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MARCH 2025

Russia Releases Video Of ‘Not Working Iskander Missiles’ In Action In Syria

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Russia Releases Video Of 'Not Working Iskander Missiles' In Action In Syria

A screenshot from the video

Russia released a video showing the usage of Iskander missiles, that do not work according to Armenian Prime Minister Nikol ‘I lost Karabakh’ Pashinyan, against terrorist targets in Syria.

Apparently, these missiles work a bit, but the Armenain Armed Forces just did not use it in the Karabkah war in 2020.


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Laurent Parodi

It s really astonishing to see how far some people are ready to go to blame others for their own failures to stay in power.

Some people never heard about the world “responsability” in their life.


He is “politician” = a crook….that’s what they do for living… most of them at least…. You must be from Scandinavia


Prime Minister Pashinyans comments about the Isksander have the hallmarks of a US or UK speech writer :)


So true Florian ! Badmouthing one of the most capable Russian missile systems was too tempting (opportunity) to resist!

AM Hants

Wasn’t he sponsored by $oro$?


All the wannabe oligarchs are, I think, AM

Adam Prisbit

truth is Russkie weapon is piece of junk. Geko sa-8, S300, Tor-MK2 and Krug FAILED TO DEFEND FROM AZERI offensive and PROTECT airspace!! Iron Dome or Patriot-PAC3 would have taken all bayraktar down NO PROBLEM. Also Iskander FAIL TO ACCURATELY HIT TARGET (IN VIDEO it misses every time)

AM Hants

Remind me, but, how does the US Patriot system work? Starting with how it recognised it’s own US made toys, as being unfriendly and took them out, over in Kosovo, I think it was, back in the 90s? Then remind me, what happened with the Saudi Oil Fields, protected by the US missile defence system, just last year? Ooooooooops. Why are NATO so alarmed by the S-400 system and freak out at all who try to purchase it?

Didn’t Syria take out a F35, using the old S200 system, which Israel tried to pass off as a bird strike?

Muriel Kuri

Yes, I remember that ‘bird strike’! So they won’t be able to fly at all because of the birds in the air? NATO’s alarmed with the S-400 because they know it works!

AM Hants

NATO spent too much money on stilettos for the Forces and Pride Parades, whilst Russia focused on defending their nation. Guess you can see who got it right.

Adam Prisbit

houthi terrorist launch 20 ballistic missile drone at KSA today ZERO hit any targets, 100% interception rate from Patriot PAC-2 PAC-3. now go cry!!


True. Not once did I hear about Armenia using a ballistic missile. It would be big news. This dude is lying through his teeth. Blamed the Army, blamed Russia, blamed his own people, his generals, his administration and the climate. Never takes responsibility. Also, he literally positioned the S-300 radar next to the launchers on the contact line IN MIDDLE OF A FIELD without anything covering it. Seriously, the pure incompetence is astounding.

AM Hants

Typical $oro$ funded politician. They are not the brightest bulbs in the box.

Tommy Jensen

This is only 1 Iskander missile working. Only if I see 30 Iskander missiles working at the same time, I will believe it!


you would probably not believe it, if you’d caught your wife having sex with your neighbor ( only once )… you would immediately ask for theirs 30 video taped sex adventures, to be able to believe your eyes.

Steve Standley

rofl @ 30 sex tapes

Lost Empire

Hahaha. Agree with you 100%

Tommy Jensen

LOL………………actually she said what I saw was a fantasy in my head. That was after he jumped out of the window.


Russia can’t afford to mess up,they don’t have the luxury of being pampered like usa!

Lone Ranger

Irony detected…

erwin vercauteren

Now we know for sure you are a useless idiot and a pathetic troll try again poor chap

cechas vodobenikov

time doesn’t exist

Captain Freedom

You did it Tommy, even Southfront bowed to your wisdom. But this missile was probably CGI anyway so there is not even ONE that works. If they use 30 at once, that’ll just be 30 CGIs. Pashinyan was right, he is the beacon of democracy that will lead the way out of the fog of RUSSIAN deception!!!

itibi ra

you forgot the /sarc tag at the end of your text


As Brussels (Genuine deplorables) persist to war,because their vanity fairs obsoleted by Eurasia,

but they shant get their,because Deplorables are only just that,non nationalists can’t fight for sht!

johnny rotten

If you don’t believe it, ask the Georgians what the Iskander does, they know something.

Adam Prisbit

yes it hit civilian area with cluster warhead did not hit a SINGLE gerogian military object. Soon Georgia will receive Lora, Harop drone and advanced Israeli weapons to modernize airforce!!

AM Hants

You mistaking Georgia for Ukraine? What were they using on their people, back in 2014?


Even Armeinia’s generals laughed at pashy boi’s comments about the iskandar, NATO knows the power of this weapon, why are making a big deal out of this clown

Lone Ranger

Russia 3424 : CIA/Soros trolls 0


That did not look like an Iskander





Dick Von Dast'Ard

Iskander-K 9M728 (SSC-X-7) Confusing as the ‘Iskander’ appears to be a weapon platform name with a number of variants.


You are right basically…. but things have changed …. That is launched from today’s modern Iskander launch system that has diverse capabilities now . Capable to launch in the same time usual ballistic short range tactical missile (from your photo) and also cruise missiles (see “Iskander-K“): Cruise missiles: 9M728 (SSC-X-7) also known as “R-500” – 500 km range (before collapse of the “INF treaty”) 9M729 (SSC-X-8) – new long-range missile – 480–5,470 km range

So they are both “Iskander” systems (same platform with different launch tubes = different missiles) Iskander K https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/34/Tsentr2015-09.jpg

Adam Prisbit

still junk not work. LORA is COMBAT PROVEN and 100% more accurate efficiencytrys

cechas vodobenikov

biscuit too much LSD in matzo soup—mosaad comedy duo: biz-kurva &. zippy irony…what a team!


The attack on the H building is interesting. It appeared to deliberately avoid a direct hit and 2 strikes landed at what looked like equal distances from the building and center to the entrances.


That is correct. Russian bombing in fact has been tasked with avoiding any unnecessary destruction of buildings, and that’s why they don’t lob the bombs straight through the roof (unlike Americans), as those buildings will have to be rebuilt again at some point. It is down to the judgement of the operator, and sometimes buildings get flattened, but they try to avoid it. American bombing policy on the contrary is to destroy as many buildings as possible, in the hope that rebuilding contracts go to American companies, or related entities.

Frantz Bockwurst

…well none of those missiles actually hit the target it seems?!


Dont be confused by the camera of the drone which is there only to monitor, record and to assess the situation. This drone does not provide the targeting of those missiles. Those missiles are directed by INS, GLONASS , IR or even TERCOM and in the cruise variant.

Adam Prisbit

what junk!!! First missile miss by over 50 METER Second miss 10 meter Third MISS ENTIRELY. hit wrong building Fourth also wrong building. INACCURATE HITS Meanwhile Israeli IDF LORA HIT DESTROY ALL ARMENIAN TARGET WITH 100% ACCURANNCEY


Don’t worry brother, soon many LORA’s will fall on the filthy Hezbo rats and any Lebanese that supports them.

Adam Prisbit

Exactly! IDF will soon test those beauty LORA on hezbollah terror skunks!! Cannot wait my friend!!!

Adam Prisbit

LORA is 100% efficiency! 1 single IDF F-35 Adir squadron can wipe out all Russkie air defense in Latakia or even CRIMEA and Donbass. I guarantee 100%

cechas vodobenikov

biscuit girl needs rehab—US military now admits f-35 incompetent…but dim CIA schluyha needs shekels to buy more LSD—posts comedy at SF

cechas vodobenikov

luv the CIA photo shop

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