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Russia Reinforces Newly-Established Coordination Center In Northern Raqqa (Photos)

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Fresh Russian reinforcements arrived on November 6 in the newly-established coordination and operations center near the town of Ain Issa in northern Raqqa.

According to the North Press Agency (NPA), the reinforcements included several military vehicles and dozens of trucks loaded with ammunition and equipment.

“The arrival of 40 Russian trucks loaded with weaponry, ammunition and armored vehicles at the coordination and military operations center between SDF and Russian forces in Ain Issa,” NPA’s reporter in the region said.

The news agency also released several photos of the reinforcements arriving in the center, which used to be a base of the U.S.-led coalition.

Russia Reinforces Newly-Established Coordination Center In Northern Raqqa (Photos)

Click to see full-size image. Source: npasyria.com

Russia Reinforces Newly-Established Coordination Center In Northern Raqqa (Photos)

Click to see full-size image. Source: npasyria.com

Russia Reinforces Newly-Established Coordination Center In Northern Raqqa (Photos)

Click to see full-size image. Source: npasyria.com

Russia Reinforces Newly-Established Coordination Center In Northern Raqqa (Photos)

Click to see full-size image. Source: npasyria.com

Russian forces and the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) will coordinate operations through the center, that was established last week. The Damascus government is not reportedly participating in the center, at least for the time being.

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opet ja

Russians should establish one more base up north or at the center of Syria and put there same equipment like in Hmeymim: S-400, S-300, Pantsir S, Thor and maybe BUK M3, together with 10 Su-35, 10 Su-25, 10 Su-34 and ECM equipment with of course radars. From new position they would much easier control US aircrafts coming from Qatar and S. Arabia. Never too much of good equipment at the right position…

Aleks Chernyy

That would be very expensive and very dangerous

Jacob Wohl's Nose

not if they open up a limited airbase, with only 1 battery of S-400/Pantsir and some small numbers of aircraft and helicopters. This would enable Russia to have a complete S-400 coverage of all Syria and neighboring countries and also Electronic Warfare coverage

Aleks Chernyy

S 400 is a complicated system with multiple components. It is not like putting a grill out on your back deck. You need a substantial amount of persons to operate the system. It can not be deployed in a vacuum without short and medium-range systems to deal with other types of threats, like drones, low flying cruise missiles. Such a deployment would also require a substantial ground presence to defend the system. This would place Russians between the Syrians, the Turks, the Americans, the SDF, and the Iranians. Nothing good can come from this. Should your plan be effectuated, the rules of engagement would become incredibly complicated, very fast. Would you engage American aircraft on sight? What about Turkish, Israeli, Iraqi aircraft? I am not sure that there are enough positives to outweigh the apparent negatives of such a strategy. IN deir-ezor, east Euphrates, you would have little to no naval support. Armies of savage FSA and the unpredictable Turks, not to mention ISIS who regularly hunts Russians operatives around the region. I don’t see a high likelihood of such a deployment, considering that shooting down American aircraft is not the goal of the Russian endeavor.

Jacob Wohl's Nose

there would be MASSIVE zionist tears if this happened. Noahs Ark would re occur due to the amount of kosher tears

Jason Tribolini


Maybe they are thinking along those lines.

opet ja

Russia has plenty of free to use SAM systems. Same goes with other equipment. The only problem would be logistical support because Hmeymim is near Tartus port and that new base would be far away from it and could be supplied by land what is still risky and by air, what is expensive.


I am looking at the center from the viewpoint that Russia knows the games being played by some of the SDF leadership. So, they set up a center very close to where the games are being played. The reinv’ is to signal they aren’t going anywhere and that US/Coalition forces can’t go anywhere near there now. Russia doesn’t make leaps, it takes step and each one of them that I have seen is solid and irreversible. They were on the coast for example, hundreds of kilometers away. Now they are right in the middle of the north and can reach out to touch anything they need, either overtly or covertly.

This little noise about working with the US again and continuing the ‘revolution’ is just that, noise. The US lost control over the Euphrates, major airbases and a huge chunk of Syria and that is not going back. The SAA is moving the 3rd Armored Div up north now and that is something that cannot be ignored by anybody. There will be twists and turns, ooooh and aaaaahs but, the foundation is now set and the concrete is drying rapidly. Play ball SDF or you will be wiped from existence. Well, that is going to happen anyway so, just play nice and you will be fine. My take.

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