless cruise type missiles, the commitment to buy gold, Russia is in position to change the world, for the better, in spite of the US-GOV wanting to subjugate it.

Promitheas Apollonious

agree. The question left to be answered,what direction they want to change the world because sometimes good intentions are not enough and Putin that envisions, what he is, he will not live for ever or be in the position he is much longer. At the pace they go about and their unwillingness to break any eggs especially with israel, to make an omelet……….. it is rather confusing.


Putin rose out of a Russian oligarchy that Yeltsin was “leader” of. Yeltsin was instrumental in Putin’s rise. My point is Putin is not just a man, there is a well supported supported establishment that has risen in Russia. If it was just Putin by himself the cabal’s answer would be kill him and business as usual, JFK for example. The Russian spring will continue well after Putin retires, in which I hope is very good for him.

Promitheas Apollonious

time and deeds, will tell.

You can call me Al

Both yours and “Promitheas” comment are extremely valid. It would make me laugh though, if they were both fake and a “wind up” in the history books though. They have definitely scared the sh1t out of the Yanks.


I don’t’ think it’s wise to sell this traitorous country S-400. They are the reason of 50% trained FSA and HTS in Syria and Supplied weapons. But yet again Russia needs money, and Russia is helping Syria there is no need in the look of the Russians to not doing business with their enemies.


It’s called politics. In the world of politics you have to make deals with those you despise. Gulf Arabs can’t fight for shit. That’s why they prefer to hire mercenaries instead. And when Gulf Arabs want to buy top notch military equipment its usually because they want to buy the favor of those they are buying from. Since Doha is now up hit creek with Saudi Arabia and its political favor is up for grabs, Russia is probably more then willing to overlook its transgressions in the past and sell it its modern toys if it means it can bring Qatar over to its side. And considering that Qatar can be a huge rival to Russia in the natural gas market, all the more reasons to do so.


Isn’t Russia concerned the US will get their hands on the S-400? Qatar is literally a vassal of the US. If they have the S-400 the US will surely have access to it.

Promitheas Apollonious

They are talking of the export version, yes they could, if qatar let them. But in a system as this what is important is the electronic side of it.

But you also must consider one fact that very few do this days and live with the american myth. Americans no longer have the brains or the know how, among their population. Are many examples to back this I am saying.

Example is their space shuttles. They run them as far they could go then dispose them instead of developing them.

With out russian rocket engines they have no space program and they not even good enough to reverse engineer them. And I can give you more examples but that I think making my point.

Feudalism Victory

Ive often wondered how much American spending is about corruption and how much is for real effect. There are good reasons to think the US has wasted its leads and potential.



Promitheas Apollonious

no, only 20% of their budget goes to actual weapons manufacturing. 50-60% goes into sustaining what they have abroad and salaries and the rest, is for bribes and buying politicians.

Of course also, is the black budgets, but that is not officially register anywhere. Like for example the 3 trillions missing and pentagon can not excuse them.


That was just a # I pulled out of… thin air. If you want to get technical you are not factoring in a transfer of 100s of billions from DOT to DOD to supplement their war funds… the US GOV “Well you gotta ship tanks and weapons to those nations we are invading. You can’t call that DOD costs.”

Promitheas Apollonious

I did not want to be technical, as it is economics, nothing technical about it But wanted to add to your post, the extra info, for people who read here and may be interested.


Sure I get it, but the US-GOV even lies and is disingenuous about the 700+ billion they tell us we(they) are spending on “defense”. Combined with the DOT covering many costs for the DOD, the real cost of military spending is probably in the 1.1-1.3 trillion range not counting CIA’s black ops and Afghanistan heroin trade they are involved in. As you say it is economics and we simply can’t afford it. What will ultimately end the ZOG US empire are the costs.

Promitheas Apollonious

k simpler way. This will help you get the general picture.

I am constantly reminded by Americans that American Military budget is 10 times larger than Russian. That looks like very overwhelming advantage. But this pictures changes when you compare more detailed information. Yes, American military budget is 10 times larger than Russian, but Americans have huge overhead to pay. That leaves only 8% left for purchases of new military gear. Compare this to 60% Russians spend on buying new military gear. Suddenly 10 times advantage cuts to 1.2 times, or just 20% advantage.

Lets not stop there: an average cost of a new Russian airplane, or tank is one third compared to American. That means that Russians with one tenth of the budget manufacture and deploy 2.5 times more. This is especially visible in last 3 years. Russian Aerospace forces received more new fighter jets, modernized strategic missile carriers, than all NATO countries taken together. Russia on track to fulfill its plan to have 70% of all military equipment being new and modern by the end of 2018. I don’t know what percentage of US equipment is new, but it is significantly lower. This puts Russia in a huge advantage right now.



Are you trying to tell me Russia doesn’t have any $800 toilet seats? … or F35s?

Promitheas Apollonious

something like this yes

Pave Way IV

WTF – can’t afford it? Why not? The U.S. will simply lend ourselves whatever amount is required, i.e., print more money. ‘Whatever’ being the operative condition. There simply is no upper limit. Why would we ever worry about lending ourselves too much money and cut ourselves off? It makes absolutely no sense, but it continues to work.

“Ju tink maybe I should cut myself off? Why? I’m my best customer… Ahahahah ha….” https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/80aba290ba978758fb838d7f479dea3c82313e36bb8219ad188689cfe091fa4b.png


When I was running a project in Iraq after CPA was put in charge, a cash money delivery through US Armys Logistics supplier Eagle got handed over to the wrong person and went missing. This was 1995 in Suleimanija, and it was said to be 2 Bllion USD in 100 Dollar bills, packed in 2 40 feet containers on palletes. Money was supposed to reach the kurdish tribes allowing US to open a second front in the north. Anyone heard about this ever?


Russia is doing a whole lot more, for about 10% of the US military budget. The corruption and ineptness is massive. It looks to me, as if this will get worse, until there is a complete change in the midst of US elites in general. One day the inflated value of the dollar will collapse. I can feel it coming.

You can call me Al

Export versions; thus no real problem.


Good point. We hear about the secretes of the F35 being revealed if Turkey can practice on it with the S400. The only real secret is the one on us(US people) that the F35 is the biggest military waste in history of man bar none.


Export version of military equipment is generally downgraded in some way(especially the high tech stuff)


8 of the best anti-tank missiles on one light infantry vehicle… makes me want to ride around in an armored death trap.


The only thing that will save qatar is for russia to build a base there…

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