Jaysh al-Islam military leader, Essam al-Buwaydhani during a tour in Duma district on March 28, Click to see the full-size image
On March 30, Head of the Russian General Staff’s Main Operations Department Sergey Rudskoy announced that an agreement had been reached with Jaysh al-Islam to evacuate the remaining militants and their families from the Duma district, the last militant stronghold in Eastern Ghouta. According to Rudskoy, the agreement will be executed “soon”.
Only few hours following Rudskoy’s announcement, Jaysh al-Islam spokesman Hamza Bayrakdar denied that an evacuation agreement had reached. Bayrakdar also claimed that Jaysh al-Islam will never accept to withdraw from its remaining positions in Eastern Ghouta.
However, the Russian RT TV quoted Mohamad Alloush, a political leader of Jaysh al-Islam, as saying that the ongoing negotiation with Russia is “on the right course”.
Syrian pro-government activists reported on March 29 that Jaysh al-Islam is about to accept a deal that will allow its leaders to withdraw to Jordan, while its fighters will withdraw towards the East Qalamun region.
If an agreement is not reached within the next two days, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) will resume its military operations against Jaysh al-Islam in Duma, according to Syrian pro-government sources.
Make sure that the Zionists embedded with these lowlife scumbags are weeded out,and put on trial for war crimes.Make an example of them,to show the world who the real terrorists are.
Zionists? You really are an idiot- sorry to say. Their handlers are BRITISH- fabians, not zionists. Why is our side so ill-educated about world affairs and world history?
And Putin has promised complete safety to the special forces and intelligence operatives from the West that do their evil work in Syria. So if you hope for ‘justice’, you are also an idiot.
Interesting hypothesis. What is the reason Putin would do that at this moment? Instead of capturing and exposing the British handlers? Seems like a strong move to counter-balance the Skripal ruse.
in any case, they take orders from them. why differentiate.
I notice a significant number of young boys in this group which shows the stripes of this organization. Using easily manipulated children as fighters is a tragedy and a disgrace.
You do know Assad, after 2001 and the 9/11 false flag, joined Bush’s ‘war on terror’, and as part of that initiative allowed Saudi clerics to flood working class districts across Syria, and begind their work to win the hearts and minds of a GENERATION?
You do know, against all UN conventions, Britian actually recruits and uses CHILD SOLDIERS? Has legally enforced ‘religious’ education in all state schools pushing the doctrine that british soldiers do “god’s work”? Even the USA does not do this.
The handlers of the violent wahhabi extremists on the ground are 95%+ british. (remember Lawrence of Arabia?). The last bunch in East Ghouta are the worst- most dangerous. Britain still has hopes they can be part of a ‘SPECTACULAR’ against the cleansing operation of Putin.
You do know, against all UN conventions, Britian actually recruits and uses CHILD SOLDIERS? Has legally enforced ‘religious’ education in all state schools pushing the doctrine that british soldiers do “god’s work”? utter bullshit
“You do know Assad, after 2001 and the 9/11 false flag, joined Bush’s ‘war on terror’,”
war on terror was initially about sunni terrorism.
this is wikipedia accoount of the whole issue you retardely keep posting:
“n the aftermath of the September 11 attacks in the United States in 2001, the Syrian Government began limited cooperation with U.S. in the War on Terror. In one such case, Syrian intelligence alerted the U.S. of an Al Qaeda plan similar to the USS Cole bombing, which was to fly a hang glider loaded with explosives into the U.S. Navy’s Fifth Fleet headquarters in Bahrain.[3] Syria was one of the most common destinations for the U.S. to send captives outside of its borders to be tortured, a program known as “extraordinary rendition.”[4]”
Note: Syria “limited cooperation” stopped because the US invasion of Irak in 2003.
Better to kill them all ! they know already that they will be defeated in no more than two weeks, and all of them will be death. They really want to go with Alah y enjoy their 72 virgins.
“Syrian pro-government activists reported on March 29 that Jaysh al-Islam is about to accept a deal that will allow its leaders to withdraw to Jordan, while its fighters will withdraw towards the East Qalamun region…”
So I guess the Twitter reports of a ‘secret Israeli base’ in Douma were true after all. What I’m wondering is why the rank-and-file head-chopper in Douma would ever agree to such an arrangement. Even with all the little holes eaten in their brains from the Captagon, you would think they would wise up and string their cowardly ‘leaders’ up from the lamp posts in Douma before they ever let them escape to Jordan.
Jaysh al-Islam were the go-to terrorists for stockpiling hostages in prison. I would bet they supplied most of the Ghouta chemical attack victims, as well as those for various other staged events. They still reportedly have a thousand or two in Douma prisons for future use. The drawn-out withdrawal talks are not about Russia or Syria appeasing Jaysh al-Islam – it’s about preventing a giant hostage massacre (if it has not already occurred).
Yes cos Jordan is ‘jewish’ and not BRITISH, eh. God the people on our side are so thick and ill-educated it isn’t even real.
Here’s a clue for the THICKIES. Turkey, Egypt and Jordan are NOT jewish- tho each have partnered the jewish terror state of Israel for mutual benefit. Turkey = NATO. Jordan = BRITAIN. Egypt is more complicated.
However, Saudi Arabia = Israel.
Turkey=NATO? Long shot…weak spot in your narrative. NATO is not even a thing :)
“Turkey, Egypt and Jordan are NOT jewish.”
Thanks, professor – I did not know that. You’re very helpful, kind of like Google.
gives a measure of how much butthurtness is around certain zio-circles these days. the indignation with Putin is at its highest point.
Starlight, do you donate to South Front? Obviously, you can choose to not answer this question. People, more or less $300 or 300 bullets are missing.
Basically, negotiations have failed. Time to exert more pressure.
It is not time to exert more pressure. It is time to get totally rid of terrorirsts. SAA-HEZBOLAH-IRAN -RUSSIA and Russia aeroespace force must initiate the advance and take the city. If terrorists appear with a white flag, well, that is different and non negotiation is needed.
That is what I meant Gustavo, I did not word it right. Elite units are needed in other fronts.
Maybe the Russians arranged a deal but the Rebels still have to duke it out among themselves.