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Russia Says Syrian Forces Intercepted 71 Of 103 Launched Missiles, Announces Possible S-300 Systems Deliveries To Syria

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Russia Says Syrian Forces Intercepted 71 Of 103 Launched Missiles, Announces Possible S-300 Systems Deliveries To Syria

A screenshot from the video

The US, the UK and France launched 103 missiles on Syria last night, 71 of them were shot down by Syrian forces, Head of the Russian General Staff Main Operations Department Sergey Rudskoy announced during a short press briefing on April 14.

“Syria’s means of air defense: S-125, S-200 air defense systems, [as well as] Buk and Kvadrat units were used in the repelling the missile strike,” the Russian Defense Ministry said.

Rudskoy added that no missiles had entered into the zone of responsibility of the Russian Air Defense Forces and Russian air defense system had not responded to the attack.

He described the US strikes on Syria as a response to the recent achievements of the Syrian Arab Army in restoring Syrian territorial integrity and combating the terrorism.

As a resulf of the event, Russia will consider S-300 air defense systems deliveries to Syria and “other countries.”

The Russian Defense Ministry’s press briefing:

US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis described the 2018 strikes on Syria as “harder” than those in 2017.

“Right now this is a one time shot and I believe it sent a very strong message,” Mattis said during a press briefing in the Pentagon.

He added that the US may consider further attacks against the government of Bashar Assad “should he decide to use more chemical weapons in the future.”

SF recalls that on April 12 the Defense Secretary officially said that there had been no evidence confirming that the Assad government was behind the April 7 Douma incident.

Since then, no inveistigation has been conducted by the US and OPCW inspectors have not visited Douma.

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At last! S300 to Syria


Because all these while Russia did not want to offend their supposed friend Israel .

Now Israel made the first mistake to anger Russia in this stage by giving the first salvo … this is payback.


The regimes of Wahabistan, US, UK and France are dying on liberation of Eastern Ghouta from bastards.




This is true.


US+UK+France+SaudiArabia+ISIS+SDF+YPG+HTS = Israel

Anna Diaz

Hello! )) Are you lonely? Beautiful girls are waiting for you on http://shorl.com/kugrenistereho


David Parker

No lovely girls are waiting for me. What does this have to do with Syria? Beautiful children are being slaughtered in a proxy war to take control of the pipeline routes and oil away from the people of Syria.

Jaime Galarza

Do not forget Turkey.

Promitheas Apollonious

That is your assumption. Comments like many of you in this line you do show you to be not only completely ignorant of real life and what is happening around you, but also as though you so desperate you need someone to take you out of your misery.

How WW3 sound to you? An acceptable means to solve all your problems?


I think you misunderstand what Joe said. As I understood it , Joe said that deployment of S300’s to Syria and other countries will be an unwelcome unintended consequence for Israel and indeed the US Coalition of Terror.

More S300’s to Iran and even some to Lebanon perhaps :)

You can call me Al

Oh did he ? – I misread it as well then.


It was one of the ‘ double meaning posts’ we see here. I was being charitable.:)

You can call me Al

Even when sober, I think all this goes above my head…

Right – is it good or bad ?


That’s a question you should ask your wife :)

At least we think about it and if more did, corrupt governments would not be able to get away with things like this.


You can call me Al

hahahaha, sorry I couldn’t concentrate after the first sentence.


Problem is the idiots who blame Israel , or America, or France, for the action of the globalists who actually rule us.

confuses the fact, clouds the brains of the herd.

Harold Smith

So if some country invaded your country and slaughtered your family, for example, you wouldn’t blame the invaders, per se, but the invisible force that controls them?

David Parker

Good point, but at the same time it is never going to stop until we stop using the globalists paper money and flush them out into the open until God finally takes them to the eternal hell prepared for the devil and his angels.


I never said that. Sure I would in some form. But I would be a useful idiot to seek vengeance on the drone.. And I would know it. Many do not. I certainly would shoot back at any invader to protect our families,

But I would not forget who sent them….that understanding, can never be muddied by spin.

Harold Smith

LOL! You clearly implied it.


NO, you assumed it.. I explained it, now you argue with me about my mindset…

see a problem ?

Harold Smith

I inferred it from your clear implication.


You seem to give your beliefs precedence over fact.

Harold Smith

You seem to be not making very much sense.


no worries. Some folks have difficulties with simple concepts.

Harold Smith

Maybe you can find a sympathetic adult in your neighborhood who can help you understand?


Oh no, I already do understand you perfectly.



inferred = subjective interpretation

implication = subjective conclusion

Harold beLIEves that fact isn’t real, and science isnt real. He also beLIEves that his subjective reaction to my comments, are fact.

Not the sharpest knife in the drawer..

Harold Smith

“Harold beLIEves that fact isn’t real”

You wouldn’t know “fact,” Shlomo, if your boyfrind shoved it up your ample jewish ass.

“and science isnt real”

And if it wasn’t for your dishonest jew drivel, Shlomo, you’d have nothing to say.

“He also beLIEves that his subjective reaction to my comments, are fact.

My “subjective reaction” to your childishly ignorant jew drivel is far more “factual” than anything you could vomit out here, knucklehead.

“Not the sharpest knife in the drawer..”

Well of course you’re not. I appreciate your candor, but your mental and moral shortcomings are already self-evident.


Too funny, because I am more intelligent than you, can think rationally, and do not hate, unlike you, you call me, a 4th generation, British Scottish descended white man from rural Canada, as a Jew.

Were I Muslim, or Jewish, or Frenchman, or Swiss man, I would be no different.


And a thinker, rather than a hater, unlike you with your open hate and prejudice against homosexuals, Jews, and reasonable thought processes.

You are out of your league dimwit. That is why you revert to arguments surrounding speculation, assumption, scripture, and ad hom, rather than reason.

I see you

“He had just about enough intelligence to open his mouth when he wanted to eat, but certainly no more.”


Harold Smith

“Too funny, because I am more intelligent than you, can think rationally, and do not hate, unlike you,”

You’re a liar; on the contrary, you’re an ignorant, arrogant, totally self-absorbed, mentally and morally defective fool. And of course you “hate”; your tribe invented “hate.” Your hatred for truth is second only to your hatred of anyone who disagrees with your mindless jew drivel.

“you call me, a 4th generation, British Scottish descended white man from rural Canada, as a Jew.”

You’re obviously a jew (thus you’re a liar), so I called you a jew.

“And a thinker, rather than a hater, unlike you with your open hate and prejudice against homosexuals, Jews, and reasonable thought processes.”

On the contrary, you wouldn’t know a “reasonable thought process” if your boyfriend shoved it up your ample jewish ass, goofball.

“You are out of your league dimwit.”

Generally, I try to avoid wasting time arguing absurdities with animated dog shit such as yourself, preferring instead reasonable discussion with other humans, but sometimes it happens. I’m sorry to take you away from stinking up the sidewalk.

“That is why you revert to arguments surrounding speculation, assumption, scripture, and ad hom, rather than reason.”

LOL! Well look who’s talkin’; the dishonest jew liar who immediately dismisses anything that doesn’t comport with his dishonest jew drivel.

I cited credible jewish sources in support of my position, i.e., that “communism” is a Satanic jewish fraud, but in your infinite arrogance, ignorance, stupidity and dishonesty, you dismissed it all as mere unimportant words on paper. Sorry Shlomo, but there’s nothing more “reasonable” than the candid words of Satanic jewish-supremacist, communist madmen.

Now, why don’t you run along, little Shlomo, and get back to your Talmudic studies before your Mommy finds out you’re at the computer again.


You are still babbling bullshit harry ….

Harold Smith

“You are still babbling bullshit and ignorance harry ….”

You’re just another typical jew liar.

“You justify your hate based bullshit on Jews based on statements of other haters. How sad someone like you can be so twisted by hate.”

You’re just another typical jew liar. There are no more hateful creatures in this world than you judenfilth.

“Yet you are no different than a jew, according to the fairy tale you call the bible.”

Let’s see, you don’t believe in God, you know absolutely nothing about the Bible, but you’re going to quote it?

“You post opinion as fact.”

You’re just another typical jew liar. Give me an example of an “opinion” I stated as a “fact”.

“You are truly, a stupid man, incapable of seeing that in yourself.”

Coming from an ignorant, arrogant, imbecilic, dishonest piece of animated dog shit such as yourself, that’s a nice complement. Thanks, chump.


Jews and Christians are just as Barbaric as each others, it’s valid for every existing Religions used as Cannon-folders

Developed Europe majority is luckily Atheist !

If I will have to chose a Religion, it would be the Tolerant Polytheist Greek Mythology ! Death Penalty was abolished and replaced by Ostracism in IV BC


I would never choose any religion. Belief is a destructive force. It destroys free will and free thought. It destroys thinking and critical thought.


Perfect example of the problem with blame, is demonstrated by the reaction to the false flag called 911.

They convinced the fluoridated herd in America, that 19 Muslims with box cutters took down 3 buildings through the path of most resistance,,,with 2 airplanes.

The fluoridated herd blamed Muslims, and have been happily murdering Muslim since that day. It is a war crime to murder some, for the actions of others. Over 2 million now dead.

And they call themselves exceptional.

David Parker

True, the globalists direct, but it is their lackeys who kill. It is the bullets and bombs and gas of the proxy armies that people have to survive.


Sure you are correct., but can you blame people for being trained stupid? medicated stupid, brainwashed stupid ? Blame itself fixes nothing.

Only fix, is to change the policy. As much as I detest the moronic soldier who wants me to call him a hero for murdering women and children in the middle east…I cannot blame him for being a fluoridated moron, for living in a fucked up world where the jobs are so scarce, many join the military to pay the mortgage. Sanity requires they accept the official narrative on why they do it.

PTSD, is the regret, the reality, the horror of what they did, without thinking it through.

environment dictates the behavior of the human chimp. Globalists and their so called doctors know it better than anyone.

Harold Smith

“Sure you are correct., but can you blame people for being trained stupid? medicated stupid, brainwashed stupid ?”

Yes, you can and should blame them. By your apparent “reasoning” nobody is responsible for the evil that they do, not even the people at the top for that matter.

But the reality of the situation is that they allowed themselves to get into that condition. (Read Genesis 3).

“Blame itself fixes nothing.”

Be realistic; you cannot fix any problem unless you first acknowledge that there is a problem. And if nobody can be “blamed” then impliedly there is no problem, right?

We better start meting out “blame” where it’s due because at this point all life on earth is at stake.


maybe you need to think harder.

fix the system that creates the horrors.

1- “In the modern economy, most money takes the form of bank deposits. But how those bank deposits are created is often misunderstood: the principal way is through commercial banks making loans. Whenever a bank makes a loan, it simultaneously creates a matching deposit in the borrower’s bank account, thereby creating new money” http://www.bankofengland.co… “

Harold Smith

You’re being silly. First, it’s not the “system” that murders people; rather, immoral people murder people. And what do “banks” have to do with Satanic evil? A bank is an abstraction, not a sentient being with a moral choice.

Second, what exactly is your relevant point about 9/11? I didn’t blame Muslims for 9/11 and murder them, the Satanic judeo-communist dictatorship masquerading as the U.S. “government” did that.

*Righteous* blame for an atrocity is something which exists (or which should exist) despite and independent of the false witness and the transparent lies of the Satanists that control the government.


You said, “You’re being silly”

this is ignorance disguised as knowledge, portrayed with ad hom..

You said, “rst, it’s not the “system” that murders people; rather, immoral people murder people. ”

The system is immoral. So anyone playing in it is immoral. We pay young men to murder people for profit and materialism. We take as much as we can from the system b uilt around that idea, that inequality is moral, and greed and envy are normal. And fook the rest. Everyone, and you bible thumpers are no different.

You said, ” And what do “banks” have to do with Satanic evil? A bank is an abstraction, not a sentient being with a moral choice.

A bank is a real entity. A bank, controls the credit of persons and governments. This allows banks, to control governments. This allows bankers to enslave you for decades paying off ponzi debt, with interest. The bankers, are globalists. They told us so. Time and time again. The fact you are ignorant of our monetary system, does not change it.

Satan is a figment of your imagination. Nothing more.

The idiotology you exist in works on inequality, which in itself, is immoral. The mindset that my needs are more important than theirs, allows the morons to justify imperialism. There is nothing moral about dog eat dog.

You said “econd, what exactly is your relevant point about 9/11? 9/11 didn’t happen by itself, right? Somebody did it, and the people that did it are morally culpable and deserve blame for it, no? “”

911 happened, to further globalism. Nothing more relevant than that.

911 happened, because we allow a corrupt socio economic paradigm built around ponzi debt and inequality. This allowed globalists to amass the power required to drive the world into chaos as they have done.

You said, “I didn’t blame Muslims for 9/11 and murder them, the Satanic judeo-communist dictatorship masquerading as the U.S. “government” did that.”

You babble communist here, like it is relevant. Clearly you need some sociology lessons. Communism is about sharing. That isn’t what you live under. You live in a fascists state. Not a communist. Get a dictionary.

And anyone living in the USA did 911, because it is still happening.

You seem to think beLIEf is fact. It isnt.

Harold Smith

You’re being silly again. (Of course that’s “ad hominem” but you don’t really expect to be taken seriously, do you?)

“The system is immoral. So anyone playing in it is immoral. We pay young men to murder people for profit and materialism.”

LOL! A “system” is an abstraction; it is only people who do evil. To put it another way, if there were no evil people willing to participate, there would be no evil system. Why can you not understand that?

Once again, a “bank” is not a sentient being with a moral choice. Only people do evil and no amount of your hand-waving can change that.

“911 happened, to further globalism. Nothing more relevant than that.”

9/11 happened because evil people did it. Period. The end.

“911 happened, because we allow a corrupt socio economic paradigm built around ponzi debt and inequality. This allowed globalists to amass the power required to drive the world into chaos as they have done.”

9/11 happened because a coterie of devil-worshiping jewish-supremacist madmen thought that they could subsequently overthrow the U.S. constitution, consolidate power in the executive branch, erect a domestic police state, and set about using U.S. military, economic and political power to forcibly impose their Satanic, messianic judeo-communist “New World Order” on the whole planet.

“Satan is a figment of your imagination. Nothing more.”

Satan is a spiritual force of evil originating in the spiritual realm that affects human behavior. This evil force is apparently just as real as the analogous unseen force of gravity, which originates in the physical realm and affects bodies that have mass.

“You babble communist here, like it is relevant. Clearly you need some sociology lessons. Communism is about sharing. That isn’t what you live under. You live in a fascists state. Not a communist. Get a dictionary.”

ROTFL! Communism is about “sharing”? Seriously? You don’t know very much about the subject, do you? On the contrary, communism is a Satanic jewish political ideology designed and intended as a “spiritual jihad” against God.

“The triumph of fascism will be the triumph of the communist soul. But the communist soul is the soul of Judaism. Hence it follows that, just as in the Russian revolution the triumph of communism was the triumph of Judaism, so also in the triumph of fascism will triumph Judaism” (Rabbi Harry Waton, A Program For Jews And Humanity, p143, Astoria Press, 1939).


God is the source of much mental retardation…

communism [kom-yuh-niz-uh m] Spell Syllables Examples Word Origin See more synonyms on Thesaurus.com noun 1. a system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole…..


get it dimwit?

commun ism

Harold Smith

You’re supposed to be looking at your monitor, not your mirror, as you type your infantile drivel, Junior.

Harold Smith

Okay so you pasted a simple, brief, general, almost useless dictionary definition of communism. What’s your point?

Belief in God is the basis for good government based on the concept of God-given natural rights, the recognition of which impliedly limits government power.

If in some society somewhere an individual is not allowed to own property, e.g., land and shelter, then that society is anti-God since it does not recognize that individual’s God-given natural right to exist.

In such a [communist] society, only “the state” has a right to exist not the individual. The individual exists only at the discretion of “the state” to serve “the state.” IOW under communism, “the state” is “God”.

Karl Marx didn’t ideate his “communist manifesto” because he was some kind of an egalitarian; rather, he apparently did it because he hated God.

I hope that clears some things up for you.


“Okay so you pasted a simple, brief, general, almost useless dictionary definition of communism. What’s your point?”

only a moron thinks that is what rules the planet, or the USA,. Communism cannot exist alongside a socio economic paradigm built around inequality.

simple logic.

“Belief in God is the basis for good government based on the concept of God-given natural rights, the recognition of which impliedly limits government power.””

We dont need a god to live by the natural right of freedom to choose absent harm to others.

socialism, and communism, have nothing to do with your god delusions….what ever you say people thought.

Harold Smith

“only a moron thinks that is what rules the planet, or the USA,. ”

Communism cannot exist alongside a socio economic paradigm built around inequality.

simple logic.”

LOL! Your embarrassing ignorance reflects poorly on you, not on me.

Communism is just another jewish fraud. The fundament of communism is not “equality” but unlimited, unaccountable state power.

The jewish collective (i.e., your tribe) seeks to impose communism on the whole world. Obviously, the U.S. has already been largely conquered.

“We dont need a god to live by the natural right of freedom to choose absent harm to others.”

If you don’t have God you will have Satan; pick one.

“socialism, and communism, have nothing to do with your god delusions….what ever you say people thought.”

You’re either being dishonest, or you know nothing about the subject. Communism has nothing to do with egalitarianism and everything to do with the calculated defiance of God.



YOU SAID “Communism is just another jewish fraud.”

this is prejudicial stupidity and ignorance . The concept f communism has nothing to do with any race or religion or prejudicial influence. It doesnt matter who or what latched onto it for purpose. Moron. Think before you babble.

YOU SAID “The fundament of communism is not “equality” but unlimited, unaccountable state power.”

This is your ignorance brainwashed into you from the last century.,

YOU SAID “The jewish collective (i.e., your tribe) seeks to impose communism on the whole world. Obviously, the U.S. has already been largely conquered.”

You are just too fucking stupid to think clearly. Fascism is the consolidation of power in the hands of a dictators, or as in our case a group of corporate dictators. You deny the dictionary term for communism, and then apply it incorrectly to describe the ideology which rules you, only because you cannot get over previously indoctrinated beLIEfs against the “commies”.

stop drinking fluoride old man. It messed up your ability to reason and think.

The true measure of a mans stupidity………….You think, without a doubt, that your fictional god is real. Then you apply it to geo politics. This makes you a frikken idiot.

YOU SAID “communism is calculated defiance of God.”

You babble beLIEF based stupidity again.

god is a figment of your imagination created by your fear of death. Communism is a manner of living. god not required.

This is why conversations with bible thumpers are pointless. They pollute every conversation they enter into, with the beLIEF based stupidity called god.

I got no problem with your fear based beLIEfs, I do however, reject the stupidity it brings to argument.

Harold Smith

“We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers forever. NOTHING that you will do will meet our needs and demands. We will forever destroy, because we need a world of our own, a God-world, which it is not in your nature to build.” (Maurice Samuel, “You Gentiles” p.155)

“There is only one power which really counts. The power of political pressure. We Jews are the most powerful people on earth, because we have this power, and we know how to apply it.” (Ze’ev Jabotinsky, Jewish Daily Bulletin, July 27, 1935)

“The triumph of fascism will be the triumph of the communist soul. But the communist soul is the soul of Judaism. Hence it follows that, just as in the Russian revolution the triumph of communism was the triumph of Judaism, so also in the triumph of fascism will triumph Judaism” (Rabbi Harry Waton, A Program For Jews And Humanity, p143, Astoria Press, 1939).

“When we get ready to take the United States, we will not take it under the label of communism; we will not take it under the label of socialism. These labels are unpleasant to the American people, and have been speared too much. We will take the United States under the labels we have made very lovable; we will take it under liberalism, under progressivism, under democracy. But take it we will. ” (Communist jew Alexander Trachtenberg at the National Convention of Communist Parties, Madison Square Garden, NYC, 1944)


you babble irrelevant bullshit. Doesn’t matter if a person takes over a place or a name or an idea. Doesn’t mean they own it.

But it fits your ignorance, so you make a connection that only exists in you mind.

Because someone put it there, and you don’t even get that.

But then again, the bible thumpers live like that. You are a slave to usury, and a slave to scriptures. That will turn anyone’s brain to mush.

Romans 13 Submission to Governing Authorities

13 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. 4 For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. 5 Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience.”

6 This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing.

“Slaves, submit yourselves to your masters with all respect, not only to the good and gentle but also to the cruel.” (1 Peter 2:18)

Harold Smith

“you babble irrelevant bullshit. Doesn’t matter if a person takes over a place or a name or an idea. Doesn’t mean they own it.

But it fits your ignorance, so you make a connection that only exists in you mind.”

Coming from the likes of you, Junior, I’ll take that as a compliment, thanks.

Harold Smith

Everything you say is child-like nonsense. Unlike you judenfilth, at least I have a mind, Shlomo.


no you don’t dimwit, you are a mindless drone.

Harold Smith

Which would be more than enough to show you up, goofball.


I do understand your confusion…… junior.

“A stupid man’s report of what a clever man says can never be accurate, because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand.


Harold Smith

“A stupid man’s report of what a clever man says can never be accurate, because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand.”

So that explains your “understanding.” Once again I appreciate your candor, but your stupidity and ignorance are already self-evident.

Now, why don’t you run along little Shlomo, and get back to your Talmudic studies, or making up holocaust stories, or defrauding your insurance company, or painting swastikas on your front door, or whatever it is you do when you’re not online making an ass out of yourself.


Russia just notched things up some based on events. Such very carefully planned diplomacy.




S400 for Iran before the next excuse.


This is fifth generation war in which US and UK regimes first send their well trained army as terrorists and deplomatic officers for covert operations to control all institutions in the target country and then later on they take full country. For example Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Ukraine, Libya, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia etc. ———————————————————-


Cannibal Trump


I firmly declare that the Presidents of U.S. France and British PM committed a major crime. They will gain no benefit; just as they did not while in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan, over the past years, committing the same criminal acts.


You just dont get it.

“My country’s history, Mr. President, tells us that it is possible to fashion unity while cherishing diversity, that common action is possible despite the variety of races, interests, and beliefs we see here in this chamber. Progress and peace and justice are attainable. So we say to all peoples and governments: Let us fashion together a new world order.” Henry Kissinger, in address before the General Assembly of the United Nations, October 1975)

David Parker

Satan’s prime minister. May God take Kissinger into eternal hell soon.

Brad Haynes

But they did gain in iraq the oil is being pumped out and its British and US companies that are profiting. Thats all they wanted and thats what they got. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=416636212095120&id=100012462346046


If Syrian army liberate their land from bastards of US, UK and France then they will proclaim it with chemical attack…

David Parker

on the NSA and CIA and FBI and “Homeland Security” (same security as provided by the old NKVD and KGB and Gestapo).

You can call me Al

The Russians made it quite clear that is any ONE of their personnel or any land occupied or rented from Syria was attacked, they would hit back hard – what part of this do you not understand Joe ?.

You can call me Al

Rev 1 – due to “FlorianGeyer”‘s comment, a few of us may have misinterpreted your comment. If so, I apologise. But I would be grateful if you could clarify it please.


Ya , that’s what I meant as FlorianGeyer said.

Now Russia is willing to supply the S3000 to Syria which would be to the disadvantage of Israel.

That’s the payback I referred to.

You can call me Al

Got it now, 2nd apology on the run for me now. I totally misunderstood it. Sorry.

King Tudor777


Karim Al Ahamadi

why not s400?


Nice question.

Michał Hunicz


Promitheas Apollonious

They are not needed.


Because, apparently, the S-400 are only for Russia’s enemies, not for Russia’s allies.


Maybe because Russia doesn’t have the money to give away expensive new toys? But as they themselves replace older systems with newer S400’s maybe some older S300’s now become available? And if upgraded S-200 and Buk missiles can still pose a major headache to IDF, American and vassal aircraft with the proper air defense network, then the newer S300’s will pose a major headache to them.

You can call me Al

Why would they give it away ?….take half of the Omar field once liberated.

Java Ape Timelord

As I understand it, the S400 is overkill for the situation, the missiles are more expensive, etc. S300 and S200 are more appropriate.


BUK, Pantsir, S125, S200, S300 missiles are already plenty effective against standard multirole aircraft’s and subsonic cruise missiles. S400 designed as an anti ballistic and anti strategic weapons such as stealth aircraft and high altitude bombers. The only real difference is it’s semi permanent integrated networks that enable it to pick off target using data provided from other radar system data.

You can call me Al

But, but, but, I thought that Israeli F-35 was exceptional not standard.


only the price is exceptional m8…

You can call me Al


PS I didn’t get the other comment at all (hint regards fluoride).


Hope you took a harder look at fluoride…

show me the double blind study that proves its safety…You cannot, because there isn’t one.


You mean as ‘exceptional’ as the U$A itself?

You can call me Al

Yes that good.

Nigel Maund

Good commentary!


Saturate the Syrian land with all kinds and all types of SAMs!


Watching some of the videos of missile take-downs that are now starting to appear, I think the Russians were deploying some new, as yet unknown, short range anti-missile systems. There’s one video in particular that is an INSTANT streak of light from the ground to the incoming object, which is then clearly destroyed, but not in a classic explosion. Other videos show conventional ground to air missiles with the expected ‘firework’ explosion, so the light streak one is definitely odd.

Here’s the thing. The french ensured the russians knew the targets in Damscus ahead of time- they’ve now said this. So the “last critical seconds” anti-missile systems usually found on russian ships and airfields could have been placed in damascus for live fire testing- given the kremlin knew exactly where the missiles were inbound. This ‘naval’ situation would make for a VERY interesting counter defense, and I think that’s a lot of what happened last night.

Temp power outages could have been caused by weapons connected to the grid with massive electrical power draws when firing. I now think a lot more than we’ll ever know was happening behind the scenes, and ultra elite russian special forces were getting to play with some very secret toys.

Don’t get me wrong- I don’t forgive Putin for allowing Russia to be backed in a corner- and no amount of ‘toys’ will prevent the political machinations of a coalition invasion forcing Russia out of Syria- but putting that aside for a moment I now think we may have had a limited ‘win’ this time.

John Whitehot

“There’s one video in particular that is an INSTANT streak of light ”

pls show me a link to the video you are talking about.

“So the last few seconds anti-missile systems usually found on russian ships and airfields could have been placed in damascus for live fire testing- given the kremlin knew exactly where the missiles were inbound.”

The Kremlin? That would had been the GRU, even if real life warfighting functioned in the sensationalistic, japanese manga, screamed way you think it works.

the only thing notable about this attack is that western countries stayed well far away from Russian red lines, thus Israel will not be happy at all.

Truth hurts

Russia is also testing it’s defence capabilities in a real battle space. Honestly I guess the Russians are now familiar with tomahawks. Very soon they will tell the world how they are going to further twik their technology based on this real life experience.


Russia did not test anything, except the patience of its allies.

Russia idly stood by, while its ally was attacked.


I don’t know about idle but I do want to know: where were they?


In the safety of their palaces.


watching of course, listening. A sign of intelligence. Waiting, another sign of intelligence. Why on earth need they provoke a further issue, when so little damage was accomplished. When as a matter of fact, the west was shown as a dog with dull teeth.


Rather, a sign of dumbness. They were cringing in their holes, apparently. After their promises and threat turned out to be false, definitely a sign of cowardice and colossal stupidity.


do you read what you type?


Please read this to realize this may only be the first salvo to deplete Syria’s anti-aircraft munitions and that Russia may waiting to defend against the higher quality munitions. We havn’t seen any nukes yet. Maybe Israel is looking for the opportunity to unleash those. It aint’ over until it is over.


Because Russia has intelligent people deciding what to do. Emotional knee jerk reactions inviting an escalation do not help.

Rather, maintaining the economic drain of trying to overthrow Syria while failing, is exactly what they should do. Did.


You fucking moron, a counterattack was EXPECTED, so it would have been a RATIONAL response, but in a knee-jerk reaction, Russia in a knee-jerk response again shitted its pants and made LAUNCHING CRUISE MISSILES AGAINST A SOVEREIGN COUNTRY A NEW RULE ON FALSE AND TRUMPED-UP CHARGES A NEW RULE OF INTERNATIONAL ENGAGEMENT.

There is no stopping this…!


you babble ignorance of fact and opinion as knowledge. Makes you the moron.

“Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that ‘my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.’”

― Isaac Asimov

globalists been attacking sovereign nations for decades dimwit. Nothing new there. scream all you like.


you fucking moron,your speculative ignorance, isn’t knowledge. And your illogical babble isn’t fact,. Drink more fluoride dimwit…

“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”

☛ Newsweek: “A Cult of Ignorance” by Isaac Asimov, January 21, 1980,



Joe Dirt

LOL!!! Real battle??!!!! Russki are not ready for real battle!!!! LOL!!


THey just showed the west to have an impotent missile system, using their obsolete technology. It is you, who are not ready for hyper-sonic.

And you paid for it dimwit, at around half a million a pop…

f00k the warmongering tools are stupid. The military debt is giving their nation to the rich, while they clamor for more, more , more.

You can call me Al

These tomahawks seem to just useless Yank sh.y.te

Good job the UK doesn’t use them…..OH !!!! – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tomahawk_(missile)

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Hopefully the UK stop using those passive aggressive missiles just as bad as France’s existential missiles as long as they don’t have an identity crisis which they will no matter and why they seem to have that surrender syndrome.


The don’t need to tell the world what they learned!


Wow this is the first post where you have actually been generous to Russis without the usual vitriol. You said prior that Russia is on the ropes & had taken a body blow. Do you take that back now. If upto 70% of missiles were indeed shot down then Russia was right not to respond & escalate the situation. These strikes were nothing more than a few mosquito bites, in the bigger picture will have no effect on the war. Trump just put on a good PR show for back home.

Truth hurts

Your analysis is so impressive keep it up. So technically detailed

You can call me Al

Satire / Sarcasm ???


So perhaps the new, as yet undisclosed, Russian laser antiaircraft weapon is being tested in this first salvo. http://www.newsilkstrategies.com/military-affairs/how-will-russian-air-defences-fare-against-us-attack-on-syria

David Parker

What corner? The CIA raghead army is destroyed, Russia is allied with Syria and Syria still exists, Assad is alive and well and victorious against all the CIA could throw against him to destroy Syria. F / UK /Us did not dare shoot at Russians. Please tell me how Russia lost? Free weapons test to boot.

j. jaxson

hitting worthless targets just to do something instead of nothing. the chemical weapons attack sitcom has run its course.what will the new fake excuse be or is that over?


I think it’s much more effective if the Syrian were equipped with deterrence means like anti ship missiles, ballistic missiles and precision cruise missiles


Can’t wait for Starlight’s comments now! Long live Syria and its allies!

Tommy Jensen

Come on. He said CONSIDER. Assad cannot get his already pre-paid S-300 from Russia before Damascus is bombed to the stoneage also.


Russia has too strong interests in Syria. …If Syria falls, this is the end of Russia gas juicy business to Europe. They will send S300.

You can call me Al

Nothing to do with the gas. If Syria fails, Iran next and then Russia. My view only.


No problem Al, we all give our opinion :) We can consider the situation as both strategic and economic issue.

You can call me Al


If you are interested, have a look at this – https://www.counterpunch.org/2014/05/27/us-water-wars-in-the-middle-east/

You can find much better articles that this if you are interested.

PS South Africa, California and so on and so on – manmade, corporate droughts.

Oil and gas is nothing, we can change fuels easily, but without water, we are all dead men walking…..

PPS Do you know what the biggest “greenhouse gas is ?”…….WATER VAPOUR, yep that’s right….. not a lot of people know that !!.

Every year we cut down millions of trees, well the corporations do, is that the head count cull……. because it is done purposely !!!


I appreciate your quest ofor knowledge and truth. We look like brothers! I will pay attention to this web site.

About the global heating it’s simply du to the solar system moving in the galaxy. When we get close to on of it’s “extremities” or “rays”, temperature is higher. … The fact is that as petroleum is getting scarce, the industry tries to promote new technologies…Money!

You can call me Al

mmm, we must agree to disagree on global warming, but then again I don’t think any two people will ever agree – apart from our inane politicians.


No it isnt your view at all.

it is promulgated foreign policy. And it has been, for decades.

“”We’re going to take out seven countries in 5 years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran” –General Wesley Clark. Retired 4-star U.S. Army general, Supreme Allied Commander of NATO during the 1999 War on Yugoslavia . ———— “That is the phenomenon of the US. Since 1945 they’ve destroyed 73 countries and were directly involved in the deaths of 26 million people. It is a horror show. It just must stop!” John Shipton, journalist and executive officer of Wiki Leaks. ————-

You can call me Al

mmm YES it is my view.

I am not a Yank, I am British and work in the oil industry…. so listen here “Nod” – whilst I respect your comment, the first part of it, was wrong.

Look at the water more that the oil. If you are stuck on O&G – look at the Golan heights….

Real Anti-Racist Action

My thought on the matter is that, if Syria shot down 71 OF 103 (which is a higher success rate then Israel achieves) then Syria would have no need for further anti-air systems and Russia could claim victory. However if Syria’s anti-air systems failed to defend sites, then Russia would be thinking (crap, we have to rush out better systems immediately as the current ones under-performed)


It is all crap. If Russia had ever been serious about it, Russia would have supplied them in 2013, in response to the Israeli attacks on a warehouse with P-800 missiles and other sites.

The Latin Mass

Putin works for Netanyahu, Moscow rabbis and the Chabad-lubavitch.


Long over due! And give these SAMs to the Houthis as well!

Kell McBanned

Mmm why cant I stop thinking too little too late.

Rex drabble

Dont know,Why? 100 missiles and 71 shot down.I love it.Take that,,greatest military in the world. 60 odd last time,,,,71 this time.


It is but better be late than never.

paul ( original )

Because you are correct.

jerry hamilton

If Russians had the same mentality as Americans, the planet could be uninhabitable right now.


The risk of war and global escalation is precisely because the Russians are such bloody, incompetent morons.

They could have stopped any further dilapidation of international law, yet they are provoking its destruction instead.

jerry hamilton

Plss 0ff


Straight Into your mouth, gladly, anytime.

Nigel Maund

Excellent!! Well done Syria and Russia. The most important task of the 21st Century is the need to “once and for all” destroy the Anglo – American – Zionist quest for world hegemony for their totally evil system, and then grind them, bit by bit, into the dust until they become an irrelevance.


I just hope now that the OPCW will not cite Health and Safety Concerns and run away from the US alleged gas attack site .

Nigel Maund

FG – Watch this:


The UK would be destroyed within 5 to 10 minutes of a war starting.

Rex drabble

Trump and Co will be very desperate now

jerry hamilton

They should consider themselves lucky they were not wiped out. Putin could have done that.


But they did not do it anything.

Thus, the Russians will be wiped out next.

Maybe they could consider themselves lucky. However, Russia’s allies must feel sorry for ever trusting Russia.

Because the Russians are petty cowards whose incompetence is staggering.

jerry hamilton

Listen you idiot. Russia just stopped WW3. If you like violence so much, go out and kick the shit out of some pensioners.


What is your fucking obsession with WW3?!

you bloody moron, even the Murricans said that they did not want a war with Russia, so what?!

Listen, you idiot, Russia has declared that whatever Russia says, is nothing more than idle talk, not worth the West’s attention, even Russia’s threat of war are empty.

Thus, there will be a war (not just a limited confrontation),… because the threats have been proven to be empty.

Rex drabble

He must be so tempted but he has a longer term plan that works WITHIN the law.


Great news! Well done Syria!

Rex drabble

Yes,,has shown the world Syria is fully capable of defending it self now,,,against 3 major countries at once.

jerry hamilton

It has also shown the whole world that the US. UK and France are murdering terrorist monsters.


Will Theresa Mays ratings improve in time for the May 3rd elections and will Macrons problems with Government Railway workers be left off the Front Pages for a while now :)

It was also necessary for the US to have the two vassals as part of the illegal attacks, literally hours before the OPCW was due to visit the site of the alleged gas attack.

One would have thought that the ‘ certainty that it woz Assad wot didit ‘ described by the US, French , Brits, would have been a reason to wait for the OPCW report :)

jerry hamilton

Difficult to say. The lying media still control the sheep. People have to actively search for the truth to find it.

It was not possible for them to wait for an OPCW report that would prove them wrong.


Will the OPCW have the courage to investigate now ?

jerry hamilton

Well before they do, the UN Security Council have already proclaimed Assad guilty.


Sorry, but the Russians have just rubber-stamped their guild by not counter-attacking.


Wait. You wait. They are waiting. The ‘attack’ is not over yet. That was the first wave. See; http://www.newsilkstrategies.com/military-affairs/how-will-russian-air-defences-fare-against-us-attack-on-syria


given that we are talking about tomahawks its a big success….and maybe some air to ground long range missiles as well launched from far far away (Israeli recipe). the toms are flying very low so any normal radar system cant truck them…..so only coastal defence radar systems can ‘see’ their launch (maybe if they are near) but then they vanish……i think it was a huge pantsir party yesterday night…..

Rex drabble

Commanded by SYRIANS

jerry hamilton

They did an excellent job. Imagine if it was Russians.

John Whitehot

awacs can track them and pass the data to air defence units.


true true…..and the Russians have such systes flying in Syrian airspace. i have recently read that hey have finilised the interconnection of all systems….russian, syrian can share data….

paul ( original )

For crying out loud! These S-300 were supposed to be in Syria years ago. It’s like seeing someone on fire debating if may be they might consider trying just a little bit of water to put out the flames.

Promitheas Apollonious

Russians could not risk their weapons falling in the hands of western mercenaries. Now that the Damascus area is clean from the vermin can deploy them to protect the capital.


That is why they are delivering some S-400 systems to Turkey and Saudi Arabia?

You must be terminally stupid…!

jerry hamilton

Learning disability?


I am sorry for you, but then try learning the facts more slowly.

João Leston

Just read all your comments, at least most of them, and i can summarise them like this “Russia must attack eveyone because they will look powerfull, but they’re guns are just for show. All they can spend money now is in Vodka”. Strong stuff.

Well you are obviously getting paid for saying shit, you will get good profit :D


I do keep re-reading them.

You ought to learn something about how this world works: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friedrich_Glasl%27s_model_of_conflict_escalation

Russia, because of its colossal incompetence, has jumped from stage 1 to stage 7. That is just one step before the final destruction… which will inevitably come precisely because Russia has been enabling it through incompetence.

You are the one who ought to stop taking that shit, as it apparently severely impairs your mental abilities.

I never said or wrote that “Russia must attack everyone”. That is something that only you made up.

I said/wrote that Russia must respond to the attacker. I wrote that Russia ought to have conter-attacked in cases when Russia’s allies have been REPEATEDLY ATTACKED and after Russia’s MULTIPLE WARNINGS/COUNTER-THREATS ABOUT A COUNTERATTACK, A POSSIBILITY OF WAR, etc.

And I stand by that assertion that “their guns are just for show”. Because next time Russia will be the target. And then it will be too late. Because weapons ought to be mainly for deterrence. This was a perfect example for deterrence of Russia’s enemies. Even the U.S. leadership said that it did not want a war with Russia.

But Russia’s weapons are not for deterrence—for deterrence from war. They are, apparently, only for parades. Therefore the chance that Russia will finally have a war, only grows with such incompetent approaches and decisions (or non-decisions?).

Not only the West’s appetite for attacks on Russia will increase after this, it is actually Russia’s incompetence and cowardice that is whetting the West’s appetites for further attacks on Russia.

João Leston

Hahah xD you really are earning your dollars :) the USA use DEFCON btw. Did you just heard the diplomats at the UN council? It was just this “hit” that was allowed by your friend Russia. They are all “mission accomplished” xD excellent news for us all (except you, but keep doing your job)


Zionist Jew I think. He is hysterical enough to be one.

jerry hamilton

I’m not sure. Those creatures are incredibly vulgar. This one is more delusional.


Every Shtetl has its idiot Jerry.


Promitheas Apollonious

No broken condom I am not your father.

And they will not deliver nothing to any one you confuse the games and manipulations of the russians as well turning the traditional allies of the NWO stooges against each other with what will happen, in reality.

As for who is terminally stupid it shows very clearly, but you have the best excuse been of the defective DNA. Isn’t it askenazi sh*t4brains?


You incoherent babble says it all.

Of course you are not, as stupidity is at least a partially heritable trait.

And, obviously, strenuously diverting from the topic to personal attacks.

jerry hamilton

Why can we never find intelligent people to argue with us?

Promitheas Apollonious

That is a big question my friend. I believe is due to most are scare shitless to think rationally as well fanatically either following one or the other side so logic is not within their argument but ignorance and parroting one or the other, falling for either side lies or propaganda.

But mostly they are ignorant with their heads stuck into where the sun never shines?

jerry hamilton

I have blocked 3 of the little shits today. They make the site look untidy.


Because all intelligent people agree with us Jerry :)

jerry hamilton

There are a lot of children on here today.




Because they avoid you from a great distance.

paul ( original )

Well I hope so. My memory is good enough to be quite certain that this was promised before and indeed that there were reports that part of the system had been delivered. This must be about two year ago. You must understand the exasperation of endless maybes. There is always a problem of self delusion ,fixating only on what one wants to be.

Promitheas Apollonious

The radar part and is connected to the Pantsirs. The S300-400 who arrived in Syria was only for protecting the Russians facilities. And is not a matter of economics is a matter of strategy.

The russians will not be fouled into a global war and do the scenarios the morons in west trying to establish. Watch what follows you understand perfectly as the rest what I am saying this game just began and is far from over.

First Lastname

How do these strikes make America great again? Those missiles should have been fired at border crossers in Mexico.

First Lastname

Such a complete waste of money.

Rex drabble

Trump has a very expensive EGO

King Tudor777

No man, they shouldn’t be fired at any Mexican…

First Lastname

Hmm good point. Fire them at American immigration offices.



jerry hamilton

The more people they murder, the greater they feel.


The perpetrators of US, UK and France invaded Russian ally Syria for the Israel. Now Russia should invade US ally Israel in retaliation. The bastards of US, UK and France have invaded Palestine and Yemen. Russia show to these bastards if you can do then I can also do.


Bullshit, mate.

Russia will not even uphold its own promises that it gave a day before.

That is the sad course of events.

King Tudor777

Woohoo, an official number, and what a great number my friends, the Americans are crying right now!

Rex drabble

Many many millions gone.I wish I was an American tax payer.

Angelo Cinarelli


Rex drabble

Many people understand but changing things isnt that easy.Countries like Russia are doing all they can.


è difficile fermare israele, i zionisti controllano tutte le banche mondiali, controllando le banche controllano l’economia globale e la popolazione, difficile ribellarsi.


Angelo while the USA is interfering in countries like Syria to assist Israel it should be recognized that this support is in the strategic interest of the USA elites. The USA can use Israel to do its dirty work like illegal assassinations, illegal bombing, illegal land theft and then the USA uses its veto to prevent any sanctions against Israel especially when Israel is working on behalf of the USA. Israel keeps the Arab States and Iran and Turkey at each others throats so that they cannot work together to make the Middle East another powerful Bloc that could threaten the USA hegemonic control of the region. The USA has been doing this in South America too, for many years as it does with India and Pakistan. The control imposed by the USA has been slipping in recent times and particularly since the rise of China. I think that in the near future the influence of the USA and its allies will be surpassed by new trading blocs and that is why their attempts at subversion and direct violence is forced into more and more irrational behaviour and this is becoming more obvious to us all. Many more citizens in the West are getting fed up with this manic spreading violence created by the crumbling Empire. What we all need, and that includes the working people in the USA, is for the election of rational, honest and peaceful members of the Congress, the Senate and the Presidency who will stand up to and replace the Deep State Neocons with men and women who accept that much more can be done by peaceful negotiation than by the barbaric and backward violence imposed on the world by military and secret service agencies that serve the insanely wealth and power seekers at the expense of everyone else.

jerry hamilton

” the election of rational, honest and peaceful members of the Congress, the Senate and the Presidency” But this is America. These people do not exist. America is a nation of fighters and warmongers.


S400 is an anti ballistic missiles and anti stealth aircraft. For these standard multirole aircraft and subsonic cruise missile S300 and S200 already effective enough. S400 missiles are way too expensive for low level interception.

jerry hamilton

Yes. Now stop shouting.


All these strikes are accomplishing is helping Syria get effective air defense systems.

Israeli strategy backfired.


Israeli strategy always backfires. That’s because they don’t have any, other then mow the lawn.


Never underestimate your enemy. Israel is one of the most technologically advanced nations and competes with Russia on the level of scalar energy and other energy weapons. Check out Judy and how they ‘dustified’ the World Trade Center. Israel has one of the best intelligence networks in the world. Israel has high capacity to penetrate the electronic systems of nuclear plants as in Iran and Japan (Fukishima).


There’s a difference between highly capable and having a good long term strategy. There is no denying that Israel is highly capable militarily, and through its control of the US even more so. And yet , when examine Israeli foreign policy you see no long term strategy other then mowing the lawn. Every time a threat emerges they throw everything they have at it with no regard whatsoever for the potential consequences. Which are often the rise of an even greater more determined fanatical foe. Israel’s meddling in the Lebanese civil war and the 1982 invasion may have caused the expulsion of the PLO, but it also caused the rise of Hezbollah, which is infinitely more of a danger then the PLO ever was. Netanyahu’s attempt to neutralize Arafat and the Palestinian authority in the 90’s allowed Hamas to rise and then actually gain power. Their obsession with getting rid of Saddam, which culminated in the Americans doing the dirty work for them, turned Iraq into an ally of Iran and created the Shia crescent. And their attempt to get rid of Assad now actually has Iranian forces in Syria.

Like I said, they have zero long term vision other then getting rid of the current problem. They think that their military might will be there forever. When history has shown again and again that no military superpower lasts forever. At some point it will lose that edge, and when its enemies get their shit in order its going to be game over.


Oh. Then I am wrong. Wait a moment. Didn’t Israel train and set up Hezbollah. Israel knows exactly what it is doing and it is evil. The gradual genocide within Palestine is clearly policy. They know exactly WTF they are doing and how to get others to implement a lot of it.

Iona four

Is it me or is`nt southfront.org a usa news base not a mad Russian on .So the comments below push off.And the bombs types was not those ones so.

yudha bdg

That must be embarrassing for western allies. But hopely they’ll do it again

That Guy

Fuck yeah !!! First targets: US led coalition aircrafts operating over Syrian airspace.


They say, “If one fights with a mad person, people won’t differentiate the two.” Thanks Russia for being the sane one between this madness. You once again ‘ve saved the world with your sober mind. Unfortunately, these bullies think the world is weak by not following their rotten minds. I’m sure one day, it will be to their shock when the world will have enough of their bullying and retaliate without mercy?


Seems like the Russians are keeping their powder dry. Seems like they have networked the Syrian air defences based on current Syrian assets to make them into a functional force, but have decided not to reveal the capacity of pantsir or S300 – probably because every SIGINTEL officer in the west happened to be listening at the time

Rex drabble

Russia and Syria were ready for this! Trump will be pissed now,may not be the end yet.

Promitheas Apollonious

More like scared than pissed their shock and awe did not work and got a taste what will happen when their senseless aggression it is answered back. An intelligent strategist always first measure the power and abilities of an opponent before answering him back in kind.

Their best weapons barely manage to pass a very old anti missile system with very limited range and they began to understand that 20th century weapons do not wash out in 21st century and it is all they have.

30-50 years old technologies that may work in countries that are defenseless but not against a real modern army. Syria face them with the same technology they using and succeeded in embarrassing them and show that are not what they like to think they are.

lets see the second round how well will go for those morons.


Seems like the Russians have shitted their pants.

Yep, “not revealing the capacity of their weapons”—that is the stupidest apology that could ever be made! (Especially after doing live-fire exercises a few days before.)

Russian weapons are for military parades, not for war. Maybe because the funds have been embezzled and spent of vodka.

Magnus La Magne

This is not about shitting pants and killing more of them then they kill of us. It is about humanity growing up and leaving war behind us by acting responsibly. The world can clearly see ‘the West’is not capable of doing that. Now it is up to China, Russia and Iran to put this raging bull to rest. Try to love your enemy and turning the other cheek. Putin and the Russians are very very brave. If you are really an anti-kapitalist try harder to understand their position.


You must be fucking crazy!! :-o

Russia§s enemies are escalating the war, Russia plays and accomplice, INNOCENT PEOPLE ARE BEING KILLED in the course of this, and you keep babbling about “humanity growing up” when Russia looks the other way when not only ACTS OF WAR, but also the SUPREME INTERNATIONAL CRIMES (of aggression) and are committed?!

Are you just trolling here, trying to harm the Russians even more?

TURNING THE OTHER CHEEK DOES NOT WORK. It has also been formally confirmed in computer simulations.

What really works is the “dog approaches”—either the “big dog approach” (what the West is doing—biting whomever they can), or the “little dog approach” (refraining from biting first, but unconditionally responding to bites—which Russia ought to have done but miserably failed to do).

After all, Russia has been turning the other cheek… and this is what such an attitude has brought it about.

A few years ago this would be unimaginable. Even sanctions against Russia would be unimaginable. Now they are the order of the day.

Nobody will care a fuck what Russia says anymore.

They are not brave, they are just incompetent cowards who have been cornered and rid of their allies because of their past incompetence, so they are now just shitting in their pants

If they ever do anything, it will not be not out of bravery, but under the pressure of sheer desperation. Because they are incompetent cowards.


Your idiocy is never ending. Please take your redundant all caps rants and go away. You’re adding nothing to this or any conversation. Perhaps try yahoo news? You’d be the big man there.


They are not redundant, they are to point you to the arguments.

Feel free to engage any of them, but stop demonstrating you idiocy by calling “idiots” those, to whom you cannot even respond with a single sensible counter-argument.

You see? I like you Russian from you fairy tales. Always rational, always patient with you, who cannot control you urges to lynch just about anyone who refuses to parrot you nonsense, especially one who happens to have different opinion founded on solid arguments.


He is a child in an Israeli troll gang I would think Magnus.

Volker Burkert

Your Nazi symbol says it all! Didn’t your idols get wiped out by Russians in 1945. The Russians would be foolish to expose their capabilities to Trumps chicken shit.


That is a Jain symbol, you moron!

The Russians/Soviets were so “heroic” in WW2, that they lost at least 21600000 of their own people—mainly due to the incompetence of the their leadership—while the Germans lost only a mere 3000000, less than 1/7.

And the Russians still celebrate it to this day…

Volker Burkert

As a German I am grateful to the Russians and their Soviet brothers to have saved the world from the Nazis. The fact that they sacrificed over 20 Millions of their own people in that struggle shows their determination in repelling any aggression against their country and against humankind.


Well, but they did it out of desperation, not heroic effort.

My point is that they lost so many people because they had almost as incompetent as they are now. In fact, now they are even more incompetent.

Volker Burkert

Well, they were “competent” enough to throw napoleon and his grand army out of Russia and annihilated it, and they were “competent” enough to throw out Hitler’s “invincible” army and nearly annihilated it. Yes, that was long time ago but, if you know some Russians you will learn that they have a long memory, they are very patient before they react to aggressive behavior, but when they do it is with fury.


With Napoleon… maybe. With Hitler—definitely not!

Their casualties were more than 7-times higher than the Germans’.

And if you want to draw the line from there, they as well may lose the next war simply by being completely annihilated.

Hitler was only stopped before Moscow and only with a good deal of luck as well.

Thus, it looks like the Russians have no memory. When it comes to the fury, a lot more of them will unnecessarily die… simply because of their past incompetence and mindless retreat from their positions. Like this one—from the position of international law.

That is not a strategy for survival.

jerry hamilton

The truth about the Nazis is very different to what we have been told.


Exactly . Exuberant emotions to not win wars. Cols calculations do.


The Russians have pretty much lost the war against Russia already.

Based on a cold calculation, that launching sites should have been attacked, or at least destroyed.

Simply because Russia is in the right. If you condone illegal behaviour and let your rights undermine, it will only an invitation of further illegal behaviour on a larger scale.


Putin is the chess master of world politics. This is his move in response to US belligerence. His pieces are in place in Syria and Lebanon with China and Iran moving into place. Control of middle Eurasia on the Grand Chessboard is the end-game objective in alliance with China, Iran, Syria and the SCO controlling south and east Asia. Invoking international law further delegitimizes his opponent and establishes the moral advantage. It is a simple move that paralyzes the US without exposing itself as a flagrant outlaw. Putin has painstakingly adhered to legal boundaries, earning the respect of the world. By not responding impetuously he earns the relief of the world. Russia is showing maturity in stark contrast with the West, and is simply providing Syria with upgraded weapons. Even without S-300 much less S-400 systems, Syria downed 71 of 103 missiles launched – an important test. With these pending upgrades the US will look even weaker, and no war can be won without ground forces, now routed. The US lost world respect with Abu Ghraib and will never regain it, and an empire cannot survive without implicit consent of its subjects based on some benefits, not simply submission to force. The only beneficiaries of US empire have been corrupt, implanted rulers, against which the entire non-aligned developing world is revolting. Turkey, a switch-hitter, started with the West and its jihaddists and is now turning its eyes eastward. It is the canary in the coal mine.


He is a clown in shitted pants.

The move to the U.S. belligerence would be to target the launchers, as the U.S. does it.

That would make him a man.

What drugs have you been taking?!

Putin has not “painstakingly adhered to legal boundaries”—far from that. Putin has actually been an accomplice in uprooting them.

Russia is not “showing maturity”, Russia is showing *asinine childishness*.

Maturity would mean making good on your words.

Of course, the U.S. will never look weaker, it will only look stronger with every such action.

What Russia is doing is painstakingly apologizing its impotence. Nothing more.

You wrote this: “… and an empire cannot survive without implicit consent of its subjects… ” And Russia is manufacturing that consent in every possible way.

Apologies do not win wars. Russia could have put a stop to this, exacting a price for breaking the norms. But Russia says that this was basically O.K, “business as usual”.

Nobody wants to work or be associated with morons, perhaps with the exception of other morons.

Mario Ceva

USA French GB attack was very weak. A stupid move


The attack was quite powerful, but the message that both sides sent was even more powerful.

The West got it message that it could do whatever it pleases, and with total impunity at that.

Russia got its message that… its messages and alliance are not worth a shit.

Mario Ceva

Why the West not follow with more attacks??

jerry hamilton

Because Russia would have annihilated them.


Because they are saving it up for Russia. Russia is the real target.

And Russia is provoking it now that the West knows that it has nothing to fear, it will continue to “boil the Russian frog” until there will be a hit war—with former Russian allies taking the front line against Russia because they have found out that Russia affords no protection, so they have switched the sides and they will thus be earning the protection from their new masters.

That is how power and politics works. And that is why Russia is reaping huge losses all the time.

And the more Russia is losing it, the stronger drugs the Russian leadershit is taking to offset the harsh reality.

João Leston

This is funny. So russia gives concret data, acts only when has proven facts, and made good on his words (if you recall, putin said they would react if some of they’re instalations or country man were attacked, they’re country man, military specialist and such, are preety much anywhere the syrian army and goverment is). More than that, they prevented a ground attack, put one hell of a show by intercepting 70% of missiles with older technology (hats off to the syrian army) and even got 0 casualities.

But i know what you want. You think that the person that stays quite for not entering in an argument with an idiot is the weaker one. Well it’s not, Russia proved to be the bigger man, by not escalating this to a WWIII (that’s what you want btw) and even got excelent results giving the Syrian army time to breath, prepare and now raising they’re morale.

Antikapitalista, if you don’t understand something, or you are saying this things just to get paid, at least back them up with somethin real.


This is not funny.

Russia ought to make good on its promises and attacked the launching sites. As per the Western example.

Now Russia has lost all respect and invited even more escalations of this kind.

Why are you so fucking stupid that you cannot learn from the past?!

Last year, Russia made a condemnation. That was too little, but still understandable.

This year, Russia has issued stern warnings. Russia has never issued such stern warnings before. Even Russian politicians were talking about a war more often than Western politicians.

So, a Russian military response and a counterattack was EXPECTED.

E X P E C T E D.

Do you understand the word?

Thus, Russia’s military response and a counterattack was the order of the day. It ought to have happened because it was EXPECTED.

But since Russia failed to act on its promises, it merely provoked further actions of this kind simply because a Russian military response WILL NOT BE EXPECTED NEXT TIME.

Thus, IT WILL MORE LIKELY GET OUT OF CONTROL next time. And there WILL be a next time, but Russia’s means of preventing a further escalation will be limited by its past incompetence.

In other words, if Russia made its threats—which were quite well founded time time—Russia ought to have acted upon them.

Thus, it is Russia that is actually escalating it, by enabling it to escalate.

By failing to act upon its threats, RUSSIA ESCALATED THE WHOLE SITUATION TO THE NEXT LEVEL, where threats will not suffice, they will not be credible and there will be no understanding from the others.

What Russia’s enemies are doing, is patently illegal. But Russia is effectively condoning such behaviour. Thus, with no response, the monstrosity will even grow. As I explained it elsewhere, by persistently displaying such appalling incompetence, Russia has effectively escalated the situation from stage 1 all the way to somewhere stage 7 and stage 8: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friedrich_Glasl%27s_model_of_conflict_escalation .

When will you, shameless apologists of cowardice and the destruction of international law, finally understand how the world works?!

King's cok

Love ur explanation. Russia has only ended up showing it can only bark but can’t retaliate as putin had threatened and the western world have proved to putin GET DOWN LET’S SEE WHAT YOU CAN DO WITH UR UPGRADES AND THREATS. Yet I still expect some so called intelligent arguist to counter you when they are simply blind and have low perception that Russia will not go to war with any body at this time because it simply has a weak economy and has no finance to do that now. Maybe they also failed to see how Iran and Korea were tamed by world power.


That is a ridiculous explanation. Iran and North Korea were tamed precisely because Russia betrayed them. The U.S.A. would never do this to, say, Israel (regarding Israel’s nuclear stockpile).

The corrupt Russians join their enemies in attacks against their natural allies… and then the become the target of their enemies…

Remember, all the effort and faith and and everything else we put in Russia, is CONSISTENTLY RUINED by appalling Russian incompetence.

A sane person cannot support the morons, at least not forever, even their patience and sympathy will be depleted one day.

No intelligent person can ague with me because there is no rational counter-argument, only childish shrieks about WW3 all over the place.

You can call me Al

OK you are on strike 2 now you muppet troll.

jerry hamilton

I blocked him earlier.

You can call me Al

A wise move.


Well said.

João Leston

Thanks. Had to block him tough. Too much barking

Mario Ceva

I dont understand why USA made this attack. They only made more decided Syrians to fight and Russia will send more Pansit and Buk anti air missiles to Syria.

jerry hamilton

Simply to try and save face. It didn’t work.

You can call me Al

Now, that is the underestimate of the month.

jerry hamilton

Looks like you have sobered up. lol

You can call me Al

That’s a little unfair……but accurate.


After another chemical false flag attack they will.

Mario Ceva

Yes and Syrian and Russian will be better prepared.


disqus_20qCPOCn97 gg

Steve Bell

Ha, a “powerful attack” with minimal damage, 3 injured civilians and a 70% interception rate from old Russian SAMS? Back to your drugs, fart-brain.

You can call me Al

Are you retarded ?

Promitheas Apollonious


Java Ape Timelord

So USA and circus attacked Syria, Russia did not use S400 (not really required), no damage was done, apart from buildings that had already been attacked, they were empty. Russia got info on how their attacks and equipment worked, and the circus got zilch. Not a smart move I agree.

The Latin Mass

Two Chabad clowns won’t fight each other. Glory to the SSA, not the Russian clowns.

The Latin Mass

Antikapitalista, this explains Putin in one article:



You are pulling the trigger of disrespect on Putin and Russian military too soon. You are not privy of the overall strategy of Americans or Russia. You have not considered that this may just be the first salvo. Lets consider the following: 1. ‘An article from RIA Novosti of April 9 reported that Russia has sent 40 Pantsir air defence systems to Syria ahead of the planned US attack that Trump has promised.’ 2. ‘the first waves of cruise missiles will be released in the near future by two destroyers, which are already in the Eastern Mediterranean. “They can fire their old Tomahawks, and after that the US they use smart missiles, as promised by Donald Trump,”‘ 3. ‘The goal is clear – it is necessary that the defending side expend the munitions of anti-aircraft guided missiles (SAMs). After that, apparently, the Americans expect to “fire from other ships with impunity, including from an aircraft carrier,” but that’s not until early May, when it arrives in the region.’ Given this analysis from (http://www.newsilkstrategies.com/military-affairs/how-will-russian-air-defences-fare-against-us-attack-on-syria). I will lose respect for you if you can’t look at the whole battle and if you can’t respect Putin’s ability to plan for the complete war not just the first salvo.


It appears that 71 of the 103 missiles launched were not as ‘smart’ at the ‘Uber smart Trump’ said they were :)

You can call me Al

But they were new and shiny.


I clean forgot that Al, thank you for correcting my omission :)


Finally, official numbers. Pretty good! Great job.

Juden Devshirme ErdoBot

Macron released the top secret evidence directly from intelligence service regarding Syrian regime and use of chemical weapons. https://justpaste.it/1jlq1

John Whitehot

Turkey was right in saying that the strike would be performed but it would not change anything on the ground.


You can’t fix stupid…..with a cruise missile.


i think (and hope)the zionist puppets and clowns could not just leave without shooting something after they amassed all this shit in med…that was just a show so now they can leave the area with their tails down…imagine them leaving scared without even shooting anything after all this blahblahblah..lets hope this is the end and now they leave…or do something usefull for once and hit turkey ^^


Zionist puppet here. Yah, we may leave…but not because you made us. Because your retarded wars are sooooo retarded we cant stomach that level of stupid anymore; haha.


Like Vietnam?

Operation Frequent Wind – Vietnam April 1975


Looks like frequent wind alright. LOL!

Oscar Silva Martinez

So, Syria a modest third world country with soviet era equipment shot down many new era missiles of the top 3 west super powers with 70% of efficiency??? do you guys know some thing? I’m starting to believe that Putin is way ahead in control of all this and he is just testing The U.S, England and France without even using Russia’s new equipment.


nah…no test. If it was a test, he wouldn’t be losing face over this. I hear he is bitching to the UN right now; hahaahahahah

Oscar Silva Martinez

He is losing NOTHING, it’s quite the opposite and of course the Russians have to bitch to the U.N. because they have to show the world their full support to Syria, this is how politics work, but on the other hand I’m 100% sure that behind doors they are laughing their asses out at The U.S., England and France and their useless attempt to chance the course of this war!!!

Truth hurts

I thought so also


They’re not third-world dude, they’re actually a reasonably well-off nation by middle eastern standards. Second-world would be fair.


Getting the good stuff in the hands of Syrians and Iranians will nex time insure plausible deniability for the Russians and prevent things from escalating into a nuclear war, all the while being able to shoot back and giving US run for their money. Not even US MSM presstitutes would be able to claim “new Pearl Harbor” once Syrians start shooting down fresh faced boys from Kansas the Neocons are pimping out to Wahhabi as Al Qaida air force and Zio cannon fodder So not only S300, but also more offensive staff like Kalibrs, Iskanders and Su fighters should be send to Syrians.

Michał Hunicz

Great news that old systems can destroy 70% of all missiles. Hope that it will be a modernised version of S-300.


Pffft. Propaganda. If those old missiles managed to shoot down one cruise missile…I would be impressed. Go look at some of those Russian air-defense missiles going up in the air they are zooming up 5,000-10,000 feet and detonating…..cruise missile flies at hundreds of feet….about they height you can fly a kite……actually you would have a better chance of bringing one down with a kite; haha. They fly so low I’m surprised they didn’t ask you for directions.

Prince Teutonic

They fly low until they are near to designated target then climb up to scan the surroundings and compare it against pre-stored image in memory…


Exactly but this idiot above knows nothing about weapons and how cruise missiles work.

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