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Russia Seeks To Restore “Glory Of The USSR”: Hayat Tahrir al-Sham Leader Explains Terrorists’ Failure In Idlib Battle

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Russia Seeks To Restore "Glory Of The USSR": Hayat Tahrir al-Sham Leader Explains Terrorists' Failure In Idlib Battle

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Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda) and its allies are working to invent for their supporters an explanation why they are loosing the battle for southern Idlib to the Syrian Army.

Late on December 24, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham leader Abu Muhammed al-Jolani released a video statement in which he blamed Iran and Russia for the recent setbacks of the “revolution” in Greater Idlib and threatened the world with consequences.

“The people of the Levant, Iraq, Yemen, and the Arab Gulf, specifically the Two Holy Sites land [Saudi Arabia], and the Turkish people, will bear its consequences. Its outcome will reflect on their lives, negatively or positively,” the prominent terrorist claimed hinting that this group could carry out terrroist attacks in the region after its defeat in Idlib.

He also claimed that his forces achieved many of their goas against the “regime” (mosty destroying Syrian economy and killing civilians) and is about to achieve the victory. However, Russia and Iran stand on their way. The Russian motivation, according to al-Jolani, is to restore “the glory of the USSR”. In this remark, he reflects the Western propaganda (against which he allegedly rejects) that also likes to compare the modern Russia with the ‘Big Bad USSR’.

A notable part of the speech was dedicated to accusing the Syrian-Iranian-Russian alliance of killing civilians in Greater Idlid. The prominent ‘opposition leader’ somehow forgot to say that the terrorists sabotage peaceful evacuation of civilians from the combat zone and de-escalation agreements.

As government forces are moving closer to Maarat al-Numan, the contradictions within Idlib militant groups are gorwing. Every organization seeks to invent some useful explanation why others are responsible for this defeat.

Russia Seeks To Restore "Glory Of The USSR": Hayat Tahrir al-Sham Leader Explains Terrorists' Failure In Idlib Battle

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Who cares what this poopstain vomits

MeMad Max

lol, losers always say its someone elses fault…


Especially Western losers with the mentality of spoilt children :)

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

im sure it does and theres absolutely nothing wrong with that, in order to contain US/NATO/israhelli aggression, but you smelly rats failed because you just suck and SAA is an entirely different animal now, they are now experts at slaughtering rats hahahaha :)


The SAA was large conscript force prior to 2012, and geared towards a conventional war against the Zionists and had not really seen combat since Hama operation in 1982 and then limited engagement against Zionists in Lebanon. However, the terror war against Syria initiated by US, Zionists, NATO, Saudis and UAE was the most sustained and largest proxy terror offensive in the history of warfare. Over 500,000 terrorists from over 50 countries as far as Europe, Uighurs from China to Salafists from ex-Soviet republics were recruited and trained by western intelligence agencies. The SAA had to convert from a large cumbersome force into a lean, mobile COIN force, which with Russia and Iranian assistance and real combat mentoring by Hezbollah, successfully achieved by 2017 and subsequent liberation of Aleppo and most of urban areas. It also had manpower issues which now have been resolved. It is no mean feat what SAA, Russia and Iran have achieved in Syria despite the worst odds in the history of non-conventional warfare. The credit also goes to the Assad brothers for standing tall and not running off like Saddam or Kaddafi.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Yes agree hundred procent, reminds me of Iran Iraq war in the 80s, basically the whole world was supporting Iraq, france was giving them mirage F1 fighter jets, soviets helping them with mig-25s, Iran had to make do with whatever it had because they could not buy spare parts or pressure suits for their pilots, yet they were still victorious, against the whole civilized world :) their pilots and F-14s played a huge role too


Recently declassified US airforce analysis on the superb Iranian airforce performance has been published in Business News, link below


How an F-14 Tomcat once took out 3 MiG fighters with one missile

Iranians are really good behind the stick of the Tomcat. In fact, the highest scoring ace in a Tomcat is an Iranian named Jalil Zandi. According to the U.S. Air Force, Zandi is credited with 11 kills in an F-14 — an amazing achievement for any fighter pilot. But he was in good company during the Iran-Iraq War because his fellow pilots were keeping the skies clear of any offending Iraqi aircraft.


“F-14 Tomcat once took out 3 MiG fighters with one missile”

That could only happen because Iraqi’s have made extremely stupid mistake. So it talks more about their stupidity and inability than anything else. Depends also which 3 MIG fighters but even for older MIG’s 3 with one missile is idiotic. It is difficult to achieve even if the Iraqi’s were assisting and trying to help him in that achievement.


Even upgraded by Iran, those F-14 jets do not stand any chance against U.S. jets that will be accompanied by AWAC’s. And with much longer range missiles. They will shoot down Iranians before they even see Americunts. Being courageous and determined simply doesn’t help in that situation. Since they can lose against much better equipped cowards.


I don’t believe Iran will be engaging in air combat with US, they have other plans.


I was just saying it because that was the subject. And since it goes without saying that combat jets are planned for close combat also. I doubt that Iran has strong enough air defenses to cover completely their huge territory. So like it or not they will have to depend on air-force as well in some situations.

Kelli Hernandez

Yes they do. They have the Russian S-400. 30 of them. Why do you think the US hasn’t attacked them yet? Russian air defense terrifies the US. And it’s military is way over inflated. The US military hardware is in serious need of upgrade and innovation. But it’s DofD budget can’t pass an audit, is missing 21 trillion and is a story of abuse waste theft and FRAUD


The fact that they have Iranian Bavar (1 and 2) copies of S-300 and Russian latest S-300PMU2* (and some other medium and short range systems) Again it is not enough to cover all territory in malty layered air defense system of military and civilian strategic objects and protection of Iranian sky in general . Of course that US are hesitant because susceptible to losses of jets… But not only because of the strong air defenses but also because Iran is inspiring fear since U.S. realize they have no chance to successfully execute land invasion of Iran and survive Iranian onslaught. And nuking of Iran would trigger WW3. —– *Officially they don’t have S-400 but S-300PMU2 “Favourite” which is the latest and the most upgraded model of S-300 very similar to S-400. Specially since Russia did install latest bells and whistles that could go with that system. So in way Russia has sold them S-400 practically, by officially selling them only S-300.


and Iran had a few exocet missiles with which iran attacked shipping from inside the persian gulf and set a few vlcc’s on fire and that is basically what´brought the war to an end. at the time the unhinged states of A was most upset with france that had sold the exocets to Iran but that was during the shah’s tenure and Iran just brought them out of storage and used them. france also sold exocets to argentina which surprised the brits during the malvina war.


Yes, the brightest minds of British Military logistics thought it was sensible to transport ALL of the tentage and Heavy Lift helicopters intended to support the British Forces on the Falkland Islands, thousands of miles from home in the South Atlantic during the harsh winter period, in ONE large civilian ship named the Atlantic Conveyor.

Needless to say, the ship was sunk by a French made Exocet :)


In those days F-14 was very good jet not outdated museum peace like today. In good hands the F-14 could fight or dog-fight any other jet on equal footings.


I have respect for Hezbollah but still I have impression that you are giving bit too much credit to them (or not enough to everybody else). Since everybody was fighting in Aleppo and gave their best for victory there. Everybody deserves respect and hats down for that success SAA, Iran and Russians also. That was indeed the most glorious event of whole war. Syrian Stalingrad and irreversible turning point of the Syrian war. Assad have learned his lesson from Saddam and Kaddafi. And he has chosen Syria and fight instead of permanent exile in Russia. Kaddafi was living example on how deep betrayal runs on the West (where he put his faith in Sarcosi and France ) But to be perfectly honest even Assad took plenty of time and visited even France before understanding that he has run out of options and directly asked Russia for help in the last moment. That is my 2 cents.

Tudor Miron

One little note (with all due respect to Hezbollah) to reinforce your above post – how was Hezbollah doing before Russia entered the scene?


You have answered your own question with perfect clarity and logic . So we agree agree. I would even go step further with your premise (with all due respect to Hezbollah) Hypothetically: Even if they were not present in sufficient number to be able show how good they are ( before Russians have arrived ) the level of true military expertise is, to have right estimate of the opponent forces and their potential (among many other things). To be able to structure appropriate tactical response and methods to compensate their own weakness and amplify their strength. SAA was straight loser till 2015 and going from bad to worse. If there was any “expertise” it was obviously not good enough and I honestly don’t know who was responsible. “Expertise” the way I see it is, by definition crucial factor that prevents total defeat, if it can’t assure the victory.

Peter Jennings

The saying is thus, ‘hats off’ to the SAA, etc.:)

It’s a long used mark of respect to remove ones hat momentarily.


Good, concise analyses!




It is like Elon Musk at cybertruck presentation, LOL.

Tudor Miron



These Wahhabi terrorist groups are in desperate phase now as Russian and Iranian position is pretty much simpatico and Erdogan failed to convince Putin to back off and even on the Libyan situation Russia was not very enthusiastic about Turkish intervention. The terrorists are getting squeezed into a very small unsustainable region near the Turkish border and short of a miracle, their chances are slim. Russia and Syria have used air power and ground forces very effectively in this battle with clear goals. The terrorist sponsors i,e Turkey, US, NATO, Saudis and UAE should accept defeat and stop playing the sore loser role as it only prolongs the suffering of the Syrian people. The insane notion that President Assad and the legitimate Syrian government can somehow be overthrown by illegally selling 30,000 barrels of looted Syrian oil is neither economically feasible or strategically sustainable. The 500 Saudi and Emirati mercenaries their US masters have brought to Syria’s eastern oilfields will not survive and suffer the same fate as their terrorists.


This one should be a fight to the finish!


Yes, that would be the logical move. No more localized ceasefires so that these terrorists can rearm and regroup with US and Turkish assistance.


Russians are nothing but pawns for Israel. That’s all they are and their asshole is big enough to take up the ass for the master of the evil races to declare to the world that the antichrist is here. Israel will use you as it used America in Iraq and Afghanistan and now the Americans are begging the Taliban for peace and Taliban said no. The same will happen to the Russians. It just might take a little longer for these Arabs to get in line but they will in the end. Celebrating over conquering a few destroyed villages is not the end of the war. The Russians might be able to salvage what they have left of their military before World war 3 begins. Ask Israel about what they about to brew. They will certainly tell you what I know. I laugh when Pro Russians speak about Israel as if stopping their plots. They are part of the plan and waging a crusade against the Muslims. Our Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) already prophesized all this and it will not end well for Russia.


Why losers HTS Fuck off and die…


They are hoping that by blaming Russia and Iran, their US, NATO and Saudi masters will save them. However, the problem for the terrorists now is demography and geography as the area under their control is very small and the manpower pool shrinking. Many of the terrorists trained by the CIA in Turkey are looking for a life in Europe and not die in a lost war.


If they enter European territory, they will be hunted like pigs in the woods,. There won’t be a place where they can escape. Europe is not Syria,Afghanistan,iraq,etc.. Face recognition 24/7 now even shops they have face recognition ,24/7call monitoring,at the highest levels Let’s not talk about normal civilians that are hunting down Alqaeda and any Islamist, Control and supervision of all chemicals sold in entire Europe. If someone buy or try to buy something potentially dangerous are immediately flagged down as potential risk to humans. We are Europe and we will hunt down this terrorists no matter where and where are they hiding,. Including breaking borders boundaries


Let’s hope Angela Merkel reads your post.


Yeah, sure. That explains hundreds of dead from hundreds of terrorist attacks all over EU in France, Germany, Belgium, UK etc.




I hope you are correct, yet to achieve this ,Europe will need to end its hostility toward Russia.


(…If they enter European territory, they will be hunted like pigs in the woods,There won’t be a place where they can escape…)

Excuse me!!!

The U$ and Europe (Nato) armed, trained, sponsored, funded and supported these terrorists to overthrow they Syrian government and they are still inbed with them and will do anything to help them and facilitate their evacuation! I see NO difference between Nato and Al-Qaeda! They are one and the same thing!


It’s the people who put the 24/7 facial recognition in place who are the master terrorists most people don’t seem to understand how bad the situation is in western countries we are unarmed dumbed down basically sitting ducks to be preyed upon by the people that control our governments


And neither will they be evacuated by Netanyahu like the in last time when they were encircled by the Syrian Army!


Peter Jennings

Win, lose, it’s all the same for Abu Muhammed al-Jolani. He will be in London or washingtub, getting his debriefing and his hair cut when the end finally comes. Then onto the next ruse, character, and gullible idiots. Whether he survives at all is dependent on how well he is regarded amongst the western alphabet soups and spooks.


No, I would say he should be sent directly to his 72 whores!


They must have received phone call from the grave from their sponsor and daddy Jhon McCain. Who whispered into their jihad ears that “deeps state” finances only anti-Russia, anti-China front now.

Rhodium 10

HTS..”To protect and to serve israeli interest”…


Just another Jew working for CIA and MOSSAD



What is wrong with that?


Maybe it doesn’t show to the redneck or democrat but Russia is not communist. The communism was one of the roots of all Russian problems today. Ukraine, Belarus (false Soviet states with false ethnic identity) so much lost territory and so many lives lost for what?! To only create problems to Russia now to claim her right even on Crimea?!? And only because some USSR dictators (Khrushchev , Gorbachev+ traitor Yeltsin) have decided so against the interests of Russia. And because US & stooges opportunistically use against them now!? Russia should only try to “restore glory” of Russian Empire and nothing else! That is only the most logical and organic development of their ambitions.

FUCK Jew product USSR !


Totally agree!


One of the evil legacies of USSR (and “tragedy” of collapse of USSR that Putin was talking about ) is the fact that over 20 MILLION ethnic Russians were left outside of Russian Federation in other “Soviet Republics” (there are only counted of course those who declare themselves ethnic Russian but not other who claim to be Ukrainians or Belarussians ) The only thing positive is that plenty of Jews have gone to IsraHell never to return.


And millions more went to the US, thank goodness. I sure like sunny California. And now my California has an economy almost twice that of the entire Glorious Russian Federation with all its oil and gas. Yep, my grandparents all made the smart move.


All you believe is money, money, money, money! Listen: Money is not everything and Russia has something far more valuable than money, far more important than the U$ and its degenerate, soulless Western puppets have!



True, Russia had more to offer. It had murderous pogroms that convinced all my grand parents to get out of the Russian shithole of a country. But on the bright side, Russia has all that Vodka that kills it’s men 10 to 15 years younger than men die in the US and the West. It also has one of the highest murder and suicide rates in the world and about the greatest income and wealth inequality. I’m sure all this fits in with your fine Christian standards, Igor.

Tudor Miron

He hopes that his western masters can do something about it :)



Marvin Joel Zavala López

Bla bla bla bla…


Mostly, the Kremlin of late seems to want to restore the gory of the USSR, not to mention that of the Czarist Russian Empire.

Tommy Jensen

Exactly what I have been saying.

n a

If only Russia did seek that. I’d be more optimistic

Liberal guy

Go and speak this nonsense in Riyadh and wahhabi madarsas u coward insane scum


No one is going to restore the USSR, nor any glory because it didn’t have much. Russia is returning to glory though, and they are going to kick some jihadist butt before they get there. A good thing too. Pseudo-jihadists run by the US Empire under zionist dictates is a very bad thing and the moron giving the above speech is in israel’s payroll. A real scum.

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