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MARCH 2025

Russia Releases First Ever Video Showing Newly-Developed Okhotnik Heavy Strike Drone

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Russia Releases First Ever Video Showing Newly-Developed Okhotnik Heavy Strike Drone

A screenshot from the video

On August 7, the Russian Defense Ministry released a first every video showing Okhotnik (Hunter) heavy unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV). Earlier, the military revealed that the UCAV had performed its first flight.

The flight took place at 12.20 Moscow time on August 5. It lasted for over 20 minutes. The UCAV flown by the operator made several circles around the airfield at an altitude of 600 meters and then successfully landed.

Okhotnik is developed by the Sukhoi Design Bureau. The UCAV does have a low signature, a flying wing aerodynamic scheme, and a takeoff weight of 20 tons. It is made of composite materials and a radar-absorbing coat.


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Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes



It certainly looks like a very mean Bird of Prey :)

Zionism = EVIL

Iranian clone of the Americunt RQ 170 Sentinel. Look at the Russo-Persian technology upgrades and cooperation.


Zionism = EVIL

I had posted a few months ago that the excellent and versatile Sukhoi design bureau was given all the drones the Iranians have brought down, Russia in return provided Iran with S-300/400 technology which is now debuting with the August 22 deployment of Bavar 373 (infact similar to S-400) near Hormuz. Russian and Iranian military cooperation is far deeper than most realize.



AM Hants

Will never forget, how much I laughed, when Russia took out the electrical systems of the USS Donald Cook, over in the Black Sea. Using nothing more than a wicker basket, laden with Magrav technology, which originated from Iran.

Do believe it was around the same time, that Bastion, warmly welcomed the USS Donald Cook, who was approaching the shores of Crimea. NATO had already meassured the curtains and carpets, convinced they would be kicking Russia out of Sevestapol and moving in. Well, the poor sailors were traumatised, in dire need of NATO Pampers, and tried to resign.

Russia used the same technology on the US aircraft carrier, the USS Theodore Roosevelt, over in the Baltic Sea and again, the USS Donald Cook, received a repeat performance.

So owing to loving the idea of using non-tactile weapons, for pure humiliation purposes, rather than loss of life, I have always wondered what else Iran has in her arsenal of weapons.

So love the thought of Iran, China and Russia working together, in order to help provide some sanity on the world stage.

I come from an era, that remembers the cold war, together with the fact, when we had a bi-polar relationship, between NATO and the Warsaw Pact Members, we also had peace. Then they dismantled the Warsaw Pact, when the US Secretary of State, promised Gorbechev, they would not move an inch into Eastern Europe, if only he would take the Soviet Tanks off the streets of Eastern Europe.

What happened next? NATO turned uni-polar and changed into an offensive union. Russia, is now encircled with NATO bases in Eastern Europe. With NATO placing ‘First Strike Missile Defence Systems’ (clue in First Strike) on her borders. Not forgetting the Soviet Tanks on the streets of Eastern Europe have been replaced by US tanks.

We seriously need NATO to be forced back into a bi-polar, defence union, or completely dismantled, if that is not achievable. Wish Iran, Russia and China well, with regards containing NATO.



Looks like a B 2 toy. I bet it’s as stealth as Su-57


should be more since its a drone


How is that?


Pilot takes space, eliminate the pilot and you have it. Smaller the object, less radar trail it leaves. Plus you don’t have to care about life support along with temperature.


So smaller size makes it more stealth and also not having a pilot…wow! then all drones are as stealthy…lol


Your mother don’t like smaller size tho….. she like +20cm big black cocks.. or donkey cocks… 10000 of them every day.

You’re just like her lol a cheap $1 cumguzzling whore from Romania ?


Romania is a good country since killed largest number of Russian cockroaches after Germany in WW II, I’m proud to be associated with them, thanks!


Hahaha Romanians are pathetic, cowardly gypsy shiteaters, slaves and whores fucked by Hungarians, by Bulgarians, by Russians, by Germans and then again by Russians (all in 5 years 1940-1945). Germans used you bitches as a cheap cannon fodder, instead of mules and dogs… you granpa died n Stalingrad (run over by a soviet tank), and then they raped your granma… that’s why hate them so much little bitch? Or because they liberated you from the Ottomans?


Yeah Romanian&gypsies will rape your cockroaches family then will gas them and will rape them one more time like in the good old times, then will take your women and sell them to Ottomans and you will cry on the Internet like now.


Bitch you can rape your granpa dead anus.. with your nose.. hah! Here’s a shekel +$1 for you whore. Now on your knees and suck 100 more dicks, lick 1000 more butts, then switch to TorontoTurd and repeat. How many accounts do you have, you miserable pile of donkey feces?


I’m pimping your whore mom to post for me here and I pay her with spoons of sperm from the guys i sell her to them cuz she dosan’t want to make another crap with a Romanian Gypsy like your scatological father cuz only that kind of degenerate could put his dick into that shithole what your mum is


I’m pimping @occupybacon whore mom to post for me here and I pay her with spoons of sperm from the guys i sell her to them cuz she dosan’t want to make another crap with a Romanian Gypsy like @occupybacon scatological father cuz only that kind of degenerate could put his dick into that shithole what @occupybacon mum is

^Here, now it makes sense ?

Keep crying and talking about your dirty, filthy aids infested dead romanian mother, may she rest in piss. Instead of breastfeeding you, poor hooker, you sucked ‘milk’ from her bum – NATO milk from all those western tourists… that’s why you love your masters, right? That’s why you’re pretending you’re from Canada you miserable pile of shit.

J Ramirez

Shit spews from your mouth like its born in your country!

J Ramirez

Don’t forget, if it wasn’t for the Russians you would be speaking German!


Don’t forget if it wasn’t America, the whole Europe would speak either German or Russian, however the countries under German occupation while Russians transformed all their occupied countries in shitholes like Russia

AM Hants

Guess you never heard of the Soviet Union? Remind me when was it launched and when did it fall? How many nations emerged from the Soviet Union?

You never hear the Russians complaining, about life after the Bolsheviks overthrew the Russian Empire, slaughtering millions, now do you?


Yeah and before the Bolsheviks Russia was such a Paradise – that’s what made the Bolsheviks came in power, Russia was always a shithole.

AM Hants

Really? Which is why it was the Russian Empire and just how long has the 11 time zone nation been going? Either as an Empire or super-power nation?

Who created the Bolsheviks? Who created the National Socialist (German) Worker’s Party?

How we have been played and still using the same script, from century to century.


So are you saying Russian empire wasn’t a shithole country because it was big? Soviet Union was the largest shithole in the world, people were risking their lives to escape in the West. And you came with this argument that before Bolseviks it was not a shithole because it was big…you are very short on logic.

What is the importance of who funded German Nazi party? the countries occupied by Germans were doing better than the ones occupied by Russians long before Communism and Nazism, it’s a big big difference between civilizations of Germans and Russians. Why do you think all the Eastern Europe countries run from Russia like from plague

AM Hants

Did you live in the Russian Empire, during those times you claim it was a shithole? Or just your uninformed opinion?


Obviously a Butt-hurt-Russian-style question. Did you live in Roman Empire to to know Rome had a higher standard of life comparing other civilizations ?

AM Hants

Funnily enough, living in England, we are still reliant on the infrastructure, from the times when we were invaded by the Romans. In fact I do believe, the City of London, still runs on the old laws and taxes, of the Roman Empire, from over 2000 years ago. Just like the Vatican and also Washington DC.

Contradictory comment you have made. Don’t most Empires provide their citizens, well in olden days, with a higher standard of living, than most? That included the Russian Empire.


“Did you live in the Russian Empire, during those times you claim it was a shithole? Or just your uninformed opinion?” How about don’t skip History classes and see you don’t need to live in the past to see how a nation was doing. Have you lived in the Ottoman empire to claim they were Muslims?

AM Hants

Am I talking about the Ottoman Empire, which was taken out, just after the Russian Empire, was it not?

Didn’t Ukraine do well out of the Tsars?



“Am I talking about the Ottoman Empire”

No I was talking about the Ottoman empire. It was a thought exercise for you to make you see how stupid your question is:

“Did you live in the Russian Empire, during those times you claim it was a shithole? ”

And what is the meaning of this picture with the map you want to show me? That Ukraine is compensated for Holodomor or being a shithole like Russia because they wre given land?

AM Hants

Holodomor – OMG, is Ukraine still whinging about that?

You never hear Russia complain, with regards what the Bolsheviks did to the Russians, now do you? When was the Holodomor in Ukraine? Wasn’t it around 1932, when the Russians were also starving, but, not whinging. Now remind me, who was the leader of the Soviet Union, back then and what nation did he come from?

The meaning of the picture, is just how tiny and insignificant Ukraine was, prior to the Russians, handing over a lot of territory, back in 1954. Then you had the Bolshevik leaders, Lenin, a distant relative of the Rothschilds, and the Georgian Stalin, who gave a lot more, now didn’t they?

The Ottoman Empire, a thought exercise for me. Well, thanks for making me think about how many nations were taken out, between 1917-1919. 1917, ironically the year the Balfour Declaration was signed, with ambitions to create the state of Israel. Now what came next and how many millions were killed, just so Israel could get up and running, in 1947?

Must admit, do like to see an alpha male, dressed in black (with shades even better), wearing leather and astride a bike. Seriously puts a smile on ones face, especially, when he is enjoying the delights of Crimea.



I don’t see the rest of your comment relevant so good luck at spanking the monkey https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7ae343e426e5b85bbad428c41250e7e6c6c538b6307505250a5a2d2c656e763a.jpg

AM Hants

So lovely to see how the Russian diet of GM free products, works on the average Russian pensioner.

When you compare it to the GM, toxic laden diet, we have to suffer in the West.

Results of GM toxin laden Western Diet



Pensioner Age GM Toxic Western Diet


Results of Russian GM Free Diet:


Pensioner Age Average Russian




Your post perfectly represents the average IQ of the Russians commenting here, good job Sergey

AM Hants

Interesting, considering I am English.


ok sergey i believe you

AM Hants

Believe what you want Edward, Funny, you are no longer focused on me living in Pakistan.


Pakistan…yeah right. Sergei you are trying to lure me away for Russia, don’t you? ;)

AM Hants



Sergei you spilled vodka over your keyboard!

AM Hants

Remind me, but, when did the Prussian Empire go down and how old was it?

Wasn’t it a couple of years after the same crowd took out the Russian Empire?

Who created Communism? Nazism? Socialism? Fascism? Now what were they after?

How many Empires were taken out between 1917 and 1919 and why was that?

Funny, how they signed the Balfour Declaration, back in 1917 and it was not till the end of WWII, funnily enough, when Allen Dulles and Reinhard Gehlen, courtesy of the newly formed CIA, were providing safe passage for the Bolshevik and Nazi elite, in Europe, that Israel was created, back in 1947.

You might not see a link, however, I wonder if others feel the same?


As you’re well aware, the Russian Empire grew on average of 100 miles a day for 100 years by way of bloody conquest at the cost of tens-of-millions of murdered men, women and children.

AM Hants

Darling, she was an Empire. How are Empires created? Not just the Russian Empire?

How tiny was Ukraine back in 1654? Look how large she is now, thanks to the generousity of the Russians. Well, the Tsars, were generous, before the Bolsheviks, decided Ukraine needed more.



The generosity of the Russians? Up to your old tricks, I see. Changing the subject as it suits you does nothing to change history.

Hasn’t someone resembling yourself many times insisted that Ukraine is not a real nation, does not enjoy the same sovereign rights as every other nation on earth, owing to the fact that Ukraine once held the seat of power to your beloved and brutal Russian Empire? Do you not still insist that Crimea and East Ukraine has never legitimately been a part of Ukraine?

You seem to change your mind and attitude as the wind blows, Anne.

AM Hants

What does Ukraine mean? Is it not ‘borderland’?

Crimea, was taken by the Ukrainian Krushchev, the leader of the Soviet Communist Party, back in 1954. After a 10 minute lunch break and voted by just 13 of the 27 Senate. Yet, they had no legal justification to take Crimea, now did they?

1954 Transfer of Crimea

‘…On 27 June 2015, the Office of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation accepted the request of the leader of A Just Russia party, Sergey Mironov, to evaluate legitimacy of 1954 transfer of Crimea and stated that the transfer violated both the Constitution of the Russian SFSR and the Constitution of the Soviet Union. The text of the document signed by Russian Deputy Prosecutor General Sabir Kehlerova Mironov stated: “Neither the Constitution of the RSFSR or the USSR Constitution provide powers of the Presidium Supreme Soviet of the USSR for the consideration of the changes in the constitutional legal status of the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, members of the union republics. In view of the above, the decision adopted in 1954 by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviets of the RSFSR and the Soviet on the transfer of the Crimean region of the RSFSR to the USSR, did not correspond to the Constitution (Fundamental Law) of the RSFSR and the Constitution (Fundamental Law) of the USSR.”[10]

Complications of the “personal gesture”…’ https://www.revolvy.com/topic/1954%20transfer%20of%20Crimea&item_type=topic?cr=1

Eastern Ukraine, used to be Novorussia, did it not?

Now, owing to the fact that neither Ukraine or Russia have ratified their borders, in accordance with international law, since the fall of the Soviet Union, back in 1991, surely the borders go back to where they were, pre-Soviet Union times, do they not?

AM Hants

With regards ‘upto my old trick’.

Let us look at your comment:

‘As you’re well aware, the Russian Empire grew on average of 100 miles a day for 100 years by way of bloody conquest at the cost of tens-of-millions of murdered men, women and children.

Then look at my reply.

Darling, she was an Empire. How are Empires created? Not just the Russian Empire?

How tiny was Ukraine back in 1654? Look how large she is now, thanks to the generousity of the Russians. Well, the Tsars, were generous, before the Bolsheviks, decided Ukraine needed more.


You state the Russian Empire grew on average a 100 miles a day for 100 years.

I stated that she was an Empire, and how are Empires created, not just the Russian Empire.

How is that not changing the concept of your comment?

I then pointed out just how tiny Ukraine was, back in 1954, and how the Tsars were generous enough to provide Ukraine with a lot of territory. She was then treated to even more, courtesy of the Bolsheviks, when Lenin and Stalin gifted her even more territory, did they not?



You’re not a little girl, Anne. You write of generosity with no mind toward the realities of necessity.

Ukraine’s boundaries grew by conquest. Ukraine’s boundaries grew out the necessity, or so it was believed at the time, of expanding and coalescing the Russian Empire, as opposed to your sweet notion of magnanimity.

Riddle me this: How many Ukrainians died in the great forced starvation orchestrated from Moscow and does President Putin today accept that Ukraine is a independent, sovereign, nation among nations?

AM Hants

Riddle me this, how does ones boundaries, grow out of necessity, at the expense of their neighbours?

The Tsars were generous enough, owing to having more than enough land and territory to control, to give their needy neighbours a little help. The Bolsheviks, who overthrew the Russian Empire, now why did they need to give Ukraine land from Galicia and land from Russia? Didn’t Russia, also sell Alaska to the US, but, did they ever receive payment, or did the ship, laden with US gold, just happen to sink, on her way to hand over the cash? Do remember President Putin saying that Russia had more than enough ice and snow, to play with, so their were no problems handing over Alaska,to her ungrateful friends.

Riddle me this, when was the Holdomor?

Was it or was it not in the 1930s, during the period of the Soviet Union? Who led the Soviet Union, during those times?

So if you have any complaints, with regards the treatment of those living under Soviet Times, in the 30s, then you should address them, to those who created the Bolsheviks. Remember, even President Putin, lost members of his family, to the starvation and horror of those times, did he not?

Russia, moved forward, never embracing the ‘professional victim’ passage of life, and once out of the Soviet Union, went back to working with emerging economies and regaining her super-power status. Why couldn’t the other 14 member states of the Soviet Union do the same? How many of them enjoy being ‘professional victims’ rather than survivors? How many of them galluped over to the Soviet EU, run on exactly the same ideology as the old Soviet Union, complete with their begging bowls and ‘professional victim’ status, blaming everything on the one nation who paid off all the bills and debts of the Soviet Union. Included in the $45 billion, was the debts of Lenin and the Bolsheviks, who overthrew the Russian Empire.

J Ramirez

The US din’t enter till the end of the war, they didn’t do shit except drop nuclear bombs on Japan AFTER they had surrendered. I ask you. Who is a terrorist nation? I’ll give you a clue. Stars with U and ends with A ;}


Yeah, that doesn’t contradict what I said, they entered and they won, veni vidi vici or easy peasy, more actual

J Ramirez

Can’t win a race when it’s over no matter how fast you run ;}


True that! The war was over for the Axis on December 7, 1941.

J Ramirez

Your girlfriend Jacob Wohl brought up the mosquito, why are you confused?


no that doesn’t mean all drones are as stealthy. There also is a matter of shape and materials.

J Ramirez

Its like your dick in a whore house, no one can see it ;}

J Ramirez

How is id it not?

Jacob Wohl

wait the Su-57 is stealth? *sarcasm* lol the su-57 is as stealthy as an F-18 super hornet with a radar cross section of 1 meter square or a tomahawk cruise missile (.1 meters square). meanwhile the F-35 and F-22 have the radar cross section of a mosquito!

Tudor Miron

What kind of perversionist joy do you find in displaying your ignorance and stupidity in public? Creature, you still have a chance to become a human being but you seem to prefer to degenerate into a snakehead.

Jacob Wohl's Nose

that’s an insult to creatures… they have more honor and intelligence than him

Toronto Tonto

Your country and diktater are not contenders on the world stage .

Jacob Wohl's Nose

did you eat jacob’s foreskin? I bet you went to his barmitzvah

Toronto Tonto

Your leader likes little boys just like you do .

J Ramirez

Your the only one thinking of kids here ;}


“diktater” lol you braindead romanian toilet cleaner

Toronto Tonto

Your no doubt the simpleton I expected you to be .


“you are” (or you’re) not “your” you retarded, illiterate romanian troll.

*example: you are a monkey VS your daddy is a monkey.

J Ramirez

Don’t forget his mom ;}


Bitch you are his cheerleader, don’t forget to shove your pom poms in your anus, they make you feel tighter

J Ramirez

Say’s the man wearing a football helmet indoors ;}

J Ramirez

Your country makes shity whiskey ;}


its a paid troll, just block.

cechas vodobenikov

ignore the smeya….a packuda nazi

Toronto Tonto

Some people just cant handle any truth and Russians are on the top of the mongrel retard list .

J Ramirez

She’s back, this time she’s mad ;}


More random laughable clueless garbage from your shithole mouth…. you have a brain of a mosquito :D


Shithole is your country and your mum cunt


No that’s your mouth and your mother gypsy mouth… her cunt is worse than shithole – a cesspol full of diarrhea. Go back there you partially aborted turd.


That’s your president Putin cuisine when he eats little boys body parts


Now you’re mixing yours and Trollonto Turds’ lines hahaha you moronic, romanian gay shitater, u mad? I have no idea who is the president of Romania, a gyspsy shithole brothel owned by NATO… probably some donkey owned by pedo Trump, pedo Biden or some other pedo degenerate.


Toronto Tonto • 19 minutes ago Your leader likes little boys just like you do .

occupybacon • 9 minutes ago he eats little boys body parts

The same shiteating troll, confused and lost (and probably angry)…..

You need two accounts (or more) to troll this little site? Have you no shame you miserable piece of shit?


Anyone can recognize true love, you are just upset that your father raped you without even kissing your belly before



Anyone can recognize you are a briandead gyspy hooker with a single digit IQ raped by your father and your uncle (oh wait, your father is your uncle.. and your granpa lol) and 1000s more fags from the nearest NATO base, paid to pollute this site with swine diarrhea from your shithole mouth from that stinky basement in Bucurest.



Gypsy Sergei you stole that “your father is your uncle” from me then you added “and your granpa, another gypsy tradition lol)” your creativity is lower than your dad standards and stinks worse than your moms mouth after she eats scat from 1000 gypsyes before throwing up you and Putin turds

J Ramirez

And your paw and maw are brother and sister, 100% West Virginia inbred, Hills have eyes wannabes ;}

J Ramirez

We don’t care about your past, just move on and stop thinking about little boys, you Americans have a fetish for sheep, right ;}

J Ramirez

You sir are a true pervert, always thinking of touching kids, you need help!

j. jaxson


j. jaxson

forever parasites and maggots.

J Ramirez

You don’t know where he’s from, asswipe ;}


He said he’s Russian yesterday, you shit cunt


Stop lying/hallucinating you dumb pile of swine shit, I never said I’m Russian. Actually, I said “I am NOT from Russia” (at least 2 or 3 times). And it wasn’t “yesterday” it 6 days ago lol. FFS how stuuuuuuupid are you? Not just your rotten brain is dead, your eyes are dead as well. Stop wasting oxygen and just drop dead you fucking imbecile.

J Ramirez

You shit on your mommas what?


I shit on your mom, your grandma and your mother country

J Ramirez

But , I’m an American


You are a gypsy Russian like the turd you lick above

J Ramirez

Then that makes all Americans (gypsy Russian) !


Especially you. Wait, you are not a real American. That’s why you hate them.

J Ramirez

Kind of busy right now, go finger yourself and we’ll talk tomorrow ;}


Busy eating some juicy shit from your shithole country

J Ramirez

That explains why they don’t use them close to the S400 ;} AKA, mosquito killer!

Concrete Mike

And how many tomahawks the syrians shot down disabled? Close to 100.

Your pathetic!

Jacob Wohl

it’s you’re*, you pathetic antisemite

Concrete Mike

Ohh now you’re the fucken grammar police plus the anti semite police!

Dont you dare call us anti semites, we see how you and your racist kin treat the ethiopian jews, i tokd you before, it YOU the anti semite! Cheering on the murder of the semites, the palestinians.

Youre a racist peice of shit, and your leaders are leading you to the end of a rope.

Check yourself before you wreck yourself.


Great answer. Syrian AD shooting down very small radar c/s objects – that is impressive!


“Looks like”? A matter of perception: B-2 looks like Horten Ho 229 clone; your mom’s dildo looks like a Tomahawk’s toy. You look like a retarded gay turd…… actually you are a retarded gay turd.


Your mom’s dildo looks like a Putin turd after he licked it a bit at his anal press conference


The very same moment Trollonto Turd disappeared,another romanian turd appears lol

The same shiteater, cockucking bitch with different account paid to suck dicks and troll this site. How pathetic you are you little whore, 1$ romanian hooker?


Actually I’m pimping your mom for 50 cents, you ungrateful brat spending the money on expensive gypsy whores, STFU and fuck your mum for free.


Actually I’m pimping @occupybaceon mom for 50 cents, you ungrateful brat spending the money on expensive gypsy whores, STFU and fuck @occupybacon mum for free.

Yeah youpigcocksucking whore I already know your mom sucking german dogs for 50cents (too much for that dirty old hag), 1000 dogs cocks per day, while you are pimping your dirty shithole mouth… that’s what you do, that’s what you are = a pathetic shiteating loser. Like all gypsy losers for centuries. Now go die from cancer while burning alive.


“Now go die from cancer while burning alive.” LOL I was burning alive but I didn’t feel any pain cuz meanwhile I suddenly died from cancer, thanks to the curse of the suicidal Russian emo that projects his painful toughs upon others :)


Your piggy brain died long time ago, that’s for sure… btw you must be paid per post, spamming garbage 20 hours every day with all your accounts. I’m no sure why tho – all your comments are completely worthless – 100% manure… one of these days your NATO masters will fire you and you’ll go back cleaning toilets….. With your tongue ?

J Ramirez

Someone got their pantys in a bunch ;}

J Ramirez

From kids to dildos, what is wrong with you?

Toronto Tonto

WOW it does fly , too bad its a quarter century behind all the real world players .


Quarter of a century behind what? There is only one other flying UCAV vaguely in this class, namely the X-47B of which only two were built. The RQ-170 has a similar design and size, but it is not a UCAV. Other contenders would be MQ-25 (hasn’t flown yet) and Chinese CH-7 (hasn’t flown yet). So, the only airframe you can really compare it to is the X-47B (despite it not being intended for production), which first flew in 2011: only 8 years ago.

Jigz Villaceran

Nice info, at least toronto tonto wont be tonto anymore

Toronto Tonto

WRONG there is more to this list .


Name one.

Wolfgang Wolf

our gay ukrainian maidan activist from ukraine) so what kind of drones does the UA airforce have?

Toronto Tonto

NON Russian junk that we know and is all YOU need to know .

Jacob Wohl's Nose

Ukrop pretending to be canadian because he went there 1 time for vacation. LOL

Concrete Mike

Yeah and my taxes are paying for you stupid ukro nazies.

That all i need to know!

Jacob Wohl

US had this tech in the 70’s

Jacob Wohl's Nose

False! US had this tech in the 1800’s


US has $200m drones shot down by Irans older missiles lol


70’s? That’s why they lost in Vietnam hahaha 10,000 lost aircraft & helicopters against Vietnamese peasants you pathetic braindead shiteater.


Wtf you romanian toilet cleaner know about ‘the real world’? You’re just a cheap paid bitch (like the rest of your family). Now switch to your other account @occupybacon:disqus and earn you 1 shekel by sucking Wohl’s butt.

Jacob Wohl

wanna hear a joke? su-57 being stealth! Lol! it’s 20 times as large as an F-22 on radar. su-57 has a radar cross section of only 0.1-1 meters square! while an F-22 has the radar cross section of literally a marble or mosquito! (0.0001 meters square)

Simon Bernstein

a tomahawk missile is more stealthy than a su-57

Jacob Wohl's Nose

your nose is a tomahawk, Jacob’s nose is a Minuteman Missile


hasbara troll blocked


Simon Shitstain – Wohl’s boyfriend… hey you two ziof4gs wanna hear a real joke?

-Holocaust ?????

Zionism = EVIL

Holohoax. It is all a Hollywood Jew fabrication. The real Holocaust is taking place right now of Palestinians.

Simon Bernstein

antisemitic piece of tr@sh

Concrete Mike

Treat black jews better, maybe we will take you seriously, until then, go fuck yourself you racist peice of dog shit!

j. jaxson

you sir must work at a hock shop mr. pedostein.

Jacob Wohl's Nose

you’re officially chief engineer of the Rocket Nose department of Lockheed!

j. jaxson

Lockheed and Rayethon the great traitors of 911.



Jacob Wohl

how funny and unoriginal, typical antisemitic fool who refuses to except that US stealth is undetectable and unmatched

Jacob Wohl's Nose

oy vey muh super stealth


How do you know that?


You are a joke. Without a punchline. F-22 cRaptor is a broken pile of shit (just a your brain). F-35 is even worse, it cannot even fly. And this is F117 https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSjjoGko9W9IWdYf_SpWSpuD8zYB5uq7bTsl7RypDM7XU6ktv9-

Zionism = EVIL

The most “advanced” Americunt F-117 was brought down over Serbia by a 1960’s vintage SA-2 of the JNA. Imagine the losses on the Americunt arseholes if the drunken moron CIA stooge Yeltsin would have helped the JNA. Considering that Serbia was attacked by all of NATO, it still held up quite well. The Americunts in sheer spite even bombed the Chinese embassy, unfortunately China was too weak in 1999 to do anything either. It was just bad historical timing.

AM Hants

Even the pilots refused to fly the F22. Oooooops, not a good look.

Some pilots refuse to fly F-22 Raptor amid jet’s oxygen problems… https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2012-may-01-la-fi-fighter-pilots-20120502-story.html

J Ramirez

We hear a joke every time you open your mouth!

Ganga Prasad

Several US made craps costing USD 130 million apiece blown out of sky by primitive Iranian and houthi missiles

Ishyrion Av

Maybe because is a mosquito and that only when coating is intact… If it rains, it becomes as huge as it covers all the radar screen. And by the way, stealth is overrated, since modern radars and even old ones (remember Serbia?) can see you anyway. Air fight capability rules. Maybe F-22 can face a Su-57, but F-22 is out of production. F-35 is a junk.

Jacob Wohl

F-22 newest radar can spot a su-35 from 400km away (1 meter squared cross section) meanwhile the su35 can only spot the F-22 from 30km away. f-22 wins bu over 100 kilometers

Ishyrion Av

Have you been in a Su-35? Or in a F-22? If not, cut the crap.

AM Hants

The Real Reason the U.S. Air Force Won’t Build New F-22 Raptors… https://nationalinterest.org/blog/the-buzz/the-real-reason-the-us-air-force-wont-build-new-f-22-raptors-15920

Do find this video seriously relaxing and calming.

Why Russia’s Su-35 fighter jet demoralises US pilots ?… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VT7KA2AqD8

Russia – US pilots fly Russian Migs… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7QS6Gi9mdM

AM Hants

Wanna hear a joke?

US pilots refused to fly the F-22, owing to problems with oxygen.

The manufacturers, seriously took their concerns on board, and used the same technology, in the F-35, which also causes problems for the pilots. The oxygen transit, is just one of at least 100 primary problems the seriously expensive and late to the table F35 provides.

By the way, what has cracked me up laughing, with regards stealth, it is only invisable to the merchant ships and local fishermen. Whether up in the air, or down in the sea.

Russia and China, have no problems, whatsoever, with viewing stealth aircrafts and ships, wherever they happen to be, in the big, big, world.

Toronto Tonto

This thing will be like a shooting star with that heat signature on its ass . no stealth there .

Tudor Miron

What can I say. I’m proud of my country. Heavy strile drone designed by Sukhoy – my congratulations to people who made it happen.

Toronto Tonto

And the same clowns that destroyed Russia , have a great day .


Yeah whatever, now change your account to @occupybacon and upvote your comment like a pathetic bitch you are.

Zionism = EVIL

Russia, Russia, Russia JEW PUNK :)

Black Waters

Congrats dude, god bless Russia.

Fuck the U.S gestapo.

Zionism = EVIL

Iran and Russia are very closely cooperating on aerospace design projects. Stay tuned for the Iranian S-400 that will be unveiled on August 22. There is also growing naval cooperation and a large joint combined arms exercise scheduled at Jask and Chah Bahar soon.

Ishyrion Av

But you are not Russian.

Tudor Miron

Who are you to tell me who I am and who I am not? I am Russian of Moldavian nationality. I was born in CCCP and I constantly ive in Russia for more than 48 years. For those with little education on this matter, let me inform you that Russians are a multinational society for hundreds of years and unlike the western civilization (which is nothing other than a melting pot) we developed a way to coexist together being cohesive nation and at the same time preserving national cultural identity and traditions.

Ishyrion Av

You are Romanian by name and HIGHLY PROBABLE by birth, but hey, today you can be anything. Just say “I’m a Russian” and magically you’ll be a Russian. Whatever you want, is in your mind and dreams! PS. There is not such thing as a “Moldovan nationality”.

Tudor Miron

You didn’t answer my question. I told you who I am but for some reason you are little shy to answer my question. You say that there’s no such thing as Moldavian nationality :) May be for you there’s no such thing but for me it is. That’s what was written in my birth certificate and later in my Soviet passport. If for some Romanians there’s no such thing that doesn’t mean that it is right. Romanians sided with Hitler during WWII – that says a lot about their tendency to be right. Now they sided with US/NATO. If you can’t comprehand from first attempt I will tell you once again – I was born in Socialist Soviet Republic of Moldova – part of great country CCCP. My parents worked in Obninsk (~100km from Moscow) so when I was one month old I was brought to Russia and since than I live in Russia (was visiting my grand parents every summer). I am Russian of Moldavian nationality even if this fact doesn’t fit in your head :) I’m a sitizen of great country and I’m happy and proud to be part of it.

Ishyrion Av

State of Moldova exists now as a consequence of Ribbentrop-Molotov pact. So the the former Socialist Soviet Republic of Moldova. Ukraine as it is now is also a consequence of Stalin’s madness. Armenia. Georgia. Only a mad man can puzzle things so people fight each other eternally and forget who their ancestors are. I know you are a Stalin adorer but be aware he has his place in hell for what he did. Hitler also. I don’t really care what is written on your birth certificate, that is only a paper. If that defines you, I’m sorry for you. But you are right, you are not Romanian. And neither Russian. You are a Soviet man. However, be aware, Soviet Union was created and heavily run by a bunch of jews. Your friends, Soviet man!

Tudor Miron

Still shy to answer who you are :) Affraid of something? Twisting the facts will not help you much. Yes, Russian empire was destroyed by a bunch of Jews but by 1922 their little reign was over and Stalin recreated Russia (one can call it whatever they want it doesn’t change much). Fact is that in Soviet Union people happily lived together there were no conflicts and no fighting between ethnic groups it only started when “western democracy” took over those places. Zionists and their lapdogs actually don’t bother critisising that mostly Jewish gang that was ruling Russia from 1905 till 1922. They concenrate their hate and lies on Stalin because he was the central figure who busted Khazarian Kaganate v2.0 that they were about to create on the territory of Russian empire. I’m proud of who I am and I’m proud of my Motherland and that’s why I’m not hiding under internet nickname – unlike you.

Ishyrion Av

You are brainwashed and Stalin was a mass murder. Maybe in your brain was not any conflict, because Gulag was full of death. Soviet man!

Tudor Miron

That’s something I’m proud of – being a Soviet man. Get lost. Your envy is boring.

AM Hants

Judicial Watch has Soros connection to USAID in its crosshairs… Judicial Watch Sues for Soros Documents – Files FOIA Lawsuits Against State Department and USAID for Records about Funding and Political Activities of George Soros’ Open Society Foundations in Romania and Colombia

Judicial Watch now has four FOIA lawsuits relating to the Obama administration’s funding for Soros’ Open Society Foundations operation


How much has the Soros funded ‘Open Society’ invested in Modova? How much does it cost, for a politician to sell out their nation?

Ironic, the Hungarian of Jewish Faith, who found the best times of his life, in his own words, was when he was watching his friends, neighbours, peers, boarding the Nazi death trains, before he went around to loot there homes. Guess, he found quite a good old friends, when he went to upset the domestic climate, of the people of Moldova?

SOROS AIDED CIA OPERATIONS IN BALKANS AND MOLDOVA REGION The same CIA-Soros cooperation can be seen today in the promotion of radical Wahhabist Islam… https://www.infowars.com/soros-aided-cia-operations-in-balkans-and-moldova-region/

Wasn’t George Soros loyal to David Rockerfeller and his section of the globalists? Didn’t Rockerfeller set up the CIA, based on assisting the Nazi and Bolshevik elite, be given safe passage out of Europe? Funny, nothing has changed, with regards WWII, just following a different script.


How Was The CIA Formed?

By absorbing the Nazi war criminal infrastructure… http://emperors-clothes.com/analysis/gehlen.htm

Rockefeller, Nazis, The UN, & Genocide… https://educate-yourself.org/cn/genociderockefellernazis2apr03.shtml

Now David Rockerfeller, who looks so much like Soros, has gone, who is after his crown?

Ishyrion Av

Soros and Rockefeller… Both doing the same work for the same master, with one aim: the enslavement of mankind.

I fell like a huge experiment, with half of the world brutalized in communism – who’s aim was to build the “new individual” – without God (that is a characteristic of revolutions, it seems, because French revolution started with it). Many times this reeducation towards the new man was ferocious, and Orwell in his 1984 couldn’t even imagine what the communists imagined and applied. But the resistance was ferocious too, tens of thousands preferred to die in prisons rather than convert and heaven became full of saints. The communism was problematic also because it became somehow national and that was something to be avoided from the first step. So the falling of the communism in Eastern Europe begun. Soros with his Open Foundation appeared day one after the communism fell in every country, recruited locals for the global cause and pumped money mainly to destroy the natural values: nation, family, religion (which communism was unable to destroy it, because even the highest officials were baptizing their children) – and replace them with a global individual with no sense of responsibility towards his history and his future. A person living in present time only, who’s only god is his own pleasures. They achieved this goal, which was the communism goal also, by so called “freedom”, with the help of a merciless and endless television brain-washing campaign. What it couldn’t be reach through force, was reached through lie and deception. And now, we are sitting in the middle of another revolution, the sexual one, with the purpose of stripping of what’s left of humanity and stepping into the animal world. Because the servants of Hell – Rockefeller and Soros and co. – aim for the total destruction of mankind. They have the Devil’s purpose.

AM Hants

Soros with his Open Foundation appeared day one after the communism fell in every country,


That is interesting. When you look at the fall of the Soviet Union and the emergence of Soros. I remember, when the UK got thrown out of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism, on 16 September 1992. Soros, made over a £billion, betting against Sterling. Do believe that was when I first became aware of his name.

December 26, 1991, the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the emergence of Soros.


I wonder how much money Soros has received from so many tax funded payments, from the tax payers of so many nations, to date? How much does he invest into regime change scripts and how much does he get back, via Government funded NGO payments? Not forgetting, how much he makes, with regards insider trading?


Didn’t Rockerfeller set up the UN? Isn’t Rockerfeller the grandfather of the geek who owns Facebook? Then you have the alleged relationship between Rockerfeller and Clinton. Together with Rockerfeller and the Bush family and their links and support to Nazi Germany? Did Rockerfeller kick start setting up the CIA, in order to bring the Nazi and Bolshevik elite over to the US?

So Soros is Team Rockerfeller and Trump is Team Rothschild. Two heads of the same snake, after the same resources.

Ishyrion Av

Things are connected, Soros and co. had a great contribution to the fall of communism mainly because it didn’t serve their purposes anymore. Instead of conversion, people became angry and resistant. They need to offer something else.

Tracking their money is an impossible mission (probably anyone would end up dead before even start, anyway) but I am thinking as deep as the diamonds mines of Africa, oil of Asia, wars all over the world and pharma companies. Governments hardly support their ONG directly – if money go there, there are insignificant. But they get paid the other way, in the end, taxpayers money.

AM Hants

So you should be. Happily envious, but, mega thanks to Russia, for trying to restore world peace.

Wish I could say the same for my Government. Who seem to embrace the genocide and ethnic cleansing, of nations it wishes to pilllage.

Black Waters

Looool, hasbara trolls are unleashed, they can’t believe what they see, it must be a nightmare. Well fuck off bitches, wether you like it or not Russia it’s developing while the U.S totalitarian regime it’s going down (by their own hand)

Zionism = EVIL

Zionist arseholes are in severe strife as their whole regional Yinon plan is kaput. Hezbollah will soon get S-400/Bavar 373.

cechas vodobenikov

US weapons r vastly inferior to Russian weapons—the f-35, tomahawk, Bradley, osprey r a few examples….the USA bankrupts itself by spending more on its military than the next 14 largest military nations combined (Prof Juan Cole) yet produces inferior toys…of course the CIA consultant, Cole who supported US interventions in Iraq, Libya and Iraq, also writes that the USA is the most corrupt nation on earth….as the Russian poet, Vissaron Belinsky wrote in 1840, “Tsarist Russia is more free and just than the USA, where corporations rule and robbery and thievery is made official”


Trollonto Turd = occupypigshit Jacob Wohl = Simon Shitstain

Anglozionist trolls in full panic mode.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Undoubtedly such a large Russian UCAV could carry a gravity nuclear bomb.


It appears as though Russia’s much heralded Avangard “Super Weapon” has a tendency to explode during testing.

I pity those living near the test site.

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