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MARCH 2025

Russia To Deploy New Batch Of ‘Penicillin’ Acoustic-Thermal Artillery-Recon System In Ukraine

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Russia To Deploy New Batch Of ‘Penicillin’ Acoustic-Thermal Artillery-Recon System In Ukraine

The complex of artillery reconnaissance ‘Penicillin’. © Research Institute ‘Vector’

The Russian Ministry of Defense has received a new batch of Penicillin acoustic-thermal artillery-reconnaissance systems, RIA Novosti reported on November 17.

According to the Russian news agency, the newly-delivered systems will soon be deployed in the special military operation zone in Ukraine.

“The Russian Ministry of Defense received another batch of the advanced 1B76 Penicillin acoustic and infrared reconnaissance systems,” the agency said, adding that the device can “effectively detects the positions of the Ukrainian artillery and transmits coordinates for their prompt destruction.”

The Penicillin was developed by Ruselectronics especially for the Russian military. The system can detect and locate enemy artillery, mortars, multiple rocket launchers, anti-aircraft or tactical-missile firing positions with seismic and acoustic sensors. It can locates enemy fire within 5 seconds at a range of 25 kilometers

The system does not emits any radio waves which makes it immune to electromagnetic warfare and impossible to detect by radio-technical means.

The Penicillin has been already used in Ukraine, where it proved to be highly-effective. The system was able to located, among other things, NATO-grade artillery recently supplied to Kiev forces.

The Russian Missile Troops and Artillery continue to be the dominant force on the battlefield in Ukraine. Even with massive support from the NATO, the artillery of Kiev forces is struggling to keep operating on a daily basis.





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Maryinka has 80% liberation, we move on Russbrothers.

Florian Geyer

This is good news. The Russian forces will prevail and HATO is just a WOKE ‘Gender Fluid’ abortion.

Russia Is Looking Like A Fool, No Really!

Yeah exactly when will the Russians prevail Two, Three Years from Now?


Eight years into the failed Ukrainian ATO ethnic cleansing operation in Donbas. Imagine that, Ihor, eight years.

Ukraine = Mark of the Beast

What a sorry bunch of dillweeds. EIGHT long years of bombing Donbass and only a couple of hundred dead kids. Dozens of pregnant moms torn into pieces pushing their 2 year olds in strollers, thousands of plain vanilla civilians and a couple of active militia to show for it.

Now they have americunts aiming himars at Donetsk civilians. Maybe they can do better?

Last edited 2 years ago by Ukraine = Mark of the Beast
Bo Jangles

I’d like to do a song and dance in honor of the mighty Ukropistan, while watching Porkshanks gently swinging from a street lamp in a cold winter breeze.

Santa – can you please bring me that present? I’ve been a good boy all year.

Ukraine = Mark of the Beast

They enjoy killing nazis too much. Want to savor the experience, like sipping fine wine.

Fine Wine Connoisseur

Isn’t there a champaigne called Bakhmut? I’m pretty sure there is.

Kev not Kiev

+50… I really like this comment…


They will shoot their arrows towards the sky and they will come back with blood on them, and they will say: “We have defeated the people of earth and subdued the people of heaven.”


An Israeli citizen was among seven people charged by US prosecutors this week with smuggling sensitive electronic components to Russia that could potentially be used to make nuclear weapons.


“Dear partners! Find an opportunity to give Ukraine reliable protection for our sky, a reliable air defense shield. You can do it. You can provide protection to our people – 100% percent protection from these terrorist Russian strikes. When this happens, the main form of Russian terror – missile terror – will become simply impossible. And this will mean safety for Ukrainians, safety for millions of people, and a strategic restructuring of the entire military situation. The fewer opportunities Russia has for terror, the more opportunities we will have to restore and ensure peace,” Zelensky said.


Based on this, Russia will shoot their arrows in the sky and they will come back with blood on them, just as Florian is predicting.


“On Monday, there will be a meeting of the leaders of the Northern European countries: Great Britain, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Iceland, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Norway. These are our extremely important friends, important partners and effective assistants in our defense. Therefore, we are preparing several new proposals from Ukraine on how to strengthen all of us, all the countries of Europe,” said Zelensky.


^Are these all racist Nazis?

Does Russia believe that Russia is Gog Magog?


Is Khadirov really a Muslim? Where is he on sf?


Are all sf supporters nonMuslim? Where are the sf Muslims?

Iwan Saptadi

Ashkenazim are the Magog. They are the descendant of Ashkenas from the book of Genesis. Gog is a king, we still don’t know who he is.




Ashkenazi claim to be haplo J and their descendents include K to =Z=, so only Africans, Mongols, Japs, North Africans, and Greek are nonGog Magog.

And GogMagog outnumber Humans 1000 to 1 people. And in this World there are 8Bn so there are only 8Mn Humans in this World today.


one of the prophecies in Ezekiel, contained in chapters thirty-eight and thirty-nine, and addressed to Gog the “prince of Rosh” (Russia), states that the people of Gog, from “the land of Magog”, will come from their place “in the far north, you and many nations with you” and invade “the mountains of Israel”, spreading out “like a cloud that covers the land”. Eventually there will be a mighty battle in which the hordes of Gog will be destroyed, and their remains either devoured by carrion or buried in “the Valley of Hamon Gog”, near Hamonah.

Raptar Driver

Stick to your nazi occult learnings and don’t disgrace The Bible with your idiotic thoughts.


Hitler didnt like Himmlers occult, Hitler basically wasnt racist but those around him interpreted as we see today.

The same is with Osama Bin Laden and zarqawi and isis is a good example.

But we are all an 8BN population of Gog Magog shooting missiles and destroying everything from the environment our media and especially put Ideologies.

Only 1 out of 1000 are Human today so theres no way all americans or all russians could fit that bill.

If you dont believe me its your right to determination. Im just saying what I Believe.

Last edited 2 years ago by JHK
Raptar Driver

Gog and Magog were sons of Israel. So what you are saying is that the Russians are the chosen ones of God?


Conventional theories are that J is Semite, but Delta-t Regression indicates an earlier rather than later Haplo that is closer not further to/from Adam.

So its always possible that R1a Slavs are Semite or Josephite etc, but less likely due to Adam being 270,000 years back and has to fit on a 5000 to 7000 year Biblical timeframe.

But given circumstances its more conservative to Believe the End Times is nearer and that all 8Bn of us are Gog Magog, and risky to think we are chosen over others.

Last edited 2 years ago by JHK

Russia’s ukraine invasion is a big joke. Only 18 percent land captured after one year of fighting. Russia fires 75-100 wayward cruise missiles every other day at power stations which cause misery to civilians alone. Ukrainian fighters are least affected by it. At this rate, Russia won’t achieve its goals after centuries of fighting.


Russland hat ein Land erobert, dass etwa so groß ist, wie Italien. Auf jeden Fall größer als die Schweiz. Oder soll Russland auch die Schweiz erobern? Wäre das wenig? Ich bitte Sie..


no joke and the bills are piling up for NATO and zelensky probably has his bug-out money suitcase, if he’s even still in the ukraine which i doubt

Moshe Dayan

MLK April 4, 1967. Listen to it in full. Wake up boys. Time to become Men.

Tommy Jensen

Sarmat? If the Russians dont dare to do it let me do it. Someone has to stop this party! Someone with a bone.


Now that is a nice piece of military hardware to Rollin off the assembly line. 👌 Undetectable radio waves give this piece ghost abilities on the enemies missiles and cannon.


Ils ont tort d’en parler. Une telle arme aurait dû demeurer secrète, comme le radar pendant la 2e guerre mondiale.

Peter Jennings

Any fool knows that you need Penicillin to kill an infection.

Russia Is Looking Like A Fool, No Really!

Just don’t seem like an appropriate name for a Radar System, but hey I guess nothing the Russians do make any sense, just like with the current War in Ukraine!


Ihor, it sucks that the US coup in 2014 led to the loss of five oblasts for the failed Ukrainian CIA project, but that’s life.

Kev not Kiev

We need to start passing out mini versions of these at all staged US school shootings, designed to target all douch bags with Freemasonry rings and tat on…that will shut the gun grab games down reet fast. A 12 pack of mini lancets, unpacked and ready to launch on a fortified trench moments before the storming begins…zoom, flying right into all the dug out gun port openings…12 grenades you don’t have to throw, all on target…

Romanian whore

This Penicilin is very good for the ukronazi infection. Just put there more of them and shot on the vermin ukroshits with Krasnopol. Instant cure.

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