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Russia Showcases Captured And Destroyed Ukrainian Equipment Amid Diplomatic And Humanitarian Stalemate

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Russia Showcases Captured And Destroyed Ukrainian Equipment Amid Diplomatic And Humanitarian Stalemate

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By the evening of March 15 (local Ukrainian time), it has appeared that the Russian Armed Forces and its allies from the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republic once again took an operational pause in their offensive in the northern and eastern sectors of Ukraine. The main military actions are taking part around Mariupol, east of Donetsk and in the area of the Lysichansk-Severodonetsk agglomeration in the region of Donbass.

Units of the Russian Armed Force and the DRP have been developing the operation to eliminate the vestiges of Kyiv’s forces inside Mariupol. Heavy clashes are ongoing there.

Forces of the Kyiv government in the Lysichansk-Severodonetsk agglomeration are almost surrounded. However, LPR and Russian forces have still not been able to close the circle.

Intense artillery and air strikes on positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces near Avidivka, east of Donetsk, continue. Nonetheless, no offensive has been launched there.

It should be noted that the town of Izum in the south of Kharkiv Region is still contested between Russian forces and units loyal to Kyiv. The situation in Kharkiv city itself remains tense, but Russian forces are not storming it.

Evacuation of civilians from Mariupol:

Meanwhile, the Russian Defense Ministry revealed that its forces captured anti-tank systems, hand grenade launchers and man-portable anti-aircraft missile systems of Western production in recent battles with Ukrainian radicals in Kyiv Region.

  • In the area of ​​the village of Guta-Mezhigorskaya, units of Russian airborne troops captured a stronghold of nationalists and foreign mercenaries.
  • Russian paratroopers seized 10 US-made Javelin anti-tank missile systems and a number of weapons of other types supplied by Western countries to Ukraine.
  • All captured Javelin anti-tank systems and other foreign weapons are transferred to units of the people’s militia of the Donetsk and Luhansk people’s republics.

The Russians also showed Ukrainian military equipment destroyed in Kherson Region.

It is useful to point that the Russian military is still not very active in its coverage of the military operation. The small number of photos and videos released by the Russian side and the full-scale pro-Kyiv propaganda campaign in mainstream media creates a distorted picture of the developments in Ukraine. In this imaginary world, Kyiv’s forces already delivered a devastating blow to the advancing Russian forces and are about to push to capture Moscow. The recent intensification of Russian coverage of the operation is a positive trend. However, much more efforts will be needed to fight back the joint propaganda advance of the so-called ‘Western states’.

Media sources link another pause in the Russian advance in Ukraine with the new round of negotiations between Kyiv and Moscow. Despite recent demonstrations of the destructive posture of the Ukrainian leadership, it seems that Russia still hopes to avoid additional civilian casualties and at least secure the evacuation of civilians via humanitarian corridors. Kyiv, in own turn, continues to sabotage even this humanitarian effort.

On March 15, the Russian Defense Ministry published a statement of Head of the National Centre for Defence Control of the Russian Federation Colonel General Mikhail Mizintsev regarding this situation. It provides a closer look at what is really happening in the humanitarian aspect of the conflict (source):

Since yesterday, the Russian Federation has been conducting an unprecedented humanitarian operation in Mariupol. At the same time, the civilians rescued yesterday and today confirm all the previously made assumptions about the nightmare and horrors that took place in this city.

The Ukrainian nationalists mined all the approaches to the city, blew up bridges, residential quarters of Mariupol, kindergartens and schools, medical institutions and other civilian infrastructure facilities were turned into strong points, ammunition depots, firing points, and Mariupol residents themselves were used as a human shield. At the same time, under the threat of death, all able-bodied residents were driven to the equipment of barricades, trenches and other engineering structures.

The inhumanity and ruthlessness of the agonizing Ukrainian neo-Nazis towards their own civilian population is fully confirmed by the so–called “festung” concept they borrowed from the fascists – “fortress cities”. The special tragedy of such tactics lies in the fact that the Nazis created all conditions for the mass destruction of civilians in order not to leave a single living witness to their monstrous crimes.

In addition, nationalist battalions and units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have disabled life support systems, housing, social and administrative infrastructure of the city, individual buildings and structures have actually been wiped off the face of the earth, shops have been looted, monuments and objects of historical heritage have been desecrated and cannot be restored.

All our previous appeals with persistent and diplomatic appeals to the Kiev authorities to allow the civilian population to go to safe areas were completely ignored.

Despite the complete unwillingness of official Kiev to protect the civilian population from terrorist attacks by crazed nationalists, as well as the complexity of the situation, aggravated by the actions of disparate armed gangs, the Russian Federation continues to fully fulfill its humanitarian obligations.

More than 450 tons of food, medicines and basic necessities have already been delivered to the civilians of Mariupol to provide humanitarian assistance, including 225 tons today. Mariupol residents are being evacuated safely through open humanitarian corridors from the unblocked city.

Starting at 10 a.m. today, exclusively for humanitarian purposes, the Russian Federation has already provided humanitarian corridors for the twelfth time in the Kiev, Chernigov, Sumy and Kharkov directions along one humanitarian corridor to the Russian Federation, and one more through the territories controlled by the Kiev authorities towards the western borders of Ukraine. The Russian Armed Forces strictly observe the imposed ceasefire.

Of the ten routes we have proposed, the Ukrainian authorities have agreed on only three, but at the same time, not a single humanitarian corridor to the Russian Federation has been confirmed by official Kiev again, which once again proves the indifference of the current government to its own people.

Based on humanitarian principles and solely for the purpose of ensuring the safety of civilians forcibly held by nationalists in blockaded settlements, we coordinate all additional humanitarian corridors proposed by Kiev on a daily basis. Today, the Ukrainian side announced nine routes for the withdrawal of refugees in the Zaporozhye, Zhytomyr and Poltava directions. On all these routes, the Russian Armed Forces also strictly observe ceasefire.

We continue to closely monitor the actions of the Ukrainian side both on the ground and from the air, including with the use of unmanned aerial vehicles.

Once again, it was recorded that the Ukrainian side uses the ceasefire regimes to actively move weapons and military equipment, restore the combat capability of equipment, replenish material reserves. At the same time, the wishes of civilians to evacuate to safe areas in the northern and eastern directions to the territory of Russia are simply ignored, and all attempts to do this are blocked by territorial defence detachments and units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Exclusively for humane purposes, Russian servicemen not only do not hinder, but also urge Ukrainians to use any convenient ways for them to get to safe places, including those routes that pass through the territories controlled by Kiev.

The Kiev authorities, on the contrary, continue to force people to stay in their homes and allow evacuation only to the western regions of Ukraine or neighboring European countries, deliberately not notifying the civilian population about the possibility of evacuation to the Russian Federation.

Western countries, as well as international organizations such as the United Nations, the OSCE, the International Committee of the Red Cross and other human rights organizations continue to hush up the horrific facts of missile and artillery strikes on densely populated areas of Donetsk. They don’t know the current situation, so they distract relevant departments of the Russian Federation  by various and multiple requests to ensure the safe evacuation of civilians from territories controlled by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and not by the Russian Armed Forces.

In the conditions of the growing humanitarian crisis, a significant part of the population forcibly held by radicals in Ukrainian cities and used by them as a “human shield” is looking for the possibility of evacuation only to Russia, without considering options for exit to Western states, as evidenced by the next multimillion appeals of citizens to the Russian side.

According to the results of daily monitoring, it was found that 11,412 more such requests were received only over the past day, and there are already 2,678,069 of them in our database with specific surnames and addresses from almost 2,000 settlements of Ukraine.

And this is not just statistics, these are the fates of ordinary people, their hopes for an early end to the daily nightmare, despair at the hopelessness of the situation and the uselessness of their country, whose authorities have legitimized crimes against humanity with their criminal decisions, ignore numerous cases of looting, robbery, banditry, sanctioned the use of weapons by nationalists against the civilian population, including women and children.

I quote another one of the thousands of appeals received today:

“I ask for help in the evacuation of my family along the humanitarian corridor: my wife, Svetlana, her brother and 82-year-old father, who are now in Dnepr city. They are asking for evacuation to Russia. Please help them use the humanitarian corridor. They are very scared, exhausted and can’t even go down to the shelter. They will die. Please help.” End quote.

Despite this, 11,372 people, including 1,873 children, were evacuated from the dangerous zones of various regions of Ukraine, as well as the Lugansk and Donetsk people’s republics, during the day without the participation of the Ukrainian side, and 258,791 people have been evacuated since the beginning of the special military operation, 56,180 of them children. The state border of the Russian Federation was crossed by 29,291 personal vehicles including 1,368 per day.

Over the past day, thanks to the security measures taken by the Russian Armed Forces, it was possible to provide humanitarian corridors and evacuate 36,721 citizens traveling by buses and personal cars from various settlements to the western regions of Ukraine in Zhytomir, Lugansk, Donetsk and Mariupol directions.

7,070 citizens from 22 foreign countries, as well as the crews of more than 70 foreign vessels blocked in the seaports of Ukraine, continue to be held hostage by the militants of the territorial defence battalions.

The fate of these foreign citizens has been the subject of round-the-clock cooperation with representatives of the relevant diplomatic agencies. At the same time, the Ukrainian authorities still do not respond to the appeals of foreign states for the rescue of compatriots in distress.

More than 9,500 temporary accommodation centres continue to operate in the regions of the Russian Federation.

More than 18,500 tons of basic necessities, food and medicines have been prepared at the collection points.

At the same time, the Russian side is creating the necessary conditions for a peaceful and safe life in all the liberated territories, ensuring unimpeded access of the population to any humanitarian aid.

2,709 tons of humanitarian cargo have already been delivered to the settlements of Kiev, Sumy, Chernigov, Zaporozhye, Kharkov, Kherson regions, as well as Lugansk and Donetsk people’s republics during the 334 humanitarian actions, including 28 actions carried out over the past day, 544 tons of basic necessities and food were transferred to the civilian population of the liberated areas.

To date, 15 humanitarian actions have been planned and are currently being carried out in Chernigov, Donetsk People’s Republic and Mariupol during which 510 tons of basic necessities, medicine and food are distributed.

A Russian strike on a military target in Odessa Region:

It is hard to expect reasonable actions from the government that sabotages even the evacuation of civilians from the combat zone. In the previous years, the Ukrainian leadership already demonstrated the real value of deals with it. So, now the main question of the negotiations is the Russian ability to eliminate Kyiv’s ability to destabilize the region and further by force.


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Muhammad your Prophet

Check out the showcase of Russian corpses there. It looks like it’s more than just a humanitarian stalemate. More like a total bloothbath. Are you sure it’s a humanitarian stalemate and not a military stalemate, Scooby? Because the Putin cockroaches don’t seem to be moving anywhere. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=273145278331891&id=100069092624537&m_entstream_source=timeline&anchor_composer=false&ref=bookmarks

Last edited 3 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet

When you put dramatic music on a video it really shows your weakness to make things different than they look in reality just like the ghost of the kiev and other dozens of videos from different conflicts this Ukrainian source has been posting.

jens holm

Many of the incomming refugees has constant contact to relatives and friends by mobile phones and androids.

Even biased in fear by false worries its easy to reflect on 1000s of documentations. You also has not checked Facebook, Youtube.

You are an ignorant. Shame on You.

Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy

Calm your tits my child. I asked President Putin to not show my dead UAF and Azovisis on any media. Its more than enough if We know about it. May my precious Azovs rest in pieces. This was your dear leader, best President ever. 😎💐🎉

Last edited 3 years ago by Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy

LOL!!! Nice one.

Muhammad your Prophet

Knock yourself out. It’s not like the Russian terrorist president isn’t itching for it.


And, Yarmulke Perezstein is back, this time as a fake Muslim.

Horse Cock Putin

Hahahaha .. right. That’s why “The Cokehead of KIEV” is screaming for a NATO no fly zone. Nice try ass eater. Got to do better then that..Haaaha


All fake dude! go back to sleep


“The link you followed may be broken, or the page may have been removed”

jens holm

Its not broken to me.

First You come into a text, where You can choose Your own language. It tells You about the videoclip.

Next You dot You in. Its a warning because there is hard stuff there. You dont have to see it. Its not needed.

But You see running tanks, fire but the warning is about dead soldiers. I didnt count. It caiud be 10 or something.

I wish Yoiu best luck and hope Your computer is doing as they should.


taco brain perez–the SF village nazi idiot

jens holm

Gaagagagga r ciga inn still have no toilet.

Johan Tosserstein

Foreign western volunteers and mercenaries are trying to get out of Ukraine after the Missile hit on training ground near Lliv. But Ukrainian Nationalists are trying to force them back by gunpoint at border. You won’t see these descriptions of what is happening on western MSM news:



Last edited 3 years ago by Johan Tosserstein
jens holm

People like them dont understand how the conditions for war is. They have to follow orders.

You forget the women is kept back from unsave areas. Runners should not run out there as rabbits with no brain.

And the orther one is same thing. When You arrive to there You cant behave like an anarkhist og vacation. Yiu have to follow orders. None says there are no weapons for them or they will arrive later.

Facts also are they are needed where no one or few are. Thats almost direct in combat for fx to keep the doors to Kiev or Kharkov open.

Its very much about titles. Organisations for medical care red cross includes are more independent. Most of them are educated well and are aware of the risks.

I will add, that incomming Ukra men as well as old veterans know the drill. You show no picture for most of the incommers at all.

And so far the Ukras seemes more and far better organized then the Russians.

We will see.

Yossi Cohen (Israeli fag available 24/7)

Yamil Perez my whore I miss you 🍆😘

Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy

My Azov boys are worse than the waffle ss. I will throw everyone under the bus. Am I the best President or what? 😎

Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy

Im willing to unconditionally surrender. In case I can retire to Langley or Tel Aviv.

jens holm

That is all ruski propaganda. I should know, I got direct intel from my lgbtq cia handler in kopenhagen. Will be right back. I have a dildo session and afterwards I take a snack, rotten fish in vinegar with moldy corn bread yummy my fav.

Yossi Cohen (Israeli fag available 24/7)

Jensy Babe you make me horny 🍆😘

Peppe il Sicario

Is that an eggplant?? Didn’t know Israhellis were able to cook! How about this? 🥒 It’s a cucumber, Jews like kosher pickles, but not to eat.

jens holm

Not me Jens Holm Denmark.

Yamil Perez

Slava Rossiya Please daddy Putin kill those evil Azovs. I got raped by them yesterday. It aint fun anymore.

Last edited 3 years ago by Yamil Perez
Yossi Cohen (Israeli fag available 24/7)

Poor baby. But I raped you too and you never complained 🍆😘

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Ciatrolls and ukrobots are crying and raging 🤗🤡

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

A Krasnopol a day keeps Azovisis away 🤗

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Slava Rossiye 🇷🇺

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

If you wonder why Azov and isis uses the same tactics… They have the same training. CIA black ops and Delta.


Azov are trained by US super-toadies from Canada. The Canadians got busted, but like all stories related to the Ukraine and Russia-hating Nazis, it didn’t really have any legs. “Allegations of Canadian troops training neo-Nazis and war criminals sparks military review” https://ottawacitizen.com/news/national/defence-watch/allegations-of-canadian-troops-training-neo-nazis-and-war-criminals-sparks-military-review

Last edited 3 years ago by Clyde
jens holm

News to me Nazis pray 5 times a day and dont eat pork.

jens holm

Where can I join Azov? Those beautiful tall men. They need some tenderness and I can give them just that. 🦄🌈

Yossi Cohen (Israeli fag available 24/7)

Jensy my cock is so tender. All of Tel Aviv moans for your return.

jens holm

Not me Jens Holm Denmark

Andy Lee Lowell

Captured MANPADS for the Russians to use against the enemy. Ukrainian warplanes are already falling out of the sky, I’m sure.

Peppe il Sicario

The Ukranian Air Force’s inventory now consists primarily of homing pigeons.

jens holm

And drones

jens holm

That how it is. As I recall it they all were or are MIG29. Im sure they have done whatever they can/could. Nice for pilots to have airplanes in heaven too.

Peppe il Sicario

Good going guys!!! Grind those Ukies down to a pulp!!!


Soon enough all these captured weapons will be mass produced for the loyal middle eastern allies. 🇱🇧🇷🇺


A selection of those western weapons should be sent to Iran for reverse engineering.

jens holm

Fine with me. I will hope for many well done suicide killings.

Andy Lee Lowell

How many UAF and Nazi troops are trapped in Mariupol? I heard it might be as high as 14,000. Can anyone confirm that?

Yamil Perez

Confirmed. 14,500. That was 24hours ago. I think its around 12,000 now.

jens holm

I hve seen the same somewhere.


The situation is that Russia Ministry of Defence will have to restrict strikes to military only areas without civilians in the area. The Nazi trash with the ‘fortress city’ concept are using this to their advantage.

jens holm

It has 1.893 pr. km². It had 460.000 inhabitants and its about 15 x 15 km all included.

The dirtbastars already has corners of it.


The Russian “forces” took patients and doctors hostage in the main hospital of Mariupol. Nobody may leave or they are shot. The Russians are shooting out of the windows to make the Ukraines soldiers shoot back so they can claim/ film that Ukraines attack their own civilians. The dirty nazi tricks of Russians using human shields never end.


professor retired janitor senile nazi Jens teaches you LGBT values

jens holm

Im sure they are to advanced for You. Its equal right to all unless it harm others. By that vomen as well as men cant be sold according any tradition.

Andy Lee Lowell


You are making a fool of yourself. Everybody in the world knows that the Ukrainian and Nazi troops are positioning themselves right in the middle of civilian settlements in Mariupol. They Nazis and Ukrainians are using civilians as human shields.

Why would the Russians need to so something like that? Think about. The Russians are on the the edges of Mariupol, forcing their way into the city street-by-street, block-by-block, house-by-house. The Russians are on the offensive. They have no need to shelter among civilians.

But Ukrainian and Nazi troops – yes, they are hide in hospitals, kindegartens, maternity wards, retirement homes, etc.

jens holm

So my name must be “NOT EVERYBODY”.

Facts are they and other defenders has been fighting very well in the fronts outside Maripol. BUt even so, they now silently has retreated to the City itself.

None believe in You crap. We see what the Russians does to TV towers, hospitals, buildings whatever and sometimes live.

You should be ashamed writing this crap. We also has the many 1000 incomming refugees about it. And they are communikating live by own mov´bile phones and androids with text, speak, videos and pictures.

Its only true people hide where they can fond a little safety and hope.

Yamil Perez

Sounds more like Azovisis in action.

jens holm

That has to be verified better.


as ukropibots realize their defeat and impotence, NATO and amerikants do the same—this explains the numerous and increasing frustrated insecure nazzi comments at SF

jens holm

Not at all.


Only a faith based deluded ideologue thinks Russia will not easily roll over Ukraine. Ukraine had a chance to be a beautiful peaceful neutral nation but the CIA brainwashed them.

jens holm

Someone has brainwashed You to believe that. This is not about CIA at all. Its about the 97, 85% non Naziz in a UN recognized country for 30 years. Now they are more then 100% against Russians and determinant resistandt.

Putin made them stronger believing his own propaganda better then us often being there having 10.000 Ukras working in my country and doing well. Ukraine is not what Putin has created for You.

For You they have changed to the worse. The have suffered from Trotsky, Lenin, Stalin and to today.

Today is NO MORE no matter what.

I will remind You the Ukra military forces are about 80.000 and reserves.


Absolute rubbish. The US ran a coup in 2014, using far-right and outright Nazi paramilitary forces to destabilize the government in Kiev. The US-installed government, in the era of identitarian madness throughout the NATO countries, began an ethnic cleansing operation in Donbas and used the NAZI paramilitaries there and to supress political opposition and project an anti-Russian policy in the rest of the Ukraine. The IMF, the CIA and the US State Department doomed the Ukrainian people to be a tool in their multi-decade hybrid war against Russia.

jens holm

Human shield is far out. Its heavy cities and towns. You cant evacuate millions just like.

I hvae no solution for that apart from RUSSIA GO HOME.

Yossi Cohen (Israeli fag available 24/7)

Babe 🍆😘

jens holm

Hard times. POutin cant send Youtubes as propaganda Youtubes anymore and Facebook has no face as Ahmed the Terrorist.

At the Ukra elections 2,15% voted for the nazis, which by that are not even in the Parlament , which has many parties.

Putins Nazis are Zelenski and the whole Ukra parlament and 97,85% of its population.

My best hopes for Russia after loosing this will be they only makes fishtanks. Well they can fire Putin at New Years evening or before.

He might land at his supporters in North Korea.


senile nazi jens immoral racist—your humiliation continues


my best hope for senile nazi jens is that his social worker finds less cynical lgbt junkie to treat his diaper rash—it now has infected the few remaining brain cells

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