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MARCH 2025

Russia Suggests Iran To Buy Su-27SM3 Fighters. Iran Wants Su-30SM Or Su-35 – Reports

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Russia Suggests Iran To Buy Su-27SM3 Fighters. Iran Wants Su-30SM Or Su-35 - Reports

FILE IMAGE: mil.ru

Rumors are circulating in that Russia and Iran are close to a large military deal in the sphere of military aviation.

According to Shephard Media special correspondent Babak Taghvaee, Russia rejected the Iranian request to buy 18 Su-35 multirole air superiority fighters and 8 Su-30SM multirole fighters. In turn, Moscow reportedly suggested Tehran to buy a unknown number of Su-27SM3 multirole fighters.

The UN sanctions, the sensitive technologies implemented in the production of Su-30SM and Su-27SM3 aircraft as well as some commercial issues were allegedly behind the situation. In any case, the US is able to block any such delivers to Iran via the UN Security Council till 2020 when the limitations have to be lifted.

However, according to other experts, Babak Taghvaee’s story is questionable. Babak Taghvaee argued that Russia had no problems with delivering Su-27SM3 this year despite the UN Security Council limitations. This is very unlikely.

Furthermore, Russia does not produces new Su-27SM3 multirole fighters. It just modernizes older Su-27 versions.

Last weekend, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin met with Iranian Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan and discussed the military cooperation between the two countries.

According to a source in Rogozin’s office, the sides were set to discuss possible arms supplies and strengthening of the military and technical and technological cooperation amid the continued US sanctions.

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Considering latest US corp. sanctions on Russia and Iran – who cares what the US sanctions are – Russia should sell the best to Iran, the US is always going to be a spoiler where possible.


Exactly. Why even pay it lip service ? Iran desperately needs to update its air force. This is long overdue. Whatever aircraft they decide upon, I hope the deal is done soon.

Pavel Pavlovich

While I would welcome an improvement upon Iran’s military forces, any one for that matter, it is neither wise nor conventional to sell any other state, even your closest “allies”, your latest technology. Until such time as the T50 5th generation aircraft is mass produced (unlikely as of now, but in the near future, depending on the political and global situation, possible) any partner will be happy to get the Su 27/30. And for a nation like Iran, it will be enough.

Andras Mason

I understand what you’re saying, but what you ignore is that Russian planes and gear are generally considered 2nd choice vs. American / NATO ones. Under the present sanctions, Iran has limited negotiation power, so they can’t budge too much, but given a free market, Russia could just about forget not selling Su-35 to such a critical ally in one of the top-3 mportant regions in the world. I am addressing your “latest technology” point. Also, Pavel Pavlovich, this is precisely the reason why any state would ideally prefer NATO to Russia, everything else aside. The US equips its closest allies (e.g. UK, but also Canada, Italy) with tier-1 military technology. Even if – as you say – “for a nation like Iran, the Su 27 will be enough”.

ali amanat

Russia should go ahead with such SU30 AND SU35 , America is selling its all hardware ,UNSC is not prohibiting America ,its a arm twisting game IRAN has the legitimate right to buy and have such advance weapon systams.


Fuck the UN and all their sanctions. Where has the UN been on the US use of white phosphorus bombs? Where have they been on using DU weapons? How about the US attacks on civilian infrastructure? Massive civilian deaths? Fuck the Zionist controlled UN.

Tudor Miron

Do you know who’s the current head of UN human rights council? Saudi Arabia! :$ I would lough if it wasn’t so ugly.


More than 60% of the countries in the UN general assembly are muslim…


Yes, Muslim nations ruled by despotic royal families with medieval ideology are the only US supporting Regimes.


FlorianGeyer Majority of the non Monarchy Muslim countries also support the USA. Turkey. Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Azerbaijan, many in Africa and Central Asia.

Countries that support Russia get Blitzkrieg-ed because Putin (best friends with Netanyahu) allows it by doing nothing or very little or wait and see what happens.

Iran: After Syria is completely destroyed, Putin will destroy Iran.

Syria: Country that put its trust in Putin – Russia in 2010.

Russia did not protect Syria in 2010 / 2011 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / Jan to Oct 2015. Jan to now 2017.

As a result: Syria 500,000 killed, 1.9 million injured, 6 million displaced or refugees, infrastructure destroyed, economy trashed.

Associated countries that have been “Axed”:

Palestine – Gaza: Putin has done nothing

Afghanistan: Putin Supported US NATO war and invasion

Iraq: Putin did nothing but talk about it.

Lebanon 2006: Putin did nothing, not even talk about it

Libya: Medvedev – Putin – Russia did not veto UNSC to stop the No Fly Zone

Iran Sanctions: Putin did nothing but talk about it


You appear to be using the tired old Jewish strategy of playing both sides against fantasy. Either that or you are afflicted by a split personality, or perhaps you are just a Troll for the US.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Definitely a useless troll from the land of the Hasbara.


Terra Cotta Woolpuller You are writing rubbish because you cannot challenge one simple item quoted.

Plus ;ast exchange on another article you had to concede the Syrian military fights the same battles over and over.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

You so far are speaking rubbish in thinking you are proving something other than the fact Soft Diplomacy by the Russians , China and other nations is abruptly coming to an end.


Terra Cotta Woolpuller

There is no “Diplomacy” option for Iran.

Iran needs to face reality, it has to stop: Nuclear “Research” Missile “Development” Religious control over its Population

And reach a peace agreement with US and Israel.

Otherwise Iran will be destroyed by Putin for this reason:

Iran is a Geopolitical threat to Russia due to the Iran – Turkey Gas Pipeline and the proposed Iran – Iraq – Syria oil and gas pipeline to Cyprus and the EU.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The US is a nation of hypocrites they didn’t get nuclear technology by themselves and Iran is no threat to Russia as they are part of the SCO, but Russia being permanent member. The US and Israel need to make peace deal that it doesn’t break later on, which seems a impossibility with these 2 unequal partners.


Terra Cotta Woolpuller “…Iran is no threat to Russia…”

Both US and Israel would not harm Iran if they were at peace.

Its the other way around Russia is a threat to Iran.

Geopolitical reasons given already: Iran – Turkey Gas Pipeline Proposed Iran – Iraq – Syria oil and gas pipeline to Cyprus and the EU.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Wow , more fantasy from your mouth the reality is there are no problems between the 2 countries they work together on various projects. The Gas pipeline is neither threatens US/Saudi/Israel interests , that is the real problem right there .


Terra Cotta Woolpuller Then Iran will definitely go missing off the map.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

You are seeing the end of an empire again destroyed by ambitious Jews who fail to realize Empires die in the Middle East and Asia just fact and not fiction like you spout.


Terra Cotta Woolpuller At present there is no chance of ending Israel if it could be called an “Empire”.

However the Khazars are steps ahead and already planning a New Khazar Empire centered around Ukraine.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Talking the end of the US empire which in turn means the end of Israel as a country without financial and military support ,the end of Israel will happen.

The Khazars aka the Neo-Nazis are even being thwarted there and are losing even more against the Malorissyan people, which will have their own country. The Ukranazis are done and the people in that part are ready to rise up against the Kyiv Nazis, Porkyshenko has lost the support of the people , why they are sending US troops to the region to keep the people from overthrowing the corrupt US installed puppet.


Terra Cotta Woolpuller “…Talking the end of the US empire…”

You are completely unrealistic, there is no chance of this happening for at least 30 years from now by which time they will be established fully in the EU, Baltics, Poland, Ukraine and broken up the Russian Federation.

Presently he Khazars fully control the US Senate and House (at least 98%), Judiciary, Federal Reserve, Banking, Finance and own at least 50% of US industry. Leave aside the UK and EU at close to 60% to 80%.

The Khazars also control over 80% plus of the World’s “Money”,

US$, Euro, Can$, Aus$, NZ$, GBP, British Commonwealth, Yen, HK$, Sing$, GCC Arab Petro$’s, African Fr., etc.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The problem is this could be ended quite easily by destroying the central banking system simultaneously , which would end these bankers faster than they think. These bankers have made huge mistakes and they themselves are overdrawn and only use creative bookkeeping to hide their losses. Their plans are falling apart and why they forced the US to impose the sanctions bill, learn that even they are falling apart. The marker against them will come due and they won’t like the payment plan.


Terra Cotta Woolpuller “…Iran is no threat to Russia ..”

This is the bottom line for Iran’s survival.

Iran needs to reach a peace agreement with US and Israel.

Otherwise Iran will be destroyed by Putin for this reason:

Iran is a Geopolitical threat to Russia due to the Iran – Turkey Gas Pipeline and the proposed Iran – Iraq – Syria oil and gas pipeline to Cyprus and the EU.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Iran needs nothing but the current alliances it has with Russia and China since neither the US nor Israel can bargain in good faith and have nothing to offer. Just a hard reality they have to live with both are dying and becoming irrelevant in this changing world.

Iran is really no threat to a gas or oil pipeline since they are working with the Russians in a partnership you really need to learn more of what is going on and is going to happen.

Russia and China is also working on another pipeline going east- west part of the SCO , so there will be huge energy cooperation going on with that group ,somehow you missed this and really you need to learn more.


Terra Cotta Woolpuller “…Iran needs nothing but the current alliances it has with Russia and China…”

China is an important partner for Iran however Russia is not.

Any country that supports Putin – Russia eventually gets Blitzkrieg-ed because Putin (best friends with Netanyahu) allows it on behalf of Israel.

After Syria is completely destroyed, Iran is next in the queue to be destroyed by Putin.

“…US nor Israel can bargain in good faith and have nothing to offer. …”

Iran has to undergo major change before it will be offered anything but destruction.

“…Iran is really no threat to a gas or oil pipeline since they are working with the Russians…”

Yeah like what, LoL:))) Ah yes, destruction of Iran.

Iran is a threat to Russia by supplying gas to Turkey and the EU and that project is underway:

Iran will build its own pipeline to Turkey and take away Russia’s 2nd largest oil and gas customer. Total just announced a US$1 Billion towards development of the South Pars gas field.


If Russia manages to build Turkstream, the competition with Iran will cause a severe price drop and both countries will make minimum profits.

“…Russia and China is also working on another pipeline going east- west…”

What pipeline?

The deals signed by Putin with China for US$400 Billion plus another US$100 Billion to US$200 Billion have turned out to be hot air.


Terra Cotta Woolpuller “…Soft Diplomacy by the Russians , China and other nations is abruptly coming to an end….”

You still cannot challenge one item apart from waffling, LoL:)))

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Wow ,you can’t come up with any other quip than that , brain power must of been used up after spamming the same comment.


Terra Cotta Woolpuller “…Wow ,you can’t come up with any other quip than that ..”

Its you who can’t challenge one item quoted because they are all facts.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

There is nothing that you stated in your stats , you do realize the US/Israel and it’s axis of terror supporters have brought that destruction to the Semites of Syria and those nations are being anti semitic which is a violation of UN law by non semitic people which is racism.


Terra Cotta Woolpuller The Law does not work for weak countries. Syria will be completed destroyed before any complaint is resolved at the UN.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Law does eventually work since the world needs stability now , since your little Israel a US protectorate is weak and will fall under it’s own weight as i is doing so ever slowly now. The destruction of Syria will never occur since they are becoming a beacon in the Arab world many leaders see them as a beacon of hope against the Imperial designs by a weak empire such is the US is .


Terra Cotta Woolpuller Everyone will be waiting to see what happens in the next 1 year, 5 years, 10 years. Don’t be surprised at that time.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

I know what will happen and don’t be surprised by Israel becoming a non jewish state but a secular one.


Terra Cotta Woolpuller Israel maybe the overlord of the US led “Terror Axis” countries.

However it is primarily people who profess the Islamic faith that have carried out the work in progress of the destruction of Syria.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Yes even Jews practice the same Wahhabi style practices found in the Talmudh and they are not much different from the other and have now come under the thumb of both Russia and the US and told to go sit in the corner with their pathetic paranoid garbage during the latest meeting.

The ones professing this Islamic problem and claiming this is the media since many are just there for the US/Israel/Saudi/GCC money and no real Caliphate since Shimon Elliot was a scam by Israel aka Abu Bakr Baghdadi talk about a fake name.This has been the biggest media con job ever seen, they now change their tune, fake news, fake Islamist Caliphate.

The problem has been the Sauds and Israel both hate Iran and the US decided to help concoct this phony sectarian violence in the first place even they failed to create that within the target countries and only made the more unified.

Israel is nothing in this world and they will lose the Jawlaan Heights since it was never really theirs ever. Check Google maps and see where it will be and other settlements will be seized the banker elites sold much of the area to the church and the UN long ago.


Terra Cotta Woolpuller “…have now come under the thumb of both Russia and the US…”

It is the other way around, Putin – Russia and Trump – USA are under their thumb.

Putin is a toad and a traitor to the Russian nation. Only a toad would invite rats into their home unless he wishes it to be destroyed.

Moshe Vyacheslav Kantor in a meeting with Vladimir Putin, the Russian president said of these people:

“They should come here, to Russia. We are ready to accept them.”

Putin’s army of Khazar Billionaires who started with nothing and corruptly acquired Russian State assets now own large part of the Russian economy.


All your opinions about Golan, etc are fantasy.


Terra Cotta Woolpuller “…Wow ,you can’t come up with any other quip than that…”

You are still writing rubbish because you cannot challenge one simple item quoted.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Still haven’t seen anything valid in your comment it is weak and without merit filled with empty rhetoric.


‘Palestine – Gaza: Putin has done nothing’

This is one of your ‘facts’ of contention? No, this is a ridiculous and pointless red herring. Why would the Russian Federation ever be remotely involved with the Gaza strip territory? Are they they in any way affiliated or allied? Err, no. Gaza is run by Hamas, an off-shoot of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, a fundamentalist Sunni organization in conflict with Egyptian state administrations since 1930’s, there is absolutely no logical link and no joint interests involved at all.


Bob More “…Palestine – Gaza…”

Russia is a member of “The Quartet on the Middle East or Middle East Quartet” and Putin does nothing towards any peace efforts. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quartet_on_the_Middle_East

What about the West Bank?

No mediation from Putin.


The West Bank? Oh, good Lord…since when were the Russian Federation responsible for the West Bank? Since when was the Russian Federation responsible for mediation on the Arab-Israeli issue that has long been the domain of the United States?


Bob “…The West Bank? …”

It is obvious you cannot read English:

No mediation from Putin.

Russia is a member of “The Quartet on the Middle East or Middle East Quartet” and Putin does nothing towards any peace efforts. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quartet_on_the_Middle_East


Your anti-Russian Federation trolling is actually kinda hilarious vis-a-vis the mental gymnastics you put yourself through to try and maintain your diatribe – that everything in the world is Russia’s responsibility and fault simultaneously.


Bob You still can’t read in English, so short and sweet:

No mediation from Putin

Basu Deb

Then who does?


Basu Deb “…Then who does?…”

The US and its previous President Obama talked about mediation regularly as does the EU.

Putin is like Trump a “Sayanim”, Slave and never talks about any mediation.

Jonathan Cohen

Don’t sell advanced weapons to abortion banners. try SU25 with which to fight ISIS.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Based on your opinion they should sell them Iskander missiles and SU-35 much better for abortion banners , good suggestion along with the 25 frogfoot .


FlorianGeyer You are writing rubbish because you cannot challenge one simple item quoted.


There is little point in discussing your disjointed illiteracy.


FlorianGeyer You cannot challenge facts.


American and Jewish facts are a theatre of the absurd that owe their narrative to Hollywood. How much is the US in debt these days, 19 trillion dollars ? Mind you the mental deficit of your leaders is infinite.


FlorianGeyer Pick one item and challenge it which you cannot thus you resort to writing rubbish.


FlorianGeyer Despite so many opportunities, you still cannot challenge one single item.


FlorianGeyer “…You appear to be using the tired old Jewish strategy of playing both sides…”

Still unable to challenge one single item posted.

Langaniso Mhlobo

You are right China and Russia are under USA pressure and sanctions but still their support USA=UN sanctions against North Korea and other weak countries.This all are in return for money and be in good books of USA.If Russia and China openly support North Korea and other small countries then USA will back down.USA has serround Russia supporting terrorists in Syria instigating Ukraine against Russia.USA opposed Chinese south China sea idea and instigating India against China.


You are short sighted.Supporting sanctions on NK isn’t China and Russia supporting the USA sh*t.Its talking ammunition away from it.The US likes to go shouting around that it “stumbled” into a war because it got blocked at the UN for trying to resolve X Y and Z peacefully.If these sanctions were a call to bomb , be rest assured it would have been blocked by both countries.


Langaniso Mhlobo Thank you good and valid points.


LR captain Putin allowed US wars because it increases the price of Oil and Gas.

2001 US$22 – Oil Price Pre 9/11 2002 US$30 – Oil Price Afghan bombing and invasion 2003 / 2004 – US$40 – US$50 Oil Price Iraq bombing and invasion 2005 US$60 – Oil Price due to increased demand from India and China 2006 US$70 – US$80 Oil Price due to Israel Lebanon conflict 2008 US$80 – US$85 Oil Price due to Turkey incursion into Iraq Kurd area 2008 US$100 – US$140 Oil Price due to potential US Israel war with Iran 2010 US$80 – Oil Price as global tensions reduce 2011 US$90 – US$110 Oil Price increase due to potential Libya conflict

2017 US$50 – Oil Price – Russia has to sell its oil at around US$40 for long term 3 year / 7 year contract to large customers.

Iran will be destroyed by Putin as it is a threat to Russian Oil and Gas exports to Turkey.

Russell A Wilson

Putin did not allow anything because at the time he was to busy with rebuilding Russia after the disintergation of the USSR. If you look up various UN Speeches by Russia and Iran you will realize they are a threat to no one. The speeches from US and UK only preach violence. It is a known fact that all the US and UK do is bring guns, Russia and China bring their cheque books. I dare you to look it up.


Russell A Wilson

Yes, Putin – Russia preach the “Negotiations” ideology, “Talk”.

Agree the US – UK – NATO practice “War”.

The result was the “Wars” made Russia super rich with record all time high income from Oil and Gas Price

Do not agree with Russia brings its cheque book because Putin’s cabal do not invest, they loot and plunder though not as wildly in the Yeltsin era.

China does bring its cheque book which is why it is rapidly developing economically compared to Russia.

Justin Ryan

I’ve already countered u before on this Russia 2010 shit! You’re such an idiot! U just make up shit as u go! Assuming u know whats what due to actions or inactions! Russia is THERE! Why was USA late in both ww1 and ww2? Opportunism perhaps? There will always be reasons for and against! Syria DID NOT have a problem until 2014! This is when ISIS really took off! This is when Kiev had its coup! (around Feb) Russia dealt with that and later came into Syria when it saw it needed to! Keep in mind Russia had a lot against it! Western media demonising them for allegedly shooting down MH17, sanctions, oil prices etc! But still, they came! With a GDP equal to Italy, they are there MAKING A DIFFERENCE! And what are u doing??? Sitting there taking the piss! You’re a troll dude! So go fuck urself! Your comments can be easily countered! It seems to me u are butt hurt that the tide has turned and Russia and Syria are winning! Yet all u do is sit here and complain about the “what if’s and buts”! Dude, in life, people like this are called “victims”. U have a “victims” mentality!

You are a weak person! Suck it up! Deal with it! Russia is there and allied strongly with SAA!

Job is getting done and what are u doing? behaving like a fish complaining about the water u swim in!

Ure a fucking loser!


Justin Ryan “…You’re such an idiot! …”

You looked in the mirror and wrote what you saw, LoL:)))

Justin Ryan

Child! u had no come back, when that happens, don’t reply at all! OR Man the fuck up and counter me! Weak prick!


Justin Ryan “…Child!…”

You looked in the mirror and wrote what you saw, LoL:)))

Justin Ryan

OK so thats ur way of saying u lost. Cool. U have false pride to maintain. I get it!

ali amanat

Very right, and the are puppet.


MeMadMax 90% of the Muslim counties are slaves of Israel and or the USA.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Just your mistaken belief that number many can break away which will eventually happen and then we will see a different Geo political make up.


Terra Cotta Woolpuller No mistaken belief, if those countries do not support the US – Israel then they have to seek Arms or Protection from Russia.

Putin – Russia has an unbreakable history of allowing countries to be destroyed.

Its better to be in the US – Israel orbit than to be destroyed as a country.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Russia has tried diplomacy with the US and as has China both are becoming short with the US and there will be no future warnings but action to US action, which the US can ill afford if it pursues this path it’s on. Time for Soft Diplomacy is coming to an end.


Terra Cotta Woolpuller “…Russia has tried diplomacy with the US and as has China…”

Its quite simple really.

Its well known that diplomacy does not work.

If a country wants to survive intact without being destroyed they need to reach an accord with the USA and Israel.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Nah , the problem is the US and Israel need to reach an accord with them and concessions from them would be a start or economic destruction for both will be assured since Israel can’t survive without the US.


Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Both Israel and USA are in a stronger position than countries like Iran.

Iran at peace with USA – Israel would have peace, stability, growing economy, better living standards for its people instead of being at conflict with them.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

That is one lie you should never tell since the weaknesses are obvious to even the world. The ones who need this disturbance is the US and Israel while they carry out genocide in the name of their fake war on terrorism by genociding Arabs so Israel can grow which is a violation of human rights. Israel wants this so they can continue their genocide in the region without too many prying eyes. The world was actually supporting a full Palestinian state since the 90’s and were going to enforce it in early 2000 but kept being delayed by US and Israel intervention.


Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Human Rights are ignored all the time if a weaker nation is involved.

Throughout history stronger nations have been growing by destroying weaker nations.

The USA grew by violating weaker nations, the Russian Empire grew by violating weaker nations. Many other countries did the same.

The only course open for Palestine is a Federation with Israel otherwise within a 100 years almost all the land of Palestine will have been confiscated.

Back to Iran, it has to decided if it wants to be destroyed or not.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

That won’t happen and the end of the Jewish state is coming to an end without any real war but a takeover from within as it stands by 2020 the population will be 55-62% Arab , good luck in being in an Arab country.


Terra Cotta Woolpuller Then Israel will face a test of its “Democracy”.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Israel always fails that test and will have it’s regime changed in the future.


“Iran at peace with USA – Israel”..By peace you mean 1)Installing a western controlled puppet government. 2)Allowing foreign firms to completely exploit its natural resources with little benefit to the ordinary Iranian people. 3)Open the country up to US bases

In other words complete lost of independence..You do realize that some counties want to maintain some element of sovereignty right?


Turbofan Very good response, the best so far.

Depends on the accord Iran – US agree.

“…1)Installing a western controlled puppet government….”

The US and the west tolerate Despotic Governments in order to meet mutual goals usually in Military, Business and Financial matters.

“…2)Allowing foreign firms to completely exploit its natural resources with little benefit to the ordinary Iranian people….”

Look at Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, UAE, etc., they are rolling in money from exploitation of its Oil and Gas resources with their “Citizens” living in high standards.

Iran has almost 5% of the world’s resources if developed properly would benefit by recycling its income to develop its Economy, Infrastructure, Living Standards, etc.

“…3)Open the country up to US bases…”

This is not necessary however Iranian ports can welcome US Naval ships like the UAE does.

“…some counties want to maintain some element of sovereignty right?…”

Yes, this is very true, so the choice is either be in turmoil, sanctions and suppressed people, poorly performing economy or the opposite. No sanctions, freer society (from religious point of view) thriving developing economy.


Aha, and here we get down to the crux of what you are really and repeatedly stating – demanding the submission of non compliant states to (Neo-Con) US/Israeli interests.


EXACTLY..You took that comment from me


Bob There is a choice.

Che Gueverra taking the words of Emiliano Zapata said It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.

That’s OK if people want to die for their cause however most people prefer self preservation and survival. So this is what it comes down to.

Countries that oppose the US – Israel get destroyed.

The countries in the US – Israel orbit fare better economically, better living standards, etc.

Win or Lose you choose it.


Firstly – yours is a binary and threat based stance, don’t pretend it is anything else. Secondly, you are wrong, history is a long game – and all empires fall – is matter of time.


Bob “…all empires fall – is matter of time…”

By which time the Russian Federation will be broken up so it can be looted and plundered.


Ditto your favorites in due course.

Rob Obrien

Go fuck yourself loser

ali amanat

Yes its true.


The US sanctions are illegal….

John Mason

Russia can always deploy planes in Iran if they are prepared to make adjustments to their constitution or Russia could loan the planes, bound to be a work arround the UN sanction or they can do what the US does on a regular basis and ignore the UN. Israel ignored a UN Resolution demanding it stop its’ occupation of Palestinian territory, if they can with the US,UK, France then so can other UN Member states.


Russia will sell aircraft to Iran before 2020, sanctions are counterproductive when the other side ignores them and are unaffected by them. Russia says to US in a diplomatic tone, I will sell Suk aircraft to Iran. What are you going to do about it?…except run your mouth?

Julius Meinel

Iran purchasing 38 S0-30 will have only limited impact on its ability to defend the country against the most likely military foes (US/ Israel or Saudi Arabia supported by either of the two chief villains); it would be a lot more useful for them if they could have the Iskander and Kaliber systems ( preferably the submarine version ones). They would need to former to destroy the US and SA bases around the western part of the Gulf and the latter to destroy the US strategic airbase at Diego Garcia the staging area where the strategic bombers of the first attack wave will take off from.

Whether they have 30 or even 60 4++ generation fighters will not make much of difference for Iran if confronted with the US or Israel military might. Having around 100 Kalibers and battalion of Iskander missiles ( 24 missiles ) however, might given the possibility to defang the adversary located around the Gulf states from the safety of their own territory.

I suspect Russian wants to keep Israel quiet ( for now) and that explains why they are not willing to give Iranians the high end military technology they have. Production constrains might be a valid secondary reason.


Whether they are effective or not depends on how you use the aircraft. No one in the world can go toe to toe with the USA / Israel / NATO contesting airspace air to air but as missile platforms as part of a A2-AD system that includes air defences and anti-shipping defences they could be very adventageous

Tudor Miron

Do you really believe that USA/Israel/Nato are superior (to anyone) air to air? Would you give us some details? Is it about numbers or technology? Or pilot quality? Or how smart you are?


I’m talking about systems not individual pilot skills, or who has the better aircraft or technologies….I’ll leave that to the fanboys.

The USA and allies have had a doctrine of achieving air superiority and projecting power worldwide through sea power. They are very good at it and to deny this is living in a fantasy.

Russia, China and Iran have a doctrine of A2-AD. It’s a system designed to counter US air and naval superiority.

Why would any of these countries go toe to toe with the USA and allies when they have a strategy that has a far better chance of success than going toe to toe with richer, more populous countries who have been developing their air/sea doctrine for 70 years?

I’m sure the USA would love Iran to try to compete toe to toe with the USA et al ….. it makes for a sure victory for them ….. but I think the Iranians would be best served spending on cheaper more numerous aircraft that work as missile platforms for ground based radar rather than the latest greatest strike or air superiority aircraft the Russians have to offer.

Tudor Miron

Good points, thank you. It boils down to projecting power (aggressive) and A2-AD doctrine (defensive). But politics aside A2-AD will still involve toe to toe air engagements. There will be no air superiority of US/Israel/Nato AF over skys of Russia (even if it takes help of ground assets) that’s my point. Within last couple of years the world discovered that US/Israel supposed air superiority over ME doesn’t grant them the right to keep destroying countries one by one. Look… 100 years is a short time. In its entire history US never managed to actually win a war against even B level opponents. The only B level they managed to beat is Iraq. That’s why they did it twice – it felt good winning against relatively large country. It also helped erasing the memories of Vietnam and Korean war where US proved unable to occupy and control more than half of Korean peninsula. US proved that they are good at keeping millitary control over once occupied territories (Japan, Germany to name a few) but that’s due to internal inability of involved countries to stand for their souvereignity. Various reasons for that but most can be seen in protocols of Elders of Zion. It was a funny discussion 100 years ago if this pamflet is real and actually written by Zionists. Now, when it is evident that most of this lil booklet is already implemented it doesn’t matter if it was fake or not or is it?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The problem is NATO won’t go toe to toe with the Russian Fighters since they are better pilots in better planes Mig 31 is 1300 kph faster and 2-3 generations ahead of the F-18 E the US flies. the Multi Nation funded F-35 has been proven to be a waste of money so far and doesn’t deliver on many points. The belief you’re working on about the capabilities of NATO is preposterous there is a huge difference not being addressed and overlooked.


I do not think Israel plays a part in Russian decisions on this matter, I think production facilities can produce around 20 aircraft a year, considering the other lineup of Suk aircraft. The Russian Air Force is buying 10 Suk 35 for 2017, and they have to fulfill the Chinese contract of 24 planes. The S300 will defend important targets, not the entire country, having 50 Suk-35 will enhance air defenses considerably, since it is superior to any generation 4 aircraft fielded by US, Israel or s. Arabia. Iranian domestic missiles would create similar havoc in the gulf as the Iskanders would, albeit not as accurately and delivering similar payloads. Instead of 24 Iskander and reloads, Iran can fire hundreds of domestic missiles against costal installations on the Arabian peninsula with similar effects.

Tudor Miron

I will say one thing… Su-27SM3 is a very good and capable fighter jet. Its about 2 times more effective than standard Su-27 in air-air and 3 times more effective in air-ground mode. Airframe allows 3t. more load than standard Su-27. Engines have higher thrust and longer life span between rebuilds. They don’t have thrust vectoring but they are cheaper than Su-30/35 and that makes sense. http://www.russianarms.ru/forum/index.php?topic=13797.0


Yes the Suk 27SM3 is a good plane, Iranians need an air superiority fighter to take care of the Saudi F-15s and provide some credible deterrent against F22’s; Suk 35M can fit that bill, however, they need more than 14. 50 Suk-35 at a base price of 3-5 billion would provide Iran with capable air superiority long range fighter.

Gabriel Hollows

I’d day, assuming the Su-27SM3 to be considerably cheaper than the Su-30/35 it’s more convenient to have a bunch of the former than a few of the latter.


If US have sanctioned Russia then Russia should have to sanction US and Israel both together. Tit for tat. Russia is not begging for any thing from US. Russia is a member of own block of countries consists of Russia, China, India, Pakistan, Iran, Brazil, Columbia, Syria etc. Those countries that trust in US and Israel will never come out from stone age.


Just out of curiosity what Russian products or services provided to the US and Israel would you bar as a sanction?

Tudor Miron

It seemd that you think that US needs nothing from Russian side :) Check out Putins interview on that matter – the list is long.


grumpy_carpenter There are a few things like Titanium Blades for Jet Engines Nuclear Power Material Space Rockets Etc

However both sides can live without.


Who do these sanctions hurt more? The USA by not having the products or Russia by not getting paid. No sense in cutting off your nose to spite your face.

Russia has been trade sanctioned and embargoed by the west since the 1917 revolution. The whole Gulag system was built in the 1920’s as a way raising hard currency by selling resources. (The system was there in the TSAR’s day but the Soviets moneterized it) And vast amounts of Russian art and treasure were sold to the west through Armand Hammer.

The Russians will find a way to deal with sanctions without adding self inflicted damage to the pain. Tit for tat sanctions might save face but the real objective is to survive and win not to save face.


grumpy_carpenter “…Who do these sanctions hurt more?…”

These sanctions do not hurt the USA because Putin – Russia policy is to continue selling Resources, Goods and Services to the USA or other countries and get US$ payment of which at least 30% to 40% is siphoned offshore.

Brad Isherwood

The Jew Bankers and Jews of Anglo/US are not warm to the Jews** of Russia. Or China**,…. first that matter.

Putin/Jewtin is trapped in a Ponzi in Russia where all the money and power glows to the few Jew Oligarchs. The Globalist Jews…and the Church Universal. …Are against the Russ Jew Oligarchs.

In recent posts,….Comment that Israel and Nosferatu /Netanyahu. ….say nothing about US sanctions on Russia since Crimea. Nothing. … Yet Putin and Lavrov bend over for the Israhell demand. . Iran….geez …their leaders must be cuckold and watch a stranger bang your wife, As Iran gets screwed by everyone….including Russia. Maybe the Offshore banking Mullahs don’t give a shit,…as long as Their ** money rolls in.

Queen Victoria was the largest drug dealer of the world,…The gift of the British East India company. . The Queen may not have known about the game The game which continues to this day…that being MIC and Narcotics, .. Sure..it goes from Masonic houses to Corporations… The Game continues!

Russians will Eventually figure out that Putin was Cuckold Jew abd the Oligarch Pyramid were Jews!. Russian Slavic resolve like Nordic Viking will go ballistic on the Jew**

It’s a shit sandwich, ….Putin/Lavrov and the Jew Oligarchs enjoy are fake cover while A Patriotic Russia gets played by the criminals.

It’s the same for the USA and Europa, The people will eventually realize the Jew is fucking their world. …and turn on them either extreme resolve. ..


Brad Isherwood

Very good precis on Putin – Russia.

However reconsider that there may be a US Khazar – Russia Khazar separation, above that separation the Khazars are all one nation.

Brad Isherwood

There is the Masonic game of deception /controlled opposition. The geostrategic and MIC of world nations depend on this game since the 1700s.

Vietnam war was profit taking while over 5000 US aircraft were shot down. The Fake war on terror is actually the Party on MIC,gun running and Narcotics. US in Afghanistan guarding Opium for 16 years : )

Crime network and Corporation profits,….with the Old Money of Europe and the Vatican Holding the Keys. The USA and it’s shit Congress are not power vs the Network ** since Post WW 2 and Ratline Nazi which are**…The CIA,NASA and MIC.

Jews are late to the game. .. They are Arrogant opportunists….. ..they over reach. .. Jews and Israel will experience blow back soon… Everyone in Ancient history went ballistic on the lying Jews. .. It’s their fate. ….and they never learn!


Brad Isherwood Everything you write stacks up based on the “Old World Order”.

However you cannot underestimate the Khazar people, they are learning all the time and developing constantly and planning years or decades, maybe centuries ahead.

Since the world started developing technologically, say as a benchmark after 1800 onward, the game has been modified into the “New World Order”.

Khazar people have grasped the “New World Order” and driven it forward, after the destruction of the weakest Empires, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Belgian, German, Ottoman., etc.

Finally through to first hand destruction of the Russian Empire and creation of the USSR and then its destruction.

Their new Empire is slowly taking shape in Eastern Europe with its target, the Russian Federation.

Brad Isherwood

https://www.military-art.com/mall/images/800s/dhm0823.jpg Legio II Augusta,..one of the longest serving and successful Legions of Rome (Art by Chris Collingwood )

The real history of power post WW 2 was OSS/become CIA with Ratline Nazi, NASA, Stolen gold of Europe /Asia….going into Deepstate …which used Jewish socio/media Manipulations… War on drugs was socio manipulation, ……War on terror was subjugation. Ancient Rome used this and reformed agenda,…as Caesars swapped Olive wreath For Fish Mitre Pontiff crown of Christianity. Joseph Atwill /Caesars Messiah. …reveals how the New Testament was a Romanan Flavian Family Con which created the Christianity that Emperor Constantine finally enforced. Once you learn of this,….it’s All……Undone..no going back, The history taught. …is a lie…the Truth…..just shocking. By the way,….King David and King Solomon never existed. ….Never! A complete Fiction Con by the Jews.. There is no historic record by regional Kings or nations of either. No trade, no diplomatic,…no wars…..no Nothing! Neither…ever existed, … It’s a same same lie like the Holocaust was 6 million Jews. Sorry…Red Cross says records stare only a + 100,000 Jews died in detention camps. Vs Catholics, Slav’s,Gypsies,Communists and subversives which perished in the camps.

The SS death squads following East Wermacht campaign operations is true history of genocide and crimes.

Shakespeare wrote about the Jews… It’s their fate. …they are Parasite and and Cameleon. …

History side gets drastic with them after continual offenses

Brad Isherwood


A few months back,…Russia launched a US Satellite via Proton M Rocket. Obviously the US Sanctions game is something Russia accepts ,…or critical Technology contracts or satellite launches would not be occuring.

Of note,….Putin defers/delays military export contracts on request of Israel/Netanyahu. Most of Russia’s Oligarchs who are top of the Pyramid there are Jews. Yet Israel/Netanyahu are silent** on the US sanctions against Russia.

Russia is humiliated by the US and by Israel. It’s gotta be a shit sandwich for Russians who are paying attention to geostrategic Extortions And where the money flows to in Russia.


There are many things that US, Europe and Israel regularly buying from Russia. If you carefully do some research.

Manuel Flores Escobar

SU-27 SM3 dont have ECM pods like Su 30SM or Su35…beside SU-30SM have the most modern Zhuk-AE radar( AESA)…IRAN also need Bastion-p antiship missile for ground base and Kalibr antiship for Kilo Class submarine( both include)….

Tudor Miron

They surely have it – check out the link I provided above. ECM is used effectively starting from Su-27. Remember Donald Cook advantures in Black Sea? That was an old Su-24 bomber. One can load various pods (targeting/ECM etc) it is a matter of integration. Standard Su-27 electronics suit didn’t allow connection of latest tech. pods. SM3 has roughly the same avionics/electronics suit as 30/35 family.

Brad Isherwood

Russia may not be assembly line build Su 27 SM3,….they could restart that. Su 27SM3 is Gen 4++ mod with vector nozzles and the high thrust engines. China and Iran could R&D that….China is decades ahead since it copied, extorted,bribed Russian techs/engineers on the previous Su 27 contract.

Iran home built a S 300 system after Putin bowed to Netanyahu and delayed that contract. Iran has dazzling Missile technology. They are behind on aircraft building, …when though their copy of Seacobra Helicopter and TOW missiles was successful. .if not decades late.

Iran could build a Su 27 SM3 if pushed to it. Question is….in the age of robotics and AI ….Maybe you go AI Drone with standoff missiles which can beat F 35 or F 22.

The defender has the advantage. …unless Intel coverage is blinded by C4I attack. That being EMP or direct Sat destruction LEO.

If I’m Iran….I go for the AI Drone and tiered SAM defence. I might take some losses…yet my attrition ratio maybe high enough to blunt Invasion.


Do you know why SU 30 has the canards in front of the main wings, but SU 35 doesn’t? Was it a failed experiment or something?

Tudor Miron

That’s an easy one :) Canards (additional winglets) in front of the main wing planes appeared when there was a need for more lift as was the case with Su-33 naval flanker. Canards do not create significant lift themself as their surface area is small compearing to main surfaces. What they do is create strong vortices (which is essentially air moving at significantly higher speed than overall flow around the jet) that help delay flow separation from main lift surfaces at higher angles of attack (AoA) and in general improve lift characteristics. Vortices come at the expense of induced drag. Even visually the plane appears more “dirty” from aero point of view. In the case of Su-33 and later Su-30 we have effectively same airframe (aerodynamics) as Su-27 (but strenghtened structurally to support higher aerodynamic forces) and canards are sort of add ons. With Su-35 there’s little visual difference betweeen Su-27 and 35. However deep redesign of plane surfaces allowed to achieve even higher aerodynamic quality than S-30 (with its canards) without resorting to canards. Overall it’s one of the reasons behind higher cruise speed (one of 5th gen definitions) of Su-35 compearing to Su-30. Check this interview https://youtu.be/-roVMD6pdt0 English is not easily heard but one can get an idea of how a professional mil. test pilot is seeing this things. As he said – keeping the flow symmetrical is the main thing.

Solomon Krupacek

for emotive haters.

russia does not want new sanctions.

more importanr is the fact, that the nuclear deal with iran is checked in the usa every 6 months. every 6 montths the actual president signes, that iran does not violate the conditions. in july trump had to sign, beacuse everything was OK. IF irna buys those modern planes, will violate the deal. and this is not good also for russia, because r. needs the money from businesses with iran. therefore iran will not get modern weapons.


Sanctions on Russia have assisted its economy. They should be considered tariffs imposed from abroad. Domestic demand has gone up as Russian firms – rather than western ones – are doing the investing. Banks are not borrowing from ZIONIST CENTRAL BANKING MAFIA or western creditors, so the financial sector has become more self-sufficient. Agricultural production has increased monstrously as foreign products are off the shelves. Without foreign competition, a huge hole has opened for local entrepreneurship.

Solomon Krupacek

be sure, the sanctions are very painful for russia.

but i wrote now about sanctions against iran. if iran violates the deal, everything turns back to former stage. and in this case also russia can not cope with them.


Short term sanctions a bound to be painful but the Russian economy has stabilized and has been growing again since


Solomon Krupacek “…for emotive haters…” “…russia does not want new sanctions….”

If Russia does not want sanctions, then Putin must: Exit Donbas Exit Crimea Exit Syria Stop Supporting Iran

Iran will be next in the queue for destruction by Putin – Russia because they are a Geopolitical threat to Russia due to the Iran – Turkey Gas Pipeline and the proposed Iran – Iraq – Syria oil and gas pipeline to Cyprus and the EU.

Its better for Iran to drop its Nuclear “Research” and Missile “Development” and reach an agreement for US and Israel to protect it from Putin – Russia.


Iran will be next in the queue for destruction by Putin – Russia because they are a Geopolitical threat to Russia due to the Iran – Turkey Gas Pipeline and the proposed Iran – Iraq – Syria oil and gas pipeline to Cyprus and the EU.

One reason Putin cannot sell SU30 to Iran is because of objections by Netanyahu – Israel.

Its better for Iran to drop its Nuclear “Research” and Missile “Development” and reach an agreement for US and Israel to protect it from Putin – Russia.

Any country that supports Putin – Russia eventually gets Blitzkrieg-ed because Putin (best friends with Netanyahu) allows it on behalf of Israel by doing nothing or very little or wait and see what happens.

Iran: After Syria is completely destroyed, Iran is next in the queue to be destroyed by Putin.

Syria: Country that put its trust in Putin – Russia in 2010.

Russia did not protect Syria in 2010 / 2011 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / Jan to Oct 2015. Jan to now 2017.

As a result: Syria 500,000 killed, 1.9 million injured, 6 million displaced or refugees, infrastructure destroyed, economy trashed.

Associated countries that have been “Axed”:

Palestine – Gaza: Putin has done nothing

Afghanistan: Putin Supported US NATO war and invasion

Iraq: Putin did nothing but talk about it.

Lebanon 2006: Putin did nothing, not even talk about it

Libya: Medvedev – Putin – Russia did not veto UNSC to stop the No Fly Zone

Iran Sanctions: Putin did nothing but talk about it

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Remember this was all done by the US Govt which will in the future bear full weight and responsibility for it’s actions. Which has become the number one threat to world security as it stands.


Terra Cotta Woolpuller “…Remember this was all done by the US Govt…”

If those destroyed countries were compliant towards Israel and the USA then they would be functioning countries.

The countries that depend on Russia are FAILURES, they get destroyed because no country can depend on Russia not even the breakaway Donbas.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The Syrians are filing complaints and are the Iraqis , this is looking like a mistake coalition by interested parties and may see it being dissolved in the future. Thus ends the ambitions of these 2 countries, which are fast becoming failures in their own right.


Terra Cotta Woolpuller “…The Syrians are filing complaints and are the Iraqis…”

Where are they filing complaints?

Its too late to save Syria and Iraq except like Germany – Japan in WW2, they need to pursue a peace deal with the US.

Today Germany – Japan are amongst the largest economies in the world.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Dream your little dream troll from the land of Hasbaria , the complaints are getting long and may have to go to the UNGA which can impact any decision made by the UNSC. The US has made some very bad decisions of late in alienating their allies shows they are ready for a fall soon.

Like how you mention 2 countries like Germany and Japan they were always leading economies even back then , what has changed. They both desire the US to remove their bases since the US service personnel act criminally in their countries with no punishment even though the US makes claims of they did.

Looks to me they have long worn out their welcome.


Terra Cotta Woolpuller Its doubtful if Syria will reach the UNGA level.

For a weaker country to be successful, it has to drop War as an option and side with whoever offers them the best protection.

Everyone knows Putin – Russia’s record.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Putin was invited in September 30th 2015 to help Syria militarily in 2013 Syria had almost defeated the terrorists but Obama started funding all groups. The CIA had been funding these groups since 2007 so when it does reach there will a lot of explaining to do since these are all public knowledge and openly admitted to. This is also a warning to what is going to happen in the future even to Israel heard the banking families are withdrawing it’s support for Israel in the near future.


Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Putin – Russia offered to protect Syria starting in 2010 but failed to protect Syria in 2010 / 2011 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / Jan to Oct 2016, Jan 2017 to now 2017.

Putin – Russia entered into Syria in October 2015 and withdrew majority of its forces by December 2016.

The only reason Putin – Russia entered Syria in October 2015 to December 2016 was to prevent the fall of Mr Assad’s Government which would have allowed the Saudi Qatar oil and gas pipeline to be built across Syria.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Putin was only asked for military support September 30 2015 , but had politically supported Syria prior to that. Now what you are trying to say that the US intentionally did everything to create the problems by abusing it’s position at the UNSC in favor of Israel wishes and ambitions seems about right.

Russia never had many troops in the region other than to establish their bases and most were withdrawal of units being replaced, you really need to follow what has went on. Syria had more control of the country and Russia didn’t need the extra manpower at the bases.

The Saudi-Qatar pipeline was just a failed ambition since there was no way the project was going to work. The alleged Fall never happened because Assad never followed stupid talking heads from the policy think tanks , since they are 90% inaccurate in gauging the public in that regard.

Israel seems like a weak nation and very insecure to need the US to help it to survive with it’s big empty talk of being powerful enough to attack it’s neighbors and that has always been an actual joke.


Terra Cotta Woolpuller “…Putin was only asked for military support September 30 2015 , but had politically supported Syria prior to that….”

The contention is Russia agreed to protect Syria starting in 2010 and rejected French Sarkozy and Saudi Bandar offers.


Japan and Germany were always 2 of the largest economies sir.Nothing has changed except they have lost their independence..


Turbofan “…Japan and Germany were always 2 of the largest economies…”

Yes Germany and Japan were large economies which were destroyed because of constant War Mongering.

Now both do not do War Mongering, they both develop their people and technology to take the world in a future direction rather than backwards.

Their population have a decent standard of living, healthcare, education, housing, employment, infrastructure, etc.

Whereas countries that fall into Putin – Russian trap are either destroyed or struggle to make ends meet.

Jamppa Tuominen

“If those countries were compliant towards Israel and the USA…” You have any idea what you are talking about? I don’t want to eat sama cereal for breakfast that you do.

Brad Isherwood



Su-30s already present in Iran?



The source is clearly a hardcore anti-Iran channel likely with CIA/Mossad links, how would they even know of the details of the behind the scene negotiations? According to official Iranian and Russians sources Iran and Russia have already discussed the purchase and even co production of SU-30s in Iran and it is possible that they are already present in Iran according to the clip I posted in the previous comment.

Langaniso Mhlobo

USA can sell F16 to Taiwan,Egypt,Saudi,Turkey and still no one will oppose.Russians can sell s400 to Nato Turkey but sell outdated s300 to its ally Iran out of fear for USA=UN security council.


Langaniso Mhlobo Putin operates in the interests of Israel as their slave which is why Khazars have no respect for Putin or Russia.

Russia cannot sell S400 to Iran because of Israeli objections.

Even the S300 delivery to Iran was delayed by almost 10 years because of Israeli objections and then delivered after that technology was out dated.


What exactly has the Iranian Air Force done against anyone to earn these UN sanctions. Looks like Russia’s appeasement policies vs the West have once again only limited their own options. Russia goes slow-slow on weapons sales to Iran in order to please their Israeli friends, and what did it get them: Israel’s AIPAC lobby went to the mat to push the latest anti-Russian sanctions through in Washington. And so it goes on and on.


More ‘bang’ for the money and also Russia then can afford their upgraded aircraft.


I wonder whether this suggestion come from Israel via Russia.

Floyd Hazzard

As usual, Russia will sell Iran nothing that threatens Israel. Shades of them selling Iran and Syria air defence systems but selling their codes to Israel so that they are basically useless against the Israelis because the ability to identify Israeli aircraft has been neutered. Those people are twisted beyond repair, we just have to accept that.

Albert Pike

Looks like the Russians like the fastest option more – then, the more expensive, but later option. Wonder why that could be. Reminds me on the F15 Qatar deal. They didn’t have time either…

Floyd Hazzard

I see southfront is as proficient at editing out unfavorable but true opinions as any propaganda page there is. Definitely not a feather in their cap because now they can be tarred as a propaganda mouthpiece on other forums. Fools.

Nigel Maund

If I were Russia I would totally ignore US sanctions and give Iran all the kit it needs. Clearly US – Russia relations no longer matter whatsoever. The US will implode financially and economically very soon so all Russia, China and Iran have to do is wait for that to happen. The US$ won’t be worth a cracker and all western currencies will be worthless paper. Hence, financing of their bloated miltary and their proxies will be a problem and these will crumple. All morally bankrupt and rotten regimes eventually implode and the US and UK will be no exception.


Nigel Maund

This matter goes beyond sanctions.

Putin – Russia have to consult Israel regarding Iran.

Israel has to agree before particular technology can be sold by Russia to Iran.

Nigel Maund

I would not take a blind bit of notice of Israel. But I’m sure you’re right that this is the situation.

kurdi aram

Iran is safeguarding Peace in in south and Russians in Northern and Chinese in Eastern. World community support cooperation of these three peaceful and crucial World-Powers.

ali amanat

But its very scaryon the russian parts,russians always leave you helpless when you desperately need, especially in the past arab israeli wars , yes russia supplied his arab allies a lot of weapon systems but always defensive and not offensive system , that were not at par to the western and american contemporary , always backstabbed arab allies like SADAM HUSSAIN, COL QADDAFI ALSO SYRIA and result is comlete expulsion of RUSSIA from the arab peninsula, also IRAN is avictim of that when stopped delivery OF S300 SAM SYSTEM WHEN DESPERATELY NEEDED SUCH SYSTEM ,Russia need a lot more to restore credibility in the middle eastern countries by fullfiling the deals and commitment.


this proves that Russia is not to be trust 100% why iran cannot have SU-35… while they agree for an exchange of SU-35 with indonesian coffe and palm oil??? while Iran cannot have SU-35 while other country can have?

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