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MARCH 2025

Russia Ships More Military Equipment To Syria (Photos)

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On April 13, Russian Ro-Ro ship Alexandr Tkachenko was spotted carrying military equipment while crossing the Bosporus en route to the Syrian coastal city of Tartus. Photos of the ship taken by Turkish photographer Yoruk Isik revealed that it was carrying at least one Project 03160 Raptor high-speed patrol boat and several BMK-T bridge erection boats along with other military equipment.

The deployment of more BMK-T bridge erection boat to Syria may be a sign that Russia is planning to step up its military presence in the Syrian Arab Army (SAA)-held area on the eastern bank of the Euphrates river. Bridge erection boats of the same type were used by the SAA to cross Euphrates in late 2017.

The Russian military finished constructing a new 156 meters long bridge on the Euphrates river on April 11. This confirms that Russia is interested in protecting the SAA positions on the eastern bank of the river.

Alexandr Tkachenko was the second Russian ship to pass the Bosporus on April 13. Earlier, Alligator-class landing ship Nikolay Filchenkov of the Russian Navy was also spotted passing through the Bosporus on its way to Tartus. The ship was also loaded with military equipment.

Earlier Syrian sources expected that Russia may deploy more military equipment in Syria in response to the recent US actions aimed at escalating the situation in the region.

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jerry hamilton

America… You are not the greatest military in the world anymore.

You can call me Al

I don’t think they ever have been, despite all the bravado when they lost to much lesser Countries.

Of course they have won battles, but never the wars.


They only THREATEN when they have their lap dogs, Brits and French on Board. they don’t risk fighting Russia Alone!!


Only the most imbecile and stupid leader will threaten and intimidate a NUCLEAR ARM SUPER POWER in public, using the MSM.

You can call me Al

Yep and that is what makes this truly worrying. Something the Yankers have never done before but maybe willing to do now !!.

Can they back out somehow whilst saving face ?, well we shall see.

Tudor Miron

I was also worried but after I remembered that they did it many times – fucked up grossly and than pretended that nothing happened.

You can call me Al

What like now ?, a must see is the US MSM now – a massive win for democracy…….just makes me want to be sick.

Tudor Miron

Let them enjoy :)


lol without America you all will bespeaking German by now

jerry hamilton

No. That would be without Russia


No not really

You can call me Al

Hahahaha – when did you join – 1941 ?.

A common misconception due to brainwashing by the Yank government, you are no ally o the UK and its allies, you never were and you never will be.

Go chant USA, USA, USA.


Common misconception is to think ww2 would be won without USA lol !

You can call me Al

I never said that, but you lot didn’t win it.

Tudor Miron

Tell it to some imbeciles that don’t know sh$t about real history. To put it very straight – how many german soldiers Americans managed to neutralize during WWII? How many Russia did? little american hero :) But that’s not all. That was you, Americans (together with UK banksters) that funded Hitler into power. Nah, not you really, it was just you working on behalf of your masters as usual.


How many soldiers were thrown at the Germans by the idiots over on the eastern front ? How much supplies and military hardware we sent to the Soviet Union by America ? Lol try harder

Tudor Miron

Answer my question or shut up – how many German soldiers did US kill during WWII?


Without Russia you would not even be able to land in Normandy …

3 out of 4 German soldiers were killed by Russians at the sacrifice of millions of Russians and these dead soldiers were elite ones.

Yet fighting against new conscript German soldiers US took so long to defeat them.


Without US Russian wouldn’t even have any hardware to fight with lol try harder


NO we still are little boy we still are. $700bn is a lot to catch up to! lol!

Tudor Miron

Problem is that most of it is spent on transgender toilets but that’s OK – that helps US economy anyway.


Nope try harder


They are in Hollywood and Star Wars Jerry and also in Call of Duty



leon mc pilibin

The bear means business,and does not like to be poked.Someone is going to pay,big time.


Forget it, when the rockets are launched EVERYONE in Syria will run somewhere to hide, leaving everything behind, russians included.

Tudor Miron

Do you think it will be the sane way you ukro heros did it in Ilovaisk and Debaltsevo?


I cannot answer I was not there. But everyone fears tomahawks, you are completely helpless against them.

Tudor Miron

Lol! When you look in the mirror and see that scared ass of yours don’t think that others are similar. We feel sorry for you.


Ok, you can welcome the tomahawks then, your choice.

Valery Grigoryev

If Kim doesn’t afraid of, why do you think Russia does???


U r right, they r both psychopaths, probably not afraid.

Valery Grigoryev

When the bear is cornered, it’s becoming ferocious. No matter how strong the agressor is.

Valery Grigoryev

You are – may be:)

Daniel Castro

When you are on a ship there is nowhere to run my friend, only the bottom awaits you…


Ships also run…

Daniel Castro

Ship runs at 60knots, at most, a missile flies at mach 5 or more.


The run already for 5 days, so they will probably make it.

Daniel Castro

Well, if they stay out of missiles reach, if that’s what you’re implying, then ok, but then they won’t be able to attack also, would they?

Well, one way or another it’s better for them to stay away or else they will get to the bottom.


Bwahahaha we got a new Face in here… Hi bro…I see you are the funny guy…..and you are new, so don’t call me Brother a bitch….

Valery Grigoryev

But the question is: WHOSE rockets?:)


And soon or later the US-Kurdish proxies will raise the opening of the Raqqa Dam and they will destroy this bridge too, as they did many times before for many bridges they just flooding them with high rise water from the dam flush pipes.

Tudor Miron

That’s a possibility but let’s see how it really unfolds.


That can be addressed if need be.

Daniel Castro

Yep, at this point just bomb the damn dam and get over with it… if syria can’t have it, neither the kurds, let the river flow.

You can call me Al

I have said that since day one, now I am hesitant to agree.

Richard M

Since it is visible it means Russia wants these items seen. I’m more curious about what is hidden!


These ships can be filled up with double of those thing on the top that can fit inside of the very ship,the front and the read can be open and can deliver tank, ifv, S-400 batteries, pantsirs many other stuff.


Also, nothing prevents them from using cargo submarines and underground bases.


Lol, cargo submarines ? LOL . They are happy when their submarines don’t run into ground.

Tudor Miron

Did you pay your gaz bills my little ukro nazi troll?


Soon noone will need your gas. You can keep it bitch.

Tudor Miron

Little ukro hero. I would love to see you repeat it in my face :) Keep hiding behind your keyboard.


Keyboard, pc, internet, windows… invented in US, like everything u use daily. U contributed nothing

Valery Grigoryev

We contribute our brains thru the whole world. It’s more worthly.

Daniel Castro

NAh, muricans haven’t created the internet, it was made all around, they like to steal others people glory.

They’ve made the transistor, computer already existed, even if primitive.

Windows is crap.


All the easier to hack my dear. Gotta help Americans land those 30 million dollar drones somehow.


Only in your dreams, they can now operate autonomously, and soon operated by AI.


Woops, Bulgarian Georgi Atanasov invented the computers. Check!

Valery Grigoryev

What about famous and the only Ukrainian submarine “Zaporozhie”? Where it is welded to the pier now?


Yes Cargo Submarines! How could we have forgotten about those, must be on the secret moon base!

Hide Behind


Richard M

It looks like both sides are building up forces rapidly! Logistically you would think Russia is closer in Crimea than US is at Norfolk. Erdogan could be in a crucial position. He will of course seek maximum concessions before deciding where to place his bets.

Daniel Castro

Considering the muricans have already betrayed and tried to murder him he would be unbelievebly stupid to thrust in the west.

I think he is going to be neutral, if he healp russians his muslim brotherhood friend will kill him. Anyway, Turkey is getting a lot of profit playing double game, they will only lose by taking a side.

Richard M

It’s what the Turks did in WW2. I’m not so sure they can do the same now.


Money talks, and the East, China Russia is where the money is, the US is yesterday’s hero.



Richard M

These sorts of plans are always underway. The question is how do they survive contact with the enemy? Lots of Empires have attempted world conquest. From Alexander to Genghis to Adolf. So far, none have succeeded.


Most US forces are stationed outside the USA. American forces in the ME and Europe are larger than Russia’s total military force. That’s why Russia will nuke the US, it’s the only way they can win, and they intend to win.

Daniel Castro

Not if you count the reserves, russians have a very large reserve and people willing to fight for Russia, muricans have transgender sissies as population.

Also, Russia has tons of equipment from old red army on storages across the country, and a vast network of bunkers, vast territory.

Hide Behind

EVER WATCH TWO LEZZIES FIGHT?. Either Dike could whip 5 Arab militia or army one on somEone thing separates US women from Arabic females is most never were browbeaten or physicly beaten to obey any man and for that matter can work alongside males on equal footing in OCCUPATIONS needs. And over 1 (estimates place a 3) million have and know how to use a pistol or rifle.

Daniel Castro


Yes, my mother was an actress, she has 2 female friends who are a couplem once we were on a restaurant they would open together, we would lunch there before the opening, the 2 started fighting(I guess it was jealousu because of my mother, I’m not sure as I wass just a kid then…), they broke the entire restaurant, it never opened to public… Both are together to this day, this summer they were to my mothers house in the capital because they were being sued for public disorder and were about to be arrested… I guess age not always makes people wiser…

Anyway, getting histeric and losing control, let your emotional take over you, that is exactly what should never happen with servicemen…

Valery Grigoryev

There is an alternative way: withstand against the Big Dog until it decides to retreat, as its victory is problematic:) Big Dogs don’t like to be really wounded. They prefer comfortably bite weak girls. There were many Big Dogs thru the Russia’s history…nobody won.


Russians are not alone in this….believe me…it certainly isn’t Russia against the World…Punch a Big Dog in the Nose & it’ll Run…but I like their patience…

Valery Grigoryev

It’s OK. I know that nobody likes bullies.

Richard M



Meanwhile, on US carrier Truman approaching the med: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5f900e273a11afd1d4eab9f1fe477f9dec73e5c6e9ec686d12b291bfce8a990b.jpg


Don’t fire the Yars missile until the flattop is about to cross the Gibraltar straights. That will exacerbate the diaper shortage onboard.


US reportedly strikes Damascus using Tomahawk cruise missiles and aircraft borne air to ground missiles.


Don’t forget to Nuke the troops….there will be a lot less then…

Daniel Castro

I foresee western contingents running away from the battle in droves, why would people in western europe, even murican soldiers, want to risk they lives for Israel? There will be a lot of mutiny and desertions.


They won’t even know what is happening to them….Just remember Roman Filipov….that is enough… you won’t find many men like him in Europe & the States…. Russia is Major Roman Filipov


They will run like rabbits, I’ve served with Americans, they are all mouth, and no balls.

Zionism = EVIL

Americunts are basically thugs, all hat and no cattle. They live in Hollywood fantasy land and have a third rate military that has lost every war from Korea, Vietnam to Iraq and Afghanistan.

Hide Behind

What americans did you serve with, WAC -Armyr; Waves-Navy, or or the WAF- Woman’s Air Force? A WELL TRAINED FEMALE MARINE INFANTRY PLATOON WOULD OUT FIGHT (hand to hand, knife) AND OUT SHOOT just about any all Male Middle East infantry unit.

Paul Greenwood

US has very few combat troops in Europe. They could send SIGINT people or medics but no actual combat soldiers – US does not have too many of those overall

Hide Behind

About on order of 1 combat arms per 20 non combat but of the non grunts some are combat enginneers, armor maintenance, and combat support.

Paul Greenwood

Still no combat soldiers. Time for a draft in the US and bring all 18 year olds into the military with jail for refuseniks. Noone wants another generation like Bush, Trump, Cheney, Bolton, Clinton

Hide Behind

As an armature history buff, and a stric Constitutionalist the very idea of Consciption, (Draft) flies in the face of what ideals of Freedom, Liberty and sovereignty of the individual was meant to be. The very idea that a government can impress and deny personal liberty upon its citizens against their will is an abhorance. That citizens can be sent to war at the whim of a few, no matter the right or wrongness of the war, is a form of slavery. THE Conscription practices of those in power always had escape clauses that they of wealth could use. THE idea that just because Daddy says the military made a man out of them has caused the needless deaths and mutilation of hundreds of thousands of young men. It is also the tool used to make the police State and Fascist like militarism of today possible. That and the flag waving, “My country Right or Wrong” nationalism to replace patriotism screed is but one terrible indoctrination of American youth. Let’s old men send youths to kill or be killed while they stay home profiting off of their deaths. Freedom loving men and women of independent minds have always fought against conscription, and the herd of unthinking peoples that conformed to it. Conscription by Britain was one reason for Revolutionary and War of 1812 was fought over.

Hide Behind

GO look up Daniel Webster’s speech before Congree in 1814 on the Draft. Of course in today’s air within US he would be called a traitor After that go read his speech on “I am an American” to find true mettle of the man and his times.

Paul Greenwood

I don’t disagree with you at all. I simply think it is time US started paying for its imperial military rather than using Deficit Funding and Mercenaries to beat up Third World countries. This is Imperialism. The great US line is to compare Russian GDP to USA well let’s try Syria $50 bn – just behind N Dakota

Peter Howes

Get your facts right hamburger boy! The Russia army without its million man reservists is 850 thousand strong, all with modern equipment. US army is 1.2 million strong dispersed in 1000 military bases world wide. Russia has internal lines of supply via Iran (as does China via silk road rail/road complex). NATO is now just UK and France. Together they have less soldiers than Iran, not counting its islamic volunteers (whose sacrifice in the Iraq war stopped Hussain in his tracks). This force numbers over three million trained light infantry. Russia has other allies, most of the old Asian Soviet Republics and has mutual defence pacts with them. Add that to China with its standing army of 2.2 million troops plus 8 million trained first line reservists. So… who out numbers whom? Add to that Hezhollah (80,000), iraq and Syrian and Lebanese forces and it is the West that is screwed numerically. Why do you think Germany and Italy want no truck with a Russkie war? As for quality of soldiers… ask the Vietnamese about the Yankees. They had everything and the Viets little… save for two things; will to win and ready to die! The Yanks live for hamburgers and Pizza pie, a few tens of thousand casualties and they will ask for mummy and go home with their tail twix their running legs. Of course they can nuke everything and then watch their own cities burn soon after! So not much of an option there. Go back to sleep and try not to think too much as it might stretch your wonderful US education. Stop thinking when it makes your head hurt. Just like a good Yankee boy should!

Hide Behind

Nest learn true strength and command structure before talking of US troop strength. National Guard units have multiple bases in all 50 states and are part and parcel integrated into all branches of militaries. Coast Guard while once limited to 12 mile coastal limits have grown 4 fold in last 10 years and a large portion are now part of full time Naval Forces. US HAS almost 2 millions reservist, some inactive others active, all can be called back instantly. 30,000 MILITARY NOT COUNTED AS US MILITARY MEN BUT ARE FOREIGN NATIONALS SERVING FULL TIME. When Congress asked Pentagon how many men were actually active duyy, as the cost per man did not jibe with money spent, Pentagon just said ” Senators that is classified under National Security laws. Also throughout all of US Command post, look up Command centers, there are thousands of foreign troops integrated throughout their Theaters of Command..German, French, Finn, Nowegian. AUSTRALIAN, Canadian, Japanese, S Koreans, Taiwan, Phillipines and others all acting under Theater Command centers. PILOTS, drone operators, infantry, armor and even our Spec op units. DEPT OF STATE HAS CLOSE TO 20,000, Spec Ops directly under its command, mostly seperat e from other, but get gear, planes etc under a seperat e funding arrangements. Learn real military of this international Legions in New World Ordering.

Zionism = EVIL

Main Russian supply lines are protected ones via Armenia and Iran. Iran’s large Hamadan base is now being jointly operated by Russo-Persian alliance.

BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:40 A.M.) – According to media sources close to the Iranian government, Russian heavy bombers are once again permitted to operate from Iranian military airfields.

Sources say that the development comes after an agreement was reached between between Russian and Iranian high-level military-diplomatic officials. It gives Russian bombers the right to transit Iranian airspace and use at least two large Iranian military airports for refueling.

Although unsaid, the development is most likely a response to recent US threats against the Syrian military – a close ally of both nations – following an alleged chemical attack in rural Damascus.

The information of development also comes after two Tu-95 and two Tu-22M heavy bombers were noted to have left their permanent base in Russia for an unknown destination. Iran is also beefing up its airforce assets on its western borders with close proximity to Syria.

Richard M

Armenia has no border with Russia. Nor do they have a sea coast. Even if Georgia or Azerbaijan allowed overland shipment of arms, a Russia-Georgia/Azerbaijan-Armenia-Iran-Iraq-Contested eastern Syria route would be cumbersome and expensive at best…..As for Hamadan base being jointly operated, the last I heard about RuAF operating from Iran was that Tehran had ended it over nationalistic concerns. If you have a sourced update I will enjoy seeing it.

Valery Grigoryev

Armenia actually has no border with Russia, but big Russian military base operates there in Gumry for many years. As the access from Russia to there is possible thru the Georgia only, It means that some agreement berween them exists, so no problem.

Richard M

I thought Russia and Georgia were hostile over the Abkhazia and South Ossetia?

Ivan Freely

re: RuAF operating from Iran

The constraint is that it’s unconstitutional under Iranian law. Originally Tehran looked the other way, but Moscow got excited and started yapping, which alerted Iranian political opposition. However, given the way things are going, Iran may need to rethink that constitutional law.

Richard M

Iran is still irked over the Mossadegh coup in 1953. Only a decade earlier UK and Russia occupied Iran in 1941. Russian troops continued the occupation after WW2 into 1946. So Iranian reticence is understandable.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Iran and Russia conducted a new deal with supplying more equipment for the usage at Hamadan airbase as the Russian envoys were making deals and shouting their message at the same time.


Russia and Iran should bring in tens of thousands of soldiers and their equipment to Syria as well more SAMs, more anti-ship missiles and even nuke-capable missiles. Russia and Iran should now prepare, prepare and prepare and turn Syria into a fortress. The EVIL, Satanic empire led by the U$ will not rest until they attack Syria with fabricated excuses and destroy it.

Zionism = EVIL

I agree, it is time to take off the gloves. Russia and Iran are barely a few hundred kms from Syria and Iran has a direct land route via Iraq. It is time to saturate Syria with AD and ground troops and target US terrorist bases in eastern Euphrates. Iran and Russia have infinite manpower and easy supply lines. They can bleed the US morons to infinity.


You are absolutely right! Go Russia! Go Iran! Do this now, the world supports you for your HEROIC stand against the SATANIC empire led by the EVIL U$A!


They are empty, it is just a ‘maskirovka’, also the tanks are mock tanks. Russia has run out of equipment.

Tudor Miron

What happened? Urgently need some more shekels? Try harder trolly!


Gimme shekels gimme. I also want to inform anyone intetested in my services, for money I will write anything you want on internet, just contact me. Thanks.


Oh Vey, you are a total waste of money.



Paul Greenwood

that’s what Manstein thought


Armies the world over plan things, the Russian Army probably more meticulous than most planned to transport this equipment weeks ago, that is not to say new unfolding situations don’t get extra ordinary ordnance.


Russia and Iran should have prepared for this a long time ago making Syria into a fortress. The EVIL empire will not rest until they destroy Syria. Every few months, they will cook up a new false flag to demonize Russia and attack Syria. You never, ever trust these satanic beasts, you prepare to fight them and kill them when they attack you with all you have.

You can call me Al

Maybe crates of smarties or coolaid to distract the Yankers !!!!!.

All of them all be running around in circles shouting “mine, mine, mine”.

Richard M

S-400 might be more useful.

You can call me Al

well, 6 of one, half a dozen of the others.


Several mig 31s would be a nice touch.


It seems that Russia is deploying TU95 and Tu22 bombers to Iran.


Correct, trump just ordered sustained strikes on Syria, explosions reported outside demascus


Why? The weapon is only talked about never used. Maybe when a Nato country like Turkey gets ahold of one we will see it fired? But I am sure after Turkey watches F16s and Tornados penetrate Syrian air space without a loss S400 wont have a long line of buyers

Richard M

So far I’ve seen no reports of hostile aircraft in Syrian airspace, other than those acting east of Euphrates by agreement with RuAF. Since your assertion is untested it is as valuable as mine. Should you be proven correct, I will refund your full admission price.


1) Trump openly threatens imminent action. 2) Russia and Iran officially threatens to strike back. Meaning, the US have to openly involve itself into a real war, get action approved by Congress and so on. Mattis and some other level heads, that knows the deal, urges caution and this result in immediate conflict with neocon scums. 3) Syrian and Russian forces increases readiness. 4) Russia brings in more equipment. 5) The Russian advantage that prevented outright action has increased even more. After a few days of discussions, the US finally backs down. 6) Pro-war faction that had been pressuring Trump has been stumped. Bolton is eventually replaced.


As we speak, the empire of EVIL is already preparing the next false flag to demonize Russia and attack Syria. Just watch.

Richard M

It’s a happier scenario than WW3!


Only one problem with your list, I have yet to see any official statement from Russia about striking back?


They dont have money for sheets .

Richard M

Keep laughing. Going into a fight while dismissing the foe as incompetent and inconsequential is always a recipe for victory! :D


It was serious comment. They really run out of sheets. They had to use them for the hundreds of dead russian cobtractors soldiers, and also for toilet paper.

Richard M

I wonder if Mossad will invite trolls into the fallout bunkers? Likely not. In the post WW3 world internet and trolls will be obsolete!


Pet food maybe?


Internet was invented exactly for that case, to survive large scale attacks and disruptions of links. And because it is made in USA u can be sure it will work.

Richard M

Assembled in USA from ChiCom made parts, more like! :D


I think you put that rather well.



Temístocles Delgado

Rusia tiene que colocar fuerza sobre todo en esta parte del territorio sirio y ahora porque si no lo hace ahora, después va ser difícil y los invasores estadounidenses e ingleses van adquirir el estatatus de dueños de esos lugares de Siria.

Joe Doe

Russia needs to deliver 3 or 4 batteries S-400 to Syria Air Defense Forces. One should be located in T4 base this should cover also Deir Ezzor.. One in North of Damascus and one East of Damascus. SAA Tiger forces and National Gourd should receive VERBA MANPADs

Simon Abruzzo

Russia should deploy bunch of s400 dummies all over the Syria.

You can call me Al

Personally I would go for thousands of fake S-400 missiles, then when they come the Pantsirs can take them out – but at the expense of many a US missile.

Let those inbreds run out of ammo first.


Yes, put decoys all over Syria! :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/71b88b2aef723f806ea3ada167ce3b1ba505b3192fbf94a6432ea7e72f8fdba9.jpg

You can call me Al

Damn good idea that …… or of course blast some transgender music out !!!!

J Ramirez

Is that your inflatable dildo ?


Lol S400 can be destoryed instantly. There is nothing russia can do against tomahawks and F-35s. S400 does not even have so much rockets to take care of all tomahawks. U r fucked.


Go away child and read some more American fairy tales.


Only airplane that was destroyed by S400 was the civil airliner over Ukraine.


the us shot 59 tomahawks at an airbase and that cost about 50 million dollars


50 mil that is nothing. Probably some old stock of tmhwks they needed to get rid of.

Ricky Miller

Which is why the U.S. was going to attack, bigly and soon. But hasn’t. The Pentagon takes the S400 much more seriously than you do and your elementary trolling here about Russian military shipments to Syria demonstrates that you’re nervous. Take this to the bank: In a year Bashar al-Assad will still be Syria’s President. And there will be no more rebel pockets South or West of the Euphrates. And a slow boil insurgency will be in process everywhere the Americans still occupy with Trump approaching campaign season. Game. Set. Match.


I see other picture. Russian spring, putin lynched, finally democracy arrives in russia, russians will be free first time in history.

Ricky Miller

Not at all likely and displays a serious dearth of understanding regarding Russian history and society. They will not go back to being fools, like Yeltsin era. They tried it USA’s way once and had multiple agreements violated, their economy raped, and “we won the cold war” endlessly rubbed in their face. You can’t buy everyone and holding one’s head high with pride means more to some people than all the cheap plastic junk modern commercialism offers. Or have you forgotten the three decade old American mantra that: Fidel. Castro. Will. Fall. Any. Minute. Now. Spoken JFK through Obama. Outcome?


I prefer to live in US or EU than some commie shithole.

Ricky Miller

Really? You mean like here in Ohio where most of the high paying jobs have gone? People have to pay health insurance premiums equal to a second house for insurance that still costs us an arm and a leg when we go to the doctor? Housing prices have doubled and wages have remained flat. For most of us life in the USA isn’t what you’ve been told it is. It’s mostly corrupt with the Federal government taking the Lion’s share of the tax loot leaving state and local services miserly and wanting. For millions of people life is miserable here, we have nothing to believe in, our democracy and media are unreliable at best and our life span numbers are dropping as people kill themselves off with alcohol and opiates. But hey, wade on in.


This is the greatest thing about democracy and the USA – if u r not satisfied with for example health care, you can start your own insurance company or even an own hospital. If you think you can provide cheaper services and be competitive, then you can become also rich. It is your problem that you do not see the possibilities the country you live in has to offer you.

Ricky Miller

The USA is not a democracy. It’s a Corporate Kleptocracy. It has a cosmetic veneer of democracy. And you don’t know what you’re talking about. I should not have to start a hospital or an insurance company to get decent, affordable health care for me and my family. I shouldn’t have to be a super capitalist engine of endless salesmanship in order to live a clean, fair, honest life with a decent income. Stop squinting in the bright and marketed American propaganda sunshine, look into the shaded alley and open your eyes to the nasty reality hiding there.


If you are not willing to do something about yoyr situation, then stop bitching about high prices. The insurance companies and doctors are happy with the situation probably. You should have become a doctor then.


what do you do other then post on this website in the pattern of a career troll? got any hobbies?




If you think you can do it better, cheaper, it is your duty do do it. Those things do not happen on their own.


then why are you talking about russia like its any differant?


In russia if you start business you get extorted by state mafia, police criminals, corrupt justice system. Choosen people, friends of oligarchs, politicians can do whatever they want, other ppl are discriminated and terrotized. Russian manners.

Tudor Miron

Tomohawks? With their current less than 0.5 hit probability as was proven last year? Sirian base was operational the very next day after that famous strike.


You lost half of your airplanes depliyed in Syria. Nice success.

Tudor Miron

little lies from little ukreo hero :) go on.


Nope. True.


you should just leave this place and become the new tom clancy fiction writer and probably have better success and satisfaction


I have never written a book or longer article. It is not so easy.


I would like to see Iranian ground to air batteries in the area of Deir Ezzor as well.

Agha Olagh

Forget that shit. We need some s-400’s

Jasminko Grdic

They are hidden in the ship :P

Thomas Wolsey

Anti ship missiles can be useful too.


satan icbms wouldnt you to have???

Tudor Miron

Where’s wanklord thingy to tell us that Russians are running scared fro Syria?


Bridging equipment and transport to cross Euphrates.

Tudor Miron



they already left.

and in palmyra ..huh, how fast ran before isis!!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Law Se

The more you squeeze an object the density of it increases i.e. it gets harder…You are squeezing Russia’s patience into a harden resolve. ..Remember you Americans hate seeing your children coming home in body bags especially for a lie..So contact your congress man and tell him to let the jackass know it is time to back to fxck off…

Tudor Miron

This time it would not be about body bags coming home. It will be about disaster within american soil if they really want it that way.


They don’t care about voters, next election they will have candidates that say the things the people want to hear. After the election the next President/congress man will do the same as the last President/congress man. The plot never changes, but Americans still believe the BS.


America you are Nothing…..the World deeply Hates & Despises your Satanic Government….and certainly I spit on each and every one of’m low life Psychopathic Rats……Go Home and never show your face again…the Devil surely got a Face….


nice rant remember, though, there are some kind and conscientious people in the US


Tough sh1t, you will all die together, it’s the price you pay for not controlling your leaders.


I know…I was talkin’ about the government …I learned a lot about that Evil Government, thanks to brave men like Michael Hastings…and many others…my relationship with the U.S. goes way back and is a long history… Let’s hope brave Americans dare to stand up against their Fascist-Regime…the soft way is preferable, but if that doesn’t work…it’ll require the hard way…but this got to End…they haven’t been listening since their emergence… a culture of Greed & Plundering…can’t continue Any Longer…

Ivan Freely

Yes, so kind that they allowed this madness to continue on unabated.

Tudor Miron

Here we go https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/russias-heavy-bombers-return-to-iran-presumably-for-syria-related-operations/


and? iran has no common border with syria. in iraq yanks are the lords.

litle ruskie, this was agains wasting of time and money. focus yourself on russian cleptocracy. save your country, not the world.


You’re right, the yanks do control Iraq at a Government level, but the Americans are afraid to leave their fortified positions, because the Iraqi people have become very proficient at killing Americans. The Americans can’t thwart the will of the people in Iraq forever, and they will never submit like the Germans and Japanese did.


sure, this night we saw, the yanks are cowards :DDDD

Daniel Castro

If irak tries to stop russian planes they will bomb murican bases there and the iraqi population will finish the job, shias will overthrow the traitor muricans placed there with a pro-iranian government.


russia is not in situation to do this. the whole nato would defend iraq.


End of Russia is coming soon .


No, the end of your ass is coming soon!

J Ramirez

OK Nikki Haley, save it for the UN :}


You would like to bang her?

J Ramirez

Maybe your mom :}


You do of course realize that the end of Russia would also mean the end of the USA and Britain. Even if the US intercepts half of Russia’s nukes, the other half will wipe out every major city in the USA and wipe the UK off the map. It has been suggested, that totally destroying England, would be a good way to demonstrate to the US, that Russia is serious.

jerry hamilton

Oh shit.


Zuma sattelite can jam russian nukes and take over controll, turning them back to where they came from. This is the technology that US has.


the russians will probably just try to cause a bunch of debris in space and then all satellites will be out of commission.


when you make threats to the existence of a nation that has nuclear weapons that is the only condition in which they would be used by that country..


i hope you dont live on the west coast of the us because that place will be washed, washington will be washed, and i dont want that but your cornering a country with a knife and they might have to kick you in your nuts.

Tudor Miron

keep dreaming trolly :)


Don’t feed the monkeys.

Tudor Miron

I know it’s counter productive but its entertaining from time to time. After all, this little creature makes his sorry living out of this. Someone got to help him to survive.


He will be some pimply brat that is supported by his parents. Jewish kids think being trolls makes them cool.


but not before your ass is drilled with a nuclear augher


In your dreams bitch. US has systems which can destroy all incoming nukes.


It would be a lot cheaper to offer ISIS a hundred grand for every British French and American soldier they turn over to Russia. Put these soldiers on television, and tell the world who they are, where they live etc, and then announce they have been found guilty of terrorism and execute them. The press will show up on the widow’s doorstep, and some mother will cry to May to save my son. Enough of the backroom deals.

jerry hamilton

And Trump will tweet “Fake News” and all those idiots will believe him.


No they will believe the tearful widows, Trump has lost a lot of the support he had among the people who voted for him. Check out the sites that were Trump supporters, like ZeroHedge, he is a deadman walking.

jerry hamilton

Yes, I realise he has lost a lot of support but there are still a lot of lunatics left that seem to love him. I thought I understood American mentality. I don’t.


The Patton speech George C Scott gives in the movie Patton perfectly describes the American mentality. https://youtu.be/MHKBWj9qJ_A

jerry hamilton

You got that right. Are you aware that Patton died days after working out who the real enemy was?

Real Anti-Racist Action

By any chance got any S-400 systems that are to actually be given to the SAA to operate their very own? Any major ground to ground missiles to give SAA to counter attack the Jewish attacks on the Syrian people?


There is a lot of misunderstanding about the S400. It’s more about it’s target acquisition capabilities than it’s missiles. All the targeting data can be transferred to other compatible systems. The Israeli planes could be targeted, but they fire their missiles from Lebanon. The US would twist the facts and say Russia was attacking Israel.

Real Anti-Racist Action

I agree, however it seems to be that Israel and USSA twist all facts anyway with only goal being world conquest. (Control) No matter what the Jewish run press with demonize Russia and Syria just as they have to Iran, Vietnam, Germany, India, Ireland, Libya, Korea and on and on. It is past time for everyone to just unite as a collation of Nationalist, defeat all those trying to impose forced globalism. Then declare victory for all different people groups, and let the UK and France and Israel and NATO and UN burn to the ground.


It is prudent for Russia to lease the S400 strictly under Syrian control.

Then guaranteed US will not dare to be so arrogant towards Assad and Iran . because SAA will fire without hesitation to bring down US planes attacking them. But then Russia as usual will not do so as it hurts Israel , their friend .

That’s why you do not hear Russia offering S400 to Syria or even Iran or Lebanon . Lebanon does not even have basic air defence …may be not even manpads lol.


Hold on to your horses folks. Trump is going live about Syria. Get to a tv if you can


It doesn’t matter what he says, he could say something completely different in an hour, the guy is crazy.

Icarus Tanović

Don’t even answer to him, and his idiotism, he’s just a troll.


Well seems I was wrong, the attack was timed with Trumps speech. Americans just love the theatrics, it’s just entertainment to them.


Trump has ordered strikes.


He said sustained strikes. Talking to Russia now, telling them to stop supporting Assad.

jim crowland

9:30 eastern time. Gassad is being sent dozens of missiles. Let see the soviets “response” (other than run into shelters”


Explosion heard in Damascus from tomahawk missiles.


Attack of tomahawks is occuring. Probably from the south like last year. I think it will be limited and cause very little damage.

Raptar Driver

American media is saying the attacks are open ended, this will go on for some days or more.


Just watched Mattis say that they were only targeting the alleged poison gas sites, and it was a one off? He also said they used about twice as many missiles as last time. If that is true, and only a few missiles made it to Baghdad, it seems like the mission was a failure.

Promitheas Apollonious

destroying evidence is my guess.

Raptar Driver

Yes there are mixed messages coming from the American regime, time will tell but remember the main task force does not arrive for a week yet.


“We used a little over double the number of weapons this year than we used last year…We were very precise and proportionate, but at the same time, it was a heavy strike.”

“I am confident the Syrian regime conducted a chemical attack on innocent people.”

“Right now we have no more attacks planned” (Mattis)

Melotte 22

This only means preparation to liberate eastern part of Syria is on its way.


Russia: We will shoot down all US missiles and target the launch locations.



not really….they are trying to repair infrastructure destroyed by so many years of war and disastrous american bombings against ISishahaha



Titel Gogurion

nebuni la balamuc cu ei

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