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MARCH 2025

Russia To Improve Krasnopol Laser-Guided Artillery Round

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Russia To Improve Krasnopol Laser-Guided Artillery Round

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Work is undergoing to develop the 2K25 Krasnopol precision-guided artillery round, CEO of Russia’s defense giant Kalashnikov Concern, Vladimir Lepin, said in an interview with Kalashnikov magazine published on July 28.

Lepin said that the artillery round will get an extended firing range, greater firepower and higher firing efficiency after its upgrade.

“Today we are at the final stage of the experimental design work on the modern modification of the Krasnopol precision-guided shell, under which the Kalashnikov Group of Companies will make basic assemblies and units for the munition,” the chief executive said. “The upgrade will increase the new system’s firing range, substantially boost the probability of striking a small-size target with a single shot, enhance the warhead’s firepower and raise the efficiency of fire under clouds and strong wind conditions.”

The Krasnopol, which is guided by a semi-active laser, can be fired by most 152 mm or 155 mm artillery guns. The current versions of the round have a range of 20 to 30 kilometer. The round is armed with a high-explosive warhead that weights between 6.50 and 11 kilograms, depending on the version.

A land-based laser designator is usually used to illuminate targets for Krasnopol rounds. However, drones equipped with designators can be also used for that task.

The Russian military and its allies have been using Krasnopol rounds in Syria for the last few years with much success. Krasnopol rounds are also being extensively used in Ukraine, where the Russian military is conducting a special operation.

The Krasnopol was designed to enable the Russian military to engage targets with from a safe-distance with high-precision. The development of the system will greatly enhance the firepower of Russian artillery.



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There is a whole lot of non-reporting about movement in the Ukraine right now. Either Russia is gear up for a big push or they are, indeed, stalled.

Ed Theman

I’m wondering this myself. I know the last time before Russia quickly took the last major cities, it was slow like this to the point I was questioning if Russia was losing.

Then all of a sudden, they quickly took the last cities.

It could be possible they are gearing up for a major offensive, which of course is something that is going to take a few weeks to put together. I mean, it takes me weeks just to plan a small trip so I could imagine a major military offensive where you have to get everybody in order.


I agree and I do notice the pauses between pushes are maddening but eventually their strategy is revealed. I suspect there is a lot of rotation of troops and equipment, not to mention that they needed to change from consolidated depots to small spread-out ones due to the HIMARS, so I guess that’ll take time. The Ukrainians trying to soften up the Kherson region is what I’m really interested, the battle there could be it for the Ukrainians if they are stopped and the Russian start simultaneous advances in the east and north.


I suspect the plan to launch a single concentrated attack will be a critical error, if that is what they are going for. Both sides showed an aversion to casualties, attacks in general are blocked easily. Ukraine aborted other attacks after losing hundreds only, out of forces comprised of tens of thousands. Ukraine may have moved tens of thousands into place to sacrifice them, but despite all their numbers, they could just be pinned down and not advance, and then withdraw. In that case, they basically have pulled huge forces away from vital defensive roles where they were being effective, in order to have a huge offensive group of troops that they can’t put into use.


Moving undertrained conscripts is not a problem. The Russians have mobilized at least another 2 tactical battalion groups, precisely because of such movements.

The muricans are forcing cocainsky to go on the offensive another time. And the Russians are ready and locked&loaded.

There was even talking two days ago of strengthening the fire control over snake island. A bunch of Russian helicopters descended on the island and unloaded a couple of platoons of soldiers and heavy weapons.


Four large landing ship are reported heading for the Odessa region -one ship is named the Pyotr Morgunov and there is a build up of Russian naval vessels west of Crimea -sorry cant be more precise than that.

FSB stooges

Ukrainian Harpoon missiles will eat them, no worries.

Oh, you mean you believe the Russian propaganda that the missiles are destroyed?

Send the ships, we will see then! 😂🤭


Ukrainian propagandists are already saying Russia hit their own detention centres. — yes, Russia killed their own witnesses which they could use on national television to support their narrative at home & to detain and prosecute Ukrainian military officers. Logic level: Ukrop 🤡

Also, Ukraine is increasing foreign mercenaries and forced drafts for men and women as well, they’re also in a permanent debt trap to the U.S. for taking 10s of billions of dollars in weaponry.

The U.S. has too much debt, few resources, relies too heavily on supply chains, has too little industrial capacity and has made enemies of all the potential energy exporters. It’s too late for anything apart from a long and painful restructuring of the economy and financial/political institutions. They will soon live like Russia in the 90s, only much worse. That’s if they dont decide to take the entire world down with them out of hubris.


Exactly, Ukraine will have 100’s of Billions of dollars of Debt which it can never pay back. Not that that Clown Zelensky cares. He cares more being on the cover of Vogue with his wife. . Phucking Jew puppet.


We note that the BBC in London are reporting what they call Ukraines shadow army. In the Kherson area. Saying that they have interviewed people who are gathering information and passing it on to the Ukrainian military! This is not only pure propaganda on behalf of the BBC in London. But they also endanger the lives of people in kherson my making such claims. Reckless and desperate journalism if it can even be called journalism.

Pinchas Lavon

BBC = British Bullshit Corporation. They can’t tell the Truth about ANYTHING anymore. Such is the life of a SLAVE to their satanic masters.

Florian Geyer

There will be NO part of Ukieland that will remain at the end of the conflict, in my opinion.

This being the case, the Dullards in America will never be paid for their weapons deliveries. LOL.

Slava Rossiya.


only fool turn is how they hit their own prison with HIMARS …

jens hole in head homo

you like slurp lgbt amerikan sperm —-my social worker says you should suck only black ghetto penis


Oh boy harpoon missiles are gonna win the war for the Ukies.! Wow thats astonishing. Its not a whale hunt.

Pinchas Lavon


hunter bidé lab pork !

cocainsky in vogue sucking nazi diks !!! oh yeah very good


on the contrary. According to the pro-Ukraine livemap, quite some settlements have been taken by the Russians the last few days in the vicinity of Soledar and Bachmut. The road to Seversk is almost cut and under fire control of Russia. I am guessing Russian’s focus is on trying to encircle Seversk.


Russia’s close allies should take SMO as a valuable opportunity to set up joint ventures to test-fire new array of weaponry in real time targeting the ukronazis, and at the same time do military exercises conducted in real combat scenario to improve maneuver techniques.

Ed Theman

I thought Russia couldn’t build any of these weapons because of the sanctions and no more micro chips?


Its already been tested in Syria – Kalashnikov CEO states developed by Shipunov Instrument -Manufacturing Design Bureau by Rostec who developed their OWN chips for it . DONT believe western lies !

Last edited 2 years ago by Donnchadh
FSB stooges

So, let’s believe the lies here? 😂🤭


“nothing can thrive in amerika unless inflated by hyperbole and gilded w a fine coat of fraud. amerikans cannot think except by means of slogans–they identify garbage as quality.. the stupidity of amerikans has long been a topic of hilarity in Europe”. Paul Fussell


And why are you wandering around here like a lost demented old man..? You should stick with your truthful CNN & BBC.

Last edited 2 years ago by NATO's PROXYTUTE

The microchip ‘story’ pedalled by the west is one of propaganda. Of course the US did have a massive lead in commercial semiconductor technology in terms of node size (how many transistors you can pack into an area) and processing technology with physical silicon (how to get the design into reliably working devices). However, a) for weapons – the required processing technology is ‘affordable’ at any price – even military standard components in the west come at a steep premium and don’t really need the advanced node sizes – the tech in weapons is often in the design, materials, propulsion….. not just the electronics. Russia (soviet union) has always had processor designs and large node size fabs. b) China has come up to the US in terms of silicon capability, it does not mean that China is level or ahead of the US. What it does mean however, is that China can now furnish most of the market with semiconductors, except for the areas requiring ultimate node size commercially delivered – read things like mobile phone chipsets – 5G . So in short Russia has routes to obtain devices that are not western based, and for designs that are western based, there is always the option to steal, obtain on black market or recycle out of other equipment.

Muhammad your Prophet

Who gives a shit? It’s just another precision guided missile the shitty Russian army is going to waste on its failed attempt to topple Zelensky and place a moronic puppet government for its demented terrorist Russian president.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
FSB stooges

Russia is long past it’s culmination point. It can only hope that blackmailing Ukraine will bring it to the negotiation table.

That however already failed during the last negotiations, which resulted in a missile attack on Odessa’s port. Orc logic, to deface UN and Turkey with it, in hopes to pressure Ukraine. 🤷


moron hillbilly kansas desperation—you silly feminized cowards sodomized by Taliban now humiliated by Russia…maybe better crack in your trailer park will improve mood

FSB stooges

Your writing only shows who you really are. 🤷

Muhammad your Prophet

You can amuse yourself trying to debate them, but there’s no debating around here. It’s a troll farm. Yuri is one of the most highly decorated lunatic trolls around here.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet

nobody debate w village idiot for profit lgbt much–mud no brain—too stupid

FSB stooges

True indeed, Yuri seems to dwell in madness, with Southfront, his precious. 🤭


CIA moron triggered


you moron amerikans cannot understand your own language or think—pathetic losers

FSB stooges

If someone doesn’t agree to the Kremlins madness, you can only think about other mad people.

It’s a really sorry mental world you are living in. 🤷

Muhammad your Prophet

It’s long past it’s culmination point. The poker term is he’s all in. He’ll bring down all of Russia if he has to just so his terrorist pride doesn’t get hurt. He’s that fucking deranged.

Pinchas Lavon

SBU look more like the real Stooges in this conflict 🤡🤡🤡


CIA more pitiful


On the contrary, Russia only has to keep on fighting to win the war. Europe is slowly going in a recession, and the spoiled European people will get tired of it very quickly, and come winter Europe will be starving for Russian gas and oil, without which, the European Economy will crash.

Turkey, India, China and a LOT of other countries are not against Russia. And to top it all, Russia has learned a lot of hard combat lessons. The Russian army is getting stronger every month.

Joseph Day

I read the Germans talking about cranking up nord stream 2. Putin playing chess again


Yes, he is very good at it. He is considered a grandmaster in Russia…

FSB stooges

No one in Germany even remotely considers Nord Stream 2. Another wet dream of Putin failing.

Gazprom can blame Germany all it wants with the turbine nonsense, but it only leads to Germany turning away from Russian blackmailing even faster.

The next maybe two years Russia might still have leverage. After that no one with a right mind will ever get dependent on Russian energy again. Not even China and India, as they currently refill their stocks, knowing very well that now is their opportunity at the costs of the Russians. They don’t want to get blackmailed by Russia either in the end.


CIA moron cries –feminized amerikant hillbilly…Russia selling more gas, oil, wheat at record prices—reserve fund increased 70$ billion past 3 months—thanks moron for sanctions—-enjoy your economic depression and Big Mac fatty

FSB stooges

Look, how you are exposing your mental disorder again. 🤷

Muhammad your Prophet

The Russian economy has already collased, you fucking moron. China and India are only buying cheap oil to build their reserves, but once the buying slows down the entire thing will go down in like a house of cards. Vladimir Putin is only delaying the inevitable hoping to outlast it.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
Pinchas Lavon

Don’t actually understand Financial Systems and the Ruble is up 50% to the dollar while inflation is down in Russia and prices across the West are record rising since the 1970s. We got a “Television News Believer” here people! 😆

FSB stooges

The ruble is nothing else than a zombie. It’s current “strength” is only due to investors money taken hostage. The moment foreign investors are allowed to withdraw their funds the ruble will go down the drain.

Muhammad your Prophet

The rouble already collapsed during the past few weeks. The idiot is still repeating the narrative from two months ago by the crappy Russian propaganda.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet

slurping CIA sperm will not cure your mental illness


then why all EU nations now buy Russian commodities w Rubles? CIA moron too much LGBT sodomy Russia GDP to debt 15%; USA 125% officially, actually 256% your lgbt empire is dissolving


US has been planning to destroy Russia Ukraine EU and China even EU because EU is US ‘s trade competitor lol.

FSB stooges

US is about superiority, not about imperialism like Russia right now again.

Thus the US is seeking dominance over weak allies, not their destruction like Russia.

Worst for Russia, it’s not only not working out, it backfires and can only blame itself for it.

Oh wait, they blame the defenders to defend themselves. 😂🤭


you have failed–lgbt military sodomized by taliban–you are inferior international joke! “I do not envy ameikan…their happiness is the happiness of a different and inferior species”. Stendhal😂😂😂

FSB stooges

Neither India nor China want to get dependent on Russian energy, as they know that else Russia will use it for blackmailing them too.

They understand the current opportunity they are presented with and use it, can’t blame them. Both are pivoting away from oil and gas already anyways, while India needs to speed up the process far more than China. But if in doubt India has vast coal reserves too.


already are dependent you inferior moron racist…”the functional illiteracy and ignorance of amerikans has made us an international joke”. Morris Berman


for profit mommy gave u 17 daddies in brothel…Russia GDP increasing—USA decreasing…thanks to moron sanctions everyone buys commodities in rubles—how many rubles pimp gave mommy in Chicago ghetto?


you swear a lot Muhammad the goat fucking pedophile


Just hurry up…


Wipe out ALL those Ukraine NAZIS and NATO TROOPS, NO MERCY =Z=

FSB stooges

What about the Russian Nazis with Wagner?


“the crystallization of love is impossible in USA”. Stendahal “in amerika love has been reduced to romance”. Adorno “the amerikan world view is nihilism w a happy ending ” Alan Bloom “amerika requires a stupefied population”. Christopher Lasch😂😂😂

FSB stooges

You like to listen to your nonsense. That Southfront let’s you write it shows that they are as cheap as you. 🤷

Hans rauss

Dont worry, they are just typical russian bots and so called free thinkers……but somehow always you can hear from them only kremlin narrative :D

Hans rauss

Improved russian weapon? it’s joke? Russian ammo depots and military based being destroyed by himars every single day and russian shithole cant do anything against superior american toy. Russia will be not able to produce any advenced weapon if there is sanction for western parts. 60-70% of russian weapons contain crucial western parts. it’s over for russian shithole hahahahahahahahaha hans happy hans happy hans happy

Last edited 2 years ago by Hans rauss
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