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MARCH 2025

Russia Sells Half Of Its US Treasury Bonds

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Russia Sells Half Of Its US Treasury Bonds


Russia has carried out a major selloff of US Treasury bonds, dumping about $47bn-worth of papers, statistics released by the US Treasury Department on June 15 show.

Russia sold $47.4 billion out of the $96.1 billion the country had in US treasury bonds in March. Thus, in April, Russia had only $48.7bn in US assets, occupying 22nd place on the list of “major foreign holders of Treasury securities.”

Russian media links the selloff of US bonds with the US-Russian conflict and multiple US sanctions imposed on Moscow.

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jade villaceran

Russia dont need those printed paper, they have hard commodity that can trade for gold

Wise Gandalf

Why not industrial products???

jade villaceran

They already have industrial capacity

The topic is about money, holding those paper money will just hold russia backward by usa, gold cannot be sanction unlike dollar

Wise Gandalf

And why for gold??? Rusia is big gold digger country. Sells the gold and buys for higher price?

Angelo Cinarelli


Feudalism Victory

I wonder why they waited. The number should be zero?

Wise Gandalf

And sold without problems. That means, the bonds like the investiors. What about releasing russian bonds?


Yea the Fed buys it to limit any downside panic. The FED is a magician creating money out of thin air.

Wise Gandalf

Not the fed buys. Other countries, private persons. Again. try this with russian bonds.


You are naive, the Fed controls the well being of the stock market, the bond markets and money supply. If stocks or bonds go down, the Fed intervenes to restore the markets….with money they don’t have. What about Russian bonds? Foreigners are spooked by the sanctions nor knowing where the next shoe will drop, and the penalties associated. Russians, Russian government buy their own bonds. The Russian central bank has ample reserves for such purchases.

Wise Gandalf

You answered something else. perhaps to your thought.

Russians buy, necause nobody want yours.

Btw., 70% of american debt is in american hands.


What are you talking about? Are you from US and familiar with how the financial economy is run? Fed established a 0 % interest rate since 2008 until Trump, where they gave/lent banks trillions of dollars , the banks turned around and bought treasury bills earning 2-2.5% doing nothing. It was a way to make banks rich, of course the banks were American banks. Mutual funds buy treasuries to secure their portfolios against unexpected financial hic ups, mostly it is the foreign governments and US banks.

Get it! The Fed uses all kinds of gimmicks to support the Treasury bills and finance the federal debt. Of course with interest close to 0% the debt maintainance was not very expensive, however since Trump came to power interest rates have been raising and will continue to rise.

“””Russians buy, necause nobody want yours.””” Russia can buy gold with that money instead of supporting the reserve currency, Russia will eventually terminate its holdings of treasuries.

If you are familiar with how sanctions affect foreign investments in Russia, I advise to do some research; the sanctions are directed in cutting off foreign credits and investment opportunities of foreign companies or investors trying to do business in Russia.


Yes but 70% of nothing, is still nothing. Printing money for 50 years has finally caught up with the USA.


No the Fed buys, $2 trillion last time I checked. Also Russia does sell bonds, not on the same scale as the USA, but they are a creditor nation and so don’t need to borrow as heavily as a debtor nation like the USA.


Well Russia does sell bonds, but their currency is not the global reserve, so their value is irrelevant. US treasury bonds are however relevant to global trade, and the US is printing dollars, and buying bonds with the newly created money. If you cannot see a problem with the American money tree concept, you are not as wise as you believe.


US bonds are allways a safe bet.

I think the reason why Russia got rid of some of them in April is not worthy of explanation, regarding high tensions and speculating US could also have ended their access to the financial market.


“US bonds are allways a safe bet.” The Titanic can not be sunk.

Look around, many countries are changing the balance of their FOREX reserves from US dollars to gold. A currency is like any other product, its value fluctuates depending on supply and demand.


Russia & China Just Dump All the U.S. Stocks & Bonds on the Market…just to see what happens…would be funny…

Wise Gandalf

Nothing would happen. This is the reason, why does not this CHina.

Harvey Swinestein

The Great Whore would collapse within hours . .


The only reason they haven’t done it is personal interests….they would lose a lot of money themselves too…


I think China would be prepared to write off the US 1 trillion it has in treasury bonds, because it would be cheaper than a shooting war. The problem is every country has engaged in money printing, to keep exchange rates in check. So when the US dollar collapses, so will the Euro, Yen Pound etc. A bit of trivia, the British pound sterling, was 1 pound of sterling silver(92.5%) Today a pound of silver is worth 161 British pounds.

Wise Gandalf

Chiny will not sell. 1 trillion dollar is too much liquidity. would overheat the chinese economy and start the inflation. this would be the end of china. this is the reason, why china buys such bonds, where are almost 0% profits.


Obviously I did not make myself clear, I meant that China would hold onto the bonds, even when they become worthless. It’s a good lever and a trillion for a whole country like the US is peanuts.

Elisabeth Jenders

Cold it be that they expect a devaluation or the dollar to crash?


They are going to crash it sooner or later… and create an American or Global Crisis….so that people (who are NO Longer Selfsustainable these days) will Come to the Rulers to help them survive….they will offer that help… but on a few conditions…


The US dollar is the biggest bubble in the history of the world. When it finally bursts, and the US can no longer control the price of gold via hypothetical paper gold trades, the dollar will fall back to the point it was before the US dumped the gold standard. Contrary to the charlatans in New York, gold is still the only true money, fiat currencies are only IOU’s.By my calculations? an ounce of gold should be worth about $35,000 US dollars, based on money printing by the USA.

John Brown

This is the real war to take control of the money power away from racist supremacist Nazi genocidal Jews, by destroying the Federal reserve Jewish dollar which will casue the collapse of the racist supremacist global Jewish confederate slave empire.

Dominic Blais

sense you dont call them zionists you are one

John Brown

Racist supremacist Jewish genocidal slave master race is more accurate description then zionist. http://russia-insider.com/en/end-fed-federal-reserve-bankers-mock-unemployed-americans/ri18724 Racist, Supremacist, Zionist, Federal Reserve Bankers Laugh and Laugh at Unemployed, Drug-Dependent Goyim Americans Compassion. It’s what makes the Federal Reserve so special. Working class people — aren’t they just the absolute worst? Yes, but thanks to the power of laughter, Federal Reserve bankers are able to tolerate these two-legged parasites. According to recently released transcripts, Federal Reserve bankers had a heck of a good time chatting about lazy, good-for-nothing Americans in 2011. No mention of the fact that the United States was still reeling from one of the worst financial meltdowns in recent memory. No. According to Federal Reserve officials, high unemployment numbers in 2011 were the direct result of Joe Lunchpail not getting excited enough about career paths at Walmart. As the Intercept reports: The Federal Reserve’s mandate is to promote “maximum employment,” which essentially means: print enough money so that everyone who wants one has a job. Yet according to transcripts released this month after the traditional five-year waiting period, Federal Reserve officials in November 2011 were debating whether unemployment was caused by bad work ethics and drug use – rather than by the greatest financial crisis in 80 years. This debate then factored into the argument over setting monetary policy.

“I frequently hear of jobs going unfilled because a large number of applicants have difficulty passing basic requirements like drug tests or simply demonstrating the requisite work ethic,” said Dennis Lockhart, a former Citibank executive who ran the Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank. “One contact in the staffing industry told us that during their pretesting process, a majority—actually, 60 percent of applicants—failed to answer ‘0’ to the question of how many days a week it’s acceptable to miss work.”

The room of central bankers then broke into laughter.


The only good zionist is a dead one,especially those squatting in occupied Palestine and the US government.

Real Anti-Racist Action

And those Zionist squatting in indigenous Teutonic, Suebian and Pomeranian indigenous tribal peoples ancestral home lands. https://cigpapers.files.wordpress.com/2017/06/img804.jpg https://cigpapers.files.wordpress.com/2017/06/un3-1.jpg

John Brown

You are the racist supremacist and who supports the Racist supremacist Jewish Nazi genocidal slave master race. The new African holocaust in Israel Africans are less the 0.5 % of the Israeli population, yet accidentally make up over 60% of those forced to take Depo-Provera for forced sterilization and the African birth rate in Israel has now dropped by more then 50%. This is what is called the only democracy in the Middle east, Yes those Africans have lots of rigths in Israel like the right to be exterminated by racist supremacist Jews. Israel Admits Ethiopian Women Were Given Birth Control Shots https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-ethiopians-fooled-into-birth-control-1.5226424 Israel’s Forced Eugenics Exposed | Brainwash Update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fmwkx2Aab7s Racist birth control? Claims Israel culling Ethiopian Jews https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oljrngl5Iwc Racist supremacist Jews confess to running African and the Americas slave trade enslaving Goyims. This link Jews enslaving blacks the video with the 6 pointed star of Satan in it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=163&v=hyTmEdWZlqA This link https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=163&v=hyTmEdWZlqA https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=163&v=hyTmEdWZlqA See very good videos of how socialist egalitarian racist supremacist Jews treat Goyim. For Jews socialism and communism means Jews enslaving and distributing Goyim slaves among Jews equally and then exterminating all Goyims .http://www.thejewishchronicle.net/pages/full_story/push?article-Sephardi+leader+Yosef-+Non-Jews+exist+to+serve+Jews%20&id=9964937http://www.jta.org/2010/10/18/news-opinion/israel-middle-east/sephardi-leader-yosef-non-Jews-exist-to-serve-jews For some proof These links below on Jewish racism were on RT, if they could show it hopefully you will allow it on this site. JEWISH FORCED STERILIZATION of blacks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZFTvvFpKUQ Video links, Racism in Israel against all Goyim / humanity not an isolated incident. They are from “SOS Racism” so again I hope you will allow it on this site for all to see. The Persecution of African Migrants in the Holy Land by Israeli government and people it’s not just a few it’s the majority of Israel and the Israeli government Israel’s New Racism: The Persecution of African Migrants in the Holy Land Make sure to watch from 2:40 onward at least of link below part 1 of 4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPxv4Aff3IA Racism vs. Africans in Israel (2/4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iIZd4O5IDo&t=639s Racism vs. Africans in Israel (3/4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hX2ub2CyoiY Racism vs. Africans in Israel (4/4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osBwvlLbBLw Jews want Africans OUT. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOGSBHqRDuw Israel: NO BLACKS ALLOWED. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPxv4Aff3IA new link Ester Vorknach: Sick & tired of racism in Israel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDES2UIHXF8 Jews selling blacks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqzDSrR4L4wEthiopians outraged over blood disposal http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3322247,00.html Ethiopian communities respond with rage at Channel 2 report that revealed blood donated by Ethiopians is frozen and disposed of. ‘There’s no difference between my blood and the blood of someone else’ says chairman of Ethiopian students union. Mada: ‘These procedures are handed down by the Health Ministry, and are accepted all over the world’ They are from “SOS Racism” some of the very few good non racist Jews left so again I hope you will allow it on this site for all to see. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/65272ba33698043a57e8677e4dfb9b290550d79a0d39a7be6eeff14a12a9f86e.jpg racist supremacist Jew kill christ again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSrhJGGDqx0

Dominic Blais

if Zionists are Jews than west borough baptists are all Christians, see how that works you neoliberal zionazi boot licker for fascist Rothschild central banks

John Brown

Nice try mossad troll. https://www.veteranstoday.com/2017/08/29/real-nazis-or-more-zionist-hoaxes/ Real Nazis, Or More Zionist Hoaxes? With the current wave of violent protests and counter protests between far-right White Supremacists/Neo Nazis and leftist groups like Antifa sweeping America, we are seeing what is clearly a provoked and manufactured series of events. We know that the Jewish-Israeli lobby in the form of AIPAC, the ADL, and SPLC are deeply involved in these events, providing funding, organising groups of violent thugs on both sides. At first glance, it would seem rather strange for Jewish organisations to be involved with White Supremacists and Nazis but the truth is that when it comes to Nazis in America, the ADL and Jews have always been deeply involved, in fact, they created, financed and ran every incarnation of a Nazi party

John Brown

Part 1 Nazis were Zionists you moron. It is Nazis and racist supremacist Jews like you who are against Russia right now attacking the Donbass. Yes you can’t handle any debates with anyone here because you totally lose as are you are proven to be a racist supremacist Jewish Russian hating Jew or Shabbos Goy overseer of the Goyim slaves getting your racist supremacist ass kicked real good. “It is essential that the sufferings of Jews become worse this will assist in realization of our plans I have an excellent idea I shall induce anti-Semites to liquidate Jewish wealth The anti-Semites will assist us thereby in that they will strengthen the persecution and oppression of Jews. The anti-Semites shall be our best friends” — Theodor Herzl In a Hebrew-language interview with Israeli writer Amos Oz, Sharon said: “Even today I volunteer to do the dirty work for Israel, to kill as many Arabs as necessary, to deport them, to expel and burn them, to have everyone hate us, to pull the rug out from underneath the feet of the Diaspora Jews, so that they will be forced to run to us crying. Even if it means blowing up a few synagogues, I don’t care. And I don’t mind if after the job is done you put me in front of a Nuremberg Trial and then jail me for life. Hang me if you want, as a war criminal… What your kind doesn’t understand is that the dirty work of Zionism is not finished yet, far from it.” The interview was published in Hebrew in the Israeli newspaper Davar on December 17th, 1982, later reprinted in a book. The Sharon quotes were attributed to “Z,” a high-level, heavy-set, 50-year-old Israeli officer “with a certain history” who was also a prosperous farmer. Israeli readers knew that “Z” was obviously Ariel Sharon, who perfectly fit the description, and whose real feelings about the subjects discussed in the interview were not exactly a state secret. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/27e7388ea36e6d3642feedb4b40447929da02492bc048a6c8bc142dba360a1fa.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/66bc5880c5f585e88898017322e3e75203324b3488212613951752aa3a462666.jpg Nazis were Zionists https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f2a5b554355fd24e752281040c2051a5922bc5d79c1e876adb35c44397beaf37.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/19a7bed9639dc479374af162d66906b6356d224e9afb5cf0c09b9fdb7db210fd.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e685028d50476ca4f72fe852046557575a2a27915bbfdbf9914fc325b474c5c0.jpg It is essential that the sufferings of Jews become worse this will assist in realization of our plans I have an excellent idea I shall induce anti-Semites to liquidate Jewish wealth The anti-Semites will assist us thereby in that they will strengthen the persecution and oppression of Jews. The anti-Semites shall be our best friends” — Theodor Herzl https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6f33ab5560ea9376614f809dc448cc5c2886843297263c705251bd91fe570eac.jpg

Real Anti-Racist Action

True, but Nazi is short for Ashkenazi-Jew. Ashke(nazi) The democratically elected National Socialist part fought against the Nazis, in defense of the indigenous Teutonic, Suebian and Pomeranian indigenous tribal peoples in their own ancestral home lands. All Nazi’s (Ashkenazi-Jews) are colonialist from the Middle East. They are blood cousins to all Arabs.

John Brown

Part 1 Nazis were Zionists and slaves of Jews you moron. It is Nazis and racist supremacist Jews like you who are against Russia right now attacking the Donbass. Yes you can’t handle any debates with anyone here because you totally lose as are you are proven to be a racist supremacist Jewish Russian hating Jew or Shabbos Goy overseer of the Goyim slaves getting your racist supremacist ass kicked real good. “It is essential that the sufferings of Jews become worse this will assist in realization of our plans I have an excellent idea I shall induce anti-Semites to liquidate Jewish wealth The anti-Semites will assist us thereby in that they will strengthen the persecution and oppression of Jews. The anti-Semites shall be our best friends” — Theodor Herzl In a Hebrew-language interview with Israeli writer Amos Oz, Sharon said: “Even today I volunteer to do the dirty work for Israel, to kill as many Arabs as necessary, to deport them, to expel and burn them, to have everyone hate us, to pull the rug out from underneath the feet of the Diaspora Jews, so that they will be forced to run to us crying. Even if it means blowing up a few synagogues, I don’t care. And I don’t mind if after the job is done you put me in front of a Nuremberg Trial and then jail me for life. Hang me if you want, as a war criminal… What your kind doesn’t understand is that the dirty work of Zionism is not finished yet, far from it.” The interview was published in Hebrew in the Israeli newspaper Davar on December 17th, 1982, later reprinted in a book. The Sharon quotes were attributed to “Z,” a high-level, heavy-set, 50-year-old Israeli officer “with a certain history” who was also a prosperous farmer. Israeli readers knew that “Z” was obviously Ariel Sharon, who perfectly fit the description, and whose real feelings about the subjects discussed in the interview were not exactly a state secret. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/27e7388ea36e6d3642feedb4b40447929da02492bc048a6c8bc142dba360a1fa.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/66bc5880c5f585e88898017322e3e75203324b3488212613951752aa3a462666.jpg Nazis were Zionists https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f2a5b554355fd24e752281040c2051a5922bc5d79c1e876adb35c44397beaf37.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/19a7bed9639dc479374af162d66906b6356d224e9afb5cf0c09b9fdb7db210fd.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e685028d50476ca4f72fe852046557575a2a27915bbfdbf9914fc325b474c5c0.jpg It is essential that the sufferings of Jews become worse this will assist in realization of our plans I have an excellent idea I shall induce anti-Semites to liquidate Jewish wealth The anti-Semites will assist us thereby in that they will strengthen the persecution and oppression of Jews. The anti-Semites shall be our best friends” — Theodor Herzl https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6f33ab5560ea9376614f809dc448cc5c2886843297263c705251bd91fe570eac.jpg

John Brown

Part 2 Racist supremacist Jews use the American, British etc. German Nazi party KKK they created, financed, armed and run, even giving them their sheets and also the American Nazi party with many of their leaders being under cover Zionist or Mossad Jewish agents. They do this to further racist supremacist Jewish interests and to discredit any legitimate resistance to their racist supremacist global Jewish slave empire. The Russians do the opposite. So yes, Racist supremacist Jews use their immense arrogance and poorly-concealed hatred by Racist supremacist Jews for their slave Goyims whom they use for cannon fodder, by recruiting some of the more pompous and least intelligent representatives of the Western slave goyim or as you can see below, most often they have to plant under cover Mossad agents, to paint an absolutely unfair and inaccurate representation of the western slave Goyim lower and middle income groups The message is “everybody all the Goyim in the lower and middle income groups in the West are full of hate etc. so this is grossly unfair, deceptive and unethical. But when Russia shows the message is “the western (racist supremacist Jewish elites) hate you” then the message is absolutely fair, truthful and ethical because it is true. These groups like Strom Front and those holding this idiotic rally in Florida either are Mossad or are controlled by Mossad and meant to discredit any resistance to the racist supremacist global Jewish confederate slave empire.

John Brown

Part 3 In the south Racist supremacist Jews needed the clan as an unofficial police force of overseers to continue their economic debt slavery, Jewish racist, racial, supremacist, domination and exploitation of Africans in the US South, using the KKK for this purpose. Real Nazis Or More Zionist Hoaxes? https://www.veteranstoday.com/2017/08/29/real-nazis-or-more-zionist-hoaxes/ Frank Collins, a modern Fuhrer, marched in Skokie, IL, which has the largest population of Holocaust survivors. In 1980, Collins was discovered to be a Jew named Frank Cohen – he was convicted of hiring underage boys and violating them – sent to a country club prison by a Jewish Judge and released after three years. The 1999 Nazi Party Run by a monster called Wolfgang Hawke– whose birth name is Andrew Brita Greenbaum. This Jewish Fuhrer was indicted for selling Penis enlargement pills on the internet. By Ian Greenhalgh on August 29, 2017 Real Nazis, Or More Zionist Hoaxes? With the current wave of violent protests and counter protests between far-right White Supremacists/Neo Nazis and leftist groups like Antifa sweeping America, we are seeing what is clearly a provoked and manufactured series of events. We know that the Jewish-Israeli lobby in the form of AIPAC, the ADL, and SPLC are deeply involved in these events, providing funding, organising groups of violent thugs on both sides. At first glance, it would seem rather strange for Jewish organisations to be involved with White Supremacists and Nazis but the truth is that when it comes to Nazis in America, the ADL and Jews have always been deeply involved, in fact, they created, financed and ran every incarnation of a Nazi party in America since 1935. ________________________________________ https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f3a741bd15395d5cee5d2467fcfb89fe162f790ebe7cf5c69a32a5548bcc4b92.jpg https://www.veteranstoday.com/2017/08/29/real-nazis-or-more-zionist-hoaxes/ https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/df280f439fcba2bc1bf901dc58b4daf80c7d1db92cb0e9b5cdcf7eeb5b99f981.jpg

John Brown

Part 4 American Nazi Party The German-American Bund was a pro-Nazi political movement that started in 1935. Under the leadership of its “Führer,” a notorious anti-Semite named Fritz Kuhn, the Bund at its height claimed about 15,000 members.

A 1939 rally in New York City’s Madison Square Garden attracted an audience of 20,000 (which oddly were mostly Jewish). The Bund’s fortunes experienced a downturn in 1939, when Kuhn was sent to prison for embezzling funds. It turned out that the ADL was financing the whole thing. ________________________________________ George Lincoln Rockwell

Rockwell ran the American Nazi Party from 1959-1969 with six part time troopers and 300 followers. The father was a Vaudeville performer and earned $3,500 a week in 1925. George grew up surrounded by Jewish entertainers such as Fred Allen (Fischel Lebowitz), Rudy Vallee, Benny Goodman, Groucho Marx and Walter Winchell (Jewish Vaudeville dancer). He went to Hebron Academy, Brown University, and New York Art College (all hotbeds of Judaism). The Commander’s Army Rockwell got enormous publicity. Oddly, the Jewish media lavished him with massive publicity, which was totally odd for a mere “Army” of six people. Even Hugh (Heim?) AKA Hefner put him in Playboy. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f3a741bd15395d5cee5d2467fcfb89fe162f790ebe7cf5c69a32a5548bcc4b92.jpg https://www.veteranstoday.com/2017/08/29/real-nazis-or-more-zionist-hoaxes/ https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/df280f439fcba2bc1bf901dc58b4daf80c7d1db92cb0e9b5cdcf7eeb5b99f981.jpg

John Brown

Part 5 Rockwell’s legend was 100 times bigger than his persona.

Rockwell was fatally shot by John Patler, a disgruntled Jewish ex-party member who he accused of trying to insert Marxist propaganda into the newsletter of The Stormtrooper, which was the party newspaper.

27 Nov 1967, Arlington, Virginia, USA — John Patler, accused slayer of American Nazi Party leader George Lincoln Rockwell, in courtroom on opening day of his trial in Arlington County Circuit Court. ________________________________________ The 1978 Version Of The American Nazi Party

22 Jun 1978, Chicago, Illinois, USA — Original caption: Nazi leader Frank Collin makes announcement at a news conference 6/22 that he is calling off his band’s march in the heavily Jewish suburb of Skokie Sunday. Collin said they had no need to march in Skokie because the Nazis have achieved their first amendment free speech rights by being allowed to demonstrate in Chicago’s Marquette Park. Frank Collins, a modern Fuhrer, marched in Skokie, IL, which has the largest population of Holocaust survivors. In 1980, Collins was discovered to be a Jew named Frank Cohen – he was convicted of hiring underage boys and violating them – sent to a country club prison by a Jewish Judge and released after three years. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e68459f7eb8ce2aa0f2c2cab00151f404b0bfd6085143f16d76c53fad796cfe0.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1555b8cf0039a2bc74caa9829e917396292f92acd47f734c306c4e52138fb0d4.jpg

John Brown

Part 6

Portrait of Nazi Party leader Frank Collin and a 10-year old disciple in full Nazi uniforms in front of a Swastika flag in the Chicago headquarters of the National Socialist Party of America. While president of the NSPA, Frank Collin was arrested by Michigan police while having sex with a pair of 10-year-old boys. It later was revealed that Collin was actually Jewish and was born with the name Francis Joseph Cohen. 1984 — Frank Cohen gets out of prison and moves to Wisconsin. Now, Frank Collins goes by the name of Frank Joseph and publishes an Internationally-known magazine, The Ancient American.

John Brown

Part 7 With his newfound wealth he travels to South America where he happens to allegedly enjoy some young boys. ________________________________________ The 1999 Nazi Party The 1999 Nazi PartyRun by a monster called Wolfgang Hawke– whose birth name is Andrew Brita Greenbaum. This Fuhrer was indicted for selling Penis enlargement pills on the internet.

________________________________________ Ben Klassen 1973 – Church Of The Creator Ben Klassen was born in 1918 in the Ukraine, to a wonderful Jewish family. When he was six, he and his family fled the Ukraine to try to start life anew in Saskatchewan, Canada. He was 22 when World War Two started, and as with most Jewish men, he sat the war out in college. He later joins the John Birch Society — which is now known as a “smokescreen for the Jews”. Next, he moves to Florida and participates in George Wallace’s 1968 presidential campaign. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e68459f7eb8ce2aa0f2c2cab00151f404b0bfd6085143f16d76c53fad796cfe0.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1555b8cf0039a2bc74caa9829e917396292f92acd47f734c306c4e52138fb0d4.jpg

John Brown

Part 8 In 1973, Klassen formed the COTC with the publication of a 511-page tome entitled “Nature’s Eternal Religion”.

Klassen runs his church for 20 years without any trouble from the ADL and such. In 1992, he decides to sell his North Carolina headquarters compound to William Pierce, head of the neo-Nazi National Alliance. Klassen turns the church over to a Mr. Wilson, who fires him and replaces him with a Richard McCarty, a telemarketer. In 1993, Klassen commits suicide by an overdose of sleeping pills. ________________________________________ Enter Matt Hale

The WCOTC meanders, then miraculously, an avid white supremacist named Matthew Hale shows up. Hale had been an avowed racist since the age of 12, when he became fascinated with Adolf Hitler and National Socialism after reading the “The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich” and, later, Hitler’s Mein Kampf. Like the KKK and Aryan Nations, the WCOTC considers the purging of Jews from the ZOG (Zionist Occupied Government) of the United States a top priority. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/71e360beaa708c125b173198fb971b8f449e9121797c93b65e875feccd343fd9.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/df21029131bd4ebad366f5bbf1614b6663eb12ebf557f3f7f2a5519bd553b585.jpg

John Brown

Part 9 Hale brutally beat a Jewess named Paula Erlichman. ” When he was beating my head against the cement, you cannot imagine his eyes, the hate in his eyes,” she says. ” I thought, ‘This man hates me and he doesn’t even know me.’” She says she saw the same look when Hale was on Dateline. ” Charges were never filed against Matt Hale. Oddly, the press seems to cover his every move. In 1998, Hale earned a law degree from Southern Illinois University and later passed the Illinois bar exam, but is denied a license to practice. Dershowitz is Hale’s Lawyer

Alan Dershowitz Alan Dershowitz, who is Jewish, agreed to help despite Hale’s anti-Semitic preachings. “Although I find his views utterly reprehensible and despicable, I don’t believe anybody should be denied admission to the bar on the basis of their views,” Dershowitz told the Associated Press. In 2000, Hale Goes To North Western University Matt Hale, leader of the white supremacist World Church of the Creator, announced he would meet on campus with Northwestern student supporters to discuss establishing his group as a campus religious organization. Abraham Bienen -Pres. says ” Hale is a monster and I should know because I am a Holocaust survivor. In 2002, Hale Gets Arrested Tony Evola, Hale’s subordinate, sets him up in a FBI sting – he is charged and he becomes a martyr. In 2004, he is convicted of solicitation of murder and gets 40 years. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b5a0cb85f98233ac28f101927f6209ba77649328ed4dd1e543a75b53c644d9d1.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6dc6c311d0d65f270f6ccc1ff6ef186905ef7e21b17bb059f3297bd031d3e148.jpg

John Brown

Part 10 Leader of Kkk and American Nazi Party Revealed to Be a Jew DOWNLOAD PDF FOR THIS DATE November 1, 1965 https://www.jta.org/1965/11/01/archive/leader-of-k-k-k-and-american-nazi-party-revealed-to-be-a-jew NEW YORK (Oct. 31) A 28-year-old New York man who is Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan in charge of New York State, former national secretary of the American Nazi Party, and at one time or another a member of at least four Fascist groups advocating extreme racism against Jews and Negroes, was revealed by the New York Times today to be a Jew himself. The man is Daniel Burros, among whose other activities is that of publisher of a paper called “The Free American,” which calls itself “the battle organ of racial Fascism.” The paper has referred to Hitler as the “sacred leader,” asserting that “the work begun by the Master will continue to a victorious conclusion.” The New York Times disclosed that Burros’ parents, George Burros, now 71, and the former Esther Sunshine, now 62, were married by a cantor in The Bronx in 1936. The boy, Daniel, was a “star pupil” at the Congregation Talmud Torah, in the borough of Queens, where he became bar mitzvah in the congregation’s synagogue. After study at the John Adams High School, where he was an honor pupil with a high I.Q, he served two years in the army as a paratrooper. He had tried to enroll in the U.S. Military Academy at West Point but was not admitted. Among the Fascist groups to which Daniel Burros has belonged at one time or another, in addition to the KKK and the American Nazi Party, have been, the Times reported, the National Renaissance Party and the British National Party. The newspaper stated that he carries now a card identifying him as a “special agent of the Invisible Empire” of the Klan. He was reported to have been arrested and convicted four times for extremist activities in Washington and in New York. The Times quoted Burros as saying to a reporter who questioned Burros about his Jewish background, as saying: “If you publish this, I’ll come and get you, and I’ll kill you. I don’t care what happens, I’ll be ruined. This is all I’ve got to live for

John Brown

Part 11 https://www.timesofisrael.com/jewish-leaders-mock-hungarian-far-right-politician-who-reveals-jewish-origins/ Jewish leaders mock Hungarian far-right politician who reveals Jewish origins JTA — A leader of Hungary’s anti-Semitic Jobbik party confessed to having Jewish origins, but Jewish leaders reacted to his statement dismissively. “I learned not long ago that I had parents of Jewish origins,” Csanad Szegedi, a member of the European parliament and regional leader of Jobbik, said in an interview with the daily Barikad. Members of Jobbik have used anti-Semitic rhetoric repeatedly in the past. “Knowing who is a pure-race Hungarian is not what counts. The important thing is the way one behaves as a Hungarian,” he is quoted as saying. Jozsef Horvath, former head of Maccabi Hungary and president of Budapest’s Beit Shalom synagogue, called Szegedi’s remarks “interesting.”

John Brown

Part 12 https://www.haaretz.com/the-jewish-side-of-the-family-1.191738 The Jewish Side of the Family On his 60th birthday, the Russian nationalist Vladimir Zhirinovsky set out in search of his roots and discovered that he, of all people, is the son of a Jewish father who is buried in Israel. It looks like an everyday scene in a cemetery. A man who is no longer young stands, mute and weeping, at his father’s grave. This particular scene, however, was fraught with historic irony. The son is Vladimir Zhirinovsky, the deputy speaker of the Russian State Duma (the lower house of the Russian parliament) and the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party, the third largest in the country. Zhirinovsky, an anti-Semitic nationalist, who has expressed esteem for Hitler, proposed that Russia offer asylum to Yasser Arafat and supported Saddam Hussein, found his father’s grave in the Holon cemetery, outside Tel Aviv. Zhirinovskys quest for his roots- in the past he had denied that he had Jewish origins- ended, of all places in the world, in Israel. “For 60 years I have been looking for my father,” he said on Sunday of this week, as we stood in Row 18, Bloc 27, Area 6 of the cemetery. It was midday and the sun was brutal. Zhirinovsky pulls a handkerchief from his pocket and wipes away the beads of perspiration on his forehead. He is wearing a cap, though this one is cream colored and not the black that has become his trademark. “Sixty years I looked for him all over the world- and now I have found him.”

His eyes are wet with tears, and not for the last time. Is he genuinely moved? It’s hard to know. He is a superb actor. “The best entertainer among the politicians,” the daily Pravda called him a few years ago. But as far as one can tell from his expression and his body language, this time he is truly moved. He has just placed a floral wreath and a memorial candle on the grave. From his pocket he takes out a blue matchbox, on which is inscribed the name of the hotel he is staying at. He lights one match and

John Brown

The goal of the Nazi’s was never the extermination of the Jews, but was to facilitate Jewish immigration to Palestine. European Jews were protesting the Zionist plans for a Jewish state in Palestine. They didn’t want to leave Europe. That is until the Nazi’s came to power and chased them over there. That’s also why some Western nations refused to take Jewish refugees, because they were supposed to flee to Palestine. Hitler’s collaboration with the Zionists is well documented and at least 150,000 Jews fought FOR the Nazi’s. You can’t have a Jewish state and the coming of the Jewish anti-Christ without Jews and since they wouldn’t move willingly, they had to be forced. Theodor Herzl mentioned the need to carry out this plan on pg 16 of his diaries, if I’m not mistaken. Since the inception of the apartheid state, Jewish leaders have resorted to the same tactics of persecuting their own people in foreign lands, hoping they will flee to Israel for refuge. Ariel Sharon vowed to “pull the rug out from under the diaspora so they will run to Israel crying. Even if it means I must blow up a few synagogues, I don’t care.” So called “anti-semitism” has alaways been a Zionist tool, to insure new influx of Jewish citizens to the Marxist-apartheid state of imposter ashkeNAZI Israel. They are evil personified https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1c9e2a2cd65a76d36dc5b43743de433a51d02a28dddf5b762b97480589accfa7.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1a56c19054b2af8f6a752d0234b90b0d6d95585644afbb994dfdd5fa8dd9a05f.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3e11a5550681c285238f67a00a8a3731d95f23297cf61d52fcbce8dc566877d0.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7120849308ae2298be81cbef4e25b90007dc3fdf5690a39286c4afa50e07f777.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f55865fb69c1ef63394088d6108d0229b9671a10180006effaf42b9e90b875de.jpg

John Brown

Only a Christian European army can defeat racist supremacist Jews and their lord Satan. If Germany had of behaved like Christians instead of slaves of racist supremacist satanic Jews in WW2 and given their Christian brothers (in Poland, Russia etc) freedom from Jewish slavery treated them as equals and asked them to be allies against racist supremacist satanic Jews, Germany and humanity would have won the war. Instead Hitler just started where Yagoda the murder of 66 million European Christians etc. left off and killed as many white Christians as he could over 30 million for his racist supremacist Jewish masters

John Brown

Part 2 Racist supremacist Jews use the American, British etc. German Nazi party KKK they created, financed, armed and run, even giving them their sheets and also the American Nazi party with many of their leaders being under cover Zionist or Mossad Jewish agents. They do this to further racist supremacist Jewish interests and to discredit any legitimate resistance to their racist supremacist global Jewish slave empire. The Russians do the opposite. So yes, Racist supremacist Jews use their immense arrogance and poorly-concealed hatred by Racist supremacist Jews for their slave Goyims whom they use for cannon fodder, by recruiting some of the more pompous and least intelligent representatives of the Western slave goyim or as you can see below, most often they have to plant under cover Mossad agents, to paint an absolutely unfair and inaccurate representation of the western slave Goyim lower and middle income groups The message is “everybody all the Goyim in the lower and middle income groups in the West are full of hate etc. so this is grossly unfair, deceptive and unethical. But when Russia shows the message is “the western (racist supremacist Jewish elites) hate you” then the message is absolutely fair, truthful and ethical because it is true. These groups like Strom Front and those holding this idiotic rally in Florida either are Mossad or are controlled by Mossad and meant to discredit any resistance to the racist supremacist global Jewish confederate slave empire.

John Brown

Part 3 In the south Racist supremacist Jews needed the clan as an unofficial police force of overseers to continue their economic debt slavery, Jewish racist, racial, supremacist, domination and exploitation of Africans in the US South, using the KKK for this purpose. Real Nazis Or More Zionist Hoaxes? https://www.veteranstoday.com/2017/08/29/real-nazis-or-more-zionist-hoaxes/ Frank Collins, a modern Fuhrer, marched in Skokie, IL, which has the largest population of Holocaust survivors. In 1980, Collins was discovered to be a Jew named Frank Cohen – he was convicted of hiring underage boys and violating them – sent to a country club prison by a Jewish Judge and released after three years. The 1999 Nazi Party Run by a monster called Wolfgang Hawke– whose birth name is Andrew Brita Greenbaum. This Jewish Fuhrer was indicted for selling Penis enlargement pills on the internet. By Ian Greenhalgh on August 29, 2017 Real Nazis, Or More Zionist Hoaxes? With the current wave of violent protests and counter protests between far-right White Supremacists/Neo Nazis and leftist groups like Antifa sweeping America, we are seeing what is clearly a provoked and manufactured series of events. We know that the Jewish-Israeli lobby in the form of AIPAC, the ADL, and SPLC are deeply involved in these events, providing funding, organising groups of violent thugs on both sides. At first glance, it would seem rather strange for Jewish organisations to be involved with White Supremacists and Nazis but the truth is that when it comes to Nazis in America, the ADL and Jews have always been deeply involved, in fact, they created, financed and ran every incarnation of a Nazi party in America since 1935. ________________________________________ https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f3a741bd15395d5cee5d2467fcfb89fe162f790ebe7cf5c69a32a5548bcc4b92.jpg https://www.veteranstoday.com/2017/08/29/real-nazis-or-more-zionist-hoaxes/ https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/df280f439fcba2bc1bf901dc58b4daf80c7d1db92cb0e9b5cdcf7eeb5b99f981.jpg________________________________________

John Brown

Part 4 American Nazi Party The German-American Bund was a pro-Nazi political movement that started in 1935. Under the leadership of its “Führer,” a notorious anti-Semite named Fritz Kuhn, the Bund at its height claimed about 15,000 members.

A 1939 rally in New York City’s Madison Square Garden attracted an audience of 20,000 (which oddly were mostly Jewish). The Bund’s fortunes experienced a downturn in 1939, when Kuhn was sent to prison for embezzling funds. It turned out that the ADL was financing the whole thing. ________________________________________ George Lincoln Rockwell

Rockwell ran the American Nazi Party from 1959-1969 with six part time troopers and 300 followers. The father was a Vaudeville performer and earned $3,500 a week in 1925. George grew up surrounded by Jewish entertainers such as Fred Allen (Fischel Lebowitz), Rudy Vallee, Benny Goodman, Groucho Marx and Walter Winchell (Jewish Vaudeville dancer). He went to Hebron Academy, Brown University, and New York Art College (all hotbeds of Judaism). The Commander’s Army Rockwell got enormous publicity. Oddly, the Jewish media lavished him with massive publicity, which was totally odd for a mere “Army” of six people. Even Hugh (Heim?) AKA Hefner put him in Playboy. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f3a741bd15395d5cee5d2467fcfb89fe162f790ebe7cf5c69a32a5548bcc4b92.jpg https://www.veteranstoday.com/2017/08/29/real-nazis-or-more-zionist-hoaxes/ https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/df280f439fcba2bc1bf901dc58b4daf80c7d1db92cb0e9b5cdcf7eeb5b99f981.jpg

John Brown

Part 5 Rockwell’s legend was 100 times bigger than his persona.

Rockwell was fatally shot by John Patler, a disgruntled Jewish ex-party member who he accused of trying to insert Marxist propaganda into the newsletter of The Stormtrooper, which was the party newspaper.

27 Nov 1967, Arlington, Virginia, USA — John Patler, accused slayer of American Nazi Party leader George Lincoln Rockwell, in courtroom on opening day of his trial in Arlington County Circuit Court. ________________________________________ The 1978 Version Of The American Nazi Party

22 Jun 1978, Chicago, Illinois, USA — Original caption: Nazi leader Frank Collin makes announcement at a news conference 6/22 that he is calling off his band’s march in the heavily Jewish suburb of Skokie Sunday. Collin said they had no need to march in Skokie because the Nazis have achieved their first amendment free speech rights by being allowed to demonstrate in Chicago’s Marquette Park. Frank Collins, a modern Fuhrer, marched in Skokie, IL, which has the largest population of Holocaust survivors. In 1980, Collins was discovered to be a Jew named Frank Cohen – he was convicted of hiring underage boys and violating them – sent to a country club prison by a Jewish Judge and released after three years. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e68459f7eb8ce2aa0f2c2cab00151f404b0bfd6085143f16d76c53fad796cfe0.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1555b8cf0039a2bc74caa9829e917396292f92acd47f734c306c4e52138fb0d4.jpg

John Brown

Part 6 Portrait of Nazi Party leader Frank Collin and a 10-year old disciple in full Nazi uniforms in front of a Swastika flag in the Chicago headquarters of the National Socialist Party of America. While president of the NSPA, Frank Collin was arrested by Michigan police while having sex with a pair of 10-year-old boys. It later was revealed that Collin was actually Jewish and was born with the name Francis Joseph Cohen. 1984 — Frank Cohen gets out of prison and moves to Wisconsin. Now, Frank Collins goes by the name of Frank Joseph and publishes an Internationally-known magazine, The Ancient American.

John Brown

Part 7 With his newfound wealth he travels to South America where he happens to allegedly enjoy some young boys. ________________________________________ The 1999 Nazi Party The 1999 Nazi PartyRun by a monster called Wolfgang Hawke– whose birth name is Andrew Brita Greenbaum. This Fuhrer was indicted for selling Penis enlargement pills on the internet.

________________________________________ Ben Klassen 1973 – Church Of The Creator Ben Klassen was born in 1918 in the Ukraine, to a wonderful Jewish family. When he was six, he and his family fled the Ukraine to try to start life anew in Saskatchewan, Canada. He was 22 when World War Two started, and as with most Jewish men, he sat the war out in college. He later joins the John Birch Society — which is now known as a “smokescreen for the Jews”. Next, he moves to Florida and participates in George Wallace’s 1968 presidential campaign. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e68459f7eb8ce2aa0f2c2cab00151f404b0bfd6085143f16d76c53fad796cfe0.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1555b8cf0039a2bc74caa9829e917396292f92acd47f734c306c4e52138fb0d4.jpg

John Brown

Part 8 In 1973, Klassen formed the COTC with the publication of a 511-page tome entitled “Nature’s Eternal Religion”.

Klassen runs his church for 20 years without any trouble from the ADL and such. In 1992, he decides to sell his North Carolina headquarters compound to William Pierce, head of the neo-Nazi National Alliance. Klassen turns the church over to a Mr. Wilson, who fires him and replaces him with a Richard McCarty, a telemarketer. In 1993, Klassen commits suicide by an overdose of sleeping pills. ________________________________________ Enter Matt Hale

The WCOTC meanders, then miraculously, an avid white supremacist named Matthew Hale shows up. Hale had been an avowed racist since the age of 12, when he became fascinated with Adolf Hitler and National Socialism after reading the “The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich” and, later, Hitler’s Mein Kampf. Like the KKK and Aryan Nations, the WCOTC considers the purging of Jews from the ZOG (Zionist Occupied Government) of the United States a top priority. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/71e360beaa708c125b173198fb971b8f449e9121797c93b65e875feccd343fd9.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/df21029131bd4ebad366f5bbf1614b6663eb12ebf557f3f7f2a5519bd553b585.jpg

John Brown

Part 9 Hale brutally beat a Jewess named Paula Erlichman. ” When he was beating my head against the cement, you cannot imagine his eyes, the hate in his eyes,” she says. ” I thought, ‘This man hates me and he doesn’t even know me.’” She says she saw the same look when Hale was on Dateline. ” Charges were never filed against Matt Hale. Oddly, the press seems to cover his every move. In 1998, Hale earned a law degree from Southern Illinois University and later passed the Illinois bar exam, but is denied a license to practice. Dershowitz is Hale’s Lawyer

Alan Dershowitz Alan Dershowitz, who is Jewish, agreed to help despite Hale’s anti-Semitic preachings. “Although I find his views utterly reprehensible and despicable, I don’t believe anybody should be denied admission to the bar on the basis of their views,” Dershowitz told the Associated Press. In 2000, Hale Goes To North Western University Matt Hale, leader of the white supremacist World Church of the Creator, announced he would meet on campus with Northwestern student supporters to discuss establishing his group as a campus religious organization. Abraham Bienen -Pres. says ” Hale is a monster and I should know because I am a Holocaust survivor. In 2002, Hale Gets Arrested Tony Evola, Hale’s subordinate, sets him up in a FBI sting – he is charged and he becomes a martyr. In 2004, he is convicted of solicitation of murder and gets 40 years. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b5a0cb85f98233ac28f101927f6209ba77649328ed4dd1e543a75b53c644d9d1.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6dc6c311d0d65f270f6ccc1ff6ef186905ef7e21b17bb059f3297bd031d3e148.jpg

John Brown

Part 10 Leader of Kkk and American Nazi Party Revealed to Be a Jew DOWNLOAD PDF FOR THIS DATE November 1, 1965 https://www.jta.org/1965/11/01/archive/leader-of-k-k-k-and-american-nazi-party-revealed-to-be-a-jew NEW YORK (Oct. 31) A 28-year-old New York man who is Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan in charge of New York State, former national secretary of the American Nazi Party, and at one time or another a member of at least four Fascist groups advocating extreme racism against Jews and Negroes, was revealed by the New York Times today to be a Jew himself. The man is Daniel Burros, among whose other activities is that of publisher of a paper called “The Free American,” which calls itself “the battle organ of racial Fascism.” The paper has referred to Hitler as the “sacred leader,” asserting that “the work begun by the Master will continue to a victorious conclusion.” The New York Times disclosed that Burros’ parents, George Burros, now 71, and the former Esther Sunshine, now 62, were married by a cantor in The Bronx in 1936. The boy, Daniel, was a “star pupil” at the Congregation Talmud Torah, in the borough of Queens, where he became bar mitzvah in the congregation’s synagogue. After study at the John Adams High School, where he was an honor pupil with a high I.Q, he served two years in the army as a paratrooper. He had tried to enroll in the U.S. Military Academy at West Point but was not admitted. Among the Fascist groups to which Daniel Burros has belonged at one time or another, in addition to the KKK and the American Nazi Party, have been, the Times reported, the National Renaissance Party and the British National Party. The newspaper stated that he carries now a card identifying him as a “special agent of the Invisible Empire” of the Klan. He was reported to have been arrested and convicted four times for extremist activities in Washington and in New York. The Times quoted Burros as saying to a reporter who questioned Burros about his Jewish background, as saying: “If you publish this, I’ll come and get you, and I’ll kill you. I don’t care what happens, I’ll be ruined. This is all I’ve got to live for.”

John Brown

Part 11 https://www.timesofisrael.com/jewish-leaders-mock-hungarian-far-right-politician-who-reveals-jewish-origins/ Jewish leaders mock Hungarian far-right politician who reveals Jewish origins JTA — A leader of Hungary’s anti-Semitic Jobbik party confessed to having Jewish origins, but Jewish leaders reacted to his statement dismissively. “I learned not long ago that I had parents of Jewish origins,” Csanad Szegedi, a member of the European parliament and regional leader of Jobbik, said in an interview with the daily Barikad. Members of Jobbik have used anti-Semitic rhetoric repeatedly in the past. “Knowing who is a pure-race Hungarian is not what counts. The important thing is the way one behaves as a Hungarian,” he is quoted as saying. Jozsef Horvath, former head of Maccabi Hungary and president of Budapest’s Beit Shalom synagogue, called Szegedi’s remarks “interesting.”

John Brown

Part 12 “I will ask Holocaust survivors in my family if anyone inquired whether they behaved like Hungarians before they were rounded up to be sent to their deaths,” he told JTA. Horvath added that many Hungarian Holocaust survivors who stayed in Hungary hid their Jewish identity. “They wanted to put it all behind them, and being Jewish was not a good idea under communism,” he said. Another Jobbik deputy recently made headlines after he asked a laboratory to test that he did not have Roma or Jewish genes. A spokesperson for the Federation of Jewish Communities in Hungary said the umbrella group had no reaction to Szegedi’s interview. Dr. Richard Prasquier, the president of CRIF, the umbrella group of France’s Jewish community, reacted with dismissive irony to the news. “We can but offer our sympathies in light of the terrible discovery,” Prasquier said. “In different circumstances, the appropriate solution would be hara-kiri [the Japanese suicidal form of disembowlment]. Having not chosen this option, the unfortunate Szegedi is forced to embark on philosophical pursuits superior to his intellectual capacity.”

John Brown

Part 13 https://www.haaretz.com/the-jewish-side-of-the-family-1.191738 The Jewish Side of the Family On his 60th birthday, the Russian nationalist Vladimir Zhirinovsky set out in search of his roots and discovered that he, of all people, is the son of a Jewish father who is buried in Israel. It looks like an everyday scene in a cemetery. A man who is no longer young stands, mute and weeping, at his father’s grave. This particular scene, however, was fraught with historic irony. The son is Vladimir Zhirinovsky, the deputy speaker of the Russian State Duma (the lower house of the Russian parliament) and the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party, the third largest in the country. Zhirinovsky, an anti-Semitic nationalist, who has expressed esteem for Hitler, proposed that Russia offer asylum to Yasser Arafat and supported Saddam Hussein, found his father’s grave in the Holon cemetery, outside Tel Aviv. Zhirinovskys quest for his roots- in the past he had denied that he had Jewish origins- ended, of all places in the world, in Israel. “For 60 years I have been looking for my father,” he said on Sunday of this week, as we stood in Row 18, Bloc 27, Area 6 of the cemetery. It was midday and the sun was brutal. Zhirinovsky pulls a handkerchief from his pocket and wipes away the beads of perspiration on his forehead. He is wearing a cap, though this one is cream colored and not the black that has become his trademark. “Sixty years I looked for him all over the world- and now I have found him.”

His eyes are wet with tears, and not for the last time. Is he genuinely moved? It’s hard to know. He is a superb actor. “The best entertainer among the politicians,” the daily Pravda called him a few years ago. But as far as one can tell from his expression and his body language, this time he is truly moved. He has just placed a floral wreath and a memorial candle on the grave. From his pocket he takes out a blue matchbox, on which is inscribed the name of the hotel he is staying at. He lights one match and

John Brown

part 14 Well I think the Nazi, Jewish, KKK etc. link has been well proven. How many more leaders do I need to show to prove it? Nazi scum are at best idiot stooges Shabbos Goiym of Jewish slave masters doing the dirty work of racist supremacist Jews and at worst just racist racists supremacist Jews, but does it real matter if they are just racist Jews or just Shabbos Goiym / overseers, what matters is they are all working for racist Jews to maintain the racist supremacist global Jewish slave empire. Show me something I have copied word for word and posted here that is not true. I have many more examples I can show. See the links below. Real Nazis Or More Zionist Hoaxes? By Ian Greenhalgh on August 29, The goal of the Nazi’s was never the extermination of the Jews, their orders from their Rothchlid masters was to facilitate Jewish immigration to Palestine. European Jews were protesting the Zionist plans for a Jewish state in Palestine. They didn’t want to leave Europe. That is until the Nazi’s came to power and chased them over there. That’s also why some Western nations refused to take Jewish refugees, because they were supposed to flee to Palestine. Hitler’s collaboration with the Zionists is well documented and at least 150,000 Jews fought FOR the Nazi’s. You can’t have a Jewish state and the coming of the Jewish anti-Christ without Jews and since they wouldn’t move willingly, they had to be forced. Theodor Herzl mentioned the need to carry out this plan on pg 16 of his diaries, if I’m not mistaken. Since the inception of the apartheid state, Jewish leaders have resorted to the same tactics of persecuting their own people in foreign lands, hoping they will flee to Israel for refuge. Ariel Sharon vowed to “pull the rug out from under the diaspora so they will run to Israel crying. Even if it means I must blow up a few synagogues, I don’t care.” So called “anti-semitism” has alaways been a Zionist tool, to insure new influx of Jewish citizens to the Marxist-apartheid state of imposter ashkeNAZI Israel. They are evil personified. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1c9e2a2cd65a76d36dc5b43743de433a51d02a28dddf5b762b97480589accfa7.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1a56c19054b2af8f6a752d0234b90b0d6d95585644afbb994dfdd5fa8dd9a05f.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3e11a5550681c285238f67a00a8a3731d95f23297cf61d52fcbce8dc566877d0.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7120849308ae2298be81cbef4e25b90007dc3fdf5690a39286c4afa50e07f777.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f55865fb69c1ef63394088d6108d0229b9671a10180006effaf42b9e90b875de.jpg

Real Anti-Racist Action

The difference is that Jews are the inventors of Zionism. But Jesus is not the inventor of west borough b. So those are opposite analogies.

Dominic Blais

Hitler was a Rothschild Zionist who killed more socialists than jews


A lot of Jews are socialists. Jews have political views just like everybody else. As an example Bernie Sanders is Jewish and a socialist. Bibi Netanyahu is Jewish and a Zionist(fascist/Nazi).


Bernie Saunders, might call himself a socialist in the same way as the US Military call themselves peace makers. However, we know the US Military is but the tool of Wall street profiteers as revealed by US Marine General, Smedley Butler, in his famous book “War is a Racket”. Saunders is a lying Zionist Lout and aint No Socialist. The only elected person in the US who could claim to be a Socialist is Kshama Sawant in Seattle. Eugene Debs was the leader of the Socialist Party and ran for President twice, gaining over a million on his first outing which would be equivalent to about 4 million today.


OK, Bernie was a bad example, how about Marx, he was a socialist. Jonas Salk, invented polio vaccine, and gave it away for free, that’s pretty socialist. I also agree that what most Americans would call a socialist would be considered right wing in a lot of countries. But my point was and is, you can’t label all Jews Zionists, because many are not Zionists.


Don’t think Marx is a good example either, as Marx’s father renounced Judaism and joined the the Prussian Reformed Church. The Marx family household were essentially secular even if Marx attended Christian schools during his formative years. Anyone else you think might fit? Lol

Real Anti-Racist Action

Herschel Levy (whom you keep referring to as Marx’s father) become a crypto-Jew in 1818 after the government rejected his appeal to practice law. He simply did the emotions quickly to gain legal access. It is an all to common trick. He never renounced Judaism. And his entire family continued to practice. It was simply a matter of a name change in the eyes of the Lutheran government.

“Herschel Levy, to Marx Levy Mordechai (1743–1804) and Eva Lwow (1753–1823). Heinrich Marx’s father was the rabbi of Trier, a role which his older brother would later assume.[1]

Heinrich Marx qualified as a lawyer in 1814, but upon Napoleon’s 1815 defeat at Waterloo, the Rhineland came into the conservative control of the Kingdom of Prussia, from its more detached French administration.[1] An 1812 edict, unenforced by the French, asserted that Jews could not occupy legal positions or state offices, and Prussian enforcement of the law led to trouble for Heinrich Marx.[1]

Marx’s colleagues, including the President of the Provincial Supreme court, defended him and sought an exception for him.[1] The Prussian Minister of Justice rejected their appeals. In 1817 or 1818, he changed his name to Heinrich Marx and converted to the Evangelical Church (Lutheran) [1] to be allowed to practice law in Prussia”


Was NOT speaking to you Rara, you interjected yourself into a conservation between Sinbad2 and myself. But since you’re here you need to scratch a little deeper. Marx(Prussian type Gymnasium prior to that private tuition and afterwards Bonn and Berlin Universities ) analysed Capitalism and demonstrated conclusively that Capitalists exploit people thro’ the laws which they have enacted by the state. Which in turn bolsters the capitalist position within the state at the expense of the ordinary citizens of the state. The overwhelming % of the Capitalist Class are JEWs and have been from the get-go. Socialism has through-out the ages been the philosophy of ordinary people in revolt against Monarchs and Capitalists, Tyler and Ball in England, Tauler and Brant in Germany and there is a lot more to the “Cathar Heretics” than meets the eye. Jews run and control capitalism and aways have. They played a significant role in undermining socialism in the USSR. Of course today, they do not have to do all the donkey work themselves they pay off ‘schmucks’ to put a bit of distance between and to cut down on direct traceability…

Real Anti-Racist Action

Bernie has been careful to never once call himself a socialist. It is the socialist part of his camp of followers that apply that label to Bernie Sanders. Bernie Sanders Drives $168,000 Audi R8 Sport Car. https://pics.me.me/yep-thats-bernie-sanders-driving-a-supercar-bought-with-donor-28693544.png

Maria Darvell

You really are badly educated aren’t you – go back to a good school.


Nazi, Zionist is the same thing.


Hope they buy gold with it. Convert the lot!


Everybody should buy gold, gold is the ultimate weapon against the USA, buy as much as you can afford, gold is today’s war bond.Silver also works, there are rumours that JP Morgan is sitting on a massive stash of silver for when the US dollar collapses.

David Bedford

I would assume soon the BRICS countries will start converting US Treasuries for gold?


With interest rates going up, those bond values – tied to older lower rates- are going down. No one wants to keep older American bonds unless they are close to maturity date.

U.S. currency is prized because most debts are denominated in US dollars. If you have the biggest lending banks, you control the world economy.


That the bonds were sold means someone else bought them.


To keep up the Fairy Tale… you can’t just let the Emperor without Clothes Die like that… it doesn’t fit the Hollywood Movie-Script with a Happy End…


Yes the Fed bought them, the Fed prints money for the USA, then lends it to the USA.


Sooner or later the world will wake up to the fact that the US is printing money, and lending it to itself.

Hansi Hintern

Two more interesting questions would have been:

Is the Russian Central Bank still part of the Rothschild system? Until at least 2016/17 the Russian Central Bank had to underlay every Rubel they printed with a certain amount of dollars (cash, bank money, treasuries, etc), that was part of a 99-year treaty. That system posed a serious handicap to Russian souvereignty. A lot of entrepreneurs have always been asking for more business loans (by the state / state banks), which seemed hard to get. Maybe the Russians are gradually leaving the Rothschild system.

What did they get for their dollars? Gold (preferably), Euros, Yuan? That would have been another important piece of information.

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