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MARCH 2025

Russia To Develop Syria’s Hmeimim Air Base To Receive Nuclear Bombers – Report

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Russia To Develop Syria’s Hmeimim Air Base To Receive Nuclear Bombers – Report

Tu-160 strategic bombers. IMAGE: Russian Defense Ministry

Russia is developing Hmeimim Air Base on the Syrian coast so that it can receive strategic nuclear bombers, Russian Nezavisimaya Gazeta reported on February 9.

According to the Russian daily, Russia is extending Hmeimim’s runway to receive long-range strategic aircrafts capable of carrying nuclear weapons.

Once the development is complete, Russia will be able to deploy strategic bombers at the air base. From Hmeimim, the bombers will be able to attack terrorist groups in Syria and support Russian forces in the Mediterranean, Nezavisimaya Gazeta claimed.

US analyst Joseph Trevithick told the outlet that Russian bombers will also able to respond more effectively to crises and unexpected situations in the Middle East and North Africa.

“The Hmeimim base is an important tool for the Russian presence in Syria, and it is more correct to say here that Russia is trying to expand its geopolitical and military influence to include the entire Mediterranean,” Trevithick said. “Russian bombers equipped with winged missiles, launched from the Hmeimim air base, would be able to endanger targets in Europe and strike at the enemy’s navy in the event of a conflict.”

In 2015, Damascus and Moscow signed a treaty effectively allowing the Russian military to use Hmeimim Air Base free of charge and with no time limit.

The Russian air base played a critical role in the war against terrorism. The ongoing development project is an example of how Russia has been working to expand its influence in the Middle East and North Africa.


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cechas vodobenikov

the collapsing anglo empire and their western colonies upset that Iran, Asia, Russia rising

Jens Holm

I only see China rising.

cechas vodobenikov

myopia or blindness?—visit your optician


Not really, Americans love Walmart and Kubota tractors. It’s the blood sucking Jew baby rapers watching their Jewmerica Jew World Order global hegemony project being destroyed who have a problem with a multi polar world.

I don’t think that 14 million Jews should be rounded up, sent to concentration camps and murdered like the Bolshevik Jews and their Jew World Order backers did to 20 million Russians. But if Israel gets nuked in a counter strike and 6 million Jews die. Many people would say that they had it coming to them.

The rational way to handle humanity’s Jew problem is to outlaw and abolish Judaism worldwide so that the planet becomes Jew free.


If Tu 160s can land on these extended runways, the T22 can land and take off as well. Russia will have elements of its bomber force capable of controlling Mediterranean, Turkish ambitions in the ME, and reaching Indian Ocean.

johnny rotten

NATO provokes in the north with the B-1s [1 hour flight for a week of maintenance] and Russia responds in the south, NATO’s open flank, with hypersonic missiles under its wings there is no military or strategic objective that can’t be destroyed in a matter of minutes.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Syria is roughly 6, 600 miles away from Miami, Florida and on the same latitude, so I guess a Tu-160 armed with Kh-101/102 could rip across the Med at Mach 2, release payload and wipe out Tampa.

Rhodium 10

They can do the same from North Pole and the west US coast from Chukokta…the reasons for such runway is to deploy TU 22M ( Khinzal hipersonic) and TU 95M which can patrol along all Mediterranean sea.


Yes the 6th fleet + all other NATO ships in Mediterranean and major military targets on South of Europe + Persian Gulf (all NATO bases there)

Jim Allen

Tu-95 can probably already land at the airbase, turboprops don’t need a lot of runway. Russia’s Il-76, and An-124 land there don’t they. Remember, Iran extended the use of one of it’s old airports to Russia during the first years of Russia’s entering the conflict for the strategic bombers to refuel, and rearm instead of having to fly out of Russia. Reducing turn-around times between sorties. That’s when the fast bombers destroyed the oil truck convoys to Turkey in one day. Russia left the Iranian base at the end of operations, but I recall the base is used to park some Tu-22 squadrons, just in case. I agree, Tu-22 is the bomber intented. If there’s a maintenance issue with a Russian military aircraft operating anywhere in the world, it will be the first one I’ve ever heard. That’s a Western military aircraft problem.


you didn’t understand my comment yet you comment it… I never sad they can’t land there! what would be the purpose of Tu-95 landing at the airbase for fuck sake?!? It is long range bomber that has nothing to do outside of Russia. They do not have protected space, hangars for maintenance there! Sand and climate are not good for any fighter jets either. Russia’s Il-76, and An-124 are BRINGING SUPPLY’S they must land there! But TU-95 doesn’t need that at all (unless having mechanical problems)! Russia is not in such great relations with Iran. It is limited alliance based on common interest of fighting common enemies. They would use Iranian airport only if they have no alternative. Because flying from Russia is slower response time. Of course there’s a maintenance issue ! Those are not pocket size bomber’s and proximity of the sea and sand doesn’t help engines !

Do leave me alone you are going on my nerves.

Jim Allen

There are too hangars there. You really need to get over yourself, and stop projecting your anger into comments made to give you clarity into the subjects you’re speaking to, not attempting to disparage you, or diminish your views.


OK than it is my bad, people are trying to be provocative on my comments most of the time so it is already reflex to react the way I did. my “anger” aside I really don’t see what would be the point in bringing long range bomber TU-95 outside of Russia?!? They have unlimited range already and keeping them outside of Russia in war zone NOT justified, unnecessary security risk ! Russians don’t do those things. Even if they can squeeze one in the hangar they would have to take out everything else.

Jim Allen

The reason that comes to mind is refuel, and rearm to reduce turn around time between sorties. If I recall it’s like 200 miles from Syria, to Russia down the middle of The Black Sea. So 400 miles round trip. 2.0 Mach stresses the airframes, engines, crews, etc., and reduces the number of sorties that can be flown in a day. This came from Russia’s Aerospace, the engineers that were working on the upgrades, maintenance sources, etc.. Russia hadn’t had the 16 Tu-160’s it got from Ukraine very long, and stress cracks were found in the airframe of the first plane when it was stripped down, and inspected in preparations for the extensive upgrades. There were several articles on the planes, the decisions to upgrade, the completion of the unfinished airframes abandoned after the crash of USSR, and the redesign of the airframes for new construction of these babies. Very interesting articles, on the planes, the engineering, the reasoning behind the aircraft, and the money. Tu-160 was so expensive they had the name of an engineer that worked on the development, painted on the fuselage, even the upgrades costs are mind boggling. The whole thing on these bombers, the input from every aspect of the people involved in the aircraft is absolutely fascinating. The same is true with nearly all Russian military hardware. The West is goofy as Hell if it thinks it has a chance at surviving the war it’s provoking against Russia. The West is counting on Russia running to protect every country it destabilizes, installs a puppet Government in, , and/or escalates action in it’s reserves will be drained, and Russia will have to borrow money to maintain the protection, and support logistics to it’s military. Russia won’t borrow money to prosecute war. Didnt spread it’s military thin worldwide, at the end of long lines of communications, either. Continues to modernize, and grow it’s military while stopping the Zionist Khazar Globalist agenda in it’s tracks worldwide. Along with many other things that are driving the Banking Cabal batshit crazy. Keep your mind, and eyes open, the world is going to see a lot of thing’s no one’s ever seen before.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Tu-95 can carry the Kh-101/102. Not forgetting the Tu-142MK/MZ can maritime patrol, drone UAV command and ASW, keeping Nato submarines out of the East Med.


I doubt there will be any TU-160 in Syria…just TU-22M3 which is plenty…

Frank G

i think so too maybe tu95’s, this move not only counters the navies in the area but adds to their arsenal for heavy long range bombing campaigns, maybe use longer range naval tu95 as well.


Russia is expanding their presence in Syria also because they have intention to build military outpost in Sudan (I think) on Red sea. They intend to fortify their presence in East Mediterranean against US (6th Fleet) and their stooges. TU-95’s are just too big to be kept in Syria ( maintenance problems ) and sand flying everywhere doesn’t help either. Those strategic bombers doesn’t need airports because they refuel directly in the air to reach any part of the globe and have cruise missiles with the ranges up to 5000 km


This is a regional deployment, to solidify Russian presence in ME. Having bombers that carry 20 and 45 ton payloads, having bombing runs over Idlib would open gaping holes for SAA and allies to advance. Also to patrol all over Mediterranean and Northern Africa.


I have said all that myself already in some other comments. It is more about Mediterranean than SAA needs

Jens Holm

Yes, own Russian agenda.

cechas vodobenikov

dane only has amerikan agenda

Jens Holm

At least some common sense after reading 10 which has none.

cechas vodobenikov

psychological projection from jens


Us bombers in norway,russia responds,nuff said!

Kenny Jones ™

Should be Venezuela it’s closer to US mainland

Ivan Grozny

Russia has a sort of close-assistance deal with Venezuela. The TU-160’s has been on visit, several times. That they flew non-stop from the north of Russia, pissed some “western” commentators off – again about “russian aggression”


To respond in kind, Russia would have deployed bombers in the Western Hemisphere, Cuba, Nicaragua or Venezuela.

Ford Fairlane

They could, but it’s probably not necessary. Planes are not that relevant as it used to be when it comes to the delivery of nuclear warheads.

erwin vercauteren

Cuba is in development and at this moment its about defending Russia and countering Israel and the US i advise you to watch and read some Russians channels and newspapers online and by the way Kamchatka is a few miles from Alaska and via the NORTH the distances to US mainland are much shorter it does not matter at this moment because this is about securing ME and eradicating all tafkiri and Caliphates that can be able to terror actions inside of Russia

erwin vercauteren

i guess this will rattle some of those walking talking skeletons of the US government i think Biden will collapse in a kind of stroke if all his big plans go true the drain ho ho ho

Jens Holm

The first Jo Biden plans are easy. They will gop back to the Omaba in many things and there will be commas for improvements here and there.

He also has added a change for energy supply, which in its moderate way makes sense.

The rest and whats going on with the rest of the world often is no plans from A to B, because he and USA is not the only players. I see him as a moderate compromizer being happy for smaller changes to the better.

I kind of read Yours as if You expect a lot and by that can blame him and his for not fullfilling things.

Uniting America again must be small important changes, so the extremists can be decimated.


Israel and Turkey would be the first countries to be at risk from such a move, why do the Russians need to bring their nuclear arsenal to the ME? would be a bad move in my opinion.

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

Good. Was Israel that first brought atomic bombs to ME. When several parties have such weapons, no one will use it first. Or did Israel think that only they should have it to threaten their neighboring countries.


We don’t threaten anyone, and Russia can not just park nuclear bombers in our or Turkey’s backyard. Rest assured this kind of move will not go unanswered.

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

Pakistan has nuclear weapons and hopefully soon Iran. Is probably what is needed for Israeli warplanes to be parked in Israel and not cause destruction in other countries. From what I understand, NATO has removed its nuclear weapons from its Turkish bases. Hopefully they will be removed from Israel as well. Excessive religious practice and nuclear weapons are not a good combination.


Iran will never go nuclear, you can be sure of that. And as I wrote, even though we don’t see Russia as a foe we would still not accept them parking nuclear bombers right next to us same as Russia is angry when NATO is doing it to them.

I expect the relations to be hurt if such a move takes place, but that’s only me.

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

As you said above “Rest assured that this type of movement will not go unnoticed. ” Here you start with threats again. And now you say that one should know that Iran will never get nuclear weapons. Who do you think you are! God’s chosen people !?

Porc Halal

And what you are going to do about that?!…yeah, nothing!


Not militarily.


But Russian is already the 3rd language spoken in Israel after Hebrew and Arabic, I think it is too late to prevent people for coming

Porc Halal

Not sure if Russia want sign any peace deal other then the way they want …

As for banning russians for entering Israel … really?!

Do the turkish headchoppers and their regular troops belong to Sirya?! … do the american nuclear bombers belong to the places they are located right now?!

Blas de Lezo

Iran will go nuclear if sanctions aren’t lifted, simply because Biden will not invade Iran like GWB invaded Iraq to remove Saddam. it would be dejavu all over again. the Congress would not support another invasion like 2003. sanctions will never work, just like they didn’t work with Saddam, Assad and Cuba. The Iranian nuke program can’t be taken out from the air alone and any attack on Iranian soil is as good as a full blown war because Iran won’t roll over and play dead.

Robert Ferrin

Don’t bet your life on it that those nuclear weapons have been removed from Turkey for if you do you will be a dead duck, !!!

Diana Cornwell

I don’t see any reason for your reticence. Russia under Putin is a staunch de facto ally of Israel. Netanyahu was the sole principal foreign dignitary at one of the recent Russian WWII celebrations.


Robert Ferrin

Along with many others so what’s your point>!!!

Diana Cornwell

Putin is a friend of Israel. And of NATO also. Syria has been partitioned between NATO, Israel, Turkey, and Syria. This is a fact. The rest is noise to keep the masses off balance.

cechas vodobenikov

NHS too impoverished to pay for rehab? if u post more nonsense CIA will provide u LSD

Diana Cornwell

I explained it above and below several times already.

cechas vodobenikov

corn merely a puerile failure—lonely old lady

Robert Ferrin

Why the Turks have kissed the U.S. ass along with NATO, so they park nuclear bombs and probably weapon at the airbase in Turkey>11

cechas vodobenikov

already do—Israel/USA do zero

Dick Von Dast'Ard

What fucking difference does it make? … Russia has ballistic and cruise missiles of every range and nuclear warhead category. Every time a Russian warship visits Tartus it could very well be packing nuclear weapons.


It makes alot of difference if you ask me, Israel is more West oriented and if some Russian president decides to go to a war against NATO one day, then Israel might be targeted too with those bombers. There is not something we can do to stop it, just to increase our cooperation with NATO members and strengthen our defenses.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Totally missing the point, Russia has thousands of nuclear warheads and it doesn’t matter if they are 500 km away from Israel or 5,000 km. The best way for Israel to secure itself is by working with Russia, not against Russia.

Diana Cornwell

Any nuclear explosions within 200-300 kilometers of Israel’s borders will adversely affect life in Israel, that’s true. But that is a distinct consequence of establishing a Jewish state in the Middle East, and of having a strong and independent Jewish foreign policy. You can’t have your cake and eat it too. Its corollary is, the Jewish nuclear arsenal cannot be used against forces on Syrian or Lebanese territory without causing injury to Israel proper. This is the unspoken reason why Jews want Iran out of Syria because Iranians can overwhelm Israel with sufficient Iranian military assets entrenched on Syrian or Lebanese territory. Within 5-10 years, this becomes a distinct possibility. Hence the pressing need for Israel to achieve a decisive and crippling victory against Iran within the next 2-3 years or so. This can be accomplished easily with NATO participation.

cechas vodobenikov

dementia or insufficient rx of Seroquel/anti-psychotic meds?

Diana Cornwell

Looks like nuclear fallout did a number on you. Remember, Putin loves you and you love him forever. ❤️

Lazy Gamer

The airbase is still vulnerable to drone and artillery attacks. Idlib has to be cleared first for this to happen

Diana Cornwell

Idlib will not be cleared of ISIS because Putin is an ally of Turkey and by extension of NATO itself.

The Russians always prevented the Syrians, the Lebanese and the Iranians from kicking out the Muslim terrorists and the Turkish terrorists from Idlib. Idlib could have been cleared of all hostile elements years ago if Putin did not prevent it from taking place.

Putin is NATO’s lapdog and controlled opposition.

Which works for us and for Israel.

Robert Ferrin

Absolute nonsense hardly even worth a reply.!!

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Nato? does it exist still? Russia is busy inoculating it.

Diana Cornwell

Russia is a de facto partner of NATO. They have been carving up Syria together.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

I’d certainly agree that Russia’s military could own Nato’s ass any time it wanted to do so. Syria’s present day conflict is simply a live training ground for Russia’s MIC to improve it’s battlefield technologies.

cechas vodobenikov

cornhole prima facie packuda

Sylvain Jeuland

The 2015-2021 Syria maps confirm that.

Diana Cornwell

Syria has been partitioned between NATO and Russia, yes.

Sylvain Jeuland

I mean that before Russia help, Syria map were Isis-black and Al-qaeda-green. With Russia help, Syria map is mostly red now. Who controls the Red part ? Syria, Iran, Russia ?

Diana Cornwell

The Syrians cannot speak of independence at this moment. Your Red Parts de facto belong to Iran and Russia. The Syrians have not raised their voices even once against the Russians even though Putin has enabled the Israelis to attack and bomb Syria at will ever since the Russians established their presence in Syria. That’s all you need to know to understand that Assad is Putin’s lieutenant and not partner.

cechas vodobenikov

more CIA comedy from amerikan colony

Porc Halal

did I just hear erdoggy dog dumped a lump?!…

Blas de Lezo

NATO must be having a nervous breakdown. They brought it upon themselves when they started following Israel’s orders to oust Assad and break up Syria. Now Russia has a nuclear capable base , Iran is entrenched in Syria and the landbridge from Tehran to the Mediterranean is wide open, no to mention the several thousands of daily deaths due to covid among NATO countries.No evil deed ever goes unpunished.

Tommy Jensen

Whoever digs a pit will fall into it; if someone rolls a stone, it will roll back on them……………LOL.

Jens Holm

None in the whole Nato has ever wanted Syria to break up or down – NEVER.

It seemes many more then Natos has Covid. It seemes You not even read what SANA writes about it. Others like the SDFs has closed borders and areas again and again.

Your belowed Iranians has a lot of it too. But here its censured away. Turks has it.

I allow me to say that there for the moment is no wars inside Europe but there are in ME and with many kinds of losses. Its fair to add them – I think.

cechas vodobenikov

jenny lying again—NATO broke up Yugoslavia, Serbia, Iraq—now attempting the same in Syria….Jenny not know that turkey in NATO

Blas de Lezo

Merci beaucoup.

Tommy Jensen

What did I say?! “The nuclear Tsar Bombers will be able to attack terrorist groups in Syria and support Russian forces in the Mediterranean, Nezavisimaya Gazeta claimed”. Only a fool believe Russia will use Tsar bombs on terrorists in Syria. I predicted this would happen if people didnt woke up and realized who was under their bed. But NOW people will listen!

Jens Holm

Yes, its two very different things.

If they Russian really wanted or were able to, it could make a lot of sense, they had and overequipped base in the Syrian – Iraqian desert fx near Palmyra.

cechas vodobenikov

Tsar bomb would only be used to obliterate NYC, Chicago, LA

Steve Standley

This is about Israel and it’s partners in the middle east, not the US. Im sure we’ll hear all kinds of squawking from Zionist cowards. But watch, Putin will not be deterred here. Why? As the Russian FM said clearly a month ago: Israel is the problem in the middle east.


The US has to be deterred from supporting Israel to clear the occupied territories with a regional coalition. Nobody else is going to come to Israel’s aid. Especially when they’ve all supported the UN Resolutions for decades that a regional coalition would be enforcing.

The US backed down to Turkey and Iran. The US would be up against a peer force with a regional coalition consisting possibly of Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Hezbollah, Iran, Russia, Turkey and maybe others. It would be a conflict that would surpass Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan by several orders of magnitude.

After $10 trillion in debt for wars for the Jew World Order over the past 25 years. And forever wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that are still ongoing. The American people wouldn’t support it.

Steve Standley

Good points. I would hope so, but current American politics have taken a dark turn, with DHS, FBI, and nearly all MSM news pivoting to focus on “white supremacy”. I see it as an acknowledgement that the American people are limiting the power of the ruling elite, so they are driving us to a fine-tuned national security state. This makes a war in the middle east much more possible. Especially if we see another (false flag) 911-type event, as DHS and FBI have been “predicting” and claiming they can do little to stop. To say it another way, I think Biden is completely in the bag for Israel, and that our leadership look after Israel and the interests of Zionist Jews over the totality of the rest of the American people.



– Jewish Members of the 116th Congress (2019-2021) –


Steve Standley

If you add all the ones that signed pledges to Israel and Aipac, and perhaps even crypto jews like, I bet you’d have 95% compromised.


With the vote fraud, how many members of the US legislature actually won their races is an open question. My assumption is that a properly done forensic audit of the 2020 and previous national elections would show that the house, senate and presidency would all be controlled by pro life, pro gun republicans. Even if some of them are rinos.

That tells you where most Americans are at. And that’s after lifetimes of lying Jew media brainwashing and propaganda. Without Jews the US would be a much different and much better place. And in all likelihood a much better member of the international community.

With the freedom of the internet. Many Americans are becoming increasingly anti Judaic. Which is why the Jews and Zionists are engaged in the censorship and efforts to control the internet. Because people vote with their feet and aren’t interested in the JWO globalist forever wars and great reset. And are seeking alternative sources of information to get at the truth.

The Jews have said for thousands of years don’t let the goy see what’s in the Talmud. Because if they knew they’d hate us. The Jews then live out the Talmud teachings and get hated anyway for their crimes and evil. With the internet it’s becoming increasingly difficult for them to hide it. Which is why they rolled out the scamdemic and stole the election. To try to retain the control that they’re losing as the NATO zio block is being over taken by Russia, China and the non aligned movement with the transition to a multi polar world.

People like Alex Jones and the alt right wearing Jew shoe polish on their tongues are self defeating with their criticism of JWO cabal crime and evil. While they blame shift and cover up the Jew source of the biggest part of the problem. Finding an alt right news source in the US that isn’t Zionist controlled is almost impossible.

Steve Standley

I have a list of truth-tellers. None of my truth-tellers are perfect, and some of them are secular Jews. Most have been punished. When Alex did the Aaron Russo interviews and the David Gergen ambush and the Bohemian Grove satanic ceremony, he was a truth-teller. Someone turned him around; now he’s controlled opposition. But yeah, it’s getting harder to get truth. I went looking for some of the old footage of the hole in the Pentagon from 911 that showed zero airplane debris today, and lo and behold, it’s all been taken down for “hate speech”. I could say I’ve seen that censorship for any number of things. they are twisting the screws on the national security state. ^my original thesis above was something like, ‘they’re going to get us into war in spite of the opposition of the American people’. I think it’s more likely than than not. I keep hoping for something to galvanize us against these people. Another central aim of the Zionists is keeping us divided.


Jones has been on the receiving end of a lot of suppression for what he’s exposed. But he’s been a Zionist from the beginning. And has engaged in blame shifting and truth suppression all along. Israel and Jews are the elephant in the room that Jones ignores and downplays, that anyone who does their own research can’t miss.

If I accepted the Zionist alt right’s or for that matter alt left’s, like Veterans Today, version of events without doing my own research. I would have missed the big picture.

It’s becoming increasingly obvious that the big search engines are filters with increasingly limited volumes of approved content.

“According to recently updated stats by StatCounter, more than 92 percent of search queries on the internet across the globe are looked up on Google. Following Google is Microsoft’s Bing that is only occupying a 2.78% search engine market share. At the third place lies Yahoo! With 1.6% queries being searched through it worldwide. These stats are a clear indication of Google’s dominance.

Russia’s Yandex rounds off the top 5 with a 1.29% market share. Baidu, the top search engine in China, is currently witnessing about 0.92% of all search queries worldwide going through it.

Shedding light on Google’s sheer dominance in the search engine market, the tech giant doesn’t just boast the search engine with the biggest market share worldwide but also in the US alone.

It was found out that in the US, Google occupies an 87.6% share in the search engine market. While this is down from Google’s worldwide search volume share, it is sufficient to give the tech giant a whopping lead.

Following Google in the US is once again, Bing, with a 7.02% share. Claiming the third spot is Yahoo! with a 3.38% share. Unlike the top 5 search engines (by market share) worldwide, the final two entries in the top 5 in the US are occupied by DuckDuckGo (1.61%) and Ecosia (0.12%).

When you turn your attention to the search queries looked up on mobile devices across the US, it turns out that over 95% of all mobile search queries are done through Google.”

– 2020 Search Engine Market Share: Google Leads by a Huge Margin! –


Steve Standley

Yeah Alex has never talked about the elephant in the room, that’s true. the Aaron Russo interviews, however, clearly disclose the globalist agenda. This was crucial to me. The second part was determining that Globalism is just a Trojan Horse for the Jewish Messiah, or Moshiach. If one does their homework on that, it’s easy to put 2 and 2 together. Zionist Jews quite clearly have an aim of world-domination. This is in fact what the Talmud and Zohar teach, and in their world, a crime to bring about the Moshiach is literally a “Mitzvah”, or “good deed”. Up is down. Right is wrong. Left is right. So yes I totally agree with you, and further my opinion is that they have nearly absolute control of our leadership and deep state. It’s funny that you mention search engines. I downloaded Yandex yesterday because of the 911 censorship i told you about. Used it before but went back to it. Then i searched the same things I did on Google. what happened when i used the same search terms with Yandex? All of the sudden the 911 pentagon stuff is still there on various websites. lots of pics, lots of reports. Everything with a Youtube link was still taken down of course, but I was happy to see I could find related videos elsewhere. Russia is THE key player in combating Globalism and the Jewish Messiah. China will follow too, I believe.


I’ll research Yandex. I’m listening to the Trunews video on the Linn Wood case.


Steve Standley

Obviously we don’t know if the specific allegations are true on Roberts, and we probably never will, but pedophilia/blackmail this is definitely one of their MOs; we know that from all over the place…


It’s in the Old Testament. Jews have been demon worshippers from the beginning. I completed 13 years of Roman Catholic catechism instruction K through 12.

I’m no longer a practicing Catholic. Though I think that Christ’s teachings are based in universal and natural law. And I have a Christian ethos that I live by.

My views on god and religion have evolved over time. I’ve gravitated in the direction of extraterrestrial/extradimensional research and contact work. With the goal of direct interaction with positive ETs. Including boarding and traveling on their ships off planet through our solar system, galaxy and universe.

At this time I suspect that Christ and other religious figures throughout time have had interaction with ETs/EDs. Which has contributed to their experience during their lives and the development of the ideologies that developed from them.

I have a better understanding of the actual development of Christianity over the past 2000+ years than most. I question how much of what actually occurred in Christ’s life is accurately represented in today’s Christian denominations. I can understand why people have a problem with worshipping a Jewish torture victim as god.

I’m open minded as to what the truth actually is. But it wouldn’t surprise me if Christ’s divinity and the narrative that surrounds it is a human creation after the fact. It’s my understanding that the books of the New Testament weren’t written by the apostles. And were in fact written generations later by early Christians.

At this stage in my life I value the golden rule, judicial process and scientific method. To live my life by and discern truth. And have pretty much put religion behind me. I think that the moral ethos that some religions like Christianity teach have value. I’m not an atheist or agnostic. I think that god and divinity are substantially beyond my comprehension due to a lack of IQ and experience. I accept that whatever the creator is. My understanding of it is pretty limited. And that I simply don’t know.

So my goals in life aren’t spending my time pursuing religious practices and ideas to death. To end up in a religious burial ground with my internment administered by a religious administrator. My goals are to improve and extend my life, and to help others that want that to do the same.

Steve Standley

Interesting. I had no religious education at all. I was an agnostic for 51.5 years. I am a scientist by training. I grew up in dry ground, as it were. I believed the Universe was morally empty. But when i figured out that the Jews were aiming to bring in the Jewish Messiah (AKA the anti-Christ), things changed. After all, it didn’t matter what I thought about their metaphysics, it mattered what THEY thought. I then read John, Revelation, and Daniel, and the rest of the Bible, and in it were undeniable seeds of truth about where we are headed. I realized the impossibility of these prophecies. For instance, Revelation 13: 16-18, about the mark of the beast. This is in Aaron Russo’s testimony. I calculated the probability. a conservative estimate of the chance of getting that right is 1 in 5×10^52 power. Of course it hasn’t happened yet, but they have the means and the intent. I know this from Russo’s testimony, and from the US patent database, which is a place where you can determine what they plan to do because they claim it for the future in pending patents. There is other supporting evidence as well that i don’t need to get into. Anyway, I became a Christian. You are right that this could be alien contact. Far superior Aliens. Aliens with eternal life, or close to it. This is my overall thesis: The Bible is either from them or, as the Bible says, from God. These beings want to create more beings, but there is the problem of evil. So they created man to generate complex beings. Our “souls” are the vast collection of metadata and computational space that describes the limits of our actions. These Aliens then use our “souls” in their own space, having weeded out the evil chaff. So it’s either God or it’s Aliens, but that is what they are doing, and we are close to harvest time. It has been a joy to talk to you. BTW, none of my truth-tellers are perfect. Including TruNews. But TruNews talks about the elephant in the room, right? Anyway. That’s how I came to God from practical nihilism.


With AI and technology far more advanced than ours. Including time travel and viewing. The bible could have easily been influenced using information from time technology. That was then provided to humans writing it. In most cases we don’t even know who the actual authors really were, or if the authors that the books are attributed to even existed.

You’ve gotten a lot more out of the bible than I have. Some of it makes sense for me, and a lot of it doesn’t. It seems like QAnon or Nostradamus. It’s so metaphoric and confusing that people can read anything into it that they want.

I don’t take Wikipedia as credible in all cases. But it is well sourced and can be source and fact checked. Some of it doesn’t check out, because it’s not politically correct. Like the 911 article. But a lot of it does. This is their view of the Book of Revelation:

“The Book of Revelation (also called the Apocalypse of John, Revelation to John or Revelation from Jesus Christ) is the final book of the New Testament, and consequently is also the final book of the Christian Bible. Its title is derived from the first word of the Koine Greek text: apokalypsis, meaning “unveiling” or “revelation.” The Book of Revelation is the only apocalyptic book in the New Testament canon.[a] Thus, it occupies a central place in Christian eschatology.

The author names himself as “John” in the text, but his precise identity remains a point of academic debate. Second-century Christian writers such as Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Melito (the bishop of Sardis), Clement of Alexandria, and the author of the Muratorian fragment identify John the Apostle as the “John” of Revelation.[1] Modern scholarship generally takes a different view,[2] with many considering that nothing can be known about the author except that he was a Christian prophet.[3] Some modern scholars characterize Revelation’s author as a putative figure whom they call “John of Patmos”. The bulk of traditional sources date the book to the reign of the Roman emperor Domitian (AD 81–96), which evidence tends to confirm.”

– Book of Revelation –


Steve Standley

I know that I read it with fresh eyes, not influenced by “educators”. I have a lot of interpretations that are non-canonical, and you are right, the bible is a really hard read. It’s obvious to me that many passages are meant for only a few people to understand. For instance, Daniel 12. To me, it’s obvious that the conversation in the middle between one “in linens” and one that is not, is a reference to a conversation between the two witnesses at the beginning of tribulation, but i can find no academic support for this view. I don’t feel schooled though, because all the academic views to me seem pretty bad. The point I’m making is, it appears to be instructions for whomever these people are; only they would know because the names are never given. On the other hand, Revelation 13: `16-18 is quite clear. Only the exact nature of the mark: RFID chips and barcodes both use the same message 666 architecture. There are many patent claims to, “accepting and executing, or rejecting, a financial transaction from a subject with a barcode and/or an RFID chip on or embedded in his or her hand that identifies the individual.” That is a paraphrase of the type of claim that you see. The language meets the criteria set forth in Revelation. And this is quite literally impossible statistically.


Some of it may be from time technology and some from people incorporating it into current work. There was a picture of Putin on the Kremlin website last year meeting with a half a dozen Russian religious figures of different ideologies with half a dozen expensive finely crafted books on the table. That I assume were religious texts for the different ideologies.

Which I’m sure all had different content believed to be divinely inspired. I’m reading the Talmud Jmmanuel by Billy Meier on some of my contact ops. Translated from German to English by Christian Frehner. I have a picture of myself meeting with Christian at the Semjase Silver Star Center taken by Billy’s second wife.

The book goes extensively into the Plejaren’s and other’s involvement in Christ’s life and ministry. Meier claims to have meet with Christ accompanied by a Plejaren ground team during a time travel trip there. The book tells a far different story of early Christianity than the church. I don’t know , or the bible for that matter. I don’t know who to believe.

But I’m investing my time developing my own experience and evidence. My father was a patent attorney for the CIA after getting out of the Marines, where he was stationed at Camp David for a year on a Presidential security detail and then graduating from Georgetown law school. I was/am a credentialed adviser to President Trump.

Steve Standley

Wow. I thought I was talking to a thinker. In what areas do you advise, if I may ask? I have a PhD in Neuroscience. I was a patent examiner in a cell biology unit at the PTO, and also a university professor. I had NIH Grants, a research lab, and the whole deal. It might sound pretty ironic, but right now science is filled with careerists and liars. Funding bodies are trying to fix it. About 50% of all biological manuscripts are not reproducible. I became disillusioned with the whole deal. I love the truth. Even when it doesn’t love me. Most scientists don’t share that view with me, and yet it is essential for the practice of science. It is a pillar of real science. Now, they bend reality to their career ambitions. Now, “science” has been harnessed by the establishment in many ways to sell their lies. There are a ton of lies around Covid-19. Every time I see a political bumper sticker that says “Science is Real”, I want to puke. Science is never dogma, and never rejects an intellectual challenge. It should always be accommodating to reason and evidence. Instead, they turned science into the new church. They are using it to take away our rights.


Science has always been suppressed and frequently misused by the powers that be.

I don’t have a specialty in advise. It’s just general common sense on a case by case basis. I have a diverse life experience that intel has tracked as a person of interest. Which led to the position. My goals are to get the wars stopped and assist our transition into becoming an ET race and civilization ourselves with extended lifespans and a better quality of life on a war, poverty and pollution free planet.

I’m working on upgrading my skill sets to be able to properly run the US Government as a civilian in conjunction with the military and departments as a plan b if something like that is necessary to replace the current dysfunctionality. To maintain the union, our rights, freedoms and way of life that fascists are trying to take away from us. And transition the US to being a better global citizen that gets along with others rather than trying to subjugate and exploit them.

Steve Standley

i just added that i used to be a patent examiner, so there is no doubt about the methods that are being claimed. To be honest though, I absolutely don’t expect you to believe me. I’m just telling you how I came to Christianity.


I don’t disbelieve you. Maybe the bible resonates more with you than me. I wouldn’t have put 13 years in once a week if I didn’t think that Christian ideology had value.

I’ve been through a lot of non conventional experiences that in previous times would have been considered supernatural. And maybe some of them were. But I can see where advanced technology that would seem like magic to us. Was the explanation for what I’ve been through. Which is ongoing and escalating.

Steve Standley

I also value the (New Testament) Christian ethos. In spite of my own inability to believe in God without evidence, I believed in the golden rule as a universal good, and I believed in a universal good. That is, what is good in the US is good in Nigeria is good in Palestine. The nature of good is the same in every domain beyond as well.


Part of it may be genetic. Some people may be wired differently than others. And be predisposed to proclivities one way or another.


I can identify with this.

Steve Standley

Alt Right: The Duran, and TruNews. TruNews you have to go to their site. they were kicked off of everything. the Duran is international, and you probably know it.


February 12, 2021 Will India buy T-14 Armata tank from Russia?

It should be recalled that information about the Indian Army wanting to buy 500 T-14 Armata tanks appeared in the press in the country since the middle of last year, but since there was no export version of this MBT. The deal is scheduled to be completed in 2021.

If the deal is successful, 500 T-14 Armata tanks and more than 1,000 T-90S Bhisma and T-90MS of the previous generation will make the Indian Army more deadly. https://defenceview.in/will-india-buy-t-14-armata-tank-from-russia/


Kashmir here we come!


Su-57: India returns to buying Russian fighter jet

French Rafale costs the Indians 218 million dollars each, and the Russian Su-30MKI generation of 4th local assembly – 83million. …specialized military publications of India note that the purchase from Russia of 110 MiG-35 and 114 Su-35 fighters may be related to the condition for the transfer of technology and localization of production by the customer. Also available in the Indian Air Force 222 Su-30MKI fighters can be upgraded under the “Super Sukhoi” variant.

That is, the problem was not the low quality of Su 57 Russian fighters of the fifth generation, but rather the rights of intellectual property. …the Hindus did not put a cross on the project at all, but only temporarily removed from it….

It is quite possible that Rostec has already matured to the transfer of technology and localization of the production of Su 57 E in India, and this fighter has a brighter prospects than is seen by our enemies. https://defenceview.in/su-57-india-returns-to-buying-russian-fighter-jet/

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Russia always is going to be closer politically to India than China. One country being friends and the other partners with Russia.


I am very happy when India and Russia cooperate. They are very complementary and they could help each other lot. Unfortunately India is even more corrupt than Russia… Westerners buy their influence….So, India often acts against her best interests.

One of the reasons China goes on my nerves is this: even as “allays” China keeps illegally copying Russian weapons “Chinese fighter-bomber turned out to be a copy of the Russian Su-34” https://defenceview.in/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/01fc223f4af448cba6187ccec0dacf0b.png https://defenceview.in/copied-again-a-promising-chinese-fighter-bomber-turned-out-to-be-a-copy-of-the-russian-su-34/

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Well if both Russia and China can cooperate in developing the platform (Su-27 family) and sharing technologies both partners benefit ultimately with a better warplane.

Jens Holm

We will see. According to, what I remember the Chinesee has stolen a lot of US tech. and try to improve that.

But it makes sense to have a try. Good stuff of any kind is difficult and expensive to make.

cechas vodobenikov

memory destroyed by dementia and LSD…..difficult for Danes to produce cheese


It is not such good idea. China has stolen from Russia already everything they could. Every “cooperation” could only end up quickly by China having illegal copy of that model. Russia would lose her independence very fast. Best partner for cooperation is India, not China. The problem is that US and their stooges do everything to keep India as far as possible from Russia.

Jens Holm

According all maps India is a little less corrupt then Russia https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/aef499ef8d5b21da31b52b2f7a654b24de4c4e79504a0b6556716393e71a1092.jpg

cechas vodobenikov

jenny repeating stupidity from amerikan sources that do not measure corruption but racist perceptions that regard corruption. you urgently need rehab —your consumption of LSD has turned your brain into porridge

Jens Holm

All sources say exact the same. The only thing upside dowen is You.

Asking goodle I see at least 50 FIFTY maps about it with more or less independent maps. They all say the same thing.



Map on which extreme corrupt country like US is presented as not corrupt can’t be trusted.

Jim Allen

Everyone copies Russian military technology, or tries to, and have since at least WWII. Even Germany, who fell in love with Russia’s T-34. It’s also true, Russia did some reverse-engineering of it’s own as it lagged a little in military aircraft technology for a few year’s. Immitation is the most sincere form of flattery, and given President Putin’s view’s, (and offers to give/sell countries) on the issue, letting it get on your nerves is just another way to get heartburn. None have succeeded in “stealing” the technology, and will eventually develop their own anyway. Development of the next generation of weapons technology Russia’s opponent’s have no analog for doesn’t cause heartburn.


Chinese know how have literally based itself on Soviet-Russian know how… and have copied everything from MiG-21 , T-64 onward. They have long list of illegal copies (never paid) from Soviet-Russian tech and that is not laughing matter or some minor detail like you try it to present it ! I will never agree with you on anything it seams…. what kind of “allay is that?! Fuck China!


Given Biden’s distancing US from Israel and the Emirates, it will be expected that Israel will grow even closer to Russia. If the time comes when Israel must engage in overt warfare with Iran, it will have not only Putin’s green light, but his right hand.

Adam Prisbit

Thankfully US AEGIS and Israeli Arrow III antiballistic system will shoot down any Russkiye air lunch cruise missile.

US NATO and IDF will NEVER allow syria to have NUCLEAR bombers or NUCLEA RWEAOPOBNS

Adam Prisbit


Adam Prisbit

Now US airforce will PERMANENTLY HOUSE B-2 and B-52 NUCLEAR BOMBERS inside IDF territory to counter axis of evil

Adam Prisbit


Adam Prisbit

haha America have over 200 nuclear bomber airplane all over world!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I think Isis is about to be bombed into oblivion, or will HTS be the targets, probably not, too many civilians in Idlib for TU 22 bombers, but the deserts are the perfect place to unleash them, and since the Russian bombs are already falling on Isis, I think Isis are about to get even bigger bombs dropped on them sometime soon.

AM Hants

Ha-ha, can just imagine the hysteria, from the usual crowd. Especially when the Russian bombers start landing. Have the stocks of NATO Pampers been hampered, owing to Corona Restrictions?


Anne, it’s so good to see you having such a good time on the Internet, Ha-ha. I am curious, however, on why you would be so pleased to see Russia building bases half way across the planet after years of railing against the U.S. building bases half way across the planet.

I suppose, for you, it more honestly comes down to choosing sides, no?


Great, Israel needs to be on the top of the list. They are Russia’s, America’s and humanity’s number 1 enemy. The sooner that Judaism is outlawed and abolished and the planet is Jew free. The better that it will be for everyone. Including former Jews.


Jesus is right, I think, this is a political power move on the chessboard.

Rodney Loder

On the other hand Russian policy in Libya and KSA is worse than bad, got to remember Russia has vested interests in Syria’s geological position, luckily Trump hemmed Russia into his China equation and caused a cold war mentality breaking the one size fits all world view that China was coming to dominate the developing World through belt and road.

So the old guard had to pivot to take on Chinese economic something that the maggot Jew Freemasons now want to bail out of and join with China economically, the Jews – IMF / World Bank ect. – have painted themselves into a corner with the Western Cultural machinations opposing their economic aspirations, to exploit this situation and intensity the division Iran is best suited to lead the Islamic World in Military operations against Israel, while the threat of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ is still valid, the creepy supporters of the homosexual Sid Loder are doing crazy stuff, and seem to be desperate in keeping up appearances in order to undermine what everyone knows to be validated historical events.

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