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Russia Says All Oil Sites In Northeast Syria Should Be Under Damascus Control

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The Damascus government should re-impose control of all oil facilities in the northeastern part of the country, Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov said on October 23.

Bogdanov said that “everything” should return to the control of the legitimate government in Damascus, stressing that this don’t mean the end of the political process in the war-torn country.

“This does not cancel the political process, constitutional reform, negotiations and resolution 2254. But all the papers, all the official statements say that all parties involved must honor and respect the territorial integrity, sovereignty and unity of the Syrian state,” the Russian senior diplomat added.

Syria’s biggest oil fields, including al-Omar and Rmelan, are located in the northeastern region. Key processing facilities such as the CONICO gas factory are also located in the region.

Russia Says All Oil Sites In Northeast Syria Should Be Under Damascus Control

Click to see full-size map.

These oil fields are controlled by the Kurdish-dominated Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and local Arab militias, which are running an illegal oil trade in the region.

Despite the ongoing U.S. withdrawal from northeast Syria, recent reports revealed that the Pentagon may leave up to 200 troops in the region to control the oil fields and prevent Syrian troops from recapturing them.

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klove and light

Simon said….lolol


Again get real job there Israeli disinfo troll.


…to the oven,kike. :D


Yes, “everything” must pass under control of Syria government, even Idlib, Afrin, Al-Tanf, and all north Euphrates river, “EVERYTHING.” NOOTHING UNDER THE HANDS OF TURKEY AND ITS TERRORISTS.

Toronto Tonto

Crimea should be under the control of Ukraine , Donbass too Russian troops go home .


Really? Where were you during history lessons? Crimea always belonged to Russia.

Concrete Mike

The precedent was set with kosovo, its law now, the crimeans follow it.

Whats good for the goose is good for the gander!


Yeah, well said, the EU/Yankee/Nato Alliance really shafted themselves, and set the future for many other players.

Toronto Tonto

Its OK Russia will fall and we will divide the wasteland up to tackle the worlds waste issues .


Go on then Pronto tonto Pizza delivery man………….tell your rapt audience what it is like to live in the 3rd world shite hole called Canada. Russia is like a paradise in comparison…………….and don’t lie, ‘cos I have lived and worked in both lands, and I KNOW where I’d rather live.

Ceasar Polar

I confirm, Canada is a 3rd world frozen-waste-land!


Tonto means stupid.


Canada should be under British control then!

Ceasar Polar

It is already somehow. The Queen of England is STILL the head of State of Canada. The PM is just her 1st advisor. It is in their Constitution.


It has always been Ceasar, it still is part of the British commonwealth, as is Austrailia and New Zealand.

Ceasar Polar

Most people forget that very very very important fact when talking about Canada or Australia.

Ceasar Polar

Crimea was always Russian historically. You are a dumb troll that doesnt even know history. Your troll squad supervisor should fire you for your inefficiency.


That Canadian troll has a poor knowledge of history.


He is not a canuck, he is an Israeli troll.

Toronto Tonto

No I just cant keep up with the Russians changing history all the time .

Toronto Tonto

The USSR was not Russian land stupid .


Yes it was, you worthless waste of skin. Obviously you are big on the talmud, but shite on history . Eat shit zionist lab-rat.

Ceasar Polar

Salomon Kupek i already contacted your Troll squad supervisor, he said you are FIRED.


“Russian troops go home”

They are home …. that’s why they got rid of the Ukrainian squatters in Crimea and Ukraine.


Oh fuck off you are not a canuck or a ukie or a ukie canuck like occupy bacon, your an Israeli rat who ispissed off that the Russians ruined you settlers state plans for Syria,get over solomon kupek.

Toronto Tonto

Hey Mikey did you break up with Leroy ?? you seem a little stressed .

Mario Ceva

USA want oil control for the Kurds in Syria. In few time will retorn to Syria hands.


Although Bogdanov is right, he knows that the US has no use for int. law or any other kind of law. Even were they to sign any agreements, who is going to hold them to any such? The only way the US is going to give up Syrian oil, is to make them. Once Syria and Russia have bottled up the Turks, they need to give the Kurds an ultimatum, join us or leave. Then Syria needs to take control of the entire eastern Syrian border and establish a no fly zone. Nothing comes in or goes out. Give the US a taste of a full embargo…with 1 exit point to Jordan. The same with Al Tanf…build a big berm around it and kill anything that comes out.

Pave Way IV

The US Deep State and CIA already worked out a funding deal for the Kurds and Arab rent-a-tribes by selling stolen Syrian oil. Who does Trump think he is by ordering US troops out? He can’t do that. What the hell could the CIA tell Israel and Saudi Arabia? They’re already furious at the US troop pull-out, and now they have to pony up the money for our SDF proxies to carve up Syria, too? Outrageous! Steal Syrian stuff and sell it to finance Syrian secessionists – that’s always been the economic plan.

(((Esper))) better make sure those God damn troops stay at the oilfields, or he can just forget retiring and going back to his old job lobbying the US government for Raytheon. The Deep State got it’s eye on you, Esper. You have one job: treason. Be a good bitch and do it for your Israeli and Saudi Deep State masters. Well… there’s sedition too, but that’s sort of a side job. Leave that for the pros currently assigned to that task.

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

If you think of it: They can only sell oil illegally if someone is buying it illegally. Should not require too much coffee to figure out who is buying.

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