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MARCH 2025

Russia Releases Video Of Historic First Landing of Su-27K On Admiral Kuznetsov’s Deck

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Russia Releases Video Of Historic First Landing of Su-27K On Admiral Kuznetsov's Deck

A screenshot from the video

The Russian Defense Ministry’s Zvezda released a video that shows the first-ever landing of the Sukhoi Su-27K (Su-33) carrier-based jet fighter on the Admiral Kuznetsov heavy aircraft cruiser in November 1989.

The TV channel stated that the aircraft’s first landing and take-off was carried out by test pilot Viktor Pugachev. According to the channel, “complex tasks related to construction, durability, aerodynamics, control systems, navigation, weapons” were solved in the fighter’s design.


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Dick Von Dast'Ard

Has SF got any news, facts and details upon the modernization and refurbishment progress status of the Russian aircraft carrying heavy cruiser? (Admiral Kuznetsov)

What is the carriers new offensive weapon & defensive suite, (is it now capable of launching Kalibr) what has been removed?

Be also interesting to know if the MiG-35 has a ‘K’ variant.

Toronto Tonto

Its fuckin scrap man , send it to Pakistan .

Jacob Wohl

even india can probably make a better carrier. I mean c’mon now, they rejected the non-stealth SU-57

Toronto Tonto

Russians are not in the upper class of humanoids , they have to steal what they cannot build .


i do not have a problem with what u are saying! However, dont u mean China? They openly steal and copy! The shame they SHOULD feel for having exact copies of Russian jets!

Look, it was commonly known in Soviet times that both Soviets and US spied on each other! So copy and steal was the name of the game back then as there were different doctrines!

I think Russians would agree they are not upper class! Russians themselves would believe they are middle class! its the Chinese u should be taking aim at here!

please….. know thy enemy! Respect to Russians dude! Hate on the Chinese and the Jews! Thats what u should be doing! Besides, Putin and Trump are on the same team! Allies after 2020 elections! (officially)


ahh the Jew is back! hey your last photo looked better! Now is see you are about 65kg to 70kg! I thought u said u had a good build? Do u remember when i said that Jews have poor genetics when it came to physicality? I told u that i wanna know how u look if u dont work out! Well now i know hahaha! u dont work out! u have no traps, a very weak neck and youre a kid!

And u feel the need to put up your BIO! dude u forgot to say “Narcissist”! Also Trump is fucking Israel and Mossad! Didnt you know your former prime minister and head of Mossad was arrested? He was involved with Epstein’s honey pot! Dude u idiot! Why do u think Israel closed its embassies world wide? because of payroll demands? hahaha! Israel has been caught spying on every nation and has been heavily involved in Soviet activity! i mean, pedofile honey traps in order to control politicians, media and foreign policy!

“Keep your friends close but your enemies even closer”! Soon u will need to decide who u love more, Trump or Israel! Because Israel is losing its 3 billion per year hand out! losing diplomatic status in every nation! Is gonna be left to the wolves in the middle east!

You guys fucked up! You got GREEDY! Now u will reap the whirl wind! i love Trump BECAUSE HE IS FUCKING ISRAEL!


The Wraith strikes again!


my belief is that carriers r a WWII anachronism—slow, easily destroyed

Dick Von Dast'Ard

True, but they can still extend aviation range to areas where otherwise aviation might not be readily available to provide cover to the ballistic missile subs and fleet.

However for the Arctic Sea region, (and possibly Pacific Ocean area of operations) I would suggest something like the Tu-160P (strategic bomber escort/ heavy interceptor) could act as a very good deterrent against long-range maritime patrol aircraft too.


however when they r destroyed the aerospace forces become stranded according to experts I have read

Harry Smith

Carriers are good for force projection. To fight or scare low tech nations.


military experts I have read write the same


Hasnt been proven yet! “Whats if’s”: What if the armada of defensive ships need to be destroyed FIRST before one can destroy a carrier? What if new tech exists that can destroy any missile (Laser or Satellite weapons) We’ve seen the introduction of $1 per shot lazers! We’ve seen anti-air missiles work at a 95% level! if an armada surrounds a carrier, then how does a missile destroy it when countermeasures and counter attacks can be employed against the target that fired the missile upon a carrier!

Remember, if a carrier can be killed, then so can the battery which fired the missile! So therefore it would be one for one! So it comes down to defences too! tracking, targeting and jamming are just as important (or more important) than evasion of missile defences!

Who is usually leading the tech? Who tends to invent things first? Who then copies (illegally and shamefully) and yet still lags behind? The cost of being 1 or 2 steps ahead is very high! But IT MAKES ALL THE DIFFERENCE! US CARRIERS have aircraft that can carry full fuel and full offensive loads thanks to its launching system! its aircraft can carry anti missile missiles (a classified package that acts like a patriot or THAAD) They were the first to have airborne lasers! Lasers on ships! A nation that is 1 or 2 steps ahead doesnt REVEAL its systems to the world as Russia did! (By the way Russia needed to reveal those systems when they saw Hillary was running for President) Did the USA reveal its B2 bomber and F117 stealth fighter before they needed too? Those planes were created in the 1970’s yet were only revealed in battle in 1990!

You dont know what the US has and thats the bottom line! If the enemies defences can be defended, shut down or eliminated by some new advanced weapon that has not yet been copied, then an aircraft carrier is fucking awesome! it means total air domination which ends up becoming ground domination!

Before making these statements, u need to think WHY hundreds of PHD engineers, professors and think tank Generals have decided to keep them before wondering why your little brain decides other wise! lol

Dont give me this MIC crap! China is making them and so too is Russia and UK and France! Remember, Russia has a defensive Doctrine thus no need for many carriers! USA has a world force doctrine, therefore many required!

Everyone on this site is a wannabe General! youre probably a factory worker or at best an accountant! And u wanna make statements like this? Give me a fucking break! YOU KNOW FUCK ALL! Lets just leave it at that, shall we?


…ni pomiul zchlabiha….u merely display your and immaturity. US military experts admit that Russia will destroy all their carriers in 3-5 days in the event of war


Well you just fucked up! Because now u have to show me them admitting it! SHOW ME THE U.S MILITARY EXPERTS SAYING THIS!

Prove i am immature and that you are not a blatant liar!

REMEMBER: These MUST BE U.S Military EXPERTS! Not some random morons u found on the internet!


one cannot prove anything to an ignorant insecure amerikan



u just said “cannot prove anything”! YEP :) i was right! Thats what i thought you’d say!

Also America is 5% of the worlds population! Therefore why would your dumb ass brain assume i was American when there is a 95% chance i am not! HUH??

Im Australian!

So now we have more proof that u lie, make up total bullshit, have no idea what u are talking about and cannot even use basic math to assume where i am NOT FROM!

Youre dumb! Lets just leave it at that shall we?!


your childish anglo insecurity is tiresome


Then Dont reply 22 days later u stupid Cunt! Just fuck off and everything goes away!


the crude little sexually repressed girl again displays her crude upbringing


i fucked many russian girls in the past 5 years! Cam girls i met in Russia and met me in Thailand and bali! Not Whores! But Cam whores! 23, hot, and they want to leave ur shit country! want pictures? i even made my porn with them! aaaaa hahaha

show me a video with u and any girl! u cant! aaaaa hahahaha All Russian and Ukrainian women are for sale! I KNOW THIS! if your women need to meet Australian guys and need to be cam whores then its obvious Russia cant afford and aircraft carrier! Thats why u NEED to say that Aircraft carriers are Obsolete, so ur country doesnt look so poor that u cant afford to make even 1 not even one! yet u TRIED to buy 2 from France! YOU TRIED TO BUY 2 u dumb cunt u are so full of shit! All Russians LIE!


LOL—more of your infantile sexual repression


your crude feminine insecurity amuses


you replied after one month?? Hahahaha No wonder why the SU-57 isnt ready! U Russians are soooo fucking slow!


an idiot like u doesn’t justify a prompt response—idiot anglophones, speaking an impoverished language (Lakoff, Heidegger, Wittgenstein) r anxious and neurotic—-allways in a hurry to be stupid…u r proof


yet i am smart! because i come up with proof such as this below! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/dda44ac96c322bc3d4f306e4f126fa4dae4db54e5eb658171d7dc41e2b34653d.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b09a9f078083a96ea447836f4118065959daabf6c3f60ea3f7dd0708f291bc4c.png

And then i ask people to try and make sense of the price difference! ITS HALF PRICE?? WTF??? Then i ask them if it has anything to do with failure! i ask real questions to people who are not biased! People who admit something is seriously wrong, especially when i can also prove that the SU-57 was originally priced at 85 million dollars! Suddenly now its half the price! Now half the price of the SU-35’s? WTF? the SU-35 is based on the SU-27! its should be far cheaper than stealth! It was cheaper! And when u produce MORE units of an aircraft, that also means cheaper price!

They are only making 70 SU-57’s for Russia! (the biggest buyer)! How the fuck can it be 42 million now? The Crash? Something has failed bad! Perhaps it can be detected!

Russia has fucked up and u know it! Money and price is STRONG evidence! I like Russia, i support them in Syria, but at least im not dumb enough to deny failures!



You still have not sent me links to these “US military experts” who claim that “US military experts admit that Russia will destroy all their carriers in 3-5 days in the event of war”! Why havent u sent me any links? if i have to wait longer it means YOURE FULL OF SHIT!!!


the self hating amerikan…LOL amerikans r too stupid to research themselves–like children you require your mommy to to find u “links” LOL


I’m Australian! I wont search for this information because i believe you are lying! i want you to humiliate yourself! “Delay means denial”! Why are u delaying this link that shows me the US Experts saying that Russia can destroy all of their carriers in 3-5 days!

If u were telling the truth u would be so proud and glad to shove this information in my face and then call me bad names! BUT U WONT BECAUSE U CANT!




australians r amerikans w an accent–your crude immature tantrums r tiresome—-another self hating, monolingual xenophobic anglo…tedious


Russians are Ukrainians With an Accent! Same Same YES? if not…. THEN SHUT THE FUCK UP!


obviously u r a crude insecure, monolingual child obviously u r incapable of comprehending either Russian or Ukrainian….ponyamiash packuda?


and u are either a Jew or a Chechnyan! Calling u Ukrainian was much too high a level for u! lol

Dude im AUSTRALIAN That means I WIN! U cant get better than us! :) u know it, i know it and the whole world knows it! Lets keep it real!


more tedious infantile insecurity—-typical anglo racist/fascist!


Listen to u!!! someone countered your carrier opinion!! Then YOU say US experts Admit that Carriers are obsolete! i say Prove, show me where they said this! i waited more than a week for your reply! you still did not provide evidence so u started calling me a child and that i need mommy! THIS IS WHAT U DID! Rather than show me you went into 3rd grade play ground talk! i continued saying PROVE IT 22 days later u reply with more childish crap and continue to avoid! People who do this usually ATTACK because they are WRONG and were Caught LYING im above u! Why am i above u? 1. im too smart for u! i know u lied 2. im australian you are Russian (therefore clearly above u) 3. u are probably a jew or Chechnyan (far worse than being Russian) 4. THE USA EXPERTS ARE MAKING MORE CARRIERS! 5. UK now has 2 6. China is making them 7. Russian is looking at making them and ADIMT they would have if they didnt have problem with Ukraine! I CAN PROVE THIS! But i wait for your proof first!

bye bye liar! bye bye


the pitiful racist continues to self humiliate


i am still waiting liar! Prove me wrong! PROVE ME WRONG! LIAR I A R


your tedious insecurity in predicted….”amerikans cannot think except by means of slogans–they identify garbage as quality. the stupidity and ignorance of amerikans has long been a topic of hilarity in Europe” Paul Fussell LOL


how many fuckin time do i have to say “IM AUSTRALIAN” READ!


a coca colonized murikan w an accent …LOL

Toronto Tonto

Its the take off I want to see HA HA HA splash lost another .

Jacob Wohl

Ha! the only functioning aircraft carrier (NON NUCLEAR POWERED) in the russkie arsenal. they had to sell all their other carriers in order to prevent their economy from collapsing. Meanwhile the US Navy has 11 NUCLEAR POWERED SUPER CARRIERS :-]


Russians don’t need aircraft carriers, they need weapons to sink them with and they have got those .. haha american carriers are just gigantic metal coffins, good for fighting underdeveloped countries and nothing more.

Toronto Tonto

Your sweet little cartoons of the weapons you wish you had and the USA DOES have makes you just a joke .


Drunk descendent of bandera immigrants, you make me laugh.

Toronto Tonto

Russia IS underdeveloped , cant sell the junk su shit and the tanks are only good for stealing neighbours land .


Of course ukkie, what ever you say.


And still got their arse kicked in Syria. Lol

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

Aaaah, the famous and highly respected Pugachov/pugachev, i salute you sir!

One person once said: “Aircraft carriers are the tools of invaders”

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