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Russia To Launch Construction Of Nuclear-Powered Guided Missile Destroyer: Navy

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Russia To Launch Construction Of Nuclear-Powered Guided Missile Destroyer: Navy

Ruslan Shamukov/TASS

Russia is going to launch construction of a new nuclear-powered guided missile destroyer in 2020, Navy Deputy Commander-in-Chief for Armament Viktor Bursuk says.

“A preliminary design [of the destroyer] has been made. Following its results, we are now making the necessary decision and work on its technical design will begin shortly and the construction will start after 2020,” Bursuk said in a statement on June 20, according to the state-run news agency TASS.

According to the statement, the destroyey will be of the Lider-class, also known as Project 23560.

The project is being worked out at the Severnoye Design Bureau in St. Petersburg. The destroyed will have the displacement of 10,000-15,000 tonnes.

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Good news, Russia is finally gearing up for building capital ships.

Tomas Kinoshta

only medium size ship can be built at St Petersburg, need to wait for Vladivostok to be ready for large ships


Svezna shipyards.

Pave Way IV

This destroyer will be no match for our mighty U.S. Space Forces!


Especially as rumours spread that dark helmet will be project lead. They will be invincible.


And Transformers will be included in that units ..


US also calls 14.500 tons Zumwalt a “destroyer” 10,000-15,000 tonnes is not “destroyer” but cruiser size I have no idea why U.S. or Russians are calling those ships “destroyer”. For comparison U.S. Ticonderoga class cruiser are just under 10 000 tons.

This ship (when she comes out ) will have no match just like Kirov class battlecruiser Admiral Nakhimov in year or two loaded with the Zircon missiles and S-400.


Destroyers ;) .. Perhaps because they always break something where they go :) Or the definition is commuted from tones to FIRE-POWER nowadays. Does anybody know more about this interesting issue?


I’m not an expert but I know this. Destroyers are the multi-task ships that can be part of the fleet or they can even go alone if necessary. Because unlike smaller ships they have enough fire-power to defend themselves alone from the jets in the sky from the subs in the sea and from other ships.( Anti-Air, Anti-surface, Anti-submarine) land strike also (big caliber gun + missiles).

Well maybe cruisers can do all that also and one thing more They have some extra capability to be command ship of the navy fleet and they have capacity to network all the fleet and coordinate the ships in attacks and defenses. But than I might be wrong. There is also possibility that those names are not so strict and depending on the countries and their naval strategies. In the WW2 “cruisers” and “battleships” used to be very big ships and all other ships were smaller… So it is surprising (for all non military like me) that classifications are not so strict. Maybe name “cruiser” will disappear just like name “battleship” when Kirov’s are not around any more. You can’t call “Peter the Great” with her 28,000 tons a “destroyer” that’s for sure… So as long as those ships are used name (heavy) “cruiser” will exist


LOL! Glad to know that the Klingons are Americans.. Well .. the FERENGIS already have double-citizenship: US and ISRAELI passports ;).. (SIC!) The Big NARGUS is Lord in England :))))


Now that’s better drugs.

Wise Gandalf

Kuznyetsov should be nuclear-powered, too.

Tomas Kinoshta

better to build a new one instead

Wise Gandalf

Would be. But they have no money for this. After 30% reduction of military budget putin is happy, when will be able to pay salary for soldiers.


“Pay salaries” :))) Russia and China buy GOLD and drop the US-bonds.. The USA are happy that they still have some FED-hokus-pokus dollars for that (one day the US-soldiers will ask Trump to pay them in Russian rubles or Chinese yuans )

Wise Gandalf

Russia is stupid, ig buys golrd. The can dig for less money.

Wise Gandalf


Russia is stupid, if buys gold.

Jaime Galarza



Maybe. But that’s more like repairing an OLDIE. Carriers are obsolete like the battleships and the Cavalry (on horses) were at the begining of the WW2. They only do their jobs against 3rd -World countries without a strong Air-Force or Coast-batteries of Anti-Warships-Missiles. And to lose a carrier because of 2-3 anti-ship new Chinese or Russian missiles, is a major PR and psychological problem.

Wise Gandalf

Carriers are obsolete like the battleships and the Cavalry (on horses) were at the begining of the WW2

in nuclear war, yes. But in local conflicts is helpful. Cheap, moving airbase for planes.


Even in a conventional war carriers are obsolete, against any nation that can afford medium range guided missiles and has access to satellites. Or of course submarines are very useful, even back in my day, subs would take out carriers during exercises.


OK, it’s needed , I presume..

But what about a nuclear-powered SUB to get out sunken Russian subs ( like “KURSK”-2000) ?? TWO OLDER STRONG nuclear subs, new enforced with armored bodies and extra-powerful PUMPS and air-supplies, thought to operate a few days or weeks by their own, not for months underwater, dragged to the place by Russian Navy-units. BOTH SUBS put together under ONE COMMANDO-CENTER with underwater special “arms” /cranes and such things, that simply can go down till down 3,000m if not even 4,000 meters. TWO and EXTRA-POWERED WITH PUMPS and VOLUMES OF EMPTY CHAMBERS (ARCHIMEDES) , to have the double/ 3 times/ power to GO UP and take the damaged sub with them They shall take out the damaged sub till to a reasonable pressure –till almost surface, would be ideal- so that the crew can be extracted without much problems, the missiles and secret technologies taken out ..and then they may let the wreckage go down back where it was, it this happens in the middle of the Atlantic or Pacific, for example.

That could have a positive psychological effect on the subs-crews, if they know that there are RUSSIAN possibilities to take them out of their underwater-grave


Mmm drugs are bad.


I thought they we’re cancelling the Lider class? It seems like a good ship, but I hope they still remain a submarine-focused navy.


The funds for capital ships were not allocated in a concrete way since funds for the naval procurements for the rearmament program ending in 2020 were not spent because of lack of facilities, skillsengines) resulting in limited ship output.

Once ship building facilities and skills reach the profiecncy level to build large ships, unspent funds are available to finance such projects.


So it’s an oversized version of the Arleigh-Burke Destroyer. I suppose it fit the role of what they need although the size will limit their numbers and make them more vulnerable to aggressive assault tactics.


This could be to protect the arctic trade route, the US has already demanded access.

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