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MARCH 2025

Russia Successfully Tests ‘Unrivaled’ New Radio-Electronic Weapon

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Russia Successfully Tests ‘Unrivaled’ New Radio-Electronic Weapon

Russia has developed and successfully tested radio-electronic weapons systems unmatched anywhere in the world, the state-run news agency ‘Ria Novosti’  reported on Thursday.

“Real prototypes of such weapons have already been created and they have proven their efficiency,” RIA Novosti quoted a representative of the RussianUnited Instrument Manufacturing Company (OPK) as saying.

Describing the new technology,  the OPK’s representative used the term – “weapons based on new physical principles.” The newly developed system includes armaments that employ physical processes and phenomena not generally used in modern weapons.

“It conducts indirect physical impact on the on-board equipment of aircraft or drones and neutralizes precision-guided weapons,” the representative said.

The weapon was presented to Russian military officials in September 2016  during a closed performance at the annual military expo ‘Army 2016’ outside Moscow.

The brand-new Russian remains unrivaled.

We recall the US destroyer USS Donald Cook was targeted by a Russian Su-24 tactical bomber which carried an electronic warfare device in 2014. The Russian Su-24  flew over the warship triggering an incident that completely demoralized its crew, so much so that the Pentagon issued a protest.

The Su-24’s device disabled all radars, control circuits, systems, information transmission, etc. on board the US destroyer. Then, it simulated a missile attack against the literally deaf and blind USS Donald Cook. The US destroyer immediately run towards a port in Romania.

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I don’t completely understand the reasoning behind making these ‘military secret’ public. Is it because it is assesses that any would be enemy ( I mean the usa) already know about these thing anyway so disclosure make no difference? Is it may be to act as a deterrent to an adversary by displaying capability ? Is it psychological warfare ?Anyone have a good explanation?


Whether Russia has this weapon or not they want US sailors and air men to read this and worry that the Russian can disable their weapons or shoot down their stealth aircraft. Moments of doubt, fear and hesitation can mean the difference between shooting and getting shot.

It also works on the home front, Americans love war as long as the enemy is dying by the truckload and their kids aren’t coming home in body bags. If it looks like the US is going to take a beating it saps the political will to go to war. Powerful as the US military is they still need the support of the people to go to war.

Jens Holm

Well, nothing strange about it. If something new is invented, it has to be neutralized or defated.

Lets see if the russians with a BNP less than Spain even can effort it.


Americans are inspired by pointy, shiny and hellish expensive weapons because they look menacing and all powerful. The bobsy twins of America’s stealth and 5th. generation boondoggles, the F-22 and the F-35 are proof of this mindset. Nevermind their supposed stealth can be exposed by WWII radar technology and that the F-35 isn’t really a 5th. generation aircraft, they look good and that’s all that matters (sarc). But, it doesn’t take billions to produce effective weapons, as Russia has proven time and again.

Its hard to neutralize or defeat something you don’t understand. Listen to your own General Breedlove who may have seen this tech on display in Ukraine. His opinion is that America is years behind in EW tech. NATO is on notice and is worried. Imagine a country with a ‘BNP’ less than that of Spain producing such a weapon and the USA with its false wealth not even close to countering this technology. Heaven forbid. Heads should roll (sarc).

Jens Holm

My comment is not to talk russian warfare down. I just tell, that F35 are rather old tecnology and as sson You invented stealht the job was to neutalize that. I also tell, that cruiser missiles are same thing.

If You take the Armata tank, it seems to be the best, You can get, but its a tank and went to very good at WW2. The russians as T34, KV1&2 after the the IS were very good examples.

But You have to ask the same question. Do we need tanks anymore. Here its also true, that little things by high tech can knock them down. Many systems seems to be better or suplement to them. TOWS, the old Stinger, several drone systems.

I just tell, that russians – as You and they write – are next generation, but there will be a system, which jam/neutralizies – well – first maybee just a copy. or just destroyers af the “unrevailed” by finding it and overwhelming power.

Cheep is very importent. The T34 & the Kalashnokov are very good examples as well as the long RPG.

Agree its hard to defeat something, You dont understand, but think You underestimate, whats understandable for others and those challenges are making people to work harder and better.


You are missing one fundamental point. That is that the Russians do not see tanks, artillery, rockets, air cover, etc. as separate entities. A tank without support is a sitting duck. A tank in an integrated system is a lethal weapon.

Jens Holm

I know, since Hitler started Barbarossa. Dont come here and try to You are the only one,which know a lot about military forces older as long as more or less the newest ones.

Sandy Sprong

True, but by the time they are able to defeat it, Russia will have moved onto other things.

Jens Holm

Yes, if they can – Others too.


Not just the Ukraine. Apparently NATO coms and radars were closed down over a wide area around Syria in an ‘unusual’ way.

The only thing that really matters re. US defence technology procurement is how much budget (taxpayer money) you can score. They are going to use Google innovation to create new weapons. Kinda amusing and misses the point as you need to understand what you enemy is doing with respect to technology and counter that. They have not been tracking Russian and Chinese tech. developments for a long time (they used to). Throwing money around without this insight will deliver very little.


I do not. Certainly, I would prefer Russians keep their aces secret. I dislike that advertising in American style. Let them learn about it when the time comes.


In agreement with grumpy…may i also suggest Russia has many technological advancements and the tactical “ace up the sleeve” arsenal. Nearly all of which is kept secret. What we are seeing here is a strategic and public acknowledgement of advanced electronic solutions that can be applied within theaters of war.

This is part of psychological war fare briefing. Russia has chosen exactly when to announce this information and words carefully, not too much and not too little. Enough to know it can benefit Russia and damage any would be attack. This is a way of saying, I have something on my weapons rack, which isn’t just an exploding bomb as such, but something completely different. Something surgical.

These weapons are lethal. Even though it drives itself from a defensive background its a far cry from paranoia. If used skillfully and efficiently these sorts of weapons can derail a heavy load so to speak. One only needs to look up Nikola Tesla to see the wonders electricity can produce.

The USS Donald Cook is a destroyer of the U.S Navy. It became a sitting duck after Russians pilots used electronic warfare weaponry to put to sleep and fry all onboard electronic systems and transmissions. Essentially leaving it cooked.

I highly suggest to look up “magrav technology” or another code name “Khibiny” and last but not least Tesla.


I’m fairly well acquainted with Mr. Tesla’s work. Had he been alive he would hardly enjoy such amount of mystification as for his work. He was a genius but humanist at the first instance. I do not believe Russians taking advantage of his clandestine work for such a work does not exist. But, well designed education system in Russia combined with Russians’ inborn attraction with walking on the edge of science may have brought some new ideas; may have brought them many decades ago but only today all the pieces are at place to realize them. Nevertheless, I would keep them in the shade (or up to sleeve, if you like) till the day comes. Western elites appear to have been so brazen when it comes to the realisation of their plan to rule the world that they do not deserve any kind of mercy and restrain but total defeat only.


Walking on the edge of Science. Well said and I agree that only now with all the new modern facilities its possible to realize them. Its interesting how this comes hours after U.S uses cruise missiles to destroy Yemeni Radars from offshore. Russia seems to be a bit further ahead in electronic and maybe even radar technology than its western counterparts. This could be another acknowledgment of that.

Regarding western elites and foreign policy, its a whole new level of psychopathy and schizophrenia.

Jens Holm

Dont think russians are in front of mush. Cruise missiles are old stuff, which are fine as long as they can be un-attacked.


You should read some more as your lack of knowledge is embarrassing (for you). If the Russians have this capability cruise missiles will cease to function along with other electronic equipment, communications and radars. Tomahawk is an old ‘dumb’ system that has been updated.

Jens Holm

Thats what I wrote. Neutralizing ex Tomahawks are not that difficult ven witout electronichs of first kind. F35 stealht tech is old too. Of course You have time to neutralize that.

To me You write about Yours or the russian dicks are better.

I cant use that dickshit to anything. Its about politics as well. US has the Obama version in M.E. for the moment – more like a hooby – They could sent the best in, if they would.

But they wont.


Good comment about Russian and their educational system. NATO military communications were shut down in the Middle East in an ‘unusual way’. There is point about telling you have the capability to close down your enemies coms and radars. Seeing that the thrust of US strategy is ‘network centric warfare’ not being able to communicate would be a tad problematic. Could be a bluff but could also mean that if you attack much of you equipment will be junked.


That idea of ‘the network centric warfare’ looks promising but on the paper only. Even without external jamming such a sophisticated system is prone to be disrupted here and there, now and then (solar wind, abrupt changes of Earth’s magnetic field and the like). For example F-35 is solely designed to serve the purpose of ‘a ‘network centric warfare’. But what if the communication environment is disrupted? Since the communication of the elements (objects) of the network is of the essence, it could be all of a sudden, on extremely low costs, disabled proving the huge investments in its developing as good as useless (not supported by the network F 35 is a sitting duck). There are some other points too, yet I should be very careful and count on Americans keeping some trump cards up to sleeve. So, wait and see.

Jens Holm

Agree. Of course they are not waiting as sitting ducks.

Look as the russian lousy bombs at Aleppo. Very close to WW2. Might be some old Amatols from there…

Of course Im impressed by that new system, but so far its a stand alone and not implemented.

Sandy Sprong

So is the F-35

Jens Holm

You also forget, that US and others can shut down russia if they and we want to.

To me the Putin KGB system try to take over the world just at their masters in USSR. They do it mainly by rhetoric and – again – mainly do it be develloping the military systems and make an unrealistic military budget.

Seems russia are back in going down and forget its own inhabitants. German nazis didnt win WW2 by producing Vergeltungswaffen. And why. The country couldnt even give its own population food – not even the soldiers at Leningrad.

Sandy Sprong

You may want to do a reset on your memory. KGB was USSR. This if 2016. There is no KGB.

Jens Holm

Doest matter its called GRU, KGB ot anything else. A KGB member are today Leader of Russia, which was USSR.

You could read about it.



No need to read about it. The KGB functionality is now absorbed by the FSB. Putin was a member of the KGB but not its leader, whereas a former leader of the ‘free world’, namely one George H. Bush was head (director) of America’s CIA. I suppose you have no problem with that because its American?

Jens Holm

Well, I know what Putin was and are – I think.

I have no problems with CIA. They help me much more than they do the opposite. They can have coffee here any time. And if not, they can have tea.


IOW, you are just outright Russophobic.

Jens Holm

Yes some are. In the middleeast they even has flags on their dicks. Something like 57 kinds in Syria and some even with stars on.

Might only have weapons, where they only could shoot themselves and make a Nobel Peace price or not be here at all…

Jens Holm

Its for the sales of weapon. Russia has raised the airborne and the logistics about it very much.

Jens Holm

Thats right. Putin are doing every little propanda trick they can. Last week was deploying some rusty nukes in Kaliningrad. Not even russians felt safe about the old ones.


Iskanders are rusty nukes?

John Whitehot

the only thing rusty here is your knowledge of weapon systems


Hardly ‘rusty’. Western military experts rate them highly.


The US has been experimenting with what are called ‘scalar’ technologies (HAARP). It is thought that the Russians have dedicated themselves to understanding the potential of this technology. There is evidence to suggest that Russia closed down military communications and radars in the Middle East in a way that was unusual. If they do have this capability it could mean the current generation of communications and radars could be rendered useless but also they are a long way ahead in a field technology that would take tens of billions and multiple years to catch up. Would make waging war a bit challenging since the whole US military is based around the concept of ‘network centric warfare’.

uncle tungsten

Why not make it public then the other side might have to hesitate before it does something fatally stupid. Also when dealing with the USA you need some serious doubt device to bring them back to reality that they are mortal and not invincible. Besides this weapon if really workable would completely break the detection/targetting system that is the primary defence/assault strategy and all for a mighty low price. If it can save lives and stop conflict it is a good strategy.

Jens Holm

To me its propaganda. Almost nothing are compared with others.

Hanny Benny

why do you think no one dares to get in touch with the Russian Aerospace Force ? You know also about the quantum-based radar? You know what is entanglement?

Jens Holm

ha-ha Be a quasiexperimental research design Yourself.

Jens Holm

Might be because russians couldnt find their own stealth airplanes…

Jens Holm

You write shit and assume we all are in a lower level then You. Russians probatly has copied it from Lokhead Martin or the chinese. Ha-ha.

John Whitehot

are you going to keep replying yourself for long? They must have been late in giving you your medication.


I’m not Russian. The Russians have always had high quality science and engineering. Quantum-based radar exists and the Chinese have recently demonstrated a viable system. There is more than enough to suggest that the Russians have spent many years developing and perfecting ‘EMP’ and ‘scalar’ type technologies.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Will these work against Mi6’s invisible UAV’s flown by SAS stationed in northern Norway? This seems to me a priority. As Norway is dogmatic when it comes to harming Russians and other people groups around the world. Mi6 gets a free pass in Norway so long as it is actively harming Christian-Russians.

Brad Isherwood

Russia just reminding Europe and Uncle Shlomo of reality.

They could have just said ….”You have no chance. …it’s like trying to keep Roma Jeepsays ( Gypsies ) out of your broken home…. minutes after an earthquake” : )


“The US destroyer immediately run towards a port in Romania” — classic.


In the words of Albert Eistein, ‘ If ever there will be 4th world war, it will be fought with stones and sticks’ (paraphrased). The impact of sophistication of weaponries such as seen in Japan, can only be best imagined. Most countries are capable of retaliating against nuclear attacks and that can wipe out the human race. Countries have been caught up in investing is what to destroy another,,,,in my opinion, Russia is trying to assert itself on the world stage through such show of capabilities. Well, in a way, this puts the US in check!

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