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Russia To Sell 10 SSJ100 and MS-21 Jets To Peru

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Russia To Sell 10 SSJ100 and MS-21 Jets To Peru

Sukhoi SuperJet-100. IMAGE: Pascal Rossignol / Reuters

At Farnborough Air Show 2018 Mr. Alexander Rubtsov, President of the Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company, and Mr. Cesar Cataño, founder and shareholder of AEROPERU INTERNATIONAL CC have signed a Letter of Intent regarding the purchase of Russian Civil aircraft, reportedly 10 SSJ100 and MS-21, as reported by Aviator Newsroom.

The Peruvian airlines plans to set up a subsidiary company which will operate the SSJ100 passenger jets, as Mr. Cesar Cataño told Russia Business Today. It shall be called Aero Peru and plans are for it to be established in 2020s.

It appears that the good experience shared from Mexico’s InterJet has had an impact on Peruvian Airlines. Mexico initially operated 22 SSJ100 from 2013 until 2016, after which it signed a deal with Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company to bring their number up to 30. The InterJet Management Board President in 2016, Miguel Aleman Velasco, told Sputnik that they were also interested in MS-21 airplanes.

In April of this year two Iranian airlines also signed deals to purchase 40 passenger jets from the Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company. The two companies who have agreed to buy 20 airplanes each are Aseman Airlines and Iran Air Tours, a subsidiary of the Iranian National carrier.

The SuperJet is a 100-seat regional aircraft designed and built by Sukhoi in partnership with Italy’s Finmeccanica-Alenia Aermacch. The first flight by the plane was conducted in May 2008.

These commercial successes come after Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company has made apparent its interest to invest heavily in European customer-support facilities as it seeks to sell airplanes to airlines outside of Russia.

SCAC president Alexander Rubtsov spoke in front of FlightGlobal “”It is a lesson we have learnt, to make sure that airlines are fully satisfied with our aircraft. This includes training facilities, improved spare-part supplies and MRO facilities.”

Sukhoi’s civil aircraft division is forecasting sales of 345 Superjet 100s by 2030. Despite the sanctions placed by the US “Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act”, Sukhoi is still hopeful on the sales prospects, as reported by FlightGlobal.

Rubtsov continues in front of FlightGlobal with the following “The Superjet is built for the global market, because the Russian market is too small. The market requires some level of flexibility in terms of combination of value, comfort, dispatch reliability and customer satisfaction.”

There have already been big successes this year for the Russian company and prospects for the future seem good, their expansion in South America has so far been a success, as well as that in Iran. Their aim at the international market is just beginning.

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Everybody is looking the front-line in Syria or conflict in Donbass. But this is one of the fronts and conflicts where Russia must make breakthrough to win against Empire and the US stooges. High tech exports (not oil & gas) are major ticket to future for Russia! And thing are looking good for the moment.


Yes I agree.

On RT America today a rather ignorant British woman stated that Russia only exports natural resources. What bubble of stupidity is big enough for all these people ?

In some ways its beneficial for Russia that there are so many ignorant Western pundits as they always miss the reality checks that just keep giving :)


“…Western pundits as they always miss the reality checks”

Yes but than you will agree I hope that even that will change…. They can’t afford luxury to stay stupid forever regarding Russia. They have got quite big lesson from Russian military tech takeover with some completely new powerful weapons. If that doesn’t wake them up I don’t know what will wake them up…


The current generation who police and control of the corporate West seem to be so far down the road of ‘exceptionalism’ and Hollywood style fake reality that they are in a hole far too deep to escape from, even if they wish to.

It will change in time but will the world be irradiated by then ?


I like the way you have explained things in simple terms. But somewhat I do not agree with conclusion.

Why would the world be “irradiated by then”? Also “irradiated” how and with what exactly?! If you talk about usual MSM and Hollywood “soft power”. We are the witnesses of their dwindling influence all around the planet already. And if you couple that with collapse of the dollar and global depression tsunami that is coming our way… I don’t see how eroded influence of the West can survive all that and “irradiate” anything? And if you meant something else please do explain.


I was alluding to the ever increasing danger of a nuclear exchange.

This is obviously more likely to happen when tensions are high as any false alarm, miss-fire , terrorist attack, faulty intelligence, hubristic insanity et al could more easily start WW3. Most wars begin with a small spark and this year is the 100th anniversary of the end of WW1 that was caused by a small spark that ended in an inferno of death. Weapons of mass destruction were used in that war many times on battle fronts several miles long by all sides in Europe.

The easiest way to unite the disparate factions any nation has always been via war with another nation.

It may be that the US calms down, it may be that the US deep state doubles down in the belief the US can win WW3.

It would help I think if circa 70% of the US population was not taking prescription opiate drugs :)


“It would help I think if circa 70% of the US population was not taking prescription opiate drugs :)” And other 20% takes no prescription regular stuff like cocaine and such?..

“it may be that the US deep state doubles down in the belief the US can win WW3.” Do you really believe it to be possible?!? I do not believe it. They will push for the wars (even against major countries like China and Russia) as much as they can. Even though many of them being very rich people will not be directly affected with coming depression anyway. So they fight for preserving power or making it even bigger only.

“The easiest way to unite the disparate factions any nation has always been via war with another nation.” Yes but that will not make disappear US debt but only make it even bigger. And if US doesn’t win the war they will not be able to erase it either and grab other countries resources. And war against Russia & China doesn’t seam winnable even to the amateur like me…

All in all I agree that we have valid reason to be worried about future.


All that you say is completely valid and reasonable. There are voices in the US that are sane but currently the hysterical cries of the collectively hysterically insane outweigh the voices of reason.

The US has been ‘creating ‘ her own form of reality for many decades but at the cost of enormous national and personal debt. Most of the low hanging fruit ( other nations assets) has been picked ( plundered) now and Trumps crusade to intimidate vassal nations into buying US weapons is part of this plunder. The US military industrial complex is a huge part of the US economy.

Today on RT news a 50 year schematic diagram was shown that shows in time lapse form , the destinations of US arms exports. As one would expect, these exports ignited wars and conflicts around the globe.


Yes ….I agree. US in business of wars.

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