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MARCH 2025

Russia Successfully Test-Launched RS-28 Sarmat ICBM (Video)

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Russia Successfully Test-Launched RS-28 Sarmat ICBM (Video)

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On April 20, Russia successfully launched RS-28 Sarmat “heavy” intercontinental ballistic missile from a silo at the Plesetsk state testing cosmodrome in Arkhangelsk Region.

According to the Russian Ministry of Defence, the launch objectives have been met in full. This launch is the first one within the state test programme. After the completion of the testing programme, the Sarmat missile system will enter service with Strategic Missile Forces.


Sarmat system is a product solely of Russian production. It has been developed since the 2000s by specialists of V.P. Makeyev State Rocket Center JSC.

The missile’s mass and energy characteristics have fundamentally expanded its range of weaponry, both in the number of warheads and in types, including gliding hypersonic section.

Sarmat will replace R-36M2 Voevoda missiles, which have been the most powerful in the world and operational since 1970s.

Sarmat considerably exceeds the specifications of its predecessor. Some of its characteristics were disclosed at Army-2019 forum. The new missile weighs 208.1 tons, the payload is close to 10 tons and the fuel is 178 tons. The range of Sarmat is 18 thousand kilometers.

Russia Successfully Test-Launched RS-28 Sarmat ICBM (Video)

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Additionally, Sarmat has completely new means to counter missile defense. Its active flight stage, when the missile accelerates and is visible and vulnerable to missile defense, has been reduced. The shorter acceleration section is important for the breakthrough of missile defense, as the separation of reentry vehicles and discharge of dummy targets are possible only after the boost. Sarmat engines rapidly boost the missile to the safe zone and make it invulnerable for the missile defense until it reaches the main flight trajectory.

It can fly by unpredictable routes and bypass missile defense areas. It can fly over the North and South Pole and approach targets from directions that are not envisaged for interception.

To make it even more impressive, it can allegedly carry other reentry vehicles such as the Avangard hypersonic glide vehicle and other missiles.

Sarmat missile has unique characteristics that allow it to be guaranteed to overcome any existing and promising anti-missile defence systems. The new missile is capable of hitting targets at long ranges using a variety of flight trajectories.

Sarmat is the most powerful missile with the world’s longest distance to hit targets, which will significantly enhance the combat power of Russia’s strategic nuclear forces.



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hans raus

2nd army in the world and their toys that doesnt work on battlefield ^^

,,Ukrainian Soldier Find A ‘Cannon’ Inside A Russian Orlan-10 Drone; Calls It Moscow’s ‘Cosmic Technology’ – Watch ”


russian army is just comedy

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus
Alexandre Souvorov

In your Degenerate And Crazy Brain Only


Is that why most of Ukraine’s air defenses, it’s entire navy and most of their combat vehicles got wiped out in a matter of days?


Who cares the whole world got see that soviet weapons are far superior to the wests selow slugs,who are you trying to kid here?


It’s okay my little nazi sperm hans, we understand that you are trying to cope with reality somehow. Sad that you are desperately trying to convice your brain that ukro-nazis are not losing.


That plastic bottle can be filled with vodka and even rakiya


You teutonic fake god midgets have no future dictating unipolar order,you cia slave are the weaklings!

Bigg Chungus

Death to America


24500km/h ??


russia leads in rocket science (period) musk is all hoax.


It’s a timely reminder of the real red lines and with Russia building new weapons and arming themselves to the teeth it shows that those red lines are real. US gets this deep down, but is happy to fight to the last Ukrainian. US only real job other than that is to control NATO hot heads so they follow the script, no US dragged in direct involvement!


It’s time for Russia to give an ultimatum to Mariupol, after this successful test with ICBM.


They have given loads of ultimatums, the truth is if the Nazis surrender they will get tried in Russian hands or executed in Ukrainian hands, so unless there is a third party exit, its a tricky choice!


I’m getting bored of hearing this shit “Russia hasn’t taken Mariupol bla bla bal”, so let me make fun of some Neo-Nazis so they stop acting like Zion morons.

For you young morons that like to just run your mouth to make us laugh. 101 for taking a city: For every one defender, there would be four attackers – The US did it in Iraq – Russia also did so in Ukraine (4 attackers to 1 defender). Do you understand that? So, clowns if you see there are four times of Russian troops outside of a city – the Russian wants to take it. Yes? Let me give you an example of what I mean.

The US invasion of Iraq – Fallujah (Iraq) Iraq defenders = 4,500~ fighters in the city. The US troops = 18,000~ Soldiers and Marines / Special operators. The US cut/circled the city. The ratio of 4 to 1. Time to take the city: 1 month, 2 weeks and 2 days. Fallujah is a third the size of Mariupol (1/3) – Half the population of Mariupol (1/2). I can’t be clearer than that, I’m sorry if you are an rtd.

The Russian special operation in Ukraine – Mariupol (Ukraine) Ukraine defenders= 3,500~ fighters in the city. The Russian troops = 14,000~ Soldiers. Russia cut/circled the city. The ratio of 4 to 1. Time to take the city: over a month+ (Due to Russia having repeatedly called on Ukrainian troops to surrender). Fallujah is a third the size of Mariupol (1/3) – Half the population of Mariupol (1/2). In no way can any moron believe that Russia can take Mariupol in a mouth or two. It took the US (WoRlD mOsT pOwErFuL MiLiAtRy) to take Fallujah in 1 month and 2 weeks.

Yes, Yes, Truth hurts Neo-Nazis. I can’t understand you apes for real, I just compared the two, and now what are you clowns going to say? That Russia somehow should have taken the Mariupol city in a mouth?

Anyway, The special operation in Ukraine (do morons know why the Russians call it “the special operation” and not an invasion)? Russia isn’t going to take the whole of Ukraine – like the morons, The US, I mean look at Iraq (Iran is more powerful than the US in Iraq and yanquis can’t even get out of their bases and Iran just killed Mossad next to yanquis – it says a lot). I’m not going to talk about Afghanistan – 20 years and nothing.

It is clear as the sky that Russia doesn’t want to remove the West’s puppet. Why should they? That Zion going to kill and loot Ukraine, is what all West’s puppets have done. Remember, a lot of us said Russia wants a land/road from the Crimean Peninsula to Russia – They achieved that. P1 Done. The 2nd thing was LPR and DPR have full control of Donbas – they are achieving that as well. That is P2, which going to start soon. The 3rd thing was finishing off Neo-Nazis. That is P3 which will tell us what is Russia going to do after it achieved all of it is main goals. The P3 is a wait and see, no one doesn’t really know – sure we can guess, but that is only a guess.


Please little girl stop crying. Shoygu mah boy! Give an ultimatum to Mariupol right now. Dismissed!


The one who is crying is you, it seems your dog is the one losing.

P.S. I don’t have a dog in this fight but I wouldn’t let morons run their mouths like Zion. Also, if you don’t have anything meaningful to add just die pig – no one care to hear your pig cry.


Nazis are sulking like sqeeling girlys and it show insomuch their dressage to escape,cia p00fta!


All correct but its when we get to denazification (you covered) and demilitarisation it all gets a bit more debateable. If denazification is just removal of Azov Nazis then it will be achieved, and if demilitarisation means making sure Ukraine cannot project an existential threat on Russia, then that will be achieved. However, as you say how it plays out afterwards is all a guess. The Nazis could revive, weapons can come in…… So this is the part that is not clear and could still be dangerous for Russia


I agree with you and what makes me say that it would be a guess because of what Zelensky said as well. RT: “Ukraine can fight Russia ‘for 10 years’ – Zelensky” – 17 Apr, 2022

Let’s say Russia removed Azov Nazis – somehow the denazification of Ukraine was achieved – would Ukraine which is 100% now under the control of US-NATO would stop the war? Or would it be like the last 8 years in Donbas? I sure as hell don’t know what Russia going to do…to close off the war for good, if they can that is.

As you mention the Nazis could revive and get support from the West under name of “freedom fighters” or whatever. Like, it was NATO and US mainly that put Neo-Nazis in power in Ukraine in 2014.

We can compare Ukraine Neo-nazis to Daesh; Does the US support Daesh in Syria and Iraq still? Yes. Does the US use Daesh as a false flag? Yes. Does the US use Daesh troops against Syria and Iraq? Yes. Going by US/NATO history in Syria and Iraq one can say that it would be the same case in Ukraine.

P.S. TBH, I don’t think Russia can achieve denazification of Ukraine – disbanding Azov nazis is achievable but denazification of Ukraine would take years and years – remember Germany, they still have Nazis. Lastly, the US and NATO want Russia to get into a never-ending war – Ukraine is that for them. RT: “Ukraine can fight Russia ‘for 10 years’ – Zelensky”

Last edited 2 years ago by JJ345

ukraine is soviet, not hitlers nor bandeiras nor germanys,so yes russia can do anything, where as cia/gayto/eugeddon etc are simply just weaklings pretending to be tough guys!

Last edited 2 years ago by BUILT TO SURVIVE

Agree to disagree.


Let me be clearer for the last part, Russia doesn’t want to take Kyiv or the North-side of Ukraine. Let’s be all clear about what Russia wants, 1 – to link Crimea to Russia by land, 2 – give control of Donbas to DPR and PLR, 3 – denazification of Ukraine. That’s what Putin said, those 3 things (mainly).

Dear Neo-Nazis, please stop making shit up in your head it is boring and you are making yourself sound like Zion in Palestine (how many times has Zion said Iran going to make a nuclear bomb). Yep, that’s what you morons sound like. Also, stop having a wet dream of WWIII, that’s not going to happen.

Another point a lot of Neo-Nazis make is, “Ukraine with their g0y power pushed Russian out of north Ukraine”… Again to 101 of taking a city, the ratio is 4 to 1. That wasn’t the case in Kyiv. Ukraine Defenders = 23,000~ fighters in Kyiv. Russia Attackers = 30,000 soldiers, I should mention it is much lower in fact, that 30,000 troops number comes from before the special operation. 30,000 Russian troops were in Belarus. That ratio is 1.3 to 1. No, Russia wasn’t going to take Kyiv.

Now, do you think Russia is going to take Kyiv still? So why did Russia send troops to North Ukraine in the first place? I think even the Neo-Nazis here are smart to know that much… Ukraine’s forces were fixed in places, as the Russian troops took cities after cities in the South-Eastern Ukraine, one by one. Come on, some history people, they did the same thing in Syria against US-NATO-Zion-Wahhabis forces.

Remember Zion dancing and claiming the world should “welcome” Deash/Al-Qaeda in Syria and Iraq as the new “government”? How did that end? What happened to US-NATO-Zion-Wahhabis “freedom fighters”?

Edgar Zetar

The mistake in Russia strategy is taking Mauripol instead of Odessa and landlock Ukraine then Ukraine Army would be forced to advance to Odessa while Russia VKS destroys them, also encircled Mauripol to ambush Ukraine Army, encircled complitely and open a way so Ukrainian army would try to get to Mauripol and destroy all the mobility of Ukraine Army. Russia is using another strategy but will take more time and also give the USA NATO enemies reaching and rearming Ukraine.


Few things about your comment, 1. I would say that Mariupol is more important for Russia than Odesa. Why? To link Crimea to Russia – The Russian had to take Mariupol not Odesa. As of right now Russia has full control of Kherson and moving to Mykolaiv. It is going to take Russia some time to even get to Odesa. Mykolaiv is the next city that Russians have to take to get to Odesa.

2. Why would Russia let Neo-Nazi have a chance of getting away? There is no reason for that. Also, I’m sorry but the US and NATO aren’t that stupid to send troops to death, another point is that those Neo-nazis in Mariupol hoped Ukraine do come and save them but Ukraine called them dead men after Russia encircled Mariupol.

A lot of time we start thinking and forgetting that on the ground it is a whole different story. We also don’t have a lot of information… The Russian have reasons for what they are doing, we just don’t know about it.


with useless weapons being most destoyed then most end up with the wrong militas (period) Russias strategy on the other hand is simply way too strong for nato/usa/uk (period) Russia has logistics and if they want they can destroy all deliveries in a jiffy too eu union is toast!


Have we won yet? And what are we waiting for? Winter is coming soon.


Kicking soros/nazi tolls ass is what defines as progress (period) let the asskicking continue,PIG!


Slava Russia!!?!! They can destroy the world 10 times! Maybe, they should spend all their innovation, intelligence and energy has building, something positive and peaceful ?


Bugger off satan,are in no position of strength you had you chance but you lost the plot unilaterals!


Pentagon asking for serious asskick smack dead centre of their building by their dead hands,cool!


If one is aimed at isRealHell, all the world’s problems will disappear


Well done Russia.


I hope Russia gets this missile into service very quickly.

Arch Bungle

It’s already in service.

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