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MARCH 2025

Russia Sends Data To UN Proving Kiev Attacked Detention Center

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Russia Sends Data To UN Proving Kiev Attacked Detention Center

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It remains to be seen whether the UN will implement appropriate measures against Kiev.

Written by Lucas Leiroz, researcher in Social Science sat the Rural Federal University of Rio Janeiro; geopolitical consultant.

The Russian government is sending data to the UN proving that it was not involved in the attack on the Elenovka detention center, in the Donetsk People’s Republic. Moscow alleges that it was the Ukrainian forces themselves that operated the attack in order to prevent confidential information from being revealed by the prisoners during the court hearings. It remains to be seen whether the case will be investigated by UN observers.

Russian Deputy UN Representative Dmitry Polyanskiy said Secretary-General Antonio Guterres was informed by Moscow’s officials of evidence that Ukrainian forces killed Elenovka’s prisoners in a criminal attack. He also emphasized that Russia demands an official position from the UN condemning the attitudes of the Ukrainian side, considering the alleged irrefutability of the data presented by the Russian delegation.

“Today we informed UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres that we have irrefutable evidence of Ukraine’s responsibility for the shelling of Elenovka. The UN should not shy away from condemning this crime of the Kiev regime (…) We have called on the UN to immediately give an objective assessment of what happened”, Polyanskiy said on his social media.

Precise details on what this data and “irrefutable evidence” would be have not been informed yet, but it is expected that in the near future some information will begin to be released. In fact, the Russian government has repeatedly demonstrated complete transparency in its investigative conduct on the case. For example, the Russian Defense Ministry previously reported that Moscow was inviting experts from the UN and the Red Cross to help with investigations about the Elenovka incident, which undoubtedly appears to be a gesture of goodwill. If Moscow were really responsible for the attack, it would certainly prevent international observers from acting in the investigation, but the willingness to invite is a major indication of Russian innocence.

An interesting fact about the Elenovka event is that apparently the weapon used for the bombing was the High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS) – precisely the deadliest weapon sent by the US to Kiv so far. The sending of HIMARS to Ukraine was a gesture of provocation and hostility on the part of the US, considering that the Russian government has repeatedly asked for the the deployment of long-range missile systems to be avoided. Now, the West can clearly see the result of its pro-Kiev arms-sending policy: war crimes and massacres.

Obviously, the Western media agencies ignore the explanations provided by Moscow and claim that the responsibility for the attack lies with Russia. But a simple analysis of the topic shows that this narrative is unfounded. There was no Russian interest in murdering prisoners. Being soldiers already neutralized and unable to pose a risk to the Russians, there would be no need to kill them. Furthermore, even if this were the Russian wish, surely the weapon used in such an operation would not be an American-made missile.

On the other hand, the Ukrainian interest in annihilating the prisoners seems obvious. As Russia is conducting lawsuits against the captured neo-Nazi militants, Ukrainian authorities fear that strategic information will be passed on during judicial hearings. In this sense, killing the surrendered fighters would be a quick, despite cruel and absolutely anti-humanitarian, way of “solving” this problem. It was expected that at least some of the prisoners had high-value information to share with the Russians – both in terms of Ukrainian military strategy and in terms of war crimes committed by them. So, it is very likely that Kiev actually conducted the bombing.

It remains to be seen now how the UN will analyze the case. Investigations must be carried out in a technical, impartial and neutral manner, not being influenced by the international media, public opinion or Western political agents. On other occasions, investigations about Ukrainian crimes requested by Russia have been neglected by international organizations due to Western pressure (as in the case of the European Court of Human Rights case), and this is something that cannot be repeated now. And, of course, after concluding that Kiev actually bombed Elenovka, sanctions and other coercive measures must be imposed.

In addition, the Elenovka incident needs to bring new discussions about arms-sending to Kiev. Once the US government knows that the weapons sent are being used in war crimes, Washington becomes co-responsible for such crimes if it does not change immediately its policy on sending weapons. More than ever, it is time to seriously think about how Kiev uses the aid it receives from its allies. Undoubtedly, murdering prisoners cannot be considered a good use.

You can follow Lucas on Twitter.  


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where are my comments dogs? where is my homosexuals and gay spammers not commenting?? f*** unreliable western puppet as usual. not suitable for war neither for writing comments totally unreliable.

Ed Theman

Why would Ukraine kill Ukraine POWs?

Max Schmidt

Azovists know too much


Read the article you muppet.

Why would Russia send its troops into battle against vicious war criminals and take them prisoner, to then kill them after the danger is passed.


On NATO’s command Zelensky will do anything.


To silence them you dickhead,did you not read the article?


Read the article again you dimwit.


An illiterate LGBT? Why sit there with your thumb up your own shitty asshole? Read, read the article it explains why.


Moscow still plays by the rules designed by its western adversaries very similar to validation and legitimising the use of worthless USDollars in settling trade transactions. The entire world was duped and dumbed by the USD scam until now despite uncovering such disgusting scheme.

RF could simplify the process by sharing the conclusive evidence they gathered over to BRICS members and like-minded countries to validate the findings and announce a collective verdict.


I may be going out on a limb here, but I predict that this complaint will go nowhere, there will be no investigation (beyond asking Zelensky nicely if he did it, and accepting his answer as proof) and there will be no outcry, or even comment, in the establishment-controlled NATO media. I further predict that absolutely no-one will be surprised by this.

azov bunch of emo rejects

This has been happening since March, Southfront could easily do a 1 hour compilation. Kiev label them deserters, traitors.

azov bunch of emo rejects

Nvm what I wrote here, this was meant for the other article “IN VIDEO: UKRAINIAN BRIGADES REFUSE TO FIGHT” just above this article. My mistake.


Concur-as in my previous, disappeared blog – does anyone remember MH17? – or perhaps Skripals meet Russian Novichok super deadly poison? – or less known (Russian caused, of course) explosions of 2 ammo storages in Czechia? – well, the naivety of Russian Diplomacy doesn’t seem to be treatable – what do they really expect from UN or any western oriented investigative bodies? As Alan above I predict also that Russian facts have no consideration- Western investigative bodies recognize western politically correct assumptions/lies as their facts – save time &money!


What it will do is put those muppets at the UN on the spot.


That is not so bad. It will only show that UN is not impartial and has an own agenda. The world has to see it so no one can later dispute facts about such behavior. They either do their job at UN or show the world, that they are mostly useless puppets.

The Ogs

It is apparently a simple matter! An American HIMARS missile was launched… and they’re claiming the Russians did that? So is this where all the thousands of millions of American dollars are going – to the Russians? LoL


Can Russia start to deliver the data it have from the zionist mass murder crime on Libanon, that murdred 600+ people and wounded 6000 + people. Every one knew that it was a missil who created the chain reaction that day.

Michel LeBlanc

It was a special missile indeed.

A massive crater like that is impossible to make in a surface blast, with conventionnal explosive.

Florian Geyer

It was a special Chosen People’s Missile that destroyed the port area of Beirut.


The UN will never implement appropriate measures against Kiev, it’s like asking the lapdog to bite his masters hand. It really has no purpose other than to promote US hegemony and US geopolitical agenda.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jasonovich

But it will help to show that UN is not impartial and has its own agenda.

Karl Pomeroy

“The sending of HIMARS to Ukraine was a gesture of provocation and hostility on the part of the US.” Oh really? The invasion of Ukraine was a gesture of provocation and hostility on the part of Russia. I’m not a troll, I’m totally pro-Donbass and have been for 8 years. I’ve generally been supportive of Russia and Putin.

But I’ve changed my mind. Still completely pro-Donbass, I’ve come to believe Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was an egregious blunder and inexcusable aggressive act against peace in the World. If Putin really cared about Donbass, why did not recognize the DPR/LPR for 8 years? Why did he speak against them again and again in his speeches?

Putin should have stuck with the Minsk Agreements forever. Now thousands are being killed. So NATO has weapons right up toi Russia’s borders? Well, why not? Russia’s borders are EVERYWHERE. They cover the whole Northern Hemisphere. Russia has weapons right up to its borders, so why shouldn’t Finland.

Ukraine was an independent country for 30 years. Yes the US supported an illegal coup there. That does not excuse Russia invading. The DPR/LPR had every right to fight for their freedom; they are internal to Ukraine. Russia should have recognzied them and sent weapons. Instead, Russia betrayed them again and again, then suddenly launched a brutal invasion such that more Donbass civilians are being killed than under Minsk.. Russia is completely in the wrong to have done this. I HAVE CHANGED MY MIND.


You sound out of your mind,the Kiev fascists were about to launch a Blitzkrieg on Donbass,they had over a hundred thousand troops along the contact line with Nato advisors and 8 years of defensive bunkers etc in preparation,if they had attacked and over run the DPR defences we would be talking about a massacre right now the same as happened with operation Storm in Krijina and Kosovo,Russia should have gone in 8 years ago.

Karl Pomeroy

Thank you for your downvote. That means you got the point.

mohummad your profit

karl get nazi sperm in rectum

azov bunch of emo rejects

I’m still waiting for those WMD Saddam was supposed to have. Why is the USA in the Syrian Arab Republic, this is a sovereign nation, Russia was invited, but the fuck is the USA doing there? That’s illegal invasion. What was the reason to turn Libya to stone age?


Russia did not start this. They will end it. You can view it as you like. Facts remain facts. Opinions may differ as everyone has their own point of view. Russia has tried to talk some sense into the morons at US/NATO, but they refused to listen. Now the time for talking is over. Russia is acting and US/NATO have nothing else to say apart “we are no part of it”. However, only a guilty party would state something like that over and over again. US and NATO are scared to their core to face Russia. EU is paying a huge price for their so called “sanctions”. They won”t survive much longer without Russia’s help and will eventually surrender and try go back to trade like before. They still think they have some shot at that. The whole world can see it, how Germany desperately and pathetically tries to please Gasprom by delivering their gas-turbine to Russia to get more gas. Those f**ks in Bundestag really believe Russia will provide for them after what they have destroyed? They will all go into history as utter morons that destroyed Germany, EU and hopefully NATO. And Russia did not even had to fire a single bullet for that at them.

That is how world powers win.

mohummad your profit

nazi amerikan humiliated by Russian dominance

Florian Geyer

Very well said.

Slava Rossiya.

mohummad your profit

me like nazi karl—you swallow hunter biden sperm too?

Assad Defeated Zionists

Frackin yeah. This just made my weekend. Watching so many filthy, treasonous, slaves and puppets of the welfare funded, Zionist, parasitic scumbuckets get roasted extra krispy is so much fun. I picked the wrong week to quit booze.

AM Hants

This is interesting, if Russia has parts of the US weapon, that Ukraine used on their own Forces, held as POWs.

Is that why the US would not come out and immediately blame Russia, but, stayed neutral as to what happened to the POWs?

Is that why Amnesty International, whose primary investor is the same person who got The Maidan up and running, are talking about Ukraine and Crimes Against Humanity? Why would $oro$ allow his AI organisation to come out against his puppet, over in Ukraine?

Is that why Zelinsky is begging the President of China for a phone call? He knows his days are numbered and needs help from Russia, if he wants his life saved.

Or is it just a coincidence?

Peter M.

Thanks Mr Leiroz, for the article. Very well written.

Tommy Jensen

Russia was sending invisible EMF waves toward the UAF battalion with an instruction to do it, and then blamed the UAF for doing it although it was Russia who did it and wanted UAF do to it to blame Ukraine in the media for doing it. Thats how it happened.

Stephan Williams

Thanks for the chuckle, Tommy.

mohummad your profit

we was paper tiger, now amerika lgbt krolik —international joke….

Peter Jennings

It will do the Russian admin no good presenting this information to the UN as the UN is blind in one eye and its hearing isn’t good. It’s now on rubber stamp duty only.

As long as the UN is holed up in america, it will never be fit for purpose.


Send the Data, give the UN 48 Hours time to react and then spread it to the planet together with compromising Data of the UN Personal who makes sure there was no proper reaction. Do this with every socalled “ngo” on the planet.


A person named Mark Sleboda on Brian Berletic’s youtube channel yesterday said the US of A has absolute veto power on each and every HIMARS strike, giving rise to the question they must’ve known, and you can eff off with your b.s. about plausible deniability.

In other words, the murderous Biden administration and their generals must be personally held to account.

And, oh yeah, the West ain’t gonna stop arming them, not for the next 10 years, if there’s still an Amerika, or I should say for as long as there is an Amerika, they will keep playing games with other people’s lives, especially people they don’t even recognize as people.


They are operation every himars with us mercenarys probably or nato mercanarys who were trained on them. Same with the “Ukrainian” Drones, Anti-Air and Anti-Ship Missiles.

Those all nead and uplink to the US Satelites and are integrated in the US System. I doubt they would let Ukrainian or any other rag tag forces operate with this.

Jew World Order

The founding forefathers were lazy cunts. Didn’t include enough checks and balances on corrupt asshole government, that got hijacked within only a 100 years, by we all know who.


“Washington becomes co-responsible for such crimes”… as if that bothers them.

mohummad your profit

“from the inception of amerika it has been informed by ubiquitous sleaze and hustling”. Walter MacDougal for us lgbt morality is sleaze ‘Americans are 300 million used car salesmen…” hunter Thompson me sell used condom http://www.mummy-used-condom@lgbt#1USAmonkeypox.com

mohummad your profit

Sawyer told me he send used condom to her social worker to prove she is tranny


Next time Russia should transport it’s high value Ukranian POW’s to Siberia for humanitarian reasons.


WASTE OF TIME because the UN is controlled by the USA and its cronies they will either IGNORE THE EVIDENCE or say it was a tragic mistake or some other BULLSHIT, Russia should just concentrate on killing as many NATO fighters and instructors as they can and Ukraine NAZIS as well as NOW START SHOOTING NATO aircraft out of the sky that are delivering weapons as well as sink any ships doing so through Odessa as well as destroy and trucks crossing border as soon as they enter the borders instead of waiting for them to unload the cargos. =Z=


Maybe someone said “don’t kill Russian POW’s”

Acco Hengst

Once the US government knows that the weapons sent are being used in war crimes, Washington becomes co-responsible for such crimes if it does not change immediately its policy on sending weapons.

I see a good reason for the West to put this on ignore. Wsetern media have been remarkable one sided along with their governments.

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