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MARCH 2025

Russia Released First Ever Video Showing Strikes Of Its Orion Military Drone On Targets In Syria

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Russia Released First Ever Video Showing Strikes Of Its Orion Military Drone On Targets In Syria

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Russian media released a video that shows strikes of the Orion long-flight duration attack-reconnaissance UAV on targets in Syria.

The Orion belongs to the class of medium UAVs and occupies a niche between the large S-70 Okhotnik and small reconnaissance aircraft.

It features a gasoline engine with a capacity of about 100 horsepower, which is located at the rear of the fuselage. Due to the use of composite materials in the structure, the drone, which is quite impressive in size, weighs only about a ton. The maximum height is 7,500 meters, its speed is 200 kilometers per hour. The flight is controlled by an operator via a radio channel, the signal range is 250 kilometers.

The drone’s maximum takeoff weight – 1000 kg, payload weight – up to 200 kg. The flight duration is 24 hours.

Russia Released First Ever Video Showing Strikes Of Its Orion Military Drone On Targets In Syria

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Servet Köseoğlu

I think even Altius-U male drone will catch an opportunity in never ending Syria simulation.

Fog of War

Modi just received his orders from the NWO.

– ‘Aggressive measures needed’: India discovers 240 new, possibly more infectious Covid-19 strains –


Jens Holm

Is that so. Thats why being ready to make a lot more vaccine faster. The risk is the vaccines of today dont helå at all for against new mutants.

It seemes we have 4 or 5 versions in Denmark.

erwin vercauteren

the daily idiotics of our Zionist fascist Dane

Captain Freedom

I bet there are 9 or 10 versions in your soiled bed alone.


More Russian aggression. https://media0.giphy.com/media/l3E6uhDAN3W7vylji/giphy.gif


Iran will do much better of course… just wait and see…

Supreme Blyat

Iran flew drones above US carriers. Waiting Russia and China to get closer.

Jens Holm


Ivan Grozny

Even small green dolls are turning their back on you!

John Wallace

Certainly not green from envy ..

Ivan Grozny

Ha-ha, good one ;-)

Adam Prisbit

lol proper name is NOT doll it is YODA you schmuck skunk

John Wallace

After you spent the night fuckin it it is proper you should know its name.

catalin zt

He’s and dirty Dane or an anglo-saxon! Both dirty SCUM western fascisto-capitalist races!

Adam Prisbit

lol 2 butcher assad regime antisemite downvote eachother haha hehehe!

Lone Ranger

You are the anti-semite, traitor ziorat hasbarat for supporting ukropnazis and rapist cannibal head hopping wahabimossad terrorists. Shame on you. Uncle Shlomo isnt proud…


Arr,haha ha fekn big https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/41ea082600c40beeb7062a943c498da1e89777d71752e41a07c71ae78936281c.jpg wenkers!

catalin zt

Anglo-saxon capitalist-fascist SCUM!

Daniel Martin

200 kg of payload is rather small for such a big platform in my opinion.


”big” how?!? It is 1/4 of its weight …that is not so “small” …. It has endurance for “24 h” so it is built more for surveillance… loitering.. than heavy load and attack…can’t do everything good….compromise is needed.

Pave Way IV

But its combat radius is only 250m. The head-choppers will run 275m away, then taunt the Orion by yelling angry-sounding jihadi phrases at it.

Davide Herzog

250 KM….

Lone Ranger

Russians are always very humble when they reporting their specs… Su-57 on paper is slower than the Su-27, but it has 40% more thrust and about the same weight… Old S-200 has a max range of 250km on paper but it did hit targets 500+ km in the past…

Icarus Tanović

Like they did with F35. Oh, sorry, those were birds.


no combat radius is 250 mm :)

Daniel Martin

Mq-9 Reaper is approximately 2 tones and it can carry a payload of 1700 kg that’s almost half of it’s weight. Then the Orion should be able to carry a payload of at least 500 kg.


can it fly 24 HOURS with those 2 tones? I don’t think so! 24 hours is very good for surveillance, for bunkers and buildings there are Russian bombers in proximity.


Mq-9 is 5 ton max weight. Orion max weight is 1 ton and it can take 250kg payload. You got problems with your math.

Daniel Martin

No i don’t but you obviosly do. The bird weighs aprox 2 tones and can take a payload about 1700 kg.


Stupid. MQ-9 empty weight is 2,2 ton. Orion empty weight is 500 kg.

Daniel Martin

Endurance is 30 hours when conducting ISR missions, which decreases to 23 hours if it is carrying a full weapons load.


“It’s so unnecessary to send in manned tactical aircrafts for such missions” you are so full of it… Russia didn’t lose single bomber (to air defenses) and they are 5 minutes from the potential targets. So why wouldn’t they use them if they can use unlimited types and quantities of the ammunition’s that way ?!

“23 hours if it is carrying a full weapons load” Do you have link for that claim? Even if so….even if your MQ-9 is better they cost 65 millions each and for that money Russia buys 2 SU-30 jets!

Daniel Martin

Hey kid I see you’re getting very emotional about the topic, relax take a Soda or something, no need to get upset.



Thаt is not the link I was asking for you pathetic ameriCunt! Put the QUOTE of the exact words from that text that claim “full load”has such long endurance please ! Or shut the fuck up if you don’t have proof! It is documented that you ameriCunt’s are often vulgar liars, that can’t be trusted …

Daniel Martin

You have the exact words in the previous posts you litlle shitthead! FYI i’m not an American. You’re parents should have learned you some manners when speaking to other people!


not big mistake ….US-UK is same pile of manure….


ummmm the empty weight of a MQ-9 is 2200kg while its max takeoff weight is almost 5 tons wtf are you even talking about? the MQ-9 is a whole weight class above the orion.


It’s not bad for their first drone but this is not the only drone they have.

They’re working on an Improved version Orion2 and has a MTOW of 5,000 kg with a one ton payload, It’s a HALE drone although Altius-RU is entering mass production this year. we’ll see there are dozens of Drone projects right now in Russia .


small? its payloade size is average in its weight class ,what are you talking about?

Jens Holm

Its very much about credentials and also best to the price.

Seize matters, but most people will say humans – here even meant as women – are brighter then whales and elephants.

erwin vercauteren

man you are really becoming more and more pathetic by the day what is up boy change of employer lowered your pay ? or are you just as pathetic as your comments

cechas vodobenikov

jens new cocktail–LSD, novichok ,mink feces

Lone Ranger

On paper…


Depends what’s in the the yield,russia leads the world in atomic,nucleus energised,per kg.


Quite a impressive drone i must admit.

Supreme Blyat

You are so clement


hey say what you want its quite impressive what they have acheaved with this thing in sutch a short time frame of development. Not to mention just how accurate those shots with the newly developed micro munitions are.

Supreme Blyat

You sound like a teleshoping ad for Shogun knives. Very impressive. Not to mention just how sharp they are.


and you sound like a retard whom cant tell the differance between a CVN and LHD ;)

Supreme Blyat

Ohh look what a beautiful drone! Ohh noo it can even fly! But I have more, it is cheap. Incredible!

Servet Köseoğlu

As ı expected and ı think Altius-U male class drone will also catch an opportunity in never ending Syria simulation.


It’s about time Russia got itself a basic predator-style combat drone, it was the one area of aerial warfare they were lacking in. They aren’t going to win a war on their own, but they’re still useful for low-intensity warfare.

He who laughs last laughs best

Perfect for fighting against ISIS in the Syrian Desert.


Notifications are back, nice one Southfront I am glad


Does it have radar and air to air missile capability to be able to neutralize attack drones like those that did so much damage in Norgorno-Karabakh and elsewhere. Including Idlib.

Adam Prisbit

2000 regime soldier eliminate in idlib under 2 weeks, 100 tanks and 8 pantsir

meanwhile 3500 armenian soldier eliminate in 1 month and S300, sa8 gekjo, Torm2 destroyed

Lone Ranger

According to mossadisis hasbaRat news… Meanwhile Greater Israel Project failed, Greater Khazarian project failed. Metal as got destroyed by 40year old ATGMs, F-16 and Flop-35 by 50 year d S-200s… Ouch… Or oy vey…:_)


Lol, nice propaganda retard. No one believes those numbers except Erdogan’s ignorant zealots.


Big mouth Erdogan promised to kick Assad back to Sochi lines.

Just couple of Pantsirs were enough to shut down entire Erdogan’s junk drone fleet, while Syrian artillery were pounding Turkish armor and troops. Hundreds of Turkish soldiers were killed, Syrian side lost 20 tanks and 250 soldiers(only because Erdogan cowardly used the drones that were allowed to fly in Idlib by Syria by agreement with Russia).

Big mouth Erdogan failed to advance even by 1 km and lost strategic city of Seraqib in epic and spectacular humiliation!

cechas vodobenikov

BISCUIT too much LSD traded for sex w transgender HIV boyfriends

Lone Ranger

Many of the damage on Turkish side was fake news. The rest was the result of a traitor armenian leadership. Placing stand off weaponsysts on the frontline, off-line…, waiting to be hit… They wanted force Russia into a conflict with Turkey, but they miserably failed doing so…


The propaganda overstates the evidence, and some of the evidence has been proven to be fake. But a lot of it hasn’t been:



Lone Ranger

Thats what you get if you are lead by traitors…


The Turks are unlikely to fight the Russians in Armenia with the hardware stationed there and the treaty structures in place.


I doubt it, this Drone isn’t big enough to carry radars and missiles, ther are other drone projects in Russia that are designed for that though, in the next couple of years we’ll see more drone projects entering mass production .


There are radar units small enough to fit in missiles. I’m sure that something could be or has been developed for drones. And with satcom uplinks it can run off of other ground and air radars in addition to it’s own.

From the article:

“payload weight – up to 200 kg”

It could carry 4 of these:


– R-60 (missile) –


Jaime Galarza

Keep up the good work.

Adam Prisbit

lol! only 2 ORION produced! meanwhile only 1 SINGLE SU57 and 1 SINGLE OHOTKIN S70 produce!!!! orion is 10 year behind MQ-9 reaper and 20 years behind BAYRAKTAR tB2.

IDF drone 30 year ahead. Russkie only have tiny crap pechela drone

Meanwhile US airforce have 3000 mq-9 reaper predactor

Lone Ranger

According to mossadisis news… Keep crying Shlomo…. Greater khazarian project failed….wehehehe :)


sorry but only 75 MQ-1’s and ~200 MQ-9’s have been made so far.

cechas vodobenikov

CIA transgender biscuit paid according to each upvote received


I Think people underestimate the meaning of this, Russia currently has dozens of Drone projects and it’s all being done without foreign hardware, US-Israel-Turkey have drones that have many foreign equipment’s and electronics inside them and so do Turkish drones,, which are sourced from Canadian and Austrian/UK/US companies, China had to spy on the US and get help from Israel to get their drones, Russia did this on it’s own,.

catalin zt

Anglo-saxon and jew drone killer!


There was an earlier Expert article here lamenting the lack of drones in the Russian military and how Russia is way behind other nations in drone warfare, etc.. What the hell was that Expert talking about???


Seems the ruskies design aircraft how they must like their women, all straight lines no curves at all lol

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