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MARCH 2025

Russia To Reinforce Its Group Of Iskander Missile Systems In Kaliningrad In Response To Deployment Of US

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Russia To Reinforce Its Group Of Iskander Missile Systems In Kaliningrad In Response To Deployment Of US

Armed Forces control the loading of the transport rocket-loading machine on a self-propelled launcher operational-tactical missile complex Iskander-M. Sergei Orlov/RIA Novosti

Russia may reinforce its group of Iskander missile systems in the Russian city of Kaliningrad in response to a deployment of the US armoured division in Poland, the chairman of the State Duma’s defense committee Vladimir Shamanov told the Russian state-run media outlet TASS on Thursday.

“This creates prerequisites that may eventually enable them to create a certain stronghold. We will surely not turn a blind eye on this. We will take retaliatory measures,” Shamanov said adding that Russia would likely deploy additional forces to counter this threat.

Russia To Reinforce Its Group Of Iskander Missile Systems In Kaliningrad In Response To Deployment Of US

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Earlier on Thursday, the Russian Defense Ministry officially announced that the US military presence in eastern Europe violates NATO-Russia agreements. The ministry said that while the US has increased a number of deployed military equipment in Poland up to a mechanized division. (MORE HERE)

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Personally, wherever you have NATO snarling at you, reinforced defences and missile systems would be a priority. When are the S500s joining their relatives?

Tudor Miron

Should be delivered in a year or so according to open sources. They already started operators training some time ago. Also active sales of S400 (export version) indicates that new generation is on its way.


Thanks and I hope they are up and running and manage to be delivered early.

RTA (Bob or Al)

Can you please explain to me the difference of the export system vs the issue that the Russians would use please.

PS In a sort of idiots guide.

Tudor Miron

Sorry, I missed your question. Unfortunately there’s not much I could find in open sources on the differences domestic vs export version.

Nigel Maund

Good comment! NATO is the Proxy Army of the Zionist International Bankster Cabal headed up by the Rothschild’s and their coterie of evil accolytes hell bent on world domination at any price adn establishment of their hated and extremely evil New World Order Dictatorship. The Russian kwey aim now will be to neutralise the NATO airforce and fleet of dones and missiles in the event of war and to cripple any US Mechanised Division that attemps to take out the Kaliningrad enclave. This is far from an easy task and NATO has the geographic advantage. Also, almost certainly NATO will employ biochemical warfare in the even of an attack to neutralise any capapable Russian defensive forces at minimal cost to NATO. Put bluntly, the Russians know they have an unenviable task and can really only buy time in defence of the enclave until relief forces overpower NATO in the neighbouring Baltic States and smash up NATO’s logistic infrastructure and air bases.


A seriously good comment and wish Russia all the best. Do not envy them, but, also have serious faith in their abillities.

Langaniso Mhlobo

Eye for an eye good shot.


Besides deploying another Iskander brigade to Kaliningrad, it would be good to deploy a couple of divisions that are part of the 1st Guard Tank Army.


I dunno, the enclave is surrounded by NATO territory and may not be reinforceable during a war. Methinks it needs just enough force to deter a NATO invasion, but not so much that it actually warrants a NATO invasion. Or that there are too much troops there that run out of supplies too much. In which case some good divisions that could have been used elsewhere are now sitting idle in a surrounded enclave.


The idea is not to deter a NATO attack only, but to counterattack and open up the NATO northern flank.


Aren’t NATO going to try and saturate the Russian defence systems, hoping that they can find a weak link, that will give their missiles somewhere to go? NATO are so desperate for a first strike against Russia, but, of course, in a covert way, that the media will never report. No doubt Russia is fully upto speed, and thinking ‘just try and you will know what is going to hit you’.


We shouldn’t even call it NATO, as with the exception of the US, all the other NATO countries have no military worth the name. If the European NATO countries were to try to saturate the Russians in Kaliningrad that would be it afterwards. They would have nothing left to play with as they will have expended all their toys.

And that is still excluding the fact that nukes will most likely fly. The idea that you can go to war with a nuclear armed power is insane. And any general or politician who suggests that its possible should be shot for the betterment of mankind. Seriously, we’re talking Darwin Award behavior here, only they will be dragging us along with it.


I so love the Darwin Awards. Especially when you put NATO and Logic, into the narrative. Personally, I am looking forward to the day the US, UK and French Forces just turn on their leaders and it is mutiny all around, leaving the leaders and their families to take over. Turkey, has virtually walked away from it all, taking NATOs largest Army with her.


Its almost as the US Military planners are using the old Grenada Invasion Plans :)

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They are going to be raiding the tourist shops again for maps !!!


The US Military will need to learn how to read maps first :) And that’s just to find the Tourist Shops.

Nigel Maund

FG worse than this – see my commentary above. If they take out the Kalingrad enclave the operation will require several brigades and first strike advantage; an example of Donald Rumsfeld’s “shock and awe” in Iraq War 2. See above for further comments and best regards.


I would agree with you. We live in dangerous times. We can only imagine the dire situation if President Putin was not in office and a Trump type figure was in power in Russia. This madness will all end but hopefully not in Fire and Fury as espoused by the lunatics in Washington.

History will I am sure record current events as the Death Throws of the US Empire. That’s if anyone is left to record them of course :)

Nigel Maund

FG It doesn’t bare thinking about! Trump is an amateur and utterly controlled by the Zionists as evidence by his son in law’s, Jared Kuschner’s, Government position. annd

The Russians are being increasingly faced with a military problem as their western border is now ringed with US and NATO air and missile bases from which tomahawk cruise missiles may be launched armed with either battlefield or moest sized nukes targeted to destroy Russia’s strategic first strike capability and key radar and comminications infrastructure. This gives the US / NATO the option to progress to a “First Strike” scenario with an increasing degree of success thus forcing Putin’s hand with the objective of neutering him and bringing him to the reluctant bargaining table where he will lose.

The only hope he has is based on his new S400 and S500 missiles, new advanced G5 interceptors and bombers and his submarine fleet. Also, he has to have these advanced weapons in sufficient quantity to deter a US led first strike.

As the US and NATO come apart financially, they will not be capable of supporting the high costs of this military infrastructure and, furthermore, they face the chance of major civil insurrection as the scale of the financial collapse will be unprecendented in scale. Hence, given this scenario, the Zionist Global Banker Cabal will be forced to move soon to advance WW3 or face a very hostile electorate and a crumbling Empire in the US and EU. If no war has started by this time, then China, Russia and Iran may well win. This will not be tolerated by the Cabal as you may well imagine and, hence, we can expect a massive “false flag” attack soon which will provide the “Causus Belli” the NWO have prepared. I expect computer and communications grid take downs by an EMP attack coupled with massive terrorist events, maybe a dirty bomb or biochemical attack. In the US and UK Martial Law will be declared and full scale emergency powers invoked. The populace will be powerless and totally controlled. Hence all the FEMA camps in the US and the arming of the US and EU police to the teeth with full military hardware and extreme powers.


Your forecast is correct I think. The NATO gang just might baulk at following the US along the path to Armageddon as the NATO lunatics are not quite as mad as the US lunatics and are quite aware of the devastation that would affect them and their families regardless of whom comes out on top.

On the plus side, a global nuclear war would hurt the wealthiest nations the most.


Though it’s understandable, because after all their only decisive post WW2 victory has been against the Grenada police force


It was a tough battle though for the US Naval task force. :)

The invasion of Grenada was a close run thing for the most powerful Military the world had ever seen :)


Isn’t that the only script they have? Not used to having to beiieve any other script would be required.


You are correct I am sure. Just like most Hollywood films that portray Americans as saviours and heroes, the ‘Invasion Scripts and Regime Change ‘ are now rather fanciful . America is seen today for what it actually is and its not an attractive sight. Reality for the US is a ‘bitch’.


What a great geography lesson. I never knew this place existed. I read the wikipedia page and its notation about its huge overall military assets from the USSR. My country and NATO must have a death wish. I know, just more money for our corporate masters. Money for bombs and lousy healthcare for you.

jim crowland

It was a German territory for centuries that Stalin stole 70 years ago and subsequently devastated (as all communist do) It will probably go back to Germany soon


Germany is a colony of USA since 1945. Unfortunate for them, they are all scheduled to be wiped off the map soon. I really hate to see this kind of destruction happen to historically great and significant countries.


Stradivarius time?

How much land did Russia lose, thanks to Stalin, Lenin and Krushchev, but, do they keep whining, whinging and moaning about losing so much? Or do they go down the survivor route and come bouncing back?


10 most firm Putin’s speeches. Talk without jokes.(around 19 minutes, listen to what President Putin has to say in reply to Donald Tusk)… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTzLayd9zPg&t=1135s

Nigel Maund

In your dreams!

jim crowland

Putin must accept that Russia is just an emerging country with an economy the size of the Brazil and a population less that have of the US and decreasing. Stop playing the superpower chimera! Use the resources on the impoverish Russian people


Idiot comment


Are you trying to be a comedian, but, failing miserably?

BRICS – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, don’t they have around $4-9 trillion in currency reserves? Around half the world’s population, the majority of the world’s natural resources and dominant in the service and manufacturing industries? Plus the RIC of BRICS are three nuclear powers, 2 super-powers?

Doesn’t the US have around $20 trillion in national debt (ignoring domestic debt) and the world’s largest debtor nation?

Russia Foregn Exchange Reserves


Russia Gold Reserves


US Foreign Exchange Reserves


Nigel Maund

The New World Order (Zionist International Bankster Cabal & Corporatist Acolytes or Fellow Travellers) are now set to go for broke as their US$ based FIAT money / debt system looks now st to implode taking Bonds, Equities and Asset prices with it across the world. Before the broad mass of the electorate finally wake up to the entire evil and destructive consequences of over 120 years of their control and meddling in all aspects of our lives, which they are very slowly doing thanks to the alt media and the extreme excesses now being exercised by the NWO, the latter intend to start WW3 to distract people from their deep involvement with a global financial crises they have engineered and to wipe out 90% of the world’s population who are now, in the age of Robotics / AI, excess to their immediate and future needs. Russia will not comply with their requirements of being subordinate to the Cabal so it has to be eliminated. China will be next.

John Mason

When is Russia going to accept the fact that the US doesn’t care whether it is legal or not or violates any agreement, treaty or International Law. Instead of whining about it, do something constructive, like retalliate, instantly.


Why? Russia is doing a seriously good job of making the US and NATO expose themselves, on the world stage, with nowhere to hide. Patience and sometimes it is worth waiting for the artist to finish and unveil the bigger picture, than view it before the time is right.

John Mason

Why? Maybe Russia should learn to express themselves in a more authorative manner. Understand that they are holding back with their real thoughts but it would break the monotony if they decided to take some affirmative action. Just my thoughts.


Must admit John, part of me so wants them to go ‘all weapons blazing’ and just sort it out and clean up. Then rational thought comes to mind. How much damage can they do if they seriously expose NATO and the US, so even the masses wake up and understand how they have been played. Best wishes and take care.

John Mason

No one wants to see what damages missiles can do, I know that for a fact. Problem with Russia is that they come across too passive while NATO is building up its’ forces and the US is taking care of the far East. One would expect Putin to be similar to JFK and ‘nip it in the bud’ before it gets out of control. Syria comes to mind.


I do agree with you and then when we believe Russia has rolled over, it is shock and awe time. She gives enough chances and when our leaders think they can take another chance, she springs into action.

Remember Crimea, how she wrapped it all up, before the EU could manage to hold an emergency meeting?

Then Gazprom and Ukraine. The EU and Ukraine, kept demanding the free gas and all of a sudden, after so many chances, the gas was turned off, without pre-payment.

Along came the sanctions as the US and EU laughed. The EU took a hit for around $100 billion and the US increased trade with Russia, despite the sanctions. How they laughed, when Russia said it was shutting down their agricultural market, to those that supported the sanctions. Are they still laughing?

President Putin, his speech in the UN. ‘Do you know what you have done’ and a couple of days later Russia was in Syria. It only took them, together with Iran, Syria and Hezbullah 2 years, to virtually end the war and expose the US and nations involved in the Qatar (who have walked away), now Israel to Syria Pipeline Project and what they are really upto in Syria.

Then you had the 59 tomahawks, ignoring the one that went AWOL immediately. 36 Tomahawks go AWOL and 23 hit their target, with no more effect than a firework display, as the Syrian jets were taking off, hours later. Was that owing to Magrav technology or just a duff batch of tomahawks?

Not forgetting the little Corvettes, out in the Caspian Sea and how they could hit a target 1,000 miles away. Who needs aircraft carriers, when yu have a little Grey Corvette?

Sometimes we forget what they have achieved, as they try to find a way to manage the least loss of life.

Russian Navy – The killer loaded missiles from the Caspian Sea… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYm_2R7IoWE

There is a good chance I am wrong, but, I trust Russia more than any other nation. Also, it is nice to see how many other nations are moving towards the Russian style of diplomacy and standing upto the US version. However, the other side of me, completely agrees with you and ‘all weapons blazing’.

John Mason

If I was a publisher, you would definitely get the job as senior editor/journalist. Well put AM. Right you are how easy we tend to forget what Russia has achieved.


Thank you John.

John Mason

Here is an interesting link that may explain what I was saying about Russia that Putin needs to have a similar attitude as JFK. https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2017/10/13/us-quietly-bolsters-forces-in-poland-breaching-russia-nato-deal.html


Thanks for the link and not forgetting the 4,000 that are going to pop up and stay in Romania.

This part of the article, seriously jumped out:

‘… NATO is pushing ahead with its military «Schengen zone» in Europe to do away with travel restrictions on the movement of NATO forces and equipment across Europe. There will be no need to ask for permissions while crossing national borders. The sovereignty of member states will be reduced to facilitate cross-continent operations…’

This article, compliments the above and do not know if you have seen it or not?

John Helmer: What The USS Donald Cook and Polish Navy Were Doing Off Kaliningrad When They Were Buzzed By the Russian Air Force… https://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2016/04/john-helmer-what-the-uss-donald-cook-and-polish-navy-were-doing-off-kaliningrad-when-they-were-buzzed-by-the-russian-air-force.html

…………………………………………………………………………………… Poland acquires missiles from USA that can strike deep inside Russian territory… http://theduran.com/poland-acquires-missiles-us-can-strike-deep-inside-russian-territory/

The following is an old article from 2016, but, I remember reading a recent article (which I cannot find), with regards NATO are going to try and go for a first strike on Russia, hoping to overload their defence systems and blame somebody else. Of course the MSM will fully support NATO.

RUSSIA FEARS NATO ‘GLOBAL STRIKE’ FROM EASTERN EUROPE… http://www.newsweek.com/russia-fears-nato-global-strike-eastern-europe-senator-466853

The only good thing, is the fact that the weapons and systems generally do not work. Do you remember the US sending over the tanks to Poland, only the batteries were dead and they needed fixing?

Sometimes, if I want a bit of comedy, I pop over to see what is happening with the Atlantic Council and what they have to say.

Seems, Soros funding the Catalonia unrest, has complicated their argument with regards Crimea.

This may or may not interest you:

Setting the Record Straight on Crimea… http://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/ukrainealert/setting-the-record-straight-on-crimea

John Mason

The impression that I get is that Russia is hoping that NATO runs out of steam and that the EU will eventually wake up and realize that Europe can turn to ash as a worst scenario or utterly destroyed like Mosul. Unfortunately the situation with NATO has heated up with the US slander and propaganda in the US against Russia, media, Embassies and now the flag. Sure sign that the US is reading for a conflict. SK and Japan are in a position to assist the US. Doesn’t look too promising. In my line of work you strike first, ask questions later and don’t cocern yourself over the consequences, maybe Russia should adopt that attitude. Thanks AM, off to read some of those links.


The US is so desperate for war and it has to start before December. When the debt ceiling implodes.

I am just sitting back with the popcorn, as Trump has pulled them from UNESCO, shortly followed by Israel following. Just seemed two very lost and isolated bullies (not the people, the leaders) having a hissy fit.

Then you have Saudi, if the US is still relevant, will they stick with the $USD to sell their oil or will they, like Qatar move over to team Russia, China, Iran, Syria and start selling oil in gold backed Yuan?

Once they lose the $USD petro-currency reserve, will they be able to afford their NATO tab and international invasion project?

John Mason

There is a logical reason for them doing so and that is they can not be held accountable, US has not ratified ICC, ICJ, UNCLOS, pulled out of Climate Change now this…..all leading up to war. Saudis will be trading in Yuan, that is the future and the US is dying, not fast enough but before it goes the US will pull the pin, China will cash in on the IOUs from the US and there will be a global financial disaster. Money will have no value. After WW1 in Austria the currency was the Krone where 1000 Krones will buy you a farm before the war, after the war 1000 krones wouldn’t buy you a loaf of bread. That was before the Great Depression.


Being flippant and ignorant, and genuine questions, but, what seriously confused me, was the Great Depression happened and was it in the 1920s? Then along came WWII, whilst it was still in recovery, yet, at the end of WWII the US was handing out money, like there was no tomorrow. In order to rebuild various nations. Was it the Marshall Plan? Didn’t the US hand out about £13 million, in the Forties, for rebuild projects? So what would have happened to the US, if WWII never came about?

What was it, WWI – League of Nations WWII – United Nations WWIII – Full Spectrum Domination/NWO Totalitarian Control.

So keeping fingers crossed that Russia sorts it out, before the NWO take control.

With regards The Great Depression and how the US came through it, I am seriously ignorant and curious. Iceland, they managed to sort things out quickly, but, then they did jail the bankers. Guess that helped. Russia, was also bankrupt, just 17 years ago and look how well they have come on.

John Mason

US started on the Hoover Dam, Lincoln Tunnel, Grand Coulee Dam and a few other projects started in the early 1930s to created jobs to combat recession. When the WW2 broke out the US were well industrialized with an effective work force. US then loaned money to rebuild countries devasted by war like Germany, Itally and Great Britain. needless to say it was paid back with interest and in some cases the US stayed and are still their. When a country imports more that it can provide for self use it goes backwards as is the case with the US. Russia was forced to improve in agriculture, commerce, engineering etc and was fortunate because it managed to retain most of its’ skilled and professional workforce.


Thank you for the informative reply. I am finding it all so interesting.

Nigel Maund

Russia’s new Fascist enemy = NATO see Benito Mussolini Quote below:



Churchill stated that ‘the next batch of anti-fascists will be called Anti-Fascists’.

Nigel Maund

Here are the real power and controllers of NATO:



Good image and do you mind if I share it?

Nigel Maund

No! By all means go ahead!

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