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MARCH 2025

Russia Suspends Its Payment To Council Of Europe For 2017

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Russia Suspends Its Payment To Council Of Europe For 2017

© coe.int

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), a supernational organization created to promote freedom, the democratic values and human rights over the Europe, has been discrediting itself. According to experts, the organization is under the presure and is factually managed by the pro-US European bureaucracy.

Any points of view calling at least to establish a balance dialogue with Russia lead to a frenzied aggression from PACE members controlled by the European bureaucracy.

It looks that this has led to Russia’s decision to stop its payment to the PACE. Russia has halted its participation in the PACE’s executive bodies.

The Russian Foreign Ministry’s statement on the issue (LINK):

The Russian Federation expresses concern over the aggravating crisis within the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE).

As is known, in their attempt to “punish” the delegation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for the free expression of will by the residents of the Crimean peninsula, who voted for the accession of the Republic of Crimea to the Russian Federation, in 2014–2015 PACE members restricted the credentials of the Russian parliamentary delegation to such an extent that it made its participation in the work of the Parliamentary Assembly impossible.

Since then, the situation in PACE has only been deteriorating: a frenzied campaign is being run to persecute parliamentarians who wish to normalize interaction with Russia in the framework of the Council of Europe as early as possible and preserve the infrastructure of pan-European cooperation in accordance with its Statute.

The crisis within PACE may also affect other bodies of the oldest pan-European organization and become systemic. Besides, the suspension of Russian parliamentarians from participation in the upcoming approval of the Council of Europe senior officials in PACE, including Secretary General, Deputy Secretary General, Commissioner for Human Rights and Judges of European Court of Human Rights, will question their legitimacy in the context of relations between Russia and the Council of Europe as a whole.

In view of the current developments, the Russian Federation decided to suspend payment of its contribution to the budget of the Council of Europe for 2017 until full and unconditional restoration of the credentials of the delegation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in PACE.

At the same time, the Russian Federation continues its meaningful work in the Council of Europe including implementation of its obligations under the Conventions to which it is a Party.

We call upon all responsible Member States of the Council of Europe to make every effort to jointly overcome the crisis within the Assembly as soon as possible in order to “achieve a greater unity between its members for the purpose of safeguarding and realising the ideals and principles which are their common heritage and facilitating their economic and social progress,” as defined in Article 1 of the Statute of the Council of Europe.

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John Mason

Nice way of getting out of making a payment, deservedly though.

Sen Uasrit

Mr. Putin should send that money now to Russian doctors and Nurses working in Syria to provide security and medical services.Europeans are spoilt with money, can’t do anything to promote world peace.Kudos Russian leaders!

John Whitehot

there are countries in Europe that give each and every migrant three meals per day, clothes, shelter, healthcare and 40 Euros each, DAILY.

When they’ll start cutting pensions and welfare to keep millions of people that in the best case work without paying taxes, we’ll see how will the populations react to words about charity, especially with unemployment rates getting through the roof.


I think from reading between the lines of you last paragraph you expect some sort of adverse reaction and may be reversal. I am not seeking any sort of argument with you. Looking into the future is clearly an exercise in imagination. Also may be my thoughts are only the result of my own negative disposition, however, that said all I see is an apocalyptic future. It has already gone too far. Soon we will get to the state when the prevailing thought is that the only thing that is preventing the multicultural utopia are those fallen white people. The conclusion will be simple – push them out all together and everything will be fine.

So that’s what I see. I don’t mean any of this metaphorically, the expulsion will physical and forceful.

John Whitehot

In particular, I was thinking about possible adverse reactions against the governments who made this possible. And against some people in the general leadership that are behaving increasingly violently against those who disagree with the current policies.

The point is that “charity” does not mean necessarily that we need to take the migrants in unlimited number whatever the cost, because it’s going to be bad for everyone involved, except maybe for those who are trying to destabilize Europe (the same ones who operates the boats that pick up people in the med and bring them on EU shores).

Sean Glennie

As in pushing out the refugees or the indigenous people of European countries?


Very pleased to read this news. My only disappointment is that it did not happen years ago. The more Russia learns that the west is composed of squalid fanatics devoid of any reason the better. Trying to discus and compromise with the west is like trying to negotiate with cancer. I look forwards to the day when The First Guards Tank Army does Russia’s negotiation for it.

Daniel Martin

Russia can leave its seat to Saud Arabia if they decide to leave it entirely, since “they are known champions” for promoting human rights and “democracy” They already preside U.N council for promoting women’s rights. The European counsel and Saudi Arabia obviously share the same “values” Yugoslavia, Kosovo, Ukraine, Libya,Iraq,Yemen,Afghanistan and Syria are all golden examples of those “democratic values”


Good! About time!


Sadly I have to agree with the consensus here. Other-cheek measures don’t work on the kind of partner Russia is facing. At best, lack of a Russian response will elicit chuckles “We got away with it *again*”. At worst it will be spun as an admission of Russian guilt, and an invitation for more; think of Obama’s last-minute diplomat expulsions and property seizures.

The strange thing is: Moscow seemed to have all this worked out when it launched the food-import countersanctions. Whatever else is true, at least these got the West’s attention. But since those days, Russia visibly lost the plot a bit. Seems the Kremlin never really internalized its own critique of the West, always thinking they’re just throwing tantrums and expecting them to come around any time now.

No: opposite you there’s an outfit who cheerfully tore Greece to shreds, nominally one of their own. They won’t hesitate to do worse to you the moment you turn your back to them.

888mladen .

Has anybody been listening? Why should they to somebody who seems to be so week and gullible?

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