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Russia Slams Idea To Establish UN Inquiry Into Attacks On Targets In Syria’s Idlib As Provocative

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Russia Slams Idea To Establish UN Inquiry Into Attacks On Targets In Syria's Idlib As Provocative

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On August 1, U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres announced that he is setting up an internal inquiry into attacks in a de-escalation zone in northwest Syria.

“I believe that this inquiry can produce an important result,” Guterres told reporters. “I can guarantee that everything will be done to make sure that this board of inquiry acts with full objectivity, not to prove anything, but to simply say what the truth is.”

The announcement took place amid the recent escalation on frontlines around the so-called de-escalation zone where the Syrian Arab Army clashes with variuos radicals and liberated several villages. The decision to ‘investigate’ attacks in the zone is politically motivated and aimed at preventing the fight against terrorists in the area. It’s apparent that it was lobbied by powers interested in the instability in Syria. Most likely, the US used its influence on the friendly U.N. Secretary-General to achieve this goal.

The Russian Foreign Ministry reacted to this with own statement uncovering the real sitaution with this inititative.

Press release on UN Secretary-General’s decision to establish an internal inquiry into incidents in north-west Syria (source):

On August 1, the UN Secretary-General announced his decision to “establish an internal United Nations Headquarters Board of Inquiry to investigate a series of incidents that have occurred in north-west Syria since the signing of the Memorandum on Stabilization of the Situation in the Idlib De-escalation Area between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Turkey on 17 September 2018.”

We have authentic information that this provocative idea was actively advocated by countries hostile to the legitimate authorities of the Syrian Arab Republic and to our efforts to eradicate the terrorist threat in that country and to guarantee its territorial integrity and sovereignty. We have repeatedly noted that the Syrian military units, supported by the Russian Aerospace Forces, are merely conducting retaliatory and limited operations in order to neutralise the terrorists and to destroy their facilities. Attempts to smear these efforts and to discredit Damascus will then, doubtless, be used to create new obstacles in the path of political settlement.

We have noted that António Guterres has motivated his decision by Article 97 of the UN Charter stating expressly that: “The Secretariat shall comprise a Secretary-General and such staff as the Organisation may require. The Secretary-General shall be appointed by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council. He shall be the chief administrative officer of the Organisation.” It is unclear how this wording can be interpreted as allowing the establishment of an internal Board of Inquiry. Against the backdrop of the media reports about a demarche by some members of the UN Security Council demanding an investigation into the developments in the Idlib de-escalation zone, it would also be incorrect to overlook the UN Charter’s Article 100: “In the performance of their duties the Secretary-General and the staff shall not seek or receive instructions from any government or from any other authority external to the Organisation …”

Barring the legal discrepancies of this case, we would like to understand how the UN Secretariat is planning to organise the work of the Board of Inquiry. Will its members work remotely, considering the fact that the Idlib de-escalation zone is mostly controlled by terrorists? Or will they take advantage of certain sources seen as “reliable” by UN officials, such as the so-called White Helmets who are feeling free on Jihadist-controlled territories, and who have been repeatedly caught red-handed by the Syrian authorities and the Russian Centre for Reconciliation of Opposing Sides in the Syrian Arab Republic and found guilty of spreading staged reports and fake stories in order to organise provocations and to incite anti-Damascus moods?

We would also like to inquire about the UN Secretary-General’s plans to investigate the incidents involving the death of civilians in such Syrian cities as Raqqa, Al-Baghuz and Hajin, as well as in Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan, due to air strikes carried out by the United States and its allies.

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14 million Houthi being starved to death in Yemen, and this UN Secretary-General wants to account for the lives of some Muslim Brotherhood jihadists in Idlib. He should be asking China to assist Assad and the people of Syria in cleaning the nation of this scum.

viktor ziv

Most of politicians are known to talk way to much and do nothing, lazy as hell, do nothing.

AM Hants

When will the UN be concerned with regards the US razoring Raqqa?

Why does the UN support Idlib, but, not Raqqa?

National Pride

Well, that’s war; the only way to stop civilian casualties is to stop fighting.

Brother Thomas

And more importantly, stop promoting new wars and instigating regime change.


Israel have fkd UN long time ago when they took land from Palestine and gave to intruders now they called Israel. Just UN general should STFU.

Toronto Tonto

Yes tell us how many hospitals Russia bombed and how many assad hung .


U fucking jewish fag again spewing hasbara filth?


Well said.


Tell us how many innocent people your evil cult has gotten killed and injured with this fabricated war for Jews?


ok now relax and take your pills.


Lots of pills.


Why don’t you ? Your kind has no facts.


Considering the volume of blatant war crimes to investigate on this planet. Like unprovoked Israeli attacks on Syria. How is it that something so far down the list as Idlib clearing operations, with little or no evidence that the Syrian government coalition has even committed any war crimes, out rank all of the other obvious war crimes with substantial evidence to warrant an investigation?

The UNSG is setting himself up for allegations of running interference for the Jew world order axis of terror with a politically motivated witch hunt of the type being run in the US.


What do you expect Putin to do? 7 out of 10 Russian oligarchs are of jew origin and more than a million Russian jews settled in Israel the last two decades and they mostly live in settlements in Palestinian territories. He became a good christian and turns the other chick when Trump and Neteneahu request it. By the way all the oligarchs and the Russian elites are pro western and investing all their profits in the west. I agree that most of the military is against Putins attitude to flirt with west.


there is no way the squatters can threaten russia with nukes – russia on the other hand can send a swarm of nuke-tipped missiles from the kaspian sea and obliterate the squatters’ tenuous, at best, hold on the land they have stolen from the palestinians and the squatters know this. rest assured that putin sits patiently in the wings and will, if need be, step in and partake in the final days of the evil illegal statehood israel’s days. ’cause putin knows, that there is no peace anywhere to be had if the squatters and their fifth columns support are allowed to go on with their murders, their thieving and their lies and their ethnical cleansing program and thus need to be fnished off – full stop. and just think, when the palestinians are gone, who will be next on the squatters program, the kuwaitis, the iraqis, the jordanians. rest assured that their lying murderous plans doesn’t stop with the palestinians, just like Htler’s plan did not stop with the friggin poles, he wanted to end the slavs and the gypsies and and and. so beware of the squatters and finish them off before they finish you off.

Tudor Miron

We know that you need to remove Putin to be able to keep looting this planet. Your problem is that Russians are to decide who’s their leader.

Tudor Miron

OK. Sorry for misunderstanding.


The whole Syria war is crime. Any objective UN investigation of it would show egregious war crimes by the non Syrian criminals who fabricated it by flooding Syria with terrorists and weapons.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Yawn, the real story the UN should be telling us is this, the Civilian population in many areas of Northern Hama and Southern Idlib now want reconciliation with Assad. If the reconciliation process was allowed to continue back in may last year all of Hama and large parts of Southern Idlib would already be back under Assad’s control. Did the UN make a big deal about all the civilians who were tortured and killed by the rebels to stop them entering talks with the Syrian government, not a peep. The UN is run by a bunch of the weirdest transgender freaks you could ever imagine, nothing they ever say has any credibility whatsoever, they’re the biggest liars in all human history, they’re just modern day Pharisees spreading deceit to serve their own agendas, and should never ever be believed.


Any chance soon of a UN inquiry of Saudi and UAE airstrikes in Yemen? Or is that only reserved for operations that involve Putin and Assad?

Brother Thomas

Hey, let’s be reasonable. The US and it’s allies spent a lot of money on training and supplying ISIS, Al-Quaida, Al-Nusrah Front, the White Helmets, etc. Russia can’t just go and bomb these Western assets.

Tudor Miron

How dare those pesky russkies destroy the pride and joy of civilized world – freedom fighters from UK/US/Israel irregular armed forces (ISIS, AlQueda and the rest of those rats).

Brother Thomas

Antonio Guterres gets his orders from Washington, apparently.

Brother Thomas

The US and its allies have never cared about civilian casualties, whether in the nuclear attacks on Japan, a decade of sanctions on Iraq when 500,000 children died, or drone attacks in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and a long list of other countries.

Empires don’t care about civilians except as rhetorical tools and propaganda.

Icarus Tanović

UN lost all credibility it once had.

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