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MARCH 2025

Russia To Deploy Advanced Anti-Drone System In Syria

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Russia To Deploy Advanced Anti-Drone System In Syria

Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu

Russia could deploy the advanced anti-drone system “Sapsan-Konvoy” in Syria, Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu revealed on August 28.

Shoygu said the system could be sent to Syria if it passes successfully a series of tests during the upcoming “Kavkaz-2020” military exercises.

“There is a need to develop means like this, if the complex is ready for tests, we will test it during the Kavkaz-2020 strategic command-staff exercises, and if it shows positive results we will send it to Syria,” RT quoted Shoygu as saying.

DIY armed drones used by militants pose a serious threat to Russian troops deployed in Syria. In the last two years, dozens of drone attacks targeted Russian bases in the war-torn country.

Sapsan-Konvoy, which was showcased at the International Military-Technical Forum “Army-2020,” was developed by Concern Avtomatika. The system can detect drones and jam their GNSS channels.

Shoygu have reportedly given instruction to test other new weapon systems presented at Army-2020 in Syria. The exact systems were not named.

The Russian military has tested hundreds of weapon systems in Syria since the beginning of its operations there in 2015. Many systems proved to be effective, while others were further upgraded.


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It is about time Russia got serious.

Fog of War

The time for Russia to get serious passed a long time ago.

Lone Ranger

They are serious since 2014-15.



but than it is NEVER too late to down vote you : )


Is this for the Russian base or to support combat ops across Syria? Makes a world of difference, there’s S300 and S400 in Syria but the last ISISraeli Zioterrorist F16 was shot down with a S200 antique and Syria hasn’t been allowed to shoot at the Ziocorporate globalist terrorist scum ever since then, that’s 2 1/2 years of totally unpunished ISISraeli attacks on Syria since February 2018.


They are there the very least to help the Syrian people. It serves as a live training ground for the Russian military industrial complex and combat experience for their soldiers and on the other hand to counter US influence in the region. But they don’t do anything out of philantrophy


@HiaNd don’t upvote me troll

cechas vodobenikov

projection–now we can comprehend that u r a Hobbesian self loathing narcissist


You don’t make any sense, that’s why I won’t give you a proper counter-argument

johnny rotten

The experience in Syria is priceless for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, they are developing everything they need to counter every new type of threat, this dynamism represents a strength that the Anglo-Zionists and their infantrymen in the field can just look with disappointment but with nothing to counterbalance, but they were the ones who sought it and now they collect the right punishment.

Fog of War

” The experience in Syria is priceless for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, ” Although, this experience is paid for with the continued loss of Syrian lives. Is that a fair trade ? Putin seems to think so.

Servet Köseoğlu

these guys are full of ego..lmao its just like The experience in Syria is priceless for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation we had an oppurtunity to use nuke..

Lone Ranger

Syrian lives arent lost because of Russian intervention. The exact opposite. These systems are defensive in nature. If you are worried about the wellbeing of Syrian citizens protest the govts of the U.S., UK, France, Turkey, Israel, Saudisis Arabia since these are the ones training, funding, arming and deploying rapist cannibal headchopper terrorists.

Fog of War

Putin prevented the SAA from completing its re-conquest of Idlib = Syrian lives lost. Putin has weapons systems in Syria that are not Used against any of the major belligerents = Syrian lives lost. Putin prevents Syrian from responding to blatant attacks from Israhell = Syrian lives lost. Putin allowed Turkey into Syria = Syrian lives lost. So forth and so on.

Lone Ranger

To avoid full on war with Turkey… Lives saved…

Fog of War

That’s the best you have ? Seriously ?

Lone Ranger

It’s the Truth. Turkey has the second most powerful military in Europe after Russia. This has to be considered…

Fog of War

So now Turkey, which gets ridiculed here all the time, is now a world class military threat ? How do you propose Syria will remove Turkey from its lands then ? Based on your statement they wont be able to.

Lone Ranger

You forget a few facts. First of Syria is backed by Russia and Iran, one super and one regional power. Aside from that Turkish economy is weak right now, it cant afford a multifront war in Syria, Iraq, Lybia and Yemen and on the sea against Greece. Thats where deals and diplomacy comes in…


Faggot of War

The best there is…. is to shoot you and your NAZI boyfriend that has up-voted you…

You NAZI filth don’t deserve to live, so this time Russia will not make big mistake like Georgian Stalin did.


Putin also prevents YOU from ever saying anything intelligent !

But Putin never prevents ME down voting you !


which nationality are you? I bet mongolian

cechas vodobenikov

another stupid racist


I am of anti-fascist nationality and Orthodox Christian

You and people like you are fascist mongolian racist pigs


You don’t even know what fascism means. Read books for a few years like I did and than try to win an argument with me, which you didn’t manage to do once

cechas vodobenikov

only a racist would ask such a question


You’re jewish overlord trotshit invented the word racist


Oh man you are a sadist and like getting beat up on..


What fucking conquest? SAA can’t start big offensive by themselves because Tigers are not in big numbers and others are not good enough. Iran WOULD BE OFFICIAL “ALLAY” of SYRIA is not helping any more ! Hezbollah are defending Lebanon from Jews!

Russia is in Syria only to HELP destruction of terrorists ! Only to HELP and if there is no SAA offensive so there is no bombing either !

SAA can’t fight IsraHell not enough professional trained soldiers for Idlib and Golan !

Turkey is only ticket to peace left you NAZI scum! You would prefer NATO forces there instead huh you filthy SNAKE! SAA can’t liberate Syria alone without their ALLAY Iran help ! Iran does NOTHING and digs in Syria despite of unsatisfaction of Syrian Sunni population and others who doesn’t support Iran staying in Syria.

cechas vodobenikov

in 1957 it was USSR that prevented the USA/turkis effort to regime change Syria


“Is that a fair trade ?”

Considering Syria’s situation today compared to 2015 …. yes. https://southfront.org/map-comparison-military-situation-in-syria-in-june-2015-and-september-2019/

If you believe you could have conducted the Russian operation better than Putin and Shoygu have you should volunteer.

I’m sure they would like the Syrian war to be over just as much as you do however only they know the resources Russia have to spare and what they can do with those resources given the array of very rich countries fighting to end the Syrian state.


Soo glad to read this from somebody else ….but me!

Thanks bunch!

Fog of War

Your argument is old and worm out. Russia just sold another s-400 to Turkey . I’m sure its punishment for attacking Syrian troops earlier in the year , right ? Or did they sell it to avoid war ? They allow the Zio Americans and Israhell to attack Syria without any repercussions, once again to avoid war, correct ? Syria cant attack the Kurds, to avoid war ? Or Idlib for that matter, also to avoid war ? Or is everyone just stalling Assad and Syria to force him to accept the UN mandated new constitution ? I think everyone here will be immensely surprised on how quickly the ” war ” ends once the new Constitution is in place. Of course, that will also mean Idlib will be semi-autonomous or under Turkish control, while the Kurds keep ” their ” parts , also semi-autonomous with ZioA


“I’m sure its punishment for attacking Syrian troops earlier in the year , right ? Or did they sell it to avoid war ?”

Read Putin’s speech to the UN from Sept 2015. He lays out Russia’s objectives in Syria. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2015/09/28/read-putins-u-n-general-assembly-speech/

The Russians aren’t in Syria as an ally of Assad. Putin has said “if not Assad then who” meaning that the Assad regime is the only option that results in a stable Syria not governed by ISIS …. who were the main threat the Russians were countering.

The Russians aren’t in Syria to go to war with Turkey, Israel or the US on anyone’s behalf. All that would accomplish is to make a bad situation worse. Russia’s primary objective is to keep ISIS … or related Islamic movements …. from spreading into Europe, Russia and Central Asia.

Russia wants to complete their mission without making enemies. The Turks and Israel are neighbours and trading partners of Russia.

Russia has good relations with both of them. Israel participated in the Russian tank biathlon this year and Russia has given Turkey security options outside of NATO. If you think that attacks on the SAA are more important to Russia than wresting away the second largest military force in NATO you’re deluded.

You can call it cynical, two faced or whatever you like however to quote the greatest president in the history of the world ever “it is what it is”

I can understand you wanting Russia to fight for YOUR objectives but unfortunately they listen to Putin not you.

cechas vodobenikov

s-400 is defensive

cechas vodobenikov

prior to involvement by Russia, Iran, hizbollah in Syria, more lives lost and more emigration—now many Syrians returning


Allthough I respect Southfront, it seems they can’t see this


The Anglos and just about everyone else fall under ZOG (Zionist Occupied Government) and are ruled by traitorous political puppets who follow the orders of a Hebraic international clique.


cechas vodobenikov

true—Russians have improved more than 100 weapon designs based upon experience in Syria

Lone Ranger

I wonder what can it do what the TOR cant.

Servet Köseoğlu

ew applications x-y ray probably..costly but if it works its deal..

johnny rotten


Lone Ranger

Thanks, that explains it.

Porc Halal

It’s about time, don’t you think Putin?!..


don’t get over excited its for testing new tech in war environment…doesn’t mean that they will use it all over Syria

Porc Halal

Whatever man, it is better then nothing…

Porc Halal

…and I am happy if it will be used just against turd apes and their bearded offsprings…


He doesn’t think it’s time, all he thinks is the shoa must goes on

Porc Halal

I don’t even know what to think anymore about Russia’s role in the conflict in Syria…


Only time will tell I’m afraid

Servet Köseoğlu

trust me ı am an engineer..lol..thesis gives a birth to anti-thesis..at least russia is a learning organization..these middle -east apes couldnt even use toilet-roll…ı am so excited…you want to eat ”borsch”?

Uche Anthony Esealuka

I think that they prefer to use water rather than toilet paper is based on their religion and it’s instructions on such matters as hygiene. I do not know enough about Islam to speculate on its source, whether it’s from the Quran or the hadiths.

I also do not wish to quibble but when you refer to them as “these middle east apes”, you also unfortunately reveal to your readers, the meaness of your origin. Just saying…

Servet Köseoğlu

there is a reason why so many prophets sent there.. even these prophets couldnt help them to civilise at least an inch..its not about islam..its ethnicity..full of back stabbers to the veins..just show them the money…

cechas vodobenikov

anti-intellectual engineers—LOL…borsch is Ukrainian…and there r many variants—go to Poltava

Servet Köseoğlu

borsch is Ukrainian but you stealed from them as usual..

cechas vodobenikov

absolutely!—other soups more common in Russia….but then borrowing from other cultures (plasticity) or flexibility regards why some cultures fail and others thrive—true for art as everyone from Rimsky-Korsakov, TS Elliot and Picasso wrote…only insecure people and cultures are afraid to “steal” as you write….this explains why the Zuni and Pima Indians in USA are now a tiny weak tribe afflicted w diabetes, etc while the Navaho do much better….I suspect you no little about anthropology

Servet Köseoğlu

ı love anthropology…excelllent post but that sentence was unnecessary..you have something missing with your pendulum swing…


How about cock, sir? We find it more to your liking when you’ve consumed it using your rectum.

I like how you think, linear, one dimensional.

So, tell us truly. Did an Arab rape you?

Servet Köseoğlu

you have an experience right?


Much PR, so state-of-the-art!

Angry Birds

Good, Turkish trash way out of Syria. Turks are literally abominations, they are not liked anywhere but Pakistan and Qatar.

cechas vodobenikov

azerbiajian also…not certain about Pakistan—-there r more Azeris in Iran than in Azerbaijan

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

“…to deploy…” or “…could deploy…” Southfront? Dont make up western style headlines just to get clicks. When General Shoygu says “Could” and the author says “to”, the author is deliberately trying to get clicks with a borderlining lie.

Dont sink to the MSM level Southfront.


This is all very good but it seems to me everything the Russians do is reactive and not proactive,they need to go after those bastards.


anti-drone systems, sure but of little help. what the middle east needs is the fail-proof anti-jewish system that will guarantee a jew-free palestine in no time.


Shoigu is my favorite. Specially if starts to ‘test’ tactical nukes against those rats….I want to see them glow in the dark like neon lights. I want to see them fly like birds !

Band Itkoitko

Alternatively, the full spectrum of thermobaric weapons and cluster munitions would work quite well, without the controversy of nukes.

By the way, one great application of FOABs is for the destruction of bio-weapons labs in proximity to Russian territory and close to civilians. This would incinerate completely any contagion removing the risk of spreading diseases neighboring Russian territory.


you are such a zionist supermacist nazi fuck


Jews are NAZI pigs just like you are…You should love them because they are NAZI apartheid regime just like Ukraine. They are your people – true pigs !


well that many jews are the real nazi’s, we can agree upon

Raptar Driver

Don’t need to hear the word could.What’s the point of this article?


Ending with the beast is going to cost a lot of work


I suppose this is cheaper than simply shooting them down.

cechas vodobenikov

I suspect Shoigu knows something–he speaks 9 languages

Tommy Jensen

If everybody just have been listening to my advises, there wouldnt be any need for advanced anti-drones today in Syria.

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