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MARCH 2025

Russia Says 50 Senior Officers Of Kiev Forces Were Killed In Kalibr Missile Strike (Video)

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Russia Says 50 Senior Officers Of Kiev Forces Were Killed In Kalibr Missile Strike (Video)

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Russian warships destroyed a command center of Kiev forces with Kalibr cruise missiles, killing dozens of officers including generals and members of the high command, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced on June 19.

“More than 50 generals and officers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were killed,” the ministry said in a statement.

The pinpoint strike took place near the village of Shirokaya Dacha in the Dnepropetrovsk oblast. The ministry said that Kalibr cruise missiles hit the commander center where commanders of several units of Kiev forces had gathered for a meeting.

The ministry added that Kalibr cruise missiles were also used to destroy ten M777 howitzers and at least 20 armored vehicles, which were recently delivered from the West. The heavy weapons were stored inside a factory building in the city center of Mykolaiv oblast.

A video released by the ministry shows the launch of four 3M14T Kalibr cruise missile from an Admiral Grigorovich-class frigate of the Russian Navy’s Black Sea Fleet.

The 3M14T has a range of 1500-2500 kilometers. The missile’s guidance system is built around an INS [inertial navigation system] and GLONASS satellite guidance systems.

The cruise missile, which has a top speed of Mach 2.9, can fly as low as 20 meters above water and 50 meters above ground with a help of a TERCOM [terrain contour matching] system. It is armed with a 450 kg HE-FRAG [high explosive fragmentation] or bunker buster warhead.

The Russian military stepped up its missiles strikes on Ukraine in the last few days. As a result, Kiev forces sustained heavy losses in personnel and equipment.

Russia has been using precision-guided, long-range missiles like the Kalibr against high-value targets of Kiev forces since the beginning of its special military operation in Ukraine. These missiles have proven to be highly-effective and almost impossible to intercept.


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it’s just these beautiful moments in war, when the ones orchestrating the Ukrainian Nazi evil thugs are brought to account. However, Russian must not just get ‘high’ on these great achievements. The Grinding, the take out of infrastructure and command and control is perfect and necessary – Dombass will be free of the Ukrainian Nazi regime. The bigger question is, what is the plan after that to deal with the wider Western evil, the evil that has concentration camps today, the evil that trains and supports terrorism, the evil that has tortured and murdered Iraqi’s, Libyan’s, Afghans and many more. The evil that tries to suppress all other nations sovereignty for the ‘exceptional’ US regime. It’s the fight against western Evil that really comes next and Russia cannot do that alone. It will take the true free world working together to defeat the western empire of evil and lies!

Last edited 2 years ago by RealityOfWar
Florian Geyer

This Russian attack will be a pivotal milestone on the way to total victory, in my opinion.

A bonus would be the deaths of some senior NATO military advisers at the meeting.

Slava Rossiya.


I do believe, and the Russians are banking on it of the – hypersonic moment, the hypersonic advantage. I get the feeling Russia knows they have a window here, where conventionally they can eradicate western naval advantage, western air advantage and turn everything into a grind up to the 1997 NATO borders. Europe CANNOT field an army at this time to match Russia. US would be dragged in, and while Russia ground away to 1997 borders – China would be spiriting away. The US would face a choice – get dragged in to Europe and face demotion by China or let Russia have the security guarantees it was PROMISED regarding NATO limits of expansion.

Kathryn Bowman

𝗅 𝗀𝖾𝗍 𝗉𝖺𝗂𝖽 over 17𝟢 USD 𝗉𝖾𝗋 𝗁𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝗐𝗈𝗋𝗄𝗂𝗇𝗀 from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my Best friend makes over 18543 USD a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Details HERE…. N­­­­E­­­­T­­­­C­­­­A­­­­S­­­­H­­­­1.C­­­­O­­­­M

Last edited 2 years ago by Kathryn Bowman
jens holm

IWe are not even there. Only the Russian agressive propaganda says so.

We would not have use for any army there. We would use airplanes and missiles. You write crap.

But You are right. It makes less and less sence we are not theree for real.


Where were you, the champion of truth, when western media were constantly spreading unconfirmed news about Ukrainian heroism and bravery and Russian sluggishness ? You leave traces as a biased persona. Do not forget it. We won´t.


I get paid over 90 dollar.s per hour working from home with 2 kids at home. I never thought I’d be able to do it but my best friend earns over 10k a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The potential with this is endless. Heres what I’ve been doing.. Copy Here→→→→→ 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞.𝐭𝐤/

Last edited 2 years ago by Julia

US has been killing million of innocent people s in the middle east lol.


jens holm is just a low life troll. There is no way to extract any common sense from it. BS is its trademark.


But why would you be taking ‘western’ media that seriously? As a person who lives in the west, the phrase “consider the source” is pretty relevant. Media companies are owned by the ‘globalhomoists’ and WEF people. Their ‘news’ is simply what they want you to know and believe, and isn’t necessarily true or real.


In theory maybe, in reality: absolutely no. Russia has not officially declared this a war and mobilized. If they had done that the war would probably be over by now already. But they didn’t. So there is a good reason for that. Also china would not be happy if all their investments in Europe are lost, China doesn’t care about Ukraine, probably is thankful that the west is looking elsewhere letting them be. But there is no way china would help Russia conquering half of Europe and there is no way the population in Europe would accept being ruled by Russia. So in reality it’s a scenario in which nothing can be gained but a lot can be lost.


I agree, as of today. But if Lithuania and Poland kick up and pull NATO in all bets and gloves are off.

China might in such an event decide to take Taiwan and who knows maybe Australia? True that would probably signal nuclear war, but maybe not depending on who is in charge in the US.

For Biden is not long for office or probably this world for that matter, and Harris should get herself a food taster IMO as there are a lot of people who would like her Presidential slot.

The Chinese curse has kicked in, we live in interesting times.


Europe has a big problem, to field a conflict with Russia, it is called oil and gas. You need that to transport military equipment. Of course idiots like the ones in charge of Europe, have no understanding of the logistics needed for a real war. As it it was not enough, most European countries, can’t make their own weaponry. They also lack important minerals, to do so.


In my opinion, Russia ought to be building bombs, lots and lots of bombs, and tanks and guns and rockets and missiles because I think they’re going to need them.


Russians knew when and where the meeting was taking place. A successful Valkyrie moment.


I think this is down to Russia,s spy satellites -contrary to western media they can make out somebody scratching their nose but due to secrecy you wont see really close pictures .Su57,s 5th generation fighters are now being used .Dont rely on DDG they proclaim they wont search for pro Russian websites.


DDG is missile destroyer or “DuckDuckGo”?


Duck Duck Go -they actually proclaimed it so much for the -“non-censored- free- untracked search engine” Ahton and don’t use Firefox its now as bad as Google for tracking you even if you do work in “about:config”.


How about using VPN ? It replaces the IP address of your Pc with one which is generated by your VPN server provider each time you login on your Pc or start your mobile phone. Naturaly try not to use your e-mail adress which might be like : “your first name”.”your family name”@gmail.com. It is too much of a give away.😊 You will have also option of choising of another country as your access point to internet, or even diffrent cities in these countries. Just an idea.

Last edited 2 years ago by ceasar

Could do if you use the right country for the server which discounts UK/USA etc and of course it depends on your ISP who probably wont know where you are going but will know you are using a VPN.


Yes DDG really exposed themselves. Since they are no different from Google, no need to use them at all. Google is better in that comparison. I depend on links provided on various sites.


They ride on Google’s search engine from what I understand, so it was just a matter of time until they fell in line.


I’m on DuckDuckGo right now, but I thought they said they’ll be censoring pro Russian media on here because of the war? Is there a better alternative than DDG?


Unfortunately Firefix uses DDG as its default search engine as well. ( I suspect that DDG uses Google in turn as its search engine.) We are really cornered by the bastards like BoJo !




Brave is what I’m using now might be worth a try

Last edited 2 years ago by Irishgerry

Try Metager search.






I’ve been using Brave for Russian info as DDG blocks any attempt.


I’ve been using Startpage instead of DDG at the recommendation of others but I haven’t yet personally researched their privacy policy and biases.


Yes, yandex.com (or yandex.ru if you prefer and understand). Lots of links to sites you might not have known existed. Some in English (like english.pravda.ru) and for the others you can just right click and Translate if you can’t read Russian. I love the witty articles in kp.ru and also ria.ru and iz.ru have good articles, and there’s also dan-news.info reporting in English from Donetsk and various media reporting from Crimea including happily documenting the restoration of water supplies from the Crimean canal. Interestingly, while Google will transliterate Киев (Kiev) as Kyiv (the approved Ukrainian spelling that all western media has been ordered to use, even though many people even in Kiev itself use the other spelling), Bing will transliterate it as Kiev. Some media like kp will refer to the “independent” or “nezhaleznaya” which is a way of referring to Ukraine somewhat sarcastically.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nick

Brave and Yandex :)


What can you say about SRW Iron? They also promise less tracking, but I don’t trust a lot to any promises.


What you do is install it along with UBO & Umatrix and check to see if they mention Google plus install Etherape network tracker .


Thanks for advice, i’m using “UBlock origin” right now, this is best on my taste, it blocks even audio ads.

Last edited 2 years ago by Антон
jens holm

Thats how Your tiny little world is. Its more like any of those machines do everything they can to contact You.

Normal people in normal countries dont have Your problems. We have the full palette for free speech and no KGB app build in our behinds.


Use an older browser in private window. and tweak gmail settings accordingly.


Use Brave or Yandex.


Dimitry Rogozin ( Roscosmos ) has just backed up what I said that they are closely monitoring Ukraine by satellite.


Imagine the “chatter” the Russians intercepted after this strike. Just keep cutting off the heads.

jens holm

So far its a fake to me. You comment says goats eat anything.

Last edited 2 years ago by jens holm

Probably has more to do with the fact that there are many Uke military personnel that have studied in Russia and secretly work for them giving info on Uke military plans. Ukes are riddled with them, there is no hope for Uke military

Tommy Jensen

Only because US told them duly because of peace. Russia’s answer to kill our assets which cost the American people $billions to train, equip and weaponize, will be answered with sanctions against Russia and its lapdogs who will have to repay and compensate the US for the loss of assets. Period!


A day without comedy is a day wasted.-Vlodymir Zelensky.


Human intelligence … Russians have sympathetic eyes all over Ukraine and there is no way of telling whether a Ukrainian is sympathetic to Russia or Ukraine or even Russians proper from Ukrainians … they’re all the same people.

Unlike the USA which relies on electronic intelligence and informants the Russians have cultivated human intelligence all over the world since the days of the Tsars.

The Russians infiltrated western labour unions in the 1920’s -30’s. They recruited ideological sympathizers in Universities and the peace movement of the 60’s. Waves of immigrants to the west since the 1990’s are peppered with spies.

The west wasn’t able to replicate any of this in Russia to the extent Russia was able to due to the closed nature of Russian society … other than a few that spied for ideological reasons or for money.

This is one weakness the west never acknowledges … Russians can watch activity at NATO airbases. Russia will know about NATO air activity long before the strike packages appear on radar.

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Both sides have satellites that in clear weather can see the smallest details at ground level.


We, the US, have no real friends in the world. We are not friendship material. We only have stooges that are paid.

Last edited 2 years ago by Bubbaorwell

“America has no permanent friends or enemies, only interests.” Henry Kissinger

Red Admiral

It is probable Florian a few NATO rats were pensioned off to Hell along with a significant number of Nazi’s from Odessa. It is unlikely we will get info on NATO deaths. Maybe death notice in local NATO area claiming an accident of some description. I see the Russians have moved their 8th Army into the area adjacent to Bachmud could be a very interesting few days ahead

NATO is laughing at you


NATO is laughing at you


AM Hants

Must admit, owing to the hysteria coming from the blond buffoon, over in Number 10, I did wonder if Russia has taken out some Senior UK members of NATO.

I could not believe the DM today, or the idiots from Integrity Initiative and friends, flocking to comment. Old Boris and the newbie, in charge of the Forces, saying that we will be taking Russia on in a land war. Seriously?

1). Boris saying the UK will be taking Russia on in a land war, surely that was a declaration of war? 2). When did Boris address Parliament, when taking the decision to go to war with Russia? 3) A land war, with the nation with the largest collection of nuclear warheads on the planet. More than all NATO members have between themselves. Russia, with around 6,250 nuclear warheads, against UK’s 225. (US have around 5,550 and France 290, NATO Total = 6065). 5). Russia with the largest land Army, especially when the UK cannot even defend herself from the dinghy tourists. 6). Russia, with her hypersonic weapons, in active service. Something no NATO member has. 7). Russia with the best Missile Defence System on the planet. NATO First Strike Missile Defence Systems, are now impotent owing to Russia’s systems and hypersonics. 8). How come Russia, spends less on Defence than the UK, but, leaves NATO obsolete? 9). I wonder what Boris and Zelinsky shared, when Boris ran over to wherever Zelinsky is hiding out, following Italy, France and Germany turning up for a chat with Zelinsky? 10). Why is Bill Browder running the UK Foreign Office and Integrity Initiative?

The Ogs

Gonzalo Lira believes that Italy, France and Germany urged Zelensky to negotiate an end to the conflict. Then Boris informed Zelensky he cannot negotiate under any circumstances! So I wonder what Zelensky will do?


Boris is just following orders, then he passed those orders on to the CIA’s/US’s man in Kiev

Retired Troll

Ukraine is being blown at hypersonic speed.

Russia is now using some serious weapons, A Russian Kinzhal missile at 12,000 kilometers per hour, 10 times faster than sound, was, reportedly, used today to destroy a Ukrainian weapons depot 136 meters underground. (Listen to the astonishment of the American reporter when he suddenly saw this).



Damned right.


I think too this as a retribution for what NATO has done to millions of people around the world. This should be framed as west vs the rest conflict. The collective west should be put in it’s place for good.


With what’s happening between Israel and Lebanon oil dispute, there’s going to be a bigger war than the Russian Vs Ukrainian war. Hezbollah will unleash hell over Tel Aviv, and USA and NATO will have to help Israel. We all know USA will never leave Israel, and US arms industries don’t have the time to feed israel after Hezbollah and the axis of resistance destroy Israeli weapons, and feed Ukraine weapons at the same time. NATO will have to leave Ukraine and give Russia the power, and possibly do the same to Taiwan. Russia and China will reclaim their land, stronger than ever. I predict Hezbollah will take back the golan, Hamas will start liberating settlements in their areas, and the Syrian Army will be raining air strikes all over Israel. With all this israel would’ve have fell, mass NATO casualties and lower western morale. Arabs will have so much morale that they won’t even bother to give back any land they took from Israel, leaving the Samson option on the table. WW3 would’ve most likely started by now because Iran won’t let Hezbollah fight NATO on its own. I know I might sound crazy but Hezbollah can take nato in a defensive war. South Lebanon is impossible to invade now, it’s too risky and nato will lose so much soldiers trying to do it. If Hezbollah which most likely does have radars and air defence capable of locating stealth bombers like B52 and other aircraft, NATO won’t stand a chance. Russia will give the axis of resistance weapons and help as a thanks for the loyalty, for helping each other in Syria, and to do what NATO was doing to Russia by giving Ukraine weapons, Russia will happily return the favour.

jens holmo

That sounds rather unrealistic. Israel army is WAY stronger than hizbollah. And Syria will not bomb Israel. Iran could but I don’t think that will happen. What you described sounds like a WW3 starting scenario.

Edgar Zetar

Guess you dont known anything about Israel capabilities if think they could rain hell over Tel Aviv. You cannot fight Israel without beign in war against almost all Western Countries. Moscow is worst protected than Tel Aviv for your information. Check the public domain info about Israel protects his cities and compare against the info about how Russia protects his capital city Moscow. Easier to target Moscow than Tel Aviv. PD: And you have to be crazy to target against Israel Cities.

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar Zetar

Edgar, nobody’s afraid of Western countries.


Israel… It can’t even win a war against the Hezbollah. Israel is a dud, you can’t compare, such a crappy country with Mother Russia. There is simply no comparison between the Bear and a parasite…

Muhammad your Prophet

This Putin faggot wants to jerk off to Putin now. What a beautiful moment to jerk off to his Fuhrer.


Russia doesn’t have to do anything, just defend itself. In order for the demonic bastards of Davos to have their way with the ‘Great Reset’, the entire world’s economies must crash otherwise the Great Reset won’t work. You can’t have an intact Russian, Indian, Chinese, etc. economy while the U.S. and EU starve to death. They will revolt and behead Soros, Schwab and all the other globalists.


A few well placed missiles like this strategically placed around the world would work well. From there the good people of the world could then start the process of providing for their families, communities, and those in need. Wow what a concept..

Edgar Zetar

Dont be too optimistic over this… this is not a war between good and evil, its a war between Big Goverments; USA is concealing his poker’s hand waiting to Russians to celebrate and lay down his defenses to counter attack… I have seen what DARPA and new technologies USA has, and Russia cannot cope with that, so the best approach to Russia is to be humble during Russia Special Op. in Ukraine and have his eyes full open and conceal and guard his latest weapons systems if a Big War start between powers over Ukraine but dont think big war will happen, but you never known with the guys at the Pentagon.


us new technologies–really? stop that dirty propaganda


The US will have big economic problems within 6 months boy.


Ah,ah,ah… Biden, now, is a great poker player. You must have found some really good stuff to smoke, to make such a comment. I hope you enjoy your trip in Lalaland.


Ukraine change of strategy by continuous shelling of Donbas resulting in constant deaths and injuries to civilians constitute terrorism since the shelling primarily targets the civs that’s nowhere near any contact of fighting between opposing forces, with this development, it is now safe to conclude that Kiev government has clearly transformed into a purely terroristic organisation that has to be stop from its tract… Good reason enough to eliminate the decision makers in Kiev… ASAP.

Retired Troll

Russians have wiped out most of the Ukrainian Nazi scums “high command” and even US military analysts are calling for an end to this fratricide that only the Anglo-Zionist backstabbing criminals are pushing to “destroy Russia”, which is a totally moronic pipe dream:

When the Lies Come Home

After lying for months, the media are preparing the public for Ukraine’s military collapse.

June 17, 2022|

12:01 am Douglas Macgregor

Diogenes, one of the ancient world’s illustrious philosophers, believed that lies were the currency of politics, and those lies were the ones he sought to expose and debase. To make his point, Diogenes occasionally carried a lit lantern through the streets of Athens in the daylight. If asked why, Diogenes would say he was searching for an honest man.

Finding an honest man today in Washington, D.C., is equally challenging. Diogenes would need a Xenon Searchlight in each hand.

Still, there are brief moments of clarity inside the Washington establishment. Having lied prolifically for months to the American public about the origins and conduct of the war in Ukraine, the media are now preparing the American, British, and other Western publics for Ukraine’s military collapse. It is long overdue.

The Western media did everything in its power to give the Ukrainian defense the appearance of far greater strength than it really possessed. Careful observers noted that the same video clips of Russian tanks under attack were shown repeatedly. Local counterattacks were reported as though they were operational maneuvers.

Russian errors were exaggerated out of all proportion to their significance. Russian losses and the true extent of Ukraine’s own losses were distorted, fabricated, or simply ignored. But conditions on the battlefield changed little over time. Once Ukrainian forces immobilized themselves in static defensive positions inside urban areas and the central Donbas, the Ukrainian position was hopeless. But this development was portrayed as failure by the Russians to gain “their objectives.”

Ground-combat forces that immobilize soldiers in prepared defenses will be identified, targeted, and destroyed from a distance. When persistent overhead intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance assets, whether manned or unmanned, are linked to precision guided-strike weapons or modern artillery systems informed by accurate targeting data, “holding ground” is fatal to any ground force. This is all the more true in Ukraine, because it was apparent from the first action that Moscow focused on the destruction of Ukrainian forces, not on the occupation of cities or the capture of Ukrainian territory west of the Dnieper River.

The result has been the piecemeal annihilation of Ukrainian forces. Only the episodic infusion of U.S. and allied weapons kept Kiev’s battered legions in the field; legions that are now dying in great numbers thanks to Washington’s proxy war.

Kiev’s war with Moscow is lost. Ukrainian forces are being bled white. Trained replacements do not exist in sufficient numbers to influence the battle, and the situation grows more desperate by the hour. No amount of U.S. and allied military aid or assistance short of direct military intervention by U.S. and NATO ground forces can change this harsh reality.

The problem today is not ceding territory and population to Moscow in Eastern Ukraine that Moscow already controls. The future of the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions along with the Donbas is decided. Moscow is also likely to secure Kharkov and Odessa, two cities that are historically Russian and Russian-speaking, as well as the territory that adjoins them. These operations will extend the conflict through the summer. The problem now is how to stop the fighting.

Whether the fighting stops in the early fall will depend on two key factors. The first involves the leadership in Kiev. Will the Zelensky government consent to the Biden program for perpetual conflict with Russia?

If the Biden administration has its way, Kiev will continue to operate as a base for the buildup of new forces poised to threaten Moscow. In practice, this means Kiev must commit national suicide by exposing the Ukrainian heartland west of the Dnieper River to massive, devastating strikes by Russia’s long-range missile and rocket forces.

Of course, these developments are not inevitable. Berlin, Paris, Rome, Budapest, Bucharest, Sofia, Vilnius, Riga, Tallin, and, yes, even Warsaw, do not have to blindly follow Washington’s lead. Europeans, like most Americans, are already peering into the abyss of an all-encompassing economic downturn that Biden’s policies are creating at home. Unlike Americans who must cope with the consequences of Biden’s ill-conceived policies, European governments can opt out of Biden’s perpetual-war plan for Ukraine.

The second factor involves Washington itself. Having poured more than $60 billion or a little more than $18 billion a month in direct or indirect transfers into a Ukrainian state that is now crumbling, the important question is, what happens to millions of Ukrainians in the rest of the country that did not flee? And where will the funds come from to rebuild Ukraine’s shattered society in a developing global economic emergency?

When inflation costs the average American household an extra $460 per month to buy the same goods and services this year as they did last year, it is quite possible that Ukraine could sink quietly beneath the waves like the Titanic without evoking much concern in the American electorate. Experienced politicians know that the American span of attention to matters beyond America’s borders is so short that an admission of defeat in Ukraine would probably have little or no immediate consequences.

However, the effects of repeated strategic failures in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria are cumulative. In the 1980s, General Motors wanted to dictate the kind of automobiles Americans would buy, but American consumers had different ideas. That’s why G.M., which dominated the U.S. market for 77 years, lost its top spot to Toyota. Washington cannot dictate all outcomes, nor can Washington escape accountability for its profligate spending and having ruined American prosperity.

In November, Americans will go to the polls. The election itself will do more than test the integrity of the American electoral process. The election is also likely to ensure that Biden is remembered for his intransigence; his refusal to change course, like Herbert Hoover in 1932. Democrats will recall that their predecessors in the Democratic Party effectively ran against Hoover for more than a half century. Republicans may end up running against Joe Biden for the next 50 years.

Douglas Macgregor, Col. (ret.) is a senior fellow with The American Conservative, the former advisor to the Secretary of Defense in the Trump administration, a decorated combat veteran, and the author of five books.


Last edited 2 years ago by Retired Troll

After all the peoples killed in Dombass, in the recent days, it is certainly good news to see some of the deciding heads being blown to pieces. Evil planning against civilians, bring some real costs. Same can be said about those Howitzers, attacking civilians.


your comment is just as beautiful or I should say your question is.

jeff montanye

the best and most peaceful way to reduce the u.s. ability to war against the world is to dethrone the petrodollar and remove any possibility of u.s. moral superiority.

bust the bullion banks’ control of the precious metals markets.

then bust 9-11.


The Pentacon occupation of Urupp, after the utter destruction of rump Ukropland, will not survive the collapse of Natostan and that collapse will destroy the angloZionaZi owned EUSSR. So let’s look on the good side; in 5 years Slumville USSA will be a smoldering bankrupt ruin at war with itself and most likely with China who will call in their loans and which USSANS haven’t a hope of paying. China will then take USSAN territories in lieu of cash and strategic Pentacon military real estate all over the world. The ongoing collapse of USSA will indeed be the fastest collapse of any major empire in recorded history.

And all thanks to the chosenite hubris bloated idiot neocohens and their poisoned Maidan cookies dispensed by faggy Jeffy Pyatt and Miss Piggy Nudelman.

I love karma! Z

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

The generals and officers were gathered for the pride festival.

In paradise, there is a separate room for the kind of activities where Jesus and the disciples have leading roles.


Jesus (prophet Isa in Koran) was against faggots actually. Do you know about fate of Sodom, Gomorrah and 5 other towns?

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Jesus was never married and the gay movement claims that he was one of them.

Knows the history of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Also know about the natural disaster that hit the area.

Was not some hocus pocus from good or evil spirits that destroyed these cities.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

So you’re not a muslim, if you disrespects Isa. You don’t respect holy Koran where you can read about Sodom, so your nickname is deceitful. “Muhammed prophet” (or something like this), is that you?

Last edited 2 years ago by Антон
jens holm

As written before Jesus said nothing about Sodoma and Gomorro. It was many centuries before his time.

If You believe in that You also support incest. Lots daughters had sex with him there.

You also can go back to Kain and Abel or was it the children Sem, Km and Nafed by Noah. They made children themself or with each other and only boys. Those made girls and boys.

Those were the days. They are used as explanations and excuses for everything accept included.

You take things out of their context. Its like growing better hay for your car.

jens holm

And You dont define respect and disrespect for Islam at all. Faith is Your own.

When muslims die they dont die in family groups. They go one by one to good and each and everyone has a bill with minusses and plusses.

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

All those who practice this distant medieval belief in our enlightened age show a lack of self-respect.

Is a sign of illiteracy inherited from uneducated parents.

azov bunch of emo rejects

Try Genesis to Revelations. And those books & letters were written in a time only the servants of God and the appointed kings were literate. And compare the word of God with tablets written in clay by any gentile Kings of the same periods, nothing comes close.

Your enlightened age in nothing but vanity & pride. You’ll find a whole lot of Wisdom, Knowledge & Intelligence in the book of Proverbs alone. If you think you’re wise just because you say God doesn’t exist or it makes you sound educated to say your ancestors were monkeys, well guess again.


Don’t waste your time. Everyone eventually knows God exists cuz they eventually die. At that moment, they come to terms with it.

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

You are an idiot.

Drop the name calling man. So let’s talk, how did you get here? Don’t tell me you were once a monkey. And the monkey came from where? How about that story of nothing going boom and forming everything? You call it the big bang? Dude, go talk to your child about this nonsense, ain’t gonna fool no grown man even you managed to fool yourself.

Says who? The biggest moron, in these columns?

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

You are an illiterate person and express yourself as one might expect from someone who has inherited a faith.

Common sense, logic and skepticism are in short supply with you.

The only illiterate person is you mate, Allah is God in Arabic and applies to both Muslims and Christians, and Muhammad is one of the prophets. I am an Orthodox Christian and know more about Islam than a troll.

So you made yourself you fool? If you didn’t (I don’t think you’re that stupid), then Muslims worship God the Creator, the one Christians and Jews worship. Not Zionists, the few good Jews.

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

You only show how little education you have taken to yourself when you write such nonsense.

You got no idea how educated I am. The only dumb uneducated person here is you. Everybody except you of course can see it.

Look, who is talking about education. You really need a good mirror and look at your ugly face.

Nabil Hannah

He is troll mate and knows nothing about Islam or Orthodox religions. Would not be surprised to see a usual Jew hasbara troll here.


Here’s Jesus with a very definitive statement concerning eunuchs (transgenders). Matthew 19 11 Jesus replied, “Not everyone can accept this word, but only those to whom it has been given. For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others—and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it.”


Don’t take it out of context, read all chapter from beginning. Eunuchs are not perverts who changed their sex being mentally disordered, eunuchs are just castrates. God condemned all perverts and destroyed 5 towns with perverted population.

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

No one has ever seen this lazy, invisible, deaf-mute and illiterate god you and yours believe in.

She simply does not exist.


“Eunuchs” are not transgender. “Eunuchs” are males without (sexually active) penises. Some men born without sexual drive, some were castrated for punishment or to work in the master’s wives areas of the palace, and some, like ascetics or saints would choose never to have sex, to re-channel or sublimate its energy. That was what Isa was talking about. The poster Muhammed Allah is not a real Muslim. He’s just an hate full ignorant troll.

Edgar Zetar

He is a false flag to promote hate on Muslims. *false flag* detected more than a month ago…. he is a hater who loves to promote hate. The question is: Does is he have a reasson to do this?


He says right things under another articles, he is not “prophet Muhammed”, but looks like an atheist or having negative mood towards Christianity.


Thanks for wider explanation what eunuch mean. That’s what i thought, but i don’t have enough english words to explain all shades of sense.

jens holm

Those are not related. Sodoma ond Gomorrow was long time before him.

He respected prostitudes by Maria Magdalena.

Thimngs from those scrips are very difficult to understand. You sometimes can understand them as You wish. They also has lack by not using a,e,i,o,u a.s.o.


and that’s for shelling civilian areas punks

Damien C

While human death and destruction is a sad reflection of failure by adults in power it comes as a relief that these fatalities were not just ordinary conscripted citizens of Kiev but the actual directors of hurt and pain who took great pride in the suffering they caused


“High-precision, long-range, sea-based Kalibr missiles hit a command post of Ukrainian troops near the village of Shirokaya Dacha, Dnepropetrovsk region. At that moment, there was a working meeting of the command staff of the operational-strategic group of troops “Alexandria”. More than 50 generals and officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, including the general staff, the command of the Kakhovka group of troops, air assault troops and formations operating in the Nikolaev and Zaporozhye directions, were destroyed, ”says the statement of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, published in the telegram channel of the department

From Russian site


Slava Kalibr!

jens holm

Thats right. You only can find some copies at some few sites about it. There is no verifications. So far it must be a faker.


jens holm The irony of your comment is astounding, I’ve seen you trolls still denying that Ukraine is losing this war even when the US media occasionally covers a defeat for Ukraine like Mariupol, even if every major news outlet was covering this, you’d still be shrieking about “Where’s the proof though?” and you know it.


Well done


Russia has plenty of informers in Ukro military high command and int.services…


Even MSM knew about preparations to deblocking “Azot” plant in Severodonetsk. These preparations and the missile strike might be connected.


Best on-board footage of “Calibers” start, thanks for sharing. Frigate type is project 11356. Though 3M14 is subsonic. Supersonic guided missiles can’t fly such long distance as 1500 km and above, you need economical turbo-reactive (turbojet) without afterburner. Afterburner eats to much fuel, that’s why all modern cruise missiles have 0,8-0,9M speed and long range with quite small mass, much smaller than ballistic missiles with same range. https://missilery.info/missile/3m14e

P.S. This message was censored by CAPTCHA even without the link.

Last edited 2 years ago by Антон

Congratulations to the Russian military on the successful operation destroying the Western supplied M777 howitzers and associated equipment. Again this action has saved many innocent lives . As for the hit on the command center that resulted in the deaths of so many senior Ukraine military personnel. Including Generals. The sooner the Ukrainian military remove zelensky and that criminal gang from office the sooner a peace agreement can be brought about to end this Conflict. We urge those with influence in senior positions within the Ukrainian military to act sooner rather than later….


The yankees who took control on Oukaine will never gif up to stop the war against Russia. there are more than 10 000 “instructors” in Oukraine who are giving the ordres to the men going to the slaughter. Russia must take out the countries delivering the armament, because they are as responcebel as the operators !! Start hitting the spy planes and satelites.


Russia already used more Kalibr cruise missiles than the US used Tomahawks since 1983. It just shows that how capable is Russia’s Defense industry producing weapons. It looks like the sanctions are not working.


I imagine at Pentagon in US, top brass scratcing their heads and asking themselves, “How come …” Well done Russia !


I doubt that’s accurate. The US has used thousands of Tomahawks for decades. What is accurate is Western militaries launch hundreds of cruise missiles that end up destroying a couple of buildings. Russia launches a salvo of 4 and for some reason these missiles are sooo effective at eliminating their targets.

Assad Defeated Zionists

Ouch. Ukraine killed like 10 Russian generals over several months. It only took one strike to kill 50 Ukrainian generals. Zelenskyy must be soiling his panties right now. I bet there are lots of pro-Russia spies in the Kiev regime.


I doubt they killed 10 Russian generals, maybe a couple. Today’s strike prolly killed like 10-20 Ukrainian generals, the rest were other high ranking commanders


3 or 4 not 10!


It was more like 5 low-ranking generals who were near the front lines. Losses are inevitable in warfare, but Russia is doing very well, all things considered. This was a devastating blow to the Kiev regime, hoping for more to come!


Perfect. These officers and generals won’t bother Russia anymore.


Nor lpr/dpr!

Remember Bucha!

Another cowardly russian act of aggression…it won’t be forgotten but it WILL be avenged…


Shut UP Dumbnut ASSHOLE


Will it be because you said so? I am not so sure.

t s

M777 howitzers: titanium and titanium – high content alloys burn or brittlize under excessive heat treatment .. poor storage

jens holm

It has a much lower weight. By that it can be transported by helicopter and add mobility.

You should not try to descriebe as no good. Ypu kind of insinuate some 10 shots only. You in a very cheep way try to talk down a first class specialized product.

It has an extremely good range for its seize and very good accuracy. It also shoot Excaliburs


Better them than poor common labour workers sent to battlefield.

jens holm

No verification yet. It could be rats in the Russian cholera districts.

Russia grow cholera and nazis. They also make jobs for building constructers. It will be female jobs because their men are dead.

Assad Defeated Zionists

It has already been verified. Those “generals” were also hiding under a theater with the words “children” written around it.


Disgusting cowards. Great day.

jens holm

I still see no verifications


verified senile nazi allowed internet in mental asylum


That’s a nice video showcasing the lunch of the missiles, but it would have been nicer and complete if it showed where the missiles landed, and destroying their targets.


Perhaps footage will leak later today


Well KGB was a known spy organization and the child should be a good one also. So I expect total penetration at all levels ukraine army and society. In fact that list of external and casualties published, plus the attack to the ammo depot and weapons from nato show the works of spies everywhere.


About time they start targeting the command chain.in the early stage of the war the Russian made a big mistake by not targeting sleeping quarter officers,foot soldier are easy to replace but the strategies and those that’s leading the war are not ….cut the head of the snake and the body will follow.if it was up to me I’ll be targeting the general,officer ,war cabinet members of the Ukrainian government.

jens holm

Thats theory. The Ukras has camouflaged themself very well.

Putin even thought there was free entrence.



jens holm

Thats no t needed. The Russian soldiers just have to go back to their own country.

jens mom

Get out of my basement, you useless wanker, go see your dad in Rwanda with Priety Patel.


more ukie fertilizer to improve quality of wheat they won’t sell to west



Green Man

A very confusing day for many Ukrops.

jens mom

Even UKi Nazis rejected my faggot son, I am so ashamed.


In 2 weeks, the western media will print this story……………only it’ll be Russian military leaders that were killed, lol! I’ve literally seen them use Russian drone footage and claim it was Ukranian drone footage.


Are you talking about “The Sun”?

jens holm

Typical USSR and KGB comment.

Thre world of communication is not like that and hasnt been for many years. We have much more communication and with pictures and videos as well and live.

By that Sun has much less importance for anything. As I recall it Sun always has made a lot of stuff to sell fronpages.

We have the same kind here in Denmark but smaller. We dont get our facts from there. They are manipulative for selling their stuff.

Non should wonder if they bring Putin with 3 legs as upgrade because he is weal. Thats how they are.

jens holm

Our world is not like Yours at all. Things like that are almost impossible to hide. We have free medias for that.

We also has 1000s of moble phones by Our many refugees here. They are in dayli contact with family and friends in Ukraine. It might not be relevant for military matters but there we have many kinds of very sober journalists.


Thats what they don’t like, first class tactic, The art of war – Sun Tsu !


Russia has always had the option of escalation of this conflict. Putis stated that the decision makers will be held accountable ountable. Targeting civilians and Command structure in Ukraine just became fair game on both sides. The rules of this special operation are changing.

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