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MARCH 2025

Russia Slams Recent Memorandum Between OPCW And UN JIM Says It Jeopardizes Integrity Of Chemical Weapons Convention

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Russia Slams Recent Memorandum Between OPCW And UN JIM Says It Jeopardizes Integrity Of Chemical Weapons Convention

Russia’s Foreign Ministry. IMAGE: Sergey Sevostyanov/TASS

The TASS news agency reports (source):

The memorandum of understanding between the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and the United Nations Joint Investigating Mechanism (JIM) jeopardizes integrity of the Chemical Weapons Convention, Russia’s Foreign Ministry said on Saturday.

“The attempts to implement it are fraught with unpredictable implications for integrity of the Chemical Weapons Convention and a constructive and mutually beneficial dialogue about chemical weapons on the international arena, including the UN,” the ministry said.

According to the Russian Foreign Ministry, the OPCW and “the international impartial mechanism,” which was set up to investigate chemical attacks in Syria in line with UN Resolution 71/248, plan to approve this memorandum to coordinate further steps.

The memorandum was drafted with numerous violations and “in essence, on the verge of arbitrariness by its authors.”

“The memorandum of understanding directly breaches provisions of the Chemical Weapons Convention in the part related to confidentiality, to say nothing of the OPCW confidentiality policy, since it [the memorandum of understanding] suggests that JIM (and third individuals via it) could get access to information of interest,” the ministry said.

“The fundamental principle of confidentiality is that the OPCW (and its Technical Secretariat) do not disclose information received while implementing the Convention, except cases when such a possibility is directly allowed for by a member state,” it added.

“It should not be overlooked that ‘Mechanism’ 71/248 was established by the UN General Assembly in excess of jurisdiction. It implies its judicial inconsistency. The mechanism does not have international legal personality to enter into contractual arrangements,” the Russian foreign ministry stressed.

Russia’s key concern about the future signing of the memorandum of understanding was conveyed to OPCW Director General Fernando Arias and UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, the ministry said in conclusion.

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VeeNarian (Yerevan)

So, the scene is set for another round of “chemical weapons” hysteria and movies and an attack by US/EU/NATO/GCC/Israeli gangsters. RF should declare OPCW as not fit for purpose and complete its mission in Syria with SAA and allies. Why offer a fig leaf for the LIES of the Western supremacist gangsters?


America trying to pervert something, how unusual.

AM Hants

Check out who funds the White Helmets, with the nations who sponsor ‘United Nations Joint Investigating Mechanism (JIM)’. No conflict of interest, yet, those nations, are just a handful of the 193 UN member states, wish to have full control over the OPCW, with no input, by the UN member states, who do not fund the ‘White Helmets’ or OPCW (JIM).



This is who sponsored the previous UN Joint Investigating Mechanism, starting with the EU:

European Union donates €4.6 million to OPCW Special Missions and the UN-OPCW Joint Investigative Mechanism… https://www.opcw.org/media-centre/news/2016/03/european-union-donates-eu46-million-opcw-special-missions-and-un-opcw

France Germany Netherlands Israel New Zealand Sweden Switzerland UK US Saudi Arabia Canada Australia

The Press Release, which went with the above, states these nations fund the UN OPCW (JIM). Funny how they also fund the White Helmets. No conflict of interest. Then look who funds the BBC, besides the UK TV Licence Payer. Why do they want the natural resources of Syria, plus, to blame Russia and Syria, who do not have chemical weapons, with CW blame games? Who is in control of the Israel to Europe Gas Pipeline Project and where do the natural resources of Syria fit in with it all?


British Broadcasting Corporation Funding:


Department for International Development Global Division £18.8 million

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation £3.8 million

Foreign and Commonwealth Office £2.8 million (they also spend $24 million funding the White Helmets)

European Union (who also fund UN OPCW (JIM) ) £2.8 million.

Gifts in kind £2.7 million

Other grants £2.5 million

US State Department £2 million (they also spend £23 million, funding the White Helmets, via USAID).

BMB Mott MacDonald, (a uniquely diverse range of consultants delivering extremely high profile projects across the world, working to meet some of the world’s greatest challenges.) £1.5 million

United Nations £1.4 million

USAID £1.3 million (who fund the White Helmets £23 million, via James Le Mesurier’s ‘May Day Rescue’, with Soros benefitting from USAID)

Department for International Development £0.6 million

Generated funds £0.2 million

Then check out how many who donate to the UN OPCW (JIM), also donate to the Clinton Foundation, rely on Soros funded NGOs and fund the White Helmets?

Funny, when you look at the BBC funding, how they criticise Russia Today for being State Funded. How much does Russia invest in Russia Today and how much do those investing in the BBC/Clinton Foundation/UN OPCW (JIM) sponsors, invest in Russia Today?

Comparing Russian and American government ‘propaganda’ (budgets provided in table)… https://meduza.io/en/short/2017/09/14/comparing-russian-and-american-government-propaganda


Macedonia to George Soros and USAID: Go Away

…George Soros, 86, and his U.S. Government handmaidens, who, incredibly, have financed a left-wing agenda to divide the nation and bring a socialist-Muslim coalition to power.

It was the kind of Obama Administration manipulation that was so routine that it passed unnoticed in 2012, when USAID/Skopje selected Soros’ Foundation Open Society Macedonia (FOSM) to manage $2.5 million in taxpayer dollars earmarked for oxymoronic “democracy building,” an amount increased to $4.8 million two years later… https://spectator.org/macedonia-to-george-soros-and-usaid-go-away/

Judicial Watch sues State Department, USAID for Soros records… https://www.foxnews.com/politics/judicial-watch-sues-state-department-usaid-for-soros-records

Along With NPR, Soros Groups Get Millions in Taxpayer Funds… http://nlpc.org/2010/10/22/along-npr-soros-groups-receive-millions-taxpayer-funds-1/

Soros-Linked “Undesirable NGOs” Fund ISIS-linked Refugee Boats To EU… https://idraintheswamp.com/2018/03/soros-linked-undesirable-ngos-fund-isis-linked-refugee-boats-to-eu/


Fair play to you for exposing these gangsters, excellent research and with great supporting links

AM Hants

Thank you.

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